The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, December 17, 1900, Image 3

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    Only Seven Shopping Days
No time; to dolay your purchases. Make overv day do
its part, as delays at the end are sure to occur, 'if
you don't know just what you want eoine
here. The very air is charged with
Christmas Suggestions!
Gentlemen's Suit Cases, Gentlemen's Neckwear,
Traveling Bags, Gloves,
and Valises. , Ueautiful lineof Silk Muillers
Shawknit Half Hose hy the box in all the
latest colorings.
Umbrellas, Wnlking Canes, Fancy Silk Vests,
I Sweaters, Fancy Colored and Dress Shirts,
Smoking .Jackets.
j flStsTComo early as possible and avoid the later crowd.
Iflhat Shall
bay yoa
for Ghwstmas?
He is here loading himself up with some of the
good things we are offering.
The best values on record.
Dent's Celebrated Glove $1.39
Adlers' Fine Street G-love 1.25
Clansse, worth $1.25; Special 87c
Ladies' and Misses' Jackets, Furs, Capes, all
styles of Wraps at I oh" for this week.
Buy Shoes
They make very acceptable and useful pres
ents and are appreciated by everybody.
Those Suffering
from Cold Feet
Would Appreciate.
A. felt lined, cloth top, kid foxed,
stout sole, lace shoe, $1.50.
A handsome satin quilted, fur trim
med Juliet, $1.50.
Men's heavy felt tan shoes, felt lin
ed, calf foxing, heavy felt
sole, $2.50.
We have everything desirable in
warm Shoes and Slippers.
All GockIh Marked
In Pltiln FUruroH.
mays & mm
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
it9 return to the Columbia Kicking Com-I An Uxiiiunution Hint Hiiiii.'. Nothing.
I Ousters
;i t-.y
. . . . t
m iyiu...
At A nclrvnw K jllor's.
pany. , (Mi .it
HKC. 17. WOO ' t'l,!a',!int' features of tin- rr
- j tnrn of The Dalles football Umin yeeter-
(lny wih u reception anil dinner at the
j Oburr Hotel, for whiclithu organi.ition
has to thank .MessrK- Claude Fnzzell
a;id Williams.
Tin: Dai.i.ks, Dec. IT, 1900.
'I o Tin: Kditou: In Saiiuday's issue
of your valuable paper you printed an
article headed "Down to Facte," in
which you cited niv recent hold-up
The members of 'I'he Dalles Commer-
ino to ihiike a correction, '. 50 itiHtead
r( t f-i f t l nr nnu.tMnlli rf (hut iinwmtit mi
oial and Athletic. Club are requested to ; mv person. Jleini: unable to find 'the
meet ut the club rooms) thin Olond.iy; origin of the theory tt.ftt I did not have
The Dalles football team returned
Further on vou stated thnt it was the i terday from their trip and report hav
opinion of the polie oflieers that J had had a most enjoyable time. At Heup
no such sum iib ::( (Uight here allow nep ,;,.. ...Dra ,'n ru.aoli n,i 0n'0r.
i 1 r.n .1 i n..j .. v . . v... ...... , ... .
ouslv treated. Nothing was omitted for
j boys in ordinary condition they must
certainly realize they would be no malch
ism c.midii't rny liiiii wonii a Cent for the Dilles team, which, as It was or-
! ginized for Heppner's and Wasco's
games, was of high Echool character.
TIiIh Tunc.
j yes- f The result of the Heppner game does
aving 'not discoi
evening at K o'clock in order to elect di
rectors for the ensuing year. J5y order
of the president.
Our reporter forgot lo Htate under up-
the said Bum (not even from theoflicers.
I have come to the conclusion that the
article was written by one who knew
their pleasure, and all departed with the
idea that Heppner was truly the biggest!
little town in Eastern Oregon.
The game yae a hot one, but Heppner1
nothing of the affair, and was mistaken ! won, 10 lo 0. The Dalles organization
111 u. unit in Inn at my ulllmi, IiiIckni
I'lMiHtm llftiT Nnvi'lllliKl- 'ill, 11IOO,
.ioiin r. iiAAii'niiiii;,
(iuiiiity 'I'i'ciiKiiK-r.
in iiin undoietHiiding.
1 would like to have it understood
that said article was not given for publi-1
cation by the police force, who, on the
other had, did all in their power to ap-,
All IViixim Ciinnl.v uhiiiiiiIk ri'ulHti'icil
prior t hept imr I, IKDT. nil) in pniil , propriate heading that the Wat-co neo-
ple are all right, and that they rave the
Dalles football team a most cordial re
ception on their visit to Wasco last Sat-I prebend the highway num. but from the
11. dav. Come down and He., ii", bovs. i description given them were unable to
do SO.
