The Dalles Daily Chronicle. I declare openly whore he stands. In ; this way very much can be done lo TUESDAY .... DEC. IS. 1900 suspicions that arc bound to - - z - arise in n secret caucus. SUMMMIY OF TAX i:EUUCT10Xi. , , I Judge 1 aft confirms the view that The bill to reduce the war tax has ' thc """rpeiils in the Philippines are passed the house and will pass the ' ow mciol-v drones and brigands., senile in thc near future and become.110 c:,IIs tm insurrection "a con-' a law 110 davs after its passase. It sl,iruc-v llf murder, threats and as is probable that the bill will become sassiuation by a small number of . a law before the end of .lanuarv. Filipinos in arms against their own The following summarv of the nro. ! PC0P,C- mo L ms nuucs is per posed chances will be of interest to many readers of Tin: Ciiisoxtcu: Commercial brokers Tax of $'20 revoked. Custom house brokers Tax of $10 resciuded. "i'ii...itors. ete. Tax of slOO re-1 forming a great work of benevolence ! in thc islands. The Globe-Democrat laments that the prospective war between Portu gal and Ilollaud will not last long I enough for Carl Schurz to ascertain i moved. Circuses, etc. Tax of $100 can celed. Exhibitions, etc. Tax of $10 repealed. Bank checks, drafts, deposit cer tificates, etc. Tax revoked. Bills of exchange, inland and J foreign Tax annulled. i Bills of lading, etc. Tax of 10 cents repealed. Telephone messages Tax rescind ed. Bonds Tax ,"0 cents, repealed. Certificates for marine purposes Tax 25 cents, revoked. Certificates of leyal nature Tax ' 10 cents, cancelled. Charter contracts for shipping Tax removed. Contracts for brokerage Tax 10 cents, repealed. Conveyances, deeds, etc. Tux annulled. Dispatches, telegraphic Tax 1 cent, rescinded. Insurance, life policies Tax re- j voked. Insurance, marine Tax cancelled. Leases, agreements for rent, etc. Tuv removed. Manifests for custom house entry or clearance Tax cancelled. which side he ought to be on in Order to be inconsistent. Our trade with new possessions and with Cuba has run up to ."0. 000,000 a year, or three times what it was in 1S97. It will be far in the j hundreds of millions ten years hence. CHOCOLATE BON BONS. In talking of Chocolates please remember that we carry a full line of LOWNEY'S. just opened, fresh from the factory. In plain anil fancy boxen for Christiras trade, and at prices to suit. Don't forget that we are head quarters for the best un earth. Name LOWXEY settles it. The Presbyterians are endeavor ing to make some improvement-; in their creed and it is pertinently sug- Geo. C. Blakeley, The Druggist. gested that here democratic party. is a hint for the I The indications are that the army canteen will give wav to the half-' pint Uask and the bootlegger. mm Restaurant L. Y. Hone, Prop'r. j first-Class in Every Respect Complete Cii?e of at M. Z. DON NELL, THE DRUGGIST. 9 J. E. FALT & CO., Proprietors GommeFcial Sample Rooms. c Purest Liquors for Family Use DoHvcmxhI to any part of the City. I 173 Second Street, j v Phones: fl Local, 80S I.0111; Distance PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Broad, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer. Just What You uiant. He Tried a Sample Bottle MEALS AT ALL HOTUS. Oysters Served in any Style. ,7 Stvnml at., The Dulles Or. Kearly over: Eiorea ttiiu uj me urupiusi 10 recoiunienu tome meaiune iur uieir irouuie. ery very day pooplc come into dm Irug C. F. Stephens 3 1 ' VSr:?! often they re- i c .. . .1.; .... 