The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, December 04, 1900, Image 3

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    Is Your Boy
I In should 1)0.
I lo (!flll 1)0. '
It is not a nisiUor of largo oxponso.
l'loiity of no:it littlo Ail lows wear our
jow-pricod suits.
!;iiod hoy.
and mulcts
a- any imy ;
Our Boys' Department
Ljood clothes possible in all casos.
No ono is too poor, no ono is loo rich lo go olsewhore.
Our $5.00 School Suits aro tho host in the land. Jf you pro
for, wo havo cheaper ones :i.t $3.50. Tho host cost you $12.50.
1 Soys' knee pants suits from $1.50.
clothes largely help to make a
Why not dross up your boy
him proud of himself, as good
Wo havo ))ilod on a separate counter the
Suits that we are selling at half price,
tunitv; broken lines, that's all.
balance of (hose Boys'
Don't miss this oppor-
Most Remarkable Offering of
Ladies' Suits
and Jackets
that has ever passed this way.
Tf low prices make a bargain, high quality
doubles it, and that is what makes this ollering so
extraordinary. Here are Ladies' Suite, thorn are
no newer, better looking or better made in any
storo. Tliey are to be Bold nt
25 off
This week
Ladies', Misses' and Children's
Jackets at a Discount of 25 per
You can have tho new one?, arrived fiom the
manufacturers just a short time ago, made from
fcinooth oxford cheviot, double-breasted, lined
with eilk or satin, all handsomely tailored.
French Flannelettes
The most attractive cotton goods ever put
on the maiket by a manufacturer. Uegular
price lSe; our price for the week
15 l-2c per yard.
Shoe Values.--
This is unmistakably tho shoe
buying time of all times that is if
you want high-grade shoes at these
low prices.
Ladies' welt solo button, in kid and
calf; $1 values $2.00
Ladies' turn sole kid, button or lace;
L values $2.00
Ladies' all
top, lace:
Men's satin calf, laco
2 and $2.50 values .
or congress;
Hoys' Shoes (elastic sides) in calf or
grain : $2 values $1.00
.Men's kangaroo, cordovan or calf,
lace; $8.50 to $5 values $2.00
All Goocln Marlcet!
in Plain Flcunis.
Ta Tailor "'I'viU Phtintvole. , 1!! 0 a pair regularly, but next Thurs- and patrons of the whool showed ttieir
, u-uiiuj Aimy vi.iwiw ; day. Friday and Saturday lliev will be appreciation of tho lady by
dkc. -i. moo
,v A rid row V.
All N'iinimi lliiiint.y tviirrnnlH ri'sinK'riiil
irliu In hrptflnlmr I, I Kill, will In)
mi iM'tinrntutliiii nt my olllm. Inii i.i'Ht
irmM Hfti-r NnviMiilmr llMlfl.
l.'niiiit.v 'J'i'imitiri'r.
ow load of Hlab wood juHt received.
Jl.uer & F.onton. d3 !!t
llenioinbcr the Circle Hoeial on ThurH
ilav uvuning, Dec. (1 1 1 1 , at Fraternity
hall. U tit
(Jiieen Victoria in having her will re
vicd. Her fortune iH estimated at .fllO,-
liuii Tcugtin has a line lino of groceries
and f i nit and vegetables of all kinds.
I'liono No. I!. il-i -lit
I' (iiind A couple of Hinull keys w hich
ttn-iiwner can have by calling at thiH
ulliiv and paying for tins notice. dl"t
MrH. 11. L. .InueH begs to announce
that nho iH now prepared to Hcrve inealH
at regular hourH at the Cafe, Second
street, next door to tho Melnurny dry
goods Htore. tM-11
Kcinuinbor that Wednesday night in
the time for Professor .Sandvig's dancing
ii5 anil the night when young bo
Kilmers Hliould by all means be present
m that occasion, d l-'Jt
Tim funeral of .Maurice Gushing, wTkT
at Sumpter Sunday, will take place
t the Catholic church in .Una city
Thur.ultiy afternoon at U o'clock. Friends
of the family invited.
A groat event among the local Wood
men of tho World will be the visit of the
Hold at .f'J.OO a pair. A rare chance to
got a tine dress shoo for next to nothing.
MrH. Pearl liurford, who has been
here for a Hhort time undergoing medic
al treatment, died this morning, Decem
ber 'Ith, aged "I yeaiH. She leaves a
hiiBliaud, who in a icHident of the Hart
land country, Klickitat county. Mrs.
Purford had been ill for a long time,
and her death was not unexpected.
I Mrs. Mary 1'.. Huntington has per
1 fertod arrangements whereby the fire
insurance bushies" of tho late firm of J.
