The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, December 10, 1900, Image 2

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The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
DEC. 10. 1900
If the ship subsidy bill is us bud
as some of our democratic contem
poraries frc trying to make it, surely
it is not necessary to lie about it in
order to make it appear worse. An
article in a Baker City paper,
credited to the Salt Lake Herald,
after characterising the bill as "the
most gigantic steal that 1ms ever
been masked in the guise of paternal
legislation" adds that:
'The total cost to the people ot
docs not seem to apply whon Mr.
Simon has "axes to grind." He re
mains in Porllnnd and will stay there
till the first of the year, while Oregon
is represented faithfully by Senator
Mcllridc, in the higher branch of
congress. It is well for the people
to be acquainted with these facts.
A Villncn Itliiukomltli Saved lit Little
Son's l.lfn.
Mr. H. H. Black, the well-known
blacksmith nt Grahatnsville, Sullivan
Co.,N V., says: "Out little eon, five
years old, line always been subject to
croup, and so bad have the attacks been
that we have feared many times that he
would die. We have lincl the doctor and
used many medicines, but Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy is now our sole reliance.
lit Rpomia tn iliaanlvn Mit tnnch ninrns
the United States in the payment of , and bv Biving frequeut do9e8 wliun tlie
subsidies during the life of the thecroupy symptoniB appear we have
measure has been estimated at more I found that the dreaded croup is cured
than $1,500,000,000."
"Estimated" by whom, we should
like to know? The "estimate"
would have been just as correct if
ten more ciphers had been added to
the right of it. The bill distinctly
provides that the aggregate amount
of the subsidy shall not, in any one
year, exceed 9,000,000, and as it
provides that subsidized vessels shall
carry the United States mails free of
charge, as against a present animal
cost to the government of a million
and a half dollars, the net annual
amount of the subsidy would never
exceed 7,500,000. The "estimate" of
the Salt Lake paper is therefore cor
rect only on the supposition that the
bill, when it becomes a law, shall
have nn exislance of exactly 200
years I
The Herald estimates, presumably
ou its own hook, that the Standard
Oil Company alone will reap a round
million from the ship subsidy "steal."
before It gets settled." There is no
danger in giving this remedy for it con
tains no opium or other injurious drug
and may be given as confidently to a
habeas loan adult. For sale be Blnkeley,
the druggist.
Drying preparations simply devel
op dry catarrh ; they dry up tho secrctious,
which adhere to the membrane- and decom
pose, causing a far moro serious troublo than 1
Ii. r .r A;,! oil .)-.
ing inhalants, fumes, suiokeB and snuffs
and uso that which cleanses, soothes and
heals. Ely's Cream Balm is such a remedy
and will cure catarrh or cold in tho head
easily and pleasantly. A trial aizo will bo
mailed for 10 cents. All drugpists sell the
50c. size. Ely Brothers, CO Warren St., N.Y.
The Balm cures without pain, does iiot
irritate or cause sneozing. It spreads itself
over an irritated and angry surface, reliev
ing immediately tho painful inflammation.
With Ely's Cream Balm you aro armed
against Nasal Catarrh and Hay Fever.
Catarrli Cannot lie Cured.
with local applications, as they cannot
reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh
is a blood or constitutional disease, and
in order to cure it vou must take inter
nal remedies. Ilali's Catarrh Cure is
taken internally, nnd acts directly on
the blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's
of .
!; at
Geo. C. Blakeley,
The Druggist.
I RACE mnnna
Copyrights &c.
Anvniip (luting n nkctrli nml description nm'
onlfkly nsrcriiilu nur opinion free wlictlu-r u .
Invention l urohaulv (viiriitiitilp. rnnuminlrF
tlon.irlctlyrimilitPiiltiil. Ilamllmokim I'ntcuu
soul free. Olitoit iiupney for sociirnii: putt-ms.
r.iti'i.ts taken throiifli Mumi & Co. iceelvb
tptcutl nntue, witnout ciinruo. m uio
Scientific American.
A linnrtJoniclT Illustrated weolslv. T.nrsMt cir
culation of anv ncleiitltlc Journal. 1 onus. 1.1 n tour months, SI. Mold liyall nowxlealers.
MUNN&Co.3C,0'oa(,New York
llrunch nfflcu. C2S V St.. V.'usliluutoti. I). ('
Just What
You uuant.
