The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, December 05, 1900, Image 4

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Miss Iiiknt. Ackhuhas, thn well-known dramatic reader, writes us the following
letter from lier n-iideiice, 'JO W. 1.1th Sttvet, Now York City. This talented anil
versatile young l.uly lias made nu cnvi.ihlo namn for herself on tho stupe hy her
excellent work in support of some of tho lo.ilhn stars, bcililcs Ihmiir noted in
liteniry and art circles us an aucpt witn
tho pen mul pencil. Slio is justly proud
of her tnasniticent haul of hair, which is
shown to advantage in tho accompanying
"Some tlmo ago, when ray hair was
brushed, I noticed more and moro thn
incre.iso of hair loft on tho comb. My
scalp beeaino ilry and my hair grew thin
so rapidly that I had to chango tho stylo
of wearing it. I then tried various hair
tonics, the effect of which was to niako
my scalp exceedingly tender, and tho
hair stiff and brittle when dry. I re
solved to try CtrrtcuHA Soav. Tho couv
fort I experienced boforo I had given it
a long trial was so great that I determined
to continue it. Taking c.iro to h.wo tho
room warm, I would shampoo my head
with a strong lather of CimcmiA Soav,
letting it remain for somo time. I would
then wash it off with warm water, and
dry thoroughly. After a short time my
hair ceased coming out, growing soft and
silky to the touch. Cuticuua is
marvellous, and I would not bo without
it for my toilet table."
SAVE TOUR TIAM5 with shampoos of CtmctntA .OAi'an(illphtdrejingjof curricula,
purest of emollient Uri euros. This treatment at once stops falllUK hair, remove rrust ,
scales, and ilamlrutf, soothes irritated, Itching surfaces, stimulates the hair follicles,
supplies the roots with energy and nourishment, and makes the hair grow upon n sweet,
wholesome, healthy scalp when all else falls.
Use CtmcutiA Bnr exclusively for preserving, purifyln?, and beautifying tho
ekin.for clcanslna the tcalpof crusti, scales, and dandruff, and the popping of
falling hair, for softening, whitening, and foothhn? red, rouiih, and eoro hands, in
the form of baths for annoying Irritations anil dialings, or too free or offensive
oersol ration, in the form of washea for ulcerative weaknesses, and for many
T!?T!?T antUentlc rmnxe4 which readily uctfest thnelve to women, and especially
F u-imti. mothers, and for all the purposes of the toilet, bath, and nursery.
Sold throughout the world. Pbice, Soc. I'ottek Dnuu and Cueu. Corn-., Solo Props.,
Cctjccua IUkeuizs. " All about the Skin, Scalp, and Ualr " free.
V. .1. riiAIIKR, .Mnnngnr. 1
Friday Evening, Dec. 7th:
Myron B. Rice's Comedy Co.
Presuming tin; funniest of
all farces,
My Friend
From India p
Retiring from Business.
Closing out my Entire Stock Regardless of Cost.
I)rv Goods, Olnthine, Hoot ami Shoes, nt much lees tlmn wholesale
prices." Will cell in hulk or in lots, or any way to null purchasers.
Entire stock must be closed out before 30 days.
All good? will be Hiifrilkreil except Tliompion'a Glovt HttiiiK CnreutH
anil Hutterick 1'atterue.
Your prices will bo tiiino. Call early itml nt'curr
Corner Second and C'ourt fcUs.
ttUK m:iikiiiii,k
I'nst iHnlt Lake. Iienvur, Ft,
Mall . Worth, OiiihIiii, Kan.
p. in., sa City, Ht. U.ui,,
l chiuHito Hint i:Ht.
Atlantic iHiilt Laka. Denver, I't.
r..uess "iirill, lilliana, Mill
, Mill
1:0S p tn
' I'm. a
LltMia. in
Vln Hunt
"it' City, Ht. Ij.iUs,
Chleiii;o mid Last.
Introducing Mav Vokes in her original
character of "Tilly."
NtlTK Durlnc thft nctlon of the nini
eily h niimluT if lilglfulit sppclnltti's
will lie Introduced ly the eotiipany.
PKICES First live rows, 7 Br; halaiirti 1
iiftlie lioimn, 5llc. I
Seats will leou al. at Clarke A KaU'.
C. F. Steohens h,?
.Denlor in.
J Gents' Furnishings.
Iioots, Shoes. Hat-, Caps. Notions.
lor v. l.. Douglas snoe.
