""JilgM J2) I immmimMmmmMm WE DO NOT Advertise and offer for sale old- L. Lane, I ii:ni:uai. 7' ' t4- style Jackets at so-called half- $ price. We have nothing but this years goods, strictly first-class make and up-to-date, and are sell ing them about 1-3 cheaper than vou can buv anvwhere in the citv. "We have a nice assortment of Jackets at $3.75, $4.50. $5.00, $0.00, i?a.oU, SU.UU, $1U.UU and SI .OU everyone ot these are bargains. We are Agents for Miller s All-Wool Clothing. Our Leader, a well-marie suit; will cive coocl wear A cood serviceable worsted , A strictlv all-wool cheviot in black 7 A strictly all-wool Oregon cashmere 10 J m ported all-wool clay worsted, extra heavy 10 Send for Samples or come and see them. Just received, a nice line ot Misses Dress Hurts, nothing like it in the citv $1.jO, &AV, S5U51 and i.VJo. See our Ladies' Fancy Neckwear for the holidays. "We quote the lowest prices on Rubbers and Overshoes. Ladies', Misses' and Children's best heavy fleeced Jersey Leggings at 7Sc, 8Sc and 98c. Please compare these prices with other stores. We believe we" can save you money. If you are not already one of our customer? give us a trial. Your money back if the iroods are not satisfactorv. ...THE FAIR... The place to Save Money on all kinds of Merchandise. F. C Jtoquardsen, Prop. w wm 4 i 4 ! liir i s 1 s i pfV ' 5 j i ; i j Yi -p I j I ' III I l' ? ' i ' i I f i 1 $7.50, $8.00, 1 ' i 1 1 j i ; ? 1 1 1 IE ,1 ? I $ 4 75 t '( j .... 6 50 I .11! 90 I, ; 00 f . , i 00 jf , i , ! ! I ? $ SB I is prices 3j P ' lUiiiuiJiuiiiiumiuiuuLUiuuuau-uiuutij. to to 1 $1 in: to Thn Dollon, Or. The Chronicle, dob Printers 8 'is 3E. x JSi 2 1 : BHsiiiil A ND Wagon and Carrlngo Work. Fish Brothors Wagon. Third aud JcfTcron. Phouc 159 if C. F- Stephens ...Donlor In... Dry Goods, Clothing, Gents' Furnishings. 133 Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON The Wheat Trade, preacd for grain. Vessnh are receiving J a iriRiitrui iuuiuIit very quick dispatch, and ae soon as1 often cause a horrihie linrn, berths on docks are vacant other ahipt ficald, cut ur hrtilse. Bucklen's Arnica take their placi'9. The cargo market ' Salve, the best in the world, will kill since our last review has declined Gd per ! the pain and promptly heal it. Cures quarter, and prevailing rates ottered are J "Id sores, fever sores, ulcere, boils, corns, very extreme hunts. Portland Com- felons aud all skin eruptions. Ilest nile Vrain , mercial Review. cure on earth. Only 25 cts. a bos. Cure guaranteed. SoldbyG.C. Blake lev Hrlli.r.iat l Most of the wheat on hand is largely quickly heal the worst burns and scaldp i " " held against future needs of tonnane ! and not leave a scar. It can be aim lied "' "r ,,,,HI,' umi - ... xoere is out one email chance Very tew wheat transfers were made last week, and from appearances no important trades are likely to be made iu the immediate future. Heavy stocks are warehoused here by eacii exporting linn, and they have about all the mev care to carry, unless sellers snow a disposition to accept market values, j THE 4 Jfc.Lfc.bKA 1 fc.L .. .G0MJWBIA BREWEKY... ATJG-UST BUCHLER, Prop. Of the product of this well. known brewery the United StatCH Health Ihtpurt- for .hint- US. l'.KK), nayh : "A more Htipetiur brew never entered the labratory of the Tinted States Health reports. It ih ab-oliitely devoid of the fllichtest trace of adulteration, but on thn other hand in co'upoHed of the beat of malt and choicest of hops. ItH tonic qnalitie- are of the high est and it can be used with the greatest benefit and Hatiafuctiun by old and young. Its use can con-cientionsly be prescribed by the phvHieianH with the cersainty that a better, purer or nioro a holcHonie beverage could not pocsibly be found." i"B ,11 llmitN, Hlinox. IlutK, Cup". Nnlliilis. Airt j jS; C fur . I IIiihkIhs riliiH... I I j '---' The Dalles, Or, j. i WMv .""a 1 J 'tj i's' t'i" tc un. Savrn wo-ir nad f 1 oi.fi.. cvit 'vhcrc. M ? I ri'-L 8TAKOAI OIL cc. A 4 chartered ahead, and whicii must be given prompt dispatch when at hand. Few