Off to priseo! Presenting t hi; funniest of all farces, TO OPERA HOUSE V. il. lil.AKKK, ManRr. Organ must go Gilbert Jones Co., who are' to bnooniej rNDajf LVBMing, UeC. Ill: our successors in Portland, have not bought a single Piano or Organ from us. They have paid us a big sum of money ' . nn simply to become our successors, for our reputation, tor onr'ittjriw" 4, good will, and for our agencies, so as to control hereafter the sale of the Knabe, llardman, Steele, Fislier, Liulwin and i other Pianos, and under the contract with them we are obliged to get out of Portland in the very near future so as to lot them operate in the field which we must relinquish. "We have no time to waste, and have therefore instructed our Agent, I. C. NICKELSEN, The Dalles, Oregon, to close out all Pianos and Organs on hand at a great sacri fice. We are now closing up our business preparatory to our removal to San Francisco, where will be our headquar ters hereafter. If you ever intend buying a Piano or Organ now is the time. Address, I. C. ItflCKELSEItf, Or Wiley B. Allen Co.. The J)alles, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. My Friend From India p Retiring from Business. Closing out my Entire Stock Regardless of Cost. Dry Goods, Olothlnir, Hoots and Shoos, n( nmi h li'ff than wholesalo prices. Will cull In hulk or in lots, or nny wuy to suit purchase. Entire stock musf be closed out before 30 days. All sonde will be Biicrllloed except Thompson's (ilnve-lltline. Corsets ami Htitterick Patterns. Your prices will ho muni. Cull early anil secure banrntns. J. P. McINERNY, Corner Second and Court Sts. MM PEOPLE COMlMi AM) OOINU. Frank Gable was in town today from f Wapinitia. DeWitt'e Witch Hazel Salve will quickly heal the worst burns and scale's and not leave a eear. It can be applied I to cuts :inil ran snrtacHU with nrnmnt Hon. W. H. Bictrs, of Wasco, was in L.j tt... :.r :i i . . , ii i , - - i . I unu cuuiiuiiK cucui, ucu u u mica imu Tnirn rrwli,-- Qitnntiitnl0il nv lira KltTira. ! Introducing .Mav Vokes in her original character of "Tilly." NOTK Dillllli; tlm Helton cif the r. mini- ii number of hlgh-clai-H ipcolilltli'M will bo Introduced liy tlm 'oiiiiaiiy. THE CELEBRATED J. Barnhous", a pioneer settler of Eastern Oregon, is in the city from Ca leb. Martin Weytnen, a highly respected pioneer of Denny Hollow, was in town todav. skin diseases. Beware of worthless counterfeits. Sold by Clarke A Falk's P. 0. Phaimaey. Dyspepsia can bo cured hy using Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets. One little 1'lilCKS Flrit flv row)., 7."c: balance of the Iioiin, 50c. Scats wilt-be on Mil; Ht I larke .V. Fait', n i w id r r- r- r t- c ...Doalor in... Dry Goods, Clothing, Gents' Furnishings. ISoctfc, Shoes. Hats, Caps Notions for V. I DoitRlas Shoe. ! I I Telephone No. S. , j 131 Second St., I1 AKt. I i .. .GOIiUlWBlA BREWEKY ... AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop. Of tlm product of thin well-know n brewery the United Status Health Reports for June US. 1U00, says: "A more aupuiior lirew never entered the labratorv of the United States Health reports. It la absolutely devoid of the slightest trace of adulteration, buton tlm other hand is coin posed of the best of malt anil choicest of hops. Its tonic cjualitiee are of tlm high est anil it can be used with tlm ureatest benefit ami Hiitlafitclimi hy old mid voting. Its use can conscientiously lie prescribed hy the physicians