The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, December 12, 1900, Image 2

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    The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
WEDNESDAY - DEC. 12, 1900
The authors ami supporters of the
the interests of his constituents at
the national capital. "What keeps
him there? Fixing things to pull
old man Corbctt's log once wore?
Laying plans to defeat his colleague,
Senator Mcllriric, for re-election?
Very likely. He's a sweet youth, is
cuse is that his brother Sam is sick
abed. And Sam, it is said, was
never m better condition in his life,
and jokingly says that he never know
till now how kind a brother Joe is
and how much interested he is in his
health. It is predicted that Sam is
likely to keep "sick abe 1" till the
legislature convenes, lias not the
1 -yislature that elected this miserable
little ward heeler a right to be proud
of themselves?
ship subsidy mil in congress have the;. Toseph, and he is not staying in
right to a respectful and candid Portland simply for his health. By
hearing at the hands of the Amen-, the way, report has it that Joe's ex-
can people, and especially at the
hands of republicans and protection
ists, when they avow that their main
object in the formation and advocacy
of. the bill is to promote ami establish
an industry whoso condition for near
ly thirty years -has been a t'.Ugrace to
one of the greatest maratime and ex
porting countries in the world. Op
position to the bill is to be expected
and special and persistent opposition
from those who know least about its
"We are in no wise surprised at
this, for we remember that nearly
every great industry in the country
today, that owes its existence to the
great principle that lies at the base of
the ship subsidy bill, met with pre
cisely similar oppositiou until success
made further opposition ridiculous.
In the near future we shall present
our readers with a synopsis of the
bill itself. Today we present them
with some of the grounds upon which
the bill is justified by its promoters
and supporters.
The first and foremost is the con
fessedly humiliating condition of the
United States as a great maratime
nation. "With the largest exporta
tion of any country in the world
and imports amounting last year to
840,000,000, our share of the carry
ing trade last year, to and from
Europe, under the American Hag,
was only '2-k per cent of our exports
and imports, and that to. and from
the world was only o fraction
over 9 per cent. We paid foreign
nations, principally Great Britain
and German", 500,000 a day for
transporting our foreign commerce.
To U'lui ill It May Coiioein,
It having come to my knowledge that
parties, presumably interested, are
claiming that when I sold out my remit
interest at 171, Second street, French's
block, I contracted to not nppn any re
tail bueinese in the city of The D.illes.
I beg to euy that I eold my riiiht not to
open any retail business between Fed
eral and Washington streets, on Second
street, and have and intend to conform
to my contract. My place nt the Bank
Cafe is in no eense in violation of the
dl-tf C. J. Stuiimxo.
nre ninny times the cnuso of ynrloiK
illseiisos. Ninety per oont of Iho
American peopln nr said to b
troubled with Ilvor and stomnch
romnlnint.s such ns constipation,
dizziness. Imllgxntlon, biliousness,
sluggish livr,eto.
No. 25
nvercomn nnd cure these ills.
Throe tablets net hn h gentle lain
tive. They make, the liver and
stomach do their duty a thoy
Should. The most i)lwtlnto rusiw
yield to thete little tablets. Thoy
oost 23e and etui bo prucurud at
Clarke & Falk, The Dalles. Ortgon.
Opera House
F. J. CLARKE, Manager.
One Night
Dec. 17th.
Just "What
You iaant.
Many persons haye.had the experience
of Mr. Petet Shnruian, of Xorth Stratford,
X. H., who says, "For years I fnfl'ered
torture from chronic indigestion, but 1
Kodol Dyspep'tn Cure made a vu!l man I
of ine." It liUe'ts what you eat and is !
a certain curt! tor dyspepsia and every
form of stomach trouble. It gives relief
at once even in the worsf case?, and
can't help tint do von goud. Sold bv
Clarke & Falk's P. O. Phnrtiiacv.
Drying: preparations simply devel
op dry catarrh ; they dry up the secretions,
which adhere to the nieuibrauo and decom- ,
pose, causing a far nioro serious troublo than
the ordinary form of catarrh. Avoid all dry- ;
iug inhalants, fumes, smokes and emiirn !
and use that which cleanses, Boothes and I
heals. Ely's Cream Balm is such a remedy
and Trill euro catarrh or cold in iho head !
I'rescnte the Ilig Dramatic
The Idvl of the Arkansaw Ililla.
easily and pleasantly. A trial sizo will bo
ttf!1n7 fni 1(1 otiis. All Arufrrttnia unll trio I
"When war broke out between this ' ta'csizo. Ely Brothers, fir, Warren St., K.Y. ;
country and Spain we were compelled 1 . Tho 33allu curcs without pain, does not ,
1 I irritate or cause sneezing. It spreads itself j
to hunt the seas over for transports ! over an irritated and angry surface, roliov-
ing immediately the painful inflammation, i
' A ith Llv's Cream Balm you aro armed
forty ships from foreign nations. ' against Nasal Catarrh and Hay Fever.
