Fashion and Economy IN ...WINTER CLOTHING III "Wo stand forth boldly and say without foar of con tradiction when it comes to the host clothing for the least money we lead. Complete is the only word fitting the condition of our stock. Perfect more nearly than any thing else describes tho (juality of the goods. Pcst pat terns, best material, best workmanship place our gar ments in a class by themselves, to be compared only with the highest grade custom work in everything but price. There we have the advantage. Here are a few Priee Piekings: Mhii'b high prude sorgo euitH, also fine fanny worsteds, made in tho vory lates stylo, designed exclusively for ns, canal in fit and d 1 Qfc fttshsion to .$25 customs goods J. TC.OO Men's latest style herringbone vicuna topcoats in oxford pray, made with tit -imst earn in every detail, psrfct in lit and style ; looks equal d tf to enstom make " (J) J. V.OvJ Men's fancy worsted BUiis, stripes and plaids in black and gray checks, the acme of style, tho perfection of tailor- tfi " O Q K ing, for , tj)l.OU Men's kersey, melton and frieze overcoats in black, brown, tf Q QK gray and tun; perfect in every detail tj O.tO Speeial : Aiinoaoeement OF III Holiday Goods in We have placed on sale a large assortment of Cameo (Hare in Plaques, Imperial llapsburg Artware, Toplitss Vases, the most attractiue and artistic goods ever shown. Look the assortment over before you make any selections. Silver Novelties. We are also showing a large assortment of Silver Novelties. Better values than ever. Original Souvenirs of Tho Dalles in neat and inexpensive goods. Special Dress Goods Offering 50c, GOc and (55c values to be sold this nrt week for OOC Good ThingI Boys' shoes, elastic sides G5c Boys' lace shoes, sizes 1 to 4... $1.00 Misses' kid lace, heavy soles, sizes 18 to 2 $1.00 Child's kid lace, heavy soles, sizes 9 to 12 '. 85c Same, sizes 5 to 8.. . , 75c Child's kid button, spring heel, sizes 5 to 8 40 Special sale on Men's and Women's Shoes still on. $3.50, $4.00 and $0.00 values $2.00 All Coods Marked In Plain FlKurea. PEASE & MAYS The Dalles Daily Chronjclfe. Iters MO.VDAV . . - , DEG. 10, 1000 served i in nny Al Anrlmw K ilor's. U - TKEASIJJfUlTK NOTICE. , IViioiM County triirrutiU icbImIoiimI piKu ti Nt!ilriuliir 1 , 1807. will lie ulil in iu'1'Mi'iitHtton at my ulllce, Inlcrnht 'iimih Hf ti-r Niivembfr 1IMIO. .1 Oil N P. IIAMl'MIMtK, Ooutity TrenKiirnr. WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. Prof. Meukin lit the Baldwin tonight. Don't overlook the great jacket Ftilo lit Tim Fair. Every day ie bargain day at tho New V irk Cash Store. Liz'-H's, tho best perfume. Wo huvo i'. M. 'A. Donuell. HMt '1 wenty-fivo per cent oil' on nil capes noil j.ickots at This Fair. The well-known Hamilton Hi own s .obh at the Now York Gush Store. N'othing niuur for a Christinas present turn a hox of Lasa-ll's perfumes at Don nell's. 10--H Major HarriH, of i'ortland, will speak in the Salvation Army hull Wednesday evening. .M. Z. Donnoll haH a lull line of La xull'u perfuino for thu holiday trade. See thein. 10-K Speeial values in children's and missus' line dongolu kid tihoi'H at tliu New York Cah Siore. "Footprints, or Onwurd and Upward" i at the Baldwin opera house tonight. Admission free. The county eonrt held a speeial ses tion this afternoon on business relating to mad matters. Konii'inher that Goeoanut Oreani Tonic wl'l promote growth of hair. Charles , I razer, holo agent. nO-lin The Kniibn piano factories, tho largest j i . ,.. . f :.. "I tne united Mines, wein ujiihudu Wi" by Win. Knabe. Sonle ltniH.. maun tnnerH. uro In tho lty and can bo found at either Menefeo , iv. Parkins or Niekelfeu's music store, i It vou have dandiull', your hair is j fulling out. Use Gocnunut Cream. For t-ulo at Fmzur'fl barber shop. nO-Ini I 1 jou need a jacket don't fail to take , "dvautauii of our great oftVrlny this; week-onu-fourth oil'. The Fair. i Don't fail to hear Prof. John Moakln I t the N.ililwin tonight in his famous I lecture, "Footptiuta or Onward and Up-1 ward." "The Teuiplu of Fume" will not only "H'ord an evening of mirth and pleasure, lut will he liistruRtivu aa well. Many for the first time will have the pleasure of meeting some of the famous persons' of all lands. Sixty-seven cents are worth a dollar at A. M. Williams t Co.'s eloak depart ment this week. They offer any of their ladies' jackets worth !