Off to prised
But before we go every article we possess, every Piano and
Organ must go. Gilbert & Jones Co.. who are to become
our successors in Portland, have not bought a single Piano
or Organ from us. They have paid us a big sum of money
simply to become our successors, for our reputation, for our
good will, and for our agencies, so as to control hereafter the
sale of the Knabe, Hardman, .Stock, Fisher, Ludwig and
other Pianos, and under the contract with them we are
obliged to get out of Portland in the very near future so as
to let them operate in the field which we must relinquish.
AVe have no time to waste, and have therefore instructed
our Agent,
I. C. NICKELSEN, The Dalles, Oregon,
to close out all Pianos and Organs on hand at a great sacri
fice. We are now closing up our business preparatory to
our removal to San Francisco, where will be our headquar
ters hereafter. If you ever intend buying a Piano or Organ
now is the time. Address,
Or Wiley B. Allen Co.. The Dalles, Oregon.
Portland, Oregon.
The Hallea-ColUo Canal.
Captain Harta, of the United States
Engineers Corps, lias completed the re
port of Ihe proposed Dalles-Celilo canal
investigation, and trie document was
sent to the chief of the corps at Wash
ington, I). C. .Saturday, says the Tele
gram, it Is believed that the papers
will reach Washington gome time this
week, and in all p'obablity w ill at once
he made public, as the material pertains
entirely to tho appropriation bill to be
presented at the preHent session of con
gress. Captain Harts expresses a belief
that it will be published as soon as it is
possible for the public printers to do so.
The document ia an exhaustive one,
touching upon every phase of the pro
posed construction and route. There
are ten maps of the Columbia regions,
and eeveral photographs accompanying
the rnport. Incorporated in the docu
ment is an estimate of the resources of
the Columbia river valley that the canal
would, of necessity, be compelled to
handle. The compilation of this fea
ture of the report developed the fact
that the staple products of the region
drained hy the river above The Dalles
that seek outlet through the Columbia
channel, amount to about $28,000,000
per annum. This includes only the
principal products as hay, grain, fruite,
cattle, etc.
Iloth makers and circulators of counter
feits commit fraud. Honest men will
not deceive vnit into buying worthless
counterfeits of DeWitt's Witch Hazel
Salvo. The original is infallible for cur
ing piles, sores, eczema and all skin
dimtses. Hold by Clarke A Falk's P. 0.
A full line of Kastinan illme and sup
plies just received hy Clarke & Falk.
Plain sewing ana dress-making done
on Third street, between Madieon and j
Hy virtue of an order of the eo incll of Dalles
City, Oregon rnuiloon thottith. Jav of Novem
ber. A. D. iMiO, notice Nnerony ulven that on
the said yoth. day of November. IKK), the .said
council declared hy roiolutlon adopted, that
that portion of tho .sidewalk situated on tho
northerly Mdo of Fulton .Strte. and lylns ho
t een the northeast corner of the .square formed
hv tho intersect lou of said Fulton .Street with
Wdshlnuton Street In Dalles Cltv uud a nolnt
i iKJfeeteast rfMtdcornoron said Fulton Street,
Is In a danirerous condition and in need of Ixjhw
rebuilt, in that said sidewalk is weak, decayed
and un-afe to travel upon, and It was deter
mined hy said council to rebuild the same arid
that the cost of rebuilding said .sidewalk be
charged to the owner or owners of the property
abutlny on said portion of said sidewalk de
clared in a dangerous condition as by law pro
vided. Tnls notice is published for 11 days from the
1th day of iMfember, U), hy order of the
councilor Dalles City, which order was made
Nov.twth. M).
Dated at Dalles Citj , Or., DecHinberSd, '.J.
Hecordcr of Dalles Clly.
Telephone So,
1 la, fcecoiul St.,
rphn Tlnllop fin
mu uauua. ui. c
Of tin' product of thin well-knovui brewery the United States Health
Heports for .Inni- US, 10D0, says: "A more supeiior brew never entered
the labratory of the United Status Health ruportH. It is absolutely devoid
of the slightest trace of adulteration, but on the other hand is comported of
the best of malt and choicest of hops. Its tonic iittnlitieH are of the high
est and it can be ued with the greatest heriellt mid satisfaction by old uud
young. Its use can conscientiously be prescribed by the physicians with
the cersaintv that a better, purer or more wholesome beverage could not
possibly be found."
Bpokurio ,Vh11h Wiilln, Hpoliiiiie, Htmlim,.
St tl I Mlllliwipcdln. St. Paul; ,",M
(ihlmtio mid Kftitt, via i; 1'
.Hpokiineiikdlllititliii! ,rtM
toll . iiNii nil HilutK In
hiiiiik(iiii mul Kiint
em Ori'Kiiu.
