I'KOrt.K CIIM1NO AMI CHHNC1. Attorney N. II. Hrooks, of GoUlendate, is in the i:ity. Sheriff W. C. liurgf 11 was in town lnat 11 i tr lit from Gulilemlalf. C. K. .lones, a nn'rclinnt from Wngcn, is renistrreil at the Umatilla House. C. H Swi'tt was in town today from Unvii and made this office u pleasant call. Mies Nettie McNeill and Miss Daisie Allaway were pneencers on the boat this morning for Portland. mai;kif.i. This nfternoon. December KUh, at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. I.. L. Mc Cartnev, of Thompson V Addition, Mr. .A. M. Hoop, of Muster, to Mrs. Heleu M. Surles. of Independence, Oregon. "lliiinmi :ifrt." If your mind needs relief from the worries of the day, if your heart needs an outlet for its pent-up feelings, if an eutertainment is desired which will not leave a bad taste in the mouth as do many formsof amusement now presented in our theaters, see one of the greatest successes of the day, the beautiful melo drama "Hnni ui Hearts." Did you like the "Old Homestead?' Did "Shores Acres" please yuu? If they did, and where is there a living man, woman or child in this broad land of ours that one of these two prand plays have not thrilled, then you will be charmed again with this great successor, "Human Hearts." It is a play with well por tioned Hunt and ahade, rich in humor, pathos and dramatic incidents, ably acted by a capable enmpany ; its story, its purpose and the characters concerted in the plot are revealed with cleanness and force. The attention which has been given to the details of the action and the scenic accompaniment has made "Human Hearts" an artistic success, interest not abating but rather increas ing from season to season. It is a play long remembered, not alone because of novelty but also because of the deep im pression it makes upon ul! who witness it, whether young or old. "Human Hearts" conies to the Vogt opera house Monday, Dec. 17th. Dullen l'ulillc hcluiols. Following is the report for the quar ter (4 weeks) ending December 7, '1900. i " IP TEACHERS. ' r. '- Eati Mil Primary. , Miss Cfeadle ,tB.2ncJ.2A IT 13 10 MUs Koberts . ...3A, IB and 511 31 ?J Court .Mrcr.. Miss Dontbtt Miss Klton ilUs Thompson . ... Jliss renu Academy Vark. Miss Cooper. . . .. Miss Klinn Mis. Koche . . Miss Ball ..1st1 Sf. ?. 'J7 ....2d .07 19 U ....Kd, 56 51 17 ..1th ii id ...1st; SO' 42 3s IMS-.'IB 50 11 37' II1-.5H 31. 1 15 ...."itll ?' 41 12 Utah school. , . Mrs.Ilalduiii .1 , Miss u Itintoul i 0th, 7th, ;thl.33i,Ul').J Miss T. Ilintoul. . I i Miss Michel! ( 11. S. Department. Miss Illll ... .. I Mr. Net: ... t H .-, W tS M Totals .IslOTSsC?.' Number of days of school, 18. Per cent of attendance on number be longing, 92. School holidays, Thank'gining and Friday following. J. .S. Landkiim, Superintendent. To Wliuui It May Ccnceiii. It iiaving come to my knowledge that parties, preeumuiily interested, are claiming that when I Hold out my retail interest at I'll, Second street, French's block, I contracted to not open any re tail business in the city of The Dallee. I beg to say that I sold my right not to open any retail business betwean Fed eral and Washington streets, on Second street, and have and intend to conform to ray contract. My place at the Bank Cafe is in no sense in violation of the contract. dl-tf C J. Stuhlimi. OfF to Frieco Hut before we go every article we possess, every piano and or gan, must be sold. We have instructed our agent at The Dalles, I. C. Nickelsen, to sell all pianos and organs on hand nt a great sacrifice. This includes such piano9 as Knabe, Hardman, Martin, I.udwig, Kingsburry, Steck and also Eatey organs. Call and get his prices or write us direct. Wiley IS. Allen Co., U11 First street, Portland, Or. 