25 Per Cent Off Great Mid-Winter Jacket and Cape Sale For This Week Only. m v!IV We will give 25 per cent or 1-4 off of our regular price on the above goods. Remember we have no old styles that we are trying to work off, but all goods are up-to-date. This is a great cut and we would advise you to call early and get your choice. Remember 1-4 off, and all our goods are marked in plain figures. Remember its this week only. Retiring from Business. Closing out my Entire Stock Regardless of Cost. Dry Goods, Clothing, Hnotn and Shot's, lit lunch lest than wholesalo prices. Will null in bulk or In lots, or nny way to milt purchase. Entire stook must be closed out before 30 days. All goode will lui (sacrificed except Thmnpion'a Glove-llttlng CorstitH nnd lhuteriek Patterns. Your prices will bo iniiio. Cull early and Hi-cure bargains. J. P. McINERNY, Oornor Second nnd Court Sts. 133 Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON ...THE FAIR... The place to Save Money on all kind? of Merchandise. F. G. fllapquardsen, PpoP i, 5' THE CELEBRATED .. .GOItUjlBlA BREWEfiY... ATJG-TJST BUCHLER, Prop. Of tho product of this well-known brewery the United States Health Reports for June US, 1900, guys : "A more aupetior brew never entered tho labratory of tho United Status Health reports. It la nbfmlutoly dovoid of tho slightest traco of adulteration, butou tho other hand Ih composed of tho best of malt and choicest of hops. Its tonic qualities aro of tlu high eat and it can bo used with tho greatest bcnotlt anil "lUisfuctinn by old and young. Ita net' can nitiHcientiotiHly bo prescribed by tho physicians with tho cereainty that a better, purer or uioro wholesome beverage could not possibly be found." 0.R.&K li ! ill mm in i ' Iir.r.VUT I TIMK .KMII'.IUII.K. roa KltOM Dam.kk. Arr:v Mull 1 J ' p. in, Salt Luke, Denver, Kt.' Worth, Oiimlni, Kim ? ;'ty. 81. Imih,, Chicago ami Kmt. Atliintle 'Hull Luke, Denver, I't Kxpress i Worth, Oinnhii, Kan' I'.'i.'iO ii. in, mix City, Ht. Louis, ,11, IIIIIIL'i , '111,-1111 I, IKi r.asi. IIIJIlOll, Ft i iu. m Hpolmtiu Stall lllllt i:.iti"is '.) "J. II. I p. m. Walla WmIIh, Hpokane,! Hnokn .Minneapolis. Xt. Paul 1 nlM!,ne on iii th, jiiiwimkw,, Ciilrniio mill Kast, Vn r,, ' .SpiiWmunikillliiiitiiii, ''M"" lull; also nil pntou In "iisiilliKliiumiit Kant ;p ITU OICKOII, I'ltOM PlIliTi.ANlr Ornin KlunniHliliif. For him FrniiclM n h'very Klvo Pays. 'P.m. j K x .Huinlity : f : ilii m nlii Uv. HteumeM. Kx.hlin?', Hailllday 1 ltllillllKS, IU 1 1. in, East Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON 4 WlIXAMK.TTK ItlVKIt. hulem Kx.biiiubiy, Oregon City. Nowberi:, Ex.sundi't v way l-nml'i,, ' Ttifs.'l inir. mu. Kivkh. Moii..Wni nun Hut. On-Kon City, Duytim.i mulKrl unit ny-l.:iiiilliiK. The Sewer Otieitlnu Asa'"- The Dam.es, Dec. 10, 1900. To the Editoi:: A communication signed "X" in your paper again opens the sewer question. First, "X" says that the system adopted by the council and beaten by the tax payers would probably be the cheapest and beat. Now, Mr. Editor, rll think ing men know that we need sewers; but why should this city adopt a plan of sewerage where the