The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, December 14, 1900, Image 3

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    Fashion and Economy
AVo stand forth boldly and say without four of con
tradiction when it conies to tho host clothing for tho least
money we lead. Complete is the only word fitting the
condition of our stock. Perfect more nearly than any
thing else describes the quality of the goods. P.cst pat
terns, best material, best workmanship place our gar
ments in a class by themselves, to be compared only with
the highest grade custom work in everything but price.
There we have the advantage.
Here are a peui Price Pickings:
Men's high grade serge suits, also Ann fnncy worsteds, made in the very
lutes style, designed exclusively for us, equal in fit ami 61 QK
fiieliion to -f2'i custom goods tj 1T;.00
Muii'h lutest style herringbone vicunu tnpepats in oxford pray, mntie with ut.
liniHt cure in every detail, perfest in lit and style ; looks eqiiH.1 rf - f Kf
to custom muku pj.VS.OVs
Men'H fancy worsted suits, stripes and plaidn in block nud gray
checks, the ttcinu of Htyln, the perfection of tuilor- tfi 1 O QR
inc. for tj liC.OO
Men's keroy, melton and frieze overcoats in black, brown, ri Q qc
gruy and tan ; perfect in every detail tj) O.cO
Special : Announcement
Holiday Goods
We have placed on sale a large assortment of
Cameo (Hare
in Plaques, Imperial Hapsburg Artware, Teplil
Vases, the most attractiuo and artistic goods
ever shown. Look the assortment over before
you make any selections.
Silver Novelties.
"We are also showing a
Silver Novelties. Better
Original Souvenirs of Tho
inexpensive goods.
large assortment of
values than over.
Dalles in neat and
Special Dress Goods Offering
50c, 00c and Ooc values to be sold this
week for doC
Boys' shoos, elastic sides 05c
Boys' lace shoes, 1 to 4. $1.00
Misses' kid lace, heavy soles,
sizes 1., to 2 .' $1.00
Child's kid lace, heavy soles,
sizes 9 to 12 85c
Same, sizes 5 to 8 75c
Child's kid button, spring heel,
sizes 5 to 8 -10
Special sale on Men's and "Women's
Shoes still on. $3.50, $4.00 and
$0.00 values $2.00
All GoocIb Marked
In Plain Figures.
fts it Ciowe
The Dalles Daily Gtonfclft.
I) KG. 11. J 11(10
if stiffs
Ai And row Heir's.
All IViixco County U'lirrimtH r'KUli'l'il
nl(ir to .li'ptiMiilnT I, 1HU7, Mill ln pulil
ii pi viii iiliillciii in my ollii i', JuttiMixt
i'i-umii, itftnr Novi'iiilii'r l. 11HIO.
.to ii n r. ii a rsii i ui:,
County T fount rrr.
in iinauement the hotel i" an aesured
success f'om the start. No hotter mn
in the state could be nt the head of the
house, and it will he opened to the pub
lic as soon us it can he furnished."
The Pine Grove correspondent of the
Jlood River Glucier nays: To the credit
"V. r t . i . i ; .. .1 r -
oi our larmers not, one huh appiieu ior
law passed by the last legislature, which
allows u rebate on taxes to al! owners of
"Temple of Fume"
At the Vogt tonight ,
Doors open 7:.'!0; cm tain rises ut S : 1 o .
iiirgfeld's nrchest ru will add much to
an alreunv pleasing t'litertainmeiit to
niu'lit at the Vugt. Don't, miss it.
New Hint for Christinas? We're ready
in make it for you, or to Hell it to you
ready made. Don't wait. A. M. Will
iams t Co.
Seventy live rcsidunts of Hhauiko will I
present u petition to the county court ut j
it- .lanuary term for the inuorporation
el that town. ' j
Mule HroH., profeHHionul piano tuners i
'if I'ortland, will he in town the coining
week. Leave ordcrH ut Mcnefee it i
Parkins.' or Nickolsen's mimic mores.
Alexander ISIiuikburn , I. !., will leu-j
Hire on "Gumption" at the Calvury Bap- j
tint church on Wednesday, Dee. liUh.
Admission Ur centH; children 10 cents..
Dr. .1. lludHoii will leave The Dalles!
in the near future and return to Condon, '
whore he has important business, inter-1
-'Htf . Mrs. iludNou ami the cliildienj
ill remain here.
jiw muscles and other pieces of ma
chinery thut are Ignored, if not insulted,
when you pop a tablet into a man's
mouth and say, 'There, you've had your
dinner.' "
i I..., i ..! H.....I i:.......
Willi i.iiiiuit.u mill':! r-oL ill illlllit Jbivri-j
wheat is selling at 'li! cents a bushel.
