Is Your Boy fflell-Dfessed? i In should he. I Io can ho. It is not u nmUor of l.'trgo oxjjouso. Plenty of noiit little follows our lov-U'i(jod suits. (food clothos largely help to make a jmod hoy. Why not dress up your hoy and make him proud of himself, as good as uny hoy? Our Boys' Department makes good clothos possible in all oases. Iso one is too poor, no one is too rich to go elsewhere. Our $5.00 School Suits are the host in the laud. If you pre fer, wo have cheaper ouoh at $3.50. The best cost you 812.50. "Hoys' knee pants suits from l.o0. Wo have piled on a separate counter the balance of those Roys' W 3 Most Bemarkable Offering of "V m. tt mi Jackets that has ever passed this way. H low price? iinikf! a tarf.'iiin, high rpttlity doubles it, iiiitl that is what makes t Ii i h oH'jrinx so extraordinary. Hero are Ladies' Snitp, then: are no newer, better looking or ImtUsr inado in iinv store. They uro to ho sold at 25 off This week only. Suits that we are selling tunily: broken lines, that's, at half price, all. Don't miss this oppor- Ladies', Misses' and Children's Jackets at a Discount of 25 per cent. You can have the new ones, arrived from the manufacturers just a short time ago, made from Binootli oxford cheviot, double-breasted, lined with bilk or satin, sill handsomely tailored. French Flannelettes The most attractive cotton goods on the market by a manufacturer, price 18c; our price for the week 15 l-2c per yard. ever put Kegular Unmatchable Shoe Values. fhis is unmistakably the shoe buying time of all times that is if you want high-grade shoes at these low prices. Ladies' welt solo button, in kid and calf; $-1 values $2.00 Ladies' turn sole kid, button or lace: $4 values $2.00 niaus i Crowe i 1 1 Ladies' all $1.50 kid or cloth top, lace: .' $1.00 Men's satin calf, lace or $2 and $2.50 values congress; $1.00 Boys' Shoes (elastic sides) in calf or $2 values $1.00 grain : Men's lace; kangaroo cordovan or calf, 3.50 to $5 values $2.00 All Goocln Mark tic I In Plain F-licuros. PEASE & MAYS Tho only store ft this city wheio the (icmiinc Imported Stransky-Stecl Ware is sold A little higher in prico, hut outlasts a dozen pioceaof so called cheap enan). cled ware. BEWARE! Other wares look has; the name Stransky Steel Warooncach piece. Do not be deceived First prize at 1C International E.vhi bitions. Highest award at Worlds Columbian Exlubi tion. Chicago Pre ferred by tho host cookingauthonties. certified to by the most famous chem ists for purity ,and durability it is cheapest becauso BEST. hfi Dalles Daily Chronicle, MTI'ItDAY MKC. 8, 11)110 " ' " ; flip? tP re n i At Andrmv K .liar's. ifl to thti credit of teachers that more take thi) Monthly. touch with their worli hardly do otherwise. A small house greeted Arthur Alston's tile Wiimio county than forty of them and thus keep in as they could lowing accident that happened Thurs day at Cleck's, or Willow creek, the first of lion iitntinn t Hide nf Prmeville. ! Ooml The Princville and Shaniko stage left rnnevilli! at 11 p. m., with the driver, Augustus Mature, full of whiskey and j THE SEWER QUESTION. 'EOI'LIE CIIMIM! AM) nillNO. unci Ituil Fciiturei of Hie Spvnral I'Iuiik I m part I:i 1 1 y Discussed, company in ".Iv Friend from India" at st'll drinking. On insuring the deck ntnt.inti l)olriri I linmili r. mm U'lin hi 1'lVe Mrs. .A. Curtis', who has been vleitinc her daughter, M re. V. A. Kirbv, re- turned today to her home in La Grande. Mi:, Enrroi:: The eewer question is, Mrs. Chap. Hilton and dauirhter, Miss ni'iiiri vi.vit.. th mimls of hnth i-itizpnR Florence, who have been visiting here mwl Il.o ,oml, nf .l,u nn!l Tl,. ' f01' 11 'W d.V. retlUned TIMfiASUlMflirS NOTION. All M'iik'u County tvitrriints ri-i;f ttnri'il prior tn hi'il''iiiliiT I, 1HII7, will Im piilil mi i I'lo'llliitloli ill my iitlli'n, liltnris! ini, aftiir Non ililii'f t.'ll, DMIII. .IOIIN r. IIA MI'HII mi:, (ioniity Tiimnui'r. WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. i . . . . . i . . . . , . i uie uct last iiiJiit, which is to in; re- i grotted, as the company gave a very ac- j tllu benighted oi'cupants of the stage an ceptabh) performance. i exhibit of his capacity us an expert in -pi r,.M, t i ... r. . . I bin particular line, with the resti't