The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, December 15, 1900, Image 4

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    The B n j- With the 5adi.
No welt-nt ot ts him down.
That barefoot lxy with tincvr brown.
Therv t.nthlne empty In his fact.
No burden of the human rurt.
Are on hi back, nor I lie dead
To Joy or orrow. nope or dreud,
For he can crive ami he can ho;,
fan shrink with all ht oui from JOJp.
No brother to the ox W he.
He i seoond cvusiu to the bee:
He loosen and lets down hi Javr
Ad briuc It ui hi piun to "chaw.'
'I h :e nancht hut sweat upon hi? htow,
Ti Wanted forward .-ouiewnat now.
Hietes are brleht with eai:e llsht.
He wurtltic with nu appetite.
Ah. no That boy l not afraid
To wlUd with all hi strength his sule!
."orreiuuidlnc rcrrtary TrlW What He
Kiiot About l'aul Krucer.
25 Per Cent Off
Great Mid-Winter
Jacket and Cape Sale
For This Week
The following letter reuses to Rev. .
Paul Krucer, of this city. It a writ- ;
ten in answer to inquiries made by Rev. j
J. E. Liitsr, of Eugene, corresponding j
secretary of the Oregon Christian Mis-1
sionary society, concerning the cbarac-;
ter and standing of Mr. Kruger as a man
and a Christian a:i:iister during his res- j
idence in Nebraska. Otherwise the let
ter txpUins itself: ,
Xeu. CunisTtAN Mis. Society, ) ;
TJlsse, Neb., Dec. 6, 1900 i
J. B. Lister, Eugene, Or.: 1
Dead Buothek: 1 have yours nsking
about one Paul Kruger. We had such a
mau in Nebraska some three years ago,
and hud quite a little trouole with him.
He was a German with a little family; ;
wore a mustache and was quite energetic '
in his speech. He had trouble with the i
church at Franklin. Was accused and
arrested for barn burning, but was ;
turned loose by the court as lacking suf- j
ficient evidence to hold him. His man- J
ners in the pnlpit were such that no .
church wanted bin. long. I declined to ;
recommend him. as did also Brother 1
Bright, who was secretary one year. ,
His last effort amonc us was to attempt '
to stop Brother Z 0. Doward from ;
taking his pnlpit at Grand Island after
having been called. Kruger went on .
the ground while they were waitine for
Brother Doward and sought to induce j
them to call him. He preached once, .
or perhaps twice. One day a letter i
came to one of the brethern, purporting j
to be from IVnn, where Brother Doward
had lived, givins a bad reputation to j
Brother Doward as to character. ,
disturbed them not a little, but Brother !
Bright happened to pass tnat wav, and j
iie was instrumental in getting Doward j
Co take the place. He was shown the i
letter. It bare a postmark different j
from the one on the inside. This was I
suspicious. It transpired that the pa-
per tt was written on was exactly lis a
tablet loaned to Kruger a day or so be
fore, upon which he wrote a letter or
something like it. As there could be no
trace found of any one such ss purport
ed to sign the letter, aud the postmark
being different, it was at once apparent
that Kroger had done the whole thine.
The matter and papers were turned
over to Brother Bricht. and when Eru
er heard of it he at once went over to
the United Brethren and obtained a
country appointment with them. Their
elder got "wind of tbe matter and we
laid it before him, and Kroger disap
appeared. I had not heard of him since
then till now.
He is not a reputable minister in the
Church of Christ, and should not be
recognized. Jf be ever became a mem
bar of our body again I do not know it,
and I am sure tuat no church would
fellowship him knowing the facts. The
I'hcrches will iJo themselves a favor by
lettinc him severely alone. I hope you
will be able to manage him.
Verv Fraternally,
W. A. Baldwin,
Cor. Secy. State Miss. Board.
We will give 25 per cent or 1-4 oil of
our regular price on the above goods.
