The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, December 07, 1900, Image 1

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    I l)c Dalles
NO. 407
All (itiverniiiciils lixceptiiis Out: Have
Instructed Their i'ekin Hcprescntu
tives to Sign the Ai"t ecinuiil.
Cnii'AOo, Due. (1, A special to thu
Times-Herald from Washington says:
American diplomacy litailu the world,
Tim threat powers huvo practically reached
an agreement hh to tliu busis of futuris
movements in China, and thin binds in
that which was proposed by Secretary
Secretary Hay has eablfd Minister
Conger to sign for thtj United States an
ngri-omuiit which Iho ministers reached
at I'ekin. This agreement watt etint to
tliu linuiognvcrnmuiitH for thoir approval,
and with a aluule exception every power
has already cabled its representative at
i'ekin to sign the agreement and tliat
power will probably do eo tomorrow or
tint next .lay. TIiiih the concert of the
powers it) preserved and a practical and
national basis of settlement Iiiih been
reached nt last, thanks to the skill ami
tirmiicsr, of the American secretary of
The chief features of the agreement
.ire as follows :
"It in stipulated that the punishments
to he meted out to guilty Chinese are as
severe us it is possible for tliu Chinese
government to administer, lint not more
severe. The irovernmunt of China Is not
to lai asked to do the impossible. It is
expected that under this obligation the
government will punish severely eleven
ring-leaders in the attacks upon the
legations mid in tint incitement of unti
furuiitn outrages. Home of these will lie
beheaded. Others will be banished or
If (treat Britain and Germany had
been permitted to bave their way the
dynasty would have been compelled to
behead men who are beyond tin reach
of the emperor's government men who
are in tliu western provinces and in com
mand of military forces sufficient to
protect them. Secretary Hay bus from
the lirat contended that while in justice
all these heads should lie taken oil, it Is
necessary to catch your hare before cook-
to require thu Chinese government to
deeupitate inon whom it could not get
hold of. These guilty officials will be
banished and degraded and thus it will
be made impossible for them to return
to positions of power.
It is stipulated in the Bgreement thnt
the Chinese govemmont is formally to
admit its liability to thu powers for dam
Ages nnd for the expense of military oper
ations. Ihm done tlm amount of indetn
nlty to lie paid each nation is to be ascer
tained afterward by menus of careful in
quiries and estimates. This part of the
plan will require much time, and while.
of course, it will give rise toopportunitieo
for trouble-making powers to precipitate
new complications, it is felt that a great
point lias been gained bv making the
amount of indemnity a subject of negotia
tiond, as it should be, rather than a pre
liminary condition.
Other featured of tiie agreement protuin
to the legation guards to he kept at I'ekin,
to tiie of thu I'ekin forts, and
other military precautions Himilur to
those proposed by the French govern
ment a month ago.
To all thesu conditions it is understood
I.i Hung Chang and Prince Ching, repre
senting tiie emperor, are willing to ac
cede. In ofiicial and diplomatic circles here
the belief is expressed ihutagreat step
forward has been token and that again
there ie good ptospect of an adjustment
of the seemingly unending complications
without dismemberment and without
destruction of the dynasty. The agree
ment now reached points to an early
military evacuation ot I'ekin and a return
of the court to that capital.
IIK J.lfl, WllN HllVlitl.
Mr. J. E. Lilly, a prominent citizen of
Hannibal, Mo., lately had a wonderful
deliverunce from a frightful death. In
telling of it ho says: "I was taken with
Typhoid fever, that ran into Pneumonia.
My lungs became hardened. I waH so
weak I couldn't even sit up in bed.
Nothing helped me. 1 expected to soon
die ot Consumption, when I heard of Dr.
King's N'nw Discovery. One bottle gave
great relief. 1 continued to use it, and
now am well and strong. 1 can't say
too much in its praise." Thin marvellous
medicine is the surest and quickest euro
in the world for all Throat and Lung
Trouble. lingular sizes fit) cents and $1.01).
Trial bottles frets at Hlakeley'H drug
store; every bottle guaranteed. U
Special bargains In warm, winter
goods slums, fascinators, hoods and
The Show is on!!!
Large and Small
Dressed and Undressed
Dolls at all Prices
at 15c, 25c, 35c, 50c, 75c,
85c and on up to $8 each.
Months ago we laid plans to make this store the most interesting holida' shopping-place in town. Inter
esting to both old and young b' showing the largest collection of suitable gift-things. For the little girls we
have gathered an assortment of Dolls that are simply irresistible. Little bisque baby dolls, with long golden
tresses, movable limbs, and eyes that open and close at 2oc each. Baby dolls, dressed for the street, in sweet
gowns and bonnets, with rosy cheeks and bright shining eyes are here at 25c, 35c, 50c; others, larger, more
elaborately attired, at 75c, 85c, $1.00, $1.25 and still finer ones at from $1.50 to $0.00. For those who prefer the
pleasure of designing and making the wardrobes themselves, there are undressed dolls in plenty. Easy choosing
too for the price-range is large and the values are good. 12-inch kid body dolls, half corked stuffed, and with
bisk heads and limbs, jointed bodies; the celebrated J. D. Kestner make at 25c; in other makes, 14-inch Dolls
at 25c and 16-inch dolls, with closing eyes, at 50c. Still larger sizes more beautiful dolls sweeter faces at 75c,
$1.00, $1.50, $2.00, $3.00 and $4.00 with French lady-dolls, that are as natural as life, at $6, $7 and $8.