with the cersaintv that a better, puier or mom wholesome beverage could not possibly lie found." Rjist, Sfic.nnd Strnfc. THE DALLES. OREGON. llliVATvr It IK Knt Mull IJl'J'l l. III! TIMK SCIIKllUMC, I'' HUM DaI.I.Km. AntllTt Khok Suit Lake. Denver, Kt, worth, Omaha, k'an mi City, Kt. hmls, t:oj "'' ChteiiKii and Knit. p a Mill Atlantic Halt fee, Denver, I't. lis,,,, r.xritov. Worth, Omnliii, I;,h, "w KiWii. in. I snft City, Ht. IjiiiIs, 1.,.. ....... i m.i .... in mini- viui-ni, nun r.iiM, inuiun, Hiioliiinu iWnlln Wiilln, Hiiliine. Mull Mliitti'HiiiillH. St, I'iiiiI., mill it ii I it t h. MllnntikiK., i:.iri'n Clilcimo mill Knvt, vhi ! KiMiLiinniiLil lliiiitiin. I tun; iiNu nil poliiiu in '.( ;J. J. ni I WitililUKtuii mill ',,m em OK'kuii, 8 p. 111. I'ROM I'OI'.TI.ANIi )i run Hri'iiinihliii. Kor Hun I'iiiiii'Iko Kvery Klvo Duvk, Mull mi'l 3 WU.ra I'. m, i ni. ra K.i.rtliniliiyColumtilii Uv. Ktenmm. Kx San?'. I To Ahtouia mill Wuy Bauinlny I I-uhIIiiks. ; 10 1. in. 1 ll II m. VlM,AMKTTl; UlVKIl. ' l;x.hiinilrtyi(re(im City, Nowlierit, Kx.bniiii j taiileni Way Ijiml'ii, ', iVili,am:ttk anii Yam 3:9) ii b Tiivii.lhtir. him. KtVHiis. Moii.Avm' mill hut. OroKon City, Dayton,, ami Vrt anil Wny-I.Miiillnxs. TIib Dalles, Or. Tablet will give tnonev refunded. immediate relief orj Sold in handsome tin . boxes at 23 cts. I51akeley the druggist. Mayor E. B. Dufur returned home last nicht from Moro, where he was at tending to legal business. uon Jtonueau, one 01 wie mosi ex- Both makers and circulators of counter tanaten farmura tin rnh ti(1irt ia tn I the city the guest of tiie Obarr hotel. .,ells commu irauu. nonest men win j. . r . , ... T. . i not deceive yon into buyinir worthless G. VI . Moody, of Jacksonville. Illinois, counterfeits of DeWitt's Witch Hazel win the city on n visit to his brother, . Salve- The original is infallible for cur-Ex-Governor Moody. ine pieSi eore8i eczema an,i all .skin Mrs. Charles Hilton and daunhter, diseases, bold by Clarke & talk's P. 0 .Miss tlorenc, arrived from rortland on the boat last night, and will spend a short time with friends. Pharmacy. Wanted A . mm:. f This morning, December G. J900, to Mr. and Mrs. German Segui, of Mill I vjCreek, a daughter. CeofcKtlon of Martin Stlckel. Tacoma, Dec. 5. Martin Stickel, one of the assassins of the pioneers, Cornelius Knapp and his wife, near Castle Rock, in Cowlitz county, one niaht last week, Wi arrested in a scow on the Columbia river near the 'mouth of the Cowlitz' river, and brought to the jail in Tacoma j last night by fcherif! Kitby, for fear that the man would be lynched. Stickel has made a confession saying the crime was planned hy him and a man named Ed Pierce about a week before it was com mitted. Stickel's arrest has also cleared up the mysterious murder of a rancher named Shanklin in that part of the country a year ago. The works of Shanklin's watch were found in another case in Stickel's possession and he made a con fession of that crime, implication Pierce. He said they got about $30 and ft watch of Shanklin, hut Pierce took the case and iiiiv.! him the works. Stickel says NOTICE. Hy virtue of an order of tho council of Uallos City, Oregon maduon theiiwh. Uav of Novem ber. A. D. litio. notice is Hereby Kiten that on the said U'Oth. day of November, IIKKi, the all council declared by resolution adopted, that that portion of thr sidewalk situated on the northerly -ide of Kulton Stree and lylnc be tween the northeast