t CTIjc Dalles Chrmikk If VOL. XII THE DALLES, OREGON, SATURDAY. DECEMBER 15, 1900. N O. 414 I: Si FORCED CLEMENT TO RETIRE !Jive Hritisli Officers Have Ik-en Killed, and Is Is Feared That Tour Com panies of Northumberland Fusiliers Have Been Captured. London, Duo. H. Lord Kitchener re ports t hut af tor Hi! vere fighting at Nooit Gedaeht, General Cleinent'H forces were compelled to retire by Comiiiiindunt De Larey, witli u force of 25i0 men. Five British officers were killed. The other casualties were not reported. Lord Kiteh enur'H 'iliicial dispatch to the war office is iih followH : "1'retoria, Dee. III. Clement's force, at Nooit Gedaeht, on the Magalieeburg, was attacked at dawn today by Del.urey, reinforceil by Beyer's commando from Wiirmlnith, making a force estimated at "500. Though the first attack waB re puted, the Boers managed to yet to the top of the MagalieHburg, which was held by four companies ot the Northumber land fusiliers, and were Uiub able to com mand OlementV camp. He retired on llekpooit, and took up a position on a hill in the center of the vulley. "The casualties have not been com pletely reported, but the fighting was very severe, and 1 deeply regret that Colonel Leggo, of tho Twentieth Hussars, and Captains MoBcan, Murdoch and Atkinson were killed. Reinforcements have left here." Lord Kitchener also reports that the Boers have made an attack and were re pulsed ut Lychtouburg, and that General Lemmer was killed. Attacks upon Bethlehem und V rede were ulsc. repulsed, the Boers losing ten killed und fourteen wounded. Vryheld wub nttccked Decern her 11. Sniping continued when the message was dispatched. The scones at the wur office today re call those witnessed in the early stages of the war. A constant stream of ex cited tuioplu filled the lobbies, all neck ing details of the disaster. The abaenco of the names of any of the others of the Northumberland fusiliers in General Kitchener's dispatch to the foreboding that the four companies of the fuMlierB mentioned are in the hands of the Boers. The wur ofliee officials evidently expect UX fll ! III I r M mW M M W W W The Kind You Have Always iu use for over 30 years, - and has becu made imuer ins per-CSpyt-- Konul supervision since its infancy. TcztcJUM Allow no one to deceive you in this. . mi ........u.. i...uniiAnu Ail uuuiiiurj.uiin - - Exiiei iniants that trillo with and endanger the health of Inftmts nud Chlldren-Experienco against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor OH, Pare eurlc, Urops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It umtaius neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic Hubstance. Its ago Is its guarantee. It destroys Worm und allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoja aud Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation aiud Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Pauaceti-The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS si Bears the The KM Yon Hare Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. a heavy casualty list, hut they are hope ful from the fact that the dispatch dors not mention thecspture of the Northum berlands that such n great catastrophe has been escaped. Orders were issued at Aldershot, Malta and other military centers to dispatch all the available mounted infantry to South Africa. Tt is reported that General Knox, co operating with the Baitish column at Itcddersburg, has stopped General Dcwet and that a battle is proceeding. The re port adds that many of Generp.l Dewet's followers have been captured. The tcene of the fight is ominiously close to Pretoria. Nooit Gedncht is only 'I'l miles northwest of Pretoria. Km'HmI MlRNliiiiury SRkrN A limit China Ni:w Youic, Bee. 14. China is on the verge of partition. There is no way by which the integrity of the nation can be sustained. Such was the conclusion of the address given last night by Dr. Wil lis C. Noble before the People's Club. Dr. Noble was stationed ut Pao Ting Fu by the American board of foreign mil sione, und made his escape shortly after the uprising of the Boxere. In the course of his remarks Dr. Noble also said : "There is no telling how the negotia tions with the Chinese officials are going to result. No document signed tiy the empress or stumped with the great seal has yet buen received by the representa tives of the powers. Indeed, there is nothing In the attitude of the great foreign nutions involved in this trouble that shows they really purpose to rein state the young emperor, although all acknowledge that he is the only hope of the nation's salvage. The reason is that the reinstatement of the young man would be impracticable. He is so under the influence of the empress dowuger, and she is so hostile to foreign interests, that his reinstatement to the throne would bring ultimate discord and cor ruption. With the palace looted, with Pekin divided aud patrolled by different foreign nations, there is little likelihood that the court will ever here-established there. In my mind, the only solution of the problem Is the dismemberment of China among the powers. Whoever may have doubted this before will believe with me now on hearing that the anti foreign sentiment has ugaiu issued in nuendoes threatening all foreigners." For sprains, swellings and lameness there is nothing so good as Chamberlain's P.iiu Balm. Try it. For sale by Blake ley, the druggist. Bought, and wliicu lias been lias borne the signature of nut! .TiiHt.ns.frtnd" are but; Signature of Christmas Specials! White Baked Marble Statuary Busts. Figures; singly or in groups; various subjects. Beautiful ware; high ly artistic and quite the rage. 75c to 52.00. Wedgewood Novelties. WWst Boxes' Hunt Hmlf Vases Etc. 50c to $1.50 Dolls. Special values. 