The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, December 03, 1900, Image 3

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    Is Yoar Boy
1 lo should bo.
lie win ho.
It is not a matt or of largo ox ponso.
IMonty of noat, litLlo follows woar our
low-pricoil suits.
flood clothes largely Iiolp lo make a
oo(l hoy. Why not dross up your hoy
iind make him proud of himself, as good
a-! any hoy?
Our Boys' Department makes
good clothes possible in all oases.
Xo one is too poor, no one is too rich to go elsewhere.
Our $5.00 School Suits are the host in the land. If you pre
fer, we have cheaper ones :it $3.50. The best cost you 12.50.
Hoys' knee pants suits from 1.50.
We have piled on a separate counter the balance of those Boys'
Suits that we are selling at half price. Don't miss this oppor
tunity; broken lines, that's all.
3f 0
Most Eemarkable Offering of
todies' Suits
and Jackets
that has ever passed this way.
If low prices make a bargain, high quality
doubles it, and that is what makes thin olfering no
extraordinary. Here are had lea' Suit?, there are
no newer, better looking or better made in anv
store. They are to be sold at
25 off
This week
Ladies', Misses' and Children's
Jackets at a Discount of 25 per
You can have the new one?, arrived fiom the
manufacturers jnst a short time ago, made from
smooth oxford cheviot, double-breasted, lined
with silk or satin, all handsomely tailored.
French Flannelettes
The most attractive cotton goods ever put
on the market by a manufacturer. liegulur
price 18c; our price for the week
15 l-2c per yard.
Shoe Values.
This is unmistakably the shoe
buying time of all times that is if
you want high-grade shoos at these
low prices.
Ladies' welt sole button, in kid and
calf; $i values $2.00
Ladies' turn sole kid, button or lace;
4 values $2 00
Ladies' all kid or cloth top, lace;
1.50 $1.00
Men's satin calf, lace
$2 and $2.50 values
or congress;
Boys' Shoes (elastic sides) in calf or
$2 values $1.00
gram ;
Men's kangaroo,
lace; $3.50 to ?
cordovan or calf,
5 values $2.00
All Cooclo Market!
In Pluln FlRuren.
ie Dalles Daily Gtonjcfe
mo.vjmy nice. ::, moo
of night ton capacity this Hoasm at Hla- I would help out a good deal. Naturelly
X ' ' ;
s served i ,
I Oysiors , ,
A- Andrew K' 'l.u-'s.
wayside: gleanings.
All M'lixtio County irurruiitK riKixti'i'i'il
prior t hitmnlr 1 . IH07. will l iulil
in iriiirlitt Inn ill my nlllci-, lnt,'i-M
Ulisiln uftur Nil VrllllllT l.'ll, 11UHI.
County Tri'iiHiirt'r,
-cow loud of slab wood j'uhI received.
Maicr & Benton.
Mrs. Olivia Morgan in nov
v.ltc, where she ifi giving lessons in nrt
II. C. Hooper, of Antelope, has heen
iiipointed administrator of the estate of
U.i' lute George S. Chandler.
Tim tegular monthly meeting of t ho
i' iii.mon council will he held tonight, ut
t'm fcorderV. otlieo ut 7:!il) o'clock.
It is eqicciaily requested that nil those
who are to take part in the "Temple of
Fame," which will he given on the 14th,
meet in the basement, of the M. K.
church tonight at 8 :;() that the nature
of tiiu entertainment may be explained
to them.
The Gentlemen's Driving Association
Saturday night awarded the contract for
1 grading the drive-way to S. W. Aldrich,
1 of Portland, for the mini of $1,0-15. The
' contractor hab heen instructed to com
j inence work forthwith and rush it to
. completion.
j Tho Walla Walla Union tays it hopes
1 there in truth in the rumor that Senator
'I. II. linker, of Goldendale, is hooked
for the United States mnrshalship for
j Washington. Tne Union handsomely
: says it would he pleased to have
Shaver people have bought the boiler of
the steamer Regulator, which they
place in the steamer No Wonder,
with ttiis hunch he did not remain. He
journed on, passed ihe homo of the
bunco man, Wailulu, and finally struck
The Dalles, Oregon.