Jrggs urn selling in Hood River at "5
cents a dozen. How many dozen eggs
can he iiiuuufuctuicd from one bushel of
whuat fed to liens' Ju other words.
. How long will a bushel of wheat, feed theJ wide-tire wagons. Tho general disposi
uverage hen that will lay twelve dozen 3 tion throughout the district is to give
1 of eggs a year'.' asks the Glacier. lestni road work rather than ask for re-
The Ilosebure: Plaindealer of the KUh hate?. If a law were enacted forbidding
says: Uev. C. I', Bailey, who has been j dealera to bring narrow-tire wagons into
holding meetings at Kiddie for tlie past the state, some good might follow.
two week", is now proaehinn at Winston.
j Ho is assisted by Rev- (. II. Howard, of
Ibis place. .Mr. liailey is an able speak-
1 er and Htronn in his work and inueli in- j
t terest is manifested in his meetings. ,
. We understand be is soon to preach to j
; tho people of Dillard. J
i Tno new postoliice of Wrentham is
provim: a very ureal convenience to the
farmers of that neighborhood. .1. O.
Johnson called at this ollice Thursday
to have the address of hie paper changed
to Wrenthain. lie lemiuked that for
merly he had to navel sixteen miles to
The Dalles for his mail, which meant it
day Just. Now he has only to travel
Mrs. Alice Simmons died in this city
this uioiiiitm of consumption, aged
about .'!() years. She returned about ten
days ago from the dood Samaritan Hos
pital, whither she had been taken in
hope of relief, but her case was beyond
human help. She leaves a husband,
who deserted her several years ago, and
two children, who are being cared for at
the Hoys' and Girls' Aid Society. The
funeral will take place at '2 o'clock to
morrow afternoon.
Secretary Dosch, of iho Oregon state
hoard of horticulture has recently lln
isheil his report of the work done in his
ollice during the past, year, lie Inula
that notwithstanding I he apple crop of
when it will cost them $3. The timber
in close proximity to the river is becom
ing very scarce, and when it is necessary
to go farther back in the goods, the ex
pense of hauling will naturally raise the
By an oversight we omitted to report
yesterday the very interesting and en-
exemption from road work under the ' joyai.le entertainment given by the
'A ... .t... I- t T )
Wireless telegraphy is an assured fact,
aays u recent disnatch from Honolulu.
The system is completed between Oahu
and Molokai, and regular communica
tion established. The system connect
ing the iblands of Hawaii, Mani, .Molo
kia and Oahu its Hearing completion.
Manager Cross states that he thinks
that wireless telegraphy will be so per-1
fectod that it will be possihle to tele-'
graph from Honolulu to San Francisco
before it would be possible to lay a ca-,
ble, and is satislied that in a very short j
time it will be tiie message sending ey6- j
tern of the world.
The Salem Statesman s'l.vs there mo'
Artisans at the K. of P. hall Wednesday
night. About u hundred and twenty
five members umlj invited guests were
present when the entertainment opened
with a siiort musicul and literary pro
gram. This was followed by interesting
talks on fraternitv bv N. Whealdon of
this city and A, J. Brigham of Duiur.
An elegant banquet followed, at which
plates were laid for over a hundred
guests. After the banquet games anil
other aiiiuseme.ite weie indulged in til!
near midnight, when the company sep-
,n Afti'ilmiili.
Theodore J. Senfert delightfully
entertainsd a large number of her iadv
' friends from two until six Thursday
I afternoon.
I Tiie loom? were beautiful with palms,
cut flowers, fsstoon and wreaths cf
A most delicious lunch was served,
j after which a jilly hour was spent
(guessing a game, "Parts of tlie body."
.Mrs. Hostettler won the prize for
! making the greatest number of correct
' gnes'es and spelling down thirteen
, lames who tied lor tne prize.
Trie guests departed thankful to Mrs.
! Senfert for a charming afternoon.
Tho only store
this city where tin
Genuine Imported
Ware is sold
A little higher in
price, but outhifiti
.1 dozen piecesof so
called cheap enatn
eled ware.
Other wares loob
has the name
Strauslcy - Steel
Ware on each piece.
Do not be deceived
First prize at 16
International Exlii
bitions. Highest
award at World s
Columbian Exhibi
tion. Chicago Pre
ferred by tho liest
certified to by the
most famouschem
itts for purity and
durability it is
cheapest because
Remember this
celebrated enam
eled ware is special
y imported for and
sold in this city ex
clusively by us.
It does not rust
nor absorb grease,
does not discolor
nor catch inside, is
in fruitiot
will boil,
sit . -..j,
and balct
w i t h o u ;
flavor Oi!
cool; c d
food nnd
will last
for years.