15-inch kid-body doll 25c Bisque babies; movable litubs, blonde curls IOC A. THE BILL WAS NOT DEFEATED There is Still Hope For Canal Legisla tionThe Treaty Was Unpopular. McBrides Position. Washington, Dec, 14. The caual bill is not yet defeated and it is evident that a large majority of the senate is still in favor of it. The treaty unamended is distinctly unpopular in many sections and in order to get the bill through, the friends of the canal are willing to make any kind of a concession regarding the treaty. ThoBe most interested iu the canal cannot locate the various interests that are working agaiuBt it, but they are supposed to be trans-continental HneB and the Panama concern. Senator McBride, although quoted as opposing the Davis amendment to the Hay-Pauncefote treaty, says he is heart ily in favor of that amendment and his vote yesterday was recorded in its sup port. The senator maintains his posi tion us previously outlined that the adop tion of the Davis amendment, as shown by the large vote of yesterday, was ah-, solutely necessary to insure tlie ratiiiea tiou of the treaty, and that tliB ratifica tion of tho treaty is absolutely necessary to insure the passage of the canal bill. If tho senate can avorl the adoption of further amendments to tho treaty he be lieves tho canal bill will miss at this session. As for himself, Senator McBride says ho shall not support any amendment to the nendiiig treaty which, in his judg ment, would endanger tho passage of the canal bill at this session. When tho stomach is tired out it must havoarest, but wo can't live without food. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure "digests what you eat" so that you can eat all tho good food you want while it is restoring tho digestive organs to health. Jt is tho only preparation that digests all kinds of food. Sold by Claiko A Fulk's P.O. Pharmacy. Christmas Specials! Special Christmas OffemngI LADIES' FINE JACKETS at a THIRD OFF! We start the Christmas shopping seaeon in our Cloak Department today with a general price-reduction of one-third on all our Ladies' .lackets worth ten dollars and over. This is an important announce ment and will be readily appreciated by the public. A. M. Williamt & Co.'s fine jackets at a third below regular price at this season of the year is an offering that commands the attention of all who desire to be well dressed. Although Jacket selling has been a big feature of our bushiest: this season, there is still a good assortment of styles in all sizes. fl?R latest Styles Irludd $10.00 Jackets reduced this week to $ 6.70 12.00 " '' " " " 8.00 13.50 '' " " " " 9.00 15.00 " " " " " 10.00 18.00 " " " " " 12.00 20.00 " " " " " 13.34 25.00 " " " " " 16.67 M. WILLIAMS t COMPANY Itiuve .Hen Fall Victims to stomach, liver and kidney troubles as well as women, and all feel the results in loss of appetite, poisons in the blood, backache, nervousness, head ache and tired, listless, run-down feel ing. But there's no need to feel like that. Listen to J. W. Gardner, Idaville, Ind. Ho Bays: "Electric Bitters are just the thing for a man when he is all run down, and don't care whether he liveBordies. It did more to give mo new strength and good appetite than Bnything 1 could take. I can now eat anything and have a new lease on life." Only 50 cents, at Blakeley's drug store. Every bottle guaranteed. ()iiiiltliii To Sugar Ti'UNt. New Vouk, Dec. H. The Times prints the following: New opposition to the American Sugar Hefining Company is now developing. It conies from two Bourcee. The two-fold opposition comes first from tho Arbuckles and tho second from Philadolpha interests aud is admit ted by Herman Silcken, who is at the head of the American Company's coUVh business, and who is generally credited as bein.'