Remember we have no old styles that
we are trying to work off. but all goods
are up-to-date. This is a great cut and
we would advise you to call early and
get your choice. Remember 1-4 off, and
all our goods are marked in plain
figures. Remember its this week only.
C. J. STUBLilflG,
Will t I l.K AM) 111 TIM.
Only, j
! 3. Ia
Wines, Liquors Cigars
Family Orders will receive prompt attention.
Next door to First National Hunk.
Phone 234,
a-vjcr T-vk--i k
.-t 'lii'i'-rs il thi- Ili-Killutor I.lne will run hs per the ol.
itr Mi d'ili . tin- nmiitfiny reserving the rlsht ti, cliasje 3
Str. Reuulator
133 Second Street.
...THE FAIR...
The place to Save Money on ail kind? of Merchandise.
r. C JVIarquardsen, Prop.
IliiW N
Ht 7 A. X.
Thursday . .
.sutnrdny .
Arr I'lirtliinil
ut t : r. m.
I.v Portland
nt 7 A !.
51 o inlay
. Wcitiieoflny
Arr. 1h11i'
h fi r .
tit le it :t .'"'it ixitlct'.
Ship your
Regulator Line.
Str. Dalloa City.
I.v. Untie
it 7a.m.
Arr. rirtlmi(I
ut 1 -SO r. m.
With Shampoos of s0m It lit
l.i !'nr;!nd 5
t CO A x. I
Tucir 'i
ThurvIiT ,j
r-atunlnr i
Arr liailwj
nt r k J
Trmcl by tin-Stinmrr nl the Ucguialiir I.liii' Th iiiitiiiv will liiitli-uvnr tn Ri,cltiat
nm tin- l."t rvrtiLT Mniii)i- further iniufiuutlon mlilrfM.
1'ii-tlHiiit (Mire. Oat triTt l"C
W. C. ALLAWAY, Can. Ant.
Zion Lntteran church, Seventh and
Union etreit? Services at 11 a. m. and
7:30 p. ra; Sunday school 12 :15 p. in ;
Liittit-ran Ltidgue meeting 0:30 p. m.
W. Brenner.
Clvary Bctptist church Rev. V. 11.
Clifton, pastor, lingular services at 11
a. in and 7 :30 p. m, in the basement of
tlie new cbnrch on Union street. Sun
day uchool at 10 a. m. B. Y. P. U at
0:30 p. m.
Congregational church, Rev. D. V.
Poling pastor Regular services at 11 a.
m. Owine to the illness of the pastor,
services will be condnded by the young
people's society of Willing Workers. A
sermon prepared by Rev. Poling will tie
read by a member of the society. Sub
ject, "A Parados Losing and Saving
Life." Sunday school at 12 ;15. So
evening service.
Methodist Episcopal church Corner
Fifth and Washington, Rev. L. F.
Hawk pastor. Morning worship at 11 ; j ee ''em
Sunday school at 10 a. in.: class meet
ing at 12:15; Epworth League ut 0:30; ;
Junior League at 3:30; evening service !
at 7:30. At the morning service the j
trieme will be Worship in Giving." ,
Rev. U. W. Grr.nni. D. D ,of ther-uluin
university, wil, preach at 7:30 p. m.
1 rlt
U.J," i. m,
Tixr. sciry.DCLr.
salt Liitc, Dctncr, Kt.
Worth, Omnh, Kan
fns City. at. liuh,
Chicago unci
1:05 m
12 .3i h. m.
Via lluut-liiston.
rait liks, Denver, Ft 1 I mi. ra
Worth, Omaha, Kan
u City. nt. Louis,
Cbicajru unit Kaat.
Ajid light dressings of Crncrr.A, purest of emollient skin cures.
This treatment at once stops falling hair, removes crusts, ffsiles, and
dandruff, soothes irritated, itching surfaces stimuiaK s the hair folli
cles, supplies the ro- ts v,ith energy and nourishment, und makes the
hair gror upon a Bweot, wholesome, healthy scalp, -when all else fails.
