1-KOri.K COMIXO AMI OOlMJ, Do You Cough? V06T S. F. ttlvthe. of the Hood Kiver Gla cier, was 'in town for a ehort time yes-1 tenlRy. " I puc I ncd to he like everybody cl.c, u..ii, trit, ,..! C. H. Wood were When I causht cold, I jti.it let it alone, think' in ton vesterdav from Mooter. Miss Grncp Ho'non returned yester day to Portland to reume her studies in the Basiness Colieee. Miss May Enrich! returned to Port land yesterday after a short visit with Dr. and Mrs. Hush Logan. Mrs. D. M. French titid two children, nfter spending Tt-ankiiriviuj: here, re turned to Portland vesterd.iy. Miss Esther Hextt'r, of Portland, spent Thanksgiving with Mrs. Tuluiie and re turned to her home yesterday afternoon. Professor Aaron Fraz;er, who has been n resident of Mitchell for some years, lias returned with hi" fumiiy to his old stamping crouud at Dnfur. . , Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Lake and children returned last night from spending Thanksgiving with Mr. Lake's father, Mr. John Lake, of Portland. r- .Indge Bradha- went to Moro today, : where he will open the December term of circuit court this afternoon. He was accompanied hv Judge A. ii. Bennett, W. H. Wilson. Frank Menefe, R. S. "and Mrs. Huntington and Sam Stark. The game of football, which had been nTrnnged between The Dalles and Astoria teams for Dec. S.h, iias been postponed to a later date. The Dalles team will not play Pendleton on Dec. 22nd, as that arrangement interferes with the game between The Dalles and Portland High schools, at Multnomah field. Those oravenette coats, gentleman; don't forget them when looking for an overcoat that will keep off the frost and cold as well as the rain. Although there is no rubber hatever used in the con struction of this goods, yet it is entirety and absolutely rain-proof. An assort ment of these cravenette coats may be sewn at A. M. Williams & Co's. House F. J. CLARKE, Manngor. 113 ing it would curett.-ell in a few da , ofcoursethe coughing and spitting of mucus sometimes lasted sev eral weeks, but after a while the trouble would sub side I al ways no ticed how ever, that each cold was worse than theone before. My throat eonied to pet winker, and the least change in the weather started the coughing asain. The lat cold wa the most severe of nil. I was really frightened. Cough drops nml home treatment did no nood A friend Sold mc about Acker's English liemedy. I Jr-nt n hntile. nnrt vim never saw the like of jjtiie way it acted. " ltefore thcbottle va gono 1 was well, Aiy tnroni ten as strong aim wen as could be. Since then I have had no more trouble. I think Acker's Enclish Ilcmedyso strengthens the delicate lining of the throat i that it easily resists the changes in tempera- i ture.anditliuildsupthecoiHtitution as well." I (Signed) CAr.r.in .citWAn, i UjI Gold St.. llrooklyn, X. Y. Sold at 25c 50c. and $1 n bottle, throughout the United States and Canada : und in line land, at Is. 2d.. 2s. 3d., -Is. 0x1. If you are not satisfied after buying, return the bottle to your druggist, and get your money back, tt aiitrri:r the a- rntcantce. If. II. J100KKU it CO., Prvpriitort, Xev l'cri. For sal'' n Rlnkeley'c