"Thi Tonuile of Fm." FolloBinc is the cist nf rhurni'ters ne they will appear tonight vFridny ; nt the Voist opera houpf. Music by the Blrp feld orchestra will be interspersed throughout the program and accompany the sinners ; IWKT i. Kilter Quern t'.mlers anil lirr Attendant-Maid- Vesta Itolton. Uraee lilenii; I'aues -l ylve-ter. r. t-'rlwll. All Hall to tlie Queen" Twelve GtrN Queen's Announcement Genrslu Sampson liobliiMm Oruoe Uay Lake Mrs. Partington (aiToniimtilrd by Ike).... Melviii Uawson Christine NINson . Mrs. it. T. Parr Diogenes llruee Johnson Louise Ateott . May Harnett ( olmnlius ..Charles Stark Act .... Harry Curtis Jllrlaui nilzabeth Honii Malils Mabel Cross. Lena Thompson, Prudence Patterson. Pearl Grimes, Mil He Sexton anil tieo Morris. Maud Muller .. Kda Ptsher Pooahontns. Lileth Curtis Captain .lohn Smith Harry Nortliup Mule Ho Peep Lulu Nicholas I'AItT tilXUXII. Cleopatra Mr Slot her Goose Hothschihl . llarbara 1'reltehle Carey Sisters. Mabel Ulddcll, Edith Clamo umantha Allen lio.se Miuhell Harriet lteecher Sttuve Mattle Hotlis Topsy . . Hazel Wand Joan'of Arc Mrs. Ed Williams Huth Hessle Snipes Socrates Wtu. Cross Xanthippe Eua t'reu lennle I.ind .. . Myrtle Miuhell Sister of Charity . . Mabel Collins Georse Washington Carey llallard Martha Washington May Cuthltis Queen's Sollloijuy Children Sinpin? llarbara 1'rietchle waives her claim Coronation Scene .... Admission 25 cents; reserved seats, on sale at Clarke & Falk's, Co cents. . Maude Eddon Anna Haslam . Earl Sanders ..ElTa Holton 25 Per Cent Off Great Mid-Winter Jacket and Cape Sale For This Week Only. IL 11 We will give 25 per cent or 1-4 off of our regular price on the above goods. Remember we have no old styles that we are trying to work off, but all goods are up-to-date. This is a great cut and we would advise you to call early and get your choice. Remember 1-4 off, and all our goods are marked in plain figures. Remember its this week only. Retiring from Business. Closing out my Entire Stock Regardless of Cost. Drv GooiIh, niotliinc, Ho'itH and Show, a' imir.h liw iimri wholesale fa." Will Hull in bulk or in lots, or any way to unit purchasers. prices Entire stock must be closed out before 30 days. All Knoile will be minrilir.tl except Tlmiiipoti' Glove-fit I i tig Coreeln anil Hutterick J'utterns. Your prices will bo mints. Call early ami secure J. P. McINERNY, Corner Second iincl Courtis. tmrptlliH. 133 Second Street. THE DALLES, OREGON CASTOR 8 A For Infants and Children. NaS&l The Kind You Have Always Bought ' CATARRH Bears the s&. -i -T In a11 lts stas63 thete Signature of LjtgJzi shoM 'uime!i. aya cream uaim cleanses, no the and heals the dlserued membrane. 1 1 cares catarrh and drives away a cold la the head quickly. ...THE FAIR... The place to Save Money on all kinds of Merchandise. p. C Jtoquardsen, Prop. 5 i! I i ir- THE CELEBRATED .. .COIilllVlBlA BREWEKY ... AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop. Of tins product nf th'iH well-known brewery tins Uuitfd States Health Ueports for .lime 2S, llfllO, says : "A more supeilor brew never tMitured till! lahrutoty of tlm I'tiited HtiittsH Ilmutli roportH. It ih absolutely drvoltl of tbu Hllcbti'flt trnrii of adulteration, Inn on tins otlmr hand iN composed of tlm best of malt anil choicest of hops, he tonic qiiiilttitiH are of tlm liiti . est anil it ran be used witli tlm Krmitest benefit ami (-iitlHfaislion by old mul yoinic ltd iihi ran roiiHritintioiiHly Ins prrernlnnl by tbu pliVHii:iaiin with tbr rcreaintv tbat a buttnr, purrr or nmri! wbolrHOtiii! bevrniKU