corner of the square formed hv the Intersection of said Fulton .Street with Washington Street in Ualles City nod a olnt Piamu .li.l (bo ol,,,tir,,, viintol ia a '"Jieci east ri saiu corner on saint uiton sstreet, lierce Mid the Shooting. MlCkel is a K,ladunK;rous condition and in need of beina uirl to do general house work in a family of two with no children. Apply at this office. n30-tf llon't JOib It Iu, Just wet the affected part freely with Mysterious Pain Cure, a Scotch remedy, and the pain is gone. Sold bv Clarke & Falk. " For sprains, swellings and lameness there is nothing eo eoud as Chamberlain's Pain Balm. Try it. For sale by IJlake ley, the drugnist. If you want a bargain in groceries, ring up Bob Teague, next door to M. T. Nolan. .Phone No, 3. n30-7t Plain sewing ana dress-making done on Third street, between Madison and Monroe streets. lw Subscribe for Thk CiiitoxiCLt:. Db.GUNNS PILLS ONE FOR A DOSE. nrmom Punpli, Pr-Tftit nilionjnem., I'ririfr tho Blood, L.nro lli.Jchc nn.l IyncDu for h-n, ,Th0Vhnl.1iow''1, "ch d7 nc-casarz i?..i!,h Th,n,ithtrsriotiorirkeD. T.. con. L!?3 f?? "1" wiu mpl fro,., cr Jal! hot f Ji k. HuU bt druggutn. OR. 80SAHKO CO. Phil" si single man aliout oO years old. "I have used Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Hemedy and find it to be u great medicine," says Mr. E. S, Phipps, of Poteau, Ark. "It cured me of bloody flux. I cannot speak too highly of it." This remedy always wins the good opinion, if not praise, of those who use it. The quick cures which it efJVcts even in the most severe cases make it a favoraite evoiywhere. For ealeby Blakeley, the druggist. Mrs. Mary li. Huntington has per ferted arrangements whereby the lire insurance business of the late firm of J. M. Huntington & Co. will be continued by her. She will be pleased to renew al! expiring pojicies issued by J. M. Hunt- Uhouhliiot be approved and said uduinhulitor ington & Co. and to write such further ! nVited tiiis stlt day of October, idoo. insurance as may be entrusted to ..... . . . . 1 AMDius, .I'juuiiiQiiuiui ui iuv cciaieui rtuuijui .iglijiuti, rebuilt. In that said sidewalk Is weak, decayed and unsafe to travel upon: and It was deter mined by said council to rebuild the .same and that the cost of rebuilding said sidewalk bo charged to tbu owner or owners of thu property abutlnu on said portion of said sldewallc de- ciareu in a dangerous condition as by law pro- wuuu. Tots notice is published for 11 days from the 1th day of December, l'.KI, by order of the council of Dalles City, which order was mudo Nov.'JJth. liKju. itated at Dalles Cltj , Or.. Ucceinber iiii, ltiOO. NKU II. (JATKS. Heeordtr of Dalles City. NOTICE FINUSErTLEiTlNT. Notice is herenv ilvcn tint !hn iinilervk.npi! has duly Hied with tho County Clerk of Wasco j quick for particulars Countv. OrtL'011. his llual account mid rt'i,nrt us .. .. . . County, Ortk'on. his final account and report as administrator of tbueMjtu of Adolpli AkMIus, deceased, and that (iic Houoiablc County Court lias fixed Monduj .theith dayofNovembtlJiiOij, at 10 o'clock a in. of said day as tho time, and the County Court loom of tho County court house in Dalles (Jity, Wasco County, Oregon, as the plnco for lie.irlni; said final account anil re port. All persons nitcnstca in said estate uro n BUSINESS LOCALS. Clark k Falk are never closed Scnday. Don't, foraet this. Ladies' knit and jersey leggins at the New York Cash Store. Hoslyn, Clealum and