Complete Externi
S p. Ml.
S p. m.
WRlla Walla, Spokane, nixikane
MllilR'HiMiltn. st. l'aul, .Mai!
Ju I u t h. Mllwaiikw, and
Chicago Btid Kaht, via Kxprusx
.rxantakd Hiintine
tnn . aI- all points in
Wahinc;ton and F.ul X.St) a. m
eru OreRiir..
.. .G0h1)HBlA BHEWEUY...
Of the product of this well-know n breuury the United Maten Health 4
Reporte for June 1900, saye . "A more nupeiior brew nnver entered f
the labratory of the United Matef Health reports. It is absolutely devoid A
of the slightest trace of ndulterntion, but on the other hand is cot pced uf
the best of malt and choicest of hotis. Its tonic qualities are of the nsh- j
est und it can he used with the greutest bent-tit und satisfaction hv old and
young. Its use can conscientiously be prescribed by the physicians with
the cersaintv that a bet tut, purer or mure wholesome beverage uouiil not
possibly be found."
East Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON.
1 4i
FROM I'OBTiA!,'!'.
Oreuii StL'amahlp.n
Fur tan
Kvury Five Dvs.
i p. m.
I p. m
Ki.suiiday.ColiimBia Uv. stcanmrxj Ex.auni'
10 A.'TORIA ana v. ay
?aktirday Laading. i
10 p. m.
fi a. m. Wiii.AKKTrK Rtvr.R. .J:fp. m.
i Kz.aunday Orvsun City. Nowlwrs. Kx.auudaj
ealem i: Way Imd'n.
7 a. m,
aud sat.
WsLLAMerrr. a.vhTam- 3:31p.m.
HIM. Kivekk. 'Mon.,Wtil
Ortpmi City, Dayton, and Fri.
and Way-I anrtititr.
Complete External and Internal Treatmant for Every Humor,
conu;inK oj ui.til lkjw cuir rr- ,iouiean u.c bj.hi oi cruris inu
.cair oul eofn-n the thlckHtiil cmlcle, CtnicunA Oi.vtbext '0c,).
to ioitaiitlr ni ay itching, inflammation, and irrllailoii nml .withcinti
heal, and Cniccu 5f.), to coot and eian thu blool.
j.u o i C r a Bi:;cr.E i?zt i onen unicn:ni 10 cure me cven--c iinmnr, wim
1 I.v I'.iixtrla
I daily
i 8.3.1 o. m.
h:,AKr. Hivki:.
Itiparia to lAivrinton.
9:Ula. rn
e Dbcg asd Cnsx.C'oa
hair, when ui. el Iali Sold throui ,out thr world. J'or-
0.3 lropa.( lloatos, " All atout the nkiz., Scalp, and llalr, free.
' Cutarrli Cannot lie Cured.
' with local applicatione, as they cannot
reach the Eeat of the diaeaee. Catarrh
; is a blood or constitutional disease, and
i in order to cure it vou inuat take inter
nal remedies. Halt's Catarrh Cure ip
; taken internally, and acts directly on
' the blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's
i Pfttftrrh Ctlrf a nnt A minnlr rii(,f1tptnf.
It , ,, ..ii. For full partlculari, call nn O.
It wa? was prescribed by one of the best agMiitThi! Dalit, or uridrc
Hay, grain and feed at Maier & Ben
ton's. 1L' it
Roslyn, Clalura and Australian coals
by tbe Stadeiman Commireion. 'Jl-lm
Lazell's, the best perfume. We have
it. M. Z. DonnMl. 10-lt
Notbine nicer for a Christmas present
ttian a bos ot Lazell e perlumes at Uon- physicians in this country for yeere, and
nell's. 10-lt ! is a regular prescription. It is composed
31. Z. Donnell has a lull line of La- of the best tonics known, combined with
zell'e perfume for the holiday trade. the best blood purlfieis, acting directly
on the mucous surfaces. The perfect
combination of the two ingredients is
J'artict deslnntr to tro to IIcihhht or
lniu no Miiuinma Boutncrn vu liiciik. itioiuo
lake ;;. J, leuving The- Dallei at rv: 10 p. in,
1 makliiK ilirw:t connection? at Hcppnor junction
ilid HiKi. liu'.urnlng maitiiKiliri.i:ti;oiiue:tl(in
at Heppnur Junction and IIIek ultli Ho. 1. ar
riving Ht The Dalle nt U:J p. m.
