Fashion and Economy IN ...WINTER CLOTHING III Wo stand forth boldly and say without fear of con tradiction wlion it oonios to the bo'st clothing for tho least money wo load. Oomploto is tho only word fitting tho condition of our stock. Perfect more nearly than any thing else describes the tiality of the goods. Best pat terns, best material, best workmanship place our gar ments in a class by themselves, to bo compared only with the highest grade custom work in everything but price. There we have the advantage. Here are a pern Priee Pickings: Men's high grade ner(?e units, also (inn fancy worsteds, made in tho very lutes Plyle, dnsigned exclusively for up, equal in fit and fc "1 QC (ufiliion to $25 custom Roods J lxOO Mhii'h latUBt style hurring'bone vicuna topcoats in oxford pray, made with ut most cure in every dutHil, perfet in lit and style; looks equal "d H f gzf to (iiiHtum make $1 VtOU Men's fancy woratt'd suits, stripe? and plaids in black aud gray cheokH, the uotnu of style, the perfection of tuilor- C1 O Qt ing, 'or Olw.OO Men's kersey, melton and trie.- overcoats in black, brown, Q QK gray and tun ; perfect in every detail O.iO Special : Announcement OF III Holiday Goods in Wo have placed on sale a large assortment of Cameo Ulare in Plaques, Imperial Hapsburg Artware, Teplitz Vases, the most attractiue and artistic goods ever shown. Look the assortment over before 3'ou make any selections. Silver Novelties. We are also showing a large assortment of Silver Novelties. Better values than ever. Original Souvenirs of The Dalles in neat and inexpensive goods. Speeial Dress Goods Offering 50c, 00c and (55c values to be sold this q week for OOC n x jl. Good ThingI Boys' shoes, elastic sides 05c Boys' lace shoes, sizes 1 to 4.. ..$1.00 Misses' kid lace, heavy soles, sizes 1. to 2 $1.00 Child's kid lace, heavy soles, sizes 9 to 12 85c Same, sizes 5 to 8 75c Child's kid button, spring heel, sizes 5 to 8 40 Special sale on Men's and Women's Shoes still on. $3.50, $4.00 and $0.00 values $2.00 I Alt Goods Marked In Plain FlRureB. PEASE & MAYS Plays & Crowe v Tho only store fi this city whoro th( Oenulne Imported Strsnsky-Steel Ware is sold, A little higher in price, but outlasts n dozen pieces of so called cheap enam eled ware. 1 The Dalles Daily Chronicle. I) HO. 12. 1SI00 UTDNF.SDAY served i in .y iu,. At And row K .liar's. TJtJiASrWIiirS NOTICE. All (bounty tviirruntN ri-clHtiin-il irlurli i-it-niluir I. I8l7, will lie (mill ii irtnii'iitit Inn ill my illlr, liilniriil iihmim urtur Niivi-iiiImh- "0, I IMPII, .IOIIN F. IIA.MI'MIIKi;, Ciiiiim.v 'J'rmiHin t-r. liny, grain !1"1 feed at Maior & Den tmi'tl. 12-4t Coiih) in and see tho Intent, in art. Cheaper than ever. Geo. O. Ulakoluy. Dairy ljuttur fill cents per roll at Maier V I'.cnton'H., 12 -It Watts it IIiiHton, of this city, received vestordav a carload of marble from Proctor, Vermont. atah our window for ton dayn. If vim don'l huh what yon want, mop it.-ci-lii and wn'll do the rust. Goo. O. I! akuloy. Not u participant in "The Temple of I'liiim" should h nbsunt from this re hearsal at tho Vogt tomorrow night. Tho fall orchestra will be on hand. Hear Junnio Und Hint; at. tho Vogt. opcru Iioiihu Friday night. Procure tickets at Clarke & HalkV. Admission 2"i i-i'iiIh; ruHurvoii eeatH :." rente. Alexander Blackburn, D. D., will lec ture on "Gumption" at thy Calvary I'.ap tint church on Wednesday, Dee. lflth. Admission 25 cents; children 10 cents. All ladieH1 jaeketH worth if 10 and over ac selling at a reduction of one-third at A. M. Williams Co.'h thin week. A food opportunity of jirnitui Intr a Christ mas gift. Alex. Fraser, of Three Mile, recently purchased from It Ih neighbor, It. G. lirooks, llfteon atreH of paHturti land llmtjiluB thu KraHer farm and contaiiiH a living stream of water. Tim prieu was WOO. Contractor Aldrieli has a force, of men at work on thu speedway of the Gentle hk'H'h Driving Association. It !h ex I'"ctcd that tho work will hi) completed In about two wwikH if thu weather con tinue. favorable. U'gular meeting