The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, December 08, 1900, Image 1

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    21) c Stalks
NO. 408
If Fortifications Amendment He Adopted.
Knglniid Will Kejcet the Hay
Paunccfotc Trenty.
New Yoiik, Due. 7. A dispatch to this
Trlbnno from London says:
Tim futo of thu Hay-Pauneefote treaty
in awaited liuru with more Interest lliun
nnxiuty. Hh rejection or oven nil amend
iiii;nt in thu Hpirit hostile lo thu Sut-z
reu) ittluiiH will ho regarded u a nin
that, thu American senate Is bent ti pon
ending rather than mending the Clayton
llnlwur convention and upon duing this,
moi cover, in an oU'ens'ive way.
The 1 1 r i t i y 1 1 government did not take
thu initiative in opening itcgotitiioiiH for
a ruviHion of the convention of 1850. It
merely ruHponded in n most friendly
spirit to a suggestion from the state de
partment that thu timt) hud eoniti for
adapting an antiiiiuted treaty to altered
conditions in a Hpirit of mutual iireoiii
modatiun and good will. It conceded
everything that was iibked and merely
c tiptilatud that thu Suez principles should
hu applied to any eunul under Ainuriean
control. Thu rejection ot the eonvunlion
will hu considered hh an indication that
the American government does not know
itH own mind and that it dneu not value
thu concessions made in response of itH
own solicitations. Thu adoption of a
(ortilicationa amendmuiit will he the
signal for a strong press agitation liuru
against a departure from .Suez prac
tice, and thu foreign ofliuu will have
thu pillilic support it it declines lo ac
cept thu treaty in a new form. It ie un
derstood in diplomatic circles here that
Lord .Salisbury at thu outset of thu nego
tiations expressed a willingness to Fettle
the canal question if hu could receive an
assurance that thu treaty would have the
support of the senate and that thu vari
ous senators of thu foreign relations com
mittee were consulted In udvanee
whether tl.ey had committed themselves
or not to the treaty.
It ih considered Hingnhr by diplomti
t'lBts here that thu uuuHtion of fortifyintr
thu ends of thu canal should hu rained.
No Kuronean power which is
coaling stations and a naval huso close
at hand can evur menace American con
trol of the canal, and England ie the only
one which in adequately supplied in the
West Indies with these indesponsabte
aeeessorieH for naval warfare. IfAmeii
cmiih iiihlHt upon fortifying thu canal it
must he hecaiiBo they have their eyes on
Tort ISoyal and Santa I.ncia tmd dread
itritlsh interference with the waterway.
Although Lord Salisbury line renounced
in the new treaty the principle of dual
agreement, England, having agreed in
Rood faith, would prefer that the Ameri
caiiH accept this treaty it its original
I'riililliltlnii of Polygamy.
W A.siti.wroN, Dec. 7. Representative
l'aylur, of Ohio, who wos prominently
Identified with thu movement to exclude
Drighan Roberts from a seat in congress,
today introduced a measure intended lo
bring nbont federal prohibition of po
lygamy. It proposes u constitutional
amenumeut lor imilorin laws on mar
riage and divorce. Mr. Taylor nays,
however, that hit) aim goes considerably
beyond a mere uniformity of hucIi laws
and is expressly designed to reach po
lygamy and make and end to it. Hu re
Kurds this form of remedy as the most
essential and far-reaching.
Territory J'or tlm diniil.
Cmc.uio, Dec. 7. A special to the
Record from Washington says:
Nicaragua ami uoata itica nave an
nounced their willingness to grant a lease
to the I'niled States for a peroul of 200
yeiuH of the territory necessary for the
construction of the projected Nicaragua
Canal. The terms are regarded as mod
erate. It is understood that Nicaragua
and (JoBta Rica will accept bonds, the
value of those to hu accept fid by thu
former government to bo less than $(,
1)00,(100 and by thu latter to be less than
To remove a troublesome corn or
bunion : First souk the corn or bunion
in warm water lo soften it, then pare it
down as closely as possible without draw
ing blood and apply Chamberlain's Pain
Halm twice daily; rubbing it vigorously
for live minutes at each application. A
corn plaster should be woru for n few
days, to iiroteut it from the shoe.' As a
general liniment fur sprains, bruises,
lameness and rheumatism, Pain Balm is
uiicoiialcO. For sale bv Blakelev. the
I druggist.
V lien you want prompt acting little
pills that never gripe use DeWitt's Little
without ! Eirlv Risers. Sold by Clarke & Kalk'e
P. O. Pharmacy.
1 , l iiiii iitiinii uiu. in K'Uii ihiiiiiM ii; J 'tit! '
i ninlihii ilii niii'.'t' i.iiliii rnnnm mi HhniTiliiti
ASl'gclablc Prcpnralionror As
similating lUc Food utulUeg ula -ling
the Stomachs aiulBowcis or
Promolcs Digcstion.Checrruf
ness and Ileat.Conlains neilhcr
Opiiun.Morpliine nor Mineral.
