NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION. Notice is hereby given thnt tho part nership heretofore existing between A. Michael, 1 Surud nnil 1 I'orluiun, in the Great Northern Furniture Store, is this day disfolvcd ly intitnnl npreiiiiient, Mr. A. Michmil rutlrlnp from tho linn. Messrs. 1. Sural' and P. I'orlmun will eontiritio the itosiness under tho nliovo nnnieof the Groat Northern Furniture Store, ami will nssnuie nil liil)llities of the ft r tn timl oolleet mill receipt for nil ilebts tlue the llrm, both in The Dulles ami Portland, Oregon. Tho Dalles, Dee. -1, 1000. P. Pmti.MA.s'. A. MlCIIAlM., To Soften and Whiten the Retiring from Business. Closing out my Entire Stock Regardless of Cost. Dry Goods, Clnthini:, Boots mid Shoes, at much lw tlinn wholcsalo prices. Will sell in hulk or in lots, or miy way to suit puiehiiKcrH. Entire stock must be closed out before 30 days. All goode will bo aacriliced except Thonipxon'H Glove-littittg CorsetH and Bntterick Patterns. Your prices will ho mini). Call early mid secure ta'B"", , J. P. McINERNY, Corner Second and Court Sis. To Stop Falling: Anicvj r I'OM nun 1.11KI', iiuiivnr, rt. v..i m;h city, tit, ml!t iia-," ' To Beautify the Atlniitli' l.'Xlll'NS Yl.! h, ni, v iii Hunt' lu;;t(iu. Hull Ijikti, Denver, l"t, mwi, wiiuinii, kiiii mii City, St. I .(HUM,, ChlciiKii unit Cast, i. w do-lv P. Sl'UAI), HANDS ASXZ IIKIMUT TIMK M'lll:mll.l. I nil! l-P.OM IIAI.I.KH. hair j&fmm, I'ltst I Mllll ! li W . in, The Standard Skin and Toilet Soap 20 y my vis mi 4mwm mm wp: .a - u": iimmw wtmmmm m mm . .a1 til tir of the World. .i niillfsr mii i ihmc n. USE CUTICURA SOAP C Exclusively for taint If ylni; the fkln, for tho stopping of falling miir. for ooftcnlti( and wliitonlni: ml, rousii hands, in tho iinui lornnnoying irrilatlom, for too free or offensive perspiration, In the fnrm of washes for ulcer.itlvo wcaknesiea. It .1, ."?"?,,,T0 a"pllc purpoies, and for all the nes of 'the tollpt. balh, nmt nursery. Cuncmu HoAicomblnclnONB Eiur at One, viz., Ttvtntt.fivk Cents, tho uest nkln and complexion raip, tho nEST toilet and 3kst bahy noai. in tin r.',dY 1 V1'" CnEM- Cont'- Solo I'rops., Uo.ton. "All about tho Bkin, Scalp, Handa, and Hair." free. WMSZ mm Nutlet! of involution nf l'urtii rirli t t. Notice is hereby given thnt the part nershiii heretofore existing between Grant Mays ami I,. E. Crowe, uiulur tho llrm name of Mays A Crowe, was disEolveil Dec. 1, 1900, Grant Mays re tiring. The business will lie continued under the old linn name of Mays & Crowe by 1.. E. Crowe. All claims against the linn will be paid, mid nil accounts mid notes due the firm collected by him. Git a nt Mays, L. E. Cuowk, For Suit). Eastern Oregon timothy hay, $15 per ton, f. o. b. Tho Dalles. Etstern Ore gon wild hay, $Ki.50 in car lots. McOi'i.i.v & Cayi.oii, d l-Uw La Grande, Or. Belgian Hares to Lease. I have about 10(1 thoroughbred does that I will lease in lots of 10 to respon sible parties on shares. Apply to C. E. HAi'AKD, nliO 12w The Dalles. OUR CHURCHES Off to priseol But before we go every article we possess, every Piano and Organ must go. Gilbert & Jones Co., who are to become our successors in Portland, have not bought a single Piano or Organ from us. They have paid us a big sum of money simply to become our successors, for our reputation, for our good will, and for our agencies, so as to control hereafter tho I sale ot the Jvnabe, Hard man, bteck, lusher, Ludwig and j other Pianos, and under the contract with them we are obliged to get out oi Portland in the very