'otlcn ii f Dissolution of I'urtnrlili, Notice is hereby given that the part nership heretofore existing between Grant .Mays and h. K. Crowe, under the firm name of Mays & Crowe, was dissolved Dec. 1, 1900, Grant Mavs re tiring. The buiineHd will lie continued under the old firm name of Mays & Crowe by L. E. Crowe. All claims against the linn will bo paid, and all accounts und notes due the linn collected by him. Git A, NT M.VYh, L K, Citowi;, llun't Kul) It III, Jtiat wet the affected pari freely with Mysterious Pain Cure, a Scotch remedy, and the pain is gone. Sold by Clarke & Fulk. 25 Per Cent Off get your choice, all our goods all our figures. The place to 133 Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON. Nasal CATARRH in ail its Biases it MUly crwrK hotilil lx. cleanliness. CJ,f,I',"t' Ely's Cream Balm cleanses, soothei and heals a flicnsAi mem hr,ni. It cares catarrh anil drives EjflSS rnl.l In thn held AWfW x J Cream Balm Is p!acl Into the nostrils, spreads OTer the menibraire and Is absorbed. Hclief is im mediate and a cure follows. It is not drying does not produce sneezing. Large Size, 50 cents at Drug gists or by mail ; Trial Size, 10 cents by mail. ELY 1MOTIIEKS, 55 Warren Street, :fcw York. Bl'fINKS5 LOCALS. Hay, grain and feed at Maier &. Hen ton's.' 12-41 Dairy butter 30 cents per roll at Maier & Benton's.? 12 4t Twenty-five per cent off on all capes and jackets at The Fair. Eoslyn, Cbalum and Australian coals by the Stadelman Commission. "Mm I.azell's, the best perfume. We have it. M. Z. DonneU. 10 4t Nothing nicer for a Christmas present than a bos of Lazell's perfumes at Don nell's. 10 4t M. Z. Donnell has a lull line of La zell's periume for the holiday trade. See them. , 10-4t Kemember that Cocoanut Cream Tonic will promote growth of hair. Charles Frazer, sole agent. iiO-lm Soule Bros., piano tuners, are in the city and can be found at Hilier Menefee & Parkins' or Nickelsen's music store. The opinions of the greatest critics, composers and virtuosi oi the century concur in assigning pre-eminence to the Knabe piano. For sale at I. C. Nickelsen'a music store only. If your hair is dry and dead-lilte, Co coanut Cream Tonic will give it life and luster. It is pronounced the finest tonic on earth. Can be had at Frazer's barber shop, agent. nO lm When you need a soothing and heal ing antiseptic application for any pur pose, use the original DeWitl'a Witch Haze! Salve, a well known cure for piles aud skin diseases. It heals sores with out leaving a scar. Heware of counter feits. Sold by Clarke & Felk'a J', O. Pharmacy. Dusolutloli of I'lirlinirnlill'. The partnership herytofore exihting between A. M. Stringer and T. S. Kun nerly, under the style of The D.illes Dis tillery Company, has this day been ilia solved by mutual consent, A. M. Stringer retiring and T. K. Kennerly continuing the business nnd paying nil debln situ! collecting all bills. The Dalles, Dec. 10, 1000. A. .M. STKINfiKIt dlO 2v T. S. Kjj.ssuiti.v. Sick Hendaclie absolutely aud perniii- j nently cured by usim: Mlti Te., A j pleasant herb drink. Lurt-i, coiiniiiiittion and indigestion, makes you eat, sleep and happy. Satisfaction guaranteed or money back. L'5cts. and&Oels. Hlakoloy, the druggisL .Money to Loan. Five hundred dollars to loan on real estate. No commission, Apply at this office. n'JMiw Great Mid-Winter Jacket and Cape Sale For This We will give 25 per cent or 1-4 off of our regular price on the above goods. Remember we have no old