The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, December 18, 1900, Image 4

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Dr. Hollister arrived here today on
the noon train.
V. II. H. Duftir, Georce Dufnr nnd
W. II. Stunts were in town today from
A Jteliiitile rinn.
John C. Fremiti, editor of Music Trade,
givts a hint to piano purchasers:
"Ludwic A Co., a popular nnd pro
gressive firm, hoth members of which
John H. Luctwig and Charles A. Ericsson
nro practical piano-makeis, familiar
with all the brandies of piano building,
and pive their personal attention to the
supervision of the factory, enjoy the
reputation of making tirst-class instru
merits. Capacity of fuctory and actual
ont-put, 2,500 piunos yearly. This firm
has a modern and up-to-date plnnt,
equipped in a firet-clasa manner. Make
their ow n cases. Their pianos are at
tractive in design, well and conscien
tiously made of the best eelected ma
terials, and are of superior workmauship.
The firm enjoys nnd deserves the repu
tation of making an excellent piano of
poweiful and brilliant tone quality.
Their instruments are sold all over the
United States by responsible dealers
who tind them salable pianos, on which
they can thoroughly rely. Financial
and commercial standing of the highest."
The Ludwig piano makes friends
wherever it is sold. At Xickelsen's
music store you can buy one btlow ebb
Notice is hereby given that the part
nership heretofore existing between A.
Michael, P. Surad nnd P. Perlman, in
the Great Northern Furniture btore, is
this day dissolved by mutual agreement,
Mr. A. "Michael retiring from the firm.
Messrs. P. Surad and P. Perlman will
continue the business under the above
name of the Great Northern Furniture
Store, and will assume all liabilities of
the nrm and collect and receipt for all
debts due the firm, both in The Dalles
and Portland, Oregon.
The Dalits, Dec. 4, 1900.
P. Perlman.
A. Michael,
d5-lw P. 6vnn,
Trouble Looms Up Ahead Over Prospec
tive Purchase by French Republic
of a Portion of Guiana.
FoiiihI With n Mullet ThrnuRh llrml
Hit.i.Mioiio, Or., Dec. 1". Coroner Via
-..----. held an inquest today over the remains
TO BE ENFORCED Andrew nahtlmre. who was yesterday
j found dead in his cabin near Keedville.
Dali! berg was an inoffensive fanner about
forty years of age, nnd was reputed to
have considerable money about his
house. It is generally believed that
robbery was the motive which prompted
the killing. He had been shot through
the head with rifle or revolver fired
throuch the window.
The jury has not yet returned its ver
dict, which wiil in nil probability be
that deceased came to his death by being
struck with a club by parties unknown,
us there seems to be no clew to the per-!
petrators of the fiendish act.
Details nre meager, and cannot be
fullv obtained until the arrival of the
T1MK M'HHll,'I.K
TnilM IlAM.K.H,
New Yoi:k. Dec. 17. A special to tho
Times from Washington says: The
territory until recently in dispute be
t. ecu Brazil nnd France and which tins
been decreed to belong to Brazil mnv
shortly become an object of a dispute be- j
tween France nnd the t'nited States,'
should the Monroe Doctrine be violated. 1
The territory Iving south of French t corotu'1''
"otlce of Dlmtolutlou of rartnerhii.
Notice is hereby given that the part
nership heretofore existing between
Grant Mays and L. E. Crowe, under
the firm name of Mays & Crowe, was
dissolved Dec. 1, 1900, Grant Mays re
tiring. The business will be continued under
the old firm name of Mays & Crowe by
L. E. Crowe. All claims against the
firm will be paid, and all accounts and
notes due the firm collected by him.
Grant Mays,
L. E. Crowe,
IMonolution uf I'nrtuernhlp,
The partnership heretofore existing
between A. M. Stringer and T. S. Ken
nedy, under the style of The Dalles Dis
tillery Company, has this day been dis
solved by mutual consent, A. M. Stringer
retiring and T. S. Kennedy continuing
the business nnd paying all debts and
collecting all bills
The Dalles, Dec.
Guiana in the State of Para, nnd con
taining 100,000 square miles, was claimed
by nnd France, nnd Switzerland
was made arbitrator. Her decision was
in favor of Brazil. It is now reported
that some French financiers anticipating
that the decision would be favorable lo
France had already invested their capital
in this territory. -They are now, it is
said, trying to engineer a deal by which
the French government will buy this
land from Brazil.
