Fashion and Economy IN ...WINTER CLOTHING III Wo stand forth boldly and say without fear of con tradiction whon it cninos to tins host clothing for the least monoy wo load. Ooinploto is the only word fitting tho condition of our stock. Perfect mora nearly than any thing olso describes tho quality of tho goods. Best pat terns, host material, best workmanship place our gar ments in a class by themselves, to bo compared only with the highest grade custom work in everything but' price. There wo have tho advantage. Here m a peia Price Piekings: Muii'b high (rnile Berge suits, also firm fanny worsteds, matin in the very lutes style, designed exclusively fur us, equal in fit and rf -t A Q C fashion ft) $25 custom Roods ITC.OO .Men's Intcst style herringbone vicuna topcoats in oxford frruy. made with ut- most cure in every liituil, perfot in fit and stylo ; looks eqiifcl rt f to custom make (PXv.Ov MmU'm fllllCV Unr(4tftl MIlitH. utrtm.C linil 'llllllflu 1,1 lllnnlr n.-lrl I ' ' " . .... V " , I . ...ur UU'I ciieuKH, inn uomo oi siyie, uie poneciion 01 tailor- C 1 O Q E ing, fur (J) 1C.OO $ 8.95 Special : Announcement OF III Holiday Goods Men's kerey, melton and trie." overcoats in blnek, brown, gray and tun ; perfect in every detail Wo have placed on sale a largo assortment of Cameo (Hare in Plaques, Imperial llapsburg Art ware, Teplilz Vases, the most attractiuo and artistic goods ever shown. Look the assortment over before you make any selections. Silver Novelties. We are also showing a large assortment of Silver Novelties. Better values than over. Original Souvenirs of The Dalles in neat and inexpensive goods. Speeial Dress Goods Offering 50c, 00c and 05c values to be sold this 0 week for OOC Good Thing! Bryys' shoes, elastic sides Goe Boys' lace shoes, sizes 1 to A.. ..$1.00 Misses' kid lace, heavy soles, sixes 13 to 2 .' $1.00 Child's kid lace, heavy soles, sizes 9 to 12 .". 85c Same, sizes 5 to 8 75c Child's kid button, spring heel, sizes 5 to 8 40 Special sale on Men's and Women's Shoes still on. $3.50, 84.00 and $0.00 values $2.00 All Goods Marked In Plain Klprures. PEASE & MAYS mays i Crowe 10 Tho only store It this city where th Genuine Imported Stransky-Steel Ware is sold A little higher in price, but outlasts a dozen pieces of so called cheap enain cled ware. BEWARE! Other wares look has tho name Strnnsky Steel Ware on each piece. Do not be deceived First prize at 16 International Exhi bitions. Highest award at World 5 Columbian Exhlbi tion. Chicago Pre ferred by tho best cookingauthontjes. certified to by the most famous chem ista for purity and durability it la cheapest because BEST. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. TJl'ISDAY DKO. Ki. WOO vsters til At Andrnw K sorvod in any yle... Hor'G. mirror, u photograph and some other . "mull articles iroin the Cnmmeroiul Lodging house. Our toilut nccessaireH are of tho latest importations; something unusually line, and at a price that will couvincH you tliat wo mean to give tho people of The ! Dalles an opportunity to buy at metro I polltan price". See our east window. ! Geo. 0. JJInkelev. TlJUASriiKK'S NOTICE. .Ml U'liaco County witrritnts rcKlxtiircil lirlitrtu MitiiilMir I. I HUT. will lm pitlil in irii'iittliiu ill my nlllco, IlilTi-t vciiMitM uf tttr Niivi'iiiImm- .iU, 1 IMIO. JOHN I'. IIA.Ui'SIIIKK, (louitty TriiuHiirt'i. WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. Temple of I'uino" At the Vogt tomorrow night. Come in ami see the latent in art, ! Cheaper than ever. Geo. C. Blakeloy. full line of Christmas goods can he found at the New York Cash Store. I The I'ossil Journal says It ie proposed ' to haye u meeting of natives of Scotland j on Saturday, Dec. 