The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, December 11, 1900, Image 2

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    The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
MiC. 11, 1900
This question of the passage of n
shipping subsidy bill, says the Now
York Sun, is not a question whether
the country shall undertake the task
I'rufea.or Meakin, of the Woodmen or
the World Talk to n I.nrKe "nil
Appreciative Auilleuce.
"You may forgot the sltiRcr,
JIM you cannot forjret too kong."
Last night John P. Menken, the. evan
gelist who Is eent out by the head camp
of the Woodmen of the World, apoke at
of increasing the business of a few the Baldwin to a large and appreciative
shipbuilders and making them rich. ' alienee. Ills themo was "Footprints,
. .. .. tor Onward and Upward."
3t is not a question of benefiting the , . ' ,
seacoast at the expense of the rest of
the country and of adding to the
wealth and business of a few sen-.
6rls. It is a cydestioli of developing
trade that is of the most far-reaching
consequences. This matter reaches
deep into the interior and affects di
rectly the farmer thousands of miles
inland and workingmen in every
part of the country. A hundred in
dustries are concerned in various
ways. Theie is a vital relation be
tween the farmer of the Central
"West, the iron ore miner of the
North, the lumberman North and
South and the restoration of the
American flag to the commerce of
the ocean.
The hand of destiny points toward
the sea. Let the flag go up, not on
ships bought and brought from other
countries, but on ships made here
from truck to keelson. Let the
hammers ring and let every rivet
driven home proclaim the fallacy of
the free ship policy and make stanch
and right the truer policy of the
restoration of our merchant marine
by wise and prompt legislation.
The entertainment wa9 planned differ
ently from any that has been given here.
Hans Hansen sang a "Fisherman's
odk" in ?erman, which was followed
by a solo am! encore byoiirsweei singer,
Miss Myrtle Michell. Then Timothy
Brownhill introduced the speaker, the
man who is working for humanity's
sake, Prof. John P. Meakin, who apoke
01 the good that has been done and is
continually being done by the Woodmen
of the World. He apoke of the acts of
fraternity being done by that order, and
he spoke also to his brother Elks, his
brother Knights of Pythias, to his
neighbor Woodmen, to his brother Odd
Fellows. John P. Meakin, whose eee
oud initial must, we feel sure, be Plain,
John Plain Meakin, the friend of the
toiler, the friend of all humanity, spoke
of living for higher things than eating
Notion or fllMolutlnn.
Notice is hereby given that the part
nership heretofore existing between
J. E. Adcox and Theodore II. Liebe,
under the firm name and stylo of J. E.
Adcox & Company, is this day dissolved
by mutual consent, J. E. Adcox retiring
from said firm. Theodore H. Liebe will
continue the business of said firm under
the name and style of J, K, Adcox &
Company, and ia authorized to receive
and receipt for all moneys duo said firm,
and all claims against said firm should
be presented to him for payment.
Dated this 10th day of December, 1900.
J. E. Anco.v,
'JiV 1IIKO. il. UF.m:.
lteil Hot Prom tlto Gnu
WaB the ball that hit G. B. Steadman
ot Newark, Mich., in the Civil War. It
caused horrible ulcers that no treat
ment helped for twenty years. Then
Bucklen's Arnica Salve cured him. It
cures cuts, bruises, burn 9 boils, felons,
corns, skin eruptions. Best pile cure on
earth. Twenty-five cents a box. Cure
guaranteed. Hold by Blakeley, the
druggist. 3
"I have used Chamberlain's
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and find
it to be n great medicine," says Mr. E.
S. Phipps, of Poteau, Ark. "It cured
and sleeping and living a mere animal , me of bloodv flux. I cannot speak too
existence; ne earnea uis auuience up-, highly of it." This remedy always wins 1 1
ward so that they would know if "hie is I the good opinion, if not praise, of those
$ i .oo per month.
Strictly first class local and long
distance telephone service within
your home.
Lines do not cross-talk. Your con
versation will liu kept a seurut.