The state department has absolutely
no knowledge on the subject. Its at
tention, however, has been called to the
matter, nnd the attempt of the French
capitalists to secure government aid in
getting their money back will lie watched
with interest. There is hardly any
question, it is said at the department,
that such action would be a violation of
the Monroe Doctrine nnd would call forth
a protest from the United States.
As long as the claim was in its original
form, Frnnce might have mnintnined
that she wns simply rectifying her
boundaries, and that the United States
cannot object to that. Even in that case
a rectification of boundaries which in
volved an area of 100,000 square miles
would be closely scrutinized. France
hi?, however, forfeited the right to make
that claim by submitting the matter to
arbitration by Switzerland. The terri
tory has been officially decreed by the
Swiss tribunal to be outside the bounda
ries of French Guiana.
best, at Don-lS-dlw
Lazell's perfumes,
nell'e drug store.
If your hnir iB dry nnd dend-like, Co
coanut Cteam Tonic will give it life nnd
luster. It is pronounced the finest
tonic on earth. Can be had ut Frazer's j
barber shop, agent. ii9-lm j
The three great mechanical toyH of the.
nge the speedway racing gic, GO cents ; j
clown, stubborn donkey uud cart, -!S
cents ; the African letter-carrier, "o cts.
For sale bv the New York Cash Stoie.
To remove n troublesome corn or
bunion : First soak the corn or bunion
in warm water to soften it, then pare it
down as closely as possible without draw
iug blood and apply Chamberlain's Puin
Balm twice daily; rubbing it vigorously
for five minutes nt each application. A
corn plaster should be worn for u few
dttvs, to protect it from the shoe. As a
general liniment for sprains, bruises,
lameness and rheumatism, Pain Balm is
unequaled. For sale by Blakeley, tho '
"I have used Chamberlain's Colic, 1
Cholera aud Diarrhoea Remedy und find 1
! it to be a great medicine," says Mr. E.
'It cured
Tho Kind Yoti Hnvo Ahvnys Boujrlit, nml which lias bcou
linrnp tli ftiirtiatnrc ot
ill uau iiil , v . ... ......
and has heen iiiiuloiinoer ins icr
Miiml sunorvision since its infancy.
Allow no one lo deech o you in this.
ah n,M,)rfc. imUiiHriiis mid " Tust-ns-irood" nro Imfc
Experiments that trifle with and endanger tho health of
Infants and Children Experience against Experiment.
Cnstoriu is a harmless substitute lor Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Drops nnd Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
mtains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Nareotio
Mihstance. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys Wornw
nnd allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoja mid "Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It nssimilates the Food, regulates the
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy mid natural sleep.
The Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend.
Bears the Signature of
Knit iSnlt I.Nkr, Denver, I t
Mull ' Worth, Omiilm, IChii'
i!i p. in., mi City, ht. hniu
Chicago mill Knkt.
12. .Ml ii. in,
Yin 1 1 Milt
U :'.! p. m
s p. m.
null I.iiU, Denver. I t
Worth, Omiilm, Km,
I Hill CltJ-, St. I,(,UK,
I Chicago mill Kiist.
WhIIh Wnllii, Spokane,
MIiiiii'hiiiIIi, St. I'mu,
Chlnicn mill KM, Mh
hllllllCHkll IlllhtlUK
tun; iils.i nil point In
W'libhlliKton mimI l.ukt
era Oregon.
Oceuii Sti imshlit.
Por Skii KrHii(;tcii
Kvery Klvo Phys.
, Mull
litti , w
l;i ii. in
l. m.
S p. in. .
r.x.Biituliiyinnlrtmtilii Kv. Htetimcpi. p,,,',3.
,To Aktokia Mid Way i-ouut'
.Saturday i landings.
10 .. in,
Till. in. , WlIAAMETTK ItlVKIl. t"ttln
! snmliiv Mn.i'iili IMtiv V. ."'lira.
ircgoit City. Ni.wlM.rK, Kx.auudi'j
i n, m,
Tuei.,1 hue.
mill hut.
Wiu.A.vrTTr. anii Yam- i m
' mix KiVKith. M.m.,vl"i'
oriTon City, luiytiiii, HudFrl
. mill Wiiy-I :nullHK.
I.v ltli:irln
.1 :c n. in. 1
Snakk Itivr.u.
K I purl ii to Uiwlhtim,
The Kind You Haye Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
Tir commnt, vt murviav htucct. hcwtoux city.