near luture so as to let them operate in the field which we must relinquish. "We have no time to waste, and have therefore instructed our Auent, I. C. NICKELSEN, The Dalles, Oregon. to close out all Pianos and Organs on hand at a great sacri- lo Zion Lutheran church, Seventh and Uniou streits Services at 11 a. tn. and 7:30 p. tn ; Sunday school 12:13 p. m ; Lutheran League meeting G:30 p. m. W. Brenner. Calvary Baptist church Rev. W. 15. Clifton, pastor. Regular services at 11 a. ni. and 7:110 p. m, in the basement of the new church on Union street. Sun day school at 10 a. m. B. V. P. U at 6:30 D. tii. Rev. J. B. Lister, of Eugene, will con duct a series of meetings at the First Christian church of this city, beginning tomorrow and continuing until the holi days at least. Sunday school at 10 a. tn. Junior Endeavor at 3 p, m.; Y. P. S. C. . at G:lo. Methodist Episcopal church Corner Fifth and Washington, Rev. U. F. Hawk pastor. Morning worship at 11 ; Sunduy school at 10 a. m.; class meet- ...B .H1-..U; a,,wum, uSB owu; fice Ve are now closing up our business preparatorv 4it7:30. At the morning service the!our removal to san I rancisco, where will be our headquar- sermon will be on the subject "The tors hereafter. It you ever intend buym Bible Why Written." The suhlect in the evening will he "The Christian's Mountain Peak." Gentlemanly ushers i -will assist Vou to seats. AilvertlHml l.tmurn. following is the Hat of letters remain lug in the postoftice at The Dalles un called for December 7, 1900. Persons calling for the same will give date on which they were advertised : Blake, C F Barns, Chas Clark, W H Chiiigur, .1 L .Foster, Mrs -Sarah Howard, J C Hunsaker, F M Hamden, Charley liermane, Alida iHodson, R McGownn, Chas Alosler, Willis Black, Emerson Carlisle. W H (2; Campbell, Edgar Ernes, A B Henry, Edward Hearth, Clmi Harden. Allie Hockman, Win Kellev, A J McCully, Ralph Montgomery, Mrs A Kieit, D W More, Mrs Cordelia Stem, Christian Sullivan, J S Williams, Mr E S Touhev, John Young, Mrs W S Walsh. .las H (2) frun Lecture. Mrs. lloxter. wiio represents the in terests of the Florence Crit tendon mis sion, located iu Portland, will address the people of The Dalles at the Congre gational church tomorrow (Sunday) evening nt 7 :30 o'clock. Tho home of tho mission shelters the social outcast, and Mrs. Hoxter will explain tho methods of work among this class of people, und the blessed results that have followed tho attempts to save the young girls which come1 to the home for shel ter. In tho afternoon at 3:30 Mrs. Hoxter will hold a meeting in tho sumo churiii for ladles only, to which the mothers und thoir daughters over 13 yeais of age, are invited. The subject of discourse will he "The Daners that Beset Girlhood." now is the time. Address, I. c a riano or Organ Or Wiley B. Allen Co., Portland, Oregon. The Dalles, Oregon. No ltlglit to Ufrliiii!. The woman who is lovely in face, form and temper will always have friends, but one who would be attractive must keep her health. If she is weak, sickly and all run down, sin: will be nervous and irritable. If she litis con stipation or kidney trouble, her impure blood will cause pimples, blotches, skin eruptions and u wretched complexion. Electric Bitters is the best medicine iu the world to regulate stomach, liver and kidneys anil to purify the blood. It gives strong nerves, bright eyes, smooth, velvety thin, rich complexion. It will make a good-looking, charming woman of a run-dortii invalid. Only 50 cents at Blakeley's drug store. 