The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, December 07, 1900, Image 3

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    Is Your Boy
No should ho.
II o can he.
It is not u nwittor of large expense.
Plenty of neat little follows wear our
low-irioed suits.
(lood clothes largely help to make a
good hoy. Why not dress up your hoy
and make him proud of himself, as good
as 11113' hoy?
Our Boys' Department makes
good clothes possible in all cases.
No one is too poor, no one is too rich to go elsewhere.
Our $5.00 School Suits are the best in the land. If you pre
fer, we have cheaper ones at $3.50. The best cost you $12.o0. ,
Boys' knee pants suits from $1.50.
Most Remarkable Offering of
Itadies' Suits
and Jackets
that has ever passed this way.
If low prices make a bargain, high q nality
doubleB it, and that is what makes this ottering eo
extraordinary. Here are Ladies' Suite, there are
no newer, better looking or better made in any
store. They are to be sold at
25 off
We have piled on a separate counter the
Suits that we are selling at half price,
tunitv; broken lines, that's all.
balance of those Rovs'
Don't miss this oppor-
This week
Ladies', Misses' and Children's
Jackets at a Discount of 25 per
You can have the new ones, arrived from the
manufacturers just a short time ago, made from
smooth oxford cheviot, double-breasted, lined
with silk or satin, all handsomely tailored.
French Flannelettes
The most attractive cotton goods ever put
on the market by a manufacturer. Regular
price 18c; our price for the week
15 l-2c per yard.
Shoe Values.
This is unmistakably the shoe
buying time of all times that is if
you want high-grade shoos at those
low prices.
Ladies' welt sole button, in kid and
calf; $4 values $2.00
Ladies' turn sole kid, button or lace;
$4 values $2.00
Ladies' all kid or cloth top, lace;
$1.50 $1.00
Men's satin calf, lace or congress;
$2 and $2.50 values $1.00
Boys' Shoes (elastic sides) in calf or
grain; 2 values $1.00
Men's kangaroo, cordovan or calf,
lace; $3.50 to $5 values ....$2.00
All Goods Mnrkecl
In Pluln Flffiiros.
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
To Whom It May Concern,
It having come to my knowledge that
parties, presumably interested, are
claiming that when I sold out my retail
interest at 1 Tit, Second etreet, French's
block, I contracted to not npen any re
tall business in 'In- city of The Dalles.
I beg to say that I cold my tight not to
open any retail business between Fed
eral and Washington streets, on Second
street, and have ami intend to conform
to my contract. My place at the Bank
Cafe is in no sense in violation of the
dl-tf C. J. S-miM.vci.
Fur Kent or Snip.
The Sam Wilkinson warehouse, on
FirBt street, is for rent or sale. It Is a
three-story, corrugated iron building,
110x33 feet, with water elevator. Apply
to Sam Wilkinson. The Dalles. n'.'O-tf
Men's lined and knit mittens
gloves at the New Yoik Cash Store.
mays s Crowe
()-: r.
bTi a served i
tityle... I
A' And'-cuv K illor's. I
Alt M'liien (,'oiiiity xrurruiilN i'c;ilrel
(irlnrtu .1itniiilir I. IHII7. will I pulil
on iireiieiilntliui ill my olllrn, lnliinut
riiiR after Noveiiilmr !J1I, 1IMIII.
(iiilliily Tl ullMli er.
"My Friend from India"
At the Vogt
ii.ikur City'H poptiliitton !h HiHIll.
Wheat still remniiiH ut I" eontH for during the year 1808.
"O. I. VVp. fen 1 1 1 ii 1 r if iiiiiL'i Viii tn : 1 1
ternal evangelist, at the Iiaidwin opera
Imiiih '. .Monday livening. See him. Hear
him. lie may not. come this way again.
Ailmif nion free.
"My Frfend from India"
At the Vogt tonight.
Of those thirty-nine pair of indies'
patent leather elmes A. M. Williams &
Co. put on sale yesterday morning, tiiev
report buying but ten pair left at. noon
today. And then tome people say thut
advertising doesn't pay.
I "Oh, what pretty dolls!" People
: can't help but say that when going
'through A. M. Williams it Co. 'h store,
i Their assortment is so large and those
I dolls are such perfect beauties. Those
in search for the best there is in this
j line will surely find Williams & Co.'s
I tliOfitore to go to.