9:00 .
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
dlO 2v
10, 1900.
A. M. Sthixgep.
T. S. Ken.vkiilv.
For Keut or Sain.
The Sam Wilktntion warehouse, on
Firet street, is for rent or eale. It is a
three-etory, corrugated iron building,
11033 feet, with water elevator. Apply
to Ram Wilkinson. The Dalles. n20-tf
I'lajKit Out,
Dull Headache, Paine in various pnrts
of the hodv, Sinking at the pit of the
stomach, Loss of appetite, Feverishness,
Pimples or Sores are all positive eviden
cue of impure bloqd. No matter how it
becarnp so it must be purified in order
to obtain good health. Acker's Blood
Elextr has never failed tbcare Scrofuloue
or Syphilitic poisons or any other blood
diseases. It is certainly u wonderful
remedy and we sell every bottle on a
positive guarantee. Blakeley, the drug
gist. Don't Uub It In,
Just wet the affected part freely with
"Mysterious Pain Cure, a Scotch remedy,
and the pain is gone. Sold by Clarke &
i c
S. Philips, of Poteau, Ark
me of bloody flux. I cannot epeak too
hichlv of it." This remedv alwavs wins
- . .
the good opinion, if not praise, of those jP
who use it. me quicK cures wnicn 11
effects even in the most severe cases
make it a favoraite evotywhere. For
sale by Blakeley, the druggist.
1'iirtii'i ni'Mntii: in eu to iipmuu
nMi.ii.i .iiiuiiiiiiii niMiiiiL-I II , IN I'lRltH, HDOUlil
tiUi-Nd. J, IfnvlliK 'lilt- Dnllon lit J2 M ii, E
! innklhK itlni t rnuprctloiiH nt Ilc-iticr janctton
' mill HIki;i Itc'.iiriiltiK inn I n r til rift ctniuortlon
nt lli'iijiniT Jiinctliiii mill 1!Iek with No,
I rlvi'iR nt The Ditllvi ni W :m i. in.
, 1 In- O. It, .V. S. hti'iimnr "Mixlne 'Is now m
lnu ri-i;iiliir tiin to nuh'in mill ! n 'iiJciiCf
topiiliii: lit nil way lmiiiiiiKB. hlu U'livra Port
j Imiil on Miuiiliiyt., W'iMih.'mIiij mill Krldurii nt
ii hi., HrnviiiK m ninon i p. in., iimi indeiviKl
lire nliiitlt 0 Ii. m. on Miini' ilit. Krinmln
(Hint lmvvk liiili.ticiiilfiii'ii nt . h. m. ud fculmn
tit I. ti ,ii mi Tnti.iliif.. 't'liiiu,!..... L......
1 I . .......... j ... aim cniui
H 1 1 It. vo. iirrli niir nt I'nrtliuitl n mm 1 ii n i.m.
!j , tlnyt..
i l or (nil imrtlculiirii t'nll tin O, II, X. Co.'i
iiruiii int' iiitiicii. or nuutui.1
W. V HI ltl.llfllT,
Cit'ii. l'lm, Act , I'ortlmid.O:
ott'iimt'rs nl t ti HvKUlutor l.liic w ill rim in ikt the fol- 3
ow.iik hchitlillf, the Ctiniimiiy rviierviiiK the rlKht to t-'huliKe $
M'hudulv without notice.
To Valium It May Couceiti,
It having come to my knowledge that
parties, presumahlv interested, are
claiming that when I sold out my retail
interest at ITil, second 6treet, French's
block, I contracted to not opt;ti any re
tail business in the city of The Dalles.
I beg to say that I sold my right not to
open any retail business between Fed
eral and WaMiinzron streets, on Second J 8ide and we'll do the rest. Geo. C.
street, and have anil intend to conform ' Blakeley.
A full line of Christmas goods can
found at the New York Cash Store.
You will not have boils if vou take
Clarke & Falk's sure cure for boils.
A full line of Eastman films and sup
plies just received by Clarke & Falk.
Clarke Sc. Falk'e flavoring extracts ure
the best. Ask your grocer for them.
Floral lotion will cure wind chapping
and sunburn. Manufactured by Carte
& Falk.
Paint your house with paints that ara
fully guaranteed to last. Clarke & Falk .
have them.
atch our window for ten days. If
you don't see what you want, step in
Str. Regulator
C, i.v. Unlit;!.