2 PILL ONE FOR A DOSE. ItrmoTO Plrnploa, PrxTont II llfJU'n?ia- 1'nritv t.u 111...... Cure llHilchoau(l JJuepSV Ho. boldbraruBgi.u. (JR. ios.UIKO CO PhlTi ll "I have used Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy mid fi rid it to he a great medicine," saye Mr. E. S. Phippe, of Poteau, Ark. "It cured me of bloody flux. I cannot speak too highly of it." This remedy always wins the good opinion, if not praise, of those who iwo it. The quick cures which it effects even in the most severe cases make it n favoraite evoiy whore. For sale by Blnkeley, the druggist. There is no jileaiurc in life if you dread going to the table to eat and can't rest nt night on account of iutligeition. Henry Williams, of Boonvillt', Intl., siiys ho Buffered that way for ear, tlli ho ..i .I i- ,i , Many people worry because they he- ouoi wyp"i'm lievothoy ImvoheartdiseascThocharicesI,: "l 1 ' ' " v; urethat their henna are all right, hut j 1 ,,K0 " 1 ' ' n" HMU' IE0U' m i,ju, I. .,.,,.1.1,. , .it,.... ,..i 'every night." Kodol Dispcpsin Cure ... .....- u,K.k 1UU. wl tUc(;Ht w)iU V(M UM bv ulirko ivouui wyHpopam uro mgesis wnui you i & Talk's J. O. Pharmacy. eat and prevents tho formation of gas which makes the stomnch press ngninst tho heart. It will euro every form of indigestion. Sold by Clarke .' Falk'a P. O, Pharmacy. A full lino of Eastman films and sup 'iJileB just received by Clarke & Falk. If you want a bargain in gtocerieE, ritm up Bob league, next door to M. T. Nolun. Phone No, 3. n30-7t Specinl bargains in warm, winter goods &haws, fuf-.ctnutors, hoods and mittens, ut the New York Cash Storo. BUSINESSLOCALS. Clark & Falk are never closed Sunday. Don't, foruet this. Roslyn, Clealutn and Australian coals by the Stadelman Commission. 21-lm You will not have boils if von take Clarke & Falk's sure cure for hoilB. Clarke & Falk's flavoring extracts are Hie best. Ask your grocer for them. Floral lotion will cure wind chapping and sunburn. Manufactured by C'arke & Falk. Paint your house with paints that ara fully guaranteed to lust. Clarke & Falk have them, Clarke & Falk have received a carload of tho celebrated Jame E. Putton Strictly pure liquid paints Wanted A second-hnnd fire-proof Htfe. Must he iu good condition and not too large. Apply at tho Cwto.via.i: office. o3Mf DeWitt's Little Early Risers are tho bust liver pills ever made. Easy to take und never gripe. Sold by Clarke ft Falk's P. O. Phnrinncy. Why pay $1.7fi per gallon for inferior paints when you can buy James E. Patton'd sun proof pnints.for $1,00 per gallon, guaranteed forT yearn. Clark A Falk, agents. ml Hustling young man can make $(i0 per month and expenses. Permanent posi tion, Experience uiuiicuseury. Write quick for particulars. Clark & Co., Fourth and Locust Streets, Phihidel hpin, Pa, iS-tf THE CELEBRATED Htinkntio Sliill unit i;xiri'MH .. .GOliDfUBIA BREWEKY... AUGrUST BUCHLER, Prop. J Of the product nf this well-known brewery the United States Health Reports for June 2S. l'.lOO, says: "A more superior brew never entered the hihratnrv of the rolled States Health reports. It to absolutely devoid of the slightest trace of adulturation, but on tho other hand is com posed of the best of malt and choicest of hops. Its tonic qualities urn of the high est and it can lie used with the greatest hiinolit mid satisfaction by old and voting. Its use can conscientiously lie prescribed by the physicians with the cereainty that a hotter, purer or more wholesome beverage could nut possibly be found." 