ricori.E COM 1 NO AMI oiiino, F. H. Button whs in vown today from Hood River. Hon. G. W. Johnston, of Dufur, wae in town today. W. M. McCorkle. the TyCh Vallry miller, is in town today. Marshal T. .1. Driver went to Portland this morning on legal Imstoess. R. G. Sicilian, a prominent farmer of t'u Dufur neighborhood, was in town today. Mayor M. .T. Anderson, Henry Johns ton and V. V. Crafts were in town lust nieht from Dnfur. Mr. Wilton Freeman, who lias heen ill with typhoid fever, left on the bout this morning for California, where lie espeets'to retrain hi health. Coroner' Inquest. Do You Cough? V0fiT Coroner Butts held an inquest this morning on the remains of the 111,111 thut was killed on the railroad track between Hood River and Hosier Sunday even ing. Four witnesses were examined, three of them being the trainmen, who were the only witnesses of the accident, and William Michell, of this city, who testified as tn the condition in which he found the fragments of the man's body, the details of which are too utterly hor rible to put in print. There was no evi dence to show that ever the deceased had lived in The Dalles, as was reported yesterday through a mistaken identity. Toe following is the verdict: We the jury impaneled by W. H. Butts, coroner of Waaco countv, Oregon, to inquire into the death of the body now before us, after investigating the facts produced before us, come to the following conclusions : That the name of the deceased was John Wilson, whose age was about 50 years, and whose home was at Helena, .Montana, where he leaves a wife. That the said John Wilson came to his death at the hour of 5:45 o'clock p. in. Sunday, December 2, 1900, at mile post o. 68 on the 0. IX. & N. Co.'a railroad, which is about two miles east of Hood River, in the county of Wasco and state of Oregon. That the paid John Wilson, then and there, while in an intoxicated condition, lay or fell across the north rail of said track and was run over tiie middle of his body by freight train No. "3 and in stantly killed. Tiiai the place where said John Wilson was run over and killed was at a curve of said truck, aud for this reason the train men were unable to see the decease i in time to stop the train before it reached the deceased, and this jury for said rea son does not attach any blame to said 'trainmen for said death. Dalles City, Oe., Dec. 4. 1900. John Fillook, Dan Dafkkon, L. S. Davi. M. Randall, G. F. GlIlNTIIKK, Neu H. Gates. " I cue?s T ucd to he like everybody cl.c. When 1 cntishtcold, ljustletitalone, think ing it would curcit.elfin a few day. ; ofcoursethc cough i u g mid spitting of m licit 8 ."o me times lusted sev eral weeks, nut alter while t li trouble would sub side. I ul w a y s no ticcu how ever, that each cold wa wor?o than tlicone before. My throat seemed to get weaker, and the least change in the weather started the coughing asaiu. The lat cold was the most severe of nil. I was really frightened. Cough drops and home treatment did no good. A friend told nie about Acker's English Remedy. I got n bottle, and you never saw the like of the way it acted. Before the bottle was gone I was well. My throat felt as strong nnd well as could be. Since then I have