M. Huntington A: Co. will be continued
by her. She will be pleased to renew all
expiring policies issued by .1. M. Hunt-
iiiL-ton & Co. and to write such further
lUKiirauce as may be entrusted to
hur. Ollico at Huntington & Wilson's
! law ollice. n!!0 1 w
' Fifteen municipalities in Southern
1 California have b.iuished the saloon, and
! 1(0,000 people are under local option laws,
j Tli towns aro Pas.uleiui, lliycrside,
Monrovia, South Pasadena, Long Peach,
I 'Orange, San .laidnto, Klsinoie, Coinpton.
i I.- i!. i.. !).. f)...ii i,, uu.iit;,,,.
ini:tuiwiuii, i uiuuiui iutiiaut ir, uitbiiri , .
! Santa Monica and Ontario. Jliversido points
('oniiiiiui y'liiincll I'l occi'cllliK"--
turning out
in Hiich numbera that the Fchool room
didn't near hold the crowd. The ad
mifieion to the entertainment was free'
hut so lively was tho bidding thai the!
proceeds from the sale of a lot of briskets J
filled with fruits and candy netted the I
lihiary the snug sum of i4.7. I
At a late hour a game of football ii as I
been arranced between Heppner and
The Dalles at the former's grounds on
the afternoon of December 14th. This
game is for the championship of East
ern Oregon, and the Dalles team should
The regular monthly meeting of tho
city council was held last nifht witli all 1
the members present except Council
man H. C. Liebe and the mayor, who
was out of town. In the mayor's ab
sence Councilman Gunning was called I
i Kr
Krnent Webber,
m Djrragh.
ldrev; Jensen,
The treasurer's
is as follows :
Nov I JS-tl available caMi sen
em! fund
Kccuijits from all ouniu-i
! Total available ca'li
do 00
do 7 00
dj 1 50
report for the month
5 1177 -Is
Georce Kraiiie ap- Jy inttwt on boml
t!ie council anil
.?cno oj
. b70 1'5- 1170 :
lial available cash Ken. fund. J7U7 2u
cash account ok fiEnr.aL
ni'.i i;i
.in; 7s
siun ill
! liy intyiet on bonds
! Warrants redeemed
..WOO 00
county has a prohibitory law and i second
Ventura and Orange are trying tor one. j three or four times during tho whole
Superintendent Gardner of the 1W j "' Hpppner's skilled heavy-
and Girls Aid Society telephoned tho ("eights talked (l.romh, over and under
to tho chair.
.John liunn and
peared before
j)lained of a dead cow and a
that had been dragged by a neighbor ' Nm. iT(', avulluble cash
i into the vicinitv of the complainants' ""'"J1'! ";i!rrs-
i , , . , , . I Kveidpts for month
j property and left there to poiuts the air.
On motion the marshal was ordered to !
j I . ... . r. i rnvrn
.-pare no enon u, Ki m reamness .or , havtJ , nuieance abated,
the gam?. All members of the asiocia-1 The followil,u I)elitiun for a sewer on
tion, and especially players, are r-1 Court street, fiom the river to the bluli',
quested to meet at tho opera house to-. .ad an(1 U10l, wa8 referml t0
nigniai0;..o.! iiiu leum u comaiittpe on stieets and public'
mil f, l oui u i j i r ii uiii tin liiiiii 1 1 ii nfO ptTt V i
To the Mayor and Common Council of , Uy eas-n as per ca-h book iVM :
Dalles City: j Councihnan Kelly suggested that
We the undersigned, property hold- . fcometlli!1,, oll,,,lt t0 ,w don with t,e
era aojatvnt lo Court street, would nst: i ,, ... ., .
your honorable body to lay a terra eolta I tnu,1,i 111 lH u,t-v treasury so that
tewer from the river to the bluff, on I it might be earning interest. He was in
Court street. Said sewer to be laid ! faVor of investing it in eountv warrants,
sulliciently dee.p so as to drain all th i A H ,ioi,,lt ng VKVn,M ,IS t0
property adi tcent to said Court street; i . . ...
i:.i.l nroneit v. on each side of said Conn ' whether or not under existing revenue
the Ii i fit half and -'.) in the j btrm on jmif 0f d,,, block to he assessed
The visitors only had the ball ! to pay for said expense; said work to lie
Doe 1-
-To balance available cali.
TO lllll!ll WL.Tlltlts . ..
To c.i'h In Milking fund .
Hi", S3
? l'j
.'707 2.1
171 0i
game is pulled oil'
It may he of interest to tlie Dalles
boys to learn that the football game re
cently played at Heppner between tho
big team of that place and the hiL'li
school team of I.u Grands, was won by
tho former by the score of 04 lo 0. 'I lie
Times states Jthat Heppner scored o"
sheriir last night that Alva Simmons,
who was sent from here to the home
about three week's ago, had escaped and
would probably beat his way back to
The Dalles. Siiniuous was accompanied
by Wilbur Allen, a lad of his own age,
who was committed from Pendleton.