Mrs. Mary li. Huntington has per
ferted arrangements whereby the lire
insurance business of the late firm of J. to substitute the Reliance, the pur
M. Huntington & Co. will he continued
'trouble in picking out the girl from
ftmong the passengers, and, addressing
her by name, told her of his business
Keguiaior is to oe pulled on tna ways t The girl stontlv denied any knowledge
and generally overhauled, and will be'of tne iacket. when he demanded that
equipped with a new boiler. It is ap
j parent the D. P. & A. X. Co. are piepar-
Fhe should come with him. A3 she rose
to her feet the oflieer's eyo rested on the
stolen jacket, neatly folded up and lying
under wav.
In these days when everyone is be
moaning the degeneracy of the drama,
it. is intensely refreshing to sit for three
by her. She will bo pleased to renew all
expiring policies issued by J. M. Hunt
ington it Co. and to write such further
insurance as may he entrusted to
her. Ollice at Huntington & Wilson's
law ollice. n!0-lw
hherill Kelly today turned over to tne i hours and thoroughly enjoy a clean,
county treasurer the sum of $1 1.-JGS.-10, I wholesome play like "Tennessee's Pard
the same being the balance collected on j ner," which is announced for a special
the delinquent tax roll. The roll was , engagement at the Vngt. opera house
therefoie turned over to tin- county tomorrow night, Dec. 4th. For the past
clerk, ol whom all inquiries must be three seasons this play i-cored the most
yJ(( maue in uie mime regaining ueiiiiqucut piuiiuuiiL-cu euti-cso usiu w.ia uiiiiuiuiuuj
j tuxes. The sherill' will be out of the ly endorsed as one of the most powerful
i tax-eollectinir business completely till , character comedy-dramas on tour. A
A salmon hatchery ,will bo built in the i nest M..r,.,. Of the sum handed over , prominent feature is the introduction of
chase of the Shaver being taken hv some J nn tho eettt wlujr0 it i,ail j)een COneealed
as continuing the sale of the Reliance, i ),y tj)e glrla dress. As the officer was
tor which it is known negotiations are onv instructed to find the jacket, the
airl was allowed to no her way, and the
jacket was duly returned to tho owner.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
dli ;!t j opportunity of endorsing' Mr Raker
in Prine-
nenr future on the fiig Klickitat river,
four and a half miles from its confluence
with the Colnnniia at l.yle. A building
liO.S'VJ feet will be elected and equipped
for handling two million eggs of the
Chinook variety, and mom of other
A few of the young ladies and young
.., ..f .1 !... ...... ...111.
I inarriuu women in uiu i:u mci mm
Mrs. Tolmio last Fridav afternoon and
Take u lnok'iu those boys'
sit c itimu l 1 fl niKiru nt linlf liriru. I
"""l "k " V" "' ."""-! ,
MtlVH j j;lll.i:ii i i iuii iui iiii-ijw
inont, winch they will can "ihe rort
nightly." The (Irst meeting will be
held at the home of Mrs. ( ieieendorfl'er
Thursday afternoon at i-'taO.
Klickitat county has a real live Swed
ish count of great wealth, who talks
of building u 100,0011-dollar chateau
somewhere near tho summit of the Sim
con mountains, north of Goldendale.
The count, who i in poor health, has
li'oken lines that's nil. Pease it
Murdock Finlayson, who was shot, at
Antelope last week, is Improving rapid
ly and his recovery is now confidently
Anthony .SarHlield brought over from
e.!iiturvlllu today 'Jo Iroad of fat hogs,
which he sold to F.rank Taylor at f 1.75
per hundred pouncls, grots.
O. R. Sinead, the fruit drior man,
shipped .ICast last week from Mosier fifty
ton of dried prunes, on which he got an
ndvaucu of :!'.. cents a pound.
Professor Meakin. head lecturer of the
Woodmen of the World, is billed to
")"'ii; in Fraternity hall December 10th,
under the auspices of the local eamp.
Over in the Oentervillo country last
wt'iik T. N, Crofton sold his farm of ailO
iinr.'H to Heiiiy 'iarner for $8000, and
then bought the D. R. Uaunt ranch for
1 1,000.
Rev. Dr. Alexander Rlackburn, of the
First Raptint church, Portlaiul, will lei:
turn In the Calvary Raptist church
of The Dalles on the evening of the liith
if D'ceiulmr, IiiHtant. Subject, "fiitmp
tion'" Hxtr.iordlnarv values lloys' suits at
Ik f price. Nothing wNUover the matter
with these goods, a few sizes missing
fiat' all. Von cannot afford tn misa
the opportunity if you nro In need of
I'oyt.' elothing. Peahe A Mays.