had no moro trouble. I think Acker's English Remedy so strencthens the delicate lining of the throat that it easily resists the changes in tempera turcanditbuildsupthc constitution as well." (Signed) CAnnin Schwab, XI Gold St., Brooklyn, X. Y. Sold nt2.)C.,n0c. and $1 a bottle, throughout the United States and Canada ; und in Eng land, at Is. 2d.. 2s. 3d., -Is. Od. If you are not satisfied after buying, return the bottle to your druggist, and get your money back, n V authorize tlif afore pva'antee. IT. jr. UOOKEll A- CO., l'npnttors, Xca Yerk. For sale at Blakeloy's Pharmacy. F. J. CLARKE, Manager. One Night.... TUESDAY, Dec. 4th. I Return of the Favorite Piny, ! Arthur C. Alston s Co.. IN Tennessee s Pamner PET 8PEBI Suggested by Bret Jlarte's Great Romance. The Success of pour Seasons Hear the Golden Nugget Quartet. Positively the Original Oast. Reserved Seats on sale at Clarke & Falk'a Pharmacy. Flrnt l'lt Korr. 7r; lliliiu: of tin IlouM'. 50c. F. .1. t'LAUKn, 31 an n Friday Evening, Dec. 7th: SOUTH and EAST via j - - lumitnorn Qmrin n ? f! i f 3 Si- f f i fa fa fa f 4 i f Tho Dulles, On. The Chronicle, dob Printers. li 1 jniTrrfTTiTitTTTTTiTTri;fX'TirxixiirmViixxxTtiiirxf 111x1111 titiTjrjbffttii tri itr JUS I ( i r t t I t IK. i i L. Lane, (SKNMtAI. Bttil j ...AND... i Horsesnoer Wngon nnd Carrlngo Work. Fish Brothors' Wagon. Third and Mown. PIiohb 159 r C. p. Stephens Tralnb leave Tlic Dalles (or t'orttaiid mul war , stations at t -i) 11. m. nud p. m. I,aillOH! I make big wagea at home, and want all to have the game opportunity. The work is very pleaeant and will easily pay $18 weekly. Tliie is no deception. I want no money and will gladly send full particulars to all sending stamp. -Alas. H. A. WiGctws, Renton Harbor, 3Iieh. Die 1-3 If you have dandruff, your hair is railing out. Use Cocoanut Cream. For sale at Fraz-ir's barber shop. nO-Im Wanted Men and women of good character.and references, to represent an established house, epleuded opportunity for advancement. Address P. O. Hox 587, Portland, Oregon. novlo-lmo Hustling young man can make $60 per month and expense)?. Permanent posi tion. Experience unnecessary. Write quick for particulars. Clark & Co., Fourth and Locust Streets, Philadel bpia, Pa, &8-tf You will not have boils if you take Clarke & Falk's sure cure for boile. I I " 1 e'IfW. Leave I'ortlaml. " Albany . .S:rrn m r.'.3U ii ni Arrive Ashland U:!nin ' SMcrumeulo ,'i;Cio i ni " ban t'runchco T:li i m Arrive Osdon " Denver " KuiiMifClty. " C'hlciso .... h : I.) n m . 0:W it m l:'ii :i m 7 : 15 it ni ":( p m I 111 r.. .. ... 1 11:50 a m I ::'.'i ii m b:li m H.ISnm 1i:iih in 7 :" in U:S0 a in Subscribe for Tiik CiinoxicLi:. BUSINESS LOCALS. Clark & Falk are never cloeed Sunday. T)ou'tforet this. LadieH' knit and jereey leggins at the New York Cash Store. Roalyn, Clialum and Australian coals by the Stadelman Commission. 21-lm For sprains, ewellings and lameness there is nothing so good as Chamberlain's Pain Balm. Try it. For sale by Blake ley, the druggist. Wanted A feecond-hand fire-proof i safe. Must be iu good condition and not Myron B. Rice's Comedy Co. Presenting the funnieJt of a!i fafces, My Friend From India Introducinir May Yokes in h'r original character of "Tilly." Arrive l-t Angeles . " lil l'-o " Kort Worth.... " City of Jlexleo " Houston ' New Orleans " Nn-hliictoii 1:20 i m 7:00 u m . . tl;t)iim ii:f)!m . . . f!::xi ii m ii;.' h in .... U:.V) n in u:.Ua m . .. 