Had the war been with some gteat' . , ; ; , ,
... ,, . . iNoiv la the time when croup and lunc
maratime power, like Great ISntam j troube8 .e r idv filta, The on,
vi X- liinui;, iuiu iii-iiiiiuiby emmtuu ua uarmii'ss remedy that produces
Production in detail.
Original Company of Superior Players.
Scenic Display of Great Snlendor.
As urt-ented MOO consecutive nidus in
New York Citv at Fifth Ave. Theater.
Reserved Seats nn sale at
Clarke & Falk'e Pharnincy.
l'lrt Fiv- Itnus,
limine, TiOc,
.":; Itulauru of tin
it would have been, it is appalling to
contemplate what would have been
the result. As it was, our producers, ;
mediate results is one Minute Couch
Cure. It is very pleasant to take and
can be relied upon to quickly cure
'f'nllt.liu. f.nlrla nml nil limrr ilioutitaa Tf
especially, paid heavy penalties in j w, pteV(Jlu con3un)ptIon. " s"0fd hy '.
the form of increased freight rates. ( Clarke & Fulk's P. O. Pharmacy. !
Our coast-wise trade is amply pro i , : ,
, , , i Dyspepsia can bo cured bv usinc
tected and is therefore abundantly Ack(jr.e Dy9pe,wm Tablets. One little
prosperous, while our foreign carry-j Tablet will dve inimrdnte relief or
ing trade, it is urged, is left to fight I rmney refunded. Sold in handsome tin
the battle with the whole world tin- j b,3Wfl ilt 25 uts- Blafcrtey the druggist.
aided. Our ships, it is said, cost 2."
per cent more to build and 40 per
cent more than foreign ships to
New ideas in Wall Paper here. Such
wide variety as wo are allowing never be
fore graced a sinde titork. lieal imita
tion creton effects at ordinary prices.
Good papers at cheap paper prices.
Elegant designs, tasteful coloring, yours
ior a small price, at our Htoro on Third
street. Also a full Hue of house paints.
D. W. VAUSE, Third St.
P. s.
Wagon Shop,
Dealer in Blacksmith Supplies.
Cor Second & LaiiKbliu. 'Phone 151
Children's Danulnc C'lus-,
I In respon?o to numerous requests I
I shall commence my children's dancing!
' eluns at f hft Riildwin npvt Knttinl:iv !
operate, while thoy are compelled to ; afturnoon at - o'clock, the class to ex-j
compete, unprotected, with those of tend over twelve weeks. This is a rare
other nations that are protected bv ! opportunity for children to learn this,
subsidies in the form of mail con- J lestitful and graceful accomplishment
...... . and the mothers of The Dalles will not
tracts, direct bounties, subventions ... , . . .
' ' 1 fail to give their children a chance to
and retainers to the extent of over j urnbraue it.
$2G,000,000 annually. Asa natural ( dll-lo PitorKsson Samjvici.
result our tonnage, registered for the ! n, , llt,7- 77T- 1 .
' " ' Don itt'a Little harlv Kieers are dainty
foreign trade, has steadily decreased j Httlo blU ti,ey n;ver M u cleanee
since 18118 when American vessels J the liver, remove obstructions and in
carried ."3.1 per cent of all our ex-, viuorate the svstem. Sold by Clarke &
ports and imports, decreasing to 23 I,alk'fi J' O. J'harmncy.
per cent m 1879; to 1 l.!J per cent in ; Don't use any of the counterfeits o
1880. and to 9 nor cent in 1899. i e Witt's Witch Hazs! Salve. Most of
II. -M. IlKAM.,
First national Bank.
In talking of Chocolates please THE dalles
remember thut we carry a full line of
LOWNEY'S. just opened, fresh from
the factory. In plain and fancy boxes
for Chriatu'HH trade, and at prices to
suit. Don't foruet that we are head
quarters fur the best on earth. Name
I.OWNICY settles it.
A General Hanking Iluainess transacted
UopOBits received, subject to Sight
Draft or Check.
Collections made and proceeds promptly
remitted on dav of collection.
Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on
New York, San Francisco and port
I). P. Thompson. Jno. 8. Hcuknck.
F,n. M. Wilmams, Gko. A. Libhk.
U. M. Bkai.i..
Geo. C. Blakeley, .
The Druggist. 1 MATT SHOREN,
General Blacksmith
mm Restaurant
We have been building in our ship! tnt'm arB worthless or liable to cause in- ,
, ,. ... jury. The original DeWitt's Witch Hii.jl 1 I.. Y. Ilnnc, I'rop'r.
rds, the ast twenty years, possibly l- i . n
' J I halve is a certain cure for piles, eczema, j
First-Class in Every Respect,
cuts, bums, sores and skin diseases.