IAoting Postmaster Forest Fiedler re
I reived a telegram from his, brother,
i Ralph, today announcing Ufut he bad
j just been elected captain .of' tho Stanford
j university football tejim for the year
1001. It is worthy of note that Forest
himself uih captain of the same t 'am
say they can still win their cause, and "brinn the villain forth," the candidate i the splendid
not only secure their lands for these ' stepped back and drawing two six
people, but compel the K. O. Jl. Co. to J shooters, loaded with blank cartridges,
disgorge the rents paid by tanners this began firing right and left. The guards
work by the quartet and
quintet. F. Gianlm, the tenor, de
lighted the audience with his splendid
voice and was forced to reepond to
fall. It is a positive fact that one man - on the inside fell over, Jack Hammil, several encores,
had the teuieiity to sell the grain wtio was nearby, collapsed, and the I (cornet solo) by G
claimed as rent, put the money in his other members vacated the hall by tiie
packet and defy the land grabbers. quickest route, Lawyer Newport not
Oregon pave annually ?:!30,0()0 for turning for his coat and hat until next
Eastern eggs and the demand increases dB? ' "d there. llre Eeveri aad
r, . ... , uiiiuruiinij reiiitmiini! unuKiieu ior vet
but, on Second Htreet, a bunch of
keys. Finder will kindly leave them at
trench's bank. ' d(L7
Soule lints., piano tuners, are in the
city and can be found at either Menefee
iV Parkins' or Nickeleen'ri music store.
About IfiO.OOll pounds of wool changed
hands this week, the first sales for sev
eral weeks. The price was lli to Hi1.,
Sheriir Kelly has appointed .1. .!. Wiley
as his deputy for the town of Shuniko.
The Loader says the appointment gives
universal satisfaction.
Nelson Rich, of North Yakima, is of
the opinion Unit in a short time no irri
gation will he required in that section in
tie-olimiitu la changing rapidly.
Sheriir Kelly wont to Slnmiko today
to serve papers in tlm suit of Drake C.
O'ltdlly against H. I'). Lytic and others
of the Columbia Southoru railway,
From tho Shaniko Leader we regret
to learn that Mrs. .L.I. Wiley, of that
town, has been obliged to go to St. Vin
cent's hospital for medical traitmeiit,,
Dr. Uny W. Logan has been appointed f..
physician and surgeon of the Columbia
s unburn railway, with headquarters at
Mom and Jurisdiction over the ontiie
if after
you hail made up your mind to take
your mother, sister, wife or best girl to
see "My Friend From India," and you
had put oil buying your seats till the
last moment, oit found all the best ones
sold? Wouldn't it jar you? Remember
ats can he secured at Clarke it Falk's.
it Parkins, of this city, soo
the .laeobsen ISook it Music
toiissors to
.V.iin.iiimt lit.wl iiftli.l.tu f t net ir mil-ill inn
'twill I I MI1 J . . ... bllfl' ! ....,.. ... .....
in the ollice of the secretary of state
Wednesday. Tho incorporators are
William Menefee, II. D. Parkins and
Frank Menefee. The capital stock is
ifoOOO, divided into Hhiues valued at if 100
The grand lodge Degree of Honor,
Ancient Order of United Workmen of
Oregon, II. ed articles of Incorporation
witli tho secretary of state Wednesday.
Among the incorporators are Mrs. Ollie
F. Stephens, of this city, and Mrs. Mar
garet K. Uerrln, a dinner resident.
Kiddle I'.ros. it liidwoll.of island City,
yearly. Not. because ffi uneeeRafnl Tmitltri' rniBini-
, . - , i ' t i I Roosevelt, or Jack Hammil
but because producers have not been . . ' . .
compelled to engage in the business in a i
systematic and practical way. Oregon '
It was exciting enough for even Teddy
the real
instigator of the fun,
Owing to the splendid musical treat
needB more experienced poultry men t5'v-' ut l"e Vot lasl evening, tue
who will engage in the poultry industry, i Women of Woodciaft did not expect an
raising fowls and more of them. The audience at their street fair and oarni
dunand for good eggs unit poultry has , '. l)1,t their friends surprised them by
ahMivB been beyond the supply, and the 1 ' splendid turn out and the house was
present stimulation in tho mining in-! Hed il K00'1 Program listened to.
dustrv and increasing immigration must 011 tlle committee were dis
crete a greater mtuie market. ; appointed in not being able to give
,. ,.. .il .... i at ' their program as was arranged on ac
1 he Shaniko l'ader notes that A. Mc- , . , . , .
