(SDjrxrufck if VOL. XII THE DALLES, OREGON, MONDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1900. NO. 415 WAR FAR FROM BEING OVER England Has Awakened to Fact in South Africa Kitchener Wants More Men. Lo.snox, Dec. 17, 4 a. tn. Lord Salis bury and tiis colleagues mast today (eel greatly relieved that parliament was pro rogued Saturday. A grim irony now at taches to Lord Roberts' description of tlie war as "over." Yesterday the war' office, for the first time in many months, remained open throughout Sunday, in response to the demand of public anxiety to learn the latest news. Lord Kitchener is reported to have sent a fre?h and urgent request to the government to send out every available mounted man. With General Dewet again escaped through the British cordon in ttie neighborhood of Thahachu, the serious affairs at Vryheld and Zastron and the Magalies Berg disaster confront ing the British people, they will begin to ask, as they do, why Lord Roberts is allowed to come home. Ttie Colonial office onuounces its decis ion to enlist 5000 men, instead of 1000, previously nsked, to be recruited in Great Britain for General Baden-Powell's constabulary, which ehowB that recurit ing in South Africa is less active than has been anticipated. Dispatches from Lourenco Marques assert that nil tbe Boer forces are plentifully supplied with ammunition, but terribly in want of food and clothing. Mr. Krnger, at Thu Hague, received William Stead yesterday. Mr. Stead urged him to continue his tour of Europe and go to America. The Boer states man listeued attentively, but declined to commit himEelf in any detinite state ment. It is understood tie Is about to remove from his hotel to a private resi dence, hb though contemplating a pro longed stay at The Hague. IIIIIh TuiiKled I i, Washington, Dec. 17. The t-Lip sub sidy bill has tangled up the Nicaragua canal bill, and the opponents of the sub sidy are using the IJay-l'uunoefote treaty and the Nicaragua caual bill for the pur-; posu of prolonging debate and staving i oil' any possible vote on tbefhipping bill, i Tbe Kind You Have Always in use for over JJO years, All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as-good" are but Experiments that triilo with and endanger the health of Inluuts and Jhildreu Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castorla is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It (uontains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Nareotic Mibsianee. Its age is its guarsintec. It destroys Worms and allays Feverlslmess. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, ernes Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the The Kind You im Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. Tr eru coMxmy, tt mubha tmt. niw voim omr. It looks now as if some agreement would have to be reached that the shipping bill would not been pressed at this session in order to secuie action on the treaty or on the Nicaragua canal bill. The friends of the canal believe that it is unwise to pass the bill until the Clayton-Bulwer treaty is superseded. It is doubtful whether the president would sign any hill unless the Hay-Pauncefote treaty is ratified or something else is done which will prevent complications that would ensue should the United States begin to build the canal with the Clayton-Bulwer treaty will recognized. While the friends of the canal still remain hopeful, it looks as if the whole matter were now shaping to defeat both canal and ship subsidy. (Slorloti Newt. Comes from Dr. D. B. Cargile, of Washita, I. T. He writes: "Four bottles of Electric Bitters has cured Mrs. Brewer of scrofula, which had caused her great suffering lor years. Terrible sores would break out on her head and face, and the best doctors could give no help; but her cure is com plete and her health is excellent." This shows what thousands have proved, that Electric Bitters is the best blood purifier known. It's the supreme remedy for eczema, tetter, salt rheum, ulcers, boils and running sores. It stimulates liver, kidneys and bowels, exnels poisons, helps digestion and builds up the strength. Only CO cents. Sold by Blakeley DruggiEt. Guaran teed. 4 J'ayne Kill I'asit-fl. Washington, Dec. 15. The house to day passed the war revenue