Bring the Children!
Give them the "benefit of the show, and find joy
in their joys - -
ing him, ant) that is was simply absurd I mittens, at the New York Gash Store
Afyjc(aK Pr-pntdltouIoi-As'uotliiiulllcfjtila
lint' ;,unouUis ami Llowcls el'
Ormmi.Morpluiie nor Mineral.
Ja,niui iS'teit'
l!urK,ll.x Mtt -
taw' , .
'w tl.inr,'"
Applied Hiuucily forConslipn
lion, Sum Sloumcli, Diarrhoea
iind Loss oi- Sump.
Facsimile Sigiuilurc of
Nnw Yomf,
Aiiitii-lcitn HoiNim triiNtiriUhftr tl.
uw VoitK, Dec. 0. A number of
Canadian lioree experts, mostly veteri
naries, have just passed through this
city on their way to St. Louie und
Western points to pass on heads of horses
selected by British military agents for
ueo in the Transvaal. One of these ex
perts, Dr. William Dureus Hamilton,
who will examine a large number of
horses at St. Louis that have been
selected for the impel ial police who will to face the mob
patrol the Boer country, said that the
country to ovoid meeting the mob
searching for the prisoner.
Gibson, who has never denied his
crime, intimates that others were im
plicated for the purpose of getting the
life insurance on the child. He said the
object in burning the child in spots with
the poker was to make it appear she
died of smallpox. Ho declared he could
not tell how the child's legs were brokeu.
He seems willing to go to Oatlettsburg
Ipu Kestoreri, Then .'etlr(l.
Washington, Dec. 0, Brigadier
General Charles P. Egan, commiesary
general, was today restored to duty by
the president nnd at once placed on the
retired list.
The order is'ued by the president re
mitted tiie unexpired portion of his een-
1C(I to 1C3. Three democrats, Hall (Pa.)
and Underbill and Slayton (N. Y.),
voted with the republicans for the bill,
and McCall (rep. Mass.) witli the cemo
crats against it. Otherwise it was a
strict party vole.
The proposition to which some of the
democrats attempted to commit their
Cuturrli (JHtinot lie Cured,
Tfe Kind You Have
with local applications, as they cannot
reach tiie seat of the disease. Catarrh
is a blood or constitutional diseas-e, and
in order to cure it von must take inter
nal lemedies. Hall's Catanh Cure is
taken internally, and nuts directly on
Bears the
(3" For Over
Thirty Years
satisfaction American-bred hoi pes had !
given the British militaiy authorities j
was remarkable, and lie did not know ,
! what liia government would have done
if it bad not been for the dependence
that cn!d be put upon the American
, nore. market, especially in U.o v est. j Ul0 b!lK)(i and IUUCOU8 surfaces. Hall's I
I horsoa aretcarce m ISurope and ClUarrh Cuie iu uot R QUauk medicine. :
A .u," he said, "aud even thwn tua few j It H9 waa ;jl.eser!be(t l,v one oi tho bait
j that can be proemed in thoa countries i phvs,U.lttnfl in tili8 COuntrv for yee-s, and j
' ouiinut be relied upon to do the work re-1 j, aregnliU. prasCription. It is composed i
'.lulrtd hh well hb the American-bred , of tho bl!St loulc8 known, combined with 1
i aiuuiaie.
I A Yillugu r.tfii'kMtilUi KhvdiI (Ha LUtlu
tenet and restored him to a "status of side in caucus, an extension of tho pres
duty with station in this city." lent temporary army until .Inly 1, 1903,
This order was immediately followed j which was voted upon indirectly on a
by one issued by General Miles, un- ! motion to recommit, commanded tho
nouncing that General Egan had been 1 votes of neaily about half the opposition
placed on the retiied list today, on his . and two republicans, McCall and Mann
I own application, after SU years service, j (111.). Many of the democrats, however,
voted againct tho motion because they
A l in v Hill rasned.
Washington, Dec. (I.-The Hou?e to- j wero opposwl not only to the reoitraniza-
day, at thu end of a long session, pa tul
the armv reorganization bill by a vote of
Hon bill, but also continuing the tempo-
. rary army at ita present stiopgth.
the best blood puriiieis, acting directly
Mr. H. JI,
Snii's i,ii"t.
