Only Six Shopping Days THEN CHRISTMAS No lime to dolay your purclmpo?. Maku evory day do its part, as delays a I the owl are sure to occur. Jf you don't know just what you want, come here. The very air is charged with Christmas ientlemen's Suit Cases, Traveling Bags, and Valises. Jentlenien's Neckwear, Gloves, ik-autifni line of Silk Mufflers Shawknit Half Hose hv the box in all the Olhat Shall SAflTA GltflUS bay yoa "for Ghpistmas? He is here loading himself up with some of the good things we are offering. latest colorings. Umbrellas, Sweaters, Walking Canes, Fancy Silk Vests, Fancy Colored and Dress Shirts, Smoking .Jackets. n 'Come earl' as possible and avoid the later crowd. The best values on record. Dent's Celebrated Glove $1.39 Adlers' Fine Street G-love 1.25 Clarisse, worth $1.25; Special 87c Ladies' and Misses' Jackets, Furs, Capes, styles of Wraps at off for this week. all Buy Shoes fop.... Christmas Presents. They make very acceptable and useful pres ents and are appreciated by everybody. Those Suffering ft?om Cold Feet Would Appreciate... A felt lined, cloth top, kid foxed, stout sole, lace shoe, $1.50. A handsome satin quilted, fur trim med Juliet, $1.50. Men's heavy felt tan shoes, felt lin ed, calf foxing, heavy felt sole, $2.50. We have everything desirable in warm Shoes and Slippers. mays 5 Crowe All Goods Marked In Plain FlKitres. PEASE & MAYS 41 TV he Dalles Daily Chronicle. TIM'S DAY 1F,C. IS, J 5)00 f jl served? Oysters i At Andrew K tier's. ' TREASrilEirs X0TI0K. All Vl'iincn ()niiiM3' tviirritiitH r-ciMtiril prliir In rililnl.rr I . I HUT, 111 !m iitlil on pri'iicntut Ion lit my oltlrii, lntouM i-i'iihih wr in u v-iii hit ;;if, i iiihi, .IOIIN I''. HAMI'MUICH', I Oiiiinly Tit'ilxiiriT. I I will find out later that tlicj have coin , mittcd a giave niiPUiki. ! If you urn looking for a nice present for your best girl, bo sine ami to to Tin Fair. IS-I'.d-lw Owing to tho pr valence of smallpox at Umatilla .1 ii lift um , Marshal Driver has served notice on the 0. It. it N. Co. lo not allow auv persons or articles to bo curried hero hy ihem from that place j without liriit being fumigated. Lost, a Masonic charm with Equant I and compass set in black onyx, and tin-j initials W. L. G. dimly engraved on the ! batik. When lont it wan attached to a ! b'.aok silk fob chain. Will ive If'-!. SO for j ' itu nittlrn I n t lit fit 11 m lii u Piirl.'tm (im. " " WW............ . ..i pany. Scotchmen in Fossil on January 20th, with a view to organizing a 15urns cinb. A pood tune is anticipated. Too much in the way of a program is not prom ised lor the initial ineutintr, but tin-re will be a few Bonus and recitations smell ing of peat reek and heather, a food (-upper with maybe u wee drap of mount-1 hare ain dew, and we'll no t-ny there won't j soon turn anil served them with apple dress ing. The Statesman, which relates the incident, pays the members were at first a little timid of the possible flavor of so delicate a morsel, but with the first taste all appearance of timidity vanished, and it became evident that, it a dozen more had been furnished, they would hav3 been in the same deplorable A I'luclty Klickitat I.suly. There's n plucky woman living over on the old Short place, across the river, which is now owned by Mr. Harris, one of the bin men of the portage road com pany. Officers oi the law, armed with writs of execution, have invaded that country for weeks and packed every thing lyinir around loore that belonged l.i. ii Tim tiiripa will he mere ! condition as t hose rilaced on t he hoiril and a .nan to plav them. Andrew Pat-, nothing left but bouts. It was the .man- I to an' one ""notuly related to the port . .,;i n.i,i,m,i iwinmiJiinom verdi..i nf nil nrmt. !i,nt n ' at'e road. Two or three days ago a and .Indue McFarlaud in his cutty eark. ! table delicacy the Jialgian hare was hard i.