ronlil not possibly bn founil." East Second Street. THE DALLES, OREGON. ! Ji'otlOf (if DiUKlut Inn. "Notice is hereby triven that the part 'nertls!p heretofore existing between J. E. Adcox and Theodore H. Liene, under the firm name and style of J. E. Adcox A Company, is this day dissolved by mutual consent, J. E. Adcox retiring irom said firm. Theodore H. Liebe will continue the businees of said firm under the name and style of J. E. Adcos & Company, nnd is authorized to seceive and receipt for all moneys due eaid firm, and all claims against said firm should be presented to him for payment. Dated this 10th day of December, 1900. .1. E. Adcox, 2v Thko. H. Lieiie. To remove a troublesome corn or bunion : First eoui: the corn or bunion in warm water lo eoften it. then pare it down as closely as possible without draw, ing blood and apply Chamberiaiu'e Pain Balm twice daily; ruhbiug it vigorously for five minutes at each application. A corn plaster should be worn for a few days, to protect it from the shoe. As a general liniment for sprains, bruises, lameness and rheumatism, Pain Balm is unequaled. For sale by Blakeley, the (iru'tiiet. Notice of linlutliiu of rarturili. Notice is hereby given thnt the part tifrfhip heretofore esistinj; between lirant Mays and L. E. Crowe, under the firm name of Mays & Crowe, was involved Dec. 1, 1900, Grant Mave re tiring. The businefie will be continued under the old firm name of Mays & Crowe by L. E. Crowe. AH claims against the firm will be paid, and all accounts and notes due the firm collected by him. Giu.vr M.vvrt, L. E. CitowE, Help la needed atonce when a person's life Is in danger. A neglected cough or cold may soon become serious and should be stopped at once. One Minute Cough Cure quickly cures coughs and colds and the worst cases of croup, bronchitis, grippe and other throat and lung troubles. Sold by Clarke Sc Falk'e P. O. l'jiariiiucy. Sick Headache absolutely and perma nently cured by using Moki Tea. A pleasant herb drink. Cures conntination BUSINESS LOCALS. You will not have boils if vou take Clarke & Falk's sure cure for boils. , A full line of Eastman films and sup plies just received by Clarke ii Fulk. Clarke & Falk's flavoring extracts are the best. Ask your grocer for them. , Floral lotion will cure wind chapping ' itnrl Kllnlltirn. MnnllfianHirtifl liv fllnrL-p 9F .R.&N. f'r..,n, Tinliii (a nliciM Into the nostrils. SDreads over the mcrubrano and is absorhed. llelief is im- Sc r alR. mediate aad a cure follows. It is not drying-does j pajnt your house With paints that ara cot produce eneezins. Lar"C Size, 50 cents at Drug- i , ,. , . - ,, 1 ,H,vmii: THaisiz;.iocenubymai!. ! suarauteed to last. Clarke & Falk BLV IXKJT1IEUS, 35 Warreu Street, Kew York. BL'SIXKHS LOCALS. Hay, grain and feed at Maier & Ben ton'e." 12-4t Dairy butter 50 cents per roll at Maier & Benton's. 12 4t Twenty. five per cent off ou all capes and jackets at The Fair. Clarke & Falk have received a carload of the celebrated Jame E. Patton atrictly pure liquid paints Why pay if 1.75 per gallon for inferior paints when you can buy Jamce E. Patton's Bun proof paints for $1.50 per gallon, guaranteed for 5 years. Clark & Falk, agents. ' ml Wanted Men and women of good DK1WKT KOK Kast Mail U:'Jo ). m. Atlantic nxiiresx in. Via limit-iir'ton. Ht'okiiiie Mall Mllll Kxprcfs a:'J.' j. m timk sciiimut.K. 1- llOM DALLKX. Salt Lake, Denver. Kt. Worth, Uniaha, Khii khh City, St. Umit, ChlcaK'o and Kast. AllllIVE FlIOM Knit Mail 1:05 p m Suit Uike, Denver. I't, !:i:n. m Worth. (Jraalia, Kim sa City, St. Ijiuis.i (,'hiciiKi) and Ka.it. Walla Walla, Spokane, Miiineu!il(s. St. l'aiil, i)n lu t h, Mllwaiikeu, Chlcaiii) and Kaxt, via Spiikanualiil IIiiutliiK- toii iiimi im poinih in WashliiKtcm ami Kast- 3:ila. in rrn UruKon. HiMikanu .Mall and Kxpress A'rUrrATA A A-TA-I ATA At ' li'l1 A I A-A A TATA'S A'A r A ATATilJI C. J. STUBhlHG, IICI I.s U I .'