Off to priseo! Put before we go every article we possess, every Piano and Organ must go. Gilbert Jones Co., who are to become our successors in Portland, have not bought a single Piano or Organ from us. They have paid us a big sum of money simply to become our successors, for our reputation, for our good will, and for our agencies, so as to control hereafter the sale of the Xnabe, .Hardman, Stock, Fisher, Ludwig and other Pianos, and under the contract with them we are obliged to get out of Portland in the very near future so as to let them operate in the field which we must relinquish. AVe have no time to waste, and have therefore instructed our Agent, I. C. NICKELSEN, The Dalles, Oregon, to close out all Pianos and Organs on hand at a great sacri fice. AVe are now closing up our business preparatory to our removal to San Francisco, where will be our headquar ters hereafter. If you ever intend buying a Piano or Organ jiow is the time. Address, I. C. ItflCKELSEltf, Or Wiley B. Allen Co.. Portland, Oregon. The Dalles, Orecon. PKOI'LK CO.MlNti AND OOINO. H.Taylor Hill, of I'rineville, is in the city. and not leave a gear. It can bo applied to cuts and ran- surfaces with prompt and soothing efl'ect. Use it for piles and akin flap.mpq. Ttuivfiro nf tv-nrt Itltiao J;'I",i,!P!e,i""lr!:r I counterfeits. Sold by Clarke & Falk' TOOT OPEBB Hi V. .I. CI.AltKR, Alaimgnr. Friday Evening, Dec. 7th: Myron B. Rice's Oomedy Co. Presenting the funniest of all fufces, My Friend From India Introducing May Voices in her original character of "Tilly." NOTK Iluriui; Uik nctlon nf tln cnin- i-ily n mtmlinr of iprl;ltle j will he IntriHlUL'iMl by the inmpaiiy , 1'KIOES First IItb runs "!ivl lialancu (if till! llllllHt), flOC. teats will bo on ml,i at I lurkc A KaU's ...Doalor In... Dry Goods, Clothing, Cents' Furnishings. Retiring from Business. Closing out my Entire Stock Regardless of Cost. I)rv Goods, Clnthini:, Hoots and .Shoes, at much less than wholemilo prices." Will cell in hulk or in lots, or any way to suit purchuscrH. Entire stock must be closed out before 30 days. All (toocls will Im sacrillced except Thompson's (tlove-ilttini; CorsetH and Hutterick Patterns. Your prices will hu mine. Call early and secure bargains. J. P. McINERNY, Corner Second and Court Sts. THE CELEBRATED nected with his otfice. 1 Richard Fhilliber, a prominent busi-' ness man. of Geiser, Baker county, stopped over here today to visit his old time friend, John H. Cradelbaugh. I. 0. Pharmacv. ...COItUjlBLA BREWEKY... AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop. Of the product of this well-known browury the United States Health Reports for .hints US. says: "A more Btipetior brew nuver mitured the labratory of the Tinted States Health reports. It is absolutely devoid of the slightest trace of adulturation, but on the other hand is composed of the best of malt and choicest of hops. Its tonic qualities are of the high est and it can lie u ted with the MienteHt benolll and satisfaction by old and yount;. Its use can conscientiously he prescribed by the physicians with the cursaiuty that a better, purer or morn wholesome beverage could not possibly be found." 0.R.