--v!.:fis mm r All the Scots in Wheeler and adjoining to beat in the meat line, and that as far WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. di7 :;t The annual election of officers iifU'nsco Lodge, A. F. &A. M., took place last night with tlie following result: XV. M., ; M. '.. Donne!!; iS.'W., Victor Miirden; i .1. XV., C. XV. Diety.el ; Treasuier, ft. A. to buy Christmas presents at ,iHm.; Secret try, O. D. Doane; Tyler.i I8-I!td James Harper. Mr. Dotinnll has nl-j perfumes for Christinas at readv served two vears as worshipful! Its oay The Fair. Lazeil's Honnoll's. IS-lwd Don't, fail to see the mechanical toyB a the New York Cabh .Store. (Mir holiday perfumes are now ready. full line ut Douneli't) ilrug store, lw Wanted A girl to do housework in a small familv. Apply at this ollice. J7-dlw A marriage license was issued today t .I. Hutesou and Annie S. Hiuiiiih, both of Summit Ilidge. You'll "iirely lack "guinptlon" If you fail to hear .the lecture at the Calvary I'aptist church tomorrow night. Ad mission -5 cents; children 10 cents. A new j.wikot intikeH a flno presenl. Von know ours are the latest In Hlylo and best in cloth. Wo will extend our -"i per cunt oil" on those goods this week. Tim Kalr. lS lldlw J uI1h, ('iikes, pies and ciindioii for sale Thursday afternoon mid evening at the Baldwin. Count and see what wo have before going elsewhere to buy your ''hristmaH presents. Metiry II. liogein, the New York mil lionairii and copper king, was fifty years counties are expected to be pietent. Notwithstanding that the canal bill and the ship subsidy bill and the army bill and the river and harbor hill and the Ilay-I'.iuiicefote treaty are all belore congress and demand the earnest atten tion of Oregon's representative aB mat ters in which the state is vitally inter ested, Joe Simon remains in Portland neglecting the duties he owes to the rtate that made the huge mistake of electing him United States sunator, and engaged, it may be eet down a a dead as their becoming a pest was concerned, it would only be necessary for the Arti j sans to have a chance at the little ani mals to rid themselves of any such pos sibility. J. W. Russell, of KitiL'sley, while in town yesterday told the following strik- jnstice of the peace, constable aud a I couple of other able-bodied Klickitaters went tp the Harris ranch and, exhibit ! ing a writ of attachment, demanded possession of some half a dozen cows .that Mr. Harris' caretaker had diiven into the barn befoio going afield to j work. The demand was made of the 'caretaker's wife ami the plucky little Tho only store ft this city where the Genuine Imported Stransky-Steel Ware is sold. A little higher in price, but outlosU u dozen piecesof so called cheap unaiiL eled ware. BEWARE! Other wares look hnsi tiie name Stransky - Steel Ware on each piece. Do not bedeceiveil First prize at K International Kxlii bitions. Highest award at World s Columbian Exhibi tion. Chicago Pre ferred by tho best, cookingautliorities, certified to by the most famous chem istfl for purity and durability it is cheapest because BEST. Remember this celebrated enam eled ware is special ly imported for and sold in this city ex clusively by us. It does not rust nor absorb jjrease. does not discolor nor catch inside; is notaffectedbyacidi in fruits or vegetables, will boil, .-...- and bakt w i t h o u t imparting flavor ol previously cooked food and will last rjp ior years. ..00- V.'e cau tion tha jnibhc. again?; imitation II in rah (nr 'lirltiiiu-t ivnnion itiBtuu.l nf nfintmiiT I lin l)it-n ing incident to a number of persons that i , . ' ., " . , , ,t ' . . door to the invaders, excused herself for a inonent while she stepped master, aud hie high standing in the?; se"taiiily , in Rome political scheme that brotherhood is indicated by his elcctionlj bi" for its obji-cts tho repair of Ilia own for u thin! term in succession. The in-j political fences or those of the venerable stallation will take place on St. .John's jsil'iriiiii whose leg tho wiley Joseph dav, December L'7tli. Jk"0WB 50 uel1 ll0NV ,0 ml1' .lohnuv McCoy, an old-tiiiielocoiiiotivo If the people who seek courtesies from engineer on thin division of the O. Jl. & the country newspapers