M nt 7 A. M.
E, Thurwluy . . .
k MUurtlny .
h- Arr. I'nrtliuitl
J, ut l:'J0 t. u.
5 -
III 7 A. M.
Arr. Jiulli'i.
II .') . M.
Ship your
Regulator Line.
Str. Dalles City.
I.v. Diillt'i
Ht 7 a. to.
Frltliiv.. .
Arr. I'lirtlmiil
ut I :.) r. m.
1'ortlmnl .
; (H) A. M.
TiivMlny '
Thurniiiy ,
Arr. Ihilk-t.
Ht .'l I' m. ,
. Truvul by the Mvmncri. of thn ItiKiilntor Line. Thi- (.'iiinjimiv " 111 i-nitfiivor to Rivi- It pat
roils the lient ktviiv iiosnlhle. Tor further ltilormittlon luldross
L', l'urtlantl Olllce, Oak .Street Dock.
W. C. ALLAWAY. Con. A ft
to my contract. My
Cafe is in no sense
place at the Bank
in violation of the
C. .1. Sti'iimnc.
The Appetite of a Clout
Is envied by all poor dyspeptics whose
stomach and liver are out of order. All
Buch Bhould know that Dr. King's New
r.ifu T'illu tin. uimitfrfiil ntnniach and
liver remedy, gives a splendid appetite, I pleased with its tone
tilnrlollK .Vnt,
Comes from Dr. D. B. Cargile,
Washita, I. T. He writes:
"Four bottles of Electric Bitters lias
cured Mrs. Brewer of scrofula, which had
caused her great suffering tor years.
Terrible sores would break out on her
head and face, and the beat doctors
could give no help; but her cure is com
plete and her health is excellent." Thie
shows what thousands have proved,
that Electric Bitters is the best blood
Soule Bros., professional piano tuners
of Portland, will be in town the coming
week. Leave orders at Menefee it
! Parkine' or Is'ickelsen's music stores.
Why pay 1.75 per gallon for inferior
paints when you can buy James E.
Patton's suu proof paints for $1,150 per
gallon, guaranteed for 5 years. Clark &
falk, agents. ml
DeWitt's Little Early Risers are dainty
little pills, but they never fail to cleanse
the liver, remove obstructions and in
vigorate the sstem. Sold by Clarke ti
Falk'e P. O. Pharmacy.
I Wanted Men and women of good
I character and references, to represent an !
Lincoln Sexual Pili restore natural strength and
vigor. They do not ex-iiio or stimulate. They are it
perfectly pure and certain nervx food, antl evt-rv tablet
is staridarued to absolute uniformity. I't-c them and
vou w li rejoice in strength, nerve vigor and manly
Price, $1.00 per box buy of your druggist or sent
by mail on receipt of price, in plain vrapper.
M. 7, Dotmell. Agent, The Dallen, Or.
v t- v t rum 1 nntrn T t a Oil rkcmit
, , . .. , j established house, aplended opportunity
remedy for eczema, tetter, salt rheum, I. . . . ., n
J . ., . ' . ' for advancement. Address P. O. Box
Ulcers, ooue aim ruut.nig euree. it .
stimulates liver, kidneys and bowels,
exoele noisons. helns digestion and
build in, the atrenL'ih. Onlv 50 cents. ! mou'u expenses. Permanent poei
Sold bv Blakelev Drutruist. Guaran. loa' Experience unnecessary. Write
teed. 4
Notlcn of DUhoI lltlnll.
Notice is hereby given that the part
nership heretofore existing between
J. E. Adcox arid Theodore 11. Lieoe,
under the Qrm name and style of J. E.
Adcox it Company, ih this day dissolved
by mutual consent, J. E. Adcox retiring
from said firm. Theodore II. Liebe will
' continue the business of said firm under
the name and style of J. E. Adcox &
i".. .....i : ii , i i
587, Portland, Oregon. novlo-lmo , "'""' " " ,B "" l"
i nrift rHi'Hint fnr nil innfinvi) flni uu.ui firm
Hustling young man can make $00 per UI)( a n8t h;(, (irai Hlioud not ,,rod,,cn .n, u,KK s.o, oo M..t. at i),0B.
outh aud expenses. Permanent poei-1 ...,,.,,.. . ... , , giti .irhy mall; Trial Hi.i-.toct'iimhymnli.