&H MiVAIlT Mill I'llst Mall p. in, TIMK M'lll'.mil.K, From Ijai.i.ks. Ann:v tnoii Hnlt l''"', Denver, Kl.' v. W.lrtl. Om.,1,,, L-.... ft "1. -', null Ml, 1 mn : tv. hi ClllCiiRii ami Kitst Atlantic Salt bike, Denver, I't Kvpicss Worth, Omaha, Kan l'J.Mii. III,! sa tilty, t. I.iiuh, Via Hunt-; ClilciiKu anil Kant. Ingtim. I 1 Hpnlialiu Walln Walla, Hpokime, Htmii.,. Stall Mllinoni.olis. Ht. I'aiii; 'j,,'?18 MM unit Kxpreju, i t U.ilTi p. in K p. III. n p. in. i Kx.Huutliiyll.'ntiinitila Uv. Hlcanu: Ml 1 11 1 li. .MllumiLi.., Clilraiiii ami Kant, via Hpnkunuakil llinillim tmr. alhii all points n Washington atiil .nt em Oii-riiii, KllOM I'llllTMNK Ocean SlfimiHlilfiit For San Finni'Ucn Kvury Five Dav. 1-xrrcM 0 i fc vmV r4 Paiinday U) p. in. i n. n, To Ahtoiiu ami Way ' 1 I-ilidlllg. fin. ni. Wii.i..tiKTTi: IlivKit. l;s.Hiiiiiliiy,()rt!Kim City,, Nowhere,, Ex.Suid.t j Salem t Way Liml'i,. ' East Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON. 7ll. Ill, WlLLAHRTTK AMI) VaM 'liiex.'Iliur, inu, IliVKii.M. anil hut. ' Oroiron City, Dayton. anil Wny-I jiidliiits. Hoots, Shoe. Hats, t'ap. Nutioiis. for W, L, Douglas Shoe. ARt. NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION. Notice is hereby uiven that the part-iii3Z! nership lieretofore existing between A. Michael, P. Surad and P. Perlman, in tlie Great Northern Furniture Store, is this day dissolved by mutual agreement, Mr. A. Michael retiring from the firm. Messrs. P. Surad and P. Perlman will Telephone No. S3. loi Second St., TUc Dalles, Or, "Pendleton must be an easy place for fatirs," remarks tho Ea:i Oregonian. "Scarcely a week goes by that some rough aud tumble acrobat doesn't alight continue the business under the above in the citv and make a little easv monev. , ame of e Great Northern Furniture tt i " . . . ...: i . , otore, aud will assume all liabi hues of Unless a stop is put to it, outside peo-, ,he m aniJ am, rece. (nr a pie will commence to think that all ; debts due the firm, both in The Dalles and Portland, Oregon. The Dalles, Dec. 4, 1900. P. A. do-lw P. Pkulman. Michael, SUIIAI), sharpers need to do is to come here to enrich their pockets. The excitement over the South African Salesman epi sode bad scarcely died down until Jack ! Miller bobbed up witii a proposition to make a balloon ascension on Sunday, T-v t t l ik ..! t- TI-. umoiT ;u, at -ociocK p. m. e j Notice is hereby given that the part u..iKeu on .us pro.a a..u lcu BU...a ui , ner8nit) i,eretofore existing between hit newly-made fronds to put up petty , Gl.antMaV8 and L. K. Crowe, under SUmB o. U1U11C) .ur ....... uU1 nuu, , u,e fifm name q Mavg & Crowe wge Notice nf involution of I'art.irnl.lii, for the ascension he was not to be found. Neither was his balloon. Whether he iiad prematurely gone up in bis balloon and got away, or whether the ascension, like the balloon itself, had exploded dissolved Dec. 1, 1900, Grant Mavs re tiring. The business will be continued under the old firm name of Mays & Crowe by L. E. Crowe. All claims auainst the .1 1. l f l. t -. L I turoui surcuarge u. ..u.. u.r, is uui at , f5rm be pa(1 an(, a,j accoun,a an( present known. At any rate, the name ' note8 due ,hu firm coUected ,n. him of Mr. Miller has been added to a list Giu.vt'm y kept by some of Pendleton's easy-going! j, j Ci:owi people, and he will be missed for small j amounts, it is tuougtu ue nag gone to The Dalles. Kor Side. Eastern Oregon timothy hay, $15 per ton, f. o. b. The Dalles. Eisiern Ore gon wild hay, if 13.50 in car lots.