The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, December 17, 1900, Image 4

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Sheriff Kelly went to Mosier this af
ternoon on business. ,
V. H. Moore, the Moro banker, was
in town last nlcht, the guest of the
Umatilla House.
D. Pufur vent to Moro today to su
perintendent the placing of two of his
patent closets in one of ttie hotels at
that Plate.
Mavor E. B. Dttfnr left Saturday to
look nfter his wining interests in South
ern He does uot expect to
come back here until February.
Acting Postmaster F. S. Fisher, Miss
Dawson, delivery clerk. Judge K. Mays
and Attorney V. H, Wilson have coiiu
to Portland as witnesses in the H. II.
Kiddell case, which ws to come up for ,
hearing in the federal court at that place ,
flrfcon Ill'torlcal unclrty Marts the
MovpiiKiil-Meeting "ftlir Society I
In I'ortlmnl. '
At the annual meeting of the Oregon
Historical Society, which convened in;
Portland last Saturday, a resolution was
adopted pledging the society to erect
during the year H'05, on the site of Fort
Clatsop, an imposing and enduring
monument in memory of the Lewis and
Clark expedition and of the brave men
who accompanied it. In connection
with the erection and dedication of this I
monument the society recommends thej
holding of a Northwest Industrial Ex-!
positiod at i'ortland. Governor (jeer le
asked to submit to the approaching ses-
after eating
ts cnuaed, from the stomach not
beginning Its work Imniediatclr.
until tt tots to work you feel di
tres.ed th food lays In your stom
ach lib a wight.
To start digestion to make the
stomach do its wort you must assist
it it your stomach is weak or slow
to work.
No. 21
tkn after meal supplies the stom
ach with necessary acids and juices
which digest the food quickly in a
proper manntir To Ret the best
results use Baldwin's Health Tablets
So. S5 with tho Dyspopsia Tablets.
The Dyspepsia Tablts coat 10c and
can be had at
Clarke & Falk. The Djlles. Ortgon.
Klpmrnta of Chinese nitnrhnre.
Lone travel tliroupli many countries
ltns nuu'e it clear to my inicd that there
1 are three thine- which have wrimtrh'
ruin in thte foreign lnnds wherein
honest trntle emth! be built up l lion
! nun. These are whisky, an ep
furei'i civilization, nnil a false use of
hi- Ilih'r. H vliik,i . 1 inenr the intrn
I'uetioii into t-ueh countriet- as China.
t .la pun anil the Soiit4t Son iskirds. of
the nintiufnettire of ruin and its insii'i
J ous. fiwiiintiu!: and ruinoii?-effects on
t tin- natives. 15y civilization, 1 mean the
introduction of ueh methods ns are
whoy unneeeNary to tin already civ
i'izei' people. Mich n a ohanpe in dress,
fashion!-, and other hyhrii' social ciif
tonis. By the Bih'e- am' I would mi
nothing ntrainM the pond book 1 menu
the introduction of cant by unprinci
pled hypocrites, whose only nim in at
tempting to spread the(!(pel haslwen
their personal train. Kobert Mackay.
in. Success.
Took the l'rle at l'arl.
I The Ludwig pianos took the world's
I fair prize medal at Paris. Also note
j what the prima donna of the Royal Ital
' ian Opera Company says:
I I have nsed one of your I.udwic pianos
for some time and have been very much
I find vour piuno
for vocal studies,
sion of the legislature this action on the ' pleased with its tone
part of the societv. and to urire anon particularly adapted
that bodv 3 cordial an effective support ! and at present while practicing several
..." . , i . i t-i ; new operac vour piano is tnv choice
of the movement contemplated. The , Bpa,n j will alwavs have.a g6od word
governor is also requested to transmit to j for your charming instruments,
the governors of the states of Washing-1 Respectfully,
. . I T?. ... X-
ton, Idaho, Montana and Wyoming, , tmist ini.
which were comprised in whole or in A large assortment of pianos, like I.ud-
wig, kuabe, Martin, Kingsbnrry, itvin
Itonniier's Name Una Many Syllables.
Tou-Hsi, the name of the Chinese
empress d-ownper. is not her full name,
but merely an abbreviation. Anions;
the nunieroiis distinctions enjoyed b
the extraordinary lady is thnt of pos
sessor of the most letipthy nomencla
ture of any Chinese woman, ns her true
name nuts to no less than 14 syllables.