styles that we are trying to work off, but all goods are up-to-date. This is a great cut and we would advise you to call early and Remember 1-4 goods are marked in Remember its this week ...THE FAIR... Save Aloney on all kinds of BUSINESS LOCALS. You will not have boils if vou take I Clarke & Falk's sure cure for boils. ; A full line of Eastman films and sup- plies just received by Clarke & Falk. Clarke & Falk's flavoring extracts are , the best. Ask your grocer for them. j Floral lotion will cure wind chapping , and sunburn. Manufactured by C'arKe I & Falk. I Paint your house with paints that ara . fully guaranteed to last. Clarke & Falk have them. Clarke & Falk have received a carload of the celebrated Jame E. Patton strictly pure liquid paints Why pay $1.75 per gallon for inferior i paints when you can buy JameB E. Patton's suu proof paints for $1.50 per gallon, guaranteed for 5 years. Clark & ' Falk, agents. ml j Wanted Men and women of good character and references, to represent an established house, splended opportunity i for advancement. Address P. O. Hos i 587, Portland, Oregon. novlo-lmoj Hustling young man can make $60 per j month aud expenses. Permanent posi tion. Experience unnecessary. Write i rpiick for particulars. Clark & Co., i Fourth and Locust Streets, Philadel-, hpia, Pa, s8-tf SOUTH and EAST via ii Shasta Route Trains leave The Dalles for I'ortlaud and way stations at a. in. and p. in. Iave Portland '( Albany Arrive Ahlilnnd " bac'ranii.'iito .. " Hun Kranclnco , :.T0nm 7:Mpm ,12.3)m 10:.Wp in .I2:::ium lliiifiurn . .1:00 ji in t ilium . 7:1.1 p in b:15 u in Arrive Oxdon " Denver " Kali.sasClty " Chieaijo . .1:1.') am llMlnm . 9:00 n m U:U)a in 7;'J.lnm 7:,J.iin 7; II u in UiUJum Arrive Los Angeles- . . " Kl I'hki " Fort Worth.. . " City o( Mexico . " Homton " New Orleans " WasliliiKtiin . . . " New York l:wpm ii:l p rn fi::) ii m u:5.i a in l:(u in fi::il n rn 0:1.' u m Si!: tl p m 7:00 n m :oo p m 0;:io ii rn j:.11 a rn 1:00 a in C:'i1 p in ti'U n in r."l.i pin I'ullimin and Tourlit curs on both trains Chair curs tsaeriiineiito to Ogilen anil 111 1'ato, and tourist can. to Chicago, bt Unils, New Or leans and Washington. Conncotlng at San Franelsco with niveral hUiinifchlp lines (or Honolulu, Japan. China, Philippines', Central and .South Aineiieu. Hie agent at The Dalles station, or adilriMt C. H. MARKHAM, General I'asnnger Agent, I'orl.and, Or KXKCUTOU'S NOTIOK. ; Notleu Is hereby given that the undersigned, executor of the will of Andrew V. Andermii, , ileceaeil, tins tlltd his flna aceouut In the I county court of thuKtatool Oregon for Waco County, unci tald court hus aiolnted .Monday, the 7 111 day of January, 1WU, at the hour of 10 . o'clock u. in., as the tlino for hearing objections thereto and the n'ltlenient thereof. Ail heirs, j creditors mid other iiersno Interested in kuld tstutoiiro therefore heitby rc'iulrtil to JI lo their onjeeiioiiH to Mini ncvouiii, ii any uioy nave, on or befoio tin) day tet for the hcurlng thereof. Dulles City, Or., Nov. M, l'joo. nli-ll J. C. II03TKTI.KK, Kxecutor Clarke & Falk have on sain a full line I of paint ojmI artist's brushes, Sotiinern Pacific Co Week Only f V .'MS off, and plain fo only. Merchandise. p. C. JVIapquardsen, Prop. IlKl'Ar.T roa time sriir.nULR. From Dai.i.ks. Auit:vi5 Fkom FH.st 'Halt I.akf, Denver, Ft. Ft Mull , Worth, Omaha, Kan- Mall l.':'ii p. m.i ms City, St. Uiuls, i:os j m ! Chlcaxo and Kant, 1 Atlantic ii:iilt Like, Denver. Ft. l jn. in Kxtirea.s j Worth, Omaha, Kiui r.':.rjiiii. m. mis city, Kt. Units, Via Hunt- ChiciiKu and F.uit. inston. ' Stxiknnu Walla Walla, Hrxikanu, fiixikniie Mail Minneapolis. Kt. I'aul,, Mall and 1 i) u lu t h, Milwaukee,! and Kxpress 1 Chicajo and Fast, via KxpresH i hpokanuakd IIiuitltiK- I ton . al-n all (HilntN in 1 'J:'S p. m I WashiiiKtim and Fast- :);sn h. rn I era Orcxon. 