Chronicle, VOL. XII THE DALLES, OREGON, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1900. NO. 410 I) c Hall es THE LIVES OF FARM-WOMEN Some Mure Existences of Ceaseless Drudgery, Utter Hopelessness and Direst Despair. Concluded. KM) INDICTMENT. When one thinks of tlio monotonous and narrowed existence of tin; fnrrn woman, us a rulu, onu does not wonder at thosud majority they constitute among tlio women consigned to our insane asylums. This om: fact ie an indictment against their way of lift that cannot be smoothed over or evaded. Tint deadly sameness and reiteration of toil is enough to drive them to those refuges fur the heart-sick and brain weary. It seems, to an unprejudiced mind, that this is all wrong. There can surely he no reason why the farmer's wife should not he provided witli labor saving machinery aiul help in the kit chen. Are not her hours of work much longer and fully as hone-wearying as those of her husband? If the latter were to . try a dav ut the waslitub, wit); asides of uvery other description of housework, he tvould probably return to his plow with supreme relief a sadder and a wiser man. Happily, there ure many exceptions to the cases 1 have cited. There are buxom, rosy-cheeked dames of the farm, who have such a wholesome, capable air of well being that they ure pleasant to look upon. They ure not merely drudging machines of all work ; they have a "say" as to the management of the lam', and are fond of making little tours over the broad acres of her husband, and of sur veying the stock and the growing grain, with n pleusaut sense of joint proprietor ship. nirni.'tKNT conpitionh. On such a farm, the maid-servant is as indispensable as the man-servant. The children rise up and call the farm mid tho parents that nourished them blessed. There are no bitter recollections of a calf, or a lamb, that was given to them and afterward sold, and the proceeds put in the farmer's pocket. Such petty, sordid meanness is the Avfcgclable Preparotionror As similating UtcFoodnndRcgula tiiig the Stomachs nwlBowcls of Promotes Digcalion.Checrfiir ncss andRcst.Conlains neither Opium.Morpliine nor Mineral. NOT Narcotic . jl'x.Smiut liotkiU Stlts -JhlUfSftll f Jitrjtritwtl. . JhCtuiuHaJeJita ClaifuJ SlMr Aperfecl Itaroccly I'orConsUpn Tion , Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions .Feverish ness mul Loss or Sleep. FncSintilo Signature or NEW YOHKT. CASTOBU I, exact copy or wrapper. I ff) I pIrIjbA fruitful cause of farm boys straying city ward. , All thing considered, the wife of a hrond-minded, up-to date farmer can well look upon her city Bisters with no jot of envy. Hut the wife of that other farmer ah ! well, there it but little for her to make life worth the living. Million Olvoii Awiiy. It is certainly gratifying to the public to know of one concern in the land who are not afraid to be generous to the needy and Buffering, The proprietors of Dr. King's New Discovery for con sumption, coughs and colds, have given away over ten million trial bottles of this great medicine; and have the satisfac tion of knowing it has absolutely cured thousands ofj hopeleBB cases. ABthuia, bronchitis, hoarseness and all diseases of the throat, chest and lungs are surely cured by it. Call on Blakeley, the Druggist, and get a free trial bottle. Regular size 50c. and $1. Every battle guaranteed, or price refunded. 8 Amerlciiu dint rnntx In Africa. London, Dec. 10. With reference to the American contracts for bridges along the line of the Uganda railroad, Sir Harry ilohnston, the commissioner for Uganda, in u diBpatch to the foreign oflice, declares ttie railroad officials were compelled to send orders to America owing to the British firm being unable to supply their wants within u reasona ble time. The orderB comprise not only bridges but locomotives and other roll ing stock. , I'luyml Out. Dull Headache, Pains in variouB parts of the body, Sinking at the pit of the stomach, Loss of appetite, Feverishness, l'i m pies or Sores are all positive eviden ce of impure blood. No mutter how it became so it must be purified in order to obtain good health. Acker's Blood Elcxir has nevei failed tocuro Scrofulous or Syphilitic poisons or any other blood diseases. It is certainly u wonderful remedy and we sell every bottle on u positive guarantee. Blakeley, the drug gist. Many persons liaye hud the experience of Mr. l'etei Sherman, of North Stratford, N. H., who says, "For years I Buffered torture from chronic indigestion, but Ivodol Dyspepsia Cure made a well man of me." .It digests what you eat and is a certain cure for dyspepsia and evory form of stomach trouble. It gives relief at once even in the worst cases, and can't help but do vou good. Sold bv Clarke & Fulk's 1'. 6. rhurmuey. GASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought I Bears the i Signatoeirj Aj Use La For Over Thirty Years ninmniA Christmas Specials! White Baked Marble Statuary Busts. Figures; singly or in groups; various subjects. Beautiful ware; high ly artistic and quite the rage. 75c to $2.00. Wedgewood Novelties. 