25 Per Cent Off The place to 133 Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON FOOTBALL NOTES. Concerning the Came Friday ami Oilier Matter if intercut Along Tliut Line of Sport, The Huppner line-up for the battle ot nest Friday and respective weiuhts are as follows: Matlock, c, 170 ; Beal, rg, 168; Saling, 1r. 100; Anderson, rt, 170; Leland, It, 17G; Bali, le, 160; Biahee, re, 140; Spaulding, qb, 134; Clarke (captain), Hi, 165; SpauUini;, rb, 1U0; Young, fb, 155. The average is placed at 159, which are the figures of the Heppner athletes. The estimate is fully thirteen pounds "shy." The line-up of the Dalles team will appear in tomorrow's issue. Their aver age is about 163 pouuds. Tne game for the 22d iust., between the tespeutive high schools of Portland and The Dalles,. promises to be very in teresting. Our boys are getting in read iness for the game, and will give a good account of themselves. Afternoon practice at the hieh school premises and work at the athletic grounds near Congressman Moody's res idence nightly are of daily occurrence. Splendid interest is shown. It is quite likely that n game will be played tiere on Christmas afternoon be tween The Dalles fret team and second Multnomah. It is "up to" the Dalles boys, and if sufficient interest is mani fested by our citizins, the game will be arranged. Walla Walla and Astoria are anxious to meet The Dalles football team at the earliest possible dates. If the weather permits, the eeaaon will not close till well towards spring, so there aiay be a chance for the desired games after Christ- Bob Murray, who suffered the frac ture of a collar-bone, in the Goldendale, game, has discarded the eling and will soon be as good as ever. Hcotcli TereiieM and Thrift. In a dull Scottish village on a dull morning one neighbor called upon an other. He was met at the door by his friend's wife, and the conversation went thus: "Cauld?" "Ay." "Gaen to be weety, I think." "Ay." "Is John in?" "Oh, ay, he's in." "Can I see him?" "No." "But a wanted to see him. "Ay, but you carina see him. John's deid." "Deid?" "Av." ".Sudden?" "Ay " "Very sudden?" "Very sudden." "Did ho say onythlng about a pot of green paint beforu lie deid?" Inn Mac laren at a London Dinner. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children, The Kind You Have Always Bought aiguaturo of Great Mid-Winter Jacket and Cape Sale For This We will give 25 per cent or 1-4 off of our regular price on the above goods. Remember we have no old styles that we are trying to work off, but all goods are up-to-date. This is a great cut and we would advise you to call early and get your choice. Remember 1-4 off, and all our goods are marked in plain figures. Remember its this week only. ...THE FAIR... Save Money on all kind? of Off to prised But before we go every, article we possess, every Piano and Organ must go. Gilbert & Jones Co., who are to become our successor? in Portland, have not bought a single Piano or Organ from us. They have paid us a big sum of money simply