The Dalles Daily Chronicle. WEDNESDAY cans furniahtng nil the capital for tbc enterprise. At this rate it won't DEC. 5 1900 c 'onS those blasted Britishers -. ; will be snj'ing we own them POllTO KICAS TARIFF ACT. Notice of Dissolution of I'Hrtnernlilp. After all the bitter things that xotce j9 itereby given that tho part have been said and written about nersliin heretofore existing between the Porto Rican tariff bill it is inter-, Grant .Mays mid I.. E. Crowe, under esting to know what the native. tl'1' f!f" "ame, "I"' & we wae a , , . , . , , . dissolved Deo. 1, 1900, Grant Mava re themselves think of it, after having j ljrjgi uvea over sis motitus under "its j The business will be continued under the old firm name of Mays & Crowe by ; L. E. Crowe. All claims against the j tirm will be paid, and all accounts and notee due the firm collected by him. Git.NT Mays, L. E. Ciiowi;, operations. What have been the results? Let a native paper, the Jan Juan (Porto Rico) Daily News nf Nov. 111. mon. answer. I "We have lived now." says the News, "for six months under the So ( i'iyi out. per cent preferential tariff. Tucj Dull Headache, Pains in vailoiis parts question now is, is it good or bad? of the bodv, Sinking at the pit of the Has it helped or injured us? The 'stomach, Loss of appetite, r-evenshness, legislature will have these questions Pimples or Sores are all positive evtden cee of impure blood. No matter how it became so it must be purified in order to obtain cood health. Acker's Blood Elexir has nevet failed tocure Scrofulous or Syphilitic poisons or any other blood diseases. It is certainly a wonderful I rpmpriv anil nrp qpll nvprv hnttip nn ft this very important question is solely I poeitiv0 guarantee. jjlakeley, the dnu upon the legislature. As it decrees, j gi3t. to decide. "We now have the question to deal with aside and apart from politics. Its use as a campaign club is past and gone. The burden of deciding! Drying preparations simply doTel op dry catarrh j they dry tip tho secretions, which adhere to tho nicnibrnno mid decom pose), causing n far more serious trouble) t ban tho ordinary form of catarrh. Avoid all dry. iug inhalanU, finuei, emokee and muffs auu uto that which cleanses, soothes and j limils- 'Plv'n Cronm Ttalm mnnnli nrimipilr I and will euro catarrh or cold in tho head j easily tuul pleasantly. A trial slzo will bo ' ! mailed for 10 cents. All druggists sell the ! "Uc. sizo. Ely Hrothon, 5(1 Warren .St., N.Y. Tho Balm cures without pain, does not irritato or cause 3necziug. It spreads itself , over au irritated and angry mufaco, reliev ing immediately tho painful inflammation. , With Ely's Cream Halm you aro armed j against Nasal Catarrh and Day Forer. ! ' 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE in TRADE mXHKS Designs Copyrights 4c. AtiTono f f ndlng a skf Ifh Rnil description rim nulckly ascertain our orlnlon free whether or, Inrentlnn Is probably patentable. Communion Hons trtcllycontJdentlnl. Handbook on I'MenU lent free. Oldest ncencr for fecurlnu patents. Patei.ts taken throuuh Munn X Co. rccelrt trtetal notice, without charge. In tho Scientific American, Ah.ndfmelrllltitrated weekly. l.reet cir culation of any ctenttae Journal. Tcrnn. W a year: Soldbyall newsdealers. MUNN & Co.3B,Bro,dwa' New York Branch Ulrica. 