Australian coals by the Stadelman Commission, i.'1-lm You will not have boils if von take Clarke & Falk's snre cure for boils. Scow load of slab wood just received. Maier & Benton. dH-3t Clarke & Falk's flavoring extracts are the best. Ask your grocer for them. Floral lotion will euro wind chapping and sunburn. Manufactured by C'arKe & Falk. Paint your house with paints that ara fully guaranteed to last. Clarke & Falk have them. Clarke & Falk have received a carload of the celebrated Jame E. Patton strictly pure liquid paints Wanted A second-hand fire-proof safe. Must be in good condition and not too large. Apply at the Ciiuonici.h ofliee. oSl-tf DeWitt'e Little Early Risers are tho best liver pills ever made. Easy to take and never gripe. Sold by Clarke -k Falk's P. O. Pharmacy. V lien you want prompt acting little pills that never uripo use DuWilt's Little Early Itieers. Sold by Clarke A Falk's P. O. Pharmacy. Why pay $1.7o per gallon for inferior paints when you can buy James E. Patton's sun proof paints for .f 1.50 per gallon, guaranteed for 5 years. Clark & Falk, agents. ml Hustling young man can make $60 per month and expenses.' Permanent posi tion. Experience unnecessary. Write Clark A Co., G. J. STUBblG, WIIOI.KXU.K AND ISKTMl. Wines, Liquors Cigars Family Orders will receive prompt attention. Next door to First National Bank. ! Phone 234, 3i THE DALLES, OREGON. 4 1 1 V S.V .MT MT-MT Mr lit . UyXVMVt J.r.i.4.TLl.T.I Tl T I T I T IT ( T (.T I Y 1 I T.l.T.ll l.v IttiLina dally :i .(.ui. in. ! HNAKK. ItlVKH. Itlpiirln tu lAiwistou. I.KATI l.KWUTO.1 Itiir 'J.dUB.m t..p,.iu .... ... II ... IHiinison i.oiiiiiinui Miiuncrii via win, mooil take No. .', lenvlnu 'I ho Dalles at l.'UO p. n , mnkliiK illnvt ciinnt'otloiiH at llcptmcrjiinctln mid IIIkks. KcturtiliiK uiiKliiKdlrretcoiincctlsj ' at llcppner juni'tlnii ami IIIkk lth ,No. ).; I tIM.'ic; at 'Ilu; Daltes at I'j an p.m. Tliol). It, A N. ntcanior "ilodiw "1 now nit ItiK regular Itlps to fiiilnin and lnt'Cin'iidcncf. stoppluu at nil way landliiKS. Hhe innves foil laud on .Mondays, Wtiliickilays and Krliliii it n. in., nrtlvliiK at huiet-i I p, in., and IcJckiM once about ft p. ui, on Miuie ilnyt. lldsrDlnt boat leaves luileiicnib-iKM' at i a. in. loieilrn at tui. ni. mi 'lucsilays, Thut'Mlay. anl tilur .lays, arrlvlilh' at I'nrtliitid about .1 p.m.iuue iliiyn, Kor lull tmrtlciilars call on ), It cV N. Cc'i RKelit The Dalle, or miliums W. II. linaill'IlT, lien. I'as .it , IWATA'IA'rATATA'IATArATATATA'IA 7 A I ATA-'.'A'Tit.-V 1 n . U IV. H.l -r I I I iA f )R T.TINTIT. 3 DALLES, PORTLAND k ASTORIA NAY. COMPANY -1 ntcamcrs of tin- KcKUlator l.luc will run as jicr the fol- omiIIK schedule, tho tJompany rtcrviiiK the riitht to chanttc 'i SI M -iiniiiu uinoui nonce. Str. RoKulator l.v DOWN. Italics A. M. K TucHday 2, 'I'huiwlay . . . A Katurday. . , 3- Arr. Hortlaud J. at 1:7) i. M. k H - l.v ur. I'ortliud at 7 A M. Monday Wednesday . .Friday Arr. Dalles 11 ft r. m. Ship your Freight via Regulator Line. Str. Dullos City DOWN l.v. Dalit at 7 a. 11. Monday W, ilni'Mlay Krlday, Arr. I'orlbiud at I :,!() v. m. i in-. 