In all Its ntaxea there
linulil be cluaiillnvu.
Ely'H Cream Halm
rli-aii?cfl,t ontlicrt and hcnla
lli tllst-atcil ni'iinlirniio,
It ciirc catarrh nml tlrivi-a
j ou-ay a cultl iu the lieatl
! tiulckiy.
, C'riMitii Iittlm In piacctl Into tho nostrlla, ipreadi
I over this mcrnhraiio and In alworbcd. Ilclief la lin-
nii'iiiaiu oim a Kmc (Milling, n is not tlryII2 lloi
Jtmirn I'tmiilcii. t'r-fnt
I IlillitlaliMn, l-UTitf tin- lllimil,
Unrr "iiUclirsn-t Ih.i(i.i.
'. .'.11117111 ,T EMA ,nWlll M, rf.V la ......
.,"'.""' .ni'" norirrn. 11. ciin
mall mil- rr.-. it ul! Irai for
fine, -mi W laj In. . fii , 0I (3f
e.ou,uDuruiituu. DR-fJOSAHKO CO '111
Ily virtue of an tinier tit the roiincil of Dalle
City. Ori'Kou imiiluoti thu-Mlh iluv of Nuvcav
Imr, A I) II'IO. notlft' l he reus yivfit that on
the sulci ..'mil tiny of Noveinher IWK), the at'
itiiitifll -.U'cluri'il liy resolution adopted tbat
that portion of th.i sitlewulk hituateil on the
northerly Mile of l''uiton Stree'- mid lying I"'
tw fen the northern. r, eorner of the Miiurv formed
bv the Intersection of sultl l.'ulton Mreet will
WiishliiKton Street In Hulli's flty iiud a Klnt
inn feet uusi of Miltl corner on haul I'ultoii Btrtcl,
Is In it iliniKirous eoiitlltloii unit In iiitiI of Ih'IM
rebuilt In thathiiltl Kltlewiilk Is weak, decajeil
mill unsarr in irnvel upuii ami I' was tkier
inlnetl by sultl ttiunfll to rebuild the suiue anil
that the fost ot rebulldlim salil Mtlewalk w
uharited to the owner or tiwniTHiif Hit prtiwrtf
nbutliiK on hiilit portion of Mini sidewatk ut
elated iu a dangerous condition us by law 1'rO'
'1'nls notlut.. Is publlshml for II tiny- from W
lib iliiy of lieeeuilHjr, I'.imi. by order of tljf
touucll of DulluN City, unli-li order was iua'J
Nov iflith. IWK).
Datetl ut Dalles City, Or.. December M- )'
llet'tirtler of Dulli'sUtr-
L. Lane,
Took the I'ri.e ut l'urls.
The Ludwig pianos took the world's
fair prize medal at Paris. Also note
what the prima donna of the iioyal Ital
ian Opera Company says:
I have used one of your Ludwig pinnue
for eome time and have been very much
I find your piano
quick for particulars. Clark & Co.,
Fourth and Locust Streets, Philadel
bpia, Pa, s8-tf
Our toilet neceeaaires are of the latest
be presented to him for payment.
Dated this 10th day of December, MOO.
.1. E. Aimjo.v,
'J nno. II. Likiik.
M.Y I.lOTliEIt.H, Ofi Warren Street, New York.
Uutarrli Unnnot lt uurrtl.
witha local upplicationH, as they cannot
reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh
When the stomach ih tired out it mum i H blood or constitutional diseae, and
importations; something unusually line, ' lll4Tt) a rH,t w can't live without i order to cure it you intiHt take inter-
and at a price that will convince you ,ooa" h-ouol Dyspepsia Cure "digents remeuies. iiaire Uatarrh Oure m
that we mean to give the people of The I wl,14t J'ou ul" 80 'u" -,l" U tb tllk"" Internally, and acts directly on
Dalles an onnortunitv to buv at metro-! t'of,(l ft,f 'ou want while it is restoring tl10 ''""'I miucouh surfaceH. Hall'fl
- i . . .. . . . . . I-,. ..,
'lie ilii'1'Hli vu nri'iiiiB in IhmiIII, it in tin. Vjiiiurrii unre ih nnr n niiiiek
politan prices. Bee our east window, i
sound digeBtlon and a regular bodily
habit that insures perfect health und
great energy. Only 'Jo cents at the
Blakeley druc Ftore. 4
particularly adapted for vocal Htudiee, j Geo. C. Blakeley.
lie Fooled the Mirceoli.