of thu Degree of Honor tonight. Klection of olllcurs. All incmhoi-H aru requested to he pres et at 7:110 Hhurp, ho that those wiHhtni: t0 atliuid the ArtiflaiiH1 entertainment I iter may do ho. Among thu ciiU'brltieD who will appear t thu Vogt Friday night are George "ml Martini Wiiahington, CoIuiiiIuih, Ciuojiatru, thu beaiulful queen, and miuiy otliura wlio worn famous iu former vearH. Then, too, e will hear from Harriet Iieecher Stowe, Pocahontas and .lohii Sinitii, the Carey SipteiH, narbuia Frletchie, .loHiah Allen's wifo and even Little I!o IVep and Toppy. We are requested to announce that the meetinf-'H of the Fortnightly Club have been postponed till the firnt ThnrH day after New Year", the hour and place for which will be announced in duo time iu Tin: Ciiko.vici.i:. A new Hlyle ICerney cloth jacket, velvet coat collar, laagu Hcalloped re veres, heavily Htitched ; Htrap trimming, mitin lining; iu all the now chadeH. TIiIh W 50 jacket can be had for $il this week at A. M. Williamt) ft Co.'s. Kemcmhcr thogOHpel meetings at the First ChriHtian churidi eacii evening this week, conducted by Elder ,1. I! I.iHter. He iH capable aud interesting. I F iu argumentB are logical and bin thoughiK practical. Come and hear him. Our toilet nueeHsairoK are of the latest importatioiiH ; something unusually tine, and at a price that will convince you that we. mean to give the people of Tho Dalle." au opportunity to buy at metro politan price1. Sue our east window. Geo. C. Hlakeley. The 1001 edition of thu Columbia desk calendar is being distributed by the American Mioycle Oo., Columbia Sales Department, Hartford, Conn. It will be sent to any addresti upon receipt of five two-cent mampf. This unique aud useful compilation lias been issued an nually for tliu last sixteen years and it has co inn to be regarded as au indispen sable article iu many business olllces aud homes. Thu Pacific States Trlophono Co. have been making a very vigorous canvafs for subscribers hero ttiu last few days and havu succeeded iu adding consider ably over 100 new names to their list. Maturial for instnlling these now sub si'.riberii has been ordered ami a gain: of construction men will teach here this wuek to comiuuncu the wuik. it is ex pected that a great many nioru names will be added on account of thu excellent aud satisfactory mi vice given on this exchange, One of the great successes iu thu larger cities lust season was "Human Hearts," which is undeilinud for thu Voiit next Monday night. Possibly thu truest Htandard by which to judgo a play is to watch thu impression it makes upon an audience. While an author naturally desires tho approval of the critical few, it is tho vuidictof the many which make or mars, Measured by thu rule of thu majority, "Human Hearts" is a Huccnasful play and is deB t.lncd to HiiL'cr in nleasurablii memorv. Now that we havu fully recovered from the shuck we received when tho census bureau aiinouiiCMd that thu pop ulation of The Dalles wirs only when we thought, sum, Al ought to bu at least a thousand mor, wo rise to re mark that wc accept ho returns with all thu grace possible, finder tho circum stances, aud demand that thu world and its wives shall take due notice, now and forever, that Ttiiiballcs is the sixth j city in population f the greatest and 1 happieBt commonwealth on the Ameri can foutfitool. iajs It is not generally known that there aru two orders of Woodmen in the city I'KOI'I.K COMINO AM) OOI.NG. W. A. Wallis is registered at the Uma- Jilla Huupe from Moro. Deputy Sheriff K. 1$. Wood was in own todav from Mosier. Marshal Driver returned todav from a 1 here an two, and they are not con-1 Imgineiis trip to Portland, nected in anv way. One is the jlodern I Woodmen, instituted in tins city about two years ago; and the other ia the Woodmen of the World, which wasj instituted hero in 1890. The Woodmen i of the Wot td is tho only strictly order j for men in the citv that carries a reserve , i i i. t :.i .... ,l,.l luuu. i l (inn MUM ut:i bnu minimi uur lars to widows and orphans