fall, according to "X," ia but three inches to the hundred jfeet, (eee plana at recorder's office' when nature has provided an abundant fall ifrom bluff to river. Aain, "X" aaya it would be expen sive to go under the railroad at various points. I will cite "X" to the fact that tho scouring mill went under the rail road track a whole street at an expense of not more than $2S, exclusive of the pipe, and I belie vo that the same can be done at most other points when necee sary to cross. Laying a drain down Mill creek (if the privilege can be got with out expense) I believe would cost more and -would be carrying all of our eggs to market in one basket, whereas by the present aysteni we divide the risk. Ah to the payment of cost, I say let all pay that attach, or expect to, as a sewer if good for one is good for all. Off to priseo! But before we go every article we possess, evory riano and Organ must go. Gilbert & Jones Co., wbo are to become our successors in Portland, have not bought a single l'iano or Organ from us. The' have paid us a big sum of money simply to become our successors, for our reputation, for our good will, and for our agencies, so as to control hereafter the sale of the Knabe, JIardman, Steck, Fisher, Ludwig and other Pianos, and under the contract with them we are obliged to get out of Portland in the very near future so as to let them operate in the field which we must relinquish. "NVe have no time to waste, and have therefore instructed our Agent, I. C. NICKELSEN, The Dalles. Oregon, to close out all Pianos and Organs on hand at a great sacri fice. "We are now closing up our business preparatory to our removal to San Francisco, where will be our headquar ters hereafter. If you ever intend buying a Piano or Organ now is the time. Address, I. G. NICHELSEN, The Dalles, Oregon. Or Wiley B. Allen Co , Portland Million,, tilveu Aivuy. It is certainly gratifying to the public to know of one concern in the land who are not afraid to bo generous to the needy and buffering, The proprietors of Dr. King'i New Discovery for con sumption, cougha and colds, iiave given away over ten million trial bottles of this great medicine; and have the satisfac tion of knowing it has absolutely cured thousands of J hopeless cases. Asthma, bronchitis, hoarseness and all diseases of the throat, chest and lungs are surely cured by it. Call on Iilakeley, the Druggist, and get a free trial botHe. Regular size COc. and $1. Every battle guaranteed, or price refunded. S Keceptlun to I'rofemor Meakin, Prof. John P. Meakin, head camp lec turer of the Woodmen of the World, arrived in our city last Saturday even ing, and spent Sunday with our local Woodmen, who gave him a reception at the Umatilla House last night, after which the party went to Fraternal hall the old firm nnmn nf ai.ivb i,v and etient a counlo of hours with tho i I . F (' - .... - - vii wti vi wiuiiutj ogmiini iiiu professor, listening to a short address, a firm will bo paid, and all accounts and sweet song and his favorite poems. The notes due the firm collected by him. following Woodmen were present: Prof. Gjiant Mays John Meakin, Timothy