Pharmaev. One Night iTUESDAY, Dec. 4th. Tennesse a Fuiyiiui Return of the Favorite Play, 1 Arthur C. Alston's Co., IN I u Sng.'ested by Bret Harte's Great llomance. The Success of pour Seasons j Hear the ! Golden Nugget Quartet. j Positively the Original Cast. Iieserved Seats on sale at Clarke & Falk'fc Pharmacy. Klrt Five ISO-.V., "iir IlilllllMe of the Iliiune, Tillc. VQGT H HOUSE1 I ' SOUTH and EAST via ' iGnutoorn Itanifin Pn : The new sidewalk on the old brewery grade, for which the council appropri ated J30 at a special meeting held last week, is in course of construction and it is expected will be finished Wednes day. This will be a ureat convenience, especially in muddy weather, to the res idents on that part of the bluff. To Wliiiiu It .Mhv Concern. V. .1. ri.AltUK, .Maimgi-r. Friday Evening, Dec. 7th: Shasta Route C5 fa The Dallen, Op. The Chronicle, dob Printers .is L. Lane, (I KM It A t. i '5- t BiaGKsmith ...AND... Horsesnner Wagon and Carrlogo Work. Fish Brothors' Wagon. I i Third 8Ud JcfTcrnu. Phone 159' ly.i.f.LTAii jr j to-ih rujujtjjrt tih. J C. F. Stephens .Doulor In. Dry Goods, Clothing, Gents' Furnishings. st it atiiniiTtinnimniiiniTiTnmitrtTiTi iiiiriilitrriulMiirirjriiiiJMtT Miilir? llootv Shoos. Hats, Cap Nullum fur V 1 IiiuikIii Hli h; ArI. Telephone Nil. N), !-i.f.mil Ht Tho Dalles, Or, 1 Trains, leave The Jlle lm l'ortl.nitl and vrnj i t sutious at l.jj a. m. ana .. i. m. It having come to my knowledge that parties, presumably interested, are claiming that when I sold out my retail interest at 173, Second street, French's block, I contracted to not open any re tail bueiness in the city of The Dalles. 1 beg to eay that I sold ray right not to open any retail business between Fed eral and Washington streets, on Second Btreet, and have and intend to conform to my contract. My place at the Dank Cafe is in no sense in violation of the contract. dl-tf C. J. STrnuxr.. Ijwivc Portland " AlUnir Arrive Ashlumi " saenunento . . . " sau Francisco . .1-J.SOaiu ....12:.ti m . . . . 5:(0 p m 7:14 p m TO1 ji tn 1U J m l."f a m A :'!." a m s:lia m THE CELEBRATED 4 .. .GOIillJlBlA BREWEKY... Arrive Olim 5:1.1a m " Denver 0:00 a m " Kansas Clly 7:'inm " ChioiKo 7:15 u m Arrive Lo Atmelw . . " Kl I'awi " Fort Worth. . " City ol ilexleo . " Jiouston ' New Orle.ui ' Washington " New York ... 1:20 p m . o:Oi p ni . . G::f) a m . .. U:5a in . . 4:03 a m .. fi:25 n m . .. fiMJii m , ,J-:C p m IT a m y.uia ra 7 . S a ni J;-J) am 7:00 a m 0:0) p ni !'),:)) a m tCSli a m 4:OJ a m 0:ii p in 'tlii m 4.: p m AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop. Of the product of this well-know n brewery the United States Health Reports for June l!-, 1000, says . "A more an potior brew never entered the labratory of the I'nited States Health reports. It ih alcolutely devoid of the slightest trace of adulteration, but on the other hand ia con. posed of tiie best of malt and choicest of hops. Ite tonic (iialities are of the high est and it can be used with the greatest benefit and Hatisfaclion by old and young. Its use can conscientiously bo prescribed by the physicians with the cersainty that a butter, purer or more wholesome beverage could not possibly be found." f Axle I m hclj 'i" team. Rave irnnilB K cK:iibC, Sold everywhere. J 7xRP STAWD.rtO OIL CO. jJS Wanted Men and women of good character and relerences, to represent an established house, eplended opportunity for advancement. Address r. O. lios 5S7, Portland, Oregon. novlo-lmoj Hustling young mau can make .60 per j month and espeuses. 