A Difficult Problem. ;
It is among the most difficult prob- .
louis of natural science for out; to become
expert in several lineB. J. E. Atlcox &
Co., by their combination, have over-'
come this diflicnlty in a practical man :
ner. J. E. Adcox is an expert watch-1
maker and is Rood on jewelry, optical j
work and uneravine. while Then. H.,
Liebe is uu expert optician and is good '
! on watch repairing, jewelry work and j
Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine.
lossibly, tor it uiust be admitted i It was was prescribed bv one of the best I engraving. Their price ie ae low as con
thot thr. KtnnrWi Oil flnmimnv .inn- nb vaiciano in this rntmtrv for veers, and ' sisteilt with goncl workmamdlin. They
in1 W)
rT n"
. ... . . i- " i .:: 't. :"..,i are prepared to do all work in their
crony gets there with both teet, but - t v- u''u"- several lines, on short notice. Work
in that case the company will either j f tl" to"lcfi k"0Wn' cmb'd h sent by mail or express will receive
, ., , , 1 J , the best blood purifiers, acting directly prompt attention. Sign. "Big lied
have to build ihe number of new ion the mucoU8 sarfa(;es. The 1)erfecl j Watch."
million combination of the two ingredients is
vessels necessary to earn the
dollars of su
present form
ubsidy or change the ! wbat.produces such wonderful results in I J All cp
of their vessels, which I cudnS Catarrh. Send for testimonials, -L J. V LloVZ
; i , , ie- IT-" J.'
nre simplj' huge oil tanks, and in the , p
latter case they would be required, j
besides, to build new tonnage equiv-j
alent to at least 2i) per cent
present tonnage, the end
J. Cheney & Co., Props., Toledo O. T H I T I I 1 T 1 JJ
fcoui v (trrustCiste, price ma.
Hall's'Fomily Pills are the best. 12
of their j
and aim i
Kid Mot From tho Gun
Was the ball that hit G. B. Steadman
of the bill, whatever its wisdom, be- ! 01 aewar-ie, Jiicn., in cue ar. it -
. I caused horrible ulcere that no treat
ing tie increase of the number of , . m
n ment helped for twontv vears. Tnen
ocean going vessels that carry the I m0hb a: s,!",,,,! i,i. i
American flag. ' cures cuts, bruises, burns boils, felons, j
: 1 corns, skin eruptions. Beet pile cure on
i'rospenty turns aside for ajpnrth. Twenty-five cents a box. Cure i
Sold by Blakeley, the
moment to glance once more at
Kansas, says the Sun. Here is Jerry
Simpson selling his Medicine Lodge
The undersigned has taken possession
of R. A. Spivey paint shop, next door to
the Vogt opera house, and has pur
chased the tools und ladders. He has
good mechanics working for him, and
will guarantee all work to give satisfac
tion. S. K. KELLY.
HJi Restaurant
have used Chamberlain's Colic, 1
ni.i .1 n: l i f. ., ,i I
farm in the southern part of the state, .L , t .. . ,, . .
,,' ' it to be a great medicine," says Mr. E.
quitting the bucolic life of vote s p,lppB of Potealt Ark ,.It Ulim j
seeking among the populists and i me of bloody fins. I cannot speak tooj
going into business, nctual business, highly of it." This remedy always wins
. ri... a,i i, v : i the food oninion. if not nraise. of those!
, . , . who use it. Tho quick cures which it 1 Oysters Served m anyDStyle
uu3 uuuiil u cuiec-iiiiua uucicai.,
I.. Y. Hone, l'rnp'r.
First-Glass in Every flespeet
.1I1CAI.H AT A I.I. llOKltS.
New ideas in Wall Paper hero. Such
wide variety as we are showing never be
fore graced a single stock, iieal imita
tion, creton effects ut ordinary prices.
Good papers at cheap paper prices.
Elegant desigiiH, tasteful colorings, yourn
for a Btnall price, at our store on Third
street. Also a full Hue of bonne puiutn.
D. W. VAUSE, Third St.
Wagon Shop,
Dealer in Blacksmith Supplies.