that yesterday ricnived '.'50 pouiidt of ore 1 taken from the tdiaft that is rilmply , immeiiHu. The ore was nhipped to Mr. Fish and is displayed in the Umatilla House. Mrs. M. K. Iloxter, of the Crittentiui Misaion, Portland city and will give free lectures at the j Congregational church tomorrow after noon and evening, as announced in an hither column. fore I trust you will permit me to make a few cotnniente bearing upon the sub ject. There are three nrominent wavs of tin. horses became frightened, and get-1 ut:oiiipll8lilnK the purpose, each of ting beyond his control, tlie Htum-1 wlliuh hu8 itP advocates ami eaeli has itH wheeled foul ol a small undue south of on thi morn- I ing's boat to their home in Portland. Hon. F. X. Jones and his bride ar rived here tody on the nonn tiain and will make their home in The Dalles for the winter, at the M. A. Moody residence on Second street. Prof. John P. .Meakiu At the llaldwiii Monday evening. There will ho Sunday school at St. I'.iuI'h 1-lpiscopul church tomorrow at tin' usual hour. l.'Ht, on Second street, a hunch of keya. Finder will kindly leave them at ImimicIi'h bank. !(" Ih'iucmhcr that Cocoantit Cream Tunic uill piomoto growth of hair. Charles rMzer, solo agent. nlMin voule Hros.. niaiio tunerij, -are in city and can be found at cither Memtfee iV. Parkins' or Nickelsefi'H miiiic store. If you have ihindriill', your hair is I Idling out. Uso Coeoaniit. Cream. For the with blue!; back and four white legs. Answers to the name of "Jei-sie." Any out) who will return her to Wood lit oh.' incut market on Second street will be mutably rewarded. d8-lw It's no trouble, hut a deal of pleasure, to select your dolls at A. M. Williams & Co.'h. Their assortment is very larue and every line is conveniently disphu ed. Furthermore, yon ate not obliged to ask prices, for evry doll, or lot of dolls, is plainly ticketed. They Invito inspection. IJev. U. F. Hawk's subject, tomorrow evening will be "Tim Christian's Mount- n ii t(i n I iirua t ml it a t rn it It it iL s Tti !( Week's and jerked a wl.eel oil', throwing th(J on(; ndopted l)y tho mnna u year the occupants oi inc vehicle violently to tho ground. The injured were A. Fen- ton, o. uuiHimro, w.d.LHivm, oi objt.cted to, however, because it contem lem, and A. I. Niles, of . Walla Walla, j ()llUed pnvinent of the whole expense at Calvin and Niles were badly bruised, , ln(, thiB bv mnw who u0,lId ,l0t but not seriously, and when another' , , .... exi,,,npe on . short a notice. It was argued by some also that that portion of the town not included in the system would later at tach on to the mains without having Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Brigham, who have been here for several months while Mr. Urigham was attendinn to his busi- m5H f if vrnnl linviiur will 1-vivo fnr ago. This would have been the speedi- honiL. ; ,he Iiext Monday. est. and possibly the cheapest. It was I "chicle was procured went able to re 1 HiuiiM Hi, 'if imiriiev tn .mntti!l:o. 1'Vnton. Lost A Hinal! Hnglish Setter slut, ' who is a voung man, had his hip dislo cated and was unable to proceed. The distressing feature about Kenton's case Henty Lorenz-n left yesterday on u visit to his mother at the old home on the island of Foehr, province of Schles wietf, which f.e left twenty-two years bl'o. He expects to ho gone about three month". Mr. Henry Oiilick returned a few days ago from a four months' visit among friends in New York state. He returns mill lipurtv Mini i-pnnrta luii.uiir lmil home nnv of the burden of constructinc ! i. .: ii.. i .1..,,.. . , i . .ii n I ii ,i:i i 4ni.-.v!ri ii iiiuir. uc unii uui uut'ii was that he had just received a dispatch , tlt,ln Kmi if were ly ,Q Jo ! ,)iU;1.