to become our successors, for our reputation, for our good will, and for our agencies, so as to control hereafter the sale of the Knabe, Jlardman, .Stock, Fisher, Ludwig and other Pianos, and under the contract with them we are obliged to get out of Portland in the very near future so as to let them operate in the field which we must relinquish. "We have no time to waste, and have therefore instructed our Agent, I. C. NICKELSEN, The Dalles, Oregon, to close out all Pianos and Organs on hand at a great sacri fice. "We are now closing up our business preparatory to our removal to San Francisco, where will be our headquar ters hereafter. If you ever intend buying a Piano or Organ now is the time. Address, I. C. NICKELSEN, Or Wiley B. Allen Co . Portland, Oregon. NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION. j Notice is hereby giyen that the part , nership heretofore existing between A. Michael, I'. burud and 1'. Penman, in the Great Northern Furniture htore, is this day diseolved by mutual agrfeinent, Mr. A. Michael retiring from the firm. Messrs. P. Suratl and P. Perlman will continue the business under tint above name of the Great Morthern Furniture Store, and will assume all liabilities of the firm and collect and receipt for all debts due the firm, both in The Dalles and Portland, Oregon. The Dalits, Dec. 4, 1900. P. 1'Klt I, MAN. A. Miuii.m:!., d5-lw P. SritAU, N'otlco of Ianltitlon nf l'nrtiierliii. Notice is linri'liy given that the part nership heretofore existing between Grant Mays and L. K. Crowe, under the firm name of Mays & Crowe, was diseolved Dec. 1, 1000, Grant Mavs re tiring. The husineH3 will be continued under the old firm name of Mays & Crowe by L. K. Crowe, All claims against the firm will he paid, and all iicconntH and notes due the linn collected by him. Gn a. nt .Mavs, L. K. Cho.vk, for hulf. Eastern Oregon timothy hay, $15 per ton, f. i). b. Tho IMIIes. Hautern Oru gon wild hay, $1!J.50 in car lots. McCcu.Y A Cavi.oii, H 'Jw La Grande. Or. Belgian Hares to Lease. . I liavo about 100 thoroughbred does that I will leaeo in Jots of 10 to respon sible parties on shares. Apply lo C K. HA Y'AItl), nHO.liw The Dalles. A full lino of Eastman films and sup plies just received by Clarke & Falk. Week Only. Merchandise. F. G. JIarquardsen, Prop. The Dalles, Oregon, ONE FOR A DOSE. fii','"00 Pimple. Prsfcnt 'are H.vjariin, D.mdiu, PILLS Kw-aoiaoruraeeui,. Ufl. hastnnb CO Pi,ni BUSINESS LOCALS. Clark & Falk are never closed Sunday. Don't, forget this. You will not have boila if vim take Clarke & Falk'a sure cure for boils. Clarke & Falk'a flavoring extracts are tliH best. Aak your grocer for thorn. Floral lotion will cure wind chapping and sunburn. Manufactured by C'arkc & Falk. Paint your house with paints that are fully guaranteed to last. Clarke & Falk have them. Clarke & Falk have received a carload of tho celebrated Janie IS. Patton strictly pure liquid paints Wanted A second-hand fire-proof safe. Must be in good condition and not too large. Apply