Urownhill, John L. K. Citowh, Oregon. r C. J. STUBWG, WHOI.KSALK AND ICKTAM 8: Wines, Liquors Cigars i I Family Orders will receive prompl attention. Phone 234, Next door to Firat National Hunk. THE DALLES, OREGON. I v itlpiirlii ilnliy , :i ;V a, in. Hnaki; Kivkii. i;imrin tu lAiwlkton, Uavi 1-r.wisros lally 9.00 ii. n Str. Regulator REGULATOR LINE. DALLES, PORTLAND & ASTORIA NAY. COMPANY -9 Simmers nf ttio Hct nlntur I inn u-lll nm ....n.rni fl n'" ' " "i iiiiKin UIUIUI' ovv.iik K'lirdnlc, tho Company rm-rvlns tlif rlxht to chiuifte schifliile without notice. down. J.v Dalk". at 7 A. M. TncwJny. Tiiuiwluj . .. SHturcliiy . . . Arr. I'ortlninl at l::i0 r. m. nr. J.v. Portland ar 7 A. M. Monday . . WednuMlay . .Ktfdny Arr. Dulles a fi r. i, Ship your Freight via Kegulator Line. Str. Dnlloa City. 1 MW.V I.v. Dal lei ' at 7 a.m. I Monday WtdiivMliiy , 1'rldav.. .. Arr. Portland at I ;:v I-, m. I. iii. A I'ortlainl ,3 Tiienlay ' . Tliurnl.iy, . .Kiitiuday Air. D.iIIcn' at., r. .,.) NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION. I Notice is hereby given that the part- j nership heretofore existing between A. j Michael, 1'. Surnd and P. Perlman, in the Great Northern Furniture htore, is i this day dissolved by mutual agreeim-nt, Mr. A. Michael retiring from ihe firm.! Messrs. 1. Surad and I. Perlman will continue the business under the above name of the Great Northern Furniture ' Store, and will assume all liabilities of1 the lirm and collect and receipt for all j debte due the Arm, both in The Dalles . and Portland, Oregon. The Dalles, Dec. 4, 1900. P. Pkiii.ma.v. A. Micn.ua, P. Sl'itAD, OMHfflirS ONE FOR A D08E. lillinnmiesa. l'nri( Hini... am lln,lclii ni l)ppiis. i iiwfmfnt nf tliR bowels r, V IT PILLS dO-lw c. Juld b, drugg,.u. 0H. iJCSAflKb CO PhiU ' a BUSINESS LOCALS. (Jlark & Falk aro never closed Sunday, Oun't forget this. tlllU! I You will not have boila if vou I Clarko & Falk'a sure cure for boils. Notice of DU..,llljm f l'rtrl,.,.. ( C,arko & flavorJ oxlrHCtfj Notice is hereby given that Ihe part-! the best. Ask your urocer for them. Floral lotion will euro wind chapping Manufactured by C'arKe Filloon, J F Huston, F II Watts, W A Jiell, 0 I, Phillips, James Snipes, U II Hrown, Chas F Ste)hens, James Taylor, Hans Hansen, Onus Alisky, J L Harper, l)r J A Geisendorll'er, J H Harper, J IJ Golt, Win Harper, Louici Comini, O Mc Nual, I) Muichie, G F Gumther, A A UMiuhart, H L Kuck, I) C Wigle, H L Vonug, II D I'aikins, Geo Howlott, W II PatiBJti, Jus II IJlakenuy, Her t liagley, John Pasliek. DoWitt's Utile Uurly Uisers are dainty little pille, but they never full to cleaneo the liver, remove obstructions and in vlorate tho s stem. Kold by Clarke & j I'alk'a P. O. Pharmacy. 1 nership heretofore existing between Grant Maya and L. K. Orowe, under and sunburn the firm name of Mavs & Crowe, was & Falk. dissolved Dec. 1, 1900, Grant Mavs ru-1 Paint your house with paints that ara iir"K j fully guaranteed to last. Clarko &Falk xne nusiness will De continued under i have them. Clarko A Falk have received n carload of the celebrated Jame K, Patton strictly puro liquid paints Wanted A tecond. hand firo-nroof Must bo in good condition and not FOR COMPORT ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, p Travel hy UiL-KluaniiTK ot thu Itivilator Miif. Tho Company will endeavor to kIvc it- nat A k rons the best teivleo i.oxslble. l-'ur fiitllieHnfnrm.iii,,., -YiILi g, l'ortland Otliue, Onk-Hlrcct Dock. W. C. ALLAWAY, Con. At. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. It artificially digests the food and aids Nature in strengthening and recon atructing tho exhausted digestive or gans. It Is the lateatdiscovcrcddigest ant and tonic. No other preparation can approach It in clllcleucy. it in slantly rellcveaand permanently cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea, Sick Headache, Gnstralgia.Cratnpsand all other results of imperfect digestion. PrlcoSOc.andtl. Largosliocontalna2W times small alio, iiook al I about dyspepsia laaf led f reo Prepared by E. C. DcWITT A CO., Chicago. Sold by Clarke & Falk's P. O. Pharmacy. Vitr hule. Kastern Oregon timothy hay, $1") per i ton, f. o. b. The Dalles. Ki-iem Ore-j gon wild hay, $1,'3.50 in car lots. McUi'i.i.v & C.svi.on, I dl Sw l.a Grande, Or. Belgian Hares to Lease. I iiavt) about 100 thoroughbred dote that I will leaeo in lots of 10 to respon sible parties on shares. Apply lo C. K. HAi'AUD, n30-2w The Dalles. A full line of Kastinan films and sup plies just received by Clarke A Falk. safe. too large. Apply at thu Ciijionic.h ollice. oijj.tf Why pay $1.7o per gallon for inferior paints when you can buy James K. Patton 'h sun proof paints for $l.fi0 per gallon, guaranteed for 5 yoars. Clark & Falk, agents. ij Hnslling young man can makit fCO per month and expenses, Puriuanont posi tion. Experience uiinccesBary. Write quick for particulars. Clark & Co,, Fourth and Locust .Streets, Philadel hpia, Pa. E8.tf Mitsus' finu kid shoes, 1 to .'I only,. $1.40 ut the New Vork Cash Store. Subscribe for Tin: Cniio.mi.u. I L. Lane, (JKKKItAI. I m n r - r '( r ilanifl ...AND... Hursesnoer FRENCH & CO. BANKERS. rtlANHAOTA KNIIHAt. HANKI.NO llUlilNKH Letters of Credit issued available in the li-asiern HUtes mght Exchange and Telegrnphi', Transfera sold on Now York, Chicago, u" ""iu, oihi rrancisco, i'ortiand Uro gon, heattlo Wash,, and various points in wii-guu uiiu waauington. Collectiona made at all points on fav rable termi. Nasal CATARRH In all lu etnca thero (lioulil bu cU'anlluu. Kly'H Crcnm Halm (li!;uiii'8,motlii'aiiillieal8 tliu illi;ni'i iiiembrnno. 1 1 cuniH catarrh and ilrl vc.i away a cold In lUu bead ijulclcly, (irvain Itiilni Is placed Inln tho nostrils, aprr ada over ihu mcmbruiiu and Ii aliorbcd. Kellorlii lm lucdhloundacirofollov.ii, I' j not ilryin;;-docH not produi i) niee;'."ii. jir ( .-.p, fi ) cents a't Dru Ultti.jrbyniillj Tilsli ' , ' i mi.i b, mall. JJI.V JK.MTItKIW.6J VMll reel, juw York. Wagon and Carriages Work. Fiah Brothers' Wagon. Third aud Mcwd, Piioiie 159 mm - flr T r Tk- its .. . lR - v .17. fa meU3 B 1 I I'lirtli'i Uet!ini: to uo to HcDDiipr j point', mi :! 