'JOih, in FoBsil. Scots ' from Gilliam and Wnseo eountieH will be 1 heartily welcome. A good time is prom ised, and it in probable that a Burns club will he organized at the meeting. Superintendent Ormsby, of tho Cai ' cade reserve and Supervisor Dulur re I cently made a tour of investigation , through that part of the eastern slope of . the reserve that is under Mr. Dtifur's jurisdiction in order to obtain Home special data fur the information of the I department. They found very little snow anywhere except upon the summit. Tin lnut iliiMiti'r tti flu 1i!u?nr of Tit- coma's shocking street ear accident Foii'th of .1 ill v last was written the or the valley members insist on repeal ing the law as thev threaten to do and the division question may advance with a bound to u very important place in our state politics. The Dalles footlmil team left. for il?pp ner on the 1-A p. m. train, and are due at Henpner at' 5 p. tn. The Ileppner name, which comes off tomor row, is for Ihe championship of Eastern Oregon. '1 lit' Dalles team will consist of Messrs. K.wle, Krizaell, Zirka, Scott, f Groehler, Rue, MoKerme, CooperJ Frank, Starr, Ward, Murray, Hawaii and!) Williams. Manager Patterson accom-j panied the boys'as the Ileppner papers: nave it, to play rentei M.MtV The Tinpl if Fame. Follovring is the cast of characters as they will appear tomorrow night at the Voe;t opera house. Music by the Birg- '"""-kfeld orchestra will be interspersed rJnn. " . .... inrougiiout. tne program ana accompany the singers : Adolpli Carpe, lima DsMureka, Nanette Falk-Auerbanh, Clara Louise Kellogg, Bernhard Stavenhagen, Fannie Eloom-iield-Zeieler, Chevalier DeKontRki, L M Gottschalk, Dr. Leopold Damrosch, Con etantin Sternberg. For sale at. I. C. ! Nickelsen's music store. toulraw well, as the Ilepp know Mr. Patterson has 'other dav v hen the street car company Nuita Clans 1ms made the New York ' (.ompromiaed with tho v.ctiniH and iieiis C.t"li store his headquarters for Xmas, Boys' e.vpresH wagons and doll car-j riagi-H are being sold very cheap at the ll.ieket. ltd.uv) Dolls! Dolls! Dolls! All kinds and j "'Z"P, from o cents up, at the New York j Cub Store. j If van need a jacket don't fail to take advantage of our great offering this 1 week one-fourth oil'. The Fair. 1 The Racket store Is the place to buy N-uniH goods. Useful articles as well as i leys. All are being sold at Racket1 luices. ltd.uv i W atoli our window for ten days. If ym don't see what you want, step in "i'le and we'll do the rcBt. Geo. C. ! of victims and took the cases out of court. One hundred thousand dollars is a pretty still' liguro to (pay because of defects in rolling stock, but the lesson will not he wasted un other companies in the same business. The football game between the high seliuols of Portland ami Tho Dalles is "oil'." Portland claimed some of our boys belonged to the "first team" and rofueed to meet them. The Portland boys should have slimvn bettor nerve, even if they went down to defeat. Their refusal to play renders it more than likely that a gaunt will bo pulled oil' Christmas between The Dalles and .Multnomah's second eleven. Thu mason work of the water closet I!. .,L. ..).. I building for the Court stieet public tome early and purchafle your Xmas tdu)0, ,H n18,ed UI1(, lhu Ullrlt!nl(frs ate V0hU while our stock is complete, 'i on .,, ., ,,, m1, ...,. .......i..,,. f.,,,.,, of men me at work laying tho sewer. wl llnd a complete line of Ninas goods at the New York Cash Store. Thu closets, which have been ordered Dan Bower bought 110 head of beef fri)n) tu, Kllut, aio duplicates of those which have given good satisfaction in the high school building. Thu school directors inre to be congratulated for re sponding to the wishes of tho people in having this very important and neces- I'lttlo In the Mitchell nod Hay Creek teiiutiiej last week paying JiLLTi for ma's and .fl,7o for stt.ers. says tho Ante l'ie Itepuhlicaii. The young ladies of tho Congiegation- l church will have n sale of pies, cakes Hary impiovoniuiit aeccmplished. and c.iiidles at lhu store of Pease it Mays '"xt Saturday from 10 in Ihe meruit g 'Hi 11 in tint evening. If being calendar dav, Mrs John llnilMm, Mrs. Martin 'A. Donnell, Mrs. . .1. Tolmlo and Mrs. William . John Miuto, of Salem, advocates the division of Oregon into two states. Mr. Miuto is possibly not nearly as "pre vious" as might appear at il rut sight. The coming legislature can do much to advance or mtaid the movement. It is Hn.iiJ;.ford entertained the Iulies' Aid mighty little we get over this way in the fi'MNiity yesterday afternoon at the Iioii.h )in(, 0f state appropriations, for the "I Mrs. .Shackelford. western side of tho state, whether con- Constable Ohnger brough't up from ' stltuiionally or no', "hogs," them all. Iloeil River today oueJoe Elmer who was 'The last legislature passed the scalp 'wind over bv the Hood River justice ' bounty law, a measure of very great uu ' the bum of if !00 to answer to the charge ' portauco to the people of Eastern Ore larceny In u dwelling, and in default , gon and of no small Importance to the "I bonds was committed to the county people of Western Oregon. Let the Wl. Elmer Is churged with having vullev counties nullify the law by re fetolun a hmdy'fl shirt waist, a hnnd- fusing to puy their proportion of the tax, r. mat announce incut ought ner people more fat tlnui - muscle, and they would be tickled to see the youngsters crawl all over him. However. "Pat," weaiei well assured,' will take due care that if his old townies must have a victim for a practical joke, they will have to make some other selection. -,..! A number of Modem Woodmen of this city take exception to a paragraph that apeared in yesterday's Cinioxici.i: which drew a comparison between Modern Woodmen anil Woodmen of the World that was quite unfavorable to thu former.. The paragraph was handed in for pnb- lication and the writer of it was assumed to be familiar with the facts, and so it was allowed to go to prefs without in vestigation. The truth appears to be hut the older of Modern Woodmen is .. .. .. ... . .. iiuer man tne wouumenoi uie ivoriu el even years. The Modem Woodmen Wnaui.ed Januarv .r, lSSIi, while tho i Woodmen of the World, Pacific Juris- diction, was organised January '-'S, 1800. Both have reserve funds. The older of Woodmen of the World has paid over two million dollars to widows ami or- ilmns during the ten yeatsof its exist- nce. The older of Modern Woodmen ms paid to similar beneficiaries $17,:i5H,- 100. !!0 during the seventeen years of its existence. I tot h at e good orders. Both are doing good work and there ought to he no jealousy between them. t' e. in i. Killer Queen Kiulers and her Attendants Maids - Vesta Iloltnn, (iiaee (.'lenn; " Paces V. .Sylvester. l. l'rlell. "All Mail to the Queen" . Tv.elwGliN Oueen'.s Announcement, tieoiL'iii Sauuison I'obliisoii Crusoe liny I.ufce Mis. Part le'lon nireomnan ed bv KiO Mel via I law sou Cliilstlno N'llsson . . . ..Mis. (i. 'I', rarr luovciics. Ui uee .lolinson l.oulse Aleott f .. .May Harnett. Coluuilius ... Chillies Star): Lief Hairy ('uitls Miriam .-' ih Jtonn .Maids Mahel rCros, I.uiui Tlioiiititon, Prudence I'atteisiui, Peail (Irinins, Mil lie ScMou and Wasco Moll is. Maud Muller Kda IMsher l'ociihontas I.ileth Curtis tcaplalii .lolin Siiillh .. IlaiT.v .oiilni) l.lltle lio peep I. ilia .Mcnoias p.MIT sr.cii.M). i 'If lipid i 'a Mi's Molhfilioosu ltolhscldld Ilarhaia rieltchle. Cuiuy Mstfis. Mabfl lilddell Siimaiitha Allen Ilanlet lleeehei-Htowe . .. lopsy Aic Maude Kddim Anna llaslaui Kai l Haudets . Clla liolton ICdllh Clariio Itosc Mlchell Mattie llollls Ilafl Waud Mis. Kd Williams lli ssle Snipes Win. Cross tOnu tJien M VI lie Mlchell .. Main-1 Collins ...Caicy llallard ... May Cushln;' Triok tlm I'll.f at l'atl. The Ludwig pianos took the world's fair r' iupiIiiI at Paris. Also note ( I ... . ..IT. wimi me prima oonna oi me i;oyai nai- 1 . 1. I , ..lll, VVJ 111 ll.ll, CI..C I have u?ed one of your Lndwig pianos (for some time and have been very much jpleased with its tone. I find your piano 'particularly adapted for vocal studies, jam! at present while practicing several new operas vour piano is my choice again. 1 will always have a good word 1 for your charming instruments. Respectfully. i , Ei.oisi: Vim. j A large assortment of pianos, like l.ud w ii:, Knabe, .Martin, Kingsburry, Iivin and Franklin, can be found at Nickel- j ten's music store. Great sacrifice sale Sslect vour Christmas Remember tliis celebrated enam eled ware is special ly imported for and sold in this city ex clusively by us. It does not rust nor absorb grease, does not discolor nor catch inside, is notaffectedbyacids in fruits or vegetables, will boil, sit and link', with on i impnrtmi; flavor oi previously cooked foorl and Will icsl for yenrs W'o tion tlu pubhr1 :iu"ii' ' imit;;"- .4 loan of Kilt il Soi'iates ... Naiitldnpf .leiiule l.lud Sister of Charily ,.' (ieoi"e Washington . Marllia