5 l. . I'nrtland ,5 at 7.1m a. h. M TueMlay 'M '1 huridav ,5 .b.iturday Arr. Dulles 'd at ft l'. M 1 FOR COMFORT ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, 1 , Travel by the Steamers of the Kejrillntur Line, The t'nmnanv will endeavor to ulve ii i,ni ' rons the best hei vice iiossible. for furlher information address g, rorllan.l Olllce, Oak-Street Dock. W. C. ALLA WAY, Gon. AKt. : Fourth and Locust Streets, Philadel- lipia, Pa, tS-tf creby uotltleil to uiinear at tuld time anil nlaeo and Miow cauH-, ii any there be, why haul report The form and Itlh'llt til lylllieKH. woman who is lovely in face, FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. ritANHAUr.l KNKItAIilIANKINti IIUclNKH Iettcre of Credit issued available) in the I Eastern States. Kitrht ExchatiLru und 'IVI Transfers eoltl on Nnw York, Chicat-o, nt. i)ui8, ban hrancisci), Port ami Oro- ...... C. lir..t , . . It.!irtifif!l.lllvrtlLrP.9ttho.fnnr1!.nr1!llflfl '? '1""'V ...""! Bn" v"8 l'0lS Vf . 1 r "Ii p , vrejfun uml wastuniftoii. !iltJl uu recou. , Collections ,,! tt" 1 i uiuvtii(i Liivi uiKuaiivu ui- rilHln tHrillB cans. It Is tho latestdiscovcredciiu'cst 1 ant and tonic. No other preparation 1 can annroacli it in elllcleiicv. It in-1 stantly relieves and permanently cures Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. i'iiii Pi jiointH on fau her. Office at Jaw office. Huntington & Wilson's nUO.lw UcceavHl. ix'tli AlJMLN'ISTHATOifS NOifCK. You can't afl'ord to risk your life hy allowing a coukIi or a cold to develop into pneumonia or consumption. One Minute Cough Cure will cure throat and liu:c troubles quicker than any other preparation known. Many doctors use it us a specific for prippe. 11 is an in fallible remedy for croup. Children like it and mothers endorse it. Sold hy Clarkott F.ilkV I'. O. Pharmacy. Experience is the best Teacher. Use Acker's Enjlieh Kentedy in any case of coughs, cold or croup. .Should it fail to give imineiiiito relief money refunded. '2o cts. and'fft.cie. i(iet. friends, hut one who would bo attractive must keep her health. If she is weak, sickly and all run down, she will bo nervous and irritable. If she has con stipation or kidney trouble, her impure lilrinrl will PMliH. titmnK.u hbl,,li,.u ul.l. Notice Is herebv triven that the in, 1 1 " """""'i ' has been appointed by tho county conn of ', eruptions and v. wretched complexion. WiiK'o county, OreKon, iidtnlnUtrator of thu ; Klnftric HitlHrn lu lln. In.! ,r,u,i,ni,H, : i fctate of Krancls itoss. deceased. All peMins r-le"rl- "HierB IS 111(1 UCil medlClllO ill linylnu cliiluih iiaiiikt tho ektuto are hereby ro- ' thu world to reiulato Htomach, liver and ijulml u pa-sent the muho t tno d'llv verllled, i , . , , . ,, , !, , . at thooiiicu of w. ii. wiiwiu, In Dalle. city, I kidneyH and to purify the hlood It jjoVetirrii ""m tUt!iiau-' "l'a'" i KiveH 8iro" m' ,,t,B' "'W'1 y8. s,,,oo,i'. dmlnirtrato i velveli BKI", rlu" ;(J"I'l'Xion. It will . ( tn n urator. nill good.JookiiiL', charmini: woman KXIiUUTOlt'.S NOTIOK. lofa run.doAii invalid. Only CO cento Notlrii Is hereby tiiven that fbe'ueij, , at JJUkeley's drill! store. a txwiiitor of the will of Ai.drew V. Auderfcon, 1 - deceiMsJ, his tiled his Hi a' account in tho I county court of the .statu oi DreKuu or tWo .Sick Ifeadacho abholutely and permit County, anil ald court has appointed .Monday, ., , , , v. , . ... tho 7th iay of Jauuary, l'JUi, at tho hour of Jul nnlly cured hy usln Mokl Tea. A aiiirthSVefc .ueu conHtlpiitiof, nun inuigeauun, niaKes you eat, sleep and happy. Satisfaction guaranteed or money hack. Mete. andSOctu. Illakeley, the drut'jfist. Ovsncnsla. Indigestion. Heartburn. Ffatulunce, Kour Htomach, Nausea, Sick Headache, GastralKiii.Crampsand all other results otlmper feet digestion. PflfiflSOc. rtndfl. r.nrn?lncnnrfilnn')i,i