- McCru.v & Cayi.oh, d-M'w La Grande, Or. Remember that Cocoanut Cream Tonic will promote growth of hair. Charles Frazer, sole agent. nO lin It is reported that a movement is on foot, said to be backed by Philadelphia coal men, to build at Summit Hill, near Mauch Chunk, Pa., a monument of coal to tho niemoiy of Philip Ginter, who discovered, coal within i very short distance of Summit Hill. In September it was 109 years since tiinter made hi" great discovery. He lived in t rough c thin in the forests on the Mauch Chunk uiDiiiit.iin. While in quest of game for his famiiy, whom he had left at home without, food of any kind, his foot struck a Muck stone. Uy the rotihide nut fur frum thtt town of Summit Hill he built n lire of wood and llnew pieces of the supposed atone about it, so that the em hera might la-t longer while he nt roasting a fowl. Ho was eurprited after ' i.n.t i:ui it :, a little while to see the stones aglow , .lint wet the articled part freely with and retain their heat for long time, j Mysterious Pain Cure, a Kjotch remedy, andithe pain is goe. Mil by Glarlta & PILLS ONE FOR A DOSE. TleraoTo rimplej. Pr-rcnt llilion jnen5, Purify tho BlooJ, i.crulleidicheinil Uipcpna. Im Kih Th.V, "bowel, ,ch d.y 1. ncrPM,r' Ir ?C!3YYV w? wi" 11,1,1 tnpu f r. "cr ft! l.n toe. Sold U, Uraeguts. OR. BOSAf IKO CO.PhiU. & BUSINESS LOCALS. ! If von have dandruff, your hnir is i falling out. Use Cocoanut Cream. For I sale at Fr.iz'.Va barber i-hop, i 9 I in Belgian Hares to Lease. I have about 100 thoroughbred ih es ' that I will lease in lots of 10 to resjou sible parties on shares. Apply to C. K, i'.A VAJU), uS0-2w The Dall-f. II- cairieit a lot of th coal homo find bii'iied it thwre. Tho few neighbors so n learned of the discovery, but there i Fuiio. Ciark & Falk are never closed Sunday. Don't foraet this. Ladies' knit and jersey lesgins at the New York Cash Store. Itoslyn, Claalum and Australian coals by the Stadelman Commission. "1-lm You will not have bolls if von take Clarke & Falk's sure cure for boils. Scow load of slab wood just received. Maier & Denton. d.'MU Clarke & Falk'e flavoring extracts are the best. Ask your grocer for them. Floral lotion will cure wind chapping and sunburn. Manufactured by C'arke & Falk. Paint your house with paints that ara fully guaranteed to last. Clarke & Falk have them. Clarke & Falk h.tye received a carload of the celebrated .lame iv. l'atton strictly pure liquid paints Wanted A second-hand fire-proof Hife. Must be in good condition and not too large. Apply at tho Ciihonici.k office. o.'ll-tf DeWitt's Little Early Uhers are the best liver pills ever made. Easy to take and never gripe. Sold by Clarke c Falk's P. 0. Pharmacy. hen yon want prompt acting Hit pills that never i-ripe nee D.