1'ermaneut posi-j tion. Experience unnecessary. Write : quick for particulars. Clark & Co., ' Fourth and Locust Streets, Piiiiadel hpifi, Pa, s3-tf j Clarke & Falk's ntvnniig extracts are , tho best. Ask vour erocer for them. Myron B. Rice's Comedy Co. I'lillraan and Tourist car- on both trains Chair cars Sacramento to (teden and Kl 1'aso, and tourht cars to Chicago, tit touis, New Or leans and Washington. C'onntrtlns at .San Francisco with noreral itcamihip line.i for Honolulu, Jajmn, China, l'ailliipiues, Central and South America. Sec agent at The Dalles atatlun, or address C. H. MARKHAM, General I'aenger Agent, I'orttand, Or Presen'ine the funniest of all farces, IVIy Friend From India Intel Facie i 0 East Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON. PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer. Kindnl Dyspepsia Cure It artificially dlRcsts the food audalds Nature ia HirenKthetting and recon structlne tho cxlmusted digestive or Bans. It is the latest discovcreddigesfc ant and touic. Ko other preparation can approach It in etllcieucy. It in stantly rellevcsand pcrmaneutly cura Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea, Sick Headache, GastralRla.Crarapsand all other results or imperfect digestion. Prlco50c.nntlgi. LargosUocontalnsSHtlmM small8lzo.HookaUaboiit.tlyniK!iilamiiliearrw S j,d hv Clarke & I-ulk's P 0 Ptiaruwcy. Yellowstone Park Line. thk m;;iNO CAit nor iK ntou I'oktlani) 'k TO THE KAHT. I THK OSI.V IJII'.Ktrr LINK TOTiii: YM.I.0W hTOSK l'Al'.K Yon will not nave boils if von take Clarke r. Fulk'rf flure cure for bolls. I Introducing Mav Vokep in her original I character of "Tilly." Clarke & Falk have received a carload of the celebruted Jame E. Patton strictly pure liquid paints BUSINESS LOCALS. NOTfc DuriiiK tile Hcttim nf tlif i'.iiii cly ti iiuiiiliHr if IiI(;Ii-(iIhm Kipf:laltiiH will lie lutrritliiciMl ly IIik toiiiiniiy. I'KIOES Plrt five row: 75rs liiilunvu of till) limine, 50c. Seat!, will be oti talo at Clarke & FuU'n. No Kl'lit tu liglliiKim. The woman who is lovely in face, form and temper will alwaye have j MiiiiieaixjIIs.Ht. J'aul and Jliwourl river polnu friend?, but one who would bo attractive Vosjlljuleil tm'ln. Clark & Falk are never dosed Sunday, TXii'Lforet thie. Ladies' knit and jersey lezgins at the New York Cash Store. Jiualyn, Cbalutn and Australian coals by the Studfilrr.au Commission, i.'1-lin Plain eewlng ana dress-makint; done on Third street, between Madison and Monroe atreeta. n27-lw For sprains, swellings and lameness there Is nothing so good aa Chamberlain's Pain Halm. Try it. For sale by Ulake loy, the druggist. Wanted A second-hand fire-proof . kidneys and to purify tho blood. It! safe. Must be in i40od condition and not ( gives strong nerves, brislit