tlmna temper will always have 1 smallsUo.llooliaUttlxjutUyspeiislainulioiifreo Prepared bj E. C. DoWITT ft CO., Chicaao. .Sold hy Clarke & Talk's P. O. Pharmacy. novlO creditors and other nertous Inteiebteil in sniil Cbtato are therefore hereby reipilreii to Illo tholr oujcciioim in Mini uccouui, ii any iney nave, on Dlakeley, the drug- 'or before tho day set for the hcarliib' thereof, 1'nnvn v.1,3 , 11,, . Ill, I.HAI, nl7-it J. c. Iiosiin Liiii, lisicutor L. L;ane5 (iKNlvHAI. Nasal CATARRH In nil ll ntai;ij theru kli'iuld bo clcanliuciij. IJIj'.s Cream lialm ( li'UiiM8,(iothesaiul hcala tlm dwcau'd ini'iiihrano. j ItcuruiialiirrhanililrlH'ii away a cold in Iho head ijmcuiy. J.'i ciiin lialm U rilnreil Into tho nontrlls. unreailn I over tho m.-mbraiiu and alii-orbcd. Itellof Is lm l ineill-iioaiiiliiciiriifolloui". It Ii not drying -.Iocs lioiproiliicuniceln. Laro! ! tcntaut DniK Klrtii or by mail; Trial Si." , : i . i ! mn, U.Y lAf.')TIIlt.S,f.i n:r.-eu Wr4,.N'ew Yorlt. lfoV ...AND... loisesiioe Wagon and Cnrrlngo Work. Fish Brothers' Wagon. PllOUC 159 1. ) a' rrm - I H i 'V.-, . i 'i TM 11 Yellowstone Park Line. Till, DINING (!A It ltt)l"li: KltOM I'OUTMND Tl) TlIK I. AST Till; ONLY DIKKCT I.INI. TO Till. YEUflW- HlONi; l'AI'.K muvk. Union Depot, Ftlt!i and I Sis .umvi. No.'.'. l'at mall for Tiii'onia, No. i Seattle, Olyiiipla.draj x Harbor and Hoiith llclid point!., hpiikane, Hum. laud, II, (',, I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ii 1 1 , t,,b. l..uU.n Itllf 11:13 A. 11. fiilolliiiupuiiiilUKeoiin- 5",Ml'... try, llelenii, Mlniinnn Ht. I'aiil, Oniilfiii, KaiiK'.s t'lly, Ht Inils, CIiIcmVd '"id all )liit.H No. I. i etui anil soulhcmt. Nc riinet f-otind KxpresN ll,) 1'. M. for Tacoinu and Seattle i.WA.M. and luterineitlale point I'llllmaii first clan and lourlut slccifr" M Mlnneapolh, Ht. t'aul mid ilhMjiirl river )in without cbauiie. , V.nllbulcil trains. Ihiloli dein connection In all principal dtlcy. ltiiiinii iii...L,,i t.i iii.htiiintfiiM of tickets. l-or hauilMiiiiely llluiiiiale.ldererlptlvemtl' llcLets, MecpIiiK-car reservations, etc., cull or writo A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant (icneral 1'aHseiiKer Axent. l!n Mcrrl urn Htreet, corner Tlilrd, I'ottlaud Oregon. SOUTH and EAST via IIP Shasta Route Tinhu leave Tho DallcH for l'ortlali'l W1J stations at l:i u. in, mid p. in. Sousnern Pacific Co U'ave. I'ortlaiul " Albany Arrive Ashland " Hllt'llllIK'lltO . . . " ban I'lancUco Arilvo OkiIoii " Denver " Kiiiihiih 1,'Jty. " Chleano s.:iam MHn ,v:.:v a m luwpM ri'impm I.',')"" 7.1. i. in h.l.nn, a m II 7:J.i a m ' . via li::""" help Hi" iciiiu. Biives wear and r spensc. bold everywhere. MAI.K IV STANDARD OIL OO. l.'r.lUenu JK Bliorteno tm the rcAtl. V .Wrlvu Uim Aiik.'Io " HI I'im " I'ort Worth .. " Ullyof Mexico . " 1 on st i i i " New Oileanii . . " Winlilntitim " NmvYoili I "d p in i, mi p ui i',:;ani in it k.n in . I (Hill III ii .'"I a in t, -.' a m p it 1.1 i, mi i i" i, ml l ,,,M I mi u nt ., .', ii m i, IMM rullinan and TourM chih on both jf;'111' riialrcarh Hacrniiienlo to Ovtilcn Mint I- ' nun ioiirii iiara in inicitK.'i i i."i Icalia mid W'nslilnutnu. Coniiecllnir at Han Krancln'o wllh Kf" Nteamshlp Unci for Honolulu. J'i"' I'hlllpplnofi, Central and Kouth Anivilcn. , Kco BH'ent at The Dallw. Million, or iiiMrtui C. H. MARKHAM, lifuural ItuHKeimcr AKdit. I'ortUitJ. 0f Clarke- A Falk iiavo on lu of paint mid artiut'a brinheK)