reduction bill. The opposition sought to recommit the bill with instructions to report back a measure reducing the revenue at least $70,000,000 and including a provision for an income tax, so drawn as to escape an adverse decision of the supreme court. Tbe motion failed, 131 to loo. Thereupon the bill was passed without the concur rence oi the minority, who refrained from voting. The amendments placed in the bill yesterday to tax express receipts wae defeated on au aye and no vote in the house, 125 to 1159. The pension ap propriation bill, carrying $145, 145,230, was passed in exactly thirteen minutes. For sprains, swellings and lameness there is nothing so good as Chamberlain'i l'ain Balm. Try it. For eale by Blake ley, the druggist. Clarke & Falk have on sale a full line of paint and artist's brushes S3 Bought, and which has been, has borne the signature of and has been made under his per sonal supervision since its infancy. Allow no one to deceive you in this. Signature of A. Kemuiiiin irain Aiihu. I Cohvai.us Or., Dec. 15. While plow- ing a summpr fallow field that was cropped this season in Fall wheat, Wal ter Yates yesterday afternoon found that he was turning up millions of little bugs that are in appearance identical with the grain aphis, the plowing is six inches deep, and the soil thrown out is per meated with the bugs. Joseph Yates, who owns the farm and has fanned it for thirty years, believes the bugs to be the regulation aphis, and he further be lieves their work at the roots of the wheat to have been largely responsible j for the partial crop failure on the same field this season. Up to a late period in the season the prospect for a splendid crop was very bright, but at threshing time but litteen bushels per aero was realized, The same field in the past lias always returned from 25 to 30 or more bushels of wheat per acre. Two weeks ago Lon Locke, plowing on the J. Fred Yates farm adjoining, dis covered multitudes of bugs of tho same kind, and all the farmers in the neigh borhood declare them to be aphis. After an investigation of a eimilar discovery a couple of yearB ago, a member of the experiment station etafl announced that the bugs were not grain aphis. The Yates farms aro located in Linn county, three miles east of the Corvallis ferry. A I.Kti Ami Dentil I'iKllt. ! Mr. W. A. Uines of Manchester, la., I writing of his almost miraculous eecape from death, says: "Exposure after meus. lcs induced scriotiH lung trouble, which ended in Consumption. J hud frequunt I hemorrhages and couched night and day. All uiy doctors said I must eoon die. Then began to usu Dr. Kind's New Discovery lor Consumption, which com pletely cured me. I would not be without it oyen if it cost $"j.00 a bottle. Hundreds have used it on my recommendation and all say it uuver fails to cine Throat, Chest and Lung troubles." Regular size 50c and $1.00. Trial bottles free at IJIakoluy Drug Stoie, -1 Tlwy i'lllt-ti (iulil I'll ee, W.niu.M,T0N-, Dec. 15. Chief Wilkle, of the secret service, received a telegram today, announcing the urrest in Kan Francisco of William Henton Frltch and Emmett Henton Fritch, father and son, Special Hobday Sale OF Decorated China Ware.... at half IKL WILLIAMS COMPANY on a charge of counterfeiting. Last Tuee- !' a workman high upon the new post- office building at San Francisco noticed two men at work in a back room in a building some distance away. Occasion ally one of the men came to the window and intently looked at an object in his hand. The workman grew suspicious, and came to the conclusion that tho men were counterfeiters, and reported the facts to George JIazen, of the Western division of the secret service, Mr. Hazen procured a field glass, and on Wednesday went up on top of the postoflice building, ere ho watched the operations of the two men. His observations continued the conclusions of the workman, and with a search warrant lie went to tho place and found the two men engaged in "filling" ten dollar gold pieces. The men were arrested and $3200 in coin captured. XllB Aijmlltu ufli flout Is envied by all poor dyspeptics whose stomach and liver are out of order. All such should know that Dr. King's New Life Pills, tho wonderful stomach and liver remedy, gives a splendid