When she sipns it in full, as she does on
exceptional occasions, it reads. Tsou
Hsiyu - k'aiiEr - yi - ebon - yu - cliuani;
eh'etip - slum - kuii-ehinp-liMeii-eh'uiip-usi.
Didn't I. Ike Inurntitndr.
At Freeporl, 1.. 1.. a hen laid an eptr
every day in a kennel and the doe: ate
it. She stayed lonuer than Usual one
ray nnd he shook her. Since then she
has kept away from the kennel and the
dog has given up his ept: diet.
part in the "Oregon Country," a copy
of the resolution with an invilation to
the people of these states to participate
in the objects set forth in the resolutions.
The secretary of the sccietv is asked
and Franklin, can be found at Xickel
sen'a music store. Great sacrifice sale
going on now. Select your Christmae
piana early.
to communicate to the senators and ( catarrh cannot ite cured,
representatives in congress from Oregon i wlth local applications, as they cannot
and the other states above-named this ' reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh
action of the sacietv and solicit their ! ie a blood or constitutional disease, and
in order to cure it you must take inter
nal remedies. Ball's Catarrh Cure is
taken internally, and acts directly on
the blood and mucous enrfaces. Hall's
advocacy of such congressional aid iu
' "5b accomplishment of the purposes ,
above 8.' forth as may be available.
Not 1lif iee interesting purt of the
exercises of the day seem to have been
the reacting of a paper by Mrs. E. M.
Wilson, of this city, of which the fol
lowing i? the account given iu the Ore
gonian :
"Mrs. Elisabeth M. Wilson, of The
Dalles, presented a narrative of her
personal experiences in coming to Ore
rgos. She told of the great interest of
'her father and herself in the Oregon
country, and how they had read every
thing that had been published on the
subject, and were ready, eager to con.e
here when the opportunity arrived.
Mrs. Wilson's paper was largely com
posed of notes of her trip from New!
York to Oregon by way of the Isthmus
in 18-31. She came out as one of a
company of teachers. She told her
story charmingly, illuminating it with
an occasional comment and making it a
Vivid but no: overcolored story
not loaded down with details mechanic
Knt Suit Ijifcr, Pcnvcr. It.
Jlnll Worth, Oniiilm, Kmi p. in. ms Cltv, st. Umls
Chicago mid Kmt.
A f.K.VK
106 p m
Atlantic isnlt lJike. Pcnvcr, Kt. I l..n. in
Kxpross Worth, (iinitlui, Kmi
K:. n. m.1 ! Cltv. St. liuls,
Vis Hunt- ChlciiKuiiiul V.utl.
itiSttou. '
y:'i") p. m
? 1. m.
JIlniicnjHilii. St. l'liul,
i)u 1 u t h, Mlhwmkec,
Chicago nnd Kiist, viii
Srokiiuenliit Hunting
tun. nln nil lmiiits in
WHsliliigtnn Mini Kst
em Oregon.
, KBOM 1'OllTtAM'
Occun Stcrtmslilpe
For San Fruuclco
Kvcrv Five Dr.v.
HiwikHiie 1
Mali :
Kx press j
.1:31a. in I
Wines, Liquors Cigars
Family Orders will receive prompt attention.
Phone 234,
Next door to Firtt National BHtik.
l p. m.
a-rs.T-rj cra-i a-i a ta r athtata ta-t a-ra-rwTjr
S p. m. 4 p. in
Kx.suudrty ColumDlR Uv. Stenmers. F.x.bunfi
To ASTor.ti nnd Wny
FaiurdHY IudlliR. ,
10 p. m.
C a. m. VtLL.ur.TTK Ittvr.n. l:S0 p. m.
Kx.buiulay Oregon City. Newhvrt;, Ex.Hutida)
t-Hlcm i Way Lniid'h.
ntvnnivrK nt the Kcgtilatur I.itio will rim lis jh t tlie lol '! M'lti-dtilc. the Compitii- retrying thu right to change '
M '.cdulu wltiimt initire.
7 a. m, WttLAMrrrr. ASn Yam- H.ko j. m.
Ttlm.Thur. HIU. KlVKKS. Mnii.,Wnl
ud bt. Oregon City, Pityton, and Fri.
and Way-I :indiiig!i.