Cor Second & Laibliii. 'Phone 157
1 efTHCtH even in the nirist severe cases
purchased the real shares of stock, in ! make it B fnvoraito evo.y where. For
the Union Livestock Company. .Tcr- j sale by Blakeley, the druggist,
ry has become a corporation all by ', w rTuiiT "ni bu t" u ti ti "i a y
himself! Let him not be guilty of The busiest and mightiest little thing
the awful crime of trying to make all ; that ever was made is Dr. King's New
the mnnev he can. which, aoeordinrr ' Life HHb. Every pill is a sugar-coated
7 Second bt., The Dulles, Or.
, , , , . . ,, . globule of health, that changes weakness
to good populist doctrine, is all right fnto atrenBth liatluaBne98 lnt0 eilBrByi
for the farmer, but oppression for brain-fag into mental power. They're
the middleman and the corporation. ' wonderful in building uu the health.
The next thing Kansas populists ' Only L'5 cents per bor. Sold by Blakeley,
know Jerry may try to break into' th" (lr"Kt:i8t.: 3
the republican party. NVhen '" netid a B00tlli"K ft,)d l,eul-
i ing antiseptic application for any pur
. First national Bank.
A General Banking Business transacted
AT-vnT-m Deposits received, oublect to Sight
AOJJChr. Draft or Check,
iiy virtue of an onlur or tho council of Dalles- Collections made and proceedo promptly
city, OrcKon mud.. on tho wtu iiuy of Novum- remitted on dav of collection.
.ui, v, w. 1.-. u i,y r h ... ' I Miislit. ,mrl TMlrni,l,li l?.-r.t,nn.,a anl.l n
iiuw iars, nun rruncisco uuc Port
land. DIKBOTOK8.
D. P. Thompson. Jno. 8. Boiijbnck,
Ed. M. Williams, Gko. A. Likuk.
H. M. Bkam..
tho said slth. (lav of Novombor.
i council Uvclarcd Iiy resolution adopted, that
that portion of tli.i slduwall; hltiiuted on the
northerly Hide of Fulton Strec". nml lylns he- '
tw ecu the northeiiht corner of thuMjuiiri! formed
by the Intersection of said Fulton Street with
Wushlimton Htreet In Dalles City and u point
Kmfeetoast of said corner on said Fulton Street, ,
Is In a duriKerous coaditlon mid In need nf liclnn '
rebuilt, In that said hiduwulk Is ueuU, decayed I
and unsafe to navel upon: and It was deior
inlned Iiy said council to rebuild tho kuiiic and I
that tho cost of rebuilding said Hldewalk be i
churned to tho owner or owners of tho property
ainnlni? on wild portion of said sidewalk ilt
dared in a daiiKerous condition aN by law provided.
Witch ' 'l ols noll(:(! published for It days from the t
I llll Uliv ill i';i:.'iitin.. , i iij ill iiiu
If Tin: Cniio.vici.i: had anv thounlit 1 PN use tho oriirliml DeWitt's
( t. ,-...,, . n I Haze! Salve, u well known euro for piles council of Dalles City, which order was mudo
of supporting Mr. Corbett, of rort- , , , ,. Tl . , ... Lvov. ana. iwjo.
1,0 ' iiful Kbln iliacnciiR. It. IihuIh snrps with .11... ..... 1..., 1... .i ...n
1 1 fn 4 IT 1 1 C . . t ....... - -' " J7IUVU IU IHHIW V , VII.. 1IV.-V1IIII.-I t.U . iyl,
iuuu, iui mu uiiucu oiuics si'iiuiu, it 01j ettVJng a scar.
would hardly dare say so, under the 1 fcits.
ciraumstances. The reader will usk, i
"Why?" This paper has been re-
It heals sores with
Beware of counter-
fjold bv Clarke & Telk's I
.VUD 11. tlA'l'KK,
liecorder of Dalles City.
Sick Headache absolutely and perina-
nnntlv enritil bv ilfllni Moki Te,t. A
liably informed, und firmly believes, J plenBalll ,10rll (lr'ink. cures conntipation
that there has been n ,'enerul canvass, und indigestion, niukos you eat, Bleep
of this state by Mr. Corbott's agents,' and happy. Satisfaction guaranteed or
the iirincinal nurnonn lifiinir the nur. I "cl:- "nuoucts. uiaKfiiey,
i 1 i i CT I
chase of newspaper thunder in the
interest of Mr. Corbett. Tin: Ciuto.v-
o. I
General Blacksmith
and Horseshoer.
the druggist.