appetite, sound digestion and a regular bodily habit that insures perfect health and great energy. Only 25 edits at tho JJIakuley drug store. -1 ISi'Jiiii'h Now I'nper. Lincoln, Neb., Dec. 15. William J. Uryan gavu out the following interview today : "1 have for several years hud in con templation the establishment of a week ly newspaper, und this seems au oppor tune tiuo for undertaking it. Intend- ing to devote my lifo to the study and j discussion of public questions, I have taken this method because it will best accomplish the purpose which I have In view. Through a paper, 1 will bu ablo 1 to h'j' P ;n touch with focial, economic j uud political problems. Thu paper will at tho saint) time, il successful, provide an income sulllcleiit for my pecunluiy needs, and this kind of work will allow ! mo morn timo with my family than I havo been able to enjoy for several years past. "I expect to lecturo occasionally, es pecially in college towns, where I can speak to students, but my principal work will bu done with the pen, or perhaps 1 should day, with thu pencil. Thu paper price. will be called the Commoner and will defend the principles set forth in the Kansas City platform. I shall bo publisher and editor and Lincoln will Lu the place of publication." lid Fooled tho Siirceoii. All doctors told Renick Hamilton, of West Jefferson, O., after sutlering IS months from Rectal Fistula, ho would die unless a costly operation was per formed ; but he cured himself with five boxa of Uncklen's Arnica Salve, the surest Pile cure on Earth, and thu best Salve in thu World. 25 cents a box. Sold by Illakuley, Druggist. 4 Clarke & Falk hayu received a carload of the celubrated .lame K. i'atton strictly puru liquid paints 'is God's Good Blessing " I feci that flod has blessed Pr. Acker witli (special knowlcdgo to prepare that grand medicine called Acker's English Remedy for Throat and Lung Troubles. It saves children every timo when they arc attacked by croup. Every mother should know about it, and I will tell about my expe rience. I had a darling boy of four years to dio with croup. My doctor did all hu could, but the child could not ho made to vomit. That wasbuforo I know of Acker's ling lish Remedy. After I did hear of it, I got a bottle. When our littlo eighteen -months -old girl was stricken with croup, I gavo hor thisinodieinc, and insidoof twenty minutes sho vomited and was but ter right away. During tho win ter she hud cioup four times, and it biought hur through each timo all tight. I, myself, had bronchitis pretty had, uud Acker's Kngllsli Remedy cuicd mo coniplutuly. Ilcforc I close, I want to tell you of my neighbor's boy, named Joho Nana. IIo had bioncliitis, too. Ho got worse all tho time My husband went over to his house ami told him about my caso. Then his mother wont to town, got a so-cont hottlo of Acker's English Remedy, and hu took it. lie eaino over to our houso a few days later and said hu was all right, and also said two doses relieved him from tho start. You can tin dcistand by my letter why 1 think so much of Acker's English Remedy. I re peat that Cod's blessing must surely havo been bestowed upon Pr. Acker." (Signed) Mi;s, John Ykaoi.k, Rochester, l'a. Sold at 25c,, 50c. anl 1 abottlo, throughout thu United Status and Canada; and in England, at is. ad., as. 3d., is, 6d. If you aro not satisfied after buying, return tho hottlo to your druggist, and get your moiioy back. Wt authorize lite ubineyuartuttu; It'. , MOilKllli it CO., I'rtin ttlort, .Ytm I'vik, For sale at Blakoloy's Phai'micy. I'lnyed Out. Dull Headache, Pains in various parts of tho body, Sinking at the pit of thu stomach, Loss of appetite, Feverishness, PimpleBor Sores are ali positive eviden ces of impuro blood. No matter how it became so it must bu purified in order to obtain good health. Acker's Blood Elexir has novel failed tocure Scrofulous or Syphilitic poisons or any other blood diseases. It is certainly it wonderful remedy and wo sell uvery bottle on a positive guarantee. IJIakeley, the drug gist. Don't Kill) It In, Just wet thu nll'ected part freely with Mysterious Pain Cure, a Scotch remedy, and thu pain is gone. Sold by Clarke & Falk. 99 t . 1 I . .l - -w- iip m II V J, ft 'ft, 'ft I B m m m if- I r: to': u 'it? J II i I VA