Str. ReKiilator
Lv Riparin
3:3A a. m.
Kipariu to lAiwlntoti.
y .10 a. in
I'artio dMiriiic to eo to llemmer or
lH)iiit on Columbia southern via lllggv Hhuuld
take No. 2, leaving The lialle at VI 10 p. m.
, , , . ,. , making direct counectlnUMit Ileppner Junction
Ros'vn, CUalum and Australian coals 'nnd Bigg-. Heturnlng niaiingdirwiu-onuwticm
by the Stadelman Commission. L'l-lm ! ?iVi?S',-,luWJ1V.L,rilJ,!:?v1.,,?fr?, wJ,h ' u tt"
Ia Dalic
at 7 A
Thllixlaj .
Saturday .
Arr. Portland
at 1 . r. H.
ut A M.
Arr. Dalle
a A V. M.
Ship your
Regulator Line.
Str. Dallos City.
I.v. Datlei
III 7 A. i.
Arr. Portland
at I ..'10 1-. .
l. l'nrtUrtd .J
at 7 (X) a. x. i
TuesiUr i
Tlmrwlaj- ,J
Arr Dillm'
at j t. a
Travel by the steamers, of the lii gulator Mm
rims tin lt nervlre pmhlhle
j ne i ompniiv win I'liui-avor to gia-1
t-or lutilier liilnrmutlmi n(idrei
Remember that Cocoanut Cream Tonic
will promote growth of hair. Charles
Frazer, sole agent. n9-lm
S atch our window for ten days. If
you don't see what you want, step in
side and we'll do the rest. Geo. C.
Soule Bros., professional piano tuners
of Portland, will be in town the coming
week. Leave ordere at Menefee &
Parkins' or Nickelsen's music stores.
De Witt's Little Early Risers are dainty
little pills, but they never fail to cleanse
the liver, reaiove obstructions and in
viaorate the system. Sold by Clerke &
Falk's P. 0. Pharmacy.
Our toilet necessaires are of the lateBt
importations; something unusually tine,
and at a price that will convince you
Send for testimonials, ! we mean t0 the, of The
The 0. K. A K. ftcaincr 'Iixloo "is now mat
ing regular trip.- to s.ilem and Im.'iiilcncc
stopping nt all way laudiug-i. She leave Port
land on Mondavi. Wedne-dlays. and Fridays at
r. a. m., arriving at Sa'etn I p m and IndcK'iid
enee about 0 p. m. on same day, neturning
boat leaves IiideinMidencf at a. m. and salem
ut 0 a. in. on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Satur
days, arriving at Portland iiixiut Z p. m. same
For full particulars rail on O. U. tv Co.'s
agent The liallea. or uddross
WVH. HfRl.HfltT.
Gen. I'as. Agt , Portland, Or
. S Por
lt 1411- ,5
ortland Olltce, Oak Street lux-i W. C. ALLAWAY. Con. Afft. ,i
Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine.
It was was prescribed by one of the best
physicians in this country for veers, and
is a regular prescription. It is composed
of the beat tonics known, combined with
the best blood nurifiere, acting directly
on the mucous surfaces. The perfect !
combination of the two ingredients ie !
what produces such wonderful results in
curing Catarrh
SOUTH and EAST via !
: Soutfiern Pacific Co.!
F. J. Cheney & Co., Props., Toledo 0,
Sold bv drrug2iats, price 7oc.
Hall's'Familv Pills are the best. 12
I politan prices. See
l Geo. C. Ulakelev.
our east window.
Don't use any of the counterfeits of
DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. Most of
them are worthless or liable to cause in-
To remove a troublesome corn or (
bunion: First soak the corn or bunion
in warm water to soften it. then parent j jury. The original DeWitt'e Witch Hazsl
down as closely as possible without draw ; Salve is a certain cure for piles, eczeinu,
ing blood and apply Chamberlain's Pain j cuts, burns, sores and skin diseases.
Balm twice daily: rubbing it vigorously j $0d uv Clarke & Falk's P.O. Pharmacy,
for five minutes at each application. A I
t, -..! corn plaster should be worn for a few Help Is needed otonce when a person's
. davs, to protect it trom the shoe. AS a , uie ie in oanger. a negiecieu cougn or
for sprains, bruises, ; cold may soon become serious and should
Shasta Route
Trains leave The Dulles for Portland and way
stations at I i u. m. and " p. m.