50c to $1.50 Dolls. Special values. 15-inch kid-body doll 25c Bisque babies; movable limbs, blonde curls IOc A. Kentucky Ordered to Mini 11 a. Washington, Dec. 10. Secretary Long today cabled instructions to Captaiu Colby, at Constantinople, to proceed with his ship, the Kentucky, from Smyrna on hie interrupted voyage to Manila, to replace the Oregon on the Asiatic station. It cannot be learned officially that the mission debts have been discharged, but it is said that the Kentucky's mission, which was one of courtesy, iius been discharged. llruve Aleu Full Victims to stomach, liver and kidney troubles as well as women, and all feel the results iu loss of appetite, poisons in the blood, backache, nervousness, head ache and tired, listless, run-down feel ing. But there's no need to feel like that. Listen to J. W. Gardner, Idaville, Ind. He says: "Electric Bitters are just the thing for a man when he is nil ruu down, and don't care whether lie lives or dies. It did more to give me new strength and good appetite than anything I could take. I can now eat anything and have a new lease on life." Only 50 Blakeley's drug store. Every bottle guaranteed. 3 Dissolution of Partnership. The partnership heretofore existing between A. M. Stringer and T. S. Ken uorly, under the style of Tho Dalles Dis tillery Company, has this day been dis solved by mutual consent, A. M. Stringer retiring and T. S. Kennedy continuing the business and paying all debts and collecting all bills. The Dullee, Dec. 10, 1000. A. M. Srui.NciKit dlO-Utv T, S. Kknnkiu.y. Klpllug Uoos to Atlll'.l. London, Dee. 10. Mr. and Mrs. Rud yard Kipling left Southampton this e-vening on tho steamer Tautaliou Castle on their way to South Africa. Now is the time when croup oud lung troubles prove rapidly fatal. The only liarmlees remedy that produces im mediate results is one Mlmite Cough Cure. It is very pleasant to take and can bo relied upon to quickly cure coughs, colds and all lung diseases. It will prevent consumption. Sold by Clarke & Fulk's I. O. I'luumacy. Christmas Specials! Special Christmas Offering I LADIES' HUE JACKETS at a THIRD OFF! We start the Christmas shopping seaeon in our Cloak Department today with a general price-reduction of one-third on all our Ladles' Jackets worth ten dollars and over. This is an important announce ment and will be readily appreciated by the public. A. M. WilliamE it Co.'a fine jackets at a third below regular price at this season of the year is an offering that commands the "attention of all who desire to be well dressed. Although Jacket selling baa been a big feature of our bushiest this season, there is still a good assortment of styles in all sizes. Jr)? latest Styles lludd $10.00 Jackets reduced 12.00 " " 13.50 " " 15.00 " " 18.00 " " 20.00 " " 25.00 " " XML WILLIAMS COMPANY riilllpiilne Turlll'. Manila, Dec. 10. The Philippine commission has prepared a bill fixing the duties upou imports and exports. There will be a public diecussion of the measure next week. Under its provi sions importations from the United States into the islands are dutiable. The importation of explosives, adulterated wines, nrticles under false trademarks and apparatus used in games of chance is prohibited. The rates of duty have not yet been perfected. Forty-two prisoners were captured in the suburbs of San Antonio and San Be nita last Wednesday by a detachment of the Thirty-seventh regiment. Many es caped, but a portion of them were over hauled and captured by the gunboat La guna ue Bay. Help Is needed at once when o person's life is in danger. A neglected cough or cold may soon become serious and should be stopped at once. One Minute Cough Cure quickly cures coughs and colds and the worst oases of croup, bronchitis, grippe and other throat and lung troubles. Sold by Clarke & Fatk's P. O. Pharmacy. When the stomach is tired out it must have a rest, but we can't live without food. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure "digests whut you eat" so that you can eat all the good food you want while it is restoring the digestive organs to health. It is the only preparation that digests all kinds of food. Sold by Clarke & Fulk's P. O. Pharmacy. Don't U60 any of the counterfeits o DeWitt's Witch Haze) Salve. Most of them are worthless or liable to cause in jury. The original DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve is u ceitain cure for piles, eczema, m:, b" r."-, sores and skin diseases, Sj'.J I CI .Mke el Fulk's P. O. Pliariuacy. Popular prlco Lazell's perfumes for Xnine, 23 cents, 50 cents and sfl. Apply ut Donnell's. 10--H When you need u soothing and heal ing antiseptic application for uny pur. pose, use tlio original DeWitt's Witch Haze! Sulve, a well known cure for piles and skin diseases. It heals sores with out leaving a 6car. Beware of counter felts. Sold by Clarke & Felk's P. O. Pharmacy. Christmas Specials! 