at tho Ciiiionjui.k olllee- o.'Jl-tf Why pay $1.75 per gallon for Inferior paints when you can buy James K. Patton 'a sun proof paints for $1.50 per gallon, guaranteed for 5 yearn. Clark & talk, agents. ml Hustling young man can make f(J0 per mouth and expenses. Permanent noai- tion, Experience unnecessary. Write quick for particulars. Clark it Co., rourtu nnti Locust htreuts. Phlladul- hpla, Pa, sS.tf Misses' fine kid shoes, 1 to it only, $1,40 at tho New York Cash Store. Subscribe for The Ciiiio.niu.is, Retiring from Business. Closing out my Entire Stock Regardless of Cost. Dry Goods, Clothing, Hnota and Shoe?, nt much less than wholi-aalo prices. Will sell in hulk or in lots, or any way to suit purchase. Entire stock must be closed out before 30 days. All goods will be sacrificed i-xoopt Thompson's Glovo-lltting Corsuta mid Ituttorick Patterns. Your prices will be mine, Call early and s.-curo bargatnB. , J. P. McINERNY, Corner Second and Court Sis. THE CELEBRATED .. .GOIiUlWBlA AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop. Of the product of this well-known brewery Uiu United Status Health Reports for June lis, 11100, says: "A more atipiuior brew nevur iintored tho lahratory of tho United States Health roportH. It ih absolutely devoid of tho slightest trace of adulturatiiin, but on tho other hand ia composed of tlio best of malt and choicest of hops. Its tonic qualities are of tho high oat and it can bo used with the greatest bonolit and aatlsfac.tion by old and voting. Its use can concciuntioualy ho prescribed by tho pliyaiciaim with tho cereaintv that a bettor, purer or more wholesome beverage could not possibly be found." Plncr. Rnnnr1 Sf.rnot.. THE DALLES. OREGON. C. J. STUBblG, WIIIII.KSAI.i: Wines, Liquors Cigars Family Orders will receive prompt attention. Next door to First 12, r Phone 234, THE VVJk VJ I htciimcrk hwiiik clirilule, H'heilulu without Str. Regulator Ship your Freight via Regulator Line. lmvs. I.v. Dulles ur. I.v. l'ortl iiul nr 7 A. M. . . . . Mnmlny . Wtilne'day Krlilny Arr. 1.iIU a ,ri i: . U nt 7 A. M. 5' Tiiesiliiy. .. , 2, TliniHlny .... K :Siitnnlay . r- Arr. I'ortlmul 5, nt i:: p. m. l FOE COMFORT ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, c Travel hy the Htenmers o( tho Itcxulntor Line. The ('ointi.inv will ciiilenvor to clvv Iti nut k rons the best servicn po.ss.lhle. 1'or further Inlorimitloii mlilren 1 I'nrtl.niil riniiv. . f nk.tri.f Ili.i-L- Ul rotthinii Ofllee. Onk-Htrect Dock. W. M..kglT..yoitiT.iT-i,tty:. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. It artificially dlgestB the food and aids Nature in Hlrenthunlng and recon otructing tho exhausted dlKostivc or tjans. lb is the latest discovereddlKost ant and tonic. No other preparation can approacli It in etllciency. It in stantly rollevesand poriuannntly cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea, Sick Headache, GastralKlu.Crnnipsand aUotherresultsonmpurfecbdiKestion. FrlcoSOc.anrtll. LarRosliocontnlnBSM times smaUfilze.liookauaboutUysiiuii.siaunilledtrco F.'GDared bj E. C. DsWITT 6 CO,. Chleaao. Sold hy Olarko AFalk'n I'. O. I'linrnmov. L. Lane, 3' i (JK.NHUAI. V !, Wagon and Carrlago Work Fish Brothors' Wngon. PllOllC 159 v i tlactilfl ...AND... BREWERY... 