Nor fi ARC OTIC .
Jmyilm Steel
Mill Stilt -
rlnnhed Siignr
hUiiiymn nam;
Apcifccl Homotly forConslirw
Uon, Sour Sloutach.Dinrrlioca
Worms .Convulsions .Feverish
ness im Loss or Sueei.
Vac Siinilo Signature or
exact copy or wrapper.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the yf. i
Signature Jfax?
For Over
Thirty Years
The Show is on!!!
Large and Small
Dressed and Undressed
Dolls at all Prices
at 15c, 25c, 35c, 50c, 75c,
85c and on up to $8 each..
jIonlhs ago we laid plans to make this store the most interesting holiday shopping-place in town. Inter
esting to both old and young by showing the largest collection of suitable gift-things. For the little girls we
have gathered an assortment of Dolls that are simply irresistible. Little bisque baby dolls, with long golden
tresses, movable limbs, and eyes that open and close at 25c each. Baby dolls, dressed for the street, in sweet
gowns and bonnets, with rosy cheeks and bright shining eyes are here at 25c, 35c, 50c; others, larger, more
elaborately attired, at 75c, 85c, $1.00, $1.25 and still finer ones at from $1.50 to $0.00. For those who prefer the
pleasure of designing and making the wardrobes themselves, there are undressed dolls in plenty. Eas' choosing
too for the price-range is large and the values are good. 12-inch kid body dolls, half corked stuffed, and with
bisk heads and limbs, jointed bodies; the celebrated J. D. Kestner make at 25c; in other makes, 14-inch Dolls
at 25c and 10-inch dolls, with closing eyes, at 50c. Still larger sizes more beautiful dolls sweeter faces at 75c,
$1.00, $1.50, $2.00, $3.00 and $4.00 with French lady-dolls, that are as natural as life, at $6, $7 and $8.
mm u
Give them the "benefit of the show, and find joy
in their joys
Prince of Wales or His Son Expected
to Witness the Contest for the
America's Cup.
New Yokk, Dec. 7. A dispatch to
the Journal aud Advertiser from London
fiaj-B :
Either the Priuco of Wales or the
Duke of York will probably attend the
America's cup racea nest August, if po
litiual and aocial conditions at that time
permit. The I'rince would much like to
attend. An intimation haa been con
veyed that if proper official representa
tion be made the I'rince would be pleas
ed to consider them favorably. The
Prince haa become more deeply inter
ested in yachting than ever,, and intendB
going in strongly for it next year, watch
ing the couiee of events in connection
with 1 Jiiton's challenge cloeely. He will
attend the trial races between the two
Shamrocks next Spring, and will prob
ably sail on the mnv boat.
The proper course for Americans to get
the I'rince over is for private diplomatic
negotiations to be conforred on the presi
dent that the l'rince'i! visit would bo
nioflt acceptable and then for the com
modore ol the New York Yacht Club to
invito tho Prince to attend the I'flCOP. If
the Prince should have a royal yacht
at New York ho would witness tho races
on that ; otherwise ou Lipton's Erin. If
conditions prevent the I'rince from goiug, !
the Duke of York, probably, on his way I
home from Australia, via Cauada, may J
go to New Yoik fir the races,
It can he stated authoritatively that
the reports that Lipton is building the'
mysterious yneht on tho Clyde for pre-1
eontntioii to the Prince, aiu untrue. Tho!
Prineo could not accept it, nor would
Liptou make such a present. The Prince
and l.iptou spend three days together
next week at the country house of Sir
Kdwurd l.aweon, where yachting matters
will he discussed.
Jtner Jtepublic In The Tiunsvual.
New Yoiik, Dec. 7. A diepatch to the
Herald from Berlin says:
The Loudon correspondent of theLeip
siger Tugehlatt has received from a high
ly placed personage in Englaud the fol
lowing communication :
"II the Boers should now surrender
England will permit them to create a
new Boer republic in the northern naif
of the Transvaal. It is in order to keep
the possibility of this open that England
has not yet officially announced to the
powers the annexation of the Transvaal.
"One of the first conditions, however,
is that the announcement of surrender
must come from Krnger. There is every
prospect that he will soon bfe inclined to
this course. His visit to Fiance has
taught him that any number o' empty
assurauces of sympathy will not result
iu the slightest practical help. Germany
will make a further contribution to the
education of Mr. Kruger, and it will be
to her alone that the Boers will owe
thanks if England makes them conces
sions." This statement acquires some import
ance by tho fact that the semi-ollicial
Post reproduces it and adds that it does
not sound improbable and that England
has every inteteet to erect a strong bul
wark against the warlike tribes of Cen
tral Africa in order to assure the pos
session of the territory it has just con
quered. Ills l.lfl) Wiih Suvtil.
Mr. J. E. Lilly, a prominent citizen of meet!u toi,u' laru,y levotetl to a
Hannibal, Mo., latelv had a woudorful fuesuu 0I wib .j.iuun ui ujiu.ku iur
deliverence from a frightful death. In he s fh lt
"I was taken with i l,ruuilu,u l,llu 1110 feieirj
will request a Hearing on tue sunject ue-
A Vlllute Itlacksnitth Saved lilt Little
Son's Lift,.
