The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, December 05, 1900, Image 3

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    Is Yoar Boy
I lo should Im.
Ho can ho.
II is not a niattor of largo expense.
Plenty of neat little follows wear our
low-priced suits.
(iood clothes largely help lo make a
gnnd hoy. Why not dress up your hoy
and make him proud of himself, as good
us an' hoy?
Our Boys' Department makes
good clothes possible in all cases.
No one is too poor, no one is too rich to go elsewhere.
Our $5.00 School Suits are the best in the land. f you pre
fer, we have cheaper ones at $3.50. The best cost you $12.50.
Hoys' knee pants suits from $1.50.
Wo have piled on a separate counter the
Suits that we are selling at half price,
tunity; broken lines, that's all.
balance of those Bovs'
Don't miss this oppor-
Most Remarkable Offering of
hadies' Suits
and Jackets
that has ever passed this way.
If low prices innke a bargain, high finality
doubles it, and that ia what makes this offering eo
extraordinary. Here are Ladies' Suite, there are
no newer, better looking or better made in any
store. They are to be sold at
25 off
This week
Ladies', Misses' and Children's
Jackets at a Discount of 25 per
You can have the new ones, nrrived from the
manufacturers just a short time ago, made from
smooth oxford cheviot, double-breasted, lined
with silk or satin, all handsomely tailored.
French Flannelettes
The most attractive cotton goods ever put
on the market by a manufacturer. Regular
price ISc; our price for the week
15 l-2c per yard.
Shoe Values.-
This is unmistakably the shoe
buying time of all times that is if
you want high-grade shoes at these
low prices.
Ladies' welt sole button, in kid and
calf; $4 values $2.00
Ladies' turn sole kid, button or lace";
$4 values $2.00
Ladies' all kid or cloth top, lace;
$1.50 $1.00
Men's satin calf, lace or congress;
$2 and $2.50 values $1.00
Boys' Shoes (elastic sides) in calf or
grain; $2 values $1.00
Men's kangaroo, cordovan or calf,
lace; 3.50 to $5 values $2.00
All Goods Mnrkftcl
In Plain Fluurun.
To Whom ft Mny Concern.
It having come to my knowledge that
parties, presumably interested, are
claiming that when I cold out my retail
interest at 1 Til, .Second etreet, French's
block, I contracted to tint open any re
tail business in i lit- city of Tim Dalles.
I beg to say that 1 cold my right not to
open any retail business between Fed
eral and Washington streets, on Second
street, and have and intend to conform
to my contract. My place at the Hank
Cafe is in no eene in violation of the
dl-tf C. J. S'nniMXd,
For Itrnt or Sal.
The Sam Wilkinson warehouse, on
First street, is for rent or sale. It, is a
three-story, corrugated iron building,
110x33 feet, with water elevator. Apply
to Sam Wilkinson, The Dalles. nlMMf
Men's lined and knit mittens
gloves at the New Yoik Cash Store.
plays s Crowe
The Dalles Daily Ghroniclfe.
u j:di:sday - - - dkc. r.. moo
h!iuoi and hog market in the world, but ' in ten yeais a saloon-keepurJias been
!. i . I .11 t . .. I ! - 11 I.
- I
mm p aorvod i 1
UjfMGlb -L..
A ikIi-ow K "or's. '
seen as a poll worker
Luke county lias paid into the state
treasury .-1077.1() on account of the scalp
there, bcuinty tax
ti,hasui;ui:.'s notjck
it now leads all creation he a horde
market. During the nine full months
of tlie present i.uleudar year 147,000
horaes were received and fiold
i......t.: it i...
........; . ......... .Vi.m. u, Seattle barbers w ill ncl: the Washing-
"II Of It)
" 1 ton legislature to make Sunday opening
According to the present outlook Mnl- 0f i,urher sho s a miedcuieanor.
hour will be the banner county in U.ej K foHti;a luyn i(i ejtpe(.tw, ut
Htate in the matter of court Iioiihub. ihe , nrirl. , , fni. ,,,;,, . .,
.building of a new one in Vale stirred , H, b' .fl ulieml of ()Ur boyB u,,d
"' "I' ' """" I,,,,,! -rl: m.iflt lm hud.
j written "Five" had been scratched and
I the necessary letters incerted to make it
I "Fifteen." The one unaccountable
'feature of the warrant was that it was
indorsed by a prominent sheepman of
the county whom no one could suspect
of fraud. The treasurer rushed with it
j to the clerk's ollice, accompanied by the
j inevitable and ubiquitous newspaper
; liend, onlyjto find that the warrant was
j entered on Ihe register for $15 and had
evidently been raised bv the drawer at
illicit. That will be three in the county.