8 p. m. Fkom Yoktlwu. Ocean Hteamihlps. 1 For han Frimcin'o F.very Five 1mt. t p. in. ,. !' m- i p. m. h.t.biiudnyiColuniDia Itv. Kteiimers.'Ka.buiKji ,To Antokia mid Way Samrday I Landings. i 10 p. m. r, a, m. , Wiuamcttk Kivku. i i:ai ti. m. hx.btimisy Orvsou City. NuwbvrK, Kx.tiiiiiUny Haleiii & Way Land'u, 7 h. sn, i WiLtAHKTTr. ANi Vam- M:Sf) ii. m. iue,iiiur. iiiu. uivkkn. Mou..Wi'il and b:it. Oreuon City, Dayton,, and Frl. ami ny i-.tinniiK". I.V Klpurltt 8.VAKK I'.IVXIt. I.KAVK daily l'.lparla to lAjivlntun. I.kwintoh 3::iia. in. 1 (lllly 0:00 . iii mmr ......v., ,.vT...h ... H, llt;l(0ivr Of Purlw.u 1.I,I,II ... t.t. . r. II... , .." in iiraiiiir-Mi vill lllggs, HIIOIIIII take .So. leaving The Dalles at 1J.10 p. m. making direct connections at Heppner Junction and Higgs. itetiirnlug mii'nngilir:tcouiie:llon at Heppner Junction and lllggs with No. 1. ar riving at 'Jhu Dulles nr Vail) p. ni. ThoO. U. iV N. steumur "Modoc"'is now mak ing regular trips to gnlcm ami Iniicpeinltiicu, tupping at nil way lundlngs. tlbu leaves I'ort land on Mondays, Wednesdays ami Frlduya at on. m., arriving at bn'en I p. in., mid Independ ence abouto p. in. on same days. Iti'turnlng boat leaves Iiide;nd'.'nci! at ' u. in. anil alem nt fiu, in. on Tuesdays, Thursday and balur j";s. arriving at I'ortlaud about ;i p. m. same For full tmrtieulars call on O, It. a. N. Co 's ng'.'iit '1 he Dalleii. or address . ,w. ii. iiriibiiruT, Oeii, 1'as. Agt , J'ortland, Or NOTIGIO. II.Y virtue. of un order of the connell or Dalle, f.lty. Oregon made on thyith dnv of Novum her A l. llU riotlee Is heroin lv. r, ,utU,m tin; Mild ami. day of .Vovembor. iwkj, the Ktid council dccluieil hy resolution adopted, that, that portion of thn sidewalk Mtunlcd on tho northerly Hide of Kul ton Miee. and lying )M; iwcen tho nortlieasl. eonior or tho sfiuiue formed liy tho Intersection of .said Fulton .Streot, with Wiishlnglon Street Dalles L'lty anil u no ,,t uireet oast of Mild corner on sulil Fulton Klrent, Is In n diuigjrous condition and In need or being r.ibullt. In tlmt said sidOHiilk Is weak, decayed mid iinsafotn travol upon: mill It, was ilutei' mlneil by said council lo rebuilt) the ,amc and that the cost of rebuilding said slilow.ill; be charged lo tho owner or ownuiaoi the properly ubiilliig on suit! portion or said slccvnik dr c areilln a dangerou-. inudltlon a-. :, i.iv, mii vlded. 11 ThlH uotlcc Is published for II day, from the Hit day of December, limn, by order of t o N!aothViw'!J,,C;'ly' waM "",,;r ,,,i"'u Dated nt Dalles ( It , . Or , December ::d pioo .NIIDII OATllH, ' iteconlor or Dalles City. OWE FOR A DOSE. B3J1B ( ) i m v. .-. njk.i l ii i . wr Retiring from Business. Closing out my Entire Stock Regardless of Cost. Drv Ooodn, (llnthlng, ItnotH and Shrms, a nint h li'MMImn wholes,,!,, priet'H." Will cull in bulk or in lotH, or any way tn Milt purcham-is. Entire stook must be closed out before 30 days. All goods will be mierificed except Thiimp-nn'H Olovt-fltting Com-tit and Itutterlck I'uttunm. Your prici-u will be mum. Call early ami secure hargutuu. THE CELEBRATED .. .GOIiUjWBlA AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop. Of the product of tliiH well-known brewery the United .States Health KepurtH for June US. 11100, hh.vh: "A more mipuiinr brew never entered the labratory of the Tinted States' Health