I) c Hulks VOL. XII THE DALLES, OREGON , MONDAY. DECEMBER 10, 1900. NO. 400 THE LIVES OF FARM-WOMEN Some Merc Existences of Ceaseless Drudgery, Utter Hopelessness and Direst Despair. Sitting nt my window lately, days Mury G. Dell in the Orison inn, mid idly looking forth at the ever-vurying pano rama of the atreet. I noticed a farm wagon Btiuidlnp ut u residence gate across tiie way. On the seat wbb a woman who patiently I hoped hold tho Much with otto hand, while hIiu encircled a heavy, sleeping child with the other arm. The fanner carried samples of fruit from door to door, with an eye to business. It wiih slow work. The hud shout) down, broiling liot on the woman's defenseless head. She Mat bowed forward, looking oh, so tired and dejected! .She waB "dprueed up" lor her trip to town, 1 felt mire. On her hut was a real "nluine,'' which, huvinc loHt all its graceful cml, could not Btiflly defy wind and weather. The dust of tho country road was liberal ly besprinkled over her apprarel, and cave a finiuhiug touch to tiie forlornnuss u( tier looks. The Heat the woman occupied was sim ply a boaid with a patchwork quilt, A mop of poultry was in the buck of the wnguu. Soinu boxes of vegetables and fruit and baskets of eggs were alno there, awaiting disposal. In the midst of theee riche of the farm, the woman Bat, look ing meager, toil-worn and as though she had not a ray of joy in her life. A "KAlt.M-WO.MAN." Looking pitifully at her, I mentally classed her among tiie many of her ilk I had known when I alio wub a "farm woman," hut triiBt me! not an over worked one. Those poor, tired bouIh! Karlv morn ing saw them hard ut work cows to milk, breakfast to prepare, washing, ironing, scrubbing, cooking for "hired hands," baby-tending. There whn fruit drying and canning and poultry-raising all Hummer long, this eternal, unvary ing routine of work. And, besides all this, the garden hoe must bo wielded by her Hkillful hands, else mUHt the table luck of vegetables. When the farmer, assisted by a stout horse, had "broke up" the garden ground, his duty in that direction was ended. While the children wore too flmall to assist her, nil these duties fell to the woman's share, and hera nlone. As the boys grew stiong enough for work they were "put at" the plowing, and tho multitudinous duties appertaining to the lot of the farm -boy. The farmer-husband worked, too. But to his aid lie summoned machinorv of the best, and also the help of the "hired hand" or handB. At evening he rested from his labors, while he discussed and settled the politicui affairs of the coun try, with the assistance of the hands, and usually all chewed tobacco and spat with emphasis. Meantime, the good wife was washing the supper dishes, preparing food against an early breakfast, and putting the little ones to bed. Her work was not finished for hours. At last, tiie kitchen work, being done, she sat don to patch a small pair of trousers or mend the farmer's shirt. And finally, with a sigh of utter weariness she betook herself to lied and forgetfullnese the desideratum of her existence. Even then she was not safe. If the children were ailing or fretful, it was she who must bo "up and down" to attend to their wants. And just as that dtep, bliseful sleep of early morning came, I hat might have restored her exhausted forces, she heard the farmer stirring, and his impatient call: "Come! come! it is time breakfast was started ; I want to get in a big day's work today !" "A big day's work I" she thought, hopelessly. When, eince the day she I married him and came to this farm, had she done other than a "big day's work?" Never had she known respite, save at the birth of her children. This crisis, that brings only dread in most cases, is really a sort of pleasurable interregnum to a farmer's wife of the above-described type. She can "lay off" from the stress of duties for a few days, at least, and be ministered to and considered in a manner that soothee her very spirit. To be continued. Many persons hayo had tiie experience of Mr. l'etet Sherman, of North Stratford, N. H., who Bays, "For years 1 suffered torture from chronic indigestion, but Kodol DyspepBia Cure made a well man of me." It digests what you eat and is a certain cure for dyspepsia and every form of stomuch trouble. It gives relief at once even in the worst cases, and can't help 'but do von good. Sold by Clarke &. Falk's 1. O. Pharmacy. r"v . , iii'iMUitwmii 'Winn rm hi i tu hi Am li " '" '""""''ml AVcgclablc PrcparalionTor As -similat'mg lUc Food andReg ida -ling the Stomachs nncl Bowels or Promotes DigealionXheerluI ness and