I H' ...III 1... .lot ....... ..I...... fn i.i.'i.uf til
A 1.- tl 1... It... f..ll
prim li. heipt. iiil..!!' I, 1HD7, will l iilll . court IIOUHC . USKS uui minium uu
in ii'i'riclilHlliili ill my olllei., IntmiMt '.utte
"ihi'i iiflm- No vt'iuliiir 1IMIII.
.ioiin r. ii am 1'mii i ki:,
Cliuuity Trrmurer.
Ueiimuibor the Circle Hiicial on Thurs-
ilav evening, Dec. r h, at iMuternity
liall. , dl-lit
Soulo UroH., piano tiiiiitrC r i the
( The I.a Grande Chronicle gays that
John K. Hough, of that town, shipped a
i carload of onions to Seattle Monday
morning for shipment from thence to
j the Philippines for use of the IJ.
1 IrnmiH nmv Kniuiirtiiiii- there, and that
he was mittine readv to shin a carload I J,1(,l! F'bdu'le.v
of apples to Chicag.i for export to Liver
! pool.
In the circuit court at Moro yesterday
; Judge liratlahaw denied a petition for
a rehearing in the two of I). C. O'Reilley
vs. the uoiniiioia ftouinern iiauway,
A demurrer to
I the time it was issued. So the indict-'
C. S. Smith todav purchased the dry ! ment for forgery, that for a moment'
goods stock of S. L. lirooks, in the Kast j loomed up portentiously, was summarily
Mud, and will continue that part of t ho disiniased. 'i
business at the old stand. j Tomorrow, Thursday night, the people '
.John Hendricks, a boy of "JO or bo, , 0f The Dallas will have the rare oppor-!
who was brought up from Mosier the tunity of listening to the Original lioyal !
other day under a charge ef lunacy, was Marine Hand of Italy, under the man-
turned loose this morning and immedi-. acemenl of the famous operatic tenor,
ately left for the Willamette valley.
considered the youth
was moro of a natural b'irii fool than a
dangerous lunatic, and very properly
thought it best to let him go his way.
The Mclvinley and Hoosevelt club, of
Wiuilom pieeinet, Lbwi'm county, Wash.,
after carrying their county by a hand
some majoritv, concluded lo continue
oily and cm be found at either Monefee
tV l'.irhiiiH or Nickelsim's miirfic store.
Tiimorow A. M. Williains it Co. coin-
ineiiee Helline those .1.fi0 ladies' uiitent w v 1 .ft lit il It (1 tit illtfH
nther lace boots at a pair. j thu complaint was sustained some time 1 "'r Wll,k 1,1 "0"" ' ""iiHor.ii.
I...K T !... ll,... It.,., nf rn,.,ri,.H I ., IT,l,.r,l,iv' ruli.u- tll HiUIIHbIV'8 llltO a (.Ood Koads Cllll)
iw.. t .:..l;.ii iiin 'tt,' " ' r . . . . 1. .1....
.. .. ....... . .. 1.1 f ..ii i.:...iu 1 ..!..:....(.... .... i i ,.i I. ...... i ; a Hiarier mey iihk iiiiu a iiuii
rtllll Irllll IIIIU VCg'HUlli;.1 III llll tviliun. i Jlllliutlll in PiUU l.u iih.u iiumiuuin.u tin" J
I'liune No. !!. (bi-'Jt . dismissed the suit.
lound A couple of Hiuall keyH which! P.uyorH of hordes at (ioldendale say
the owner can luivu by calling at Uiih J that toe ItlDU-poiinu annual, broken to
olliee and paying for this notice. d l-'Jt liarnoB, Ih getting to bo very scarce.
llefore the war theHo horses could oe
bought for about from $00 to .100, but
lirollai for met), women apd
The Fair.
Siimor Ferruccio Gianuini. In the ren
' during of Italian compositions this band
! is said to be unapproachable by any
band in America. It played with great
I fin-cess for two weeks at the late Spokane
We are again able to supply our
f.;,. ...III. IV I'.O 11(1 mill ll.ri until Mill.
MI'llll.n llllll 111, !', !'' ' . 1. , I 1
children i "u ,w uijmiiiiitiin "'H" "
.f'JUt). tJaviury norses irom nun to i-'ou
pouuds cost the government from i0 to
.Mrs. fl. L. Jones begs to litiiujuucu , iyo each.
that she is now nronared to serve mealf
do-iJt I '
t regular hours at the Cafe, Second
htr.-ot , next door to the Mclnerny dry
V'oiids Htoru. j
lieiiiuiiibui' that Wednesday night is.
the tiiuii for Professor Sandvig'fi daiicing
chiH and the night when young be-1
Ulnnem Bhould by all means be present
on that occasion. d l-'Jt j
The day after tomorrow mny bo loo '
l.ili lo get yom slzis in those $11.00 shoes
Willlaiup tt Co. are putting on sale at 1ft-' t
tniimrrow. Vou had bettor bo early in
thin cam.