.Ml 111 TIM, Wines, Liquors Cigars Family Orders will receive prompt attention. J 4i I IB. Phone 234, Next door to First Nnliunal liimk. THE DALLES, OREGON. I Roslyn, Clealmn and Australian coals character and references, to represent an by the Stadiilman Commission. "1-lm established house, splended opportunity i Lazell's. the heft perfume. Wh have fr advancement. Address P. O. I5ox I 8 p. m. FHOM I'OKTi.ANIt. i Ocean SteainshijiK ! For San Franci'co Kvery Five Das. 4 p. m. it. M. Z. Donnell. 10-4t , Nothing nicer for a Christmas- present , than a box of Lazell's perfumes at Don nell's. 10-41 j M. Z. Donnell has a lull line of La-1 zell's perfume for the holiday trade. , See them. f 10-4t J Santa Clatis has made the New York l Cash Store hie headquarters for Xmas. j Dollfc! Dolls! Dolls! All kinds and ; sizes, from 5 cents up, at the New York Cash Store. I Remember that Cocoanut Cream Tunic i will promote growth of hair. Charles ! Frazer, sole agent. nSMm 587, Portland, Oregon. novlS-lmo Hustling young man can make $60 per month and expenses. Permanent posi tion. Experience unnecessary. Write quick for particulars. Clark it Co., Fourth and Locust StreetB, Philadel hpia, Pa, s8-tf SOUTH and EAST via Soulpn Pacific Co .. 8 !' m; 1 1 1. m. hx. Sunday, Cnlumhia Uv. Htwimurk.'Kx.buiii?' To AhToiUA and Way Saitirday Iniiliiisi. , 10 p. m. fi a. m. WI.LAMKTTK Uiviut. p. m. Ex.SuiKliiyiOa'xon City, Nowlmrg, lix.Suuilaj Salem &i Way Ijmd'ii. s JHtTAtW!l REGULATOR LINE. 1 I a. in, Tue,lhiir, ami Sat. WlLI.AIIKTTr; ahi Vam- HjIiO p. m. HIM. ItlVKKH. Jlon.AVeU Orecnn City, Dayton, ami Way-I.jimliiitfh. ami Frl. Shasta Route l.v Itlparlti daiiy 3::Va. in. S.vaki: I'.IVKH. Hiparia to Iwiston. l.KAVK I.KV1HTON dally U:Wn. in l'artica (leslrnw to u to Ilepimer or If you need a jacket don't fail to take , Trftllls k.llvoTlie ,)nlle.s for or!:ul)d lllld way , J "ij 5.1 " 1 ' J ;"iV "! ,:i.r , v 1 " !,l??V,"",lrt this I .tatlon. at a. m. and ?. p. m. , makinuiAhms t' uxm iX nnvantage of our great offering week one-fourtli off. The Fair. atch our window for ten days. If j you don't eee what you want, step in side and we'll do the rest. Geo. C. ) Blakeley. Come eariy and purchase your Ninas j goode while our stock is complete. You will find a complete line of Xinae goode at the New York Cafeh Store . j Our toilet necessaires are of the latest importations; something unusually line, and at a price that will convince you that we mean to give the people of The Dalles an opportunity to buy at metro politan prices. See our east window. Geo. C. Blakeley. When you need a soothing and heal- U-ave I'ortland ft:20 a m " Albany U3am Arrive Ashland 12:3! a in " SacraiiK.'iitn . . . . ,1:00 p in " ban Francisco 7:lpm Arrive 0drm " Denver " KimsiiHl.'lty " Chlcaito ... If. 15 a m . U:00 a m 7:Mn m ":i'' in Arrive Us Aiigelisi 1:20 p in " F.l l'a"i fiioopm " Fort Worth .... ii:iam " lllty of Mexico i):iV5am " JiouHton 1:00 a in " Saw Orleans . .. li-.i'iam " Wai-hltiKtoii ft: Via m " New York lil.Upin "lid IliirifM. itctlirnhlL' rnnklm-illn ,T r.i,iu.i...ii.,i, at lleppnur jiiiietlon and JIIkki with No. l.ar- 10-m ' ' "V " "all,!",, 1-'M 0.60 p in j Ti(j 0 htcnmpv j,(l,H,, .