Sold by Clarke is talk's P. O. Pharmacy.
hi Sccoml St., The Onllca.Or,
one merchant ship a year for the
foreign carrying trade. The com
missioner of navigation reports that The most effective Tittle liver nills
during the last ten years we have ' made are DeWitt's Little Karlv RisereJ
constructed in American ship yards 'Thoy never Kripe. Sold by Clarke &! Oysters Served in anyQStylo
1 I'll. . ti tit. I
about 10,000 of tonnage n year, J ,,,K " 1 ' lJ-J.
whieli would be the carrvinL' canac-i Experience is the best Teacher. Usei
ity of about one low-power ship Auk(;r'H E''fn,h li'edy in any case of
. , .coughs, colds or croup. Should it fail to
in these modern times. I give immediate relief money refunded.
These aro some of the reasons 25 ctu. and 50 cts. Ulakeloy, the dru,.
urged by the promoters of the ship gist.
subsidy bill for its passage. Tlieyj For sprain "eweliinjs and lameness
leveal conditions sulliciently humili- j there is nothlni-'soKood as Chamberlain's
nting to demand immediate attention 1 l'n 1am T-y For Blllu ''' Ulake-
and honest and persistent efforts for u,e urUuMBU
their amelioration.
i uominii .nr. Elmore nice anu piati
: istu in a urand recital program Wednes-
Senator Simon is still in Portland, daV evening, January I'd. 11-13
when he ought to be attending to' fiuba-rlbe (or Tim Cuko.nici.c.
C. F. Stephens
Dealer In
Dry Goods, Clothing,
Cents' Furnishings.
liootff, HIiovh. HittK, Cupx. NdIIohh,
or W, I.. Punk')"- tiUov.
Telephone No. 88,
Thfi nallfis. dr.
i -'
and Horseshoes.
All kinds of blacksmithing will recolvn
prompt atienlioii anil will be executed
in nrst-class shape. Cuve him a call.
Richardson's Old Stand,
Third St., near Federal, The Dalles, Or.
Are thoBH who wear clothes thut are up.
tn-date in fit, workmanship ami tjuality.
My line ot samples covers all the latest
dunlins for fall ami winter, the price is
riKht, and I can guarantee a perfect fit.
Suits to Order, $10.00.
John Pashek, The Tailor.
$1.00 per month.
Strictly first claws local and long
distance telephone service within
your home.
Lint'fnlo not ernes-talk. Your con
versation will bo kept a secret.
No cost for installing.
Ynu cot the stundnrd Illuming
Long Distant Instrument.
Continuous day and night service.
Wo will accept your contract for
ton years and allow you to cancel
Bamt) on giving us thirty days writ
ten notice.
I J. E. FALT & CO., I
V Proprietors 9! SampIe
Purest Liquors for Family Use
Delivered to ;iny part of the City.
1 sis ) ni8U.,.. 173 Second Street, y
I have re-opened this well-known Bakery,
and am now prepared to supply every
body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also
all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es.
GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer.
fill kinds of
Funeral Supplies
Grandall & Burget
The Dallos. Or.
Wasco Warehouse Company
Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kmd&
Meadquarters tor Feed Grain ot eii kin
Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kinds
Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, SIlId
Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle-
ton FlOUr 1 mH I Il,,lr 18 'nanufactured exjiresHly for family
, ,. , ime ; every Hack in guaranteed to five BatiHfaction.
We sell our izooiIh lower than any Iioiihh in the trade, and if you don't tlunk bo
call and ut cur prices and bo convinced.
Highest Prices Paid for Whoa,t, Barley and Oats.
Advertise in The Chronicle.
j. a. eberle, !me coioiia PacRiBo.,
A compluto line of Kali and Wintor
huitincH, I'aiitiimHand OvcrcoatliiK, now!
on diopluy. l()0 diU'Mrcut vuricticH to po.
act from.
Suits, $20 ar?d up.
Call mid cxaminii ,'ooiIh hcforit Koiuc '
('iHiiwhnro. Second Hlroot, opp. .Muvh !
& Criiwo'H, ' I
Fine Lard and Sausages
Curers of BRAND
TlioiiBividB of ohl uiiin who thought thnlr rtunahi'
inn 1u h on rth would lio diw now hlH9 lliti iv
that limy coiniiiuiiccd tint uhh nf thin unrntcHt of "
HtrHiiKth huilihirH. Lincoln Buxual Pills will hrl"!
ahont. u di'iMcc of hualth and Htr'inrth for yon iiwuv
huyond th iivurnH man of your yearn, and bW" ''"
Kiual iieaco and comfort.
I'ruw, ifl.OO pr hoxhiiy of your (IrnifKlst or mini
hy mull on ifcaipt nf prictt, In plain wrapper.
.M. ',. Dnnnul, Agent, The Drtllce.