Fashion and Eeonomy IN ...WINTER CLOTHING III Wo stand forth boldly and say without fear of con tradiction when it coinos to the best clothing for the least money we lead. Complete is the only word fitting the condition of our stock. Perfect more nearly than any thing else describes the quality of the goods. Pest pat terns, best material, best workmanship place our gar ments in a class by themselves, to bo compared only with the highest grade custom work in everything but price. There we have the advantage. Here are a peui Price Pickings: Men'n liiuli grade serge suits, rIso firm fanny worsteds, made in the very bites style, ilnsigned exclusively for up, equal in tit and (tl QC fafchion to $25 custom goods ij JLZ.OO Men's latest style herringbone vicntiu topcoats in oxford pray, mode with ut most earn in every detail, perfct in lit nnd style; looks equal dj - r to custom make. ! tPJ.VSOv Men's fanov worsted suits, stripe? nnd plaids in black and irray checks, tlie acme of stvle, the perfection of tailor- tfi "1 O O K i up, for ipiiC.OQ Men's kersey, melton and frieze overcoats in black, brown, d Q qe gray and tan ; perfect in every detail Oi70 Special : Announcement OF III Holiday Goods a largo assortment of We have placed on sale Cameo (fee in Plaques, rmperial llapsburg Artware, Teplitz Vases, the most attractiuo and artistic goods ever shown. Look the assortment over before you make any selections. Silver Novelties. We are also showing a large assortment of Silver Novelties. Better values than ever. Original Souvenirs of The Dalles in neat and inexpensive goods. Speeial Dress Goods Offering oOc, GOc and (55c values to be sold this week for 36c Good Thing! Boys' shoes, elastic sides 05c Boys' lace shoes, sizes 1 to 4. ...$1.00 Misses' kid lace, heavy soles, sizes 13 to 2 ". 1.00 Child's kid lace, heavy soles, sizes 9 to 12 ." 85c Same, sizes 5 to 8 75c Child's kid button, spring heel, sizes 5 to 8 40 Special sale on Men's and Women's Shoes still on. $3.50, $4.00 and $0.00 values $2.00 All Goods Marked In Plain Figures. PEASE &, MAYS The Dalles Daily ChFonielfc. ATTUDA Y DEC. ir. 1900 servod in n ny a. ylo... A, A no row K .tier's. Sister Co)- . TKKASl'HKII'S NOTION). All W County annuls reKl'-teri'il jirliir t Pi'itiiinlnT I , ISIIT.mIII !n ulil in pi riiin I lit Inn itt my olll Jnttirt'M till M' Hi Iff Nll lllllIT t(HI, .IOJIN 1". UA.Mi'nllllCi:, County TieiiMtrer. WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. "Jliiiniui Hearth" will appear at tho igt Monday night. The Dulles boys were beaten yesterday hi thu football contest with tins Ileppner njyh by :i score of 1(5 to 0. K' V. (1. W. Grunnis, of Willamette "t.tveifiily, Salem, will speak at thu M-thodist church tomorrow night. Mr;-. O. Morgan, of The Dalles, is vis .tno the family of tier fiilher, Mr. N. W, Wallace, at this place, says tlie An 't lope Jlernid. jtilo Bros., ptofessional piano tuners of j'ortlaml, will be in town thu coining week. Leave onlurH at Menefee it P.trL'Inn1 nr V I fb- I, ' I II 11 k if BtMrefi. 'I'he funeral of the late Charles DcntoniY will take place from the residence of lii h father, C. W. Denton, of Mill Creek, to in mow (Sunday) afternoon Ht - o'cloel Alexander Blackburn, I). I).; will lee lure on "Gumption" at the Calvary 1 1 vt ehurch on Wednesday, Dee. llltlt. Admission '2') cents ; children 10 cents. Hcv. O. V. Grannis, of Salem, lec ture tonight at Diifnr on United A 1 1 1 -s.inship and preachee in the M. E. ehiirch of that place tomorrow morn'ng. Come in, t-elect any ladieH' jaeket yon wish, pay iih twothlidit the marked pilce, and It's yourti. All $10 jackets re lured to l 07, etc. A. M. Williams & Co. Ir. Sttiidevuut ami .lohn Filloon went to Waico lieldH on Thursday to hunt the I appreciate their faithfulness anil their , effort-in making the entertainment a eucees". - i A. M. Williams & Co. have just I opened their holiday line of gent'emen'a ' fine neckwear. Lover? of the beautiful in this line may look forward to a rare treat. Tiee at To cents, . 