Tho Sinead Evaporating Company, of
Mosler, dried upwards of 150 tons of
priines the past Benson. (Seorge Roatty,
ff Vancouver, a fruit-drier of ton yeurs'
n:perIoiicii was In chargii mid produced
n excellent produot. The dryer is of
tliu Allen atyle of tun ton capacity, The
Mmu company operated a fllinllar dryer
! a quartet of male characters in costume,
; under the title of the Golden Xugget
Quartet, whose vocal selections are in
comparable in their accuiaey and bar-
monious blending.
j At 5 o'clock .Sunday evening, John
Wilson, a blacksmith who has been
train, on complaint made to Sheriff, working for some time with a eoustrnc
Kelly by certain Mosier people that the tiou crow near Mosier, while drunk lay
man is insane. Hendricks was in The . down to sleep on the railroad truck
Dalles a short time since when he sue- about two miles east of .Mosier and was
to the treasurer today jj-lj-lli.:;:,! belongs to
Dalles City and .$1 ,002 '-'0 to The Dalles
school district No. 1'2.
ilohn Hendricks, a young fellow of L'2
years or so, was arrested ut Mosier this
morning by Deputy Sheriff 1'. 13. Wood
and brought to town on the 12 :45 p. m.
If your hair is dry and dead-like, Co
eoanut Tonic will give it life and
luster. It is pronounced the finest
tonic on earth. Can he had at Franer's
barbershop, agent. nO lm
Belgian Mares lo Lease.
I have about 10ti thoroughbred does
that I wiil Inase in loth of 10 to respon
sible parties on shares. Apply to
uliO 2.v The D.iIIjj.
Lmllen I
I make big waees at home, nnd want
all to have the same opportunity. Tho
work is very pleasant and will easily
pay $18 weekly. This is no deception.
I want no ninnev and will rdadlv pend
j full particulars tn all "ending stamp,
! Mns. If. A. Wiumnm. Benton Harbor.
Mich. Dec l-r, .
If you have (lai.dinlf, your hair is
falling out. Use Cci-oanut Cream. For
sale at Frafiar's barber shop. nO-Ini
Wanted A girl to do general house
work in a family of two with no children.
Apply at tins ollice. iiM-tf
If you want n b.iivalii in groceries,
ring up Bob Teague, next door to M. T.
Nolan. Phor.K No. 3. n30-7t
Reineab-'r mat Cocoanut Cream Tonic
will promote grotl?of hair. Charles
Fraasr, sole agent. nO-Iin
ceedod in convincing several who met
him that tie was certainly musty. He
eeeins to bo harmless. Ho claims to
have recently come from Spokane and
says his home is in Chicago.
H. II. Weston, a stranger here,
was visiting friends up in
run over by u freight train that cut him
in two, horribly mangling the remains.
At the eaine time the engine and four
cars were thrown from the track, b
1 strneling the trailL till this morning.
Men's lined and knit mittens
gloves at the New Yoik Cash St ire.
plays Giowe
The only store ft
this city where tin
Genuine Imported
Ware is sold.
A little higher in
price, but outlasts
n dozen pieces of so
called cheap onam
eled ware.
Other wares look
has tho name
Stransky -Steel
Ware on each piece.
Do not bo deceived
First prize at 16
International Exhi
bitions. Highest
award at Worlds
Columbian Exhsbi
tion. Chicago Pre-fen-ed
by tho best
certified to by the
most famous chem
ists for purity and
durability it is
cheapest because
Remember this
celebrated enam
eled ware is special
Iv imported for and
sold in this city ex.
clusively by us.
It does not rust
nor absorb fjrease,
does not discolor
nor catch inside, is
not affected by acids
in fruitH or
will boil,
fjtt. f- t.ito,
and ba!:.
v i t h o u i
flavor a;'
rs o o 1: e d
fool and
will last
for ycara
Wo ca::
tion tlu
ftgi'.' '
ini: ti. ..i
, ( Wilson woiked at his trade in this town
w 1,0 If i ..... ,.r t
rue j mils, , i!.n.... n:a
last Saturdav evening had occasion to' 1 . ,. . , ,
, , . ... i . , ., . i , home was in Denver, where ho leaves
pick up a -15-caliber pistol that was ly-, ., . , ., .' ...
' . . ... 'wife and two children, one of them a
n i il.i liiiillum ci n si i it' it'll li t liu
III); Jit iip li. n in liiinr un n i-n , 1 1 1 1 vno
One thousand styles and sizes fp-&,
tor cooking and heating.
Prices from $5 to $50.