sellers are in the market at present prices, desirable parcels of ood shipping quality being firtn'y held at compara tivelv stiff fiL'tiref. Walla Walla wheat is coming in freely, mostly ot purchases made some time ago. Appearances iudicate that holoert have more confidence in a future en hancement of values, and consequently are more reluctantly to niter their grain. If interior holders are under the im pression that exporters are iu need of grain on account o cently paid, they had better be set at rights at once. They need not make' any mistake about Mappers being DeWitt's Witch Nazal quickly heal the worst burn and not leave a scar. It can be to cuts and raw eurfaces with prompt and soothing effect. Use it for piles and skin diseases. Beware of worthless counterfeits. Sold by Clarke & Falk'r V. O. I'harinacv. A Mounter Jevil Flail Destroying its victim, is a t pe of con stipation. The power of this murderous malBdy is felt on organs and nerves and muscles and brain. There's no health tlil it's overcome, lint Dr. King's Nsw Life PHI are a safe and certain cure. Best in the world 1illil.li n...1 hnux, n I I .. I .. HI , the fancv prices re- , ,,, , , , , 1 ; Blakeley's drug store. 1 to save yonr life and that is through an operation," was the awful prospect feet before Mrs. I. B. Hunt, of Lime Ridge, Wis., by her doctor after vniulj trying to cure her of a frightful case of stomach trouble aud yellow jaundice. He didn't count on the marvellous power of Elec tric Bitters to cure stomach and liver troubles, but nhe heard of it, took seven bottle, was wholly cured, avoided sur geon,i knife, now weighs more and feels better than ever. It iu ,nultiu1, . for stomach, liver, ' anteed l0 Clm) ,-..,. livHr. ,. ... ney troubles and IieVer fliuMnnntnf a j I'rice 50c ut Blakeley's drug more. 1 East Secopd Street, THE DALLES, OREGON. at PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this -well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pionesr Grocer. r-AT-j c-AT-TrA-rT-Awai-rAyA7 r Clarke & Falk have on sale a full line t of paint and artit's brushes. Skin-Tortured Babies AND TIRED MOTHERS Find Comfort in Cuticura Instant Relief and refreshing sleep for Skin tortured Babies and rest for Tired Mothers in a warm bath with Cuticura Soap and a single anoint ing with Cuticura, the great skin eure and purest of emollients. This is the purest, sweetest, most speedy, permanent, and economical treatment for t.nri".lir5ltn rliKiirrili'ina irrliirm liiiimlnrr 1-tlnnrltnrr scaly, crusted, and pimply skin and scalp humors with loss of hair, of infants and children. "For three days and nights I suffered agony untold from an attack of cholera "( morbus brought on by eating cucum ; hers," says M. K. I.owther, clerk of the district court. Ceuterville. Inw. r thought I should surely die, and tried a , dozen different medicines hut all of no ! purpose. I eent for a bottle of Cham- herlain'e Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea j Remedy and three doses relieved me .entirely." This remedy for sale by , Blakeley, the druggist. ' Wanted Men and women of good character and references, to represent an established house, splended opportunity for advancement. Address P. O. Box ;5S7, Portland, Oregon. novlo-lmo Hustling young man can make $f!0 per month and expenses. Permanent posi tion. Experience unnecessary. Write i quick for particulars. Clark & Co., Fourth und Locust Streets, Philadel- '!'!. i'a, tS.tf Bn9Hi REGULATOR LINE, j DALLES, PORTLAND & ASTORIA NAY. COMPANY I Manner (if tin, lUnliitur l.ine will run us .r the fnl- imiik tulinlulc, tlio Cnminy reservliig the rllit to chuHge m !.c(Iu!j uithuut uiitlcv. Str. Fionulator l.v tJOWN. Dulles M lit 7 A. M. : 'I ui-Mltiy C, 'rimiHlity . . . K hntunJay. . . 5' Arr. I'ortlHiii! C, at t::i0 1-. m. nr. I.v. I'ortl. ind HI 7 A. M. Miimlay . WtiliioflHy . . I'rlflny Arr. Hullo ii S r. m. Ship your Freight via Regulator Line. Str. I Ili.WN I.V. PllllLo l lit 7 . l. I Miii ihiy W(iiiilny, , J'rliiiiv, . . . 1 Arr INirtlmul i ut I 'M v. M. DalUio City. 'A