The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, December 11, 1900, Image 3

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    Fashion and Economy
IN r
Wo .stand forth boldly and say without fear of con
tradiction whon it comes to the host clothing for the least
money we lead. Complete is the only word fitting the
condition of our stock. Perfect more nearly than any
thing else describes the ((Utility of the goods. Best pat
terns, best material, best workmanship place our gar
ments in a class by themselves, to ho compared only with
the highest grade custom work in everything hut price.
There we have the advantage
Here m a pew Pfiee Pickings:
Mhii'h liiuli tfrmle sorRe suits, also fine fanny worsteds, made in the very
lutes style, designed exclusively for us, equal in fit mid tfjl I Qt
lueliioti to .f25 iMihtoni goods tj) J. XOy
Men's latest style herringbone vicuna topcoato in oxford gray, made with ut
mist care in every detail, pjrfct in lit nnd style ; looks equal & f f EL ft
to custom make. '. ". tJ)Xv.OVS
Men's fancy worsted huIIh, stripe; and plaids in black aud gray
cheeks, the acme of style, ihe perfection of tailor- 1 O QR
nig, for tj) ItC.OO
Men's kersey, melton und frieze overcoats in black', brown, Q Qr
ray nnd tan ; perfect in every detail P 0.v70
Special : AnnoanGement
Holiday Goods
We have placed on sale a large assortment of
Gameo CUare
in Plaques, Imperial Hapsburg Artware, Teplitz
Vases, the most attractiue and artistic goods
ever shown. Look the assortment ovdr before
you make any selections.
Silver Novelties.
"We are also showing a large assortment of
Silver Novelties. Better values than ever.
Original Souvenirs of The Dalles in neat and
inexpensive goods.
Special Dress Goods Offering
50c, GOc and (15c values to be sold this
week for OUC
Boys' shoes, elastic sides Goc
Boys' lace shoes, sizes 1 to 4. ...$1.00
Misses' kid lace, heavy soles,
sizes 13 to 2 $1.00
Child's kid lace, heavy soles,
sizes 9 to 12 85c
Same, sizes 5 to 8.
Child's kid button, spring heel,
sizes 5 to 8 40
Special sale on Men's and Women's
Shoes still oil. $3.50, $4.00 and
$0.00 values $2.00
All Goods Mnrkotl
In Plain FIkui'mh.
mags Giowe
DKC. 11. 1 111)0
(Dr -
in p served
At Andrew K liar's.
TP tlflllpC 7111 tt Phlffltliplfi i u;ume and the enforcement of otirpitne to teach in the daik or not at all, he
i.iB UdllCb JJrJliy UlXTUIl.Utt. iIIVVh, that in addition to the J20 oflered I made this startling announcement:
by the Oregon Fish and Game Assoeia- "ZhentlemenB, if v.u lights don't func
tion the League of American Sportsmen tion zo next tomorrow at 5 hours, zen
oft'erH a Htauding row ard of $10 for such come at 4." lioston Journal.
! information as will lead to the arrest j The Dalles accords the bukery to Hood
and conviction of any person Icillin uiVer. That town had four hold-ups
game or fish out of season. jUHt nj,,,t wi.n The Dalles hud onlv one
Two hold;iips in less than a week in a , tneaBly $4" uflair. The two saloons
town like The Dalles, and no nrreHtP, I of Hood itiver were entered and the tills
, dot'H not epeak flatteringly of our police, robbed while the oecupunts were held
I though they may have exerted every ' up at the muzzles of revolvers. Two
' i precaution to captuiu the guilty high-1 residents of the town were held up in a
similui manner and robb'd on tiie public
streets. Just how much the robbers
obtained in any of the casjes we could
not learn. A man was arrested on sus
picion this afternoon but had not been
examined aa we go to press.
At a special meeting of the county
court yesterday the petition of the Hood
liiver Electric Light Power and Water
All Wiincii County warrant i'i-cIhIoiimI
prior In rii'ilinilnir I, 1H1I7. will Imi piklil
n pri'iii'iiliit Inn ill my nttlro. IntiirKHl
ii'iiNiin iiftor Niiveniliiir :."l, 11KPO.
lliiiinly Treasurer.
wayinen. These depredations are be
, coming altogether too numerous, and
nothing short ot a handful of buckshot,
properly administered, will check them.
It is generally believed to be the work
! of local talent.