(I0 or over at one third oil'. Mrs. I). L. .Jones begs to announce Unit alio is now prepared to servo mealB at regular hours at the Cafe, Second street, next door to the goods store. Kev. I). V. Poling, who has been (mite poorly for the last few days with a complication of severe eold and nervous prostration, was leported much better this moring. The lilne Mountain Eagle thinks that Wasco county will be green with graes widows if Judge Brndshaw will grant every complaint on file in his court ask ing for divorce. If your hair is dry and dead-like, Co eoanut Cream Tonic will give it life and luster. It iH pronounced the finest tonic on eartti. Can be had at F raiser's barbershop, nirent. ntl-lm A Washington dispatch jrives the population of The Dalles as 3,5-l'J, Saloin -4 ,25f, Koirono S,'J!!0. Somebody lias blundered in these ilgures beyond tho shadow of a doubt. All who aro to take part in " Hie Tem ple of Fame" are ii'ij nested to meet at the M. K. ehuich this eveiiini;, Dee. 7 :IiO for rehearsal, and tomor row oeniii: at thu Vojjt opera house. Lost A Binall EiiKlish Setter slut, with black hack and four white let;?. Answers to the of "Jessie." Any one who will return liar to Wood Uros.' meat market on Second street will hu suitably rewarded. d8-lw Kev. O. D. Taylor's fiuit dryer burned about midnight lift nilit. Mr. Taylor has no opinion as to tho cause of the lire, and does not state tho extent of Ins loss. The dryer was filled with fruit, including his stork of tolectud winter apples, which hu was holdlnj for better prices. "Tho Temple of fcanie," the enter under a penalty on not less than $1 nor froth and horse play, to theater-going more tnari .f 10. i folk that still cling to the idea that the I.. S. Fritz, came and forestry warden jsta89 I'88 a mission in tho world and for this district, requests us to call who like some literary merit in a attention to the fact that in addition to ! dramatic production such a play as the fine'imposcd by the state law for """ma" Hearts" is refreshing. This killing prairie chickens at any time . P'a.v which is now in its fourth success between November loth and September ful season, is one which appeals to 1st fcllowinc.theOreKon Fieh and Game i llielur sentiments. Its moral tone is Association oiler a standing reward of , enoblinp, yet its emotional side is not of . m .11 i i . i hu mnriiiii our I fiortiOH iniriiiic irwi Mclnernv drv I -" 10r suc" iniorination as will leau to ...... ".u.i'i ; the arrest and conviction of anv nerson ' r comedy are interwoven with exceed- it i . i .......... . found Bhootint: prairie chickens out ofl,nB cleverness, u is a piay reiiuirins tnat the actors net and not perlorm. it is for these reasons that the play con tinues to retaiu its hold on the hearts of season. , The census enumerators in many cases failed to realize the importance of mor- ! tality statistics. In ono of the Eastern states an enumerator had oulv two deaths in a population of more than , 1300 for the entire year, which the so ' pervisor thought was not sufficient, so lie sent back the returns The enumer ator responded with tho following ex-! planation : "Dear Sir There was four , more people that died, but they was widows." ' The regular north bound passenger , train of the Columbia Southern railway! was derailed yesterday about three' miles south of 1 5 ' u f , through the spread ingot tho rails. Five freight cais and the passenger car left the track, one ( freight ear and the locomotive remain- I ing, and with these latter the passengers wer; taken on to Bigs where they got there three bonis too late to make con nection for The