-Wnt u Little Early Hieers. Sold by ClarKe ! , P. O. Pharmacy. Why pay $1.76 pr gallon foi ,nf n. , paints when you can buy Jam - !. l'atton 's nun proof painti for .! '() r gallon, goaranteod for 5 years. Li.irl. .v Fa!k, ajjtsntB. ml i u s 1 1 i n if young man can makH ftiO ,c; month mid i-xpenses. Pruiaijent .oi. tioo. Experience npnu988:iry. Writ I C. J. STUBlillG, I VIIOI.hi l.l. AN'II Ill.TAM, Wines, Lkiiors Cigars Family Orders will receive prompt attention. I & Phone 234, Next iloor to First National Dunk. THE DALLES, OREGON. 2 I 4 .5, l.v ltlarla ilally ,1 : i a. m, Rnaki: Itivint. Klparia to lAiivlHtoii. :." t. m. Mon.,Vo ami Krl. I.RWISTol lalljr REGULATOR LINE. DALLES, PORTLAND k ASTORIA NAY. COMPANY? V Str. Regulator i-.tcnmur ot the ItvKiiliitor Line will run as kt the till- 'p oh.iik Kcliriliilv, tho i.'onipuny rc-orvliiK the rliiht to cliimxi! J Ka,,-(iilu without notice. fl '8 l.v iMllcs it at 7 a, i. 2" TucMiay. . V Tliuinlai . Saturday , rr. I'ortland at l:: v. m. cr. l.v. l'ortl.unl III 7 A M. .. . Momla) ..Wciliiesday . .KiMay Arr. P.ilk'H it ." r. m. Ship your Freight via Regulator Line. Str. Dnllns City, lOWN l.v. ll.illys at " a. m. Monday Widnoday . . Krlday Arr. Portland at I :.7l !, l. Turin ale.ilriliir to ko to lleiimicr ru- iniiiif. on (tiduinlila Soiitherii via lltai, ibo'ill taUf ,Nc .', lunvlllg 'I lie IMllcs at UM p. a milking dlreiit I'oiuicfitlons at llciincr junctlM anil MIkki ItntiiriiliiK iniikliitiillrn tcoiinucUo: at Itojipncr jiini'tlon nail IIIkbh ulth So, .m tlvl'i); at Tim palk'Mit l'j..i )i. in. 'Iliod K. ,V N, ntcaniur "MikIoo 'Ik nown.k. Iiik ri'Kiilar trips to milom and Iniirfciict toipliiK at nil way laiidltiKt. Hhe lontj Curt land on Moudaya, WtilnedayN and KrMijj at i, a. in., arrlvliiK at Sutui'i I i. in., and inJeprnJ rniealaillt li . m. mi kiiine dnyif. Rttumin!; hoat Icavos Iiiilepeiideiirx at u. in, nli!cn at r, ii. ni. on '1 ui'Mlay!,, Tliilrxliiyn and fcrtw ilnyjf, arrtvlliK at Portland about .1 p. ra.ume days, l-'or lull particulars call on O. K a, N. Co.'. HRi'iitTliu Dallo. or aildii'.ss W. II. Ill KI.III'ItT, den, I'ai. Ai;t , l'irtlD'l,0: Nmilifiiii Fai I,,, l. . Portland ,5 at7:l A. M. J 'I uiMlay ,-J .. TliurMlay ,3 . . . .batillilay k- Air. Ilallca at.r I'. 51. , FOR OOMPORT ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, -jj i. Travel hy the Steamers r,f t Itc- lteiilator Line. The (omp.niv will mdoavor to i!lv Its on rons Hi. UMi-cn R-opostlhle. For iuttlR-r iniomiatloii Hddrcsh H , 1'orll.inil (iJllrc. o.Ui -tr.-, 1 1 I. W. C. ALLAWAY, Con. Ant. ' FRENCH &, hmt. oo., BANKERS. i .ava'Ta; Yellowstone Park Line. T11K IIININO CAU UOl'TK FltOM l'OUTUSn to Tin-: i:ast. THK ONLY lllltKCT LINK TO Till. YKMjOW. HlONi; I'AUIC m:avi:. UaionDerm,Fiit!ian3Isis Am. No.'.'. Faxt mall for Tiinmia, Xo. Seattle, Olynipla, Oray's llaihor and South HimhI points, hpukniii., Iloss land, II, ('., riillman, Mom'ow, LiBlntou, Hill ll:l.'j A. JI. ralolIiimpiiiliilUKOiin 5,'0 1'. M' try, lluk'na, -Mlnnnipo llx, Ht. I'aul, Oiiiiilni, Iuiiimih City, Ht. I-onh, Chli.'aKo and all polnth Vo. I. i'at and KMlthriiHt, ?. 