'The numbiir nf prisonersin the Ore
UMi peiiltiiniiary grows 1bh every year
"1'he number of convlctss now Ichh than
It Iiiih been at any Mum in two years,
"ml is about bovnnkV less than at thia
time four yearH ago
The Dalles football team has been
'lialliinged for n giimii each by second fncceplnbe,
Multuoinuh and Walla Valla. It Ih not
known whatiirriitigenientH will be matin
ill lllfi.r.i I., irilliwiu. fill llODOtld-
... 1 . ,T, 1 ...1.11. , . I
I" upon the interest ninnifoHted by thu '.(,
r ...
exposition and is now on its way Kast
after giving nine concerts in l'ortlend,
live at the Marrmam Grand and four at '
the Exposition building. Thehe fol
lowed in turn a series of lemarkably
successful concerts in Sari Francisco, As i
mile of this may be the opportunity of a life-
good load be built near tne county as a . tune for Dalles lovers ol music (lie ot
uiirkim. nuidel for the rest of thecjuntv. opeia house ouaht to bo filled to
"How do yon like Oregon?" was asked
tlie other day by Mrs. Kliza Vickers of
the live-year-old daughter of George
Denton who, with his wife and little
ones, arrived here a few days ago irom
fullest capacity.
Notice is hereby giyen that the part
nership heretofore existing between A.
Michael, 1'. Surad and P. Perlman, in
the Great Northern Furniture Store, is
this day dissolved by mutual agreement,
Mr. A. Michael retiring from the firm.
Messrs. P. Surad and P. Perlman will
continue the busine?" under the above
name of the Great .Northern Furniture
Store, and will assume all liabilities of
the tit m and ollect and receipt for all
debt due the firm, both in The Dalles
and Portland, Oregon.
The Dalits, Dec. 4, 1900.
A. MlCHAUl.,
(15-1 w P. Ser.u),
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Siyaature of
Kemember that Uocoanut Cream Tonic
will promote growth of hair. Charles
Frazer, pole airunt. nO-ltn
If von have dandruff, your hair is
fallinu out. Use Cocoauut Cream. For
gale at Fruzir's barber shop. n'J-Iiu
If your hair is dry and dead-like, Co
coauut Cream Tonic will give it life and
luster. It is pronounced the finest
tilde on earth. Can bo had at Frazer's
barbershop, agent. nO-lni
The only store ft
this city where the
Qenulne Imported
Ware is sold,
A little higher in
price, but outlasts
a dozen pieces of so
called cheap enam
eled ware.
Other wares look
has the name
Stransky Steel
Ware on each piece.
Do not be deceived
First prize at 1C
International Exhi
bitions. Highest
award at Worlds
Columbian Exhibi
tion. Chicago Pre
ferred by the best
certified to by the
most famous chem
ists for purity and
durability it is
cheapest because
Remember this
celebrated enam
eled ware is special
lv imported for and
sold in this city ex
clusively by us.
It does not rufet
nor absorb grease,
does not discolor
nor cntcli inside, is
notafl'eeted byncids
in fruits or
will boil,
Slfc. wl.ol
and baki
v i t h o u f.
impart in',
flavor o;
o o o k o d
foo 1 and
will iasl
for years.
Wo cau
tion tha
inutatio .i
(Iriuiil 31 iim u.'i uilo Hull.
W. J. Harrimau, administrator of the
estate of the late Kd Doyle, of Kndersby,
will sell at pub! c auction, Tuesday,
December 18',h, commencing tit 10
o'clock a. in., the persona! property of
the estate, consisting ol fanning mill,
grain drill, header, gang and walking!
plows, 8 nets of harrows, ti head ol
horses, 4 head of cattle, a wagon and
huinesp, blacksmith tools, etc. Terms
cash at tlmn of sale.
A huge audience gieeted Arthur C.