, . ,. ,11 -.ii count of sickness in several instances.
Adam, the genial salesman in the drv , . . , ,
, , . , . ,, r i A musician for dancing could not be hud
goods department oi Pease it Mavs, re- . , . . . ,.
. , ., , . . ,, . i as was arranged, due to the pianists all
centlv received quite a lot of line furni-! , , , ...
oving at tne Jianan oami entertainment,
i but the committee will promise this in
i fiituie, that a musician for dancing will
be there to play. However, dancing
The Holy City,"
Tavani, was a very.
pleasing number. Taken all in all, the
Ilovai Marine Band is hard to beat anil I
well deserved the large audience that
greeted it. Manager Clarke is to be
congiatulated on securing such good
attractions as have held forth at tiie
Vogt tiii" season. "My Friend From
India," by the Rice Company this
evening, will be no exception to the
rule, and should be well patronized.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Sigaaturo of
quite a
ture to be placed in ids handsome bach
elor apartments. Receiving the furni
ture in itself is nothing, adds the Leader,
l.iil rt.w. . to r f I...1 1 u f lti.1.1 in lib! I.lfllrkl
..... . . .... ,. was etnoved even if tiie guests did have
a little suspicious, to sav the least, and . ' , ,
., . ..... ., . , , , ., , 1 to furnish the music, and a pleasant
that little item is a rocking chair that i . , . ' ,.
. , . . , . ... ,, ,, , i social evening was enjoved bv all.
would just about lit a .! vear-nld girl. 1 p , ,. ,
, .i . .i -i There was no formnlitv. but everyone
Rumor lias it that there is a widow hi . , ' , ,
, ... .ii -i .fiwas requested to make themselves at
the case, and Ihu widow has a girl. Ifi, 1 . ... . ,
..... , .. home, and geniality reigned supreme.
such a thing be true, a royal reception ' " " , ... .
.... ,,i, 1 A handsome sum was taken at the door
will be tendered the happv couple. 1 .
1 and 111 every way the evening was a sue-
Speaking of Professor Meakin, who ' ct.aa. Come again.
lectures 111 tne i,uu.n ..mouay mgnt , fJoo Martin, a young nnmariied
for the Woodmen ot the World, tins
Mrs. Mary 15. Huntington has per
fected arrangements whereby the lire
insurance business of the late firm of J.
M. Huntington it Co. will bo continued
by her. She will be pleased to renew all
expiring policies issued bv J. M. Hunt
ington it Co. and to write such further
insurance as nnv be entrusted to
her. Ollice at Huntington it Wilson's
law olliuc'. n.'IO-lw
The only store ft
this city where tin
Oenulne Imported
Ware is sold.
A little higher in
price, but outlasts
a dozen pieces of so
called cheap enam
eled ware.
Other wares look
has the name
Stransky - Steel
Ware on each piece.
Do not be deceived
First prize at 1C
International Exhi
bitions. Highest
award at Worlds
Columbian Exhibi
tion. Chicago Pre
f erred by the best
certified to by the
most famous chem
ists for purity and
durability it is
cheapest because
Remember this
celebrated enam
eled ware is special
ly imported for and
sold in this city ex
clusively by us.
It does not rust
nor absorb grease,
does not discolor
nor catch inside, is
in fruits or
will boil.
Sib.- .-...-I
and bale,
w i t ii o u t
i 111 part mr;
ilavor o
0 o o 1c o d
food .".rid
will iasl
for years.
Wo can
tion tin
week's Skamania County Pioneer says:
Seldom, if ever, have we heaid such a
lecture as was given by Prof. II. P.
Meakin, head camp lecturer for the
Woodmen of the World. Mr. Meakin
does not the an audience by quoting a
whole list of figures and running down
other orders. For lack of space we
cannot go into detail, but will say to
those who have not heard hi in , that if it
Is possible to hear htm, don't miss the
chance and you will have something
impressed upon your mind that you will
Wallowa county, have shipped this year j "t forgot soon.-
twenty carloads of horses, eighty of cat-
le.'and seventy-live of hogs, tho total
. ....... .i..nii Aim ..f il...
value o which is -iiimiw. .mini in
stock found market at Omaha. Last
week the company consigned seven car
loads of hogs to Seattle.