George Cum clings received notice hint I Regarding the Stewart robbery I know
weel: of bin re-imnointment 10 Hih tinn. ! nothing, not even the alleged victim. Prinevilln. Mr f '.! Hoping these few line iii defense will
iscourae the football players, and
they propose to redeem lost laurels be
fore the close of the season.
Their manager, Mr. Otis Patterson,
speaks in the highest terms of the con-1
duct of the young men under all cir
cumstances, and he proposes to stay j
with them to a finish. They are a tine j
body of young men, destined to become
the hone and sinew of our eommunii v I
1 i&ssftiii.
Tho only store ff
this city where the
(ienuinc Imported ,
Ware is sold
A little higher in
price, but outlaste
11 dozen niecesof so
called cheap enam
fled ware.
Other wares look
has tho name
Btransky - Steel
Wnreoneach piece.
Do not be deceived
First prize at 1C
International Exlii
bitions. Hihent
award at World s
Columbian Exhlbi
tion. Chicago Pre
ferred by tho best
certified to by the
mct famous chem
ista for purity and
durability it it
cheapest be causa
Remember thia
celebrated enam
eled ware isspeciab
ly imported for and
ebld in this city ex
clusively by us.
It does not xwA
nor absorb grease,
does not discolor
nor catch inside; is
fruits or
will boll,
sit .
and bak!
w i t h o 11 1
ini parting
flavor of
food and
will fast
for years.
We cau
tion th 3
was seriously weakened by the loss of
three of its bist players, and especially'; in all its affairs, when the present re
by losing "Fatty" ISrown and i t capjjj L'iine. in the natural order of thitiKS,
tain, Max Iiartell. fTTmie ordinal line- 1 shall have passed away.
China warn is Helling at half price at tilings bun made a very excellent post-
A. M. WillianiH it Co.'h.
Don't fail to .nee the mechanical toytt
at the New Yoik Canh Stoic.
U'autiid A girl to do hotiHewotk in
a Hinull familv. Applv at thi office.
'fhe mechanical Iovh at Hie New York
Casii htorti will pleai.e the old as well no
tlm young.
A marriage liceiiHi) wuh isaut'd SaUir
day iifturiiion to (.!. W. JohiiNton and
Aim -Viilltii Pi.liiu.r. "w'
maiiter and hie re-iippoiiitnient will be
yorv Hatiffactotv to the i'riuevillu peo
pie.' Alany a hearty laugh rings through
the Iiiiuhu when 'Unman Hearts" in
playing; many a soul-refining tear is
shed. Tim drama in replete with inter
est, incident following incident so close- J
ly it fieems that the author's invention j
siiflice, J am Youre,
A. M. AiniAMs.
The article referred to by .Mr. Alirams !
was written by the editor of Tin: Cnuo.v
ici.i: after conferring with several of the
oflicers of the law who had been work
ing on tho case. It expresses their
opinion of tlm hold-up lo a dot. The
reason why thee nll'uvrs believe that
Mr. Abrams did not lose 110 . nor possi
bly one-tenth of I hat sum, were not
up that met Hepiner last October less
than half remained. As the game had
been arranged and printing and adver
tising duno by the Heppner players, the
Dalles boys were in honor bound to
meet them, even if they knew certain
I defeat awaited them. In fact The Dalles
boys were compelled, under the circuni
stancrs, to go ito Heppner with a ten)
mint of the first organization, but prin
cipally with the high school line-up,
headed by their c.intain. Johnnv Coooer
In imtie.i to the latter, for hi? l'irst lmiiiu ! """"ber shop, r.''fnt
as Citptdn he did remaikably well.
Heppner earned one touch-down by
Pianos and organs ofTereii for sale now
at N'ickelsens music store are those
representing all creeds and all nations
in pianodom. Here you will see the
most costly Knabe, the reliable Ludwig,
or the Franklin, Martin, Irvin, Kings
hurry. Sacrifice sale is now going on.
If your hair is dry and dead-like, Co
eo.uiut Cream Tonic will give it life and
luster. It is pronounced the finest
tonic on earth. Can bo had at Frazer's
n9-1 m
' Don't forget Hob 'league is still in the
grocery business ho can give ou good
must find its limit, but tin, the action 1 staled in the article out of deference lo
Mr. Alirams, nor will they be stated
now for the same reason. Tin: Ciiuoxi
cm: simply reported tho facts as it
llulloa Dilvlnc AiiMKtlultiin.
