Is Y(w Boy (Hell-Dressed? I lo .should ho. Ho (tan ho. II is not a niiitlor of largo oxponso. I Monty -of noat littlo follows wear our low-priced suits. (Jooil clothos largely help to make a good hoy. Why not dross up your hoy and make him proud of himself, as good as any hoy? Our Boys' Department makes good clothes possihle in all cases. No one is too poor, no one is too rich to go elsewhere. ( hir $5.00 School Suits are the host in the land. If you pre for, we have cheaper ones at $3.50. The host cost you $12.50. "Boys' knee pants suits from $1.50. We have piled on a separate counter the halance of those Boys' Suits that we are soiling at half price. Don't miss this oppor tunity; hrokon lines, that's all. Most Remarkable Offering of Ladies' Suits and Jaekets 'that has ever passed this way. Tf low prices make n bargain, high quality doubles it, and that is what makes this offering eo extraordinary. Here are Ladies' Suite, there are no newer, better looking or better made in any Htore. They are to be sold at 25 off This week only. Ladies', Misses' and Children's Jackets at a Discount of 25 per cent. You can have the new ones, arrived dorn the manufacturers jnet a short time ago, made from smooth oxford cheviot, double-breasted, lined with silk or satin, all handsomely tailored. French Flannelettes The most attractive cotton goods ever put on the market by a manufacturer. Regular price 18c; our price for the week 15 l-2c per yard. Unmatchable Shoe Values. This is unmistakahlv the shoe buying time of all times that is if you want high-grade shoos at these low prices. Ladies' welt sole button, in kid and calf; $.J values $2.00 Ladies' turn sole kid, button or laco; $1 values $2.00 Ladies' all kid or cloth top, laco; $1.50 $1.00 Men's satin calf, lace or congress; $2 and $2.50 values $1.00 Boys' Shoes (elastic sides) in calf or grain; $2 values $1.00 Men's kangaroo, cordovan or calf, lace; $3.50 to $5 values $2.00 All GootlB Mnrkocl In Plain KIkui-oh. PEASE & MAYS To Whom It Slny Cnncptn, It having come to my knowledge that parties, presumably interested, are claiming that when I sold out my retail interest at 17.'!, Second street, French's block, I contracted in not open any re tail business in the city of The Dalles. I beg to suy that 1 wild my tight not to open any retail business between Fed eral and Washington streets, on Second street, and have and intend to conform to my contract. My place at the Hank Cafe is in no sense in violation of the contract. dl-tf C. J. Stuiimxc. For Kent or Snle. The Sam Wilkinson warehouse, on First street, is for rent or sale. It Is a three-story, corrugated iron building, 110x33 feet, with water elevator. Apply to Sam Wilkinson. The Dalles. nM-tf Men's lined and knit mittens gloves at the New V'oik Cash Store. unci plays t Giowe W The Dalles Daily GtonielB, I htiife. As fired thru the ollicer followed him ho ;' a pro-slavery platform, and with such Tf!'i:s)AV JMCO. (i, 11)01) sorvocl IC -Mr's. J miiAsriMiirs kotjok j All H'lKim County iviirriinl- it'Klrftiiiml ! irlin tit M-itimilitir I, IHII7. will In- inlil mi in'iiMiintulliiii at Hi)' olllrn, Intiiri'Hl i't';itrt iiftur Niivi'liihiir "0, I1MIO. JOHN P. IIAMl'M iiti:, J On u n tv TreitMirur. - or four shots in the uir, but : adoption in prospect thoaght of n new without ed'cot and tho fellow escaped in organization. "Republican," said IJo- I the darkness, vay to Greeley, "is a grade above dein- Of Signor Hotaro, the harp Holoist who j oeratio. Democratic means 'I nirt as plavs at the Vogt tonight with the Orig- j oml ilH -V(,"'' repiiblican, 'you are as inai ltoyul Murine Kami of Itnlv, the i 00(1 !l" J-' " iMi'r !,t 11 I,,l:nl conven Fargo Forum, imys: "Signor Sataro's ' lt!, Wis., Mr. Hovay harp solo net the audience wild. lie is j declared that the new combination undoubtedly the highest ohms artist ever; h1,oiiI(1 receive the republican name, heard here on that instrument, and This declaration, as is well known, was made music that lew deemed nossihle." , a0 afterwards ratified by a utate con- The Dalles Distollory Co. lias rented WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. the llttttiiigcii stoic, two doors east of Molnernv's dry goods store, and opened headquarters there (or the disposal at wholesale of the product of the distillery. , Mr. .Stringer says the company is us loured of Hiillicient fitiit to run the dis ! tillerv to ilH fullest capacity till the I month of Foliruiity. Mr. Stringer went ' Uiyai Marino llund" I to Portland this afternoon, and while Tonight at tlie Vogt oporu home, 'there may muku arrangements to add but, on .Second Htreet, a bunch of another still to the company's plant. key-. Finder will kindly leave them at ! Don't tail to attend the intellectual I'ri'iich's bank. d(! 7 j untortainnient to be given next Monday All those who are to take part in the j evening December 10th, utSo'e'oek, at Temple of F e are rciicHttd to meet the llaldwin opera house, by Mt. Hood still, i'M. H. church this evening at 8 ::!(). , Camp No. .V.I, Woodmen of the Wotld. , , ., Prof, .lolin P. Meakin, of Salt l.uke, -.ule Hros ., piano tuners are ... he ,, c Lmr will ,l(!,im. ,,, oy an, , he found at either Mnnofoe m v m 0mvun, v Parkins' or Mckelsen'H .nunc store. ,iml Uiwiml). ltfUtr wlli(!h will ,IU ,.,, We are iiguiii able to supply our J ,rul,mtj,. readings, songs and stories, friends with Ifi, (iO, !)0 anil 115 cent uni- i tlUljimi, n, puthi.tic. This will ben lire'lis nuiii, women and chiltlrmi. j rar0 trt.,it- You will think, laugh, and ''''dr. ('"' I probably shed n tear. If von miss it Martin Weyiiian, of Denny Hollow, j you'll regret it. Admission free. Ij.ih sold hie much nt that plaeo to I.. .1. j The case of D. U. O'lloilly against, the kiinger, of Dufur. The consideration Columbia Southern Railway, K. E. Ly a'iih sf'J. IUO. I tin and others is not ended as was nop- Mm. II, L. .lones begs to announce j posed when .Judge Uradshaw, nt Moio, that slie is now prepared to serve meals j Tuumlay, refused a petition font ro-liear-at regular hours nt the Cafe, Second ing. On the contrary, O'Ke.illy prompt ttreet, next door to the Mclnerny dry I ly renewed the suit in tiie Multnomah goods store. sl-t 11 I circuit court, asking fur the recovery to i..r t,...'.. i M....I,:.. u,.. .w.i.wi fr,.. the coiiipany of some iflliO.ODO, whic'i li'inal evangelist, at. the liiildwln opera Iioiish Monday evening. See him. Hear him. He may not come this way again. veution held at Jackson, Mich. the first state organization to adopt the je publicau name. Jn Italian music, us in the Italian na ture, we find linked together tenderness and passion, intensity of feeling with beauty of expression. This was well Jportrayed last evening at the concert by- it he Royal Marine Jiand of Italy, at the Winnipeg theater. The program wiie, twith hut one or two exceptions, dis tinctively Italian. From the churminv-1 j ly graceful inarch. "Salute to Willow; Grove," by Giannini, a light but beauti-1 fill composition, to the sextet and grand finale from Act JI of Donizetti's "Lucia," ' the hand followed all the phases of j Italian feeling as expiei-sed in their j music. The last mentioned composition was the masterpiece of the evening in trailing vines, while nutijberless Chinese many ways. It is Ihe music of passion, lanterns were hung throughout the hall of deep emotion, and the climaxes were ami other rooms. A vtjry pleasing ell'ect brought out with much expiessiou by ! was mado by the shndea being drawn Signor Tavani. The overture from and the room lighted by artificial lights. Wagnei's "Tannhauser" was played j M'igs Sampson very graciously presid with the majesty and dignity that makes ed over the punch bOwl. it one of the finest orchestrations of the After an hour or two spent in games kind ever vTitteu. Manitoba Free and converi-ation, refreshments were Pitfss. very daintily served by Mits Martlet), Mevers, of Alkali Flat, near ; Collins ami Miss Sampson. MH..I...M ,...,a !.'. I....