Tim authorities heru aro on the lookout
foi the truants.
Owing to a iiiiHUudcrMaiidlni: in dates
tlio Circle social will be
evening instead of Friday evening. Ke-
'Siiii.iiiluir ii iu imlv 111 emits admission.
pand a novel program lias been proparod.
There will be liome-iiiade cii lies, and
refreshments, if you wish them: thero
will bo inusie for dancing, if you care to . .
dance, in addition to program, and mere
will be a midway at this fair worth
seeing. Admission 10 emits.
them and made touch-downs whenever
they felt like it."
Mr. Louis M. Bunnell, of Centerville,
and Miss Nellie M. John, of this city,
were united in marriage Thanksgiving
day at tiie residence of the bridegroom's
brother, Mr. M. D. Bunnell, ten miles
south of Cenlerville, llev. N. Kvans, of
Gnldendale, olliciating. The ceiumony
was performed In the prefencn of a largo
number of friends and relatives, after
vhich the company sat down to an ele
gant dinner. The wedding presents
were numerous and valuable. The
young couple will make their homo for
the pieseut at the M. D. limine farm.
done according to law and let to tlr
lowest bidder.
M.unv. & Pr.vr,
I'jti.w. & NnsciiKi:,
A. KlllTlXOUX,
.1. W. Fnuxon,
D. W. Kkhxcii,
Mits. U. C. Kmi,
Guo. A. l.inin:,
Wm. McCitu.M,
Masoxu: I.odcj:,
nv John M.wtnux,
Tho following bills were allmved and
warrants ordeied drawn on the treasury
for their payment :
Peace & Mays, indse ifhTJ 71
buy county war
out a broker's li-
l:iw, tlin city (jotild
rauto without takiuii
csnse, it was linally agreed that the tin
mice c nnmittee should confer with the
local and Portland banks and see what
interest, if any, they Mould tw willing to
allow on a time deposit.
The recorder was intiucted to re
quest the city treasurer to furnish tho
council at its next regular meeting wilh
a full atatoment of the city's finances.
For Hale.
Kastern Oregon timothy liny, $15 per
ton, f. o. b. Tho D il'en. Kistern Ore
gon wild hay, $lfl.i0 in car lots.
Mi Cri.r.v k Cayi.oi:,
ill-Uw I.a Grande, Or.
Belgian Hares to Lease.
I have about 100 thoroughbred does
that I will lease in lots of 10 to respon
sible parties on shares. Appv lo
C. K. I5A l'ARI),
n:i0-2w The Dalles.
If your hair is dry and dead-like, Co
coanut Cream Tonic xvill give it lffe nnd
luster. It is pronounced the finest
tonic on earth. Can be had at Frazer's
barber shop, agent. nO lm
Men's lined and knit mittens
gloves at the New York Cash Store.
plays k mm
Tho only store fr.
this city where tht
Genuine Imported
Ware is sold,
A little higher in
price, but outlasts
a dozen pieces of so
called cheap enam
eled ware.
Other wares look
has the name
S transky Steel
Ware on each piece.
Do not be deceived
First prize at 1C
International Exhi
Vritions. Highest
award at. Worlds
Columbian Exlnbi
tion. Chicatto Pre
ferred by the lx?st
certified to by the
most famous chem
ists for purity and
durability it is
cheapest because
Remember this
celebrated enam
eled ware is special
Iv imported for and
Fold in this city ex
clusively by us.
It does not rutf
nor absorb praise,
does not discolor
nor catch inside, ii
fruits or
will boil.
and link i
w i t h o u t
flavor o;
is o o 1: o d
food und
witS 22i
for years.
Wo can
tion tl:
Iraternal tivaneollHt of the order, Profes- ,
for John P. Makin, of Salt I.ako City,, List Saturday Xathaij'Cooper arrived
iM'xt Monday niuht at the ilaldwin. ! in the city from Hillings, Mont., accom-
named liv bin urtuu, no
of DIxMilutloii of I'm I oclllli.
It uaiy interest somebody who lost n
r I'.illini-H
witli Mifs
parentr', Mr. and Mta. D. .1.
Mr, Cooper is it worthy young
.!.. I . . (I l I 1 I
r" " . '; ., . ! Crampton at Uillin'gH on Xovombe.-'Sth
."oueiynujm.ll.Ol.ow. urn nu. "-,,, ..: H,unil u hort ,,, .,, lho
CO) mil- iF in ..1.-1 l.iiv III, ll III' fill IL"!!- "
iiiutun Htreet, north uf tho M. K. church. l(r"01",ra
ills oiriciiUly iwinounceii in j lliailf
unit I'niHident Kriiger will no iceeneii )u HHi,lt)(,Hi H wt,u u8 oiher respects.