Leave Portland . ...
" Albany . ..
Arrive Ashland
" hacraiuento
" fcau Franeiico .
fi-3) a in urn
!2 ::; a m
.'-.() p ra
. . 7. li p m
Of the product of this well-known brewery the United States Health
Reports for June IS, 1900, Hays . "A more oupeiior brew never entered
the labrutory of the United States Health reports. It is absolutely devoid
of the slightest trace of adulteration, but on the other hand in composed of
the heat of malt and choicest of hops. Its tonic qualities are of the high
est and it can he UNed with the greatest benefit and satisfaction by old a ml
young. Its use can conccientiouHly be prescribed by the physicians with
the cersaintv that a bettur, purer or moru wholeHOtiie beverage could nut
possibly be found."
East Second Street. THE DALLES. OREGON.
Arrive Ogdon
" Denver
" Kansas City
" Cbluogo
6:15 a ra
J:m u m
7:-Jf u m
7 : lh it m
n.. i. ..o.,.v- unfl .ia..,-, general nnimeni mr epmuis
a:' ..:., i..j.r.. , -,t c m,i lameness and rheumctisfn, Pain Bslm is ', be stopped at once
I unequ&led.
I druggist.
Tiie following list of the Wksco county j
members of tliis society may be of
interest to readers of The Ciwomcle:
Dr. W L Adams. George C Blakelev, i it to be a great medicine," eays
Samuel F Blythe, P F Bradford, S LS. Phipps, of Poteau, Ark.
Brooks. Mrs Annie Pentlund Brooks. I me of bloody Hex. I cannot
One Minute Cough
For sale by Blakeley, the Cure quickly cures coughs and colds and
the worst cases of croup, bronchili",
"T l,av n.l nhnmherl!!.'. Colic. I Kfippe and other throat and lung
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and find i troubles.
Mr. E. !
"It cured
speak too
Sold by Clarke & Falk's P. O.
Experience is the beBt Teacher. Use
Acker's Englisti Remedy in any case of
A S Blowers, Alfred S Bennett, Mrs W j highly of it." This remedy a ways wins . cougns, corns or croup, cnouiu u ian to
Lord, Mrs Mary Varney Lang, J P I the good opinion, if not praise, of those i give immediate relief money refunded.
Lucas, B S Huntington,' John Leland i who use it. The quick cures which it 25 cts. and 50 cts. Blakeley, the drug.
Hnnderonn. R F (Virions. Dr J A Geisen. ettects even in trie most severe cases , gisi.
! make it a favoraite evoiywhere. for
I sale by Blakeley, the drugcist.
rrivc 1" AngvlN . .
El IMmo
" Fort Wurlh...
" City of Mexico .
' Houston
' New Orleans
" Washington
' New York
t :V0 p m
G:t p m
(,:: it ui
0:Viit m
1:00 a m
0:'J5 n m
ft .Via m
p m
7-.CO n tn
lu U, p ni
ll:.K)nm j
I u m
s-ir. m ,n !
11: IS a ra
U:f)a in
7:"i.' v m
7:C0u tn
li.f" p ra
ii;:X) a m
!i:li m
-I:b0a m
fi.-JS p ra
b- Vi u ni
li-l.'i p m
I'lillmnn and Tourht ears on both trains
Chair cars Sacramento to (Jgdun and Kl I'ano,
ntid tourist oars to Chicago, at Uiuis, New Ur
leuua and Washington.
ConnwtiiiB at Kan Franeiso with several
steaiiishiti lines for Honolulu. Jaimo. Cliiim.
j I'hilippliies, Central aud houth Ainertea.
hee ager.: ft Tin Dalle- station, or addrtss
Ocncral I'asiiciigiT Agent, l'or:,n:nl, Or
Retiring from Business.
Closing out my Entire Stock Regardless of Cost.
Dry Goods, Clothing, Hoots nnd Shoes, at much lee? Mum wholesale
prices. ill sell in hulk or in lots, or uny wuy to suit purchasers. j
Entire stock must "be closed out "before 30 days.