Dalles. A special engine went up from here and landed them 1 in Tho Dalles about twilight. Mies Julia Austin, tho Like oonntv, California, giantess and foot-racer, iias ( i the people. "Unman Hearts" cornea to , the Vogt opera house Monday, Decern- ber 17th, ' A. M. Abrams, a young man employed in Dr. Sturdevant's dental office, was held up at about 8 o'clock Saturday ; night on Alvord street, about half way between the residence of L. K. Grown and 1 C. Nickelsen. Mr. Ahiams was 1 on his way to the Fred Fisher residence and had just turned east on Alvord J when two men accosted him and ordered i him to throw up his hands. He was I boon relieved of $30, tho amount of coin in hi? pants pockets, but, foitunntely, the highway men mifesed a roll of green- backs that Mr. Abraui3 carried in his breast pocket. One of his assailants was a tall man and the other a small one. i The tall one wore a slouch hat and dark clothes and appeared to have a handker chief over ttie lower part of ids fact ; but it was too dark at the time of the as sault for any accurate description of the men to be procured. The ollkers of the law have no clue as to who the men I'ISOI'LE CIOIIMI AM) GOING. W. A. Hell, a prineville attorney, is in the city attending to legal business. ! George A. Young, the sheep king of the Hake Oven country, is in the city. I Mrs. L. Adams and son, Harold, of i Portland, are guests of Mrs. C. F. I Stephens. 1 Four of the Driver brothers, S. D., I F. M., S. B. and A. B. Driver are in ' town today troin Wainic. I Phil Metschan, ex-scretary of state, was in town yesterday from Portland ' and proceeded up tho road today on the i noon train. He was accompanied by 'J. S. Cooper, the banker of Indepen- deuce. i A. M. Stringer, the retiring partner of The Dalles Distillery Company, left this afternoon for San Francisco where lie will consult physicians regarding his i health unit afterwards travel south to ( have t'ne benefit of a dry and warm : climate wherein to spend the winter. I Announcement. ' In assuming control of the business of J. K. Adcox & Co., I wish to announce i that tho services of Mr. Adcox will bo retained and that his friends and patrons i may find him at the old stand. As a ! competent and conscientious watch maker hit) wuik is his heat reconimenda- ' tion. Tm:o. H. l.inui:. The most. rllVciivu little liver pills made aro DeWitt's Little Eirly fvisers. They never gripe. Sold by Clarke it Fnl k 'a P. O. Pharmacy. mays & Crowe w Tho only store ft this city where tht Genuine Imported Stransky-Steel Ware is sold. A little higher in price, but outlasts a dozen pieces of so called cheap enam eled ware. BEWARE! Other wares look has the name Strnnsky - Steel Ware on each piece. Do not be deceived First prize at 16 International Exhi bitions. Highest award at Worlds Columbian Exhibi tion. Chicago. Pre ferred by the best cookingauthontiea. certified to by the most famous chem ists for purity and durability it is cheapest because BEST. Remember this celebrated enam uled,ware is special ly imported for and sold in this city ex clusively by us. It doe3 not rust nor absorb grease, does not discolor nor catch inside, i? notaffectedbyacids in fruits or vegetables, will boil. fclc cl and haki v i t h o u t imparting flavor oJ previously cooked food ami will lasi for years. Wo can tion th3 public nga!!! ' imitate U To Wild m It Si ay CN.uceni. It having come to my knowledge that parties, presumably Interested, rre claiming that when I told out my retail interest at 17.'l, Second street, French's block, I contracted to not open any re tail business in the city of Tho D.ttles. I beg to Bay that I sold my tight not to open any retail business between Fed eral and Washington streets, on Second street, and have and intend to conform to my contract. My place at the Hank Cafe is in no sense in violation of tho contract. dl-tf C. J. SrriiMxo. For Kent or -nil. The Sam Wilkinson warehouse, on First Btreot, is for rent or sale. It ! a ttireo-story, corrugated iron