3. I'lnrct .Sound l'.xpri's tl ;IX) I', M. for Tanmia and Soittk '..KJ.V.M. mid 1 ii t ernici I In t pom I' riillinitii llrnt-nhiMi mill toiirltt Iwhtii I'1 MlniK'aKill, Ht. I'aul and MIsmiiih nu-rixlnti v 1 1 )i Mil t rhaiiKf. V.illhiiU'd tialns. Union ikpo. roiiiKtllom In all principal cit Iv-. IlaKpiKv nlusiktil toilo.itluallon or lii-K' ls ! or Juiiidionioly llluitiatiHld'-rrlpli' imttff ticliots, flwpiiiK-gar rutui vatlon ,, ft'- i!'i" ivrlto A. D. CHARLTON, Akslntant (iein'Ml I'linn'iu,"'!' Ai -i' Marrl Mm .sln.i.t.coriitT 'I hlnl, I'oru md "" yspepsia fiflA'S'c wjhzii' Inun n-S- Jtilrtillcially(lic.t,tl,ofoo.lmitluitls una&Zlm"1 atrucuiiB tl.u oxhuusl.a (lte.stivc or- rV J 1 u" ,;,,",t!' "" I. tl V'.'KIHt, IUIM.NES Lotien. of ( iwnicl availnhle hi tht iK't.t E.:httnuo and,ri.oi,i,u ! MnfaZM nfTHVU M. Louii!, 8nn biAiKium, PurtJami t)r. ! WlSVL'lMWt.i SOUTH and EAST via m mm m Shasta Rov: Both innkersaiid uirenlnlorn nfeonntt-r. win no wining to any oxtent in Carlion j fiiji coninni fraud, lloi.est men ill',lu paruculnre. Ulnk A Co. county until after tt. tvr of 1812 lml not deceive you into buvm worthless i ''ulh an CU8t Street, Phih-.-l Utgau. connturfcitB of DWilt'e liiizel P. t tf Baivo. The oriBinal l infallible- for tiur- "I have nii OhuiuLwrlain'd Colic, ! inu pilfy, soien, fcxvina ami nil nkin Cholera and Diarrboon Uetiiedy and fii.d i dweaee. Sold by Clarke &. Fullt'rt P. 0. if. to Iw u u'reat medlciue," iay Mr. K. ' haTtmW- !. Phipp, of PotfHU, Ark. "It cured j 1 y" H'nt 0 barj(aui in srcawuHS, hip of bloo ly flux. I cannot peak too ,inK UP Teauoe, nest door to M. T. hiuhly of it." Thia leiuedy always wins Wolan. Phono N. 3. n3,)-7t the goo ojiinion, if not praiio, of thoae j .Snhacribu for Tiik Ciiuosicxk. who tun it. The quick cures which it -"" y. j juns. It JfJtiio Jatefittli'-ctivoretltliijeat-,' ant and tonic, ikn otlior pnipunttiou jean aiipioacli it in ctllciciicy. lb in Hlantly n-licvMarid poituurmntly euros uyspepMU, umigesuoii, iicarthurn, Flatulurico, your Htomach, Nausea, Ki(!l IliS'ldiiellfi. (3lSt,rnlirl!i Dr'nimu-inrl J,: r-ll U tt:i;;c:i tlifro 1 !o tlcinu i';s n. The form and X.. . . . ... . ' 1 L. wax .vii.v w UHIIHBSII, ,i r T i. 7' -T', ....... HI l i. I t.C.iPIU I'" . , , , , . ( ullotherresullaofimperk'oK Uioatlon. , , , wowan who i lovely in face, PriceMc nn.ui. iMmmn!ui..ftui.imnn- tfeam BaJm eflVots oven in tun moat tivoi sitle ijy Hlakt'loy, tho ilxwU.i NOTIOIO. tamper will alwaya have amallsUo. l!ookaliaUjut(lysisininuiroflfrco "-i.'air.iootbiiiiiniih, r;.... a a i..., ... i. .. i.i l... .... .. r HiQiiuB, uu i. irFiunuiuti li; ccarcd by E r. DoV'ITT a CO., Chlcaao. hold hy GlttrU c: Knlk'-" 1 I tv. " muat keep hei health. If ghu in wwvk, sickly and all run down, ht: will hoi; 'fW! nervous und irritublc. If she Lob con stipation or kidney trouble, her impure blood v.ill cause piuiplee, blotches, skin eruptions and r. vwetchod toinplcxion. IJlectrio Hitters la tho licit mtMlioino in (L i'nariiiucv. 0 tv.'ro, Eovere caEes ,,1'ilfc. i. ii fiirnr'tili,, vAl,iro l,r j,., yiiuuui ui. uruer ui mi rouiu.t o. iaucs I ;uj. OroKon muUoon Ui') idb. tlav of Novi-ui-ler A. O. I1M.0. noLlup U liBri,:,v irlven Hi:ii. m the wild ajtii. day of .Vovemiier. iww. thu ,niu tiif) world to rt.L'ulme stomach, liver und Utu ! i : .'Stta'i aJopi'-l. IHat , ,,,,, " ., ,,, . , Ackcr'B LllL'lUh Itetliedy in any caso of northerly tdo ot Fulton Streo' and lylnK l-o- i-ivoa fctroii" lier4'e hrlrht evn Hiimnil, ,...!. ....i.i, - m i.i i. r...i ... t"eoiit)iouoiibeauoini-iofthl;wijiiiolorr,ied ! " . 