- t))t,rt f(i). lortT.threu vear8i and friim llillsbiuo auuoiinciug umi nih , , , no iiranHcal wav of j mother wa dying and he was hurrying n.fuid,n(j t0 tho original builders. I j to her bedside with all possible speed. . w, R;(v aMmagh Mff ms no l)t,llr. The ludicrous part of the incident oc- , UlS ,illiUlt;lal ,,Uin8 novv ell,ollv currcd when the driver recoveied his , Mng heUh, ()isime8ed, thai this plan wind, after being thrown to the ground. . c.untt,(lipl.Ued B rft.)i(.nl change in loca SiumiK the bottle, that had been tlin;t,on from lLp od SVHtel)l. jnslead of I cause of all the tumble, lying beside . ,.roe81DB tho railroad track in from half him, ne se..eo u ano tQ n doen plat;(;g ,lnd rllnnJnB out t0 iv it to his lips, took a deep di aught and f .listance at least.' one lai-e main i was to run parallel with the Hack on I the city side and teceive all the mains running north. It was then to run out I under the bridge over Mill creek, where ; it could easily ami cheaply teach the river. Incidentally I will mention that 'I yield to the opinion of the engineer j.i....i..-i ni i iinxr.llltlnr I i u H11 tllir lllllll Hill IIU Ulirilllt'l L 1 1 11 II .111V ! the Hpecial request, of a iiiimber of mem bers of Mr. Hawk's church who heard him preach from this theme on a former occasion. It inav be of interest to others, and all are cordially invited. A dispatch over the lung distance tele- Kiimitiiiti'i' With a Dt'i-r Henry Ta lor bad ai morning with Mr. Wate' pet male deer tale at'H barber shop. nil-Im Don't fail to hear Prof. Meakin at the Hildwin opera house next Monday evening, at 8 o'clock. Admission free. A sale and entertainment will he.given "t the li.thhvin opera house, December phone this afternoon aunouncad that a 'JOth. hi- Hut Ciitholie lmlies. Admission u- . .. I i 1t., ,..,i,.,. l 1 n'olni.t li!u limril. lX- '8 C"" "'l,lt llt' " llU1,! '"MOreU -''c.'iits. Afternoon free. , Marion county, at -1 o clock this morn- ; 1 Ii... tlmt l.iHt.wl i unit inm" " "" 1 "J"" "Fiiotpriiits, or Onward and Upward, : ..1,1,l lv,1,l)!l.IK. ,l,ilif ti. ..... ' to open the tieorne liui'li stoic. As he ly Prof. John 1'. Meakin, at. the Ualdw.u eg went , lllt, was passing the Orn Ji residence, on the ).er,i l.ount. Monday evening. If ymi !... . . , . . the comer of Third and Uughlin, he iiiIsj it you'll 1'grot it. ... 'heard a straimu liatter of feet behind Have vou seen the holiday display of fine wedgimood art pieces and baked marble statuary at A. M. Williams & yet he found several old school com panion" and relatives that did all in their power to make his visit a pleasant one. Dyspepsia can lie cured by using Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets. One little Tablet will give immediate relief or money refunded. Sold in ban Uome tin boxes at '.'" cts. lllakeley the druggist. I I Remember this celebrated enam eled ware is special ly imported for and sold in this city ex clusively by us. It docs not rust nor absorb grease, does not discolor nor catch inside; is notaflectedbyacids in fruits or vegetables, will boil. Sle,. ...ui and bakf w i t h o u t imparting flavor of previously cooked food and v. ill Inst for years. oo- We cau tion til 3 public fig.'iinrt. imitct'Oud To Whom It May Cdiicctii. It having coni'i to my knowledge tlint parties, presumably interested, are claiming that when I sold out my retail interest at 17.'!, Second street, French's block, I contracted to not open any re tail business in the city of Tho Dalles. I beg to say that I sold my tight not to open any retail business between Fed eral and Washington streets, on Second street, and have and intend to conform to my contract. My place at the IS.iuk Cafe is in no sense in violation ol the contract. dl-tf C. .1. SlTllMSti. For Kent or Sain. The Sam Wilkinson wateliouse, on First street, is for rent or sale, it is a three-story, corrugated iron building, 110x!J3 feet, with water elevator. Apply to Sam Wilkinson, The Dalles. u'JO-tf Men's lined and knit mittens and gloves at the New Yotk Cash Store. extending it towards the injured passen- am Peak,' 1 ti.s.Hor.non is preached at wmmtM vnrf , Sll, 8nyP "didn't Hcem to to appreciate the tempt ing courtesies of the dMvei and refused to drink." One thousand styles and sizes. tor cooking and heating. Prices from $5 to $50 Ud.'h" if not, n treat awnitw yon. lrs. II. I., .iones hegu to annoiincii . 1 . . 1 in . 1 . 1 lire started in the town of Silverton, i " " ""l " ' - " . log, that lasted between e g i. and ninej hoiiruaud practically wiped out tiie town. Fire enginea from Portland went to the relief of the town and rendered valuable assistance. Complaints reach this ollice that a niuiibur of residents on Three Mile creek continue- to slaughter prairie I'r around to see what it lit 111 niwl tnriiml was. In a moment the deer, which was 1.. , 1. . . .1. 