Uh'ic- with all honoiB due the chief of a , ,j,n frjlimjH -i'i,,, i),,l,jri will extend to
l''e. Tim empenir, lio-vuver, will Htuy 1 tjl(,m tjlt) heartieut rongratulalioiu and
av from Unrllri during the timo 1 m,Ht wishes.
Hi" I'.oer president'.) visit. j A V(,ry M.B(.sfi M.ll( nteitain.
A iaii'o nuiiiber of those whe will1
' uik'lit in coiiuectiou with tlin close of a
Notice is hereby giyen that the part
nership heretofore existing between
Grant Maya and Ii. K. Crowe, under
the (inn name of Mays it Crowe, was
dissolved Nov. 1, 1000, Grant Mavs re
tiring. The business will lie continued under
the old llrm name of .Mays it Crowe by
L. Iv. Crowe. All claims against the
linn will he paid, and all accounts and
F S Gunning, rernirs 0
Maier it Denton, mdso 1" 50
a co
75 00 ,
75 00
(10 00 1
One thousand styJes and sizes.
Prices from $s to $50.
Ihirlin , ,..,. i, wni.i.Heded I ii'ites line the firm collected by him.
.u ........... n. .
!Hi.M .11.11.!
Ji. I'I. CltOWK,
Dr Shackelford, med services..
T .1 Di iver, inaishal
George Brown, engineer ....
James Like, nightwatchmaii
0 J Crandall, treasurer 20 00
Ned 11 (iates, recorder 50 0)
Dalles Water Works, water 50 ill)
Tillies-Mountaineer, printing. ... - 00
Win Moiganfielil, labor til)
do U 00
do ::5 oo
do I!5 00 ,
do 15 00
do L'O 00
do 11 00
do 0 00
do 17 00
do Ii 00
.do 50 00
do 110 00
tki' part lu the "Tninple of I'ainu"
'io present at tint preliminary meet
'"t; last night. 'J'lm llrst rehoiusal will
held iu tho baaoiiiiint of tho M. K.
Tor Infants and Children,
1! II Atkinson,
A T Dodge,
G George,
George Davis,
Sum Atkinson,
A O Hogiie,
.1 N Setterwhite,
!: M Crew,
Fred Chandler
Win Galbreth,
F Plonker.
J A Madilrou
Aim I'leeman
I'oter Petersen,
James Douglas,
W K llrown,
U W Satley,
lit'lt I'lltOll,
Frank Carlton,
John ('uiiimings,
do 10 00
l u.. ... . n uuill
i ikn Vinn vmi uoun Aiuioiie unnn-ni i , . it i......
1,1 l.v MIm l.tli.o-ln., MnrHn. I1IC IXIIIU I UU IIQIU ninOlO UUUtlll A i .piiiiiu,
lllllll lh"- I 1 . IllV'
i .....
of tills city, Tho Diitortaiuiiient was for
tim benellt of the school library. Tho
:liurch Thursday nvenlng nt 8 iliO, It is i ,.., f.f .i.0 district corisidcred tliut
i. . . .
"iiportant that nil iilmrmiterB w iriteoui.
'rhone'ludiee' putont leather hIioob in
A. M. Umu.i.Q .& (Wu hnw window.
Iiavo youiioticoU thumY They're worth noered by Miss Martin nnd the pupils
Miss Martin's term was the most satis
factory ttiul Hueoeesfnl over taught iu
tho district. The program wus engi-
Boars tho
8iuuturu of
iff . yirj-4
Wanted A girl to do general house
work iu a family of two with no children.
Apply at this ollice, nRO-tf
ive Diinaldsou,
Chillies Fonts,
W , a u iNenur,
i i i.-,,..-..
Charles Payette,
O Nickelson
James Iilakeney,
Jell' Dripps,
Frank Plankey,
1 00
7 01)
li 00
II 00
7 00
0 00
0 00
S 00
10 00
7 00
rThe genuine ail bear the above Trads-Aiajk.W
Awarded First Prize Paris Hxnosilion IG90 ft
KlxSji. U-sfiT 1
do 12 00
10 00
10 00'
Sold by First-Class Stove Merchants everywhere,
m.....i. i.v The Alichiirnn Stove Comnanv.
Iarjjeut Makera o( Btovim und ltmiKea In tho World,
Oak Slaves.
do -10 00 1
lil) 00
do SO 00 1
.1.. n cur 1
do 10 00