OH' to Frisco liut before we go every
article we possess, every piano and or
igan, must ho sold. We have instructed
I our agent at The Dalles, I. 0. Nickelsen, I company was gtanted giving them the
Watch for the program of "The Temple ! to sell all pianoB and organs on band at j right, to erect, poles, lines and water
of Kami.." ! 11 Breot sacrillce. This includes such j mains on the public highways in the
Tickets for "The Temple of Fame" 0n ' l,inl,oa "H ''il't Hardman, Martin, j town of Hood Hiver. The company ex
sale at Clarke & Knlk'H drug Htoro. i I.udwig, Kingibtirry, Stuk and also j poet to commence work immediately
I'.Htey organs, vjau ami get ins price or mm to rusu ll w completion an inn ua
'write us direct. Wiley P.. Allen Co., j the weather will permit. They have a
'.Ml t.'i.ut ulrni.t Pjit-tliitul Cir . .ikviiiiiiMi f 111100 linrt.. nm.'ur
. I I tint tl.llttl l Ml tllllltt JIVJ.7 I I 1(1 litiui' .-...w.
The llnaucial reputation and conaral Rd will pr..p.l to power
credit of Hennner town is good every. luul""' i'""'
where, says the Ileppner Gazette. The
town is well managed, and the news of
such management has gone abroad.
This laet lias been well proven this
week. One of Heppner'ri water bonds
for 1)1)1) and drawing fc nor cent was i
due. The council ia able to pay this
St. Pan Pa Guild will meet with Mrs.
W. li. Morris tomorrow afternoon at -o'clock.
Mrs. T. 0. Kargiior arrived here on
the noon train from a visit to friends in
Coming Mr. Hlinore llice and pian
I"te in a giand recital program Wednes
day evening, January lid. II -111
"The Temple of Kame" characters are
requested to meet at the Vogt opera
house tonight, Dec. Uth,at7::i0 for ru
licarsul. The calendar mooting of the Ladies'
Aid Society will convene with Mm.
Win. .Shuckolford tomorrow, Wednesday,
iidernnon at " o'clock.
at reaRonable cost.
"Humaa Ileartf." which comes to the
Vogt opera house Monday, Dec. 17th, is
one of the Kterling melodramas of
modern years, which in this dpy of froth
and folly on tho stage affords theater
goers an evening's entertainment that
bond by burrowing its face and getting appeaia to all lovers 01 too n.giier itieais
a nremiuui of ,')'' for doing so. aud a ' in dramatic art. The piece ia one ol
rate of interest at 5 per cent.
Kllbrtfl to ronch the summit of Ararat
proved futile again, jus' hm had those of
: 'l'.u..,.n...l 1700 mil v..iru liiiiiiru null
I JIIIIIIIWIWIV III IIIMI, .IW .Tl.lll "t.'" ...... .
Tin. nnli ilnuu nf llin iri!itilflt eri tics . ! I li A r iiiiinlii ii iil.'rt. hiir'HMHt of tile " 1
! ..! ,.t .1 i ...i 1..,,..,.. i realistic
1 'Jin iijncra II Iltl VII mum in tin) i.untii i ciiiniituuii ilium i;, unui- uhjiu uvhii iv
e incur in assigning pre-eminence to ! helievo it imposlble to attain the secret
the Kniibn iilano. Kor sale ut I. (.. ton of the mount with n-.c-ed remaiiiB
Nickelseu'ii music slore only.
Dr. Conan Doyle saya that tlio saluta
tion given by his little girl when ho re
turned homo alter IiIp defeat at tho
parliamentary election was, "Oh, daddy,
I ant so sorry you did not pass!"
those pastoral realisms in which the
peoplo portray a plain counfy folk al
ways so entertaining when faithfully
before mid ' protlucoil on the stage. "Hninan
it will he seen here is so
that one can almost imagine
one's self finitling the ozone of tho Ozark
mountains and listening to the quaint
r ,.n iw.nrlv tl-lrtv vears before Dr ! manners c.f speech of the people them
It was nearly ti.irty jears nuoru ut. , inKt,.,i ,,, ,, niiu .,iir.u-t.iri.
I'arrot, Ol worpoi, a tierman, in iiiu inn
ployment of HiiHsla, set foot on the
"dome of eternal ice," where tho ark of
Noah had settled after tho deluge.
