The Dalles Daily Chronicle. MONDAY - DKC. 17, 1900 ami commercial standing of the highest." The l.udwig piano makes friends wherever it is sold. At Nickelsen's music store you cnn buv one below ebb THE SENATORIAL QUESTION. Corbctt has already secured his apartments at Salem in view of the senatorial election. His sack is being filled and tlic vultures wjl) soon, bo 6n the grouud to get their i':t.!oti5. Baker City Democrat. This is the season (when the sena- tide. Notice of involution of rrtliortill. Notice is hereby given thnt the part nership heretofore existing between Grant .Mays and L. E. Crowe, under the firm name of Mavs it Crowe, was dissolved Dee Notice of DlDKiilutliili. Notice is hereby given that the part nership heretofore existing between J. E. Adcox and Theodore H. Liebe, under tlie (km name and style of .1. E. Adcox & Compnny, is tine day dissolved by mutual consent, J. E. Adcox retiring from said firm. Theodore H. l.iebc will continue the business of said firm under the name and style of J. E. Adcox.tfc ' 1.1000, Grant Mavs re i Company, and is authorized to receive! tlringi ' anu receipt tor all moneys due said firm, me uusiness win ue couiiuueu uiiuur , - - the old firm name of Mavs & Crowe bv . uu presented to turn for payment L. E. Crowe. All claims against the torial election approaches) that the firm wjh be pnilli aml nll accounts and average republican journalist hnds notes due the firm collected by him. much merit in Hon. II. Y. Corbctt, Guast Mavs, L. L. CitoWE, the benevolent Portland banker. Jacksonville Times. T" i...m jtjiy ocne l'tc Oregon legislature will meet ; It having come to my knowledge that in January. An election of a United ! parties, presumably interested, are States seuator is booked. Every little "Jim Crow" politician in the state is preparing to hie himself thither and pick up the crumbs that will fall from Corbett's table, who is billed as the "big Injun" with the dough. Baker City Democrat, The query is often put forth, "will , . claiming that when I sold out my retail interest at 17o, Second street, French's block, I contracted to not open any re tail business in the city of Tiie Dalles. I beg to say that I sold my right not to open any retail business between Fed eral and Washington streets, on Second street, and have and intend to conform to my contract. My place at the Hank Cafe is in no sense in violation of the Dated this 10th day of December, 1000. .1. E. Anco.v. Tiiko. 11. Linni:. When the stomach is tired out it must have a rest, but we can't live without food. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure "digests what you eat" bo that you can eat all the I good food you want while it is restoring the digestive organs to health. It is the only preparation that digests all kinds of food. Sold by Clarke & Falk's P. O. Pharmacv. The most effective little liver pills ' made are DeWitt's Little Early Risers. They never gripe. Sold by Clarke & Falk's P. O. Pharmacy. the republicans hold a caucus for the contract nomination of a candidate for U. S. senator at the coming session of the legislature?" Most assuredly yes; this is one of the principles advocated by the republican party. But in this caucus there should be no secret ballot, in justice to many members who compose the body. Every man Is presumed to be honest, and in these days when there is suspicion of bribery and bartering of votes there is but one way for a man to clear bimself of suspicion and that is vot- dl-tf C. J. STirtiMMi. IHolutlou of rnrtiiHrlil, The partnership heretofore existing between A. M. Stringer and T. S. Ken nerly, under the etyle of The Dalles Dis tillery Company, has this day been dis- I solved by mutual consent, A. M. Stringer retiring and T. S. Kennedy continuing the business and paying all debts and collecting all bille. The Dalles, Dec. 10, 1000.. A. M. Stuingei: dlO 2w T. S. Kexnkiilv. VOGT Opera House Complete Cine of Drus at M. Z. DONNELL, THE DRUGGIST. $i.oo per month. Strictly flrnt class local and long distance telephone service within your home. Lines do not cross-talk. Your con versation will be kept a secret. No cost for installing. You get the standard 11 tinning Long Distant Instrument. Continuous day and night Rervicii. We will accept your contract for tun years and allow you to cancel game on giving us thirty days writ ten notice. PACIFIC STATES TELEPHONE COS. 1 J. E. FALT & CO., Proprietors Gommercjal SampIe JJ0omS. F. J. CLARKE, Manager. One Night MONDAY, Dec. 17th. Just What You uiant. Olulilri'ii' Haiielng Clin. In respone to numerous requests 1 iug openly and unequivocally by aye J shall comtueiice my children's dancing and nay. McMinnville Transcript. ' 0,1,99 at tl,e Baldwin next Saturday ...... t, . .j afternoon at 2 o'clock, the class to ex- As the time for the convening ot . . . .',... t tend over twelve weeks. 