U i p. in I
1 w . m
8 p. m,
8 p. in.
Khom l'or.Tr.AM
Ocean Hleaiimliliin
I'or hull I'niiieliro
Kvery I'lvo Dayfi.
' I', a.
Kx.Hlitidny'ColunibU ltv. Htismiem. Kx hiitS'.
!To AsToniA and Whv 'nut,
HHiiirilny I-rfiidlitcs.
U) p.m. I
East Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON.
ft ii. tn.
W ll.l.AMKTTK IttVKR. (:a)n a
Kaleiu i Way IjiiiJV '
and Hut.
IIILr. ItlVKIM. Mom.AVm'
OrcKini (llty, liiiyton, Hud Kri
anil Wiiy-lniillnnv
TUraiT Pimplfj, t'r-Tent
nihoii nes, Hutifr thiiUlood,
Laro Ili-Ailtch anil Dapeptu.
lorn ito. Thrr neither ;ritM Qorni-km T.icon.
BcSoWbjUrae.uu. UR. B0SAHK0 CO. Phlla.
WllOI.Ks i.i: AMI lil.TAll,
Wines, Liquors Cigars
Family Orders will receive prompt attention.
Belgian Hares to Lease.
I have about 100 thoroughbred does
that I will lease in lota of 10 to respon
sible parties on sharefh Apply to
C. K. U A i'AIM),
I n:;0.2w The I;.,IIej.
fur Hale.
Kastern Oregon timothy hay, $15 per
ton, f. o. b. The Dalles. Kastern Ore
gon wild hay, $13.20 in car lots.
McCi'hi.v & O.wi.oit,
d l 'Jw J.a tlrande, Or.
Von can't alibrd to risk your life by
allowing a cough or a cold -to develop
into pfietirnonin or coiiHiiuiption. Oms
Minute Cough Cure will cure thro tt and
lung troubles quicker than any other
preparation known, .Many doctor use
it as a specific fur grippe. It is an in
fallible rdiiiedy for croup. Cniiilnui like
it and mothers endorse it. Sold by
Clarke & Ftilk's P. O. I'liariiuiy.
Dyspepsia can bo cured hy using
Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets. One little
Tablet will give immediate relief or
money refunded. Sold in handsome tin
hoses ut -'5 cts. Ulakeloy the druggist.
Clark & Falk are never closed Sunday.
Don't foritet this.
Ladles' knit and jersey leitgins at the
New York Cash Store.
lioslyn, Cl?alum and Australian coals
by the Stadelman Commission, lil-lrn
You will not have boils if von take
Clarke & Falk's sure cure for boils.
Scow load of slab wood just received.
Maier & Benton. (13. lit
f!lrkn X- PnlL-'a ft nvnrinir urtrnnra urn
the best. Ask your grocer for them.
Floral lotion will cure wind chapping
and sunburn. Manufactured by C'arkc
& Falk.
Paint your house with paints that aro
fully guaranteed to last. Clarke & Falk
have them.
Clarke & Falk haye received a carload
of the celobrated .lame K. Put ton
strictly pure liquid paints
Wanted A second-hand fire-proof
safe. Must be in good condition and not
too large. Apply at the Chko.vici.k
office. o31-tf
DeWitt's Little Karly P.isers ure the
best liver pillfe ever made. Ivtsy to take
and never gripe. Sold by Clarke -k Falk's
P. O. Pharmacy.
When you want prompt acting little
pills that never gripe use DeWitt's Little
Karly Risers. Sold by Clarke A Falk's
P. O. Pharmacy.
Why pay $1.70 per gallon for inferior
paints when you can buy James K.
Patton'fl sun proof paints for $1.50 per
gallon, guaranteed for ft years. Clark &
Falk, agents. ml
Huslliug young man can make $00 per
month and expenses. Permanent posi
tion. Lxporienro unnecessary.
tiuick for particulars. Clark & Co.,
Fourth and Locust Streets, Philadel
hpia, Pa, e8-tf
j. Pnone 234,
Next door to First National Hank.
yi v.v.j.y-xir.vvKAT-vx v.iVi.v.TfciJiu.TUifc.i;y.i.v.i.v4 vi.vtur-vi.iuju.v.t.v.i.v.i.vt.
l.v Utiurlii
3 J.') it. in, 1
Hnaki: IttVKit.