9 this week to $ 6.70 " " " 8.00 " " " 9.00 " " " 10.00 " " " 12.00 " " " 13.34 " " " 16.67 Iteiuey Goes to Ilu Ilu. Washington, Dec. 10. A cablegram from Admiral Remey announced the temporary transfer of his headquarters from Cavite to Ho Ilo. He sailed today J with the flagship Btooklyn and the ZaQro ! for Ilo Ilo, at which port the Don Juan j de Austria arrived today. Tho Admiral's i movement to the southward was ex- j plained at the navy department by the statement that be is engaged in an in spection of eligible sites for a naval station. Mail advices from the Philippines state that Colonel Thomas MacGregor, Ninth Cavalry, has been assigned to the command of the Third district, depart ment of Southern Luzon, lelleving Col onel Walter Schuyler, Forty-sixth infan try, who has been assigned to command of the Fifth district, department of southern Luzon, vice General K. L. Hure, who lias been transferred to the command of the Fourth district in the samedopartment, relieving E.E. Hardin, Twenty-ninth infantry, who has joined his regiment. Kehruakuuti Celebrated Victory. Washington, Dec. 10. The Nebraska Republican club celebrated the victory in that state last night. Many well known republicans were present. Thoeo w)n snnke ini-liided Senators Ilanna and Thurston; Representatives GrosvenorJ Littlefield, Mercer and Burkett; Govern or Richards of Wyoming, Assistant Sec retary of the Interior Brighani and Com missioner of the General Laud Oflice Hermann. In a letter of regret, President MeKtn ley extended iiis appreciation "of tho loyal and hearty support given to the cause for which we contended on the 0th of November." Senator Hauna said in his speech: "For five years 1 had stood lefore tie American public, villifled, slandered a nd cartooned until my very manhood revolted, and if the labor I wai perform ing iu the interest of my party mid tho country entitled me to the smallest con sideration, I was entitled to Htand be fore the people everywhere und give tlio lie to these slanders." The most effective little liver pills made are DeWitt's Little Early Risers. They never gripe. Sold by Clarke & Falk's P. 0. Pharmacy. Christmas Specials! Our Special 25e Goantef of Gift Things Is quite an attraction, and well it should be. Here vou will find Photo Frames In eilt, in white metal, leatherette, etc, valued regularly at from 33c to 50c. . Jap. Woodenware, Highly enameled in black, and decorated in gold. Card cases, clove boxes, jewel cases, handkerchief boxes, tie boxes, waitere, crumb trays, brushes, etc, etc, worth regularly to $1 each. Medallions, Mounted in fancy gilt frames; oval shapes. Also Celluloid Back Mirrors. Placques. Reproductions of noted paintings by the old masters. China Puff Boxes with metal tops. Fancv Metal Ash Trays, "Pin Trays, Ink Wells, Mustard Jars, Salt Cellars, etc. To remove a troublesome corn or bunion : First soak the corn or bunion in warm water to soften it, then pare it down as closely as possible without draw ing blond and apply Chamberlain's Pain Balm twice daily ; rubbing it vigorously for five minutes at each application. A corn plaster should be worn for a few days, to protect it from the shoe. As a general liniment for sprains, bruises, lameness and rheumatism, Pain Balm is unequaled. For sale by Blakeley, the druggist, Wonted Men and women of good character and references, to represent an established liouee, spleuded opportunity for advancement. Address P. O. Box 587, Portland, Oregon. novl5-lmo From a Pastor " I am tho pastor of the Baptist Church nt Fort Jervis, N. V , and sometimes am called upon to take part in evangelistic work away i I V... 1 - 1UIIII J1UII1U. 1MJI, IU1IJJ ago 1 went to Sandy Creek, N. Y which is swept by tho damp winds from Lake On tario. Here I contracted a bad cough, and be came so hoaro that I could hardly preach to my uongregutiou. It was not oiilv Skppdiatressing in a bodily sense, but extremely enibarniSiiiigto enter the pulpit iu tli i-j condi tion. I had heard of Ack er's F.hbIIsIi Remedy and, after tervieo, I bought a bottleund began taking it. The next night my throat was nearly well, and I deliv ered my M'riuon without dllllciilty. In a few days 1 was thoroughly cured. 1 conceive it to be my duty to benclit mankind physically as well us bpiritually whenever I can, and nm glad to write theo words ill praise of this jtrand old medicine. Those with bciiritivu throatsaiultliosowhocatohcoldeai-ilys.hould certainly take Acker's Knglioh Remedy," (Signed) Rev. Kziia Tkiiisy Saniokii. Hold atusciocnml 1 a bottle, throughout tho I'nlte.l BtuU'jiiml Oamd.t; ami iu i:ut!Uuil,ut 1 8.1. , U.M. It yoituio iioUJlUtU'd utter buylutf, leluru thd iwttle to your dnugUt und get your money back, ll'c militarize thr abinv guarantee. I'- Jr. UOOh'Mt iv CO., i'wprMvn, AVw York. For sale ut Blakeley's Pharmacy. ftftlM 11