-., ,.MUtr,iuv ..pnm. ! Mrs. Harris has won the name of he- ! Mri-ri-ir -icr ntceni i innM Notice is hereby giyen that the part nership heretofore existing between A. Michael, P. Surad and P. Perlman, in ! the Great Northern Furniture Store, is thiday dissolved by mutual agreement, Mr. A. Michael retiring from the linn. . i AiepsrH. i . urai nnti i . I'erunan win i nnntiriiVi tliu InuinuEQ nndur f ho aUnvo seection of the country, vielued eight i.wl ( tIwi r vn p.r.! , F if a u jt: ui uic ii iro b inn u i ui iniuic tons of prepared stock, besides 800 , Store, and will assume all liabilities of bushels of seed, which his horses, cattle the tiitn anil collect and leceipt for ail nr.rt nfYiltrv .a vr.mlilv ..n.1 flnnrUl. debts due the ti rm , hot h in The Da lies inereon. ne niso raiseu a paten oi t Kaflir corn, cutting it three or four Baldwins, Pen Davis, Pippins, Swaar and Spitenbergs, the latter remarkably large and fine. From one acre of peach pi u in f, Mr. S. shipped 2000 boxes, sell ing them at an average of JO cents, and netting IS cents per box. Forty acres in broom corn, a new venture for this of the country, yielded The only store ft this city where tlu Genuine Imported Stransky-Steel Ware is sold. A little higher in price, but outlast n dozen pieces of so called cheap enam eled ware. BEWARE! Other wares look has tho name Stransky-Steel Ware on each piece. Do not be deceived First prize at IC International Exhi bitions. Highest award at Worlds Columbian Exlubi tion. Chicago Pre ferred by tho best, certified to by the most famous chem ists for purity and durability it is cheapest because BEST. j times in a season for forage, and pro j nounces it quite valuable for the pur : pose. The land is a rich sandy loam, producing good crops of this, also fine ; field corn. ' A I'JpHhiint Afternoon, j ""tfn response to invitations issued ten davs ago, about seventy-five ladies as i seinbletl at the home of Mrs. Harris, on ' the hill, yesterday afternoon. The 1 guests were met at tho door by Mrs. W. i II. Groat and Mrs. E. J. Collins, and ushered into the parlors, where they 'were received by Mrs. Harris, assisted j by Miss Hauni, of Portland; The spacious parlors were profusely decorated with festoons ,bf smilax and anil Portland, Oregon. The D.Ules, Dec. 4, 1900. P. Pr.w.MAX. A. Micii.m:i., do-lw P. .Scnu), I CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears tho Signature Admission free. The Kndouvor society of the First WiriHtinn church will give a social In the li.iseinent of the chinch Friday evening, !' t: milier 7th. ItefreHhiuentii will be fcurvi'd and everybody is invited. (i-t Nam Thurmuii, who has waited on his associates so- i cured fraudulently anil, incidentally, luut-iiur Tin- tint ii receiver " ti i i - to look after the all'aiis of tho company and keep it from going to ruin, as ho sets tot LU in the complaint. Acting Marshal .1. II. .lacksou did u most elleetivc job of street cleaning this 'morning, at the suggestion of D. M. I French, Procuring sullicient lengths of i li..fii. frrtm tlin Mm ilmmrt incut fie Mu.ilnok Finlavson Htnce he took to bed ()). Smm(, Htm)t f()r ' the European House, ...forms lni:jl( imlm, Muek lHlUv(.n Washington Jhuomcm: that I,.h patient Is p.ogress- un(1 hmv, r t) ()tr(!((t nfl lug nicely and Uial. he expects to he able , ( ( ,irim,I()1(( to leave his bed tomorrow. i r i.imnii,. mini.,.. ill.,Ht.iutod ami for Remember that Coccanut Cream Tonic 'will ptomote growth of hair. Charles , Frazer, sole agent. nO-lin i If von have dandruff, your hair is ' falling out. Use Cocoauut Cream. For ' sale at Frnzei'e barber 6hop. nO-Im If your hair is dry and dead-like, Co coauut Cream Tonic will give it life and luter. It i3 pronounced the finest tonic on earth. Can be hatl at Frazer's barber shop, agent. niMni I i I I Remember this celebrated enam eled ware is special Iv imported for and sold in this city ex clusively by us. It does not rust nor absorb grease, does not discolor nor catch inside, is notaflected by acids in fruits or vegetables, will boil, sit... .-.