AllVrtlMcl l.flll'IN.
sustains its novelty and force lo the very
clo'u of the last net, which alone Is
worth see'int!. A silent storv cllectively
The Chrysanthemum Club will give its lo!(l tt) u lliglmi audience, who struggle
lirst dance of the season at the Baldwin ! wiln teurHi Tonight at the Vogt.
tomorrow night. iNoiio but members ,
and invited guests will tie admitted.
Through tlm courtesy of IlepreKiuita-1 Articles of iiicorpora'ion of 'fhe Dalles
tine Moody this olllco has u quantity of Driving Association were llled in the
choice turnip seed which will bn dis. j office of tho county clot !: tnis afternoon,
tributed fieo for all as long as it lusts, i "Tho objects, buiiiiess and permit of
A great, sale! A. M. Williams A Co. ! the incorporation are to promote and
are closing out their entire linn of line develop the physical capacities of its
decorated china ware at just half tlm ! mombora mid tok promote and develop
legulur price. Koine splendid pieces in i agriculture, stock-raising uiid mechanics,
the lot for mas. giving. to build, maintain fair grounds, race
Thursday afternoon at the Ualdvvii. i "hh, ItulldinuH anil things necessary
,1.,. ..,1, , .... i,.......i!.. ..1 1. and convenient in c.irrying out said
..... ... .... out. u ..; 1 ,,,,,,,,.,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,, ,,,, ,,,,, Chappell. .lames Clark, Miss Ann
iiavo a sale of fancy articles and a pond ! ' ' (ir ,,' n. . ,. Carroll, Mr John Dnnkiii.Joliii II ('.)
full of tho most wonderful fish for the I ,H( "y or ,ll",v, n l" , (uul 1 l 1 Dolun, J Ksau, John
littlo folks. Admission free. I for M V"rwm ; la hold fairs, at which ' nuinphrcy.MrUno Hague, Mrs Ida
,, , , . , . , 1 shall be exhibited all kinds of ngriuult- Klindl, Mis Dora Larson, Lewis
Ihu three mechanical Iovh of flu, mn hlulR lltltl Btou fllrm)K ,,,. McCall.ster Mrs S Mcilalle,.. M,s Mat
av-e-lh,, speodway racing g.g, CO cei.tsj , , lim.hlI1()ry of a k lUH, More S U Ur.le la Mnrtel , Mi8
down, stubborn donkey and cart -IS , , , , m MeAMI, ,r, Arllnu uu H e n
cent, j the African In. ter carrier till els. ueol, Bl whi!h hhft, ; lt Chns iageri: JilsVida
l-or B.ilo by the .New 1 ork Cash Sto.e. Qf Hpuw, un(, a kji(lfi uf ftti,Bl spiJrt8 . stCIulri., Mr J F Wright. Minnie '
lliey'il be snapped right up! J hose , umi VMma. to grant concessions and
beautiful vases, cups and saucers, plates, ,.(,t.ct fees mid admissions at any or all
dislms, etc, etc. A. M. Williams & Co. inhibitions."
inn ollVring at half price are just what! The pioperty of the Incoi poratiou
people uni fur at the present ' uoiisistH of ifliiOO In money and the leiiHU
Notice is hereby given that the part
nership heretofore exit-ting between A.
Michael, P. Surad and P. Perlman, iu
the Great Northern Furniture Store; is
this day dissolved by mutual agreement,
Mr. A. Michael retiring from the fir in.
Messrs. P. Surad and P. Perlman will
continue the business under the above
name of the fireat Northern Furniture
Store, and will assume all liabilities of
the tirin and collect and receipt for ail
debts due the firm, both in The Dallea
and Portland, Orecon.
Tho Dalles, Dec. A, 1900.
P. Pnuui.v.v.
A. Miciiai:i.v
do-lw P. .Sun M),
I'or Kent or Mile.
The Sam Wilkinson warehouse, on
First street, is for rent or sale. It is a
three-story, corrugated iron building,
llOxll.'i feet, with water elevator. Apply
to Sam Wilkinson, The Dalles. nL'(i-tf
Come in and see the latest in art.
Cheaper than ever. Geo. C, lilskelev.