1 , $1. '-", $1.50 and 2 each. Prominent local capitalists are rnak- I ing arrangements to locate a elatn e.m Iniry at Naheotta, says the Morning Aetorian. Tlie razor and bay damn are j both found in abundance at that place I and the location will bean excellent one. Pianos and organs offered for eale now j at Niekelsens music store are those representing all creeds and all nation? j in pianodom. Here you will see the J most eoetiy Knabe, the reliable Ludwig, ! or the Franklin, Martin, Irvin, Kings I buny. Sacrillce snip is now going on. j Theie is u tolerably good umbrella at ino court, nouse, wincn tomeoouy leit there and evidentiy forgot all about ik. It is in charge of John Fitzgerald who is guarding it carefully so that only the real owner can cet it, and then only after he has accurately described itJ brands and earmarks. Such a descrip tion and two bits for this notice will secure an umbrella worth u dollar and a half. Uev, J. I). L'ster, of Eugene, is now preaching every night in the Christian church. The friends of this work ex press themselves as well pleated. The audiences are giowing from night to night. Tiio subject!) to be treated on Sunday Jllth are announced thus: 11 i. in,, "Every Matt in IJis Place;" at :!10 p. in., "Temple Growth." Tlie jeimou tonight will be on Christian vidences. Subject: "Tim Testimony of the Monuments." A cordial invita tion H extended to 'ill. Bryan says prosperity killed him. Why should it not have killed him? Did he imagine that the fanners, who a" a class were dead against him, did not know enough to let well enough alone? Saul onu of thein from Klicki tat to Tin: CiiuoMci.i: toduy : "In lti'.H i sold 'JS steers in tide town for !ji"o that averaged, gross weight, over 1100 pounds each. Today 1 could cash a like number of like weight tor sfl 100. and 1 havo ie fused an oiler of .fll a' head for my spring calves." Pease & Mave'. After blowing them I selves in for a whole raft of pies anil I candies they adjourned to another store I and bought a big lot of degenerate cran- berries that they got for a sontr and had i a boy deliver the package C. O. I), to the young ladies of the pie counter.; IThe ladies paid the lill, so the boys say, , ami the last heard of thu cranberiiesi j was that one of the girls bad carried1 tlie package home to see if pa or ma ( : had ordered them for Sundav's dinner. ' GETTING DOWN TO FACTS. lludiic'i'il to One, ami It Nut I! nil ll Iioimrtfil. Hood River lias repudiated its four alleged hold-ups, and The Dalles, in the interest of truth, is obliged, practically, to follow suit. Young Ahrams was held up. At least tlie evidence is in favor of that supposition ; but it is gravely doubted if lie was relieved of .3i, or one-tenth of that sum. The olhcers have sifted the matter pretty A baud of 400 head of Indian ponies from the Warm Spring agencv passed I ., ,, , ,.,, ,i,n ,..,. through town Tuesday, bound for the . uslon mt ,,B coul(i nol hnVB ,)U, iU)y. Linton horse cannery, says the Dufur ' thnjJ ,ik(J ;J. on ,lla p(,r601) Thpy ai0 Dispatch. In the morning as lliey were I Qf 0I).I)i0Ilj niorooveri Uwt ,0 IIR.f driven Irom tne pasture ot A. .1. , ...... ,,),,,,, , his had been kept over Dufur, where they night, they stampeded, breaking thro' the wire fence, killing two outright and .severely wounding others. One poor beast bad the leaders of his hind leg en ' tirely severed ami was driven throfigh j town with the blood spurtint; from the wound at every step, ami perhaps will I be taken to its destination in this condi- tion. - Tne oflicers of Cedar Circle, Women of Woodcraft, foi the next term au elected last night will be: P G X, Je sie MoArthur; G X, (ieorgia Webet Atlv, Inez Filloon ; clerk. Cbas Brown ; banker, .John Filloon : attention!, Kath- ryn Sargeant; captain guard, Insley I Huston ; as'-istant captsiin, Minnie Goss I er; pianit, Mao Cuehiug; 1 S, James (Taylor; 0 S, J Snijies; manager, Mrs. March. The ollicers-elect of Mt. Hood Camjt, .Wootlinen of the World, areas r ,1 ,i t r fi, it i!,i. r ioiiows: i j V, i iirowtintii; u v, ( HatiB Hanson; clerk, J M I'lllon; ad viser, C II Brown; banker, .las Snipes;, etcort, J I Huston; captain iruarde, , Juo Ferguson; W, Perry Morgan; S, i John Pashek; manager, George Joles. ' Tliese two orders will hold joint installa- !jj,0. place anil circumstance of his alleged hold-up Indicates that it was done by A