CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of A llanloiiii Monument. One of the liatultoniest monuments in the Uild Fellow a' cetnotery haa recentl been erected by .. H. Sherar. It is n tnnssive monolith o( dark Quincey gran ite, atanding eight ami a half feet in lieight anil weigliiim 70JO pounds. Apart from the quality of it? workman ship its beauty lies in its ehitate sim plicity. It is erected in the center of the Slwrar lot and bears the name "Sherar" on the west side and "Herbert" on the eatt. On the latter side were recently deposited the remains of the deceased members of the Herbert family which had been interred in part at Dtifur and in pari in the old Dalles City cemetery. These are George F. Herbert, aged 53 years and Elizabeth Catee, aged SI years, father and mother of Mrs. Sherar; besides their children, James A., need 12 years ; Rachel Ann, aged S years ; Pauline Ada, aged 7 years; Loyal P., aged 3 years; an infant child and Emma Reynolde, an adopted daughter. The west side of the lot is without an occu pant and the many friends of Mr. mid Mrs. Sherar devoutly pray that it may lone remain so. The lot is surrounded with a low wall of Snake River granite, ;hat in its severe simplicity corresponds 'handsomely with the monolith. The monument and fence work is from the shop of Watts & Huston, of this city, and are a credit to the establishment. .MHIlim lilveu Away. It is certainly gratifying to the public to know of one concern in the land who are not afraid to be generous to the needy and suffering, The proprietors of Dr. King's New Disco very for con sumption, coughs and colds, have given .awayover ten million trial bottles of this great medicine; and have the satisfac tion of knowing it has absolutely cured thousands of; hopeless cases. Asthma, bronchitis, hoarseness and all diseases of ttie throat, cheat and lungs are surely cured by it. Call on Blakelcy, the Druggist, and get a free trial botMe. -'Regular size 50c. and $1. Every battle -.guaranteed, or price refunded. 3 ;Qfl" to Frisco But before we go every article we possess, every piano and or gan, must be sold. We have instructed our agent at The Dalles, I. C. Nickelsen, to sell all pianos and organs on hand nt a creat sacrifice. This includes such piano3 as Kuabe, Hardman, Martin, Lndwig, Kingshurry, Steck and also Eatey organs. Calf and get his prices or write us direct. Wiley B. Allen Co., ' .211 First street, Portland, Or. When the stomach is tired out it must have a rest, but we can't live without food. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure "digests -what you eat" so that you can eat all the go d food you want while it is restoring the digestive organs to health. It is the only preparation that digests nil kinds of food. Sold by Clarke &. Falk'e P. 0. "Chirniacv. Nasal CATARRH In all Its Etaej there tliou.U ttt clcaililEOS-J. Ely's Cream Balm deanre!,sootlwi and lieala tilts di-cved niembniie. It cures catarrh and drives n way a cold hi the bead iiulck.y. Cream Halm li placed Into tho nostrils, epreads over the membrane and ia absorbed. Relief is Im mediate and a cure follows. It ia not drying does not produce sneezing. Uirge Size, 50 cents at l)ru--jilts or by mail ; Trial Size, ID cents by mall. il.V JXtOTIlCItS, SS V-irreii Jjtrect, Kew York. When you need a soothing and lieul iug antiseptic application for any pur pose, use the original