625 1' Ht Washington, 1. f so shall it be. If it desires to abolish the tariff and operate the island upon a free-trade basis, it can be so ordered. "If the people of Porto Rico, through the legislature, desire to continue the tariff, it can be done. A precedent has been established which will permit this class of tax ation. It has been legally decreed that such action is constitutional. "If the tariff is abolished, it is at once evident that a raoie burden some and higher rate of internal tax ation must be imposed. "Where and upon what shall this be levied is in deed a perplexing question. "Aside from all the difliculties that may or will arise from the A Difficult Problem. It is unions ti,e most ditlicitlt prol-t' leuis of natural science for one to become i ft Complete Cipe of Drus at M. Z. DONNELL, THE DRUGGIST. $ i .oo per month. .Strictly first dues local nud long distance, tuluptionu eurvlco within your homo. Lilies do not t:ros-ta!k. Your coii , vorsation will ho kupt a st'crot. No cost for installing. Ynu got tho standard Untitling Long Distant Instrument. Continuous day ami night survirtt. Wo will accept your contract for tun years and allow you to cancel saint) on giving us thirty days writ ten noticu. PACIFIC STATES TELEPHONE 00B. To remove a troublesome corn or bunion : First soak the corn or bunion in warm water to solten it, tlinr. pare it i expert in eeveral lines. J. E. Adcox & down as closely as possible without draw- Co., by their combination, have over- ins blood and apply Chamberlain's Pain come this iliihculty in n practical man ner. J. E. for rive minutes at each application. A corn plaster should be worn for a few days, to protect it from the shoe. As a general liniment for sprains, bruises, lameness and rheumatism, Pain Balm is unequaled. For sale by Ulakeley, the druggist. A P(pvril-r Mill Ka)iliiiiin. Rpmntps t-vHrvtiiini' in siylit: so tin drastic mineral pills, but both are mighty j ' President. Adcos is an expert watch- is cood on jewelrv. optical work and eupravinc. while Theo. il. Liehe is an expert optician and is good on watch repairinp, jewelry work and entrravinvr. Their price is as low as con sistent with good workmanship. They are prepared to do all work in their several lines, on short notice. Work sent ov mail or exurets will receive Just "What You uiant. prompt attention. Watch." .Sign. "Big Red , ft. M. liKAM., Cash let Don't dvnamite the delicate First national Bank. dangerous machinery of jour body with calomel,! oroton oil or aloes pills, when Dr. King's , New Life Pills, which are gentle as a THE DALLES - - - OREGON summer hree.e. do the work perfectly, j A General Banking Business transacted Cures Headache, Constipation. Onlv : Deposits received, subject to.bight a W - 1 J. E. FALT & CO., Proprietors CommepGial SampIe Js, Purest Liquors for Family Use Delivered to tiny part of tl to City. 173 Second Til Local, S5s Long Distunct' Draft or Check. Volcanic minimis abolition of the tariff, let us glanue ! -JC tu " "r" store- at the tariff itself, and see what it has rlnnn. Tn the last si.v tnnnths , oi joy. iiucKieirs .rnica b.iive cures . Hnd i Collections made and proceeds promptly i remitted on dav of collection. r!.i. i rr i ;.. tt . .t Are grand, but skin eruptions rob life n,K" i "cnauue boiu on the lfj per cent tariff has afforded the island as much, if not more, revenue tiian the 100 per cent tariff. The theor3 that 'the way to increase revenue is by lowering the taxes' is proven to be true for Porto Uico. This revenue will be constantly in creasing as our trade increases, as it is sure to do. It has helped the con sumer, for it has lowered the taxes , them ; aho old, running and fever sores, ' Ulcers, Boils, Felons, Corns, DIRECTOKS Wart. D. P. ihomphon. Jno. b. rchxncs, Cuts, Bruise?, Burns, Scalds, Chapped ! c,u' " ,LLYi' Bka,, ' ' K ' Hands, Chilblains. Best Pile cure on 1 - , earth. Drives out pains