I work and playing, one was the result of goods and low prices, he has juH received
a fluke, and caused by the Dalles cap-' a very lino line of coffees, the best in the
I tain mistaking tho remarks of one of tho city. Try them. Phone. No. 14 1
j Heppner players for those of the mn-
1 nir.'. and the second one. The Dalles ,
learned inem iron, inn omcers lips, ami l)0V(J ,,,,,,, not ,mVB bem i T'WfrlJWW.
w, t,o,,tt..esl,g,,estsc.,,..liao.perso,,alllorte(,i . M howVl.r 1Iem,r ,. , Q tkUUSiltld Styles aiK? SlZeS.
feeling against Mr. Abrams, whom the )nm, exePullt Ieilm vyork, the result : - -. J. pn.. Pnnu;. ?nfi hpormo- T
editor never saw to bis knowledge and I . i i .... i, T' 0g COOKSIIg, clilU neallng. -VT'
e.utor neyr 10 ottiue ami ( of lmvlHK a ,ln,,l COaeli, while 1 he Dalles 1 v.. Q p..J,.0r -fr.-nn C r- Cm TtS$
uum iiui riiu ii nr iin-v nun uu u.r ',.,,., ,i , ... ,.,... ... II :,, . , ,ut,.. '( L' ' i.vw iiiii,,s .vf .jv.
' "W vi. a
of "0 acres of ground imar The Dalles.
! of the organization. The latter clear ly
outclassed the former in condition, and !
Following iB the list of letters remain-J despite Heppnet's knowledge of- the!
ing in the postoflice at The Dalles uii-k'aine and splendid executive work, if)
called for December lo, 1000. Persons Tin Dalles bad possessed the same or- j
calling for tho sanm will give date on , ganization mid had played the game
which they were advertised : i they did on Tlianksuiving with Pullman,
Agnew, Mitchell Austin, Joseph ! there would have been a dill'eient story, j
Anderson, MissAiine Isills, .Mr .1 r Thn Ni'aso iraine on Nituidav was a
Coulter, Miss Giaco Chapman, Frank,! j ti,, thou-h the Wasco cianls c.uinot
play ball with our hiL'h school crgauizi-'
tiou, which is the best of its kind in
Oregon. (
Tho members object seriously to thoj
Oreoniaii's icport coiieerning the game '
at Wasco, When the liist half ended'
the Dalles team was on Wasco's thirty
yard line, and at no time in the second
half diil Wasco have the bill, and al the
Vmi i.'.in'i Aii'iini in aiism ii. I close of the List half The Dilleswus1
I moving rapidly and was within seven
St. Paul's church was crowded last yards of a touch-down. This was ac
night, with an interested audience, which .oiiiplislicd by a cnppled team, weigh
assembled to hear I!ev. Dr. Alexander i,, mi,,., lets' tiian Wasco; hut despite
Hlnckhurn, When he came forward he , ,jH ,, uor was no match for fhe.
i sicei
) RillJCS
Governor Guer, Salurdiiy, appointed , The ineorporalois urn, K. 0. was received with a storm of applause j Dalles. Murray, qui ter-hack, with a i
George A. Young, of liiikeovon, one of 1 Pease, H. L. Kuck and D. V
three delegates to represent Oregon at I
the National Livestock Association
meeting at Salt Lake City, January 15-j
18. !
list, a MiihoiiIii charm with ripiure 1
and compass set in black onyx, and the
initials V. L. (J. dimly engraved on tho
back, When lost It was attached to a
I'luck silk fob uhain. Will give if:' fiO fur
For Iiifauts ami Children.
Thi Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Slguutore of
...1.1. ill linriliirml tt tin .t.iiltiiti lli.kl. i i .1 .).. nui.n.,... w.i j oiukcii ooue 01 iesH iniiii a iiiuiiiii ;
heuity deinoiiHtration of wele.oinn con-1 (i,oehler, half-back, with a dislocated
linuliiir for nearly three minutes, J collar - bone from the Thanksgiving
Times, Lowell, Mass, I game; Williams, half-back, ith ankle
You should hear his unique lecture in ; aprulm-il iu the Heppner game, and a'l '
tho Calvary Baptist chinch Wednesday 1 1, , Verv sore from the hard game
fThc genuine all bear the above TriiivMark c.i -lv
i and are sold with a written guarantee.
i j.j ri.i rt:.,. n-.! rt,3.n.icAn iiino r v :.
AwaiUBU nisi nuts reins caijusiuuii idjju
If you have dandruff, your hair is
falling out, Use Cocouiiul Cream. F'or
sale ut Friuar's barber shop. nU-Iiu
with Heppner on Friday, were some of
the impediments encountered in Wasco's
game. Tho majority of the Wasco team
weigh over -00 pounds, but wltii our
Sold ly First-Class Slovo Mcrchanls cvctywheic, yvy"ti
M, Tin- Stove Company. u i