in the last tun vears, furnishes an enduring monu-1 tnent to its deceased members and is the order for which Mr. Meakin lectured ' Monday ovening. rAvas a true Ited Man and a good citizen t. tiimi. therefore be it ists, musicians and composers of Amer ica and Europe who hayu used and in- State Senator J. N. Williamson has returned from Prineville and will re main here till the legislature convene?. Iiesilutl(itis ii r Itip:t unit S j mpii tliy. Tin: D.u.u:s, Dec. 4, K'00. Wiikkkas, Hv a terrible accident on )ecember 1, 1900, Brother M. A. Cueli- ng was suddenly removed from this arthly hunting grounds to thu gteat eeervation of the land of spirts; and Wiii:ki:.)S. Brother M. A. Cashing dorsed the Knabe pianos: Eugen D'Al hurt, Dr. Hans Vonllulow, Alfred Grunfeld, P. Tscbaikovsky, Twesa Carreno, Sir .Inlius Benedict, Ovide Mucin, Bemhard Scbolz, Minnie Hauk, Marmontel, Pauline Lucca, X'aver Suhar wenkii, Lilian Bussell, Anton Schott, ' S Gilmore, (iustav Salter, N'eally Stev ens, Helen Iiopekirke, Apger Hanietik, Max Strakosch, Henri Vieuxtemps, Adolph Carpe, lima DeMursIca, Nanette Falk-Aueibaah, Clara Louise Ivellogg, Iternhard Stavenhagen, Fannie Bloom-lleld-Zwisler, Chevalier DeKontski, L M Gotthchalk, Dr. Leopold Damroscb, Con stantin Sternberg. For salu at. I. C. Nickelseu's music store. A I'li'ii fur lliniie linlii-lry. Tim, Dec. 11, 1000 Mu. Hdiioi:: As most people of our , community know, there is a movement I on foot iu this city to placu a lever un- der one of our two only home industries, J with the undoubted calculation of its complete overthrow. We have reference to thu intended opening of competitive) opposition by tho long distance tele phono company against our homo com pany of Messrs. Sunfert & Condon. Considering tho failings of our citi zens in thu past and thu consequences, as alsu the apparent signs of some of our citizens lo peisist in such folly iu tiiu present case, we deem it our duty to sound a note nf warning. It seems tho I more people cry against trusts and mo-. nopoliea thu more, eagerly they will sell their chances of thu future for a few shillings Jiexoheil, That in thedeathof Brother ; M. A. Cashing Wasco Tribe has lost an , exemplary exponent and the country a , good and honest citizen. And bu it fur ther ! JleKohrtl, That while as Bed Men we believe the Grent Spirit rules and guides I the alfairs of men wisely and to their , best interests, we nevertheleE" greatly ' dep'.oru the death of our brother anil heartily sympathize with Lis family in : their irrenarable lops. And be it alfo J'enolied, That as a token of thu loss sustained by Wasco Tribo in the death I of Brother M. A. dishing, we drape our charter iu mourning for thirty days and , a copy of these resolutions be spiead upon tho minutes of tho proceedings of this Tribe aud published in the local ; press of this city; and to signify our ; sympathy with the bereaved family, a copy of the same be sent to them. . Submitted iu F. F. and C. ! A. A. Ki:i,i,uit, ! T. .1. Lv.ntii, C. P. Joii..m:.v, Committee. Took tliu I'rln lit I'ufix. Hl'MNKSS 1,IC.VLS. Itoslyn, Cbalum aud Australian coals by the Stadelmat) Commission. 21-ltn Every day is bargain day at the New York Cah Stoie. LazellV, the best perfume. We have it. M. 7, Donnell. 10-it The well-known Hamilton Brown shoes at the New York Casli Store. Nothing nicer for a Christmas present than a box of Lazell's perfumes at Don nell's. 10-4 1 M. Z. Donnell has a lull line of La zell's perfume for the holiday trade. See them, 10-41 Special value'; in children's and misses' fine d-mgola kid shoes at the New York Cash S'ore. Bemember that Cocoanut Cream Tonic will promote growth of hair. Charles Frazar, sole agent. iit)-lui Soule Bros., piano tuners, aru in tho city and can be found at either Menefee fi Parkiiib' or Nickelseu's music store. Tho opinions of the greatest critics, composers mi l virtuosi of the century concur iu s-i.'ning pre-emineiic to the Knabe plain. For sale at I. C. Nickelseu's ininic stor-t only. If your hair is dry and dead-like, Co