1. 1 1 1. chickens till tho same as if the open season had nut closed weeks ago. Siune tliar she is now prepared to serve meals ,.iy f ther-e pot-hunters will be M. Tiy,()r KrMnd tht, iieHHt l)y ,( at.eKular houra at the Cafe, Second i jurked up mill mnilu to pay u lino uqna! i ;ui, , Jiu,tl 0I Iifc1 doilthi street, next door to the Mclnerny dry . to tho cash value of all tli iliit:keiisj oti . uinjtli, liH fm for 1V tilll0 UItd K; KOods store. d't-ll If your hair is dry and dead-like, Co- ('"iiiiit Cream Tonic will give it life ami I'l-ter. It iH pronounced the lluest '""icon earth. Can be had at Frazur'ii Iwrlwr Hlmn. intent. iil)-lm the creek, So incite it be. At a regular meeting of. Court Tney Million, No. I'J, F. of A., hold last nie;ht, tht) following olllcers wore e:ecteil for the ensuing year: 0. It,, Theodore I.iubu; H. C. 11., I.. M.Ourrou; Treas., V. II. I). Sinco the destruction of tho Koiihesler j Konnln ; F. S., .1. 1'). Httiiux; Ii oil l.wnpa in tho Christian church tho j M. Wilder;' Sr. V P. F. liurham ; .lr whren mv put in a full sot ol Purfeti- j W., A. C. Tlmma; Sr. 15., .1. ,1. Mur- "on yasolinii lamps thai arc giving very f a t satisfaction. II. Jonoe, editor of Oregon Teach e'e' Monthly, of S.ilum, is in the city in H'u Interest o( his iipor. Tho Monthly '"the only OrcKon papur of lis class that hitherto provod a lliuuiclal huccbss, "otwithatiuuliiii? ropuatcd uttoinptn. It nhv: ,lr. 15., T. Malouoy Mr. J. A. (ieisciidorH'i-r. HtiiKii Urlvnr on a Itust Sam Stark, a la studniit. In tho olllue of Judge lleiuiett, arilved here last night from Prliievlllo, via The Jlallea and Shnniko atago, ami reports the (ol- evidently on the war path, had struck Mr. Taylor midships and landed him in the gutter, .following un tho per- for.iiuuce by jumping on top of him. horn re call) in; us ice i tor a i me aim acuin being thrown to tint ground. About the 'i'....' . , . . tune .Mr. laylor was tiunost exmuisteii the noise of the sou lilt) had atti acted the attention of Frank Cram, who canto to his relief. Mrs. Cram followed with an ax, and handing it to her husband that g.'utlemau givc the vicious brute a blow iver the left uyo that the deer will proh ibit- remember as long ns memory holds I'hj'BH!hwiy'BWUy) if it does not result in settling his tlubtiug proclivities foi nil time. Thib f is not the llrst lime the beast has acted meanly, but it willjprohably be its hist. The other day it attacked a lady on the street near the Bee Hive restaurant. Mr. Taylor untlered all day from painful bruises on his right arm and right side. plan that crossed tho railioad in vatiou places, and better than any that has a delivery short of the Columbia river, Another plan is to be carried out by building mains upon petitions of resi dents along the routes, This has various objections, among tliem being that later others will be attaching to mains they never helped to build. Me-ddcs one family or neighborhood that is well sew ered may he endanuered by neighbors who could not or would not furnish proper sewaye. Vet another plan is for the city to have complete coutiol of the whole mat ter. Regarding the whole plan as not only a cjuveniencn to some, hut a bene lit to all, the city can, by a small assess ment, start at the bottom and gradually build up a little c.ich year, ami continue upon this plan until sewers me built everywhere they are needed. Tinier this systam we would scarcely feel the uxpcueo and the worst places would be remedied tirst. There would bo but one point to discuss after this plan is adopt ed; Unit would be whether to cros-s the railroad as the present system docs, or pass one main out under the bridge as the enuineer advised. Fortunately this is not a vital point, as either will be good. One is only cheaper than the other. X. Subscribe for Tin: Ciiuoxiui.i:. Steel Ranges Cast Ranges v miiiw ..... '' .r' '': ' jcms ana are soia wuii a wrmcn juaramet:. jK-ii Awarded First Prize Paris Exposition 1900 IffiWkS OVER ALL THE WORLD. ri?rQ Sold by First-Class Stove Merchants everywhere, c Madocmi The Michigan Stove Company, Luntutst Makurs of Btuvuu and Kuiikos iu tho World. Oak Sieves , ;MHIER St BENTON, SOLE RCENTS,