The O. It. it If. atinmer "MimIik- 'is iioh mak
ini: rnsulur trips to eulem and lnM;p:ndcnco.
utoppliig at all way landiuirj. Hnc Ivuvo fort
land ot, Monday. Weilneidayi, und Fridayn at
I, a. in., arriving at ha'en Ip in., and Inilepunrl
Biice about 6 i. m. on muin dayn. I'.oturiiiug
boat k-iivw IndfiH-ndviKi- nt ", n. m. mid nalcm
a: imi. in. on Tuisidayn, 'I hlirsdiOH aud nalur
dhys, arriving at I'ortlund atiut p. in auniv
It. k S. ( o.'
W. II. HI KI.HI'ltT,
den. 1'iin. Agt , i'ortlaud, Or
Retiring from Business.
Closing out my Entire Stock Regardless of Cost.
Dry Cioode, C lOthinc, l!uot and hoep, ut much lesf ttian w boierale
prices. Wili tell in bulk or in lots, or any w ay to unit purchuHcrs.
Entire stock must be closed out before 30 days.
All coode will l sacrificed except Thorn pionV Glove-Cittiim Comets
and liutterick Patterns. Your prices will be minu. Call eariy and secure
Corner Second and Court St?.
rrrj c tat atatatatj
L. Lane,
Blacksmiin 1
Horsesnoer I
fiemlemanlv Usiiers wili asaiet you to
In all lu ta;ea there
ifiomd to ciean.incn.
Ely's Cream Dalm
the tlutue 1 msmorjue,
7l core tatarrh and drive
away a co:d la thu heiul
t'reum Ralm U placed Into the no-rtriU, iprearli
over the membrane and U thjorbed. Ite'iefU Im
mediate aud a care follow. It ia not ilfjlns doei
not produce tneezing. Large Sue, Ui centi st Dru. l7 mall; Trul riUe, 10 cent by mat.
U.V IXiOTIIEUS, M atrec Sueet, 'ew York.
10 4t
Santa Claus has mude the ev. York
; Cash Store his headquarters for Xmas.
! Dolls! Dolls! Dolls! Alt kinds and
size?, from 5 cents up, at the New York
Cash store.
atch our window for ten days. If
you don't see what you want, step in-
eidfe and we'll do the rest. Geo. C.
, Uiakeley,
Come early and purchase vonr Xmas
goods while our stock Is complete. You
wii, find a complete line of Xmas goods
ut the New York Cah Store.
Our toiiet neresmires are of thu latest
importations; eomethinv unusually tine,
and at a price that will convince you
that we mean to give the people of The
Dalles an opportunity to buy at metro
politan prices. See our east window.
I Ron. fi. ItlaL-pW.
Clarke & Fulk have on sale a'full line ,
of paint and artist's brushes.
what produces such wonderful results in
curing Catarrh, fcend for testimonials,
F. J. Chk.vey it Co., Props., Toledo 0.
Sold by drruggiits, price 7oc.
