The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, December 19, 1900, Image 1

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NO. 417
e l)c Dalles
f Ml
Only Four More Shopping Days
Till Christmas.
No doubt many who will read these lines have not
made a single purchase. Intend to, but are putting it
r oil' from day to day. Our advice is, do not wait until
the last day till Ninas Eve. ('nine now; the first
thing in the morning, when you can get better atten-
"1 (ion and find larger assortments than you will later on.
There's nothing to be gained by waiting. To help
you decide on "what to buy for Nmas" we herewith
offer a few suggestions. Many more equally as ap-
O nronriate here for vou to see.
11 4
Special Holiday Offerings of
China Ware - - at Half Price
Our Ninas suggestion : 3 pair of nice
pure wool black cashmere .'..-hose,
special SJ 00
Other grades in all-wool, heavier
weight blaek, jrray anil vicuna per
pair, 25c. wool, 2 pair for.25e.
Linen Collars.
tit aft1-
I Xr
Make the old folks a present of a nice
pair of blankets. They'll appreciate
such a thoughtful gift more than you
cau imagine. The best grades are fount!
here Bt the lowest prices.
$7.90 ioT K Pa"" of pure white, pure
wool blankete, 5 pounds, size
75xS0 incheB.
$8.00 for a rair of silver gray, purelv
all-wool blankets; made o'f
hasten! Oregon fleece wool, and euaran-
t'eed 100 per cent pure. Size 00x80,
A collection of very handsomely
decorated pieces including Trays,
Gutter Dishes, Olive Dishes, Berry Dishes, Fruit and
Dessert Dishes, Mush Bowls, Sugar Bowls, Finger
Bowls, Punch Bowls, Vases, Tea Urns, Tea Cups and
Saucers, Tea Sets, Pie Plates, Bread and Butler Plates,
&c, tfcc. Sets and single pieces what they are worth,
and what you pay:
85c pieces now 43c
$1.00 pieces now 50c
1.25 pieces now G3c
1.50 pieces now 75c
2.00 pieces now $1.00
2.50 pieces now 1.25
25c pieces..
now 13c
ooc pieces now loc
40c pieces now 20c
50c pieces now 25c
65c pieces now 33c
75c pieces now 38c
Make yourself
1. iieccnt u nil
iv extra pair of
What is there more appropriate as a Xmas gift than a nice piece of
China? Come and see.
Fancy Vest Men's and Boy's.
A daily necessity for many men
therefore acceptable as a Xmas gift.
We have a complete lino of aiiws iu
all the latest shapes.
Two Qualities:
15c each 2 for 25c
20c each 3 for 50c
You surely could
not spend your
money for any
thing more useful.
All-wool cHseimeres, dark patterns. $3 00
Scotch grays 3 50
Striped worsteds, 3 00. 3 50, 4 00, 4 50,
5 00 and up to 9 00 per pair.
House Coats
help to make a man comfort
able and your holiday gift Is
sure to please father, husband,
brother, friend.
A'houso coai gives a touch of
luxury to a man's hours at
homo. We have the best va
riety this season that wo have
ever shnown the product of u
a leading New York makoi.
Come and see our Hoiuo
Coats ol reversible wool ma
terials, plain outside and plaid
'inside the plaid showing at
culls, collar and portal. These route uro designed for wear as null as appear-anee-well
made ami ttimmud; guaranteed to fit. 'House Coats of plain cloths
also. All Bizea to 40 chest,
An extra vest one of those neat fancy
worsted effects is very acceptable, and may
be considered as one of the very nicest Xmas
gifts to man or boy. While we have had an
active trade in tilts line, a fair assortment still
remains, including some of the choicest styles.
Men's Vests $2.50 to .1-0.50
Young Men's, size 15 to 20 yrs. . . 2.00 to 1.00
Hoys' Fancy Vests, size 4 to 14. . 1.25 to $3.00
Ladies' Bath or
Lounging Robe.
Those cosy garments,
which are such a comfort
around the house iu the
mornings, make u pres
ent any giver can be
proud of
A Parisian Glove Nov
elty, selected especially
tor the holidays.