Alston's company in "Tennessee's Pard
nor" at the Vogt last night. The com
pany is an exceptionally strong one,
honorH being veiy evenly divided among
Its uieinbeia. The moat pleasing fea
ture of the peifornmncc, however, was
the Hjilondld singing by the iniiieiiuartei
In response to repeated requests that
have been made of Profess-or Sandvig
Iowa and are Rtopping with Mis. Vickers j during the past tix weeks that gentle
while the head oi the house looks out j man has announced his consent to give
for a location. "How do I like Organ?" I a grand aiai-querade ball at the llaldwin
answered the live-year old, to whom j opera house, New Year's night. The
Oregon as apparently not yet lamiliar. ' juofespor wants the public to under
"Yes, yes, how do you like it?" "1 ! stand that every measure will be taken
don't like it at all," with the reply. "I j to make the ball in every inspect first
like a piano lots better. ' clasp. l'efore entering th. hull all
m.. ii... "Hi. i.iMt.mi finmiiv ninrk : inaHiuers, without distinctio.i of sex,
I'Ulilie and the players.
A line ladles' dress boot will g"
"lc at about half the regular price at
A. M. Williams & Co.'s tomorrow,
.Needless to suy that this popular oiler
l"K will draw a crowd and that it may
I'h advisable to be there ahead ot the
wowd to got your proper hIssb.
Chicago Ih not only the greatest entile,
and we trust the Alston
company win piay a return engagement,
in the near future.
At the. Salem ally election Monday the
publicans, were beaten by thu citizens
by a niajii'H.v of fill. The council will
stand four republicans to four democrats
and popullstH and a republican mayor.
A dlHpiitoh says that all the saloons and
the elu'ttf store gambling places all
"stood in" with the citizens' reform
ticket, and In one ward Jack Uogers,
who owns three saloons there, was the
boee ohulliitiBer lor them, the first ttmo
will be required to remove their masks
in presence of a coniniitteu who will in
no instance allow objectionable char
acters to enter. Further particulars will
he announced later. d"7
I'uoriiii DiuiiMi .i.M (hung,
Mr. and Mrs. .1. D. McAndie, of An
telope, are in town,
Sheritr Kelly went to .Mosier this
morning on business.
1 Judge llriubhaw get through with cir
cuit court at Moro yesterday anil got
back homo lac t night.
Max J.ueddeuuiiin, editor of the An
al rived, hero today and
tllf f.lll il.tiiu ..iultii.i.
" . , iwilllltt. IH. .1 ..... 1.11 I El
property to J. II. Oakev, ol .Mitchell, is Mrieiius. x
enabled lo take up the last note, which Mr il()9(ph ji,,,-,,,;, mivilm.0 of
wan not due until July, 1U0I. j 0lil,ilm j0yal Marine Hand of Italy, i
The count v clerk spoiled a Hue item i that plays at t ho Vogt tomorrow night,,
this morning. Mr. 1. N. tJargent had i ti.- city. v ,
called on the countv treasmer to have I O.K. Slujipy, manager of the Kvle
some warrants redeemed, among which l-ber Co., wkb in town today looking
' ,.r . ... 1U), 'over the h.tuation with a view lo the
was one for frlO, issued July lb, IMHi. gU,tillk; of rt lwx tu(.tory
Mr. Hainpshire at once detected that ; 0pring.
. . ... . i...., i ...i., ...i i
tills pariltilliar warrant imu in-rii nuouu
llutler, of Wheeler county, recorded a
satisfaction of mortgage fiom Eugene
Kooney to K. K. Allen and wife for $.r) J,
274, says the Fossil Journal. The mort
gage was given by Mr. Allen to Mr.
I.ooney in June, 1S0S, when he pur
chased 87"i0 sheep and Mr. I.ooney's line
sheep plant and ranire near Mitchell.
It was a time sale, arid few people
thought Mr. Allen could overpay .nit,
with such a load of debt ; but the sheep
business, rightly managed, in lepnbli
can times, is a prolltable one, and Mr.
Allen was prepared to make every pay
K.Messrs. Pilling, Dlndemaii, Young and j iuwt iHlfim) it became due, and now, , f j, ".ltV,"
jliex. The entire perforinauce was veiy j tiroU, Belling a half iulerent in the j will remain t'i
m q. One thousand styles and sizes.
HSMl Pr cooking and heating. JM&SL. I
I'iF PHCeS y0 $S0 pl
I arfThe genuine all bear the above Tra-JeAlark Jf0J)7nL I
JIjsIIe and are sold with a written guarantee. 7tL I
I ISil Awarded First Prize Paris Exposition IS300Xitf I
ffmtSmfiii gold by First-Class Stove Merchants every wli6re, y y M
mmdf tj Uad8(11iy ty The Michigan Stove Company, U
from 'i to flu, and In an appaiently
clumBy manlier at that. There was no
mistake ubout it, A figure 1 hud been
written before the ligure , while the
Wanted girl to do general house
work in a family of two with no children,
Apply at this otllce. i SO-tf
Subscribe for Tiik Uiihonu i.i;.