4:fJu in :iO a m . . dvS) u m fi.ii i in fi: 1.' n m fi-12 ii m New York !'J: 13 p m l-- U p m Pullman nml Touriit cars on both trains Chair cars aacramento to Ihrilen mid Kl l'ano, nnd tourist cars to Chicago, Ht LouU, New Or leans and Washington. Connecting at San Krancifco with several steamship linos for Honolulu, Japan, China, Philippines, Central and houth America. See agent at Tho Dalles station, or aiidres? C. H. MARKHAM, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Or MID mm Yellowstone Park Line. THE CELEBRATED .. .COIiUJIBIA BREWERY... AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop. Of the product of thiH well-knonn brewery the United States Health Reports for June US. 1900, says: "A more aupeiior brew ni-vor entered the lahratory of the United States Health reports. It is nbfolutely devoid of the slightest trace of adulteration, but on the other hand in composed of the best of malt and choicest of hops. Its tonic qualities ure of tho high est and it can lie used with the greatest bonolit and satisfaction by old and young. Its use can con.ciontiously be prescribed by the physicians with the cersainty that a better, purer or more wholesome beverage could not possibly be found." East Second Stroet, THE DALLES, OREGON. ' ...Doalor In... is T Dry Goods, Clothing, ; I , A Cents' Furnishings, j; it 1 1 IS J1 !fi i , Hoots, Klines. Hats, Ciiim. Niitlons. Ant I1 I jj 1 1, j lor W 1 DoiiKlas Hlioe. ' J 1 i ! 1 'ui'hecon'd Ht.'; KS' The Dalles. Or, 3S ZZZZi I ... - - WiMi i rm mm mm m , JAXLE fame nam 1 k ' H hclivi tli tpnnt. S.ivpi vnr nril R c .jicnsc. bold everywhere M PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer. NOTE DurliiK t lt notion of I lie r.im rrly a number of lilKlfUlos if clal t l.-s it 1 1 1 li liitroiluceil liy tho ciiiiiuiij', I'lilCES Flrt nve rrnrit, 7."ir; linlanco of IIih liuime, ,Oc. Seals vlll Ik-on al. at Clarke & Kali's. too large, office. Apply at the GlUIQ.NICI.12 oJJl.tf Nil KlRht to I KlllllM. The woman who is lovely in face, form and temper wi!i always have friends, but one who would be attractive must keep her hnalth. If she is weak, sickly and all run down, she will be nervous and irritable. If eho has- con stipation or kidney trouble, her impure blood will cause pimples, blotches, skin eruptions and e wretched complexion. Electric Hitters is the best medicine in the world to regulate stomach, liver and kidneys and to purify the blood. It gives strong ner.-es, bright eyes, smooth, velvety skin, rich complexion. It will make a good-looking, charming woman of a run-do n invalid. Only CO cents at IJIakelev'B drug store. ' 2 DeWitt's Little Early liisers are the! best liver pills ever made. Easy to take and never gripe. Sold by Glarke k Fnlk'e j You can't ufrord to rlst: your lif.