Our Rutland in cherry,
oxblood. royal blue, and
tans. Fancy silk stitch
ing on thu backs; 2 pearl
clasps; per pair $2
Special Value.
Two-clasp, Ladies' suede
kid gloves, in pearl, grays,
tans, modes, browns, white
and black ; pair .$1
$5.00 to $12.00.
Made of all-wool eider
down, in red and gray,
$3.50; fancy stripes ami
patterns, finer qualities,
f, () and if7.
A double-breasted eiderdown robe, in light
blue, richly appllqued in white cashmere, all
edges bound in satin to match; silk frog fast
eners, heavy cord $10
Men's Hath Kobes..., 5 to
Ladies' Dressing .Sueuues H ioij't
Our Special
Holiday goods
Oilers somo extra
good values in l'hoto
Frames, Pictures,
Decorated Trays,
Dolls, Muskets, Kbon
oid Goods,
Card Cases,
and duzens of other
Htiitable X mas things.
Exclusive Styles!
Exclusive Patterns!
The most attractive line of Neckwear we have ever offered
our trade gathered from one of the finest makers in New
York City.
Narrow Four-in-hands, Imperial Scarfs, Bat-wing
Cluhs and Band Bows, Tecks, and Bows for that popular
high-band collar.
50c to $2.00 each.
Silk Handkerchiefs.
Pure silk hemstitched pocket hand
kerchiefs, 25c, 35c, 50c and 05c.
With corded border, each 35c and 50c.
With silk initial in corner, each 50c.
Linen Handkerchiefs.
You will always come here for your
linen hankerehiefs after you get to
know how good and how cheap they are.
Silk Mufflers.
An elegant line of new patterns, new
colorings, new eilks, at 1.25, 1.50,1.75,
1.90 aud 2.00.
Cheaper silk rnutllers, good liberal
sizes in prettv patterns, each 50c, 75c
and 1.00.
30-inch Japanese silk mufller, 2-inch
hemstitched edge; black or white, price
each, 1.50.
Pure linen, hemstitched, each
25c and 20c.
Fine cambric, hemstitched, each 10c,
8'u'c and 6'.-,u.
Corded edge, each 5c.
Japonette Handkerchiefs.
In imitation of Japanese silk, pre
ferred by some to the all-silk article.
Made with l'.j-inch hemstitched bor
der, plain cream color, 15c.
Plain or with Bilk initial, 2 for 25c.
Eastman's Perfumes.
Nicely put up in fancy glass topped
bottles one, two or three to a carton;
all popular odors.
Jockey Club, Whito Hose, Violet do
Panne, American Lilac, Crab Apple,
Heliotrope and others; per carton, 75c
to $1,00. Other choice odors in addition
to the above, also in bulk, aud sold by
thu ounce.
Comb and1 Brush Sets.
Please the little girl even if she lias a
doll another one or two is none too
many. Depend upon it, every little
miss in town has been here viewing,
planning, making mental selection of
her favorite doll--ami is hopefully
awaiting Xmas morning. Do not disap
point her. Not when bright, sweot
little doll babies can be bought here at
prices such as these :
In pretty dress, with bon
net 25c, 35c, 50c, 75c, $1.
With (ho very finest at
$1.25, $1.50, $1.75, 2.00,
St9. fifl n.wl OH nml n Imv
, 1a , . ,,, am Aluminum brush with decorated por-
high as $4.50 and lO $(i.0(). celaiu buck ; per set .... .fl.L'.- and fl 50
.Similar, with engraved white metal
Bisque habies, with mov- ll!U'k: i""'"'1 1'50
able head and limbs, long Three-piece .ow-Comi;, brush ami
, , ... i ir i miiror, rancy embossed white metal
hair, each H)c and 15c; larger set i.:o
size, with closing eyes, 25c. .w celluloid M-t biuu with white
raised designs comb, brush and minor ;
Kid body dolls, 25e to ' ,'" f-.oo
, . rn Other styles elegant designs per
!?!.. r)U. set $:i.fi0 to $7.50