would only N. road returned today from Alaska where ho spent tho past summer in the new diggings back of Sitka, lie brings Home very lino copper ore with him. Samples fioin tho same mine have as sayed 17 per cent. He has a number of claims that he feels confident will prove very valuable, lie will leturn to Alaska in tho spring and meanwhile hai secured employment at his old ti.ide with the O. It. & N. "A good play by splendid company" was the verdict of those who witiiwtvd the rendition of "Iluuinn Hearts" at the Vogt last night. Unlike the pieseut run of plays, this Ip a good, old-fashioned drama, and the way W. K Nankevillls' company presented it wan very gratify ing. "Human Health" is hy far the beet ntlractiiiii that has been played in Tho Dalles for some time. The com- ngo selling newspapers on the streets of 1 p'Uiy Is exceptionally strong, and de New ilndford, Mass. lie then went into " grocery store, getting .fl.' u week and hoard. 'I'lm Ontario papeni aio staling that natural gas has been discovered near town by Kd Ashley, In small quan tities, at it depth ol 100 feet, and it Ih "Unveil that with depth a larger How ci'i'd bo secured. Tim fute of the I lay-Pauncefote treaty 'ill he settled Thursday. The senate vesterday agreed to tioiniiiencM voting ' the amendments at it p, m. and con tiniiti hi tiession till thu votti on the tM-aty Itself Is taken. A committee has been appointed in Nmv York to "select the two most beau tiful women In the United Status" lo M uhldo at a giiuid function at. the opn "i ol the Uullalo exposition, Jf the iTcctutioii Ih not taken to select bald liunded men for that Job, the iippolnters nerved the generous applause accorded them. A return engagement would be appreciated by our theater-goers. Now is the time to call and sen iih if you are looking for a loan at reasonable rates; an fi.listiact or (lie insurance; a nice cottage fnini'.t.u o rooms up to six j a chicken .farm from one ucie up; a grain or all purport farm from 1(10 acies up; a stock faun from 1 00 ) tii'ies up. Are yon interested in mlniM oi iniiiiug properly? Do you want to buy or sell'.' If you do, remember we aie he.idiitar tors for anything In real property. Houses nml cHtateH looked after; prop erty kept in repair; rents collected and remitted same day ; wn make a specialty of collections, laud nlllce business, ele, Hudson i Jirowiihlll. Tho following from th Fossil .Journal Is delightfully characteristic of the laud o' cakes: "There will bo a meeting of j think to ictnrn llieni, much good would ooiuo of it, says an exciianue. Many people think they are neglected in print because some news item of interest to thei.T does not, through the newspapers, find its way to the general public, and . yet they seem to forget entirely that ; reportem are, most unfortunately, not mind readers, and if they would but call up the ollice by 'phone tho paper would only too gladly give '.the item space. There isn't a paper in the land that does not want the news, and every paper could and would he full of news if each person knowing something alouu that linn would but give the ollice the slight est tip. The Walla Walla Union says: "It is possible that some of the Indian lands in tho Yakima country will soon lie thrown upon the market. Several years ago a survey robbed tho Yakima Indi ans of upon ."00, 000 acres of llr.d lands', ami it was soon taken by the white set tlers. A discovery of the fraud resulted in the lands being returned to tho red men. As the Indians aie) now comfort ably settled already, tlmy havu no per sonal use for tho 1 niida recently secured and the Kev. Thomas Pearue, a native Yakima Indian, has i'oiio to the nation al capital to arrange for the placing of this laud on the market. If it is sold, there will be mi attempt on the part of thettihoto receive something liko the marketable value for the laud, which is said to he the best on theeasteru slope of the Cascades. A member of the local lodge of United Artisan at Salem treated his brethren the other ni;ht to a supper of Belgian