building, HOx.'lo feet, with water elevator. Apply to Sam Wilkinson, The Dalles, u-'li-tf lvoslyn, Citatum and Am-tralian coal- by tho Stadelman Ccniimiesion. '.'Mm costumes. Admission "5 cents Boats "" cents. John Curov lias moved hi rcsttuiruut in the East End old location in the Klchiond building 'and Tomuiit) lluuson unBt of tho Dianioiiilllouiiug mill, scored tho highest poiu just arrived from the snow-capped peaks I were. It is strongly suspected, however, of Alaska, where she has been in train- tlit the robbers were no strangers, and ing for more than twelve months, says that they know their man and knew tho Wilht, Calif.', Press. Miss Julia , ttiut he was accustomed to curry money was matched against the great Alaska 0n his person all the time. Indian foot-racer in a dash of 200 yards n-ub jf ,ilsMJ-uo. for $10,000. She ran thu distance in twenty seconds, racing her victim from Notice is hereby given that the part start to llnish and winning tho glittering ; nership heretofore existing between gold by u small majority. This heiiuti-1 ,j, jrt Adcox and Theodoro H. i.iene, ful young lady stands 7 feet three inches j ,il)r the flim name and style of, I. E. in her stocking feet, weighing 100 i Adcox A Company, is this day dissolved One thousand styles and sizes. bov cooking and heating. Prices from $5 to $50. Steel Ranges Cast ftangea i was horn in Eako county. Colorado iitm She speaks by mutual content, J. I1.. Adco.- retiring from said firm. Theodore II. l.iebe will taiiunent which will be given next Fri- pounds; , 1.... n I,,., l.ui. t., i,o Aaised in . .. , lrt ,..., na itAi nun mil. ....( .1... 1 1 ,.f ....I.I il. Vogt Opera llDU8C, Ullder tho allspices Or CL vl " Ul " "1 i........t,--)" ..v , uuillIUlie Mill oiir-iuena ui mm uriu iiiiuri tho Good intent Society, Is ono of the run any human on earth )mlw?' tho name ami stylo of J. E, Adcox k most unique of its kind. Men ami wo- ) Saturday afternoon from 2 till til Company, and is authorized to icceive men of fame will be there in appropriate Mr((, ,j, o, Meins gavo a spnning party l"'"1 "n'l't M ""iH'ys due said firm, ; icserved I in hnr Sunday tchool elassjf eight bovs, vie: Arthur Waud, Ilriy Walther, f I'rosented to him for payment Bee HIveitGiiy Douthit, Charlie Johnston, Guy ack to his Clones, Kay Bunnell, JAmie Kinnorsly ami all claims against said linn should James White has rontd the store just vacated wheie he wl open a branch confectionary and fruit stand and verve oysters ami lunches of pigs' feet and coll'eu of nights. Tliu ('niiONU'l.u' woudeis if the olgar-otto-snioking youths of this town have not forgotten, if thev ever knew, tliut it is unlawlul in this slate for "any minor under 18 yeurs of ago to smoke, or in nny way to use any cigar or tobacco in any form whatever, in any public highway, street, place, squ ire or resort," receiyed first prize. took the consolation; demonstrated the faj blow "both loud mid anile Kimierslv in spinning and I Tommio Hudson a tin horn, and t that he could long," even If lie could not make a success In spinning. Tim afternoon was passed with games, and at 6 p. m. refreshments were served, Miss Nellie Kaufman and Madge Smith assisted in entertaining the young lads, who uj iynd themselves as only a lot of healthy, happy boyB can In these days when thu mind of the Dated this 10th day of December, 1000. J, E. Ancov, xw 1 lino. II, l.ll.'IIK, CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. Tht Kind You Have Always Bought The genuine all bear the above Trale.Alark; anu are soiu wun sviuicu Awarded First Prize Paris Exposition 1300 m OVER AUL THE WUKUU. - vyBwmvSSt& Boars tho Siguuturo of Dyspepsia can bo cured by using cker's Dyspepsia Tablets, Gnu little Tablet will give immediate relief or money refunded, Hold in handsome tin Sold by First-Class Slove Merchants ovcrywhoie, it..i.. Tht; Michigan Stove Comnanv. avBurnart InroiitMakort Oak Slovea thieaticjl man seems to run to farce boxes at -r uts. lilakeley thu druggist MHIER St BENTON. SOLE RCENTS,