1 because, as a rule, they ilo j not behove it ; i proper to ad t vjfcnnyoneto take a patent j medicine of 1 which they do not know tho is the pliysi-1 1 nesi-s to pre-; Liz? Ecrihe. Homo I ..Dealer In. Dry Goods, Clothing, Gents' Furnishings. Hoots, Sliix's. lint', Cnj8 Notions, for W. I. DouiUh. Shin;. make an ex ception, how ever. v lif n Mortgages, pledges Of realty or I trouble. "I always recommend Acker'.'. Ki;-- j iwii rtometiy. tiecause J Know jusi wnai is ! iviii uo. it liu cured every case wi for- ' Jaye s-een it tried. It is the beat espec mm iuihu l ever uaimicu in my x i ltnnttf Single ?li,fa PftTiB VnllfitW Aft Sll ! N "for W. I. DousjiUb Shoe. J j j i IL'RMinnne .-.II. .N5 hn llnllnn 1111 l 5 W. second St., luu UlUlUaj Ul. ! m if Ji DEALKKS IN fill kinds of Funeral Supplies Grandall & Barget UNDERTAKE L EMBALMERS Tho Dallas, Or. Hobes, BuPiaSh Etc. )ersonality Tax rescinded. Passage tickets by vessels to eign ports Tax removed. Power of attorney, proxies, Tax 10 cents, repealed. Protest for notes, checks, drafts, etc Tax 2o cents, rescinded. "Warehouse receipts for storage, New ideuB in Wall I'auer huru wide variety as we arc showing nuvi fore cracud n a'mi'.lo Htud;. Heal iinitii tion cruton efleetc at ordinary jiriccs. Good papurtj at clieup paper prices. Kleptnt dcsitriiH, tuRteful colorinira, yourn for a Htnall price, at our Htore on Third Htrect. Also a full line of house paintH. D. W. VATJSE, Third St. etc. Tax 25 cents, nnnulled. Ueer Tax reduced per J. A. EBERLE, !!Fin6 Tailoring - 1 V I C - . Gunning, Wasco Warehouse Company Headquarters for Seed G rain of ail kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain oi ?n kin js-g. Headquarters for Rolled Grain, axi kinds Headquarters tor Bran. Shorts, Tmix Headquarters fcr "Byers5 Best" Fendle- ton Flour Thix Flour i tuixnufactiirctl cxpniRPly for 'umlly H'.: fverv ,i"k v LMiaranteed to civi- imnHinc ion. Wcs Hell our oo(lH lower than any l.ottKc in tlio irado, and if you don't think 80 call and not cur prieee and he convinced. Highest Prices Paid for Wheat. Barley and Oats. from ?1 a ' cspcrience. I w ill give just one instance o i a Kentieman wno Iiau heen trouuieu lor nf n 1 .. . : . 1 . .. ... i ,.i . , ,.L T ,1 ! r.L-.,r i..ii), i;,,,oTiv. Tin trir.fl .t. 1 A complete IiiiH of hull andWinte pamnle bottle, mid was eured before he liad , auitiriL"i, rantint'P and Uvercoatnn;, now taken half of it. at no rost whatever. This on displav. 10U different varieties to He-1 is an exceptional rup. however, as it usually 1 led from, takes two or three Nitt'.ey." I (Signed) A. K. foot:. Ile'.icfontaine, Ohio, j gjjjtg $20 Z7)d UP. Fold at liV.. Tax- . a-' 'I a bottle, throuch- I ' r ' I out the I'liiici .- .ti- Canada; and in i ,, . . , , , England, i.t l-.Jd 4. M. If y.m Call and examine yood before come ore not s-atiiied afi.-r lnivini:, return tbo ; elsewhern. Second wtreet, opp. Muys liarrel. less 7i ner pent tn fl tier I pottle to your Uru;;yt, ana gut your Biouey I & Crowe's cent, making a net cents a barrel. CigarsTax .'3.G0 duceel to S3 per 1000 hr.ek- r r I rc'iuuuuii ui izo lier 1000 re- HV authorize tht olovt guartmUe, W, 11. UQQOlll For nale at znzT- "Tfle coiomia paciins Co., Dryiiif? proi)arations Bimply devel- PACKERS OF Blacksmith, Wagon Shop, Horseshoeing. Dealer in Blacksmith Supplies. Cor Second & Lansblin. 