- by P. O. Pharmacy. allowing n 'nodi or n r;itif In fl.ur.tnti Till: DINING CAP. P.Ot'TK KKOM POP.TI.A.Ni) TO THK KAisT. Till. ONLY DIP.KCT LINK TO THE VKl.I.OW HTONK PAI1K Union Detot, Firthantl I sts AllMVK. No. 2. Kait mull for Tiicoma, No. . Seattle, Olympia, (irnyV Harbor Jtml Koiith llenii tioiiitJi, hpokane, Itoss lam, It. C, I'll ) 1 tn fi ri , JIOM'OW, I.owhtoii, If ii f 11:15 A. II. faloIIiimpmlniiiKcoiin- ,';M P. M. try, Helena, 3Iiiuic-.ij-i lis, Ht. Paul, Omaha, Kanai City, Ht, Loiiln, iChicaKO and all oiuts No. 1, ,eat and toilthcat. No. S, Piiget Houtnl K.xiircv-. 11;30 P. M. for Tatoinit anil Seattle "jOJ A. JI. anil intermediate ioIuU Pullman flrst-clHkii and touriit lecix;rH to Mimn'iiixilis, Ht. Paul and Mln.ouri river points without cliaiiKe. Vostihnlol traliiH. I'clou depot connections hi all principal cltle. liaKiraite checkeil to dentlnation of tickets, For hundiomcl)' illusitriitiil descriptive matter, tickets, sleeplns-car ri'Mrvatloim, etc., call on or write A. D. CHARLTON, AsiUtant General PaswiiKer Accnt. a.VS Jlorrl kiii htrtet, corner Third, Portland Oregon. MATT SHOREN, General Blacksmith and Horseshoes. REGULATOR LINE. DALLES, PORTLAND k ASWRIA KAY. COMPANY hteamen of tho liiunlator l.lno will run a.i H!r the fol- 'J ok.iik tciKintic. mo company rcscrvliiK thu rlRtit to change M-hcilulu witnoiit notice. Str. Regulator l.v. DOWN. Dulles lit? A. M. Tnefduy Thnrtday .... Haturday. . . Arr. Portland at lM e. h. I.v or. Portland at "a.m. Monday Wvdiieoy Friday Arr. Dallea n H l: m. Ship your Freight via Regulator Line. Str. Dnlloo City. 1 now;; I.v. Dalle 1 at 7 a. h. i Monday VVdiieiay. , Friday , Arr. Portland at I:;) i h. l. . Portland at 7. K) A, x. '1 ue'day . ThurHlay , Katnrday Air. DalleN at.'i l'. u FOR OOMFORT ECONOMY AND PLEASURE 3 . . . ' .2 uinj the Hteamerx ol tho lU-Riilator l.lno. Tho Company will endeavor to i-lve itx m.t- H roiiH tho het etvke iK.,shlo. For further inform, tn i i, "Lu ,,IVt "" ,"'t 3 1, Portland OHlcc, Oak-Ktrect Dock. W. C. ALLAWav. n.. A.,f m pat- ,5 j iMI kinds of blacksmithinj,' will receive into nneiimoniu or nnNiimi.ilr.n. (in,, i prompt attention and will bo i-xecuted PUBIJCATIOX. Mi"",e C,,,,h Cnr wii c"'1' '" ' '" S"a" (i'V0 l,im " Cal1, , . , iui;b iniiiiiies iiii caei iinill itnv oilier. J.A.NH Office a. TllBlMtLM. Ob.. , ..:..,..' w ,.... ' Rlol,alRon'R Oh! Rlnnrl. NOTICE FOR October, 23, itoo. i u e , preparation known. Manv ilcetor Notlco is hereby slven that the folIowit.'K-' It uh H Htieclfli' for yrliint- U i- ,,. I., Wtiiied ettler hasfiitil notice ol hU iiiteiilloii 11 H " ' 1 Jr n ,s a" ' to make i dual proof In nipwnt ol hit cJalin, and fallible remedv fjr croup. Cli Idtun ike that tald proof will bo made befoni the reUter i .i . t. , , . anc receiver at The Dalle. oiui. r.n uwtiw.. 1 It and mothers endorse it. Sod bv (Jay, Dttembvro, W, Ua nUirl,,, A- K.HIr'a l Ci li.,.r.,.a... Ilmiry C. JlcKiinie)', of The Dille, Oregon, If. .IVNo. :,WJ, for the hi:j ure, ai, t '.' n, it i i;, wn; Ho iiameh the folIowliiB ullnexen lo prove hU cpiitiiiiiouk retldento uKn imd.ciilllvtttlou uf tald laud, viz.: V junk lJipjer, Jame It. Hleele, Krfo fir.iulmid, Albert Davidton, nil of Tho Dalit, Orvgoii. cl-"7 JAY 1. LUCAS, Jieuhter. Paint your house with paints that aro fully u'unrantecd to lust. Clarke &. Falk have them. Third .St., near Federal, Tho Dalles, Or. rin rfciiiiij'ft Clarke & Fulk have on sale a full line of paint aud artist's brushes. ONE FOR A DOSE. lrjr,Ta PlrnplM, Pr?tnt lllllurjjijo,,, Mn7 li00(J ine lluA.ctu. nml il;pji. PILLS 5 . , v-;-.'