No cost for installing.
You get the standard Iliinning
Long Distant Instrument.
Continuous day and night survlco.
Wo will accept your contract for
ten years and allow you to cancel
same on giving us thirty days writ
ten notice
A Vlllaee ltlacksniith Saved III Little
Son's Lire.
Mr. H. H. Black, the well-known
blacksmith at Grabanisville, Sullivan
worth the living." He told them to
Live ior something; have a purpose,
And that purxxx' keep in view;
Drifting like a nelmless vessel
'lhou caus't no'er to self be true.
Half the wrecks that strew life's ocean,
If some star una been their guide,
Mitsht have now been resting salely,
liut they arif ted with the tiila.
Mr. Meakin, in his talk, draws tho un
divided attention of all in his audience.
He speaks plain sense. He says he does
not judge one by outward apparel, but
studies the soul behind the man. He
wants the mind to dwell on higher
things than dancing and card-playing.
He is not a t;u,.uic on these things; lie
means making them a passion. He
wants people to educate the minds God
gives them for tno better life, so that the
Co.,X. Y., says: "Our little Eon, live
years old, has always been subject tojiignt wltujn may emanate uud cast an
An influence once
cast on the
- ' t - (HllL i I ii 1 11 111 f V l-llllllifl.l- 1
croup, and so bad have the attacks been inriueuee for good. An inil
that we have feared many times that he i ael j motion, line a pebble
would die. We have had the doctor and
used many medicines, but Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy is now our sole reliance.
It seems to dissolve the tough mucus
and by giving frequent doses when the
thecroupy symptoms appear we have
found that the dreaded croup is curd
before it gets settled." There is no
danger in giving this remedy for it con
tains no opium or other injurious drug
and may be given as contidently to a
habeas loan adult. For sale be Blakeley,
the druggist.
StibmarliiH lloat Lrcture.
New York, Dec. 10. J. P. Holland,
inventor of the submarine boat, gave be
fore a large gathering of students and
friends of Manhattan College last night
the introductory lecture to a courss in
naval architecture, which is being es
tablished in that institution. Speaking
of the submerged boat, he felt sure that
its day had come. Six of his submarine
boats had been ordered by the govern
ment, and though inadequate in number
for the protection of the long coast line,
they would, however, promptly and effi
ciently deal with any attacking fleet.
Other nations were also equipping their
navies with this naval arm. Besides its
utility in defense and attack, Mr.
Holland affirmed that the submarine
boat was eminently fitted for passenger
traffic. For tranE-oceanic travel, how
ever, it would be a commercial failure,
but for short passagfs it would be in
valuable. The nasty seas that run be
tween Dover and Calais or between
Holyhea 1 and Dublin would no longer
be the bugbetr of tourists, for the boat
would keep steadily on its waves that
rage at the surface.
Catarrli Cannot lie uurvil.
with local applications, as they cannot;
reach tho seat of the disease. Catarrh
ia a blood or constitutional disease, and
in order to cure it you must take inter
nal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is
taken internally, and acts directly on
the blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's
Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine.
It was was prescribed by one of the best
physicians in this country for years, and j In assuming control of tho business of
is aregular prescription. It is composed 'J. K. Adcox & Co., I wish to announce
smooth bosom of the river, will cause
the rings to grow and double till the
l large uiruiu aimuai, e&puuus uuiu euuie
to shore.
The speaker spoka of tiie world grow
ing year by year with too little, thought ;
tbat real, deep thought is nearly dead ;
resurrect it! Think.
"Life is n certainty,
Death Is doubt;
For men may be dead
While ttiey'rt walking about.'"
He spoke of fraternity, of man loving
man, and of how little their love for
each other is known until the lifeless
clay is in the casket, and then their ex
pressions of love are shown in ttie pro
fusion of flowers being sent to cover the
casket or the mound of the earth. He
believes in being kind to the living.
Tell them you love them, and clap them
kindly on the shoulder; speak kindly
to them, and, above all, feel kindly.