Hall's Family Pills are the bent. 12
Ily virtue ol an order of thr luiinell ut Dulles
City Ori:on muriuun thtfiMh rluv of Novum
l.or A U 1M,0. notice Is nerciu c'lven thut on
the naid Oth. day of .S'ovorulM.-r. V,M, the suld
council declared liy resolution adopted thut 1
that portion of th. sult-vvulk snouted on the
northurlyldu of Fulton Stri.e'. and Ivirur he
1 tween the northeast t-irner of tin sipmrc formed
tiv the iritorseotion of uid l-'t.lion ntreot with '
. V,'i shinglon Street In city und u point
I lifeetejst nf mldcorneron said I'ulton .Street
I is in u ilungtrous eoadltlon und in heed of l; inn
I rebuilt, in that Maid. sldewiillt - uiMk, deeayed
; und unsafe to tnivul upon und it u deter
mined by nuid eounrll to rebuild the name anil
thut the cost of rebuililin n,tlil aldewitlk be
, uhurged to the owner or ok ners u! the property
uoutiug on Hit ill portion of sulil 4rirwiiU tie
eiured in a dunxorou , condition . u, i,n pro
, vided.
j Ta nutlet: I published foi II d.ivs from the'
I th day of December, I'tni. hy order of the I
, council of Dalle City, unlen order wns mude .
Nov.-juth. IIKjii. i
Dated at Dullw. ('it . Or.. Deteinl-r :ul, lwjo
St.l II li ATKei !
, iiecordor uf Dalloi City. 1
g. Wagon and Carriage Work.
Ef Fish Brothers' Wagon.
I Third and Mcn, Pbouc 159
Experience Is the beat Teacher. Use
Acker's Knylisli Hemedy in any case of
coughs, coldit or croup. Should it fail to
give immediate relief money refunded.
'Jo ds. and o'j cts. lilakeley, thu drug
KM. When you need a soothing und heal
ing antiseptic application for miy pur
pose, use the original DeWitt'n Witch i
Haze! halve, a weil known cure for piles I Sll:k Headache absolutely and permn
and ckln diseases. It heals sores with- neutly cured by using Moki Tei. A
out leaving a near. Beware of counter- Peasant herb drink. Cureu conntipation
feits. Sold by Clarke & Felk's J. 0. 1 and indigestion, makes you eat, hleep that I will lease in lnm nf in i
I'harinacy. and happy. Satisfacliou guaranteed orisihlo
ritANHA I'A KNbr.Al.rl.V . P.a UC'h'l.NKa
Lottfrf- ! Oreiin iMiie.i HViiilablu in the
Haittirn Sihi,-s.
Might hk-thiwige .urn Telegraphu,
Trai-fers u, u, N.w '('..'.Chicago,
St. l. tii.'. Kii. 'TrtiiciHC,, I'tirr mlik) Ore
gon, fteattlti '.Vam,,, mid vurwud points i
In Oregon and '.Yuuimigtun.
Collections nir.'lu at all points on fav-1
rablii termi.
Dyspepsia Cure
Digests what you eat
It artlllcially d igests the food una bim
Katuro in etrenBtbetiing and recoD'
atructing the' exhausted digestive or
gans. It lathe latcstdlscovcreddlgcsi
ant and tonic. Is'o other preparation
can approach It in crllclency. it in
siantly rellcvcsand pertuunetitly cures
Dyapepsla, Indigestion, Heartburn,
Flatulence, Sour Stomach, ausc.
Sick Headache, Gastralglii.Cratupsana
all other results of imperfect diKest on.
Prleo50c, ana tt. LarffDSliocontaInB8JJw
sroallBlrc. Uookall aboutdysiicpblu tnaiieuir"
'"cpare'l by E C Dcl"ITT CO.. Chleag
Sold by Clarke k Falk's V O I'hanmicv.
m-t . M
Belgian Hares to Lease.!
J have about 100 thoroughbred does '
m . i'? m
M hcl)flth team. Saves war and
WL cjctihc. Sold cvcr'wucrc'
I Clark h Falk are never closed Scnday.
I .Uuu't fpruet this.
inoupy back. IMcts. andoOcts, Uiakeley,
the druggist.
n30 I
Thu Ualler.
J J It. It, K, HMJ'J'll,
ltoom Hi und It. Clmieiniu Week, The I';'1,1.5
J Ori-fimi. '" '