Itiparhi to Uiwlhtcm,
! tW" 1'nrtu-n He.ilrniK to no to llcppner or
i rt 1 1 1 1 1 - nu ( uliiiiiblu Hniitherii via HL'i,ihoiM
take No. leavliiK The lialles at 1::I0 i. n
I riuikliiK dirret roiiiiciillniis ut Ileppncr jiinctloa
mul MluKh KetiiriiliiK iniiiiliiKillrietcniincctloj
' at lleppner Jiitit'tlon mid IIIuks lth No.
, rlvliiK at 'J he Dulles ni l'.'.jj p. in.
f TlieO. It, A. N. Mi'iiiner ".Mod(c"'hi now ait.
i Iiik nun lur trips to ttnletn mul Iniieimlcotf,
niuipuiK in mi way luimiiiKS. nne icavri rort
land on Moudayo, Weilnesilayri and KtlJiji it
i. a. m iirrlvlin; at haleri 1 p. m ami InJriTi.J
etire about li p. 111. on itaiiie diiyn. Rttumlii
boat leaves liidi'pi'lideili'e at .1 11. m, untSilom
11t1i11.111.ini Tui'Mlnys. Thurnliiyn and Stltt
ilaii, arriving at I'lirtliuu! nboiit p. m.umt
For full iarth:iilarK rail 011 O, It, , N, ('ai
niteiitTlie Imllu. or iidilresn
W. II. llfltl.lintT,
den I'm-, Ant , I'lirtland, Ot
hteainers o thii HeKiilator Line will run 11s i:r the fill- 'j
nv.ui; ehtilule. the t.'ompany reervliiK the rlcht to cliariKe'3
n':;oiiiie iviiniiui notiee.
Str. RuBUlutor
i- Palle.v
at 7 .1. M.
f: Tuesday
2, Thurnlai . . .
f Miturday ,
c- Arr, I'orthiinl
5, at !:! v. M.
mi " . M.
. Friday
Arr. Dilk-H
11 ; l'. m.
Ship your
Regulator Line.
Str. Dnlloa City.
l.v. Dalles
at 7 .. M.
WVdne-ihiy . ,
Arr. Portland
at i :M r. i.
Travel by the Ktenmers ol the IteRiihitor Line. ThiM'ompaiiy will endeavor to ulve Hi nat
runs the best erv.'eo possible. For furllier Information address
I'orthiinl Oillee, Oak Street !ock.
W. C. ALLAWAY, Gon. At. a jrjjr.i.imvj.Ti.T 1-rj.Tjjj.rj.r.ijr. u r.-rXr.txrl-,
in. 3
l. . I'ortland ,2
Mt":M).l. u. S
'I uesday H
. ThurMlay ,3
.biitunbiy 9
Arr. Iiallex jj
rtHI i H
Irun Pni
Dyspepsia Cure
UN K It A L II A.N K l .N (1 II U fc I N KH
'i ItlKht to 1-kIIii!i.
Tho woman who is lovely in face,
form and temper will always hnve
friends, hut one who would he attractive
must keep her health. If she is weak,
sickly and all run down, she will he
nervous and irritable. If she has con
stipation or kidney trouble, her impure 1 fc'
biooil will cause pimples, blotches, skinifi
eruptions and u wretched complexion. S
Electric Hitters is the bust medicine in fi
the world to reyulHto stomach, liver and
kidnejH and to purify tho blood. It
fives stront; nert-es, bright eyes, smooth,
vulvety skin, rich complexion. It will
make a K"ud-lookiiiu'. charming woman
of it run-do-wi invalid. Only 50 cents
at ISlakelev's drill? store. 2
Digests what you eat.
It artificially dlgcsta the food aud aids
Nature io HtrcnKthcnlng and recou
structing tho exhausted diuostivc or-
Write Bns. It lstlte latestdiscovcrcddigcHt
uub auu luiuu. no oincr preparation
can approach lb in ctllciciicv. It in
stantly rellovcsnnd pcrmanontly euros ,
Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, j
Sick Headache, GastralKla.Crampsand ! ' 1 , , , ero
all other results or imperfect digestion. , r, , v'w""""0
PrlcefiOc.antlfl. Lar(josUocontalns2H times H trenm Ja"11
smallslio.Uookallotioutaysjiepsiamiiileiltreo 1 r""i""ithi.iniiilliialii
' rcpared by E C. DcVITT A CO., Chicago. , ''"'d raemiirnne.
. ..ii lun i aoirui aiiiiurnei
Utters of Credit issued available in the
EaBtwrn Htates.