Hest.Contains neillwr Opium.Morpliine nor Mineral. "Sot H arc otic . AtiofOMJDr&WUn.PaVWH JU.Smiut CfotftHt Mir Jlftifery'wvi 'nam: Aporfecl Hcmedy forConslipn Uon, Sour Slomach.Dinrrlioca Worms .Convulsions .rVvcnsh ncss tuul Loss of Sleep. nM I'ncSliallo Signnlurc or new Yonir. CASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of At my EXACT COPV OF WRAPPER. .nil VII w ,Ui in Use For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA TMC OtNT.UII toMMmr, HW VO PITY. Christmas Specials! Christmas Specials! Christmas Specials! Christmas Specials! White Baked Statuary. . . . Marble Busts. Figures ; singly or in groups ; various subjects. Beautiful ware; high ly artistic and quite the rage. 75c to $2.00. Wedgewood Novelties. Etc. 50c to $1.50 Dolls. Special values. 15-inch kid-body doll 25c Bisque babies; movable limbs,' blonde curls IOC Special Christmas Offering! LADIES' FINE JACKETS at a THIRD OFF! We start the Christmas shopping season in our Cloak Department today with a general price-reduction of one-third on all our Ladies' Jackets worth ten dollars and over. This is an important announce ment and will be readily appreciated by the public. A. M. Williams & Co.'s fine jackets at a third beiow regular price at this season of the year is an offering that commands the attention of all who desire to be well dressed. Although Jacket selling has been a big feature of our business this season, there "is still a good assortment of styles in all sixes. Jl?? latest Styles Included mS$ Our Special 25e Goanter of Gift Things Is quite an attraction, and well it should be. Here you will find $10.00 Jackets reduced this week to $ 6.70 12.00 13.50 15.00 18.00 20.00 25.00 u k it it it it n tt it a 8.00 9.00 10.00 12.00 13.34 16.67 Photo Frames In gilt, in white metal, leatherette, etc, valued regularly at from 33c to 50c. Jap. Woodenware, Highly enameled in black, and decorated in gold. Card cases, glove boxes, jewel cases, handkerchief boxes, tie boxes, waiters, crumb tiavs, brushes, etc, etc, worth tegularly to $1 each. Medallions, Mounted in fancy gilt frames; oval shapes. Also Celluloid Back Mirrors. Placques. Reproductions of noted paintings by the old masters. China Puff Boxes with metal tops. Fancy Metal Ash Trays, Pin TrayB, Ink Wells, MuBtard Jars, Salt Cellars, etc. A. M. WILLIAMS COMPANY UnivH Men Fall Victims to stomach, liver and kidney troubles as well as women, and all feel the results in loss of appetite, poisons in the blood, backache, nervousness, head ache and tired, listless, run-down feel ing. But there's no need to feel like that. Listen to J. W. Gardner, Idaville, Ind. He says: "Electric Bitters are) Just the thing for a man when he is all run down, and don't care whether he lives or dies. It did more to give me new strength and good appetite than anything I could take. I can now eat anything and have a new lease on life." Only 50 cents, at Blakeley'a drug store. Every bottle guaranteed. 3 DtsNolutlou or l'urtuerelil. The partnership heretofore existing between A. M. .Stringer and T. S. Ken nerly, under the style of The Dalles Die tillery Company, has this day beendis Bolved by mutual consent, A. M. Stringer retiring and T. S. Kennerly continuing tho business and paying all debts and collecting all bills. The Dalles, Dec. 10, 1900. A. M. Stuixouk dlO 2w T. S. Kkn.i:hi.y. I-Tayeil Out. Dull Headache, Pubis in vaiious parts of the body, Sinking at the pit of the stotntich, Loss of appetite, Feveriahness, Pimples or Sores are all positive eviden ces of' impure blood. No mutter how it became to it must bo purified in order to obtuin good health. Acker's Blood Elexir has novel failed tocure Scrofulous or Syphilitic poisons or any other blood dieeaees. It is certainly u wonderful remedy and wo sell every bottle on u poeitivu guarantee. Blakeley, the drug- gist. Clint til 'I Intuit. I desire very earnestly to thank my good neighbors uud inuuy friends for their kimlnesa and good treatment tow ards me during mv illness, mid especi ally to Dr. Hugh Logan, whose treatment has been so sueceBslul. Makti.v J.ucsiia. Wnntod Men and women of good character and reference?, to represent an established house, spleuded opportunity for advancement. Address P. O. Box 587, Portland, Oregon, uovl5-lmo Help la needed at once when a person's life is in danger. A neglected cough or cold may soon become serious and should be stopped at once. One Minute Cough Cure quickly cures coughs and colds and the worst cases of croup, bronciiitis, grippe and other throat and lung troubles. Sold by Clarke & Falk's P. O. Pharmacy. When the stomach is tired out it must have a rest, but we can't live without food. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure "digests what you eat" so that you can eat all tho good food you want while it is restoring the digestive organs to health. It is the only preparation that digests all kinds of food. Sold by Clarke & Falk's P. O. Pharmacy. Now is the time when croup and lung troubles prove rapidly fatal. The only harmless remedy that produces im mediate results is one Minute Cough Cure. It is very pleasant to take and can be relied upon to quickly cure coughs, colds and all lung diseases. It will prevent consumption. Sold by Clarke & Falk's P. O. Pharmacy. Don't use any of tho counterfeits o DeWitt's Witcli Hazel Salve. Most of them are worthless or liable to cause in jury. The original DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve is a certain cure for piles, eczema, cuts, bums, sores and skin diseases, Sold by Clarke & Falk's P. O. Pharmacy. Popular price J.H.ell's perfumes for XiiiaH, 25 cents, 50 cents and $1. Apply at Dounell's. 10-lt Wo oiler for a limited period the twice-a-week Cjutoxicu:, price $1.50, and the Weokly Oregoniiui, price $1.50, both papers for $1' a year. Subscriptions under this oiler must be paid in ad vance, tf for (5iK V..U..., team :.nd harness. Price $100. Apply to O. Nicholson, Ilr. Shnckellord's bldg,, west end Second street. For Null", A few choice Hereford bull calves eli gible for registration. Inijuiro of nMtdw J. L. Kki.i.y, Tho Dallee. .Money tu l.ou.i. Five hundred dollars to loan on real estate. No commission. Apply at this oQlce. n2Mtw Livestock Show CloKtcl. Chicago, Dec. 8. The International Livestock Exposition came to an end to day with the judging of the ..merits of difi'erent feeds as shown by the carcasseB of the animals slaughtered for this pur pose Thursday, and the awards to the studonts of the agricultural colleges on their skill in judging stock. Today was children's day, and the largest crowd of the week was in attendance. "Big Hooker," winner of tho grand sweep stakes as the best steer in the stock class, was a failure in the dree9ed car cass contest today. The decision ot the judgoa on the hoof was entirely reversed. "Hooker's" percentage of tallow was enormous, and ho was declared by one of the judges to be a sorry carcass. The feature of the day was the almost uni form reversals of the decisions of those who judged cattle on foot. Ono steer not considered ripe enough by the foot judges was adjudged too fat to take a carcass prize by tho judges on the hooks. To remove a troublesome corn or bunion , First soak the corn or bunion in warm water to soften it, then pare it down as closely as possible without draw ing blood and apply Chamberlain's Pain Balm twice daily; rubbing it vigorously for five minutes at each application. A corn plaster should be worn for a few days, to protect it from the shoe. Ae a general liniment for sprains, bruises, lameness and rheumatism, Pain Balm is unequaled. For sale by Blakeley, the druggist. Rolling Mill Consumption H'veii out of every ton men whn woik In lolllnii mllli, Iron miiulilps and class factmleadln of (iiisUiii.ttoii, You know hoiv i.irly in llfo llit'M' ini'ii away. Tliu umiuI .ymilom i a liiissinu, Rnlti!iit naiBii Mniiellnu-.i blioit ami liacUiiit,'. t.omi'tlmi.'s lianl ami dry. Tho atlcut unias neukvr ami thinner "lay liy tiny Death eventually eomiiiers. Tho tiouhlu ioine (roni Intense heat, mill tho con.-lanl Inhaling of tho lino lurtlch'S of ilu.-t ami iiou Unit llll Iho ulr, TlR'so partU'U'c, under a lulcro.-roiie, chow niKUtil, sharp cdKCrf, whli'h tear mid mutlluto tho dulleato HiiIpk of Iho throat mid liuihs. lVioiiial sous aio llius formed, and hero It U that the K-'riii of i'oiiiiiiiiiiIiiii lltul a jilaeo to fied and mnlllly. Arker'a Knyli.-h Itcmt'dy km illrcowTi'il in l.'iiKlauil, and Is tho only rule ill tho uorld for Irnllln Mill (')lisUnitlou. H hi'ala up the Miri'S, Mu'iiKllii'ii tho laucoiin lucinhraiit's of the lircathliiu oigaiiN purmaiu'iilly flops the ennuh, builds up tho constitution and Imparts vluor to tho uholo i)loin. H laiiat. either euro or It com.- you untiling, one holllo doo woudeis. Try it. What H has ilono for many olluio It will iiImi do for ,mi and yonr loud one;. Sold at 'Sic, foe. ami SI a Initio thiouuiiuiil iho ruitcd State, and Canada! mid In KiikIhikI at U. 'M., 2s. 3d., Is. t'l. If ou ate lnl s.iti.-licd after hujlnt,', loturu tho lMUg Itf your dlUKBUti uud net jour numey hack. We uuWwfce the u!ec juaranUe, II', H, IIOOKKH A- CO., i'royrhlart, .Vw l'r& For sale at Blakeley 's Pharmacy.