8 11 " ,ltr'- 'ri(,HM J OH, smooth, will Experience is ho best Teacher. couulie, eolih or cionp, Should it fall to Kivo liuineiiatti relief money refunded hy thointuiM'ctionof Huid Kuiton Muoot with ' vulvety skin, rich compleKion. It ri shlnitton Striivt iu Oullos ;itv and n mint . .... . lllfl-fM c.lvl f i-iirtu.rr.n -,1.1 I.',,!,,... u, , 11)111.(1 It U00(1 iOOKIIll'. CI Kl r III 1 II L' U'ljlllllll S5 ct. 50 etc. illakeley, tho ru. IJjnKjw mn.doA,, invalid. Only 60 ceula K1'1, and uusalu t tnnel upon: and it waa deter- Ut Iilakeley'fl drutf Store. 2 1 tnlru! hv i:,li! i'Oiinli fit i-..l.,tl l.l tv.f, If your hair u dry and deaddike, Co , that tho cost of relwIIdliiK said 1,'tdovvalk ho wit,,).,;, i.f i.jiuij,tiivrii.uiijiuinui in a luUer. It ie pronounced the finest tonic on earth. Can be had ut Krazer'e barber shop, ajtent. nlMiu DoWitt'rj Witch Haas) Salvo will1 quickly heal the worst burns and tcalda I ... . r . ,1, . .. ... . i cnark'L'o w.ii.uiuio.iui loiuu nin iv" u iii niiu t auutlnt? on hald poitlon of Mild fcldoiyalk Uo ciareu n vidi-d. erty I feiuK ileaditciiu aiitolutely and purina : do ' .i . . dunjjeiou toudltiou us hy law pro-1 euuy cuieu ny iisiiK .liolci 'lea. A the Tcis untlt'ii Is lmhllhlitd for 11 davs frnm Itli day of Ihsjvmher, linw, hy order of tho rouncllof UallusUtty, which order was iriudo .Nov. tfJth. 1H0U. Dated at Dalle City, Or., UccenllKT ild, luoo, Nlil) H. (JATJifi, itccorder of oallesClly. pleiant herb drink, Cureu conntiiiatiou mill IndlKOdtion, iiiakee you eat, sleep and happy, Satisfaction (,'iiitrauteed or money back. L'5cte. andSOcts. lilakeluy, the drugKiet, Lane, i i 13 ! (JK.M'.ItAl, IWill ...Mils... Hid di!in;i im-uilmHii' ltciiro-xol.iirhui Idiui-i u'A.'iy a told in Urn liiu.l ((Lick ly. .'renin itiiloi is plscu, Into Ibo noalrilo, npieaOa over tlio i : nliruno und U alwoibcd. J.'cIiuI'Ih Iiu. IUfiJ!:daii 1 m in, follow.', p. i not ilrui,;-dooil,t.0.:i,K. Urge I . , . cents ot Drug. SiUta or hy mall; Vrlal HI: ', ; n i i.i I mall. U.V Jl.fJTUi:.t3,0i . i. on fr.rtjt,.uw Voik. Wagon nnti Cnrrlnoo Work, t-'luh Brothore' Wufjon. 1 . fc'.v 'I rai'is 'Die !;ii!- fm " ' ' IS -t.iiiii . at l i., a. la. .uui :: i. l-f.-vc I'm thiniL,,.. - ' i ' I'" ' I. 'i.i ' Anlvi' Akhlan.1 ' ' ' 1 inuiueuto ' 11 1' " on, i i laueUut' I i ArilveOatlim ,. ' 1 '''' ' J'envor ! ' 1 ' ' " ChiUKgii '. i an Arilvo U, AiojoiiM ... l ' ' , ' "!' " Kl I'hmi "i ! , " Fort Worth ' ' " ,,, " Oily of Mwdco ....'' ' .. " Uou.mii I i" 1 " ' ,: " fiuw Orkuna.. . . i. ' ,' " Winihlnutmi.. . . i' "" ,'; ; . " NtivyYoik ILMipia l ''I'1" t i xv fir ioati Gliottcna tio rcid. PliOllC 159 vwijf iv;iuf lUv MAM". 11V ET.MJOAnU OIL CO. i I Mi I'llllnian and Touilst cars on liU 1 Ohalrcart. Hni!ialiifiilo In OKdni '''.,'. mid loililstcaraloL hli'aipi, Ht .oili, " " leans mid WnsliliiKtoii. Oouneclliii; at Kan FiiiiicIkmi Willi "''" blmiuMilii lines for Honolulu, Japan. ' l'hllliplnun, Oeulral and Hoiith Aincrlcii. Sec iiKeiit at Thu Dalles otall er mMi C. H. MARKHAM, Oeiieral l'uHHiKer AKcnt, I'ortittM'Ii 0r Olnrko A Falk havn on anlo ii full 'Im' of piittit mill urliat'B brualiec,