(!) ()W n(J. ll;S0am 1"K n;Kiilar trips to auIuih and lin!--iiilLiit;, a in I "K'PPliiK at all way laiidliiio. t.hc leaves I'ort h :IS a in , .Monilay. Wednesdays and Frlday.s at I. a. in., Hrrlvlmrat hu'un I p. in., and Iinleix.-tiil ence aliiint 11 n. in. on mhiii ,l,.v ,,,,,.. 11-1.') am ' h"1 lw,m 'J'l'-'p.'nd.;iir't at '. a. m. and S.ilmn n'.m.; ;! I in-iiii Tuesdays, Thiu-wiiiy anil Salnr 7:S i a ill i j"' "rrlvl"K ,lt t'ortland nhmit V,1 U lit I hor full particulars- call on O, agent The lalltB. or address 7:lO a in 1:00 p m i;:a m 0:JS a m 1:00 a iii li:'J. p in li'12 II in 11! 'Up in and rjalur p. in, miiiii; It. A: N. Co. 'h and indigestion, makes vou eat, sleep 'in Bntlaeptlo application for any ..ur andbannv. Kafsfaction mmrai.tH,.,! nr ! 09e. 8e tl,e De ttt H U Hut money hack. 20 eta. aud50cts. Blakeley,' the druggist. ! DlNHiilutloii nf l'iirtutirlili, The partnerflliip heratofore existing botweon A. M. Stringer and T. S. Ken nerly, under the style of The Dalles Dis tillery Company, has this day been dis solved by mutual consent, A. M. Stringer Hazel Salve, a well known cure for piles and skin diseases. It hauls sores uith- j out leaving a hear. Hiswaro of counter- felts. Sold by Clarke & Felk's J. O. j Pharmacy. J A I'iiiM I,(ii:tllrr. j "Gumption" wus tlio subject of an i'ii I thuaiastically received lecture ilelivuvd in tlm Baptist church on Tliurtilay nwn- j I'nUinan and Touriit cars on hoth trains i'hair ears Sacramento to Otfden and Kl J'aso, and tourist cars to Chicago, Ht Imls, New Or leans and WailiiiiBton. Coiuiei'tlni; at Kan Francisco with sevariil steain.ihip lines for Honolulu, Japan, China, i'hilippinus, Central ami South America. h'cc u;eiit at The Dalles station, or iiddriss C. H. MARKHAM, (icueral IVsseniter AKeitt, I'ortouid, Or KXKCUTOP.'d NOTICK. Nntiro Is herehy kIvoii that the iimlerslitiuil, i c-.iecntor of tho will ot Andrew V. Anderson, deeeaaed, his tiled his final account In the' contity court of the State ol Oregon for Wasco ' county, and sain court lias apioliitcd .Hominy, ....I.I ..I 'l C I.', .1 ! 1 " "I- iniuniK uiiii i, a. ivi-lllicri v UUIJ 1 1 II U I IILT , i,,. , ,, i, ... tho business and iiavms nil debts and B ' v.i...... "mnvu..,,., , , fliy f .,., lw,,,,lt thohourof ( ino imsinLss 1 mi pajmu all ikhls ami of Low(j Ma9Ht T)ll) rtJVHrilf;(i Betle. o;lrxk . in.. n tho timu'ror jiemini; oMeatlituH collecting all bills. i , . M , . , , .. thereto nnd the seltlenieiit thereof. All liftrc, rn ri.ii. u n in innn i mail being a McUonaUgh. raised boy, the ortiiitors and other persons Interested in said I he Dalles, Uec. 10, 1UU0. inlal mut. 1. u,yauA H,.,...,ui nf estittoiiru therefore hetehy reqiilie.l to (Uo their i m c ww....... ..... ...... ... i. tctirniy i -Mlil HCeonnt. If iiov Ihev Iimvi. mi I . .11 . i III.-I.KIt I . ... .... . . '".f , iirAiiui cm u'lihii it onvH tlm oiinrH riink-u or oeioru trio nav ui lor 1110 nearini' me. W. li. Ilt l'.l.lll lt'r, lien. I'as. Act., I'ortland, Or NOTICE. Ily virtue of mi order of the couriell of Hallos ,,ur A. U. IWW.niitleo lsjiniliy lilvcn thut on tlio hald .'Jtli. day of Novemhor. iwio, the said eoiinell declared hy rosolntloii ucloptcil. that that portion of tlm slilownllt Hltmited on the northerly hIiIu of Fultoti Sticot arid IvIiil- he tween tho northeast corner of tho hoii.'ir'c foi inud l.y tho Intorscetlon of wild Fulton Hlreot with JVaHhlriKtoti Stri ct In Kalles Clly ami viil li "feet nasi of mid corner on said Fulton Ktvcot Is In ii diiiiK;)rotj.S(.orid tinn and In need of holm; roliullt, In that said hldomilk in cali, ilecu cil ami