1 it.. 1 J'....l 1 1
nee., g.eauy m-m uic, )-,., ,, ()f banging it on a nail, when I
sojourn in Klickitat county. U() )lpt()1 (lr(II,ptll, out of tUi (,1Ui0 iUld i
The followiug Sherman county people fnit, t0 n, jn0r struck the haiiimer so ''
came over here yesterday to attend to explode. The ball entered Weston's
.loneph Monisey's funeral and .returned ,.t ui)0V tIH ni,;i( ntl, ranging up
home on the noon train: S. S. Hayes, wiuds, came out near tho knee anil
Milt Dayman, Thomas Callairlmn, . I. II. aiC4l,i j the ceiling overhead. Dr.
Smith, O. D. O'l.oary, .1. V. O'Leary fjnipendoilfer was sent for hurriedlv,
and wife, G. V.. Tlmmp'oii, Taylor Jlur- j imt follm n0 m,,8 hrom, mt M,ri.
gon, G. 15. Borhill and wife, .1. A. Hand 0H inj,lry inllicted, although it was a
and wife, U. P. Orr and .lack D.iloy. I V(1.y vlwi, va,
Kev. Paul Krugor was sent this after- The lemains of the late Joseph A.
noon to the Good Samaritan Hospital, .Aorrisey, of Grass Vallev, were laid to
Portland. Since his Injury ho has been ; rest yesterday rS.itidt'.v) afternoon in the
sulii iet to snasniH ami has reoiiired the 1 Dalles Catholic cemetery. They were
ho would have the attendance of trained
married daughter. Coroner Butts will
hold an inquest on thu remains tomor
row. Maurice dishing, youngest living son
of M. M. dishing, a pioneer settler of
this neighborhood, ,vus the victim of a
shocking explosion at Sumpter Satur
day. He had laid some sticks of giant
powder on the stove to thaw, when tho
explosive went oil. His eyes weie com
pletely blinded, both hands wore neir y
blowp oil", mid both leg9 broken. When
picked up and carried to the hospital I e
was in a semi conscious condition, hut
died soon after. .Mr. dishing was nn-
I Range
nt care of at. attendant. As the brought here Saturday and taken to the ! married and aged about 20 years. Ho
o was considerable, It was thought I residence of Mr. Morrisev's father in- wnB " ',,y- ' the Modern Weo linen
to send him to the hospital where j hnv, Andrew McDonald, of Alvord street. I of tlll! NVorl,i lu,(1 Uli,,Iu,1 !t20l)0 lns,lr-
nursoJ mil where other physicians
might pass upon iiin case.
About ten days ago a spiooth in
dividual, accompanied by n coon banjo
player and a side kicker, dropped into
'fhe funeral took place from the Catho-
aueo In the order.
He was a member of
!.. l I (III
lie chuwih In the presence of a large 1,10 mer o, i,. .usn. ino remains
number of friends and acquaintances of vs,wem to arrive here on the 4 :50
the deceased. Mr. Morrisov was about tr,li" toonow morning. ArrangeuientK
117 vears of aite. Ho had been ailing for I (,,r tlt" fimernl had not heen completed
sou... time, hut tho Immediate cause of 111 "1U 1,0,n' 1)f to press.
and his
leaves a
Walla Walla, says the Statesman of that' tltut l was pneumonia. He was a good ' j.ast Saturday Ollicer Alieky received
place. He was Ipoklng for suckers,
Somehow or other the town didn't look
a bit good to him, and at the same time
ha was quietly reminded by Chief ICaulf
man that the city treasury was getting
low and n few additional dollars from a
man about his elsw and oinplexlon
man in an tue relations ni 1 1 u
death is deeply deplored. He
wit and two children.
The Astoria News says: "The D. P.
Si A. N, Co. has purchased the steamer
George W. Shaver and will assume con
il of her In about three months, The
a telegram iron, walla walla asking
him to look for Miss Stanford, who was
expected to pass through hero on tho
afternoon train and who was suppostd
to have In her possession an astrachuu ,
jacket, which she had stolen from a
store In Walla Walla. AlUky had no j
. .
The genuine all bear the above l(a-Je.JVIajIcfe
anu are soiu wim a wruien jjunruiuti. vjfir
Awarded First Prizo Paris Exriasiiion iOOO'feS
Sold by First-Class Stove Merchants everywhere Cf VV1
Mudemiiv by Tho Micliigan htove (. omiiany, O
I.urttt Makers nf Slovci and ltuuccu In Ilia World. Oak Stoves.
4t .