DeWitt's Witch Haze! Salve, a well known cure for piles and skin diseases. It heals sores with out leaving a scar. Beware of counter .friits. Sold by Clarke & Felk'a I'. O. J'harmacy. Announcement. In assuming control of the business of J. E. Adcox & Co., I wish to Hiiunnnco that the services of Mr. Adcox will bo retained undthat his friends and patrons may And him at the old stand. As a competent and conscientious watch maker his work is his best reconimenda- 25 Per Cent Off i Great Mid-Winter Jacket and Cape Sale For This Week Only, We will give 25 per cent or 1-4 off of our regular price on the above goods. Remember we have no old styles that we are trying to work off, but all goods are up-to-date. This is a great cut and we would advise you to call early and get your choice. Remember 1-4 off, and all our goods are marked in plain figures. Remember its this week only. ...THE FAIR... 1 133 Second Street. THE DALLES, OREGON The place to Save Monc.y on all kinds of Merchandise. p. C. JVIapquardsen, Prop. Retiring from Business. Closing out my Entire Stock Regardless of Cost. Drv C?nodtt, Clothing, IlootR nnd SIiouf, at much Imtliun wholesale prices." Will sell In bulk or in lots, or any way to suit purchasers. Entire stock must be closed out before 30 days All goods will be siicriliced except Thnmpwn'H Glove-fitting Coreote and Hutteriek Patterns. Your prices will be mini). Call early nnd emirB J. P. McINERNY, Corner Soeond and Court ,Sts. bargains. riir -m rrjnsTcn 9 1 I 1 i uubi-uiin i i i ...GOIiUpIA BREWERY... AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop. Of the product of this well-known brewery tho United States Health Keports for .Juno :!S, 1UIH), says: "A more tmpetior brew never entered the lahratoiy of the United States Health rnportH. It ih absolutely devoid of the slightest trace of adulteration, but on the other baud is composed of the best of malt and choicest of hops. Its tonic iuiilltioH are of the high, est and it can be used with the greatest ImimlH and satisfaction by old and voting. ItH use can conscientiously be prescribed by tho physicians with the ccrsaintv that a better, purer or more wholesome beverage could nut possibly he found." East Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON. WILD WITH ECZEMA U.R.&N. And Other Itching Burning Scaly Eruptions with Loss of Hair. Speedy Cure Treatment $1.25. Bathe the affected parts with Hot Water and Cuticura Soap, to cleanse the surface of crusts and scales, and soften the thickened cuticle. Dry, without hard rubbing, and apply Cuticura Ointment freely, to allay itching, irritation, and inflammation, and soothe and heal, and lastly, take Cuticura Resolvent, to cool and cleanse the blood. A single set (price, $1.25) is often sufficient to cure the most torturing, disfiguring, and humiliating skin, scalp, and blood humors, with loss of hair, when all else fails. This sweet and wholesome treatment affords instant relief, permits rest and sleep in the severest forms of eczema and other itching, burning, and scaly humors of the skin, scalp, and blood, and points to a speedy, permanent, and economical cure when all other remedies fail. The agonizing itching and binning of the skin, as in eczema ; the frightful scaling, as in psoriasis ; the loss of hair and crusting of the scalp, as in scalled head ; the facial disligurement, as in pimples and ringworm ; the awful suffering