All goods will be eucrificud except Thomp-oti'a Glove-fitting Corsets
and Butterick Patterns. Your prices will be until). Call earlv and secure I
bargains. '
Corner Sefontl and (1ourt .U. ,
i L.
tpratjrnmro tjrat -itai 3
dorfTer, Mrs Bell Cooper Rinehart Fer
guson, J W French, D M French, E B
Dufor, Mrs Camila Thompson Iioniiell,
Mrs Lulu Donnel! Crandall, George F
uroweii. IK uoon, i;otert iays, aire A luli line of Uhnstinas trooue can
Olivia Wallace Morgan, Z F Moody, ! found at the.New York Cn-!h Store.
Malcolm A Moody, George T Prather, you will not have boils if vou take
E L Smith, O L Stranahan, Dr D Sid- Clarke & Falk's sure cure for boiU.
-loll n. T V W'H ' ,a Vliohctk 1
Jurta! Pamhn'
11U11UU1U 1 UU111U,
; 1
1 itf
flill..ajar,.,.1I7tn, ,lw4
.re II.MiUeri.ri i...
Wihon, William Penn Watson.
In all its etijed there
(boald be clean.mos.
Ely's Cream Balm
de&nee, soother and healfl
thu diwated c.tmljranc.
Jt enrea catarrh and driven
svray a cold iu the head
(Jreum I'.uliu U placed Into the nostrils, spreadi
cner the ineoibrauo and is Iloiicflj Im
medbteanda care follotvj. It U not drying doe
not prrxlnce aneezin. Luge Sue, SO cents at Pru
flH-i or by mall; Trial SUv, lu ccnU by mat..
US I.OTUElti, M Warreu S-.letft, Sew York.
1 A tun line 01 Eastman nims and sup
1 plies just received by Clarke 6c Falk.
Clarke & Falk's fiavorini: extraclM are
the best. Aek your arocer for tiu-in.
Floral lotion will cure wind chappiug
and sunburn. Manufactured by Carte
& Falk.
Paint your house with pauitt that ar
fully guaranteed to last. Clarke & Falk
have them.
Why pay $1.75 per gallon for inferior
paints when you can buv Jiimei' E.
Ration's sup proof paints for $1.50 per j
gallon, guaranteed for 5 years. Ciurl: li 1
Falk, agents. ml!
Wanted Men and women of vm I
' character and relerence, to represent un
Yellowstone Park Line.
tine- Lin.
fee Uuldb7dra;
gu-,4. Qi.. ,K
THE Dl.NINO CAR ItOL'lK KJ10M l'OUTI.ANIl virtue ut an ord-r of tui ..hi,, i, !):,(
Tn Tin- v tT 1 City. Oreiron ntadeon tn- ith iU ut Novem-
iu im. Imr. A I) I WO notice u n:rc:,y Knnn Hint un
TIIE ONLY DIRECT LINK TO TIIE YELLOW. he huld Jtli. day o? NovcmiH-r v.aai. the said
Wagon and Carrlago Work.
Fish Brothers' Wagon.
Tbird aBu Jefferson. Phone 159
I.KWB. Uaion Dapoi. FHiiiand I sts
:.'b. a. VmI mall or Tm-ornn, No.
.-enttle, OlymplH, Oriiy'o
Hutbor and .South lletid
iHillit, hp'itane. Kim
land, II. (.'., I'lillmnn,
Mixcow, Iewliitoii, llul
iril A.M. fHloiliiiniiminliiKCoiiii- SiSO 1'. il,
try, Helenu, Mliilleiipi
IU, nt. l'.tiil, OinaliH, (,'lty, Ht. UillU,
umcHKo nnd nil ijIiHh
No l. eat n ml outlu-iiHt.
1'iiKft hound Kxiirc-.s
Jl;S0 1'. M. lor 'Iiicohih mid Heuttlu
nnd iiitenntdlute ihjuiu
established house, splemleil (ii.portunity j - .
for advancement. Address I'. O. Box I I'ullinaii fim-f;la8 mi totirit leoir.
When you need a soothing and heal
ing antieeptic application for miy pur
pose, uce the original DeWitt's Witch
Haze! Salve, a well known cure for piles
iiiid skin diseases. It healo sores with
out leavinc a scar. Bewnrf of counter- j "ifuth and expenses. Permanent poHi-
leits. bold Lv Clarke & lulU'e r, O. tlon. Experience unntceasary. Write
eounell declared by renomlion adnpled that
wiai iiornon or inn hiui-huik .Hltu.ited on the
. .. northerly xldo ol Kultoi. Slree and lylntf n.-
,,.,.,. Uveeli the northeimt corner of the wiuiire formed
Aitmw,. i hv the llitnrhi'iitlnn nf i,i,l l-'i.lii.r. fc., ...... .....