All doctors told Benicl: Hamilton, of
West Jeflereon, O., after euireriiig 18
months from Bectaf Fistula, he ould
die unless a costly operation was per
formed : but he cured himself with live
boxes of Bucklen'ti Arnica Salve,
surest Pile cure on Earth, and the best
Salve in the World. !Ju cents a bo.x. Sold
by Blakeley, Druggist. 4
Clarke & Falk have received a carload
of the celebrated Jame E. Patton
strictly pure liquid paiuts
and at nresent while practicing several
new operas your piano is my choice
again. I will always have a good word
for your charming instruments.
Ei.oihK Vini.
i i . . i , . - im. , . . ,i
.1 large assortment oi iiinnur, iijir i.uu- (.(jjg
wig, Jllttue, .uurtiii, lYiiiKE" ) iiviu
and Franklin, can he found at Nickel
sen's music store. Great sacrillce sale
L'nliiir on now. Select your Christmas
the ' ,,ian'1' earl'
For epraine, swellings and lameness
there is nothing so good as Chamberlain's
Paiu Balm. Try It. For sale by Blake
ley, the druggist.
Clarke & Fulk have on eale a full line
of paint aud artiet'u brushee,
! Don't use any of the counterfeits of
DeWiU'e Witch Huzel Salve. Most of
I them are worthless or liable to cause in
I jury. The original DeWitt's Witch Hazel
: Salve is a certain cure for piles, eczema,
burns, sores and' skin diseases.
Sold by Clarke A Falk's P. O. Pharmacy.
When you need n soothing and heal
ing antiseptic application for any pur
pose, use the original DeWitt's Witch
Haze! Salve, a well known cure for piles
and skin diseases. It heals sores with
out leaving a scar. Bewnre of counter
feits. Sold by Clarke & Felk'a P. O.
Clark & Falk are never closed Sunday.
Don't foricei this.
1 It wtt" iviitt prehcrihi'il .
I phyulchuiH in ihie coimii j
! only preparation that digests all kinds
' of food. Sold by Clarke & Falk's P. O.
I Pharmacy.
! The most. ellVctive little " liver ! of t-1' (it-- Utv. t
I made are DeWitt's Little Eirlv Itiners. 1 t,lB 1,L'tit ''i'""1
j ifi u regular piet-criiiiini,
They never
Falk's P. O.
griiie. Sold
by Clarke &
Help Is needed at oniu when u person's
life Is iu danger. A neglected cough ot
cold may soon become serious and should
i... i ... . . .
IIU KlOJJJIUll HI UllCC, Ullt! iiiuuie UOIIgll i
Cure quickly cures coughs and colds und
the worst cases of croup, bronchitis,
grippe and other throat and lung
troubles. Sold by Clarke & Falk's P. O.
Koslyn, Clfalum and Australian coals
by the Stadelman Commission, L'Min
on the iiiiie .ih Miiriiii.,.u
comliliiailnn ni t)i' tun
what (tr(i'ii'-- -ufh n. in
curing Cutitrrl
F. .1
'id of the best
r vee.-R, und
I' composed
e -mbined with
"iiing directly
The perfect
el fit
Wagon and Carriage Work.
Fish Brothers' Wagon.
Tliirfl and JelTcrnn.
Phone 159
eml for lentimouialH,
Ciiknuy & Co., Props., Toledo O.
Sold by drriit!L'lHts. in ice 7ie.
Hall'H Family Pills are the best. IS
Experience it the best Teacher. Use
Acker'a English Remedy iu uny cane of
coughs, colds or croup. Should it full to
give Immediate relief money refunded,
!io ctn. and 50 els. Bla'koley, the drug
rUANHACTA KNKK.hllAN'KIs,, r,f,t"
iMlvre of Credit insunil available in ttie
Eastern Slates. .
Sight Exchange and Tt,i'fr.,,!?IJ
licntH iHl iransferH Hold on iMiw i 1 '
jk f r.. ci t? U,ft In ml Life
'1UII. nC111LLll3 VVI1M11.. .11111
III Oregon and Washington. .
Collections made at all points on it
ruble terms.
Belgian Hares to Lease.
1 have about 10(1 thoroughbred dot
that I will lease In lots of 10 to respon
sible parties on shares. ApplV 'u
C. E. BA i'AKDi
nUO 2w The U'HU8'