coanut Cream Tonic will give it lifi and luster. It h pronounced the finest tonic on earth. Can bo had at Frazer'a barber shop, agen'. nO-lni Stp BEWARE! Other wares look has the name Strnnsky - Steel Ware on eacii piece. Do not be deceived First prize at 18 International Exhi bitions. Highest award at Worlds Columbian Exhibi tion. Chicago Pre ferred by the best cookingautlioritics, certified to by the most famous chem ists for purity and durability it is cheapest because BEST. Remember this celebrated enam eled ware is special ly imported for and sold in this city ex clusively by us. 4,' lt does not rust nor absorb jjrease, does not discolor nor catcli inside, is notaflected by acids in fruits or vegetables, will boil, Sit- and bakt witho u t irupartinj; fltvor oJ previously o o o 1: e d foo 1 and will last for years. Wo cau tion tt:j puluV aga:!-'- imitu::c .4 NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION. Notice is hereby given that the part nership herelofote existing betwem A. Michael, P. Surad and P. Perlman, in the Great Northern Furniture More, is this day dissolved by mutual agreement, Mr. A. 'Michael reliriiiL' from the firm. Messrs. P. Surad and P. Pullman will continue the bnsinei-s under the abovu name of thu Great Northern Furniture Store, and will assume all liabilities ( the tir id and collect and teceipt for ail debts due the tlrm, both in The Dalles and Portland, Oregon. The D.illes, Dec. 4, 1000. P. PCUI.M S. A. Miciiai:!., do-lw i'. Sci: vii, Fin- Kent nr miIh. Tho Sam Wilkinson warehouse, on First street, is for rent or sale. It is a three-story, corrugated iron building, HOx.'M feet, with water elevator. Apply to Sam Wilkinson, Thu Dalles. ii'Jt'i-tf Don't overlook the great jacket sale at Thu Fair. ss One thousand styles and sizes. I.! I I : ... SfS t7 nor i;uimin& ami iicuuii. Jm S IIWW 11 V III VW Wirt; Stael Range Cait Rangei Tho Ludwig pianos took tliu world's fair prize medal at Pat is. Also note what the prima donna of the Boyal Ital-' inn Opera Company says: 1 have used one of your Ludvvig pianos for some time and have been very much pleased with its tone. I find your piano particularly adapted for vocal etudies,' aud at present while practicing several new operac your piano is my cho'ce again. 1 will always have a good woid (or your charming instruments. Hespectfully, Ei.oisi: Virn. ' I I . .,f ..!.,.,.,. 111.., I .,.1 i A 111 I gu IICCUI I llli'll l ui iiiiiiui:, iiau ..nil- or a mere promise, with a wig, Knabe, .Martin, Kingsburry, iivln wicked iiidillerunco or a devilish deliglit , ali Franklin, can lie found at Nickel- ill throttling their own fellow citizen, ' g's music store. Great sacrilicu sale who had faith and outorprisu enough to j going on now. Select your Christmas ras ond to tho cry for home industries. plana earl If thu individual citizen cannot bu satis- j sunnet miuIhk 'iii''y iMeetinit fiul under reasonable conditions, ho j Notice is hereby given that the Sunset mint eventuallv be satisllud uiidor the Mining Company will hold a special control of trusts aud corporations that ! 'Vll,,u' J" ,,,,M ('itv,",( P""'"; ,- , i , i P. 100, at he hour of 0 o'clock a. in . al win ii mi" i tliu otllcu of the county clerk ol Wasco ' county, Oregon, for the purpose of vol - Attention, Miiiii'itiimi..i ' lug oil a.proposition In increase thu ca;i- Tmnnrrow (Thursi av) li ght tent 1 lull "i hid i.iji iinvii i8ufnft I Tho naniilfir .ill Utnr tilt nhfiVU 'lVali! Alflfk I IV fcVMiii ' J anu are soiu wiiii a wnucu guaruiiicc. Awarded First Prize Paris Exposition 1900 OVER ALL THE WORLD. " Sold by First-Class Slove Merchants everywhere, ir.,in.,i. i, Thu Michiuan Stove Comnany. jjg rnoat MakBH nt Btovca and Haimon lu tlm World Oak Stot opens at thu regular hour. All mem bers aru expected to bu preecnl, us busi ness of importance will be transacted, iiy order of -Slit IvNUiur Com, S, iloi.ros, Secretary, dl'J-2-' Popular price Lr.dlV perfuince fir Ninas, 25 cents, 60 cunts and $1. Apply at D uinell'e. 10 4t 7AIER St BENTON. SOLE HCENTS,