1 1 in 1I it houlliern vbt IIIkki, iboutl Uike.No. .', Itiiivlug The Dulles ut iM v, a mnkliiK iilriTt emincctliiiiMit ili:iincr junctloa .nnd IIIiiks notnrnliiK iimknK(llrit.'tcnimccli(ij nt lleppiier Juiietlon mid IIIkk'm ltli Ko. bar living at 'J lie linlleMit l'j.:m p. in, 'flie (J. It, A, N. Ntejimcr "ilidor"'l now lout lin; reunliir trips to sulem mid liiKIn)cntf. Inpplni; ut nil way IiiiiiIIiikh. tlhe lerfhrt Imnl on Moinbiys, VVeilneMbiy.s mid 1'riJiji ii ii. in., iirtlvitii; nt Hii'ein I p. m nnd lnittiii. enee iibout ii p. in, on smne days. Ktttttlii; bout leaves Inilepeiideiiei! nt i u. in, anilrilcn nt tin. in. im 1 iie.Mlnys. Tliutxbiys nnd Btur liny, arriving ut l'ortbind iibout .1 p. m.uxt day. For dill particulars rail on U. 11, ,V X. Oft'i iiKi'iit The IMllek. or udiliess W. II. III'ltl.m'ItT, Ceil, l'ns. Aut , l'iiitlmiil,Or 111 111 Pilllil ll Yellowstone Park Line. Tin: niNiNo oak ikictk khom poktuxo to tiii: KAST. Till; ONLY DlltUCT LINK TO Till; YKI.I.0W. KIONi: PACK mhvi:. ' Union DepOI, nrthailtl I SIS .mmn. No.'.'. Knit mull for Tiieonia, No. Heattle, Olyinpla.dray Harbor mid Koiith llend poinlH, hpokmii;, Ho.is land, II. ('., I'lilluiaii. ' iloceow, l!whtnii, llllf 11:1.1 A.M. I ii 1 o 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 i 1 1 1 1 0. i 1 1 1 5;'i0r. M. try, Helena, Mlnnnipo IIh, Hl.-I'mil, Omaha, Kmias City, Ht, IaiuIi, Clile.'iK" mu! all points No, 1, 1 eait mid Mintheiiit, l'net bound KAprevs Ui30 i'. M. for 'laeoiim mid Seattle 7;()A.M, I nnd Intermediate points Pullman ilrnt-elasa mid lonrlit sliini i MlnneapolU, Ht, 1'i.ul mid .Missouri river jiolnti without chiuiKC. Voitlbiileil trains. I'nlon depot connectloai In nil prliicipnl elllet. IIiikkuku checkiil to de.itlniilloii of tickets, i'or limidsoiucly llliniiiiitiilileerlpllveiiiiittcr, tickets, 8leep!ii,'.car reservations, ele.,enllonor wrlto A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant lieiiernl I'HsseiiKvr AKent, MmHtitet.eoriifrTlilnl, i'orllaim ow,""' SOUTH and EAST via Sournern Pacific Co Shasta Route Trillin leave Tho UalleH lor I'nrllalld ami W stations at l:'i 11, 111. and II p. 111. U'ltvci Portland Hiiala 111 Albany lii.ynaiu Artlvo Ashland U;;n 111 " r-ai'laiiii'illo fi;llpm " ban J-riinelsei 7. ' I' rilvo (JKdon ft: 15 a 111 Denver Uiima m " KaiisiiHlllty 7;'J."i u in ' (,'hleaio 7: IJ a in Arilvo Uis AiikoIus . . 1 "Op 111 ft 1 I'iimi n;uo p hi " l''nrt Worth li'iain 111 " Oily of Mexico t' Vhi in " Houston 1 miii m " New OtlemiH ii i'wi 111 " WiishliiKtoii fi I'-' a 111 " NuwYork iJ.Mpiu 7:0ii m 10:00 j-ui 1 1 ) m 10 I, .Till I'l h'.IJaia II nam 'i:liiini T.iini" j::Miiiu iii 1 in 1, in ( ia ii n" ti ' in I Mi) a in ii .'M"n ii liuw Ulipm hulp.j the leniH. Saves wear mid ..pciiMi.-, owiu every wJicrc. UAllK 1 1 IT OTAHOARO OIL OO. I',, II, ...... ,1 !'... ,.lu. .....o ..II lllllll ll'll'" J in reara Saeniiniiiiln lo Om en mid ')":. and loiirlstoiirM toClilcaKO, til l-oill. MJ l" leans mm v aliliiKloii. Coiiiieellnir nt Han KrmieUeo with wvjfijl uteaiiishlp liiioa tor Honolulu, .lap.iiii "m' I'hllllipliies, Central mid Houth AiutrJiii. Keu iiKvnt ut Thu Dalles Mention, r tli s C. H. MARKHAiVI, (JeiiepH l'aeiiger Agent. l'orlli"' Clarko & Falk have un iialo u full I1" of paint mid urtlst'u hruahee,