A Japanese had his feet crushed In a
The Knabe piano carries with it in
the history of the Knabe house the
Htrongeat guarantee that accompanies
any piano. Through three generations
tiie concern has been in the i m mediate
charge and ownership of tho same fam
ily, alaays dominated by the same ng
On next Friday evening ut the Vogt j strange manner at the freight depot
opera hou&n the citizens nf The Dalles j uiuy this uioining. While walking the
will li flVII II II till iwirlmiit v In witllCHM mill I 111. ii huavv trunk on Iiiu back a
enjoy an entertainment which is in ; locomotive bucked up and Htruck the 1 gresnivo yet conservative policy, invarla
every way pleasing and helpful. Do not 1 trunk, or the Jap, or both, and aa the j hly exacting as to the high atandard to
inks "The Teiile o( Fame." j trunk fell to the ground It lighted o.i the which ite products must always conform
Miss 11. A. Tallferro, who hnu Deon ' J'h foil, crushing both of them and j UIi at all times in its career so amply
acting us trained nurse for Dr. Oeisen-! injuring one foot quite severely. Kortu-; equipped with capital that it has always
' for nearlv a year, left today for , imtely he was thiown clear o! the tnick. hcen able to shajie its plans with cer
P.,,, i ....I , ' ...i " uiu, ..'111 in to I Dr. (iolfiendorft'nr attended tho wounded I tuinty mid decision. Such a history can
,"' "... ' . .... . i... .... , ! I
UO OKI Ol III) UUIUI i inn IUIIII lill.liu vu.i-
cern. A full line of Knabe pianos can
lie found at I. U. Xickelsen's music
store, Tho Dulles; also ut the Wiley 15.
Allen Co., Portland, Or.
Captain Johnson, of the Helianie, n
pit-sent acting as lirst oliicer of the
Dalles City, was brutally assaulted by
an unknown man at the Oiik Stroot
dock, Portland, ut 0 o'clock yesterday
morning. Few )ereaii8 were on the
dock ut the time. The assailant utruck
Mr. Johnson n huuyy blow on the back
ber old homo in St. Luills, Mo. Miss , oriental and he was taken later to the j
Tulifiiiro leaves on account of her health j hospltul at Portland.
which has tieen quite jioorly latoly.
Umatilla ilmiution has got tho einull
lx, that is to say there is one or more
fiats in the hotel where a ecoro or more
"I railroad men stoir, nnd hoiiid of them
kicking because the hotel man bus atudents
ktipt the mutter u seuret till it was ats
of the bend, rendering him unconscious.
In falling he rolled between the feet of a
small hand of horses which was waiting
to be placed aboard the steamer. He
wp.b found in tliio position and carried
aboard the Dalles City and medical as;
eistance sent for. The bruise was a
painful one, but the physician wub posi
tive that no fracture of the skull re
sulted and the injured man was allowed
to proceed to '1 lie Dalles. Upon hie
arrival here he was visited by Dr. Logan
who found him considerably recovered
but still in a Bemi-dazed condition. No
serious results are expected. The cap-,
tain's assailant was a former deck hand
who wanted work. Some words must
have passed between the captain and
the man when the latter picked up a
club and felled him to the ground.
' Another Ili.lil-l.'ji,
We had another hokl-np last night
and, nnlees pome radical measure" are
taken, v.o shall have them right along,
for the town is full of hobos and it is
not safe for any one to be alone on the
streets after dark.
Fred Stewait, a young man icpresent
ing the Merchants' Supply House, of
Portland, is rooming while here in the
Chapman block. He went to the Uma
tilla House lost night to ee a gentleman
friend, anil finding that the friend bud
retired for the night, Mr. Ste.vart ic
turned to his rooms, traveling east on
First street to Washington. It was
nearly midnight, and as he passed the
club rooms two men sprang oiU from be
hind tho big wooden pillars. One of
them shoved a pistol in his face and or
dered him to hold up his hands, while
the other relieved him of 4-15, all the1
money he had on his person. '
Mr. Stwart describes one of the men i
as ratlier tall, with black whiskers,
whether false or real bo could not tell.'
Tho other was ot medium height and j
wore a black .niuptiiche. Doth wore i
large, white cow-boy hats and loggers'
boots, laced in front. j
No trace of the robbers has been'
ii ii in lit i iu. "
Alexander JJIackburn, of Lowell,
Mass., lectured at the Members' Cnurce
entertainment in Association hull last
nielit and delighted a huge audience.
Mr. Pilackbiirn is a fluent talker and is '
master of a vein of humor which sup
plied tho audience with pleasnie enough
to make them attentive' during the
thoughtful talk with which it is inter
spersed. His subjtvt was "Uuiut!on."
Journal, Providence, Ii. I.
At the Calvary Uajnlst chuicb Decem
ber lOth. r
WlllltH Snupllfil.