We cau
tion tin
imitatu .i
1)1 Kl.
Thursday, Dec. Ki, at S:30 p. in.,
Cha". Denton, son of Chas. W. Denton,
a pioneer settler of Mill Creek, at the
nm. ut .'1-1 vunii Till. I'niuu rif iluutli W'aa
united after pronouncing the u'BtheriiiK . tv,oiil fver, follovvini: a sev.'ro attack
one of the most successful nntl enjoyable af the grippe. The deceased leaves a
events in the history of the local assem-' wife and one child.
000, nearly all carrying beneficiary pro
tection. It carries u reserve fund, be
sides having In its benefit fund !f"0,000.
The grand banker is Mrs. Judge Hurley,
of Portland, who is custodian of tint
prospects that the flax industry, both j fllmlSi The Women of Woodcraft is the
j Siitisi't .Mining; Cuinpuiiy -MrttliiK.
Women of Woodcraft, which! v,,ii,.,. lmrnhv timt ti Simo,t
sprang from the Woodmen Circle in i Mining Company will hold a special
ISO" vv i 1 1 1 but seven niembeip. has 20,- meeting on the'''Jd dav of December,
l'Juii, nt uie nour oi ; o ciock a. in., ai
the ollice of the county clerk of Wasco
county, Oregon, for the purpose of vot
ing on a pioposition to increase the cap
ital clock ol the corpoiation.
dlL'-2-' S. lioi.Tu.v, Secretarv.
Notice is hereby given that the part
j nerehip heretofore existing between A.
I Michael, P. Surad and P. Perlumn, in
I the Great Northern Furniture Mure, is
j this day dissolved by mutual agreement,
j Mr. A. 'Michael retiring from the firm.
! Mesars, P. Surad and P. Perlman will
continup the business under the above
name of the Northern Furniture
Store, and will assume all liabilities nf
the linn and collect and teceipt for ail
debts due the firm, both in The D.Uled
and Portland, Oregon.
- The Dalles, Dec. -1, 1900.
P. P 1'IU. MAN".
A. MiciiAiu.,,
d5-lw P. Srit.U),
Fin Kent or Milo.
The Sam Wilkinson warehouse, on
First street, is for rent or sate. It is a
three-story, corrugated iron building,
HOxIiM feet, with water elevator. Apply
to Sam Wilkinson, The Dalles, u'.'il-tf
auxiliary to the Woodmen of the World,
Pacific Jurisdiction, while the Woodmen
raising and manufacturing, will be taken
hold of by practical patties in the Wil
lamette valley, it may turn out. mat Circk, is the auxiliarv of the soveieigi.
the partial iailute of the wheat crop in jurj8(ijctioii, Woodmen of the World,
that district last year was a blessing in I Ti)is, woman's order, Women of Wood, if so be it shall turn the atlen-, ura(ti !mH prti(1 n)1 (leath ossv llllljmit.
tion of the valley fanners to an industry t0 over 30,000. A soldier, who is
to which all the condition" of boil and I a benefit member, while performing hi"
climate are adapted. These are remark-1 ,iuty for coun.ry ,iot.s not go su
ably himilar to those of tho north of Ire- j ,eti'e(l in the Women of Woodcraft, but
land, one of tiie gieatest llAx-prodncing j nis ,jueiJ aI1( nHsf8Sini'iitP are paiil by the
districts on tho globe. circle upon whose roster his name is,
The second annual meeting of tlie Ore-' and if lie dies while serving his country,
gon Historical society will be held m his loved ones icceive his beneficiary,
tlie lecture room of the First Con-! besides sflOO for funeral expenses. It is
A full line of Christmas goods can
found at the New York Cash Store.
Don't oveilook thegieat jHi-ket tale
The Fair.