of infants and the anxiety of worn-out parents, as in milk crust, letter, and salt rheum all demand a remedy of almost superhuman virtues to successfully cope with them. That Cl'tiox'ka remedies are such stands proven beyond all doubt. No statement is made regarding them that is not justified by the strongest evidence. The purity and sweetness, the power to afford immediate relief, the certainty of speedy and permanent cure, the absolute safety and great economy, have made them tho standard skin cures and humor remedies of the civilised world. l'nicn, Tim Ret, 81.2-i; cotiaiHtlnt- of Citicuiu Simp. 'Sk (Joticuua Ointment, 60q., G'cti cup.a Kiisot.VE.NT Ma. Hold throughout this world. I'otteii Dnuu anu Cuzu. Com., Uolo lrop3., Hotoii, " Mow to (Juro Hwiry llur.ior," free. ! - : DKI'.VHT fok tihk m'Ih:iiuj.k, Kkdm Oallku. AlllltVK 1'ltOM Fat halt I.iiki.-, Denver. Kt. Kt Mull Worth, Oiuahii, Kan- .Mull 12:'J.' . ni. his City, St. Louis, m ; Chicago and Atlantic iSiilt Ijika, Denver, Ft. I l:la. in Kxpreis I Worth, Omaha, Kan-! U!:on. m.1 siii City, St. Lotlis,, Via Ilmit-i ChleitKo and Kast. I ill-ton. I Spokane Walla Walla, Kpokane,' Kpnkiiuo Mall Minneapolis. St. Paul, .Mail i) u I u t h, Milwaukee,; and tJhleaifo anil Kant, via i;.irei hpokanuakil I In lit in u ton , iiImi all pointK liil Washington and Kiut- :i;VJ)n, in em Oregon. Mtkll Kxpresi1 0:'J') p. in S p. m. I KKOM I'OF.T.'.ANIf. Ocean Hteamilili(!. 1 For baa Franol-eo-i Kvery Five Dayn. 1 p. m. tioil. Tiiko. II. I.ikjii:. Jlitees' fine hid shus, 1 to .'I only, ifl.-IO j at the New York Cash fitoru. j Clark & Falk ure never closed Sunday. ' T)on't. foruot this. KXKCUTOU'S NOTIOK. ' Notl?o 1 licrehyulven that the iiinI.-rlKn td , executor o( the will o( Andrew V, Anderson, ! ilccuifced, Iiin tiled Ids ill. al account In tliu I county court nt tliestiiiooi oteh'ou lor wittvu County, and nld court lint iiiiiuted .Monday, tho 7lli (lay of January, IWil, ut tho liour of lu o'clock a. in,, ns the time r healiin; ohlectioiis thereto unit the kcttleiuetit tlieieof. All lielrh, ciinlltnrh and other i-cituin. Interested In nalil vkiuto are therefore, hereby required to II Jo their olijections to mill nccouiit, If any Ihuy have, on or before tliu day et for the lieurfng tliercof, Dadeh City, Or.. Nov, ir, im). nl7 It J. C. MOh'l'Kl'I.KIt, Kxtcutur BUSINESS LOCALS. You will not have twils if von tnko Clarke & Falk's sure cure for boils. Clarke & Fulk'fi fiavorint: oxtraets are the best. Ask your uroeer for tiiein. Floral lotion will cure wind chapping ami sunburn. Manufactured by Chtrttc & Falk. Paint your house with minte that are fully guaranteed to last. Clarke & F.tlk have them. Clarke & Fulk have received a carload of the celebrnted Jutne K. 1'ntton strictly pure liquid paints Wanted A second-bund fire-proof safe, Must be iu good condition ami not too large. Apply at the CintoKiCMS office. olil-tf Why pay $1. 