Every day is bargain day at the New
York Cash Store.
Lazell's, the best perfume. We have
it. M. '.. Donuell. , 10-Jt
The well-known Hamilton Drown
siloes the New York Cash Store.
i Nothing nicer for a Christmas present
I than a box of Lazell'a perfumes at Don
jnell's. 10-Jt
; Major Harris, of Portland, will speak
' in the Solvation Army ball Wednesday
, evening.
I M. Z. Donnell lias a lull line of La
izell's perfume for the holiday trade.
See them. 10-4t
J Special values in children's and misses'
: tine d'uigola kid shoes at the New York
Cah Store.
Kemeniber tiiat Cocoanut Cream Tonic
will promote growth of hair. Charles
Frazer, solo agent. nO-lm
' Soule Dros., piano tuners, are In tho
city and cm bo found at either Menefee
& Parkins' or Nickelsen's music store.
1 If von Imv.) lUr.iirnir, your hair is
! falling out. Use Cocoanut Cream. For
ale at Frazei 'e barber shop. nO-lm
' If your hair is dry and dead-like, Co
t'oanut Cream Tonic will give it life and
(uster. It is pronounced the finest
Ionic on earth. Can be had at Frazer's
(urber shop, agent. nO-lm
Tho only store It
this city where thi
Genuine Imported
Ware is sold
A little higher in
price, but outlastf
n dozen pieces of so
called cheap enam
eled ware.
Other wares loofe
has the name
Stransky Steel
Ware on each piece.
Do not be deceived
First prize at 16
International Exhi
bitions. Highest
award at Worlds
Columbian Exhibi
tlon. Chicago. Pre
f erred by tho best
certified to by the
most famous chem
iste for purity and
durability it is
cheapest because
Remember this
celebrated enam
eled ware is special
ly imported for and
Bold in this city ex
clusively by us.
It does not rust
nor absorb grease,
does not discolor
nor catch inside; ts
in fruits or
will boil,
and balii
w i t h o u t
flavor oi
food and
will last
for years.
Wo 'cau
tion t ll 3
iinitat:o .4
To AVliimi It May Ci.iiuein.
It having come to my knowledge that
I parties, presumably interested, are
I claiming that when I sold out my retail
interest at 17.'l, Second street, French's
block, I contracted to not open any re
tail business in the city of The Dalles.
I beg to eay that I sold my tight not to
open any retail business between Fed
eral and Washington streets, on Second
street, and have and intend to conform
to my contract. My place at the Hunk
Cafe is in no sense in violation ol the
dl-tf C. J. Ptciii.i.nh.
l''nr iteiit nr sulti.
The Sam Wilkinson waiehnn-e, on
First street, is for rent or sale. It is a
three-story, corrugated iron builiting,
llOxIW feet, with water elevator. Apply
to Sam Wilkinson, Tiie Dalles. n'Jti-tf
Hoslyn, CUjaluin and Am-tralinn cohU
by the Stadelm.ui Commission. 'Jl-lm
One thousand styles and sizes.
For cooking and Heating. W
Dartmouth students tell an amusluy:
story ubout an exceedingly "green"
' . . . . i ut. ....... i ...
crencii uiHirucior wno umuiuieu in u,ui
college n few years ugo. Ho was the
butt of endless j.ikes ut the hands of the
One dark afternoon, ue the
i time tor u reoiiaumi was upprummuiB,
coveied thioiigh the commendable gur
lulntisnuss uf a woman.
Tuio OiiiioNim.i: Is united to Inform
some of the boys went into the recita
tion room and "fixed" ull the eleutrlc
lights bo that they couldn't wot k. hen
ParliM Interested In the preservation of the professor found that he would have
ihe above Tra le-Alark !
ana are soia wun niic sua,ai,,vv
Awarded First Prize Paris Exposition 1900
Sold by First-Class Stove Merchants everywhere.
w.j.. 'i.. ... Th Micliieau Stove Comnanv.
am... , " . ui:..'" .1 11. ....... i.. o'.hXJm
Should you want city real estate of
any kind, Ktisteru Oregon farm, timber
or jmsturo lands, reliable milling stocks,
safe investments on rent property, relia
ble tire insurance couii.uiIes, your col
lections and conveyancini; attended to
promptly, your projuirly rented uudj . w . v
curelully looked utter, u trustworthy j 7V TX I P FC t5 Z? lN 1 J kH
firm with whlcli to do business, address
HudBou & Urownhlll, The Dalles, Or. SOLE RCENTS,