and aches. Only '2b cts. a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold at Blakeley's drug store. Many lievethoy are that their New idea6 in Wall Paper here. Such 1 wide variety as we are showing never be-1 fore graced a single stock. Heal iniita-1 tion creton effects at ordinary prices, j Good papers at cheap paper prirs. Elegant designs, tasteful colorings, yours for a small price, at our store on Third j street. Also a full line of house paints. D. W. VAUSE, Third St. I' PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Calces. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer. House people worry because they be- , T-O 1 T") "f-! IT Q y haveheartdiaeaie.Thoehances ' CLLLl LIXIw . . r Ifattd are illl right, but Tl,n i,n,1aral'.ul l.n r.,'-.. nnS:a:!r.n their stomachs are unable to digest food, i of t. A. cD-.LZ ;, sIlor). nfixt7iQnr to r.i T . f .if ... .i . I 9 1 T be has to pay, not only on American oul dyspepsia ture (uresis wnai you i the Vogt opera house, anil has I eat anu prevents roods. bnt unon all coods that enter u,,u t ' mrmauon o. gas chased the tools and ladders ' . . ... I which makes the stomach press pur- 0. Pharmacy. uur uiativui. iij uuiu;uuuii viiu lueni. jn(J ,war This results in an increase of impor- indigestion tations. This helps the producer by const'tnlly providing him a means to carry his goods to the great Aineri. I If you have ever seen a child in the agony of croup you can realize how i I'rAtpfnl irmfiif.ra nrf. In Onn liniirn can market, which is always so Cough Cure which gives relief as soon as 1. e !. - . i.lni .t.:. .,.t 1 . . ... . . ... uuuij iui inu jjiuiiuui, mis isiaiiu u s administered, n quicfclv cures has to dispose of. have a trafliu both must make one trip without a cargo, j xliert. ,8 no pleil3Ure in fB you drftd j and the freight is thereby doubled. 'going to the table to eat and can't rest! '.lie lormation 01 gas ..h.KPiI the tnnla ntnl l-iililnru. Hm ),na against : jjqo,! niechanics working for him, and will girtrantee all work to give satisfac tion. S. K. KELLY. It will cure every form of ;old by Clarke c: Falk's P. Again, unless we j coughs, colds and all throat and lungi .l A, troubles. Sold by Clarke & Falk's P. 0. ! ways, tne steamers VhmMy, Stylish Dressed Men.... ..CHJLS. mu Butehers and Farmers ..Exchange.. Keflp on ilrmicht tho celcbrnlul ( Ol.fMiltA IIKKi:, iickn.w: ulitcit the bcit bwr In The Dalle i, Ht the usual price. I.'ouie In, try it mid be convinced, AIo t)m Klnest brimai of Wlues, IJ juor unci Cixttrb. account of "A tariff helps us as borrowers; it! at night on will cive our securities a stand in Henry Williams, of Boonville, Ind 4 it U il. . . .. indigestion. ! , 1 . i K"'" wm.1' 1 liJ'wait; 111 lib, v ui .llllllinill 11 ujju l J i .1 1 1 E. V the United States, which they could lie suffered that way for years, till use . commf need IIih not have without a permanent Plirw ani .,,i(ia iivnu, t .,,,,li,w. revenue like the tariff revenue. The j I like and all I want and sleep soundly argument so often advanced in favor , every night." Kodol Dyspepsia Cure of a tariff tax as against other means ,ila(!St w,,at 'ou eat- hold ularke , .. . i . & Falk's P. 0. Pharmacy, of raising revenue, that It is easily collected, is especially forcible in Porto Hico. We would advise that the tariff is necessary, and if it were not, it would still be the most con -' venient and logical means nf raising ' My line ot samples covers all tho latest he designs for fall and winter, the price is Kodol Dyspepsia I "Sht, and I can guarantee a perfect lit. Suits to Order, $10.00. John Pashek, The