Keliiiltit) Firm. John C. Freund, editor of Music Trade, gives a hint to piano purchasers : "Ludwig it Co., a popular and pro gressive firm, both members of which John II. Luttwig and Charles A. Ericsson are practical piano-mnkeis, familiar with all the branches of piano building, ' and give their personal attention to the i supervision qf tlie factory, enjoy the j reputation of making first-class instnv ments. Capacity of factory and actual ' out-put, 2,500 pianos yearly. This linn ' has a modern and up-to-date plant, '.equipped in a first-class manner. Make j their own eases. Their pianos are at tractive in design, well and conscien I tionsly made of tiie best selected ma ' teiials,nnd are of superior workmanship. 1 The firm enjoys and deserves the repu- local talent and bv men who mint have learned where Abrams was going and ' tation of making an excellent piano of , learned it from his own lips. ;poweiful and brilliant tone quality. The Stewart hold-up ie believed by I HieiV instruments are eold all over the tlie officers to be a fake, a creation of United States by responsible dealers the alleged victim, for tlie sole nurnoso I who find them salable pianos, on which of accounting to his employers for bis i t'y '' thoroughly having blowed his money in on a harlot. The place be selected for the Fceneof the hold-up i tlie lant place a highway man would select, for the reason that it is particular v well lighted. The ollicers of the law wondered why Siewart never reported his loss to any of them till l hoy learned for themselves the following facts that we find related in last nightV Telegram, showim: that there was a wo man in tlie case. It only needs to be added that Stewart Is still here ir was I last nii!ht ninl bo is the woman I'elegram Kays: C. W. Hayes, a traveling man, who i ,vsh on the tram with r-ieu Stewart, the ,'oung traveling man of i.IiIh city, and toppetl at The Dalles with the latter, las a story to ten viiicn ne claims i hrowa Homo built on tlie hold-up of I itewart and his loss of !f4o. According I Haves, there is a woman in the case. ?1 u'ua mi tint trimi the imv Steu'iirl I tion on the first Tuesday in January., i,mttt t,u trip from Portland to Tho One of the best entertainments of the. Dalles," said Mr. Hayes, "ami during .....a (i,.. ! the riue 1 Htiucic up a traveling acquaint-1 was m i ..I... it ..f .1,,. , 1 tiiJi i) wtLii linn, vii iiiiiujii:! rum. in hut can thoroughly rely. Jiiniiiicial ami commercial standing of tlie highest." Thu Ludwig piano makes friends wheiever it is sold. At Xickeleen's music store you cm buy one below ebb tide. If your hair is dry and dead-like, Co coanut Cream Tunic will give it life ami luster. It is pronounced the finest tonic on earth. Can be had at Frazet'a barber shop, agent, ntl-lni Plays & Crowe Tho only store ft this city where the Genuine Imported Stransky-Stecl Ware ia sold A little higher in price, but outlnstt a dozen tiieceaof so called cfieap enam cled ware. BEWARE! Other wares look has tho name Stransky Stool Ware on each piece. Do not be deceived First prize at ie International Exhi bitions. Highest award at Worlds Columbian Exhibi tion. Chicago Pre ferred by the liest cookingauthorities, certified to by the most famous chem ists for purity and durability it is cheapest because BEST. Remember this celebrated enam eled ware is special ly imported for and sold in this city ex clusively by us. It does not rust nor absorb grease, does not discolor nor catch inside; is notaflectedbyar.d; in fruits or vegetables, will boil, lt .. . -...- and bnUi w i t h o u : imparting flavor o previously iionkoil food and will last for years. We cau tion t h 3 pub:T ayiiv-- imitiit.i. H r ! NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION. Xotiee is hereby giyen that the part- nership heretofore existing between A." .Michael, P. Surad and P. Perlinan, in the (jreat Northern Furniture Store, is this day dissolved by mutual agreeineut, Mr. A. Michael retiring from tlie firm. Messrs. P. Sur.u! and P. Perlinan will continue tho butinesa under the above name of the Great Northern Furniture Store, anil will assume all liabilities of tho tii in ami collect and teceipt for all dobtu due the linn, both in The Dalles and Portland, Oregon. Tho Dalles, Dec. 1, 1900. P. PlUil.M.W. A. Michael, d5-lw P. Sk'iti, I'ur Kent or f-nJn. The Sam Wilkinson waiehouse, on First street, is for rent or sale. It is a three-story, corrugated iron building, 110x33 feet, with water elevator. Apply to Sam Wilkinson, The Dalles. uL'O-tf Don't overlook the great jacket The Fair. sale at The: mmmmmmssmBmmit ' - . 