75 per gallon for inferior paints when you can buy Jinnex K. l'atton's sun proof paints for ifl.SO per gallon, guaranteed for 5 years, Clark & Falk, ugents. ml Hustling young man can inula' jlSO per month and expenses. IVruutncnt posi tion. Kxporimiro unnece&srtry. Write quick for particulars, Chul: k Co., Fourth and LocuH Stn-et?, I'liihidel hpia, Ia, 8 tf Sick, Ileadtiche ahFolutely and perma nently cured by using Muki Tea. A pleasant herb drink. Cures continuation and indigestion, makes you eat, sleep and happy. Satisfaction guaranteed or money back. '.'Sets. andoOcts, Illalteley, the druggist. iHnliilion or l'iirliiiirhli. The partui-rship herstoforo existing between A. M. Stringer and T. &, Ken nerly, under the style of The Dalles Dis tillery Company, has this day been dis solved by mutual consent, A. M. Stringer retiring and T. S. Kennerly continuing the business and paying all debts and collecting all bills. The Dalles, Dec. dlO 2w h p. in. . I ji. m Kx.hundiiyiColuniDla Kv. HtCHii'ers.Ex.hiliu; i To Ahtohia und Way Saturday i IuidinKs. 10 p. 111. 1 iWi. m. Wim.ahktti: IttVKit. 1:30 p. in. Kx.tjimdaylOrexoii City, Knwbcri:,; Kx.Sundaj l Salem Way I.nnd'h. "a. tn, W11.IAMKTTE ANI) Vam- :i:'M p. in. TiiT.Thur. nit:, Itivr.ii.s. Imoii.,Wii1 and Hut. Oregon City, Dayton,! and Frl. and Way-luidiliKi. I.v Hlparlii daily 3:.r, a. in. SNAKK I'.IVKK. Hiparla to lAiwlntou. l.KAVK l.KWINTOtl dally !i:tOa. 111 1'artics di-tlrniL' in eo to ili' n. 'onus 011 i.'oiiiiiima t-oiillierii via UlKits, i-lioiild take No. leaviiiK Tlie IiiiIIck at rj : 10 p. m. niakltiK direct nni!ectioii!. at lieppner junction mid lilKKH. IteturulliK iiiiwIiiKdirccieoimectiou at Jfeppuer junction and IIIkks with No, l, nr. riving nt 'J'lio Dalles at p. m, TlicO, lt,.: N. steaniur "Moilo""ih nun mak- 10, 1000. A. M. STiti.soint T. H. KKN.SKItl.V. j To remove a troublesome corn or j bunion : First soak the corn or bunion I in warm water to soften it, then pare it I down as closely as possible without draw I iug blood and apply Chamberlain's Pain I Halm twice daily; rubbing it vigorously I for five minutes at each application. A j corn plaster should he worn for a fovt iluye-, to protect it from the shoe. Ah u general liniment for sprains, bruises, lainntii'tH and rheumatism, l'aiu Halm is uuequaletl. For sale by Ulakoloy, the tlrutigist. .Honey to I. iniii. Five hundred dollars to loan on real entail!. No commission. Apply at this office. n2Mtw Wtuiti'd Men and women of good character and rolcruuccH, to represent an established houeo, Hplended opportunity I for advancement. Address V, 0. Ilox ' 087, I'ortland, Oregon. novlG-ltno A full line of Kastiuun (ilius und sup plies Just received by Clarke & Falk, I ill? reiilnr trips to Siilvtn and Inpypeiiileiite, MnppiiiK at all way iiiiiiii?h. Hlie lca t- Port JTXTXVAn'AV'A-TA'rAAT AU VAT ATAt AU1AI ATA I A) AIAI At JL.TMn'MT1'A:i A!AI AfATATAn C. J. STUBLilNG, lltll.CWAI.I .".Ml lil.TMt, Wines, Liquors Cigars Family Orders will receive prompt attention. :! Next door to First National iinnk. IS. Phone 234, THE DALLES, OREGON. .l-y.;,.ljr iTIT.IT(rir,viT.y.Tim REGULATOR LINE. 1 DALLES, PORTLAND k AS.ORIA NAY. COMI'AiWl hteiiinerh o tho lUKllliitor Mini will run a' lr tliefol- i imoiK n'lK-tlule, the Company rexervini? the rluht to cliuiixc'j M'!.iillllii uittionl until:)'. 'I Str. FtCKitlator IlllWf,' I.v Dalles at 7 A. t. TueMlay Tliuinlaj Haturilay . Arr. I'ortland at V.VAi i: ). t'l-. I'ortl.iiid in 7 a M, Monday W'-dneMlny Iridny Arr. Dallei, a ,') f. M. Ship your Freight via Regulator Line Str. Dulles City. IHIWN I.v. llalle at 7 A.M. i Monday Wdne!day 1 Frlilav.. Arr. Portland I at l;:.n p. m. tip. Ia I'lirtlniiJ tit 7.00 a- Tnelr Tlntrulay HatimUT Air iwllw at ,'i r. FOR COMFORT ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, Travel by the Htnitncrf. of the Iteiiulatnr I.tne The Coiuiiaiiv will cnileavor t ulve it I"'" H K roiih the IxiKt hcivleii inmlble. I or furtluir luforiiiatlou iiddress I'ortland t;lllce, Oak Htreot Dock. W. C. ALLAWAY, Con. Ai?t. r L. Lane, (iHNKKAl. ..fy .