1 his is a rare the legislature approaches, the sena- 0pportlinUy for children to learn this tonal contest waxes warmer, and the delightful and graceful accomplishment relative strength of the several can- j and the mothers of The Dalles will not didates becomes a common topic of 10,1 lo B,vt "1Bir u,111!ire a cnance to embrace it. conversation dividing honors equal- j ly with '"the weather." The Corbctt forces, led by the Oregonian, arc j sparing no effort to insure Mr. Cor- j bett's election, but frequent embar-, dll-15 PitOKEssoi; Sandvk;. W. E. NANKEVILLE Presents the Big Dramatic Success, "Human Hearts," The Idvl of the Arkansaw Hills. Suniet Mining Company .UtiHtiiif;. Notice is hereby given thnt the Sunset j Murine Company will hold a special ' meeting on the 22d dav of December, ! . fi ,i ... . i. I . . i r .1 . . i . . ! liiuu. i me iiour oi u o emcK n. m.. bl rassing allusions are made through- j the office of the county clerk of Wasco out the State to the "hold-up" of the , ?ount-v' Oregon, or the purpose of vot- ' , mg on a proposition to increase the cap- legislature in 1897, and the people ital stock ot the corporation. Production in detail. Original Company of Superior Players. Scenic Display of Great Splendor. As presumed !!00 consecutive tiinhts in New York Citv at Fiftii A vet Theater. Mr Ah n A Purest Liquors for Family Use 9 Delivered lo any part of the City. 173 Second Street. H5S Long Distance. Reserved Seat" on sale at Clarke it Falk's Pharmacy. Iliilaui'H of thr do not seem to forget it as readily as might be wished by Mr. Corbett's friends; for Mr. Corbctt and bis aides get full credit for the "hold up," and no doubt deservedry. In the meantime Senator McBride is on dut' at the national capital, having reached there the opening day. d 12-22 S. Bolton, Secretary, Drying preparations Bimply dovel-, op dry catarrh; they dry up tho secretions, which adhere to the membrauo and decom- pose, causing a far moro serious trouble than the ordinary form of catarrh. Avoid all dry ing inhalants, fumes, smokes and euuITh and use that which cleanses, soothes and heals. Ely's Cream Balm is such a remedy 1 anil will cum patnrrli or pnld in tlio lipfid evening of the i easily and pleasantly. A trial size will Lo His political enemies' L"ai!edfo' 10 "ns- A"BRist" fell the charge him with being a wealc man Tho Balm cures without puin, does not to represent the great state of Oregon j 5rritate .r canso Buecang. It spreads itself 1 c I over an irritated and angry surface, rohev- in uie united aiaies senate, nun ym his colleague, and the "ring" of which the latter is the head and front, evident!' consider Mr. McBride of sullieient force to guard Oregon's interests in that august body at this time, or, if we believe the other in" immediately tho painful inflammation, With lily's Cream Jiulm you aro armed against Nasal Catarrh and Hay Fover. A VHIuch llluckmnltli .Suveil 111 J.lttlo Son's I.tftj. Mr. II. H. Black, the well-known blacksmith at Grahamville, Sullivan Co.,X. Y., says: "Our little son, five i I I lrt Hv- :o-.t, TTu linni,-, .inc. : New ideas in Wall Paper here. Such wide variety as we are showing never be fore graced a single stock. Ileal imita tion creton effects at ordinary prices:. Good papers at cheap paper priceB. Elegant desimis, tasteful colorings, yours for a small price, at our store on Third street. Also a full line of house paints. D. W. VATJSE, Third St. Gunning, Blacksmith, Wagon Shop, Horseshoeing. Dealer in Blacksmith Supplies, Cor Second & LansMiu. 'Phone 157 PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-openod this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH Pioneer Grocer. 5 fill kinds of Funeral Supplies; Crandali & Budget UNDERTAKE tf EMBALMERS Tho Dallas, Or. Robes, BuriaSh Etc. alternative, they consider the success' CHOCOLATE BON BONS. In talking of Chocolates please i years old, has alwaye been subject to i remember that wo carry u full lino of croup, J. i',. KCHRNCK, i'rL-.iiiR'iii. U. it. JIKAM., First National Bank. THE DALLES - - - OREGON A General Banking Businene transacted and so bad have the attache been 1 LOWNEY S, just opened, fresh from L-d manv times that he the factory. In plain and fancy boxes f.. ri. .:....., i .1 .: . ,. I iui viii n bliiuc, uini itt iniucn lu lieutenant at his post of duty. hen- used many medicines, but Chamberlain's enit. Don't forget that we are head-1 Km una ieleKraptiic iizchanKe Hold on . 8 J ' n ... 