ritptirttj. It ih iibnilntuly chwnlil of the Hlightest trace of ailulleriition, but on the other hand it composed of the best of malt and choicest of hops. ItH tunic (llulitnm are of tlui hig,. est and it can he used with the greutent hunelH and Hallcfaetion by old mid young. Its use can i'oncii)iitinunl y he prcMcnbed by the physiclatiH with the cersainty that a better, purer or more u IioIuhouih beverage could nnt possibly be found." East Sooond Streot, THE DALLES, OREGON. JIAVATATm-TirATATATA- A-l A-Jk UliUI l! C. J. STUBIaIJGJ i : . mii)i.i..sai,i: Wines, Liquors Cigars Family Orders will receive prompt attention. Nest door to First I Phone 234, THE l.y;sriy.yi.srfcyKT.:r.i.jyuiJT.T.i.T.i.i rtleamcrs ow.ng xihnlule. M'hcilulc without Str. Hodulator Ship your Freight via Regulator Line. POWK. I.v Dalles at 7 A. M. Tuesday Thumluy . . Saturday. Arr. I'ortlaud nt l::) 1-. i, I.v I'ortl md in 7 a. M. Monday . WediicMliiy Friday Arr. Dalles II ' '. M. FOR OOMFORT ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, Travel by the Htearners of the Itegulator t.l no ions me ov.sv kvrvice jiossime. rortlaud Ofllce. Oak-iitrcet Dotk. W. To rijarw cv-rArA-rA-T-A rjcrAi An-A-rA-j-A-ri tr,J j i' V (' f i' i' i' Y i m I fi' L. Lane, OKNKI'.AI. .AND. r Wagon and Carriage) Work. Fish Brothors' Wagon. Third and JoUcin, Phone 159 ft FRENCH & CO., BANIC'iKS. l'HA.NHACI A KM'.lt.I.HA hl.Nti IIUBJ.NKi 1 Lutterfl oi Or.;ilit ihmuhiI nviilublo in tlm KuHtm'ii tsi'tte tiirht lii.r.ini'i- ico : ointriipiiil Traiiu. "rB ml.' n Xvw V"-i. . i ihiutuo, Bt. l.ouih, linn : . .iMiihcu, l'nii,i.tit( Onj. Kon, Koattlu Wi.iili,, and viirioiia polittn in Orcein "ml WtiHluriKtoii. CollfctioiiH m.vlo at all polnte on fuv. rttlwi tnrnt. Belgian Hares to Lease. I Imvo iiliunt 100 tlioroiiKlilirud doi'H thut I will luiiau in lotH of 10 to ruHjioii Hllilu pnrtluu on nlmrcH. Apply to G. K, I5AVAHI), "0 -V.' Tho Uitllue, BiacKsmiin Horsesnoe J. F. MCllNJiiJKJNY, (lornor Second und Court ts. BHEWEKY.J 1AIA tATATA r.' A1A1 At A -"ATATJOy .'.m i.h'ah. National Hank. DALLES, OREGON. REGULATOR LINE. ;! DALLES, I'OIimNI) k ASrORIA NAY. MM of the Itegulator Line will rim us per the fol J the Compiiiiy roervlng the right to cli.insc'jl notice. Str. Dullcis City. IMIWH I.v. Dalles at 7 A. i. Monday Wednesday . , Friday... . Arr. I'ortlaud , lit liffl) l H. . , I'ortliind ,3 lit 7 A. '1 m'Ml.iy 'J nr. ' uirnlay hutimlay H Air PiillM'J ill ,j 1-. M. The Company- will endeavor to give Its put 1 l or lurthur tuiormiiiioii auuiess n. ai.i.aaav. nnn. Ait. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure I Digests wh at you eat. ItartlllciallydlBeststhcIoodaudalus "Miltllrn in ulrnncrl.himillir UllU fCLOU' i atruotlng tho exhausted digest ve M' gans. It is tho latest diacovcredulgcst' I ant and tonic. No other preparation i nnn nnnpnnnli it-. In lllllnlolK'V. lb IU ,8 stantly rolloveaand ponuariotitly cur 3 ! Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Hcwtburni i D'latuionce, esour Biomuui , """---j Siclc ileadachc, Gastralgla.Crnniiisana ail oilier results or imperii iukwv- I l'rJco50c.anill. LarRoalxncontalnsaWtlmM cmiillal.n 11,,,.1nllnVwmt.llVSIimiS ttUllltieu"v" 'roparcd by E. O. DoWITT ft CO.. Cljlcofl Sold by Olurko & Kulk'H.i'. O. I'liurnmOj Mm H - (tin vl t'irj rc.i'1' holm tilt- leant. !:ivcs v.wir nim .pciti.0. 1301(1 tvf:7y v. v. . si l . . irr. UAflR IH fiTAHniian iitL '3tii JJK. It. K, HMITII, Osteopath. Ilooins li) und ll.fjhaiiiiiuti lllock, Tli" "jl1" Oukou, " ' Mr':n'i u:i.. v a yfyu l m ... t.: 1 J II". 1 : T.l 1 ... nU'llll V "i t.li I'i7i f...B (vw V J v.. M m ma