-- and bak w i t h o u i impiirtm',; flavor o: previously o o o k o d food iuid will fast for years. -0$0. We cau tion tli3 puhlir again t .t panied by his wife, who was on her way to Portland to visit a couple of married daughters. Mr. Meyers and Frank Huott, of Eight Mile, settled on Alkali Flat in 1S0U, and from that place Frank Huott got the. name he is still known by, Alkali Frank. Thev were bachelors and partners in business and their house was 1 nomicll was held last night, with Coun- 1 It. 1 1 r M t . .! ..!. I... .1... cinuaii Ji. yy. i.ieoe in tue ciiair in uic ing one ot the most charming oi host esses, ami the guests very reluctantly departed, thanking iter for a most pleas- ant afternoon. . SlIflllHl (,'UMIKll .U.TtlllH, A special meeting of the coininon A baby girl was bin n on Mill Creek tliis moiiilng, whoso mother has Ihe I'roii I (llell.Mition of having three other "illdnin, one of whom wus born on New Year's day, another on the Fourth of 'uly, and the third on Clirlfitnius day. Tlila lust one, we suspect, would hnvu Hot hero on Thanktgivlng if It had not 'Hissed tho train. ' 1 About midnight last night u lighting fcyrap occurred in the west end ol town that brought Nightwutchiimn hike upon the scene, when one of tho ring-lenders ok to his heolti and fled down the ruil roud track in tho Uireution of the round tho mere nominal cost of two or thine dollars and a very few hours' time far more wus accomplished limn could have been eH'ceii'd by Iiiooiiih and shovels at ton times the cost. Tho honor of christening the republi can party is adjudged by Charles M. Harvey, in his history of that organlz i lion, to Alvln E. Hovay, now living in Urooklyn, in his 8;!d year- Tho name "UpmIIc" WUB "i-'8ttl by Mr. llovny to Horace Greeley at a dinner in New York during the national Whig convention of 18.")'-', when both unnvall mgly sought to prevent tho adoption of for some years an important way station on the main road between Tho Dalles j and Canyon City. At length both got: tired of baching and mutually vowed that one of them must hunt u wife, but j as to which of them should put his neck in tho matrimonial yoke thoy could not ' iigien. It was finally agreed that tho j matter in eontioyersv should bo settled by a game of seven-up, the loser to leave , forthwith ami not lettim till he brought ' a wile with him. Mr. Meyer lost tho' game but was the real winner notw ith standing. He kept his contract, left forthwith for S.u Fianeisco and in no absence of tho mayor. The meeting was called for the purpose of authorizing the city treasurer to inwst if-IOOO of tho city funds in Wheeler county warrants. To this end an ordinance was passed transferring $11)87.87 from the general fund to the sinking fund. This was fol lowed by another ordinance giving the treasurer the necessary authority to mako the investment. The Wheeler county warrants are hero and have been secured at par. It will interest the tax payers of The Dulles to know that the city has now long time returned with the motherly, ifl-'.OO at interest, which is yielding in kiudlv ladv that has shared his jova and neighborhood of ij.70 a month, and soriows for'a generation of time. j that most of this sum has been ucciiin- i ulated in the last two years. .in. .. .,... I.. ........ r' - I IIO IMCIllu r.iruitir teiy ; une ut the finest oichardu In the Musler district is that of George Sellinger, consisting of twenty-two acres, fourteen in bearing, Dnloriori UnrpQ tn I PPQP WWIQIUII IIUIVW IW taWMWW. The marshal was given carte bianco for cleaning the mud oil' Second street. six acres of which are In Italian prunes, seven years old. About forty tons were sold to the Suiead company, besides many tons went to waste. The price oh tallied for the prunes was $15 per ton. The fine largo apple crop is mostly of I have about 10(1 thoroughbred dot si that I will lease in lots ot it) to respou bible parties on shares. Apply to C. E. HAZARD, n0 2w The Dalles. 1 mz One thousand styles and sizes. 11 IfaBra For cooking and heating. WMi I Prices f r" I Pnhe genuine all bear the above Trale-Alark M7 . I Jet and are 60,d witl1 a written guarantee. 1 IBSl Awarded First Prize Paris Exposition !900 JgJsr? I i H jlffraia OVER ALL THE WORLD. M stiiJmai sold by First-Class Stove Merchanls evcrywhote, y Bv J MaJeoniy by Tiie Michigan Stove Company, o 7VKIER St BENTON. SOLE HCENTS,