Waslduutoii, Queen's Soliloquy ... cldldien r-lughig . Ilarhaia I'l lelchie waives her ( oi ona I ion Scene Admission ''5 cents; reserved seats, on sale at Clarki? & Falk's, 115 cents. V't'lMitur l.lKlilrcl Strnut. lalm igoini: on now. j "pinna early. I. sunset MIiiImk Conipaiiy .Mi i'tini;. I, Notice is here!)' given that the Sunsiit jMiniii' Company will hold a special I'meeting on the 22d dav of December, f I)00, at the hour of 0 o'clock a. m., at itlieoflice of the county clerk of Wasco , count v, Oregon, for the purpose of vot j ing on a pioposition to increase the cap ital stock oi the corpoiation. i dl---2 S.', Secretary. NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION. Notice is hereby given that the part nership heretofore existing hetwem A. Michael, P. Suiail and P. Perlnnui, in the Great Northern Fnrnitnie Store, is this day dissolved by inuliul agreement, Mr. A. Michael retirliiL' from the firm. Messrs. P. Surad and I'. Peilman will continue the business under the above name of the Great Northern Furniture Store, and will assume all liabiliiie" of tho firm and collect ami teceipt for all debts due tho lirm, both in The Dalles and Portland, Oregon. The Dalles. Dec. 4, 1000. P. Pmti.M.w. A. .Micii.u:i,, (15-lw P. St'it i, I'm' Unit or Suit,. The Sam Wilkinson warehouse, on First street, is for rent or sale. It is a threo-story, corrugated iron building, 110x!W feet, with water elevator. Apply to Sam Wilkinson, The Dalles, n'.'ti-tf Don't overlook the great jacket, sale at The Fair. .V I'llie I. t i l llir. "Gumption" was the subject of an en thusiastically received lecture delivered in the Baptist chinch on Thursday even- To Tine KniToi:: Give me space to make the following suggestion : There is no question, and there can be none, that thieves and borglata and highway men thrive best iuthudatk ness. The bet policemen on earth could not nievent this clas" of gentry Ijfroin operating in a town as '.large as The Dalles as long as they have that must effective auxiliary of crime, dark ened streets. Ami lighted streets we cannot have, it would appear, notwith standing that tho k'ity treasury is so full of iiiouev that the council rt cently in vested !) I500 of the surplus i:i Wheeler county warrants, and notwithstanding, further, that the city has a gncs month ly income of some seventy or eighty dollais from monies similarly iuve-ted. . In view of these things, and others yg One thousand stvles and sizes. 1i fl r- .-j I xi .n r-or cniiKinir sirifi nnni uiir. Prices from $5 to $50. Steel fUngei i k Cait Ranges town. Joutual, Macomb. Ill, At the Calvary Baptist chinch Decern her 10th. C ASTOR I A Tor Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought ing last by Rev. Alexander Blackburn, j that might tie named, J move, Mr. of Lowell, Mass. The roverued gentle-1 Kditor, that the city council bo pet! man being a McDoimiigh-taised boy, the j tont.(l to lire the entire police force and ; Journal mav he accused somewhat of j devnto the money saved thereby to fur prejudice when it says the lecture ranks I niching public lights for the city. 1 as one of Ihe best ever delivered in this ; d)(ll sign the petition and guarantee to procine a score of other names. BlMSCSs Names of sume of the prominent pian- ists, musicians and composers of Amci ica and Kuropc who have used and in domed the Ktia'ne pianos: Kugeii D'AI bert, Dr. Hans VonBulow, Alfred Grunfeld, P. Tschaikovhky, Te'esa , Carreno, Sir Julius Benedict, Ovule Mucin, Beruhaid Scho!, .Minnie Hank, Mariuontel, Pauline Lucca, Xaver Kehar wenka, J.ilian Russell, Anton Schott, P K Glluioro, Gustav Salter, Neally Stev ens, Helen ilopekirke, Asger llaiuerlk, Mux Strakoseh, Henri Vieuxteiups, fa VorldsJ Boars tlm Siuuturu of Popular price Lh.sIPs perfumes for Xtnus, 25 ceutB, f)0 cents and $1. Apply at Dimnell'a. 10 4t PThe genuine all hear the above TralcAIark ami aftx nm wiin .1 wriiieii ! r il ;i i .1 1 1 1 it. "r- Awarded First Prize Paris Exnositioa ISOOSi " . . .A t-'' OVER ALL THE WUKLUt " risiijsMw.iaj Sold by First-Class Stove Merchants everywhere. ,i i, Tin! Michigan Stove Comnanv. B..alliiM..t iJirtfDbl MttMlirB OI QVUVVO uuu uiikJO ill tlio ttuti4. UIK9UJVej 3VAIER St BENTON, SOLE KCENTSi