'Phone 157 Proprietary article patent med.-' S,l7Vt OTTZTIT MANCKAUTl'f.EHH OK which adhero to the meuihrauo and decom- ! pose, causing a far more serious trouble than I the ordinary form of catarrh. Avoid all dry- 1 u I iug inhalants, funicB, smokes and snufffi ' and uso that which cleaiiBes, BOotheH and ', heals. Ely's Cream Balm is such a remedy . Fine m,o.,.o : .1 i 1 nud will euro catarrh or coldiatho head newspapers in the state on tlie sub-, casily aml ,,,1 A trial size will be jjet of the CUStomaiy republican i mailed for 10 cents. All druggists sell the , ., . , uOc. size. ElyUrothers, riOVftrren Kt., K.Y. :m uiC auuaiu.uu nu.ii- Tho Ealm cures without pain, docs not TT A "fiflTCN D Ti A ri.-TVT irritato or cause It spreads itself j ZXJri ITI O OO DiluUiN cines, etc. Tax rescinded. The Oregonian discovers in simultaneous outbreak from several J. S. Sciir.NCK, l'rtMicltint. a. it. iiKAM., C'KHhk'T Lard and Sausages Curersof BRAND Retiring fpom Business. Closing out my Entire Stock Regardless of Cost. Dry fioodB, Clotliinir, Hoots and8hoeM, ut niuc.b lest tbau wholesale prices. Will null in bulk or in lots, or any way to suit purchasers. Entire stock must be closed out before 30 days. All coodn will bo Bacrilleud t-xeept Thomp'jon'H Glove-fitting Cornets and P.utterick Patterns. Your prices will be mine. Call early and secure J. P. McINERNY, Corner Socond and Court Sts. bargains. ination" the first rinnlo of untileas. , , , . . over an irritated and angry surface, reliev-, nntness m a hitherto peaceful contest. J iaB immediately the painful inflammation. The bone of contention, ns the Ore gonian puts it, is over a proposal in thc interests of McBride that the vote in caucus be viva voce, instead of b1 secret ballot as heretofore. The basis of the demand lies, not exactly ns the Oregonian puts it, '"in the suspicion of the McBride forces that some of their men have been captured by thc opposition, With Ely's Cream Jtalm you nro armed against Nasal Catarrh and Hay Fovcr. j)RIKD BEEF. ETC. First national Bank. THE DALLES - - - OREGON A General Banking Business transacted UopoaitB received, HUbject to Sight 4 Draft or Cheek. j J Collections made and proceeds protnjitlj , J remitted on dav of collection. i flight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on I ? r THE CELEBRATED A VIIIubb llluckHinlth huvcil HIh I.lttlH Siiii'm Life. Mr. IJ. II. Black, the well-known blacksmith at Grahauiville, Sullivan Co., X. V., save: "Our little son, live years old, has always been subject to croup, and so bad have the attacks been that we have fearud many times that be ' .1!,. tt,. 1 I 1 .1 .. 1 1 I nuuiiiuir. i : iiuve iiiui lliu iiuuiur llliu , rr . .. ... . j,....i..i,in , 1, I.,-.,,,,, iumiiuciuuyuigesLbLiieiuuuuuuaiuo lJUI,. j w mature in strenBtnemtig anu recou Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. rather in tho fact that Corbett has n CoUKh Ken,td' is I10W "r eolu reliance, utructing the exhausted digestive or-, ... , , , . , . . .. 