giegatioual chinch in Portland tomor
row at 2 o'clock p. m. After transacting
lilOO WIIH Olltl of the largest ever ttro- I tint nmnil luminous, floctimr otiirers mill
Don't forgot Bob Teague is still in the .,,,.,, , the United States, there is no Locelving leports fro... the ollicers, an
cry of over production. First-class font historical paper will bo presented by
tier apples are now selling in Portland Mis, K. M. Wilson, of this city, after
at from 8" cunts to ifl.oi) a box. for ship- , which it is expected that there will bo a
incut east and lo Kuropc, and in a short j f,nv informal talks by persons intimately
tune, hn says, they will roach a higher j Ub(,ouinUtl with the early history of tho
flk'iue. state. All who ittteuii this meeting are
"lln i, nin Hi.'iriR." which cnmcH to tln leouiisted to visit the Historical Sncictv
'. ...i l,,i.c. Mi. mil, II. i,. ITili Ij ! nuiino in tlin clt v hull i ill ini'i! iilt i'h' nf I it ' ''l'r ' '
I irKI' UIKllll IIUIIO niutl'Htj n ivnw i j - v
liruccry busineHS he can give you good
ttoods and low prices, lie has just, received,
a very fine line ofcoHees, Ihti best in the
ity. Try them. Phone. No. !1. M-l
One of the nicest in the lot. Light
Kuiv, tun, castor and brown. Fine Ker
"y cloth jacket, collars and icveres up
I'liqued in satin or velvet, and cut-lined
tt'iih Hllk braid, turned-buck cull's uppli
'Hied. Guaranteed siitlii lining. A iflO
a patriotic, as well as a fraternal order,
Tlie local order expects the grand guard
ian, Mrs. C. O. VanOrsdall, to vMt them
soiui, when a public meeting will he
given. Mrs. VanOrsdall is an eloquent
speaker and talks fraternity straight out.
tine of those plays which will live for
yearn because there is nothing vulgar,
The following comfortable bit of in
foi uiation conies to the patresiai.ulius
of this section from the Skamania Coun
ty Pioneer. Anil the worst of it is we
cannot lelleve our pent up feelings by
jusket now selling at .frj.(l). A. M. ,,,.,) or ,.tmrse iu it. It is not filled
Williams it Co. J with melodramatic clap-trap, it is singly
s"lom, which has claimed to be the J wholesome, liearlHouie play -a story
"leuiid dtv ui the state, will have to 1 from life, in which the characters are
drop into the lifth place according to Hie! human and natural, which when cuuplcd laying the blamu on the wood trust. Jt
r,':"nl. The order will bo Portland, i with faultless presentation by so capable I a' the bloated wood chopper that is
"Htoila, Baker City, IVmllet .Salem, . u cuinpany of plnyurs makes it u iday . (.incliiiig us this time. S.ivs the Pioneer:
he Dalles, Oregon City, Kugeue, Ab ( that everybody should see,
'wiiy. l.uGnuide, Ashland, Grunts Pass., -.u, shaniko Leader says: "Mr. Fen
All other cities huvo less thuii 'JOIIO, j Butty has muted tho new brick hotel
liiiiergeiiuy rations urn not popular in and is now in Portland purchasing new
l"" uriny. A Urge- pill for a nieiil may
'inlet thu sUnnach, but fulls to satisfy
tlm ego. A prominent phyHlithm orpUIiiB
matter : "We have teeth, u imlute,
furnltun) for the house. Mr. Batty is
well mid favorably known by the travel
ing public, uud hus hud years of experi
ence In the hotel business, Under his
"A few years ngocurdwuod was Bold for
ssiuething like $1.25 per cord delivered
on the bank of the Columbia, but ut tlie
Names of some of the prominent pian
ists, musicians and composers of Aniei
ica and Europe who have used and in
dorsed the Knnbe piano? : Kugen D'AI-
Dr. Hans VunBnlow, Alfred
tiiiinfeld, P. Tschaikovsky, Tteesa
.Current), Sir Julius Benedict, Ovide
1 Miifin, Beruliaid Sc-liol, Minnie Hank,
Marniontel, Pauline I, ucca, Xiver Schar
wenka, l.illun Russell, Anton Schott, P
IS Giluiore, Gustav Salter, Neally Slov
1 ens, Helen llopekirke, Asger lluinerik,
I Max Strakosch, Henri Vieiixtemps,
; Adolph Cttrpe, lima De.Murska, Nanette
FalkAuerba.)h, Claru Louise KeUoi',
Beriihuni Stavenhagen, Fannie Bloom
, fleld-.isler, Chevalier DeKontski, L M
present time parties huve been oirered j aUntl Ht,nibe ,,or a, c,
as high us 2.10 per cord. We believe, Nli;koatJI1.M mllplo ,lore.
tiie Bteuuibortts lire now paying $2.50 per
cord delivered on the wharves, and we ! Come in uud sue. the latest in art.
predict thut the tiino is not fur distant j Cheaper thanlevcr. Geo. C, Blakeley,
mffQi One thousand styles and sizes. .iEa!
IIHy Fr cooking and heating. kL I
I rfr'he genuine all i)2iir tlie Above Tra UAIark; I
I jHSytf and are fi0,J wil11 a wr'tteH guarantee, jj-i-1
I $BM& Awarded First Prize Paris Exposition 1900 W;m? I
mjfsjr Sold by First-Class Slovo Merchants everywhere, t 'vB
MP U Maaeo..i i.y The Michigan Stove Company, U M
fitlturnert Lntei Malum of atovoa mat Huuireii In tho Woriq. pk Slovegy