3 AND KKTAM. National ltnuk. DALLES, OREGON. 1 -5 REGULATOR LINE. ,3 DALLES, rOinUND k ASIORIA NAY. COMPANY- of th(- KiKiilntnr Line will rim ns '.jr the (ill the Compnny reservliiK the rlKht In chiinxe 'j notice. Str. Dnllou Ulty. lin-A'S I.v. D.illes lit 7 A. l. .Mnmlny WodneKiliiy . . I'rMiiy Arr. I'ortlmul nt I ::0 i', m. "f. J l. . I'lirtlnnil ,5 at a. i. M Tni'ihiy '2 'IhiirMhiy.S .hutiirilny A Air. Ilnllch 'J 1 O 111 -.. C. AULA WAY. Gon FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. ritANHACr A KNKUALHANKINO lltihlNKH Letture of Credit isHiiud avallahlo in tho KaHtorn Htatea. Sijrlit EkchariKo and T()li:Kraphi'. Transfora Hold on Nw York, OhicitKO, Bt. LouiH, Han Francieco, Portland Ore (ron, Seattle WhhIi,, and variotie nointa in Oregon and WaHhinuton. Colluctions inado at all points on lav rahlft turniR. Nasal fAYT CATARRH 'mm In nil Um ntni'M there (lioiild Imj clvaiilliicsa. Kly'H Cream Halm cli-'uifcs,? ontlici find Lcaln tlio dlnv.veil nieiiihr.iiie. ItciirvHinlurrliiniililrltv.i nwiiy ii cold lu tho head 'Illicitly. Ornim llnlin h placed Into tlio nostrils, ojirendH over tho mi 'iilirmiu and It ahwhed, Itellef la lin int'dlate mill a inro foUo'.u. I id not drying docn not product hiim,ii, I,rjl ., to cnUut I)rii(;. (jlnU.irliy laaili Tilnl hi , ' 'iiH I Jn.til. W.V I.f.)TllKltf), r,. W ir.-en ix.-cut, .New York. 1 1 us ij ffl vuvil hcii- ilio team, Haven wcar-mU CMieilhO. hillll ntrnruui i.,rn W.C. STANDARD OIL CO. i 9 O.R.H an IIHIWUT rou TIMK Mtlll'IIUI.K, I'lillll llAI.I.KH. Al'KVt I'HOM Knit Mull lJj'.'A p. m( Halt l.nlc, Denver, Ft., v.., ortn. oninliii, Kim- mm sni City, Ht, IjiuIs, t, w CIiIciiro una KHBt. p w Atllllltll! Ivxpress Suit l.nki', Duiivcr. I'l. Worth, niiiiilui, Kim mix (Jlly, Ht. Louis, ClileiiKii mill Must. I. I'i ii rj;.MiM. in. Vln Hunt lllKtoll. Hpnknlio Si iii i mill LxpiesN Wiillii Wiitln, HiHiloiiie, .MIiuit'iiintlH. Ht. I'hiiI, 111 111 tli, Mllwiiukrt.', ClilruL'c; unit Knht, vlu HlMikmiuiihit Hlliillim. Inn; iiImi nil pnliiN In WiisliliiKtcui Hint Hunt cm Ori'K'in, Hpnking .Mnll nint IIstprcM . in 8 i. m. t'ltOM l'onn,ANii (icenii Sli-utiiHlilpR. For him I'l.iiii'lvcn Kvury I'lvu Uas. l p.m. H )l. 111. I i m Kx.HiiiiiliiylCnlunililu II v. HtCHinem. Kx.hrn, ll'n Antdimi mill ll..., ' Ahtoiiu mill Hiiitinliiy to i. in. lwiiuliiiKs. itn. in. i Wii.i.Aiir.rrit Kivkii. l:a)n m lIx.SuiiiliiyOri'Kiin City. NiiwIictr, Kx.Dunil? Hnluiu Way tand'h. 7 H. tl, I'lK'N.TInir, WII.I.AMETTK ANI VAM- H;S0 1 ;i:n n. m 1111.1. IttVKKM. IJIl)II,.Vol anil hut. )rrMu City, Duytmi mid U'ity-l.:iiiilliiKs. mill Ktl. I.v Itlpnrln tlully :i.iVn. in. , HNAKK IttVKIl. Hlpurin In I a-wIhIdii. I.I'.WISTO.I tally 1'iirlli'M ileiliini: tu L'o to Ilunnni-r points on Colunitilii Hoiitherii vln HIsks. houM tune mi. .', lenvniK ! lit mines