. closer to Havemeyer than any other man in tho trade. Briefly out lined, it may bo said that the plan of the Arbuckles is to build a new refinery equal iu capacity and every oilier respect to and adjoining the present one hi Brook lyn. So far as thu 1'hiladi'luhiu opposi tion is concerned, not much of a definite nature is known. At the olllco of Ar bucklo Brothers, James N. Jarviosaid: "I refuse absolutely to talk on tho mat ter." President Havemeyer would not dis cuss tho loport. F'lHyci: out. DuM llemhieho, Pains iu various paits of the nody, Sinking at the pit of tl.o stomach, Loss of appetite, h'everishness, Pimples or Sores are all positive eviden ces of impure blood. No matter how it became to it must bo purified iu order to obtain good health. Acker's Blood Elexir ha? nevei failed tcctiro Scrofulous or Syphilitic poisons or any other blood diseases. It is certuiuly a wonderful remedy and wo sell every bottle on a positive guarantee. Blakeley, tho druggist. Christmas Specials! is No Live Were Lost. San FitANcisco, Dec. 11. One of the severest storms which has ever visited San Francisco, broke over the city at an early hour this morning and continued until noon in fitful gusts, rain and wind sweeping over the city with unusual vlo Jence, and being accompanied by thunder and lightning, a rather unusual occurrence in this part of the country. At one time rain fell in such torrents that many thought a cloudburst was iui minent. During tho height of the storm several houses were overturned by the wind, and one of the great receiving tanks of the San Francisco Gas it Electric Com pany was st i tick by lightning, the gas taking fire. No one was hurt in the ex plosion, but tho tank was demolished. During the storm tho city was entirely cut oil' from telegraphic communication with tho rest of the world, the telegrapli companies losing every wiro out of San Francisco. Tho damage to telegraph wires is being repaired rapidly, but this evening only partial service is being giv en. Tho bulk of the damage to tho wlros was caused by tho blowing down of about 100 poles on tint Oakland side of tho bay. Somo damage was done in tho mountains, but nothing definite cm bo stated as to tho extent. The telephone company also lost ninny of its long distance wires. .Million iflviMi Aiiuy. It is certainly gratifying to tho public to know of one concern iu the land who are not afraid to bo generous to the needy and suffering, Tho proprietors of Dr. King's Now Discovery for con sumption, coughs and colds, have given awayover ten million trial bottles of this great moillclno; and have tho satisfac tion of knowing it has absolutely cured thousands of' hopeless cases. Asthma, bronchitis, hoarseness aud all diseases of tho throat, chest and lungs are surely cuied by it. Call on ltlnkeloy, the Druggist, and get a free trial not He. I Regular size 50c. and if I. Every battle ; guaranteed, or price refunded, 3 llDll'l If III) II III, Just wet thoallectod part freely with Mysterious Pain Cure, a Scotch remedy, aud tho pain is gone. Sold by Clarko it Falk. Christmas Specials! Our Special 25e Coanter of Gift Things quite an attraction, and well it should be. Here vou will find Photo Frames In gilt, in white metal, leatherette, etc, valued regularly at from 35c to 50c. Jap. Woodenware, Highly enameled in black, and decorated in gold. Card cases, glove boxes, jewel cases, handkerchief boxes, tie boxes, waiters, crumb trnve, brushes, etc, etc, worth regularly to .$1 each. Medallions, Mjunted in fancy gilt frames; oval shapes. Also Celluloid Back Mirrors. Placques. Reproductions of noted paintings by the old masters. China Puff Boxes with metal tops. Fancy Metal Ash Trays, Pin Trays, Ink Wells, Mustard Jars, Salt Cellars, etc. A Grocer Says "I guess everybody in Bellevue, Ohio knows O. B. Callaghan, the grocer. I am in his em nlnv. nn il . . -J am about ns well known as he is. A grocery is a place where you have cold gusts o f w i n d 1,1 Fllllllf, ... every time i li n linnr onens. nud "v' there is a good deal of r u n n i n r about out- f-doors too. Anyhow, I cntch cold very otten, but the minute I begin tociieezo 1 icach upon thu shelf and take adooof Acker's Eng lish lteinedv. I tell vou it is wonderful how quickly it stops a cough or cold. I have used it myself, and in my fam ily for a number of years. It works like a charm. I siippoi-e some of the folks would have run into consumption before this if I laid neglected to keep a bottle ready all tho time for immediate use. I wouldn't think of using anything else for throat and lung troubles. 1 know what Acker's Hemedy actually does, o what sense is there in ex perimenting? Certainty is better than chance." (Signed) Jons Hon-. Sold at '.'oe )e. and $1 a bottle, through out the Pulled States and Canada; and iu England, at Is. I'd., 'Js. !td Is, (id, If you arc not satisfied after buying, return tho bottle to your druggist, una get your money back. I IV niilhmlse the ahme iiunrautte. W'.U. UOOKKl! A.- CO., rroriitori, Sew lark. For salu at Blakeley's Pharmacy. lU'il llnl I'rciin tint dun Was tho ball that hit ti. B. Steadman ut Newaik, Mich., in the Civil War. It caused horrible ulcers that no treat ment helped for twenty years. Then Bucklun'd Ai iwc.i Salve curcil him. It cures cuts, In iiises, biiriih boils, felons, corns, skin eruptions. Best pile euro on earth. Twenty-fivu cents a box. Cure, guaranteed. Sold by Blakeli.y, tlm ilrllL'L'lst. ! ct Don't use any of the eountei foils of DoWitt's Witch llszel S.ilvo. Most of them are worthless or liable to cause in jury. The original DoWitt's Witch Hazel S ilvo is a certain euro for piles, eczema, cuts, burns, sores and 6kln diseases. Sold by Clurko it Falk's P.O. Pharmacy. I .1 I I 1 m' "I lrM 1 L-i-ssr? fiyt k 5:i$ lit r s 'hi ha li 1 I - v't-