eyes, smooth, ' too large. Apply at the CiuioNici.i; j velvety 6kin, rich complexion. It will office. olil-tf i make a good-looking. churmiuK woman ukivk. UJlian DepOl, Flftiiaild I SIS akmvb. No. 2. Fast mail for TMcnma, Ho. reattle, 01ympld,(iray'h Harbor anil nouth llcnil jiointi, npiikane. Hots land, II. ;., I'ulhiiau, Moscow, I!lltOII, Hilf- 11:15 A. M. faloIIiiinpminiiiKCOiin- .'i;.V0 1'. M. try, Htjlenii, illiirieapi Us, HI. I'jiul, Omiihn, Kansas City, Ht. IxiuU, Chicaico and nil i-oinu No. 1. eat and Mmtlieant. No, a, l'utcet fcouud Kxiirexs 11:30 I'. JI. for Tacoma arid heattle ";J A. JI. (Hid Intc-rmcdlutu ijoimo. must keen her health. If !ie is weak. ".?" pruiciwu. ci ues , . BiCKly anu nil run down, she will be nervous and irritable. If she bus con stipation or kidney trouble, her impure blood will cause pimples, blotches, skin eruptions and a wretched complexion. Electric Hitters is the best medicine in the world to regulate stomach, liver and I'ullman flm-clM and tonrtit slcciiyrs to Union dewit contitctloim Hnzznzc crieckeil todi-itlnatlon of tickets. for hamliomely llliutiateddetcrlpttvo matter, tlckcti, 8lee)!iiB-car rev;rvatiotu, etc., cull on or write A. D. CHARLTON, Anlntant (ietieral l'tunenirer AKcnt. '2-Vi Jlorrl ton street. corner Third, l'ortlund Ok-koii. DeWitt'H Little Early Ilisers are the lofa run-doAn invalid. Onlv 130 cento best liver pills ever made. Easy to take al 'at:eiey a drug store. and never ifripe. Sold by Clurke k Falk's j P. 0. Pharmacy. NOTICE FOP. PUBLICATION. J.a.vo Ornte at the Dali.es. ok. October, Si, lwio. I Notice Is Jieretiv uiven tiiat Hil- following naiuvil nittlcr lian f:fel notice ol hi Intention to make tiaal ircof In tipJJUof tiU claim, mid ilia; kaid jiroof will U- made iK'loro tlje rchter and rtc-lver at The lulle, Oresan, on Wednei flur.L'teviiila.'r.'j', IVM, viz.: liuiiry (J. .ItuKamt-y, of Tho Iill, Ortxon, If K, No. .jioj. for the BK4 WtC. 21, T N. It U K, '.V M. lie namt'ri the InllotvliiK wltnw.ci to imivo libcontiiiuouH retldente uioii 'and cultivation uf nld land, iank UtWr, Jaine It. Steele, KrJe (iraiihuid, AlU-rt iMvfdton, all of The liullti,, Okkoii, w.tV7 JAV I', lMQ,h, holster. You can't afford to riik your life by j allowing n cough or a c jld to develop ! into pneumonia or coiisumpiiou. Ouo Jlinuto Cough Cure will cure thro.it arid ' lung troubUe quicker than any other 1 preparation known. Many ih;i;torf use it as a spK'illc fur grippe. Ii U an in-1 fallible remedy f.iroroup. Cniliireii like it ntiii mothers endorse it. Kold by ' Clarke & Fall;'n P. O. Pharmacy. j Paint your house with paints that aro : fully guaranteed to last. Clarke & Fulk have them. Clarke & Falk have on sale a full line of paint and artist's brushes. MATT SHOREN, General Blacksmith and Horseshoes All kindfl of blacksmithing will receive prompt attention mid will be executed in llrnt-chiet shape. Give him a call, Richardson's Old Stand, Third St., near Federal, Thu Dallew, Or. REGULATOR LINE. DALLES, PORTLAND k ASFORIA iNAV. COMPANY -3 "5 'Ji IlKI'AKT TIMB KCIIEltl'fcr., AUR.Vt .U roit KUOM lUl.I.KH. H'DX SI ntenrneni ol tho lU-KUlator l.ltic will run a u-r the fol ow.iik scliMlulc, the Coniuny roervlliK the riKht to chaiiKo'Jj ff'.tdule without notice. '3 Str. Roculatcir I.v now:.