KiKht Echanuo and Telegraph!',
IrariHfera soltl on New York, Chinum,
bt. Louis, Sun Francisco, Portland Ore
gon, Keattle Wash,, and various points
in OreKon aud Washington.
CollectionH made ut all points on fuv
rable terniH.
Sold by Clarke & Falk's I'. O. I'harimicy.
L. Lane,
Sick Headache absolutely and permit
nently cured hy usinu Moki Tea. A
pleasant herb drink. Cureu constipation
and indigestion, makes you eut, sleep
and liappy. Satisfaction (.'iiuruuteed or
money buck, L'Scte, and 50 cts, Ulukeloy,
the druguift.
RlQPlf crniffi
iiiuuivoiiiHu im
...AND... 'SI 1
nuinn i
away a cold In ue head
('renin IS.ilin U placed Into tho nostrils, nprrnU
over lliu racinbrnnu and la aliaorbcd. ItclInflH lm.
laedhlo and a (.urn follows. P h not ilryinj'-doi n
not product niiclii. Lariio i n ceiiln at I)riie-
n litirh brill; '1'rldlfl--, KirtriNl j'in.'ill.
q lAMTIUIIW.aj U.i-.tii Mwi, .Now Vork.
n .
Yellowstone Park Line.
i.kwk. Union Depot, Fifth and! sts a mi vs.
No. 2. Fast mall for Tiiconm, No.
Heatlle, Olyinpla, dray
Ilarlior mid South Mend
points, Kpokiine, Uo.-k
land, II. t'., I'lllhiiau.
Jlor(iw, InIiiii, Mill
11 ;l.'i A. M. laloIIiinipniiiiliiKeoiiii .j;W1'. M.
try, Keleini, .MiniieaiHi
IIh, Ht, Paul, Oiualui,
Kansas City, St loula.
tlhleiiRo uud all point
No. I. east aud oiltheat. No-A
Piiaet Sound Lxpress
II;W) 1. M. for Tiiroma and Seattle ";WA, M.
and liilerineillate points
l'llllniaii llritclahN anil tourUt nhviicrii V
.MlmieapollH, Ht. 1'nill and MlMoarl river ilnti
without ehaiiKe.
Voitllmled tralnx. Ihilnn deit finineclioui
in an principal cuier,
IlaiL'jiue t!ht!kif 1 hi distillation of tlfkctl.
Kor handsomely II I tit mtttl iU':rliitivi-matter,
tii'keh), ideepliiK-ear ruservatloni, ele.,e.illiior
Assistant (ieueral I'lisneimer Aiteut, 'J SJorrl
mu Htrect, turner Third, rorllauil Orwiu.
SOUTH and EAST via
Southern Pacific Co
Shasta Route
Train leave The PalloN for Portland ami
stations at l.i a. in, and ii p. in.
Leave Portland ,S::a m
" Albany IJ.Jani
Arrive Ashland IMCI a in
" Kaeraineiil' d;oo p in
" hau Haneben 7 . pin
Wagon and Carrlauo Work.
Fish Brothers' Wagon.
Third aud Jcflcrn, Phone 159
help ' the team. Haves wear mid
cNpciibe, horn everywhere.
Arrive Oftdon
" iienvur
" Kansas City...
" (y'hleaKo
uve Los Almoin ...
Kl I'llMl
I'ort Wot th..
Clly ol.Mu;:leo .
New Orleans
New Voi k.
nrl.'i it ill
, imm a in
7: i'i a ui
7.I.1 a ui
, If." p lit
ll Ml UI
. 11 ,H a III
. ' .Vi a 111
I. una in
li J.i a in
0 li a in
1J.I ) p 111
-(Op in
10 W put
II, 30 am
1 ,:i 11 11
II 11 w
tun) a ia
7 jus
ti,;i 11 w
a 11 in
I, Kl M m
1, tn a in
1 ,1 ii 1 1
I ;4l 11 ui
ii "ipm
ii i-Jiiw
j 1.1 pi"
rullni."U and '1 urls cars on both M
Chair tin Hacrai ulo to Oxdi'ii and LI J
and tourls ears i hi ano, nt Louis, .se "
lealiN and V ashi 101
(iinncdtlni' at ii 1 Kranelseii with vi-rjl
Hteamshlp 1 in s ,) lloiiolillii, .lapaii. I"""'
l'hillipiue.s, Ci it ' 1 and nouth America.
ficoiiKentatTI llallea hlatlon, or inhlriw
(ienera I'usseiiKer McnU rotllmi'l. or
Clarke & J ulk havn on onlo u full ",ia
of paint up artist 'n brushet;,