V.BHhlnton Street In iialles City and n iolnt
U) feel east r.f wild torner un anl Kulton Ktreel
Is In ii (lniiKMroijs condition and In need of l.-lnx
rubullt, In itiatoaln Hidcv.alk N weak, deeuyed
and um-afe to travel iiion nnd It wuh ilmer
iclned by said counetl lo rubulld the Hume and
that thu cost if rebuilding until sidewalk be
cliarired to thu owner or owner of the property
ubutlnir on haid portini. of iilil sidewalk (li
elaredln a danjjurou-. condition a.-, u. pro
vided. Till notice N'piiblUtK.d for II da- from the
' nil mi) in ieeeiiiiwr, i-M), py urilor lit til.
: council of I)alle City, wnlcii oritur k maile
! Nov. aiih. VM.
Iliited ut iulM -It , Or., Ileci-niljr ;id, m.
Recorder of Mullen City.
No. 3.
087, Portland, Oregon.
Clark & Falk are never closed Sunday,
Aiii'i foritet this.
V 1 (i iim.1 ,fil til . Ut l.j.i.l .triri .1 i-r. r.l i ta
iiovlS-l mo ; without chiiiKe.
rr ... , .,, itlbiileI trains. L ulou deiAit coiitieetloiiH
Iltiallidie younu uiau can maku 00 per in all principal cltler.
Da,'Kt- ciiwixeii to (lenunRiion oi iicxetn,
for iiHiidiioiiicly llluiiiuttddex.-rlplive mutter,
tlckett, ftleciiliiK-car reervatioiiii. etc.. call on or
1 write
quick for particulars, Clark & Co.,
Fourth and Locust Streets, Philadel
bpia, Pa, 8.t(
AiUtnut (ieiieml I'd-weiiKor Airunt. 'i Jlorrl
tou atiect, corner Thlid, I'ortlaiid orcuon.
Litturf .if Crt-dti iimuti'i mailable in the!
KuHlern Siiiii-i,
.Sluht KM-liHiitin rtb'i 'IVileuraphi'i '
Trai- 'fer- hip. I ot, s'..w Yuri, Chicago,
Kt. L iuIh, Sun i raiieicc-i, J'ur-'.iiid Ore-.
Kon, rieuttle V ,ih(i,. and vitrJuiiK points i
in Oregon mid WiiaMntou.
CollectloiiH niado at all polnte on fuv-'
rahle teriufi.
Dyspepsia Cure
Digests what you eat
Nature iu HiretiKtueniug aud recou
atructlng tho exhausted digestive or
Cans. It Is the latest dlscovercddlgesi
ant and tonic. No other preparation
can approach It In etllciency. "J
stantly rellevesand pcrruanoutly cures
Dyspepsia, ludlgestion, Heartburn,
Flatulence, Kour Stomach, &a"Se08J
Side Headache, Gastralgla.CraropsanQ
nil nt.hor men 1 1 nf I innerfcct dlCCStlOU.
Prlcc50c. and $l. IrftrBOBltocontalns2 tBJ
'-cnared bj E C DcVITT A CO,
.Sold by Clarke A Falk's P.O. Pharmacv
Belgian Hares to Lease.
Hick Headache absolutely and periiui.
nently cured by uhIiii: Moki Tin. A
pieasant iieriiurink. uurea conntlpiitlon! I have ubont 100 thoroiiirhbred does
and indigestion, makes you eat, Hleup j that I will lease in Iota of 10 to reapou
and happy. Satisfaction guaruiiteud or slblo parties on shareH. Apply to
money back. Wets. andOOats. Ulukeley, ' c. K. HA 'AHD
the druggist. n30!i ' ' The Dalles.
jj . ui iii v Jlu V
I Mm
m hcli-a (I o team. Saves war mid B
WL expciihc. bo'tl every wl.erc. jm
fitlfL. CTAMOAHo'oiL CO.
Jt. K. HM1T11,
IKioum 10 mid ll,Ohii..iinu lilock,
The Ilall