Word comes down fioni Heppner tlm
MrB. II. L. Jones begs to announce , u H((,1(1j(l n.(.,tiou is being planned
that she is now prepared to servo meals f . . f00lm i,mni, upon their
t tegular hours at the Cafe, Second
Mreet, next door to the Mcliierny dry
g'jods store. 1
Cantain S. II. OrniHby and W. II. II.
visit to that place a week hence, ihu
band will icceive the visitors at the
depot and escort them to the PalacuJ
hotel, a liirue, commodious brick.
We llnd the following gem going the
round of the press, without credit:
"R-nieniber this, young mnti, be careful
what you say about a woman's charac
ter. Think how many fyears she lias
been building it, of the toils and priva
tions endured, of wounds received, and
let 110 suspicion follow her actions. The
puritv of a uoiunn is tho salvation of
George Martin, a young
11. an of 2-1 years, who with an elder
! brother was woiking in the logging
; camp of the Oregon Lumber Company,
MID A, on the Washington side of tho
I river opposite Viento, was instantly
' killed at 'J o'clock yesterday afternoon.
1 He was engaged sawing a Jog from 11
tree that was lying across another tree
1 that was about six feet from the ground
when, as is supposed, the saw pinched
and in driving a wedge to relieve it the
log broke and Jell on hiui, crushing his
body Into the ground and killing him
instantly. The deceased was the sou of
Klijali Martin, a farmer, living a fiw
miles west of Monmouth, Polk county.
Tho remains were brought to The
Dalles this morning and prepared for
interment at the undertaking rooms of
William Michell. Meantime a telephone
message was sent to tho box's parents
asking to know their desire as to
whether he should be buried here or
taken to Monmouth. This afternoon an
answer was returned announcing that
the race, the hope of gieatiiefs and the
redemption of num. Wipe out her pur- j thty would coniu hero linuiedhtely and
Hy and the mail sinks beneath the wave ,im, 1. 1 t.I son buried at The Dalles.
j,Jof despair, without a star to guide his xiu, funeral will Uke place tomorrow
Ihifur wont out lo Mr. Dufur's place to-tOH -, wj provide entertainment during
liiy, from whence they will make a
special inspeotion of part of the eastern
slope of the forest reserve.
The Kmloavor society of the I'lrst
UhriHtian ohttrch will give a social In tho
biieeinoiit of the church Friday evening,
December 7th. KofieHhintintH will he
terved and everybody is invited. 02t
l'rof. John I', Meaklii, tho noted fru-
the stay of the athletes, the last hut not
least being a ball at the opera house on
Friday evening.
The Moro correspondent of the Shani
ko Leader understands that tho tenants
on the disputed overlap Kastoi n Oregon
military road lauds are going to make a
last ell'ort to retain poesossiou of their
homes. A prominent firm of law vers
life into the cbannei ot satety. 1 iiihk , 1 afternoon.
itl.en, before yon speak, and .e.neiuberj T0HH w,, (lilr(,haeul tickets for the
that any hog cm root up the fairest ; ,loyn, 1mmi, (;on(.(j.t lU t(t, Vogt
liower llliu ttvei Kr..n , m. urn ii.!nvuiiu. ... nllllillt(i
cm ruin the purest woman's character." luuU;1)lltlIlk, raro lre.lti a tlll, ItnImn
A now feature has been added to in-1 musicians more than met their exp'cta
itiation into the Muccabees, and was 1 tions. The several numbers on the
first tried last Saturday night on Hurt program were reudered in a masterly
Chamberlain, says the Albany Demo-1 manner. The harp solo, by Giviani
crat. When the remark was made j Setaro, deserves special mention, also
NSH? Pr cooking and heating. jK,
I The genuneall the ov
JSSt and are sola witl1 a written guarantee. XrfjV
I Awarded First Prize Paris Exposition 1900 jjpSl? I
ffitZKxxr1 Sold by First-Class Stovo Merchants everywhere. vH
MP n Madaonivi-y The Michigan Stove Coniiiany, U M
In LA. . r nr.ut MnlrH nf Stovoj una KaiiKDj iu tho World. n.iL Stovei