unsafo to travol upon nnd t was dctdi mined hy said coiuiellto iui,ujd the same and that tho cost of rchnlldlrn mI.i... ,,.n. 1 i churitcd to the ownororowiieisor llm nroiiortv ) uiaillin,' on said portion of said hldcwalli dc t v;i,iii'ii in 11 uiiiiKu(ous eomiiiMin it li, ne. iiiii. This notice Is pulilKhed for II da.v fioin ith Hay of Decemher, liim, hv (irder of iiiuiv.il hi iituiwM iiij , wnicii in nor .Nciv 20th. 11100. Dated at Dalln C In , Or , Dei einhi.r ,;(, pio , .Mil II liATIIH, Itecorocr of DallenCity DALLES, PORTLAND ASTORIA NAY. COMPANY ! hleamers of tho KeKiiJator Line will riiniis pertliefol owiiiB sclii'diile, the Company rescrvliiK the rlt;ht to ehitiiKC M'i.edulu witnont notice, Str. Poutilntor rr. I.v i'ortland at 7 a. . Monday Wedui'siiHy Friday Arr. Dalles n !i r. it. Ship your Freight via Regulator Line. Str. Dalles City. now;; I.v. Dalles at 7 A. M. Monday Wednesday Friday... . Arr. Portland at I r, i. nr. I.v Dalles M at 7 A. !. fc' Tuesday S, 'I'luirsdai M Saturday . 2' Arr. I'ortland 5, at .:t) v. . l FOR COMFORT ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, ' Travel hy the HteiiuierM ol the ItcKiilator Line The Company will endeavor to (jlvr INlt g( rolls tin hest service possible. For further Information address ,! I. , Portland A at 7 uia. , ! Tiiwdir J ThurnliiJ-,3 Kutttrilay 5 Atr iniiM'3 at j r. M.J 5. 1'ortlaml Ollice, O.ik -.Street Dock. W. C. ALLA WAY, Con. Atft. L. Lane, (i K.N K li A I. Biacksmiin A NDiti Horsesnoer Kodol Dyspepsia Cure m mm 4- ! ItartlUclallydlRCsts the food poun'"s i Naturo iu HtrcnKtUuulug u""..1?," I Qtructlng tho exnuuBted dlBosUvc w I cans. It is the latest discovercdtflBes i enr, Rnri tnnr.. tin other nroparatipu can aiiproach it in elllclcncy. It in H4i .. -..it ,i Mn..i,iii(itiTll v cuica pill the the imis miiilo dlO 2w T. . Ku.sMiiti.y, Popular price IhxhII'h perfumes for Xmas, 25 cents, CO cents and 1. Apply t Diainell'ta. 10 4t prejudice when it says the lecture ranks as one of the beat over delivered in this town. Journal, Macomb. 111. At the Calvary Ilaptlet church Decern, bur 19th. or before the day tut for the hearing; thereof. DaiiiH city, or., Nov. hi, iwjo. nl7-II J. 0. JIOHTKTI.KH, Kxeculor Clarke & Falk have on Bale a'full Una I of paiut ami artlat'd hruahee, ONE FOR A DOSE. .o inoi i'vvi.-" in ""ail. a4i " V" ;v VI!i' rV.";''; , Wagon and Carriages Work. Fish Brothoru' Wagon. I Third and JeiTcroii, Phono 159 B' FRENCH & CO., BANKEKiJ. l'ltANSACI'A l;M-.llAl.liA .I.I.Nu IIL'fc'lNF.a Iitturn nf Ori.'ilii iHHiiiii. avilliiblu in the KiiHiurn hi.itt'.. Hlt'ht i'Ac'iunif .ur, 'IVli'ifraphi'., Train furb i-nli' u. .''ov. Yi hh.ui'o, Kt. huulp, linn ' .iicieii , I ,it,iMid Oro Kon, eimlu Wii'ih,, atul vurluiie pointn in Oregon and VViKiliunrtuii. OullfctlonH iiiivJuut nil polnte on fav rable turmn. Belgian Hares to Lease. I hiivn ubmit 100 thoroimhbred dueu that I will luimu in loin of 10 to ruHpon lhle partlca on ahareH. Apply to C U, 15, VAIU), Thu lJ.tll'je. Dysnopalu, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulunce, Hour Stomacii, au. Sick Headache, GaBtnilKia.CraHipjana all other results of imperfect digest on. PrleoSOcandti. LnrgosUocontttInsSt rnw urnaU fltio. liook aU about UyHiioislaniiilie,i" 11,... m... r..UIITT A ffl . Ch COQV 'wpurcanyc ii,wuiriai - Sold by Clarke & KnlkH.l O. I'liarnutnj P 1 1 "l CP e I LK ttolen sen otommziiOM wwm, tlio raafl helps the team. Haves war find (.wpcUHc. ttom cvcrywjit.i.. HA 11'' 11 STANDARD OIL CO. JJll. It. K. H.M1TII, Osteopath. Uomns- to mid 11, 0!iiip'ii' UUuk, Tin1 Olvgon,