Tailor. Sanchxtiehes of all Kinds always on bnnd. p. s. Gunning, DKALEIts IN fill kinds of I Funeral Supplies Crandall & Burget UNDERTAKE tf EMBALMERS Tho Dalies, Or. Robes, BuriaSh Ete. our revenue. ID per cent." Let the tariff stand ati l Full returns of the November election from all tho states give; McKm'.ey 7,238,5 1 1 votes, and Bryan ' (i,:JC0,79Cj McKinloy's plurality, j J377,718. In 18'JG, McKinloy rc-j ceiveel 7,107,!104 votes, and Urynn ,5a3,080 ; McKinloy's plurality, iu I,- j 221. McKinloy's vote was larger by 131,210 than four years ngo, Urynn's not as largo by 172,281, and McKinloy's plurality was larger by i 303..101. Contracts were recently signed in London and ratified in New York for tho equipment of the Charing Cross, Kuston it Ilauistead Under ground Railway with electricity, at a cost of about $20,000,000, Ameri- Lazy Livers are many tltneu the causo of various diiivjt4. Ninety por cent of tho American peoplu ar bald to 1j trouhlcil with liver nml stomach complHintA acli an coimtiiation, (lizzinitHf, JnUlKoittioa, ljlllousuuhs, mubkUU liver, cto. Baldwins Health Tablets No. 25 overcome and cure tlictuj Ills. Thrw) UbleU act uh a gentle Jiuu tlve. They make the liver and fctomituh do their duty an they Utiould, The wont olxilltuttu :hhuh yield to tlitite little UbleU. They cot 2io and cuii be procured at Clarke & Falk, The Dalles, Ortgon. I MATT SHOREN, , ' General Blacksmith ! and flotseshoeF. All kindn of blacksmitbing will receive prompt attention and will be executed in first-class shape. Give bim a call. Richardson's Old Stand, J , Third St., near Federal, Tbe D.dlee, Or. U Resiauram L. V, Hong, I'rop'r. First-Class in Eyepy Respect 31 K A I.N AT AM, IIUUIIN. , i Oysters Served in anyOStylo. tl" Swond ht,, Tho Dullei, Or. Wasco Warehouse Company Headquarters for Seed Grain of au kinds. 5 1 Headquarters for Feed Grain ot e 11 kin i Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kinds Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, "l!'1 Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle- ' ton FlOUr T',iH ,,!our ,fl '"anufaetured expreeDly for family D aCKSmilh I NS J,8CI our 1400,18 lowor tll,ul "' '"U8n in tbe trade, and if you don't tbmk eo wiuurvdlllllll, call and uet our nricea nnd WagOIl Shop, i Highest Prices Paid for Wheat. Barley and Oats. Horseshoeing.! Dealer in Blacksmith Supplies, Cor Second & Lanstilin, TJioiic 167 Advertise in The Chronicle. J. A. EBERLE, blNEy!F'9eTailori J)lt. It. K. HM1TII, Osteopath. ItoouiD 10 and 11, tlUuproan !)lo:W, Tlie Unlhs Oregon, tvn CHOCOLATE BON BONS. DIRECT from the FACTORY AT EASTERN PRICES. Geo; C. Blakeley, The Druggist. ! Te coioiia Packing Co., PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF MANUKACTDKKHH OK Fine Lard and Sausages Curers of BRAND Call mill eXilinilll) L'OOlIf, befnm i.r.lin. , HAMS . "BACON I'lfcowhore. Second Htreet, opp. ,Muvh & Crowu'a. I UHKF. IVJ'O. A eoiiipleto line of Full and Winter , fsultnu.'H, I'.iutinu'H ami Overeoatinn, now on dlHpluy. 101) illllenuit variotn-B to u lect from. Suits, $20 ard up. TIRED MEN. If you urn tbi) iinfortunntd viiitim of lack of rinrvo you know it, ami it would lie iihiiIdhh to detail tlm HyuiP M. tniux tn von. 011 i:in de-pimd upon it tlmt Lincoui ,v; Koxuni fillu ri'Ki'iiorato and build up tiio Hystoui oi i" Aj, tired man, and ulvu tlm proper (iimitiuna! netlona In nil iiioviiiii orBiuiH. Hu tlm kiuil of a man you out 10 w yes, lie a man ivice, $1 pur box buy of your iinis l8t or Bunt iiy mall on receipt of pric, in plain wrapur. LINCOLN PROPRIETARY OO,, Ft. Wayno, bub M. Donnell, Atent, Tho Dullee.