11 ::.' p. in H p, in, Will In WiiIIh, Himbine, MlllllflllllllS. St. I'HIll,, 1M1 1 11 tli, Alllumilai',! Clilriilli) unit lliiht, vln H-iiLamiikil HiintliiK Inn : nlho nil 1 it 1 1 1 - in Wiislilin-tiin mill urn Ori'Kim. KllOM I'OI'.TI.AW Oi'cmi hlcuniKliliir., for Srii I'liniflx'ii Kvcry I'ivu Davh, Mull innl l.xpn-.M hih. a i K m, East Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON h p. m, . 4 ii m i Kx.htlliiliiylCnlnnililii Ilv. Hlvunifrs, Kx siin. I To Ahtohia and Way i,nu"c Siuiiriluy limlliiKH. iu p. in, j II. III. WlJ.l.AMCTTK KlVKK. a l.x.SiiniliiyOrot'nii City, Ni'wlHTu.iIix.hmWi halum iV Any Ijimrh, H. Ill, IM.AMIfTTr. ANti Vam- Lllii a lllfi.'l lmi. HIM. HtVHllK. MoiiVrJ unit bat, Ori'fNin City, Diiynm, nun w ny-l'tintlliiKs. mil Krl. 'lyXrATVJCi'X'i'XVjiil Jk-I A t A tAT'A-. A t ATJkl A!MAUUItAIATA,l I'A'IA" A- A- L3 i C. J. STUBLIG, WII()l,i:-A!.K AM) Itl.TA'l, I?' It t 'M Wines, Liquors Cigars Family Orders will receive prompt attention. Next door to First National Bank. Phone 234, THE DALLES, OREGON. REGULATOR LINE. DALLES, rOHTLAiM) k ASrOltlA KAY. COMPANY : htuuiiurs of tin. IlcKiilatnr l.lm: will run iii jicr the fol tnv.iiK kclinlnli;. tin; Ciinipany icsltvIii;; the rlulit tu clialisu H'hcilulu without mitlcv. tTA'TJ srxrxrjsM; i j.yjvr. vrjcTXKrxrxA TATATA-;---ji-TyA-TAliATA-Tj rrjcrxTxrjvwxne R S' DOWN. J!, I.v Dalles at 7 a. M, b' Tui'Mlay. . . . C, TlilliMliiy .... M H.itiinlny . .. , k' Arr, I'nrllauil at t:Wi I-. m. fc - 1 Str. Rouulator Ul', I.v. I'or tl.iticl nr 7 a. M. Monilay . .. Wtilni'iilay .. . . Friiliiy Arr. Dallih n 5 i: u. Ship your Freight via Regulator Line. Str. Dalloo City. IK IV." s I.v. Dullvn at 7 A. M. .Mnliiliiy . . Wwlnesiilny . Friiliiy. Arr riirtlmiil at l:) i". i. or. 'fl . . I'nrtlaiiil ,2 ilt7:IJ0 A. M. S . . . 'Inmilay'jj Tlinrnlay ,!1 . . . .hatiinlay Arr. Dalles 'jj nti'i r. it. 1 R- FOR COMFORT ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, 'B S Travel liy tliu Htviimi;rx ol tho lUioilatiir I.llic; Tins Cmni.anv will cnilcavnr to elve Its runs tin" best servlci) possible I'or (urtliur luforiiiatlon aililroh 'j! tf, I'ortlanil Ollicv, Ouk-Street Dock. W. C. ALLAWAY, Con. At. I.v llliarla Knaki; Itivwi. I.kavk ilaliy i Klnirlii to lA!Wlitoii. I.kkuto.s il ni. tUtly " UllJOn.m ' JKT- I'artii'H iicdlrim; to K" to Ilcpnocr or i Hiintkiiii t'nluinlila Hontlierii via II1kk9,IiouM take ,Vn, lenvliiK The lialli-s at MHO p, n, ! mii 1. 1 iik Olrci'l coniicclloUH at lli'pinirr junction anil IIIks. Iti'turuliiK inaklnirillris'U'iiimeetitt! at Hi'iipniT Juiictlou ami IIIkkh with .No, , rlvl'ic nt 'I liu Dalleh at l'j.:l p. m. I 'I lie O. It, A N. Ktemiier ".Moilor' 'Is now malt. I Iiik iruiiliir trips to tlalein mill IiikiivuiIoicc. at mi way iaiiiuiu!N, riin" ii'nici foil land on .Moiiilayn, Wcilnesilays anil VilUjs at r. a. in., nrrlvltiK at Hu'eri t i. in., anil In.leiol I'tii't' aliniit d i. in. on hiinio iliiyii. Keturalm; lioal leavoH Inili'iii'iiili.'iii'n nt i it. in. nntt Silem at i'mi. in. mi Tlicxilayx, TIiui-mIiivh (iliJ 8Un iliiyi, nrrlvliiR at I'ortlnuil aliniit :! p.m. Hat ilny. Kor lull I'lirtlciilnrh call on (I. It. A X. Ca'i nKunt Tim Halle, or miliums W. II. Ill laiK'KT, (ion. l'ii, Act , I'nrtlnnd.Ot him Fad Yellowstone Park Line. Till; DIN'INCI CAK ItOt'TK KIIOM I'OKTUNH TO tiii: j;akt. tiii: osi.v Diiti:cT dink to tiii: vku.ow. BIONi: I'AUK i.kavk. Union Depot, Fifihand I sis mmu. No, Kast rniill for Tacninii, No. Seattle, Olyniplii, drny'ii ilnrlior anil Soiitli llenil 'liiuntH, hinkaiie, lloss- land, II. C, Pullman, .MllM'HW, 14-HIHlllll, tun 11:15 A, M.' lalolliunii iiilnlii(!i"oiin