'It seems to dissolve the tough mucus gans. It lsthe latestdiscovcreddlgest well.filled sack and, judging by the (U( , h.. f t d ant and toulc. No other preparation past very many behove that he w,H thouroupy Bym,lton)8 appear we avf) . Sn'tlS?; not hesitate to place its contents found that the dreaded croup is cured Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, where they will do the most ood. ' hofore it uets settled." Thero is no , Flatulence, Bour Btornach, Kausea, Thc Oregonian is kind enough to f in ,iv,ng th.s remedy for it con- gftfiff ask that the bone of contention be i tul"8 " oplam or other Irjorlous drug ggSg?.nd. LawsUoconta.nsVf times , , an(j jnaJ, o ifven ((fj (jojjjidoHtiy to 1 BmalUlic.Uookallabuutdysiiopslanmiredtrtie recognized and that the light Jor ttie f babeag toBn adult. For sale be Blakeley, 1 'eparedbyE, C.OcVITT ACQ.. CblcaflO. the druggist. senatorship be conducted digniticdly tind in good temper. This is ex.; Many person Imyo bad the experience cellent advice and we devoutly of Mr. 1'etei .Sherman, of Nortli Stratford, hope that it will be adopted. There , who says, "For years I suffered is nothing unreasonable in the do-" !?rl,a ,rom uhr?"i(! Ki0". -ut 1 , u i, 1 1 t i 1 i. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure made a well man mand of McBnde's friends. Jt ;o(Hie,, n Ueit. what you eat and la wholly in the interest of clean poll- j certain cure for dyspeps'a and every tics. No honest man ought to be form of stomach trouble. It idves relief worst cases, and on goad, bold by O. Pharmacy, J Sold by Clarke & FhH:'h.I. O. Pharmacy. ! -pit. It. K. H.MJTII, , Osteopath. j 1 Uooms 10 mill 11, Oliiiiiriun UI03V , Tlio Dulles Oregon, iil Bsbamed to make an open avowal of ut M,nc,e VBn ,D ,lhef ... , .. ' . . jCHii't help but ib .y liis preference. If there is to be a caucus by all means let each member of the legislature have a chance to Clarke dc Fttlk's I We recommend Lazell's Try it. M. Z.Donnell. perfumes, 16-dlw ew lork, San Francisco and porU land. DIKIEOTOKS D. P. Thompson. Jho. 8. Schknck, Ed. M. Williams, Gko. A. Likkk. H.M. Bkaij.. MATT SHOREN, General Blacksmith and tfoFseshoer. All kinds of blscksinitbiug will receive prompt attention and will bo executed in first-class shape. Give him 11 call. Richardson's Old Stand, Third St., near Federal, The Dalles, Or. Stylish Dressed Men.... Are those who wear clothes that are up-to-date in fit, workmanship and cjuallly. 11 y nut! 01 HrtinjiiHH covers ail tltu latest .. .COIiUjlBlA BREWERY ... AUG-UST BUCHLER, Prop. Of the product of this well. knoun brewery tho United States Health Reports for Juno UK, 11)00, says: "A more supei lor brew never entered the bibratory of the I'mted States Health reports. U is absolutely devoid of the slightest trace of adulteration, buton the other band is emu posed of the best of malt and choicest of hops, Its tonic (jualitieH are of the high est ami it can be used with the Kreutetst benefit and satisfaction by old and youim. Its use can conscientiously be prescribed bv the physicians with the cereaiutv that a better, purer or more wholesome boveraiio could not possibly he found." East Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON. i Sick Ileadaolm alolutely arid perum- I 1 1 Vf ..l.f fl . . A muuy cure , y .nK j dssiKiis for fall and winter, the price is pleasant herb drink. Cures roustlpation rJg,tl ttnd 1 can KUarauteo a perfect lit, and indigestion, inakes you eat, sleep and happy. Satisfaction cuaranteed or money back, 25cts, andoOcts, Blakeley, the drugKiat. Suits to Order, $10.00, John Pashek, The Tailor. C. J. STUBhlNG, WlllM.KKAI.I-: AM) IIIXML Wines. Liquors Cigars Family Orders will receive prompt attention. J. Phone 234, Next door to First National Bank. THE DALLES, OREGON.