-;-',-i-;-;-:;;A;A.ArATAi-AiviiTAiiAiiViArina s- r IK C. J. STUBLilHG, MIOl.i:hM,K AND IIKTAM, 3, i '3! '3 Wines, Liquors Cigars Family Orders will receive prompt attention. 1 Next door to Firat National Hank. Phone 234, THE DALLES, OREGON. 3 ,ri.ri.Kjt Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat I t.nrtiticlally digests the rood audaid! is'tituio iu HlrutiRthuntug unci recon atructltiR tho exhausted digestive or pans. It Is the Jateatdlscovcreddlgest ant and tonic. Ko other preparation can approach It In cttlclcucy. It in Btantly rollcvesand pormanoutly cures Dysiicjisla, lndlyestlon, Ilcartburo, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea, Sick Headache, GnstralKln.Crnnipsand all other results of imperfect (UrcsUOD. PrlcoMc. and ft. LarRosUocontalnsSWtltaM Htnullaiio. UookaUatKHittlyHpepslaniiilleairw Spared b E C. DcVITT ft CO.. Chlcag Sold hy Clarke A Falk'tt P. O. I'liuriiiacj. lUM'AKT MIK TIK M'IIRI1III.K, 1 IIDM IIALI.KH. Ki.it Halt l.aki, Denver, Ft. Mall Worth, Omaha, Kan J.i p. in. k.iH City. tit. I'Miis OhlciiKii mid KitHt. Aur-.vi Kox Kt Mill t ;ftt i" b Atlan'tli! ih'iilt Ijike, Denver. Kt I I.U.w Kxpreis . Worth, Oiiiaha, Kim ... m.1 h.iM City, Ht. l-onli, Via lliint-l Chleiih'o anil Kait, iujttiin. HiKikanu ilall mid Kxprexn U:'.'.') p. in 8 p. m. Walla Walla, HM)kane, lIlnueApollii. Ht. PiiiiI. i) u 1 ii t h, Alllvkailkei.', Clilrauo mid Kait. via hMikiiiiuiikd lliintlni!' tun ; alio nil jmi! ii t. in WiiiihlliKtnil und Kaat I'm Oieoii. Kiiom Por.TI.ANl' Ocean Hteanmhlpii. Knr ban Kranclicii' Kvery Kivu lhh. ripokiiu Jl.ll anil i:Irwi ;i.30a,ta 4 p. m. p. in. H it tn Kx.hiiiiday.Coliiiiitilii llv. HteanicrK. Kx.biiiii iio ahtohia nnu nay Haiurday UuiiIIiiks. 1" , in. ill. III. Wll.I.AMKTTK KlVKU. 1'alp.W; l.i.hundayiOreiiuii City. Nuwheo;, Kx.hiiuW Halt-in A Way iJind'h, 7a. in, IWII.I.AMK7TI! AHI1 YAM rueh.'l hnr,, niu. Kivkhm. nml hat. jOreKiiu City, Dayton, I mid Wiiy.Diiiidimih. I.v Klparla uaiiy :i:3.'jii, m, SdAKK IlIVKIt. Illparia to IxiwiHtoil. :i,i p. n. Muii..el and Hi. I. KAVK I,KttlT0.1 II. lll- a. i" at I tm Partiea iIohJiihk to itn U'.m'ppi ' r: iHiiutK op Coliimlila Koiitlnirli via IliilU";, ""ul' ! taku No. luuviim Tho Dallen at 1-' '' ,', i.iiiMiiK uirti'i i.'iiiiiieittionK in iirpiniei ,, mid IIIkkh. ItutimihiK iiiiikliiBillrwif eiiiiiiiY'"" nt Ileppmir Jlimitliili and IIIukn i 1th "' ,'" tlvint; at 'Jliu Duller at la, ao p. in. 'Die O. It, ,v N. Hieamur "Mili.c' 'Is iwv lank' Dm temilar trlpi. to Halem mid Ini'Ll'11,'.,..' y lanninuh. nn iL'".'. .. t I final" v ,.elK.'IW' ""PPiiiK iii mi way iiiiiiiuik". mi" 1 ,. , , t ..inn mi jiiiniiayn, n eiinexiayH aim ,' ,J.nJ. .UK. I."' '-,, 0 a, in., nrrlvliii: nt haleri I n, in unci) about ii p. iu. on mime dy.v if''1'! '? hoat kvc Inilepundnnei' at -m. ""'"".''Si ni n. in. mi i iie.niay, inuiiiayp m - ila b, iirrlvhift at Portland iilmut ii p, m. w"" dayii. For full pnrtlouliirn tall on O, It. A t0'' HK'-lit Tho Dallen. or addiekH W. II. liritt.lH'KT, (ion. Pai.AKt i I'ottl'""1''" WW fill, r