Feel the love for your brother deep down
in your hearts and let them know it.
Taken altogether the lecture or the
sermon was one of the best ever listened
to in The Dalles, and men and women
of all ordeis take Mr. Meakin by the
hand and tell him he has done them
After the lecture Mr. Meakin read in
a recitative way from different authors,
humorous and pathetic selections, and
he is considered a truly gifted man.
God bless him! If the world had more
Meakins it would be a better one. He
is creedless but not Godless.
who use it. The quick cures which it
effects even in the most severe cases
make it a favoraite evoiywhere. For
sale by Blakeley, the druggist.
Ilou't Hub It In,
Just wet the affected part freely with
Mysterious Pain Cure, a Scotch remedy,
aud the pain is gone. Sold by Clarke &
For sprains, swellings and lameness
there is nothing so good as Chamberlain's
Pain Balm. Try it. For sale by Blake
ley, the druggist.
Just What
You uaant.
mr .mi.- r.
m f!v&
Lai - 4
WifJ All
New ideas in Wall Paper here. Such
wide variety as wo are showing never be
fore graced a single stork. Heal imita-
I tion creton effects at ordinary prices.
Good paper? at cheap paper prices.
I Elegant designs, tasteful coloringe, yours
for a small price, at our store on Third
street. Also a full line of house paints.
ID. W. VAUSE, Third St.
Geo. C. Blakeley,
The Druggist.
Children') Iluiiclnj; Clasfl,
In response to numerous requests I
shall commence my children's dancing
class at the Baldwin next Saturday
afternoon at - o'clock, tho class to ex
tend over twelve weeks. This is a rare
opportunity for children to learn this
delightful aud graceful accomplishment
and tho mothers of The Dalles will not
fall to give their children a chance to
embrace it.
dll-15 FuoKKssoii Sandvio.
L. Y. Hon-.', l'rop'r. 1
ftpst-CIass in Every Respect j
AT AM, llOlMtS.
Oysters Served in anyQStyle. j
Wagon Shop,
Dealer in Blacksmith Supplies,
Cor Second & Lamin. 'Piionc 157
J. E. FALT & CO.,
proprietors Comme!feial, Sample Rooms.
5 Purest Liquors for Family Use y
Delivered to any part of tlio City. u
173 Second Street. !)
Phonos: Til Local,
S5S Long Distance
I have re-opened this well-known Bakery,
and am now prepared to supply every
body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also
all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es.
GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer.
fill kinds of
Funeral Supplies'
H. M. II B A 1.1,
h- Second fet., The Dulles, Or.
First Rational Bank.
A. General Banking Business transacted
Deposits received, eubject to Bight
Draft or Check.
au order of thu council of Dalles 1 Collections mtuo and proceeds promptly
do on mo -Mh. d:iv of .ovein-1 remitted on dav of collection.
av of VnWr. iwo tho w "d Telegraphic Exchange sold on
Hy virtue of
City,Orei;on mai
ier, a, u. iwu,
tbo hald riJlh. d
council declared by resolution adopted, thai
that portion of th.) sidewalk situated on tho
northerly lde of Fulton Klrue. und lylnsf lic-
tween tho oortbean corner of thuwiuaro formed , ,, , UIK
lv tho intersection of Mild Fulton Street with D. P. THOMPSON.
WHxhinxton Street In Dalles City aud u point i
() feet east of said corner on said Fulton Street,
is in a daoKsrous condition and in need of belnx
rebuilt, In that said slduualk U uual;, decayed
ami unsafu to travel upon; aud it was deter
mined by said council to rebuild the r,am and
that tho cost of rebuilding said sldewallc bo
chawed to tho owner or owners of thu property
abutinK on said portion of said sidewalk do
clared in a dangerous condition as by law pro
vided. I
Tnis notlco K published for II days from the ,
Itli ilny of December, 1WU, by order of tho i
council of Dalles City, which order was made I
Xov.suth. HW. I
Duted lit Dalles CitJ , Or., December .Id, V.W.