hares. To the assembled Artisans, with the exception of a very few, tins was their Initial campaign against the lislgluim. A sinter cooked Ihmu to a inside the house and, returning w ith a loaded Winchester in her hand, addressed the four men in these words: "You see thla gun? Well she's loaded for bear and I know how to shoot. You see that toad that leads back to where you came from. Now ou hit it, and hit il quick." It lc B.iiil mm nf t hn Itu.ri Htmvi mi Ills On the thirtieth an-jhftmls un(, wUUm. ghootj j for any trouble," but this is probably not true. It is true, however, that the men hit the road in short order and the woman still has her cows. J-"l were gatliertU in S. J.. JJrooks' storo in the Jiast lind. Mr. Ilusicll is a veteran of the civil war and was present when Lee surrendered to Grant at Appomat tox. In a-skirinisli on the day of the surrender Russell had personally cap tured a young confederate named James Cioidon, for whom lie took quite a fanev before the fortunes of peace decieed their separation ..i..,......... nr i ....i I..- 4 ..-:t ii ' ' " . . ,.'.'. didn't cine here iovm, Kusseu was in tne jungsiey pou oliico when a stranger, past middle life, entered ami asked if there was anv mail for .lames Gordon. Knsell recognized the name and voice in a moment aud 1 laying his hand on tho utranger's shoulder asked: "Weio you in the Conlederate army?" "1 was," replied tho stranger. "Were you at Lee's sur render?" "1 was." "Were you then a prisoner?" "I was." "Do you remem ber tho name of the Union soldier who j captured you?" "J do. It was .lohn W. Iius-ell." "Well, I am that man," aid Mr. Itiissoll, and t ho two men, in if by one impulse, throw their arms around each other's neck and wept like children. , .Spli'iiilnl I'rui iiin, 1 Ths following program will be ren-. dered at tho Catholic entertainment at pfil the Vogt Thursday night : ($M Duct "I'lll'uil" . .. , ,',iiii ' BSS MIsm's Horn I'ouvl iiihI M, lim lilm i. jjSj llmk In (lin Miiuilnllu Ihiiiii i IjSf .Missis Myrtle Mlclicll mnl KIImIm'Hi iloiin. MM MiimiioIii I'ortiimii'Mi . Hi ili r St. ilim'h Oiclii'Mm. Vocal S'iiIii "Jinlltli ' . Vtiitictie Miss lima IVii'L'l, Cornet Siiln !. Itcvl D'Aliiolir .Ihudin MtlUwt Mr. J. I'. Denton. Hoai; Sclii'tnl Mr. Joint lliunpMifrc, Ti'iirlleln Sll illlil II i'. ir II I have the only mistletoe in The Dalles. Just cut from theoaKsof the Willam ette. Call early and get the finest be fore it goes. Price reasonable. Cl.YDK HfiNKV, lS-lw With Geo. C. Iilakeley. Don't forget Hob Teaguo is still in the grocery business lie can give yon good goods and low prices, he has just received a very fine line of eoll'ees, the best in the citv. Trv them. Phone. No. S. 1-M Keineinber that Cocoauiu Cieam Tonic will promote growth of hair. Charles Frazer, solo atient. nO-lin The ne.vest assortment of fancy sta tionery; prices from li to 73 cents will be found at Tho Fair. lS-3tdlw Holiday pei fumes at popular prices at M. 'A. Do'nuell's. IS dlw C'lino in and see the latest in art. Cheaper than ever. Geo. t Hlakeley. m One tSiousand styles and sizes. gaSSs r i? .... .i j rrifif-ssn f..i C J P "Tilt.V.i JTi iCCi H O !u 5 LO 50. X Sleel Raiicea Cajt 5 ltev. A'exaniler lilackhurn'ri lecture on "Giimplioii," deliveioil befoio the county institute, was one of the best ever delivered In this city. It was just the kind of a lecture that reaches the human heart and prompts the better and nobler motives, livery teacher In the laud should hear it. The Public School, l.ttfuyotte, Indiana. At the Calvary lUptist church tomor row (Wednesday) night. If you have daudrull', your hair is falllngout. Use Cocoa nut Cieam. For tule at Fnuar'd barber shop. iilJ-Iiu m fl'he genuine all bear the above Tr.vlivHark anu are sola -witu a written guarantee. Awarded First Prize Paris Exposition 1900 jgQft&S OVER ALL THE WORLD. fiT Sold by First-Class Slovo Mcrchanls everywhere, y Y Maoiii) iiy Tho Michigan Stove Company, U I.uittbt MuWora of Hlon'ti mnl Huin.'i'ti lit lliii Woil J, Oik Slovei. St BENTON, SOLE HCENTS i