nt Kin p. n. iiinkluK Ulii'ot roniier.tloiiK nt lleiipner junction unit IIIck.i. KntiiriiliiK lMiiiliiKiliriytcnimcctio3 nt Heppner Jniietlon mill HlkT" vvlth Nu, l,i: tlvl'i;; ill '1 lie Dulles nt l'j.iai p. m, TheO, It. tV N. Kteiiiner "Mnilin "'Ms now nut lin reKiil.u trips to miIimii mid lnK'iiilcncr Mopplni; ut nil way IiiihIIiii;i. tlhe Icniti rnit Iniiil on Mondiiy.s, VVeilneniliiyn mid KrM; : i n. in., nrrlvln;; tit Knlein I p, in., niid lolriiil cure iihimt ii p. in. on kiiiiih ilnys Rctumln; hont Icnve.s Inilcpi'iiilunni nt .i M. m. sndMlrai nt it. in. on 1 iieMlnys. Tliimiliiyx nml Silut ilnyh, nrth Iiir at I'ortlnm! nliniit ,'1 p.m.ttmc ihiyn. Kor full pnrtle.iiliirx cull on (). It, A N, Co.'i iiRent The lhillea. or nililies W. II. Itriailt'ltT, (ien. I'ns. Act , rortMn'i.Oi Yellowstone Park Line. Till: IIIN'IS'C, CAIt ItOU'lK 1'ItO.M l'OUTUSD TO Tin: KAHT. Till: ONLY lllllKCT LINK TOTHL VKU.0W- KIONi: I'AKIC ;.kvi:. Union Depot, nitbsnrl I sis .umivs. No. 'J. I'n.t in it 1 1 for Tiieomn, No. Heuttle, Olyinpln, drny's llnrhor mill Knilth lleml iiolnts, hpokmie, ltos liinil, II. l'lilliiinn, .Mo-cinv, yevslnn, llilf 11:15 A. Jl. fnlolliiniiinlniiiKt'oiiii fi;!flV.iu try, Helena, Mlnnenpo IIh, Ht. I'iiiiI, Omiilin, Kmisiis City, Ht. hmlH, Clik-MK" mnl nil point" No. t. enht mnl Miiitheiist. h0.Z. I'lixut Hound i;.pre.s 1P.SO 1'. M, (or Tneoiim mid henltle 7,0) A.M. mnl InturiiHilhilii points rilllnimi llmt.fhi.sH mid lonrUt lee.'m If MlniiwipnllK, Ht. I'iiiiI mid Missouri river o!nti vv 1 1 In mi t I'linnxe. ., Vufitllmleil tmllis. Union depm roinieclwu' In nil iirlncipnl t'ltiec. lliiKUimeoheckiil to ilcstlmitlini of tickets. Kor hiinilsoinely llliiHiiiiteiiileserlptlveiiiiiUfri tlekeln, Hi;eplli cnr reservntlons, etc., cull " "r write A. D. CHARLTON, AsslNlnnt (ienonil I'asM'imcr Altent. ttV, Jlnril miii Htreet, turner Tlilril, I'lirthind OreK'in. SOUTH and EAST via 1 TM . Shasta Route Tnilim lenvoThu DnlleH for rortlnnd mnl vr titutioiiH nt li'jo ii, iii, unit .i p. in. U'livu l'ortlmid R::in m " Alhiiny r.'.iJ u in 7;in)pn H):fii)' w Arrive Aslilninl " hneiiiineillii " Hun l-rmii.'Uco ..U::tiitiii H:s? . . .-.:( . iti ,. 7;l.i.ni h:l.H .. r,: i.l ii m II l''"1'1! ... '.MMM III 'J.KI1W Arilve 0(!doii " Denver " Kiiiiniih liity. " UIiIcukii . . Arrlvo Uim AiihcJus ... I " p m ' HI I'iimi llMmpm " Fort Worth ii 111 " (!lty of Mexleo , t..Vni in " lloiinlon I nun in New Orleans '-'"' 111 " WimhliiKtou . . i l-'ii I" " Now York ia:l.l. I" , mi ! in I, in i' '.I llll I no ii in i, p i" ii ijnw !!! I I'M I'lilliiliin mid Tonrlst enrs on luill" ''!'" iJhnlrenrK HiiermniMiln In OK'len nnd l. . mid limrliit onrK In CliluiiKii, Ht honli ' leiuih mnl SViinIiIiikIiiii. Coniiwilni; nt Hun KriinciK'n with Htemnshlp Ifnw lor lliiiinlnlil, Jnpni. I'lilllpplneH, LViitrnl mid Hoiilh Aliierle". Heu nueiit Ht The Dullcx ulntlon, or mMit C. H. MARKHAM, Oeuural I'luneiiRer AhviU t'ortln"''. Olarko & Falk liavn on alo a full l'u9 of palut uud urtlat'd hriiah. irtn Fa Souinem Pacific Eo