N13D 11. IJATHS, j
liecorder of Dalles City.
Nhw York, Ban Fraucieco and port-
PHON. JNO. 8. fiOUBNUlf.
II. M. Hk.m.i..
General Blacksmith
and Horseshoes.
of the best tonics known, combined with
the best blood purifiers, acting directly
on the mucous surfaces. The perfect
combination of the two ingredients is
what produces such wonderful results in
curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials,
F. J. Chenky & Co., Props., Toledo O.
fc'old by drrugglsts, price 75c.
Hall's Family Pills are the best. 12
Working Might aud la
The busiest and mightiest little tiling
that ever was made is Dr. King's New
Life Pills. Every pill is a tugar. coated
globule of health, that changes weakness
into strength, liitlesenejs into energy,
. i)rain-fag into mental power. They're
wonderful in building up the health,
Only 'lb cents per box. Bold by Blakeley,
(he druggiit. 3
that the services of Mr. Adcox will be
retained and that his friends and patron
may find him at the old stand. As a
competent and conscientious watch
maker his work is his best recommenda
tion. TlIKO, II. LlKJIli.
Sick Headache absolutely and perma
nently cured hy using Moki Tea. A
pleasant herb drink. Cures constipation
and indigestion, makes ou eat, sleep
and happy. Satisfaction iruaratitred or
money back. 23qts. and50cts. Dlakeley,
the druggist.
"Pit. It. K. H91ITI1,
Roora 10 and 11, Chapman Block, The Dalles
Oregon, p2l
K in
Dealor In
Dry Goods, Clothing,
Cents' Furnishings.
Hoots, Khoc. Huts, Cnps, Notions,
for W, I.. Douglas .Shoe.
Telephone No.
l;)l Second tit,,
Tbc Dalles, Or,
ies, ur, t
Experience is the best Teacher. Use
Acker's Kntrlieli Hemedy in any case of
coughs, colds or croup. Should it fall to
give immediate relief money refunded.
25 cts. and 50 cts. Blakeley, the drug
All IcindH of blacltsinithing will receive
prompt attention and will ho executed
first-class shape. Give him a call.
Richardson's Old Stand,
Third St., near Federal, The Dalles, Or.
Are those who wear clothes that are up-to-date
in lit, woikmaunhip and tialitv,
My line of samples covers all tho latest
designs for fall aud winter, tho price is
right, and 1 can guarantee n perfect fit,
Suits to Order, SIO.OO.
John Pashek, The Tailor.
Grandall & Burget
Tho Dalles, Or.
Wasco Warehouse Company
Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds.
Headquarters for Feed Grain ot eii kin
Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kind?
Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, MIShd
Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle
ton Flour
Thifl Klfillr Ifl mnmifiipf nrl ovnrnaalv fnr fillilllv
sell our goods lower than any house in the trade, and if you don't think bo'
call and got our prices and be convinced.
Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats.
Advertise in The Chronicle.
Fipe Jailorii
A complete Hue of Fall and Winter
hiiitmis, i'aiitiugH and Overcoating, now
on display. 100 ilillVtrent varieties to su.
lect from.
Tlie coluiia Packing Ci
Fine Lard and Sausages
Gurersof BRAND
Suits, ton and in i
t f j r
Cull anil oxiuniiui kooiU toinu HAMS & BACON
I'lHitwIiern. Second street, opp. .Mnvu 1
Urow"'tf- ' I OBIKD BEEF. KTO.
Thousands of old men who thouiiht thoi'r rii'iiaiM
ing days on earth would he few nuw bless tho ua
that they commenced tho use of this creates! of '
strength builders. Linooln Boximl Pills will brliijf
t about a degree of liealth uud strength for you aw
beyond the avenige iiian of your years, und give '"
great peace and comfort.
Price, f 1,00 per box-buy of your druggiit or sent
hy mail on receipt of price, In plain wrapper.
M. Uonuel, Agent, The Dallfs.