7 . . - 17rnrrr For cookSng am! heating. Prices from $5 to $50. British Muceutn Newton, the archie- toHaicofielilHonlhursaayioiiun thet Moryteller and v.h hare nnd geese, w! . ' Mr. A. J. Hare, in tho story of hie life, tu .mum m. .,... preg)rV(.,, two , Uir(MJ of ,n(.H, game ' One is a Hplritualistie seance .vhere an The most novel provisions madti in a 1 rj,j (.0,.k,,yy wa(i mforj t,.4t the spirit wnl is that of a .St. Louis woman that 1 mHnifeHted wa his deceaetl wife, where Iit reuiiiiiiH be incinerated and the iishfH,up01 t) f0wliiir iIIhIouuk took place: nii'iglfd with those other hiiHbaud I J !h that yon, 'Arrlet?" "Ve.s, it Is Hi" urn where his already repose. ' "Are you 'appy, 'Arrlet?" "Yes, Don't forget Bob Teiiguo i still In the I very 'appy." " 'Appier than you was grocery himlneSH ho can give you good j with me, 'Anlei?" "Yes, much 'ap K'tods and low pilees, he has just received pier." "Where are you, 'Arrlet?" "In very line line ofcolleec, the beet ill the; 'ell." . Try them. Phono. No, .'I. H 1 1 Four or live hoys of the High n;hool The ladies of the Good Intent deelre ! persuasion hail a whole bubhel of fun to most heartily thank all of those this afternoon, In part at least, at the who so kindly aesiated In "Thu Teuiplo expense of tho young ladies who presid olFatne," and assure them that they d over the ealo of plen and cakes at season, or of any season "Temple of Fume" given at the Yogt opera house last night by tho ladies of the (iood Intent Society of the M. E. church. The test of a good play lies nltlmiitelv in the pleasuie it gives to the audience, ami judged by this test the program of last night was a sur prise ami delight from The one ret'iet is that tho house was not nearlv ai large as it ought to have Cest !tamjQ3 i car, near us, sat a young woman. She ditl all in her power to attract our iitten- , tion and finally Siewart changed his seat for tlie one directly in front of her. ' Thoy talked until a low ininuies beiore tho end of their journey, when Stewart came to me and asked me where I was going to stop at Tho DalltH. I named i Mowari re better than ' that, anil that he intended to get a room anil hoard around where he pleased. I noticed that Stewart lingered about the I . , . it .in., ii i ilnlul, tno uiiiaiiini iioiisu, nun nuinil, .....I .1..., i. ......i.i .1.. lllltl Kl'll llllll. 1 1 1" l-lllllll till . i....... 'etitu u'iiu .i . i.i v .it. mivim , t if jhe inclemency of the nigh, but what-, Viook a ! I ever the cause those who staid at home , ....... ... i.r BL,L,,.9tlon. .mil she , ! misted a treat such as they only rarely I or some one in her interest separated liavo an oppoitunity of enjoying, Wo Stewart from his sfl.V believe the entoitainnient would bear j.,,,,,,);,,. rice L z dl's "pcrfumm fir repetition at Home future period and j Xmas, 'Jo coii'u, B0 cents and sfl. Apply would commantl a better house than it it )l)nnoll'H. 10 -It dhl last night. , - . .... i t i . . . 'If you have ilandrull, your hair is : falling out. Use Cocoauiit ('ream, I'tirl , salo at Fraz'ir's barber shop, p0 I in , Tweutv-live per cent oil' on all capes i and jacketH at The Fair, Come in and see the latest in art, Cheaper thanjever. Geo, C, Blikeley, Slab wood .0(1 per cord at Maler & fir CASTOR I A For Infants and Children, The Kind You Have Always Bought The ccnulno all bear the above Tro'lo-marK,- k i&fPk and are sold with a written Ktiarnntce. - .a;K.r-W i. j r- i n.i. n..i r ut,n innn 1 'h-r- Awaruea nrsi rrizo rans cauu&iuuh iouu vj-v m la&JlWjhk OVER ALL THE WORLD. r&.J . 1 JjooOurnen Bears tho SiKUUturo of i llenton'e. IL't UVcn LU I lie wunuw. IylSv, Sold by First-Class Stovo Murchanls ovcrywhnc. & Mn.i.,n,,tvi,v Tho Michigan Stove Company, W r.aruiibt (if Hlnvi's ami HitiiKfa ill tlioWoiM, RMvna MKIER St BENTON, SOLE RCENTS