Black, thu
ou the mucous sui'ianoi,
well-known coiubiuatiou of the two
Tiie perfect
ingredients is
what produces such wonderful results in
curing Catarrh. Nend for testimonials,
F. J. Cheney & Co., Props., Toledo 0.
Sold by drrogslMt, price 7fte.
Hull's Family Pills are the test. 12
blacksmith at Urtthnuisvilie, Sullivan
Co.,K. Y., says: "Oar little sou, five
years old, lias always been subject to
croup, and eo bad have tho attacks been
that we have feared many times thai lie
,ouM die. Wu have had the doctor and
! rued many laedicmes, but Chamberlain's
! Cougii Kemedy is now om 'aolo reliance.
; It seems to dissolve the tough mucus
I mul liv I'ivitiL' frfmient doses when the
" " , , t .,! .........1 ... ii
Ithocroupv nymptoma appear we havo!" "'" ' e.-i.K,
j found that thu druatlHd croup is cured "b will be about the !rgtBt
l,.,f it tmltlBd." Them s no 01 n ; niu. cocnu bjioi-ih. ca.fu.eiun
dantter in jjivuiij this remedy for it con- j P l J'1 t dillereut
poiiiio lor inv ojiivt'Miiun. iiiv jeauiii
educators of the statu will be in attend-
Ht.ito 'i'uuulier' .luuuul AIvutlUK,
Ai.ii.vny, Or., Dtc. 5 Reports received
from ditl'ereiit parte of the elate IddicutQ
that the attendance at the State Teach-
i lit tf'jf I
tains no opium or other injurious diUKj
and may bit e.lven as contlduntly to a
babe an to an adult
tliu drupntet.
CIiIIcIhIu.Vit CiIixiiii III .l.lll.
M Whvu.i.i:, Ivy. .Dec. li. John Gibson,
of 0'itlt'ttnbiiic, who is charged with
havlut: inurdi'ied Ids iufant ftep-daiiKh-tor
by forcing a lod-hot poker down lier
throat, was placed Iu the Mnysvillo jidl
today for nafe keopluu'. It was apparent
that to take him to the scene of hie crime
meant death by burning at the stake,
The deputy eh mill' having him m charge
spent most of last night driving over tho
Forsalebo Blakelev, m-
. 1. .o ..i.ticiputed the convention
t;i4 imp.jrtuntpart in the tciiool
legiflation of Hie next seafion.
Vou c.ui't all'jrd to rlsl: your life by
allowing a cough or a cold to dev
into pneumonic or consumption.
Minu'o Cough Cure will cure Ihioat ami
lung tioubks quicker than any other j
preparation known. .Many doctors use
it as a specific for grippe. It id an in
fallible remedy for croup. Children like
it and mothers endorse it. Sold by
Olarko & Falk's P. O. Pharmacy.
'U liaVJH
Qkttainad $S,O0O Mfe Stssufancei PaHoy
" My business asi proprietor of tho l.jvuun Shell Oyster Parlor, 2.(5 Main
street, Rochester, N. V., writes Mr. C'hurks V. l!.ibtoi.k, "was so confining
that my lungs becume affected. My doctor t.'ld I'd liavo to leave tho store
ami o to worn at sonic -thiiiKOutdoors.
He said
my luuga were iu bad
bhope, and I knew it
just as well as lie did.
The trouble had been
gloving on me for a
long time. Like most
other people, 1 irkd to
nuke myself believe
tho trouble was not ia
the lunsrs, I called it
tiionuich trouble or ner- .
vous disorder, but I '-
kcjit coughing, spitting
and w astinK away right
along. 1 lost in weight,
falling from 140 to 115
pounds. Somehow ov
other, I got hold of Ack
ers hnglisii Kemctiy r
for Throat and Lung Troubles, and after taking it avcirdiug to directions. I was
as well as any rami in New York State. I was healthier and stronger than be.
foro I took the cold which came so uoar killing me. I now weigh 150 pountls
ten pounds more than over. After recovering, 1 applied lor a htu insurance
wiw.n ,iMv luurnn examinim? me. I was afraid he would discover
1f !
clop I that hiy lungs had once been affected, but he didn't. I passed all right, an
(),, . ! was pronounced in a iirst-class condition. If that isn't proof of tho most pos
i ,-... i,i.,i ti,ni Aoir..i-'s Rmrlish Reuicdv is a irreat medicine, I don't know win
1 . ,.. . ' , ... ... it 1.1 .. .... ..1
vou call proof. I give it my wannest cnaorsemeiu. my unmet,;, i& gn uu uuuvc
Auyono who wishes may write 1110 personally about my case."
Sold at 25c, 50c. and $1 a bottle, throughout the United States and Canada;
and in England, at is. 2d., cs. 3d,, 4s. (id. Jf you are not satisfied after buying,
return the bottle to your druggist, and get your money back.
llVuiitwrfttWAi-atelffftfainiihf. 11'. UQOKl'.li A; CO., l'iir!(loii, Xtw York,
For sale at Blakeley's Pharmacy.