-HI' L-tl,,-r I, IV IiiimI mi Mntiilitv. VVi-,lti..uil.,vt. I i.-. 1. 1 fill, in., aril vlni! at ha'en I p. in., mid Iiideinjinl eiiee about i; p. in, on muiu- days. Itelurnlui; boat leaves Iiiilen;ndi;iieo at .1 a, in. anil Kaleiu at im. in. on TueMlayH, 'I Inn -ilnj.-i and hatur ilayK, arriviiiK at Portland about ;; p, in. Mime days. For lull particulars call on O, 1. ,v ., rii.'H HKeiitTtui Dallek. or mirei, W, II. HCItl.lll ItT, (ien, Pa;,. Aiil., I'ortland, Or NOTICE. Ily virtue or an order of tin- eouiiell of inih,s City, OrcKon miideon th'i Siith. ilav ol Novum- ' I. er A ll. IIOO, notlei: Is Inirnliv iUen n.-n ! the said 'JJth. day of November, lime, the Mild council declared by losoliitlon iiiloiiti.-d. that that portion of tb.i Miluwnllt sltiiiileil on tho northerly side ol Kulton Slice', mid Ivlm? In -Iwcentho northeast eoinnr of tliiiMiuiu'o formed bv tin) Intiii'.sectlrm of said Kiiltim Htreot with W.iNliliiKton Htieut in Dalles City nnd u point, IfUlfl.iltit'lCl .1 f L.llll fH.ll..i... ..(.1 .. ... is In n iliuiK'iroiis condition unit in need of lielu roliullt. In thai said hldinMiilt Is weal;, decayed i and unsafe to travel upon; mid li was diiioi--i milieu ny ham council in ronuild tho t.amn iiml that tlio cost of idlmlldliiK s,ild sidewalk be clmi ued to the owner or owners or Hid juonnrlv llbiltbilf on hiild portion of sulci slilenulk de chired In iKlanxeioiiscomlltioii i u law m,,. vliled. 1 This notlco Is published for II ihus r. 11,,. Ith (lay of Deceinher, I'.kjo, h i.iiler o Novli'th Vwius tJUy' w"K'h W"S """lu Dateil ut Dall'eM t'lt.v, dr., December :!d, urno. Nlil) 11 UATIIK, liecorder of Dallef, (!ly, iiRimmLU::, ONE FOR A DOSE. Ilpnwa PIuipIm, PrxTeat i III."?"."' 'rify tin. III.,,,.!, I -.-...'..u iui'iioiiiii lljutllulinu. --. .. W BiacKsmitn ii ..AND. Horsesnoe Wagon and Carrlago Work. Fish Brothers' Wagon. Phone 159 PILLS FRENCH & CO., BAN KirJ 1TIANHAI I A K.'JKIlAl.ll VM. I MHIUtflNK-1 UttttirB n( Om-iHi limn.'ii availablo In tliu kaHh'ru "stutf-, Siitht I'.M'lmoL'u noil Tflnraphi; Traii-fai r on NVv. Yin k, tlliicao, bt. Jviiiilfi, San -iiutiixt"), birilaud Oro Kon, SuaUlu WkhIi,. anil variotiH poiutu in Orison and Wanliinuton. Colli.,!tloiifl matin at all pointu on fv ranlH trini. Belgian Hares to Lease. I littvti about 100 tlioroiiKlibrucI iIouh tbat I will luauu in lotti of 10 to roHpon Blblo partioH on Hbaren. Apply to C. K, IIA VAItl), u30 -w Tho Diilloe. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat ItarUaciallydlKeststhcfoocluuaaW' Nature iu HlroiiKtuetiiwj uuil won atructlng tho exlmuatud dlKoathe ot Guns. It Istlio luteatdiscoveredUlgesi unt and tonic. No other preparation can anproiich it in otllolency. Btantly rollovcHand Por'"IlUy,,; DyBpopala, IndlBcstloti, llciutburn, Ffatulunco, Sour Stomach, Nausea. Blclc Headache, Ga9tralKlUirnip3ana all other rcHults of Imperfect digest on. amallHlzo.iloolcahnliiiutdysiiuiislatmiie1""' Prepared by E. C DcVITT ft CO.. Chlcoj Sold by CJIarleoitKalk'Hl' O. I'linniwcf. Br a - . . fi ' .'1 ki. V W'1-' fir ixi. 9 hclna tho team. Haves w'r "lld I R. axpmihc. .Sold cvorywlieic. m STANDARD "oil- CO. JJ It. It. K. HMITII, Osieoimtli. Itooun. 10 ami It, ;iiiiuuiin III'"11" $1 Oivtiott,