-. alle at 7 a. M. Tuefday ThtllMluy . . haturoay. irr. I'ortiaud at r. m. I.v I'ortl.ind at 7 A H. Jlomlny VVcdnctOay Krlilay Arr. Italli-H a .') i'. u. Ship your Freight via Regulator Line. Str. Dnllob City. now I.v. Uallifi at 7 A. i. Monday Wrdinjjilay Krlilay. Arr. Portland at 1-;m v. m. oh. 4 l. . Portland ,5 at7:U) A. . M TiitHlny H Tlmrday ,3 hatiirday N Arr. Dalk-a 'H at.'i I-. M.,j K , Portland onicc, Oak htreot Dock. W. C. ALLA WAY, Gon. Agt. Eucli ri.rlylyWkri,iiljrijr.t.lKly.a..Lijtijr.ijrj KjLidjjr4ijuarijix.iijti.auj FOR COMPORT ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, Travel by the Htciimcrx ol tho ltcuIator I.lnc. Tho (.'ompativ will endeavor to elvi- ltd nut roiu. the best tervlcu iMjuilljle. For further Information addre. PILLS ONE FOR A OOSE. , Kem'iTB I'iniplM. I'rvrent llllfjn;l)it,l'r,nfjr lhuIllo(J, A umnui of ilia howU d7 it nvmin f,'?c5 .".",' w? "Ih "U rritli r. ;t fn ! hoi tot .ovjuurugj(uu u. 303AHKO CO.Phflt. f C. J. STUBUflG, WIIOhKhAI.K ANI IIKT.MI, Wines, Liquors Cigars Family Orders will receive prompt attention. Xuiti door to First Nationul Hank, I Phone 234, THE DALLES, OREGON. i! -5, 3 i i Kant iHalt Lake, Deliver, H. Mall Worth, Omaha, Kan p. in., t-an (!lty, Kt. Uiuls. 1 CIllt'iiKo and Kat. Kt Mill l:W i m Atlantic l'.'..lt. 111. Via Hunt-' llitoil. I halt laike, Denver, Kt. l I a Worth, Omaha, Mill mm City, Ht Uinm, OIiIciiko mid Hint. BiMikane Walla Walla, Kokam .MIiiiicaoiir. hi. rant, Uu I lit Ii, Milwaukee, Chli'iiiro nnd Kaat, via hpokauuakd lliintlni; ton. iiI.ho all (hiIiiIk In VViiKhliiltton and Knst em Ortuoit. Biki Mall and K.ire U:'J.1 j, in 8 p. ra. Kx.hUiidayiColilliilila Itr. Htennierh. tx.BUii :To Ahtohia and Way Biuiuday lentil ngi. 10 ,. in. KaOM 1'OKTf.ANJ' Oevan KlealiiNlilii!. Kor fiau KraiielM-o-Kvcry Kivu Day. BtHiWaue Mali ami K.jri' ,jna. b I , m. I p. in . fi II, 111, VlM.ANKTTK ItlVKU. I'"0!''?1' Kx.biuidiiyiOliuiih City, NewUeru, hx.nau'W 1 tialuiii A; Way itiul . 7 a. m, i Wu.i,AMifTTr A N t am Tirh.'i hur. JUL). Kivkhh, and bat, Oregon City, Dayton, mid Way-lui(lliiK. M on .AVt'l in. and rn. I.v ltliatla, dally 3:n. in, Kkaki: Itivmi, ltlaria to IahvIhIou, Uavk I.KHIM'lf (Lilly U ii a ni ti KartiPK doilriiiK to o ''" I"''', ' limits on Columbia rioiithurn via JllKK"- ' take .No. luavliiK Tho Dallik at Vi W l " inakliiK direct ci cuIIoiim at llei.pnfr J 1 and IHkk". HutiirnliiK iimkliiKtllnf l''".l,KV ir , at Huppiiur Jtiiiiitlim and IIIkkh with .So. l "' rlvlnt: at 'Ihu Dalloatl'J:Uiip.hi. The 0. It. A: N. Kieainur ''.Mmloc 'In n"'"'1!';' Iiik temilai trlm to nalein and lri'T ,..7,1 Mopplni? at all way laiidlimx. Ui ' , t , lanil on Monday, Wiilnemliiya iiml W "J ,. i. a. in,, Ht rlvliiK lit Huloi-i I p. m.. 'Hi'' ,V'm-! l iincuahoutd p. in. on name d. Ill, 'limit leiive.il IlllllllielldulICK lit ' a, 111. Ilh' at l. a. in. on TiiumlayH, ThliidayH anil ' dayn.arrlvhiB at I'ortlamt alaiiit a J'. m.'"lw iliiyn, Kor lull partlmilarh call on 0. K. t N. '"'' Ktilit Tlio Dalleii. or uddiekx W, . iinti.iiritT, (icn, l'a, Act i rortlmal. Or