... Dealer In
Don't I tub It In,
Just wet the allected narl frcolv with
ici.i: cannot be bought, and proposes Mysterious Bain Cure, a Scotch remedy,
to bo abovo suspicion by keeping and tho pain is gone. Sold by Clarke &
clear of any sort of support of Mr. I F""'
Corbett. Besides, he is totally unfit ! Fur sprains, ewelllnga and lameness
lor the United States senate, but j8: there is nothing sogoodasCha.nbHrlain'B
..... , Pa n Ba m. Try it. For sale by Blake-
ntl Annil annul tltA lvnr-nn I "
UU wuojr ,UHln .ui tu .luasca, ley, the drUggigt
t lie opening oi uio uon.
Dry Goods, Clothing,
Cents' purnishings.
When Oregon had only one sena
tor, wo beard an awful roar about it
from Mr. Simon's friends, but this 1 Oregon.'
Jjlt. K. K. HMITU,
lioomt. 10 and 11, Chapmmi 11 lock, The DMea
Hoots, Hhoes. Hutu, CnpH. NotloiiH.
for W. I.. DoukIux Hliot;.
yS'sSSi SS Tee Dalles, Or, , j:
Kxperieuce is the best Teacher, Use
Acker's 13ndi9h Hemedy in any case of : right, a
coughs, colds or croup. Should it fall to
give immediate relief money refunded.
25 cte. and 50 cts. Blakeley, the drug
All kinds of hlttcksiiiithiug will receive
prompt attention ami will he executed
in first-class shape. Give him a cull.
I FMchardaon's Old Stand,
Third St., near Federal, The Dalles, Or.
Are those who wear clothes thut are up
to. date in fit, workuiuiishlp and iiality.
My line ot samples covers all the latest
designs lor (all and winter, the price Is
nu l can guarantee a perfect lit.
Suits to Order, SIO.OO.
John Pashek, The Tailor.
$ i .oo per month.
Strictly first class local and long
distance telephone service within
your home.
l.lnus do not cross-talk. Your con
versation will he kept a secret.
No cost for installing.
You get the standard Uunnlng
Kong Distant I iiNtrtimcut,.
Continuous day and night service.
We will accept your contract for
ton years anil allow you to cancel
same on giving us thirty duyB writ
ten notice.
I C CAI T P. rr !r
Proprietors Commereja SampIe Jj0fjms
5 Purest Liquors for Family Use
'Delivered to any part of tho Oily.
173 Second Street.
I'hont's: Til Local,
'8,'iS Long Distance.
I hare re-opened this -well-known Bakery,
and am now prepared to supply every
body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also
all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es.
GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer.
fill kinds of
Funeral Supplies
Grandall & Burget
Tho Dalies, Or.
Wasco Warehouse Company
Headquarters for Seed Grain of an kinds.
Headquarters for Feod Grain ot t? 11 kin
Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kind?
Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, S,Sl KSd
Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle-
tOn FlOUr Ti,iH I,l0ltr ,H "fntrod exjiressly for family
, .. , , nnti : every iiuck is gnarunteed to give Hiitisfaction.
W a sell our goods lower than any house hi the trade, untl If you don't think bo
call and got our jinccs and he convinced.
Highest Prices Paid for Whea.t, Barley and Oats.
Advertise in The Chronicle.
J. A. EBERLE, "jg
pitye Jailorip
Packing co
A complete line of Full unci Winter i
fcuitinuH, r.intlngH unci Overcoating, now I
on cliHplay. 100 dlfleront varieties to se
Ic ct from.
Suits, $20 apd up.
Cull uud examine goods hefore going
clsinvhere. Second street, imp. Muvs
cv Crowe's.
Fine Lard and Satisages
Curersof BRAND
Thousands of old iniiii who thought their leniaiii'
ing days on earth would he few now bless the cJv
that they commenced the use of this greatest of all
Htrength builders. Lincoln Soxunl Pills will bring
about a degree of health and Hlrength foi you away
beyond the average man of your years, and give jou
great neace and comfort. ,
I'rlcie, f 1.00 per box buy of your druggist or aeni
by mull on receipt of price, In plain wrupper.
M. ',. Dotiuel, Agent, The Dulles.