Mr. H. II. Black, the well-known
blacksmith at Grahamsville, Sullivan
Co.,N. Y., says: "Our little son, five
years old, has always been subject to
croup, aud so had have the attacks been
that we have feared many times that he
would die. We have had the doctor and
used many medicines, but Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy is now our sole reliance.
It seems to dissolve the tough mucus
and by giving frequent doses when the
thecroupy symptoms appear we have
found that the dreaded croup is cured
before it gets settled." There is no
danger in giving this remedy for it con
tains no opium or other injurious drug
and may be given as conlideutly to a
habeas loan adult. For sale be Blakelev,
the druggistj
J.'laynl Out.
Dull Headache, Pains in various parts
of tho body, Sinking at the pit of the
stomach, Loss of appetite, Feverishness,
Pimples or Sores are ali positive eviden.
ces of impure blood. No matter how it
became so it must be purified in ordtr
to obtain good health. Acker's Blood
Elexir has never failed tocure Scrofulous
or Syphilitic poisons' or any other blood
diseases. It is certainly a wonderful
remedy and we sell every bottle on a
positive guarantee. Blakeley, the drug
gist. i
c'diiiuK" i1''"' riiiiinos.
Wamungto.v, J)-c, 7, The whiti't
telling of it ho'says:
Tvphoid fever, that run into Pneumonia.
My lungs bectuno hardened. I was so
weak I couldn't even sit up in bed.
JNotluiig belpetl me. I expected to soon
die U C n. sumption, when I heard of Dr.
King's New Discovery. One bottle gave
great relief. I continued to use it, and
now am well and strong. I can't say
too much in itH praise," This marvellous
medicine is the surest aud quickest cure
in the world for all Throat aud Lung
Trouble. Hegularsi.js 50 cents and if 1. 00,
Trial bottles free at Blakeloy's
Btoroj every bottlo guaranteed. 1!
Ladles' knit and jersey legginB ttt the
New York Caeh Store.
fore one of the committees of congres?.
Nearly all of the business of the islands
is transacted in Mexican dollars, and ar
my commissioners and others supplied i
with United States money uieat times !
greatly embarrassed in making purchases j
, i frorj the Filipinos by the fact thu, know-1
ing nothing of our money or its value,
tho latter often lefuso to ucejpt it. The
proposition which eeems to have met
'with favor by tho administration is to
I I 1...1IT w.t I
drill? i I'Uieiiatie suvur iiuiiiuu v hip imi-suni t
dollars having a gold value of about 50
cents each. These dollars will probably
contain a l'.ttle loss silver than the pre
sent standard dollars. The scheme has
not yet been worked out in all of its de
tails, but as thero is at present a govern
ment coinage mint at Manila, it is hoped
that by the early action of congiess the
new coins may be put in circulation be
fore a great while, possibly before the
winter is oyer.
You can't alford to risk your life by
allowing a cough or a cold to develop
into pneumouiu or consumption. One
Minute Cough Cure will cure throat and
lung troubles quicker than any other
preparation known. Many doctors use
it as a specific for grippe. It is an in
fallible remedy for croup. Children like
it and mothers endorse it. Sold by
Clarke & Fulk's P. O. Pharmacy.
Spitting Blood
"I lined to
poiikIi a !;reat
deal mid .spit
I) I ooil, a lid
my neighbor
in Dayton,
. Olih, where
I live, said
among lliuiu-i-elvos
that 1
had eon
Miinpliuii, a!
liioiigit tliey
did not tell
mo to to iny
iire, fur fear
I kept on
roughing niY
trying dill'er
cut .sorts of
nothing seemed (o reach my (rouble until 1
got hold of a bottle of Acker's Knglish
Jtcniedy. I prayed for health all the time,
and my prayers wero answered as miou
as I begun taking this celebrated ICug
lish expectorant and tonic. Since my re
covery I have told hundreds of sull'erers
from cnindis, colds and weak lungb that
Acker's Knglish iieinedy would cure them.
Some of them won't try it, and it does
seem to nio terrible when anyone deliber
ately refuses to bo cured. There ought to
ho a law compelling consumptives to taku
it. Mveu if they don't care for their own
lives, the public's welfare should bo consid
ered. Don't you think o too? 1 hope
such u law will soon be enforced,"
(Signed) Mus, 1icii.u;h.-o.v,
Solt at :sc, Mo. niul 11 a bottlo, llummluuit llio l'nitoil
Ktutt'iium! Canada ; and In llnlaiul, al u. &l..
U C'l, K you aru noi satUtk'.l uftvr buying, return Hi
tutilo to your ilrugtl.t ami t;vt your money baik,
HV aulhorhe the above guarantee,
W. H, IlOOKMi Jk CO., I'rvprictim; tew York.
For sale at Blakeley's Pharmacy,
! Sit