try, Helena, Mluneao Us, HI. Taut, Omaiiii, Kiiumik City, St. I.oulh. Chicago and all polnth No. t, 1 eat mid Mintlieimt. . I'lmet rniiinil i;xiri'.s . ll;:.t) 1', M. fur Tat'iniiii anil Seattle 7:10A.M. and intermediate iniiuth Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. It artificially digests the toot! and aids Nature iu atronuthuuiup: und recou- atructing tho exhausted digestive or gans. It Is tho latest discovcrcddlgest ant and tonic. No other preparation I can approach It in elllcleuey. it in-1 stantly roliovesund pcrtuununtly cures , Dyspepslu, Indigestion, Heartburn, i Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea, Sick Headache, QastralKia.Crampsand all other results of imperfect digestion. PricoSOcandCt. Lawnlzocontulns2 times amallslzo, liooltailaboutdyfipuijsluuialletltruo Prepared bj E. G. DotITT ft CO., Cblcaao. Sold by Olnrko AFiilk'n l'. O. I'liarmncy. Lane, FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. TKANHAUTA KXKKAMIA.'.'KINO IIUlilNKH LottorH of Credit iHHiiod availahlu in the Kantorn Htuten. Kii;lit ExoliunKo and TuluKruphi', 'IranHlors Hold on Now York, Ohicaiio, Kt. Lottia, Kan Fr.moiHco, Portland Oro Kon, Seattle Wash,, und various points in Oregon ami Wualnnirton. Collyutiona inntln at nil iiointe on fuv rablo torniH. No, 3. (JKNIil'.AI. Nasal CATARRH In all Iu Hlftjics tliero elionlil bo tlcaiilmoid. HIj 'b Crcnni Halm ck",iiiri"3,fliii)llioHaiiillu'alH lliu ilUua-eil iiiciiilir.iiic, II ciiii'h i at.irrli mnl driven nivay u cold Iu lUo Iieud uulckly. Oremii ltiilni Is placed Into tho nostrils, oprcula over tlio lac.mlirnnu mid Is nliorlicil. llellof In m laiiUitii ami n e irii rollown. It id not lryln(? does not jirodi.'-i' nice, iib. I.ire,o e, f, I coats at J)ruj. li in:;il; Ti:iili ,'. i li mull. I.,V IV.r.milllio.ft.l 'tueet, .N'ew York. llioliifl; WIS. .AND. g. Wagon and Cnrrlayo Work. C, Fish Brothers' Wagon. Third and JclTcnn, Piioiio 159 I ,vfA . W. ?'M mrj,-ui load 'lyip ; tut- team. Kavcn wear nuU J.pciu.i;. hom tsvery wlicie. OlArlDARO OIL CO. - I'ullmiiii llrntrliiMN and lourlit hlisn j" .MIiilieiiiolls,Ht. I'aulnnd Missouri river )lnt wltlinut I'limiKC. Vnstlliitled traltiH. fulou depnl ciimiectloai iu all principal eltlef. IIiikkiiku cliisiki d toilestliiallon ol tlrkets. l-or lianilsoincly IlliistiatiililierllitlveiaiiUiT, tlekels, MleepltiK.ear reserviillninf, otc-., cull " ur wrnu A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant (ieneral rasseiiKcr AKi'iit. -,rtrr' ion Hlreet.toruur Third, rurtlimd Orwin. SOUTH and EAST via Souinern Pacific Co. Shasta Route Trillin. Ii'iivo The Dallen tor IMttiuiiiI nii'l v"T Ntatlotih at l:ii a. in. mid II p. m. Leave I'ortlmid Siaiiim 7:J'J? " Albany l"j;::i)nm IUnaM"11 Arrive A-ililaud liiisiiim ll:;.11."'1" " saciiimento ;.:i)i)piii S.i 1 1 hiiiliiili.i,i 7.1.'llllll B Ul AirlvoOKdou f..l.r'ii m 11 J" " KiuihiiNClty 7:"jr.iim . Arrive U)hAiik.'Iii.s . 1 I' ni : r.i rami i'.i' ,. . , , " City of Mexico 10111 m ',; ' " HoilKlnii i.imiini " Nuiv Orleans . . i ".'.' m I U, " WiiHliliiKUm li.l'-'ii m ; J, " Now Vork rj.tipia U "l"n rulluiaii mid Tourlut cir.s nil ",. I'lll. Chair cum Kaeiiiineiiln to OKden 11ml ! , mid tourlHt ciith KiChleaKi), ht I.oulfc, leatiN anil WnMilui;iim. ('otimtitliii: at Kan Krani'leo , with wwjj' teani(dili linen lor Honolulu, Jul"'1'' I'lilllpiiluen, Central mid Koutli Ainerlea. Hen iiueut Ht Thu Dalli'H utatliili, nr iiililus C. H. MARKHAM. tietieral IVH.seiiuer Client, l'l.rlliii"'.0 Clarke A Falk liuvii 011 nalu u full I'" of paint und ut titl'u lirulit-'t. (