1 ...... .... Nttu' nrlr Sun It rfltioipri unr Tl I fiven the stnt( though itemedy m now our fiolu reliance, i fjuarierfl lor tue D6SI on eartti. Mi me ' -"- a oi urn "ring oi paramuuni, im-; tllat we have fear!;(i portance to the presence of their able would die. Wo have had the doctor and Dopoaite received, Dubject to Bight urcit or unecK. CollectionH made and proceeds promptly ator Mclirido has faithful and efficient service, and his I re-election would give greater satis faction to the masses of the people ; throughout the state than that of1 any other candidate now in the field. Antelope Herald. A Jiellalilu Firm. It seems to dissolve the toufli uiiicub and by m'viiiK frequent doses when the the croupy symptoms appear we have found that the dreaded croup ia cured before it cets settled." There is no dancer in giving this remedy for it con- i tains no opium or other injurious drui; and may be iriven na confidently to a ; bahens loan adult. For sale be lilakelev, i the druggist. ! Many persons have had the experience , of Mr. Petei .Sherman, of North Stratford, X. H who says, "For years I suffered , torture from chronic indigestion, but . Kodol Dyspepsia Cure made a Viu'l mnn of me." It digests what yon eat and Is I.OW.N'EV settles it. John C. Freund, editor of Music Trade, gives a hint to piano purchasers: "I.udwitr& Co., a popular and pro gressive firm, botti members of which John II. Luiuvlc. ami Charles A. Ericsson ure nrjetifiil niano-makeis. familiar with all the branches of piano building 1 n cortain curo for dyp"l8la and every and give their personal attention to the ( form of Btomuch trouble. It glvea relief supervision of the factory enjoy the ' J on. even ii, ' uui nients. Capacity of factory and actual I . I uut-pat, 2,500 pianos yearly. This firm ! is tl,H H" cro,,P n"(1 ,,,nK has a modern and up-to-date pinj.t, troubles prove rapidly fatal. The only . u,u.pped in h first-class manner. Make : '""" winedy that produces im-J tt,ir n ....... Their nlanos are at- ' "liate reaults is one Minute Conch I tractive in design, well and conscien-! Uuru U "l v;r' Vat to take and tiously made of the best eelected inn.!" ,bo re 1,,,ed ttM"l l"My curo lunc diseases. It The firm enjoyu and deserves the repu Geo. C. Blakeley, The Druggist. mm Bestaurant L. V. Hone. I'rop'r. All kinds of blncksmithint,' will receive CiMcf- Place in Ciioifil Oocnonh prompt attention and will ho executed f lFSl-UiaSS in tVery eSpeGC n Hrst-clasH shape. Wive him h cull. land. DIRBOTOKS. I D. F. TllOMI-HOK. Jno. 8. Scuknck. ; En. M. Wilmauh, Gko. A. Likiik. H. M. liK ALL. Imatt shoren, General Blacksmith and Horsesboer. Wasco Warehouse Company Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain ot ?n kin Headquarters for Rolled Grain, an kind? Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, SPtffD Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle- tOn FlOUr 1 'liH Fl0llr 1H manufactured cxpreHHly for family , , use : every nack is caarauteed to give satisfaction. Va sell our poods lower than any house in the trade, and if you don't think bo call and cot our prices and be convinced. Highest Prices Paid for Whea.t, Barley and Oats. MIC.II.H AT AM. IIOI'KS. Richardson's Old Stand, Oysters Served in any Style. Third St., near Federal, The Dalles, Or. 7 Keeoiiil ht., Tliu Diilleif, Or, Advertise in The Chronicle. J. A. EBERLE, Tfl(j ftf ffflfa, pii?eilorii?2 tatiou of making an excellent piano of poweiful and brilliant tone quality. Their instruments are cold all over the United States by responsible dealers who find them salable pianos, on which tbey can thoroughly rely, Financial will prevent consumption. Hold by Clarke & Falk's I'. O. Pharmacy. Dyspepsia can be cured by using! Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets. One little Tablet will give immediate relief or money refunded. Hold in handsome tin boxes at '25 eta, Blakeley the drugglit. C. F. Stephens ..Dealer In Dry Goods, Clothing, Cents' Furnishings. Hoot, HIiocM. ItiitK, ('iiiis, Notion. tor W. 1.. Dougluh Hlioe. Agr. Telephone No. Ml. beconil Ht., Tlie Dalles, Or, ! Stylish DrevSsed Men.... ' Are those who wear clothes thut are up-to-date In tit, workmanship and (jualltv. ( My line ot samples covers all the latest designs for fall and winter, the price is right, and I can guarantee a perfect fit. Suits to Order, $10.00. John Pashek, The Tailor. A complete line of Fall anil Winter iSuitlnuH, I'mitiiiKH unci Overcoating, now on display, JUll dlllerent varieties to so. lect from. PACKERS OF PORKandBEEF MANllKAOTUKKKBOK iFine Lard and Sausages Curers of BRAND Suits, $20 and ud. Call and examine goods before oluir JCl-.JXLO OC XJixw I )KIKD JJKKF. HTd. elsewhere. fii Orowe'e. becond Hlreut, opp, Muvh BE STRONG. Lincoln Sexual Pilla restore natural Htrent'th vigor. They do not exiiito or stlinulate. They . " perfectly pure and certain nerve food, aut every tai' j is staudanvted to absolute unifoiiuity. Who them n " von w l rejoice in strength, nerve vigor and ma"') magnetism. l'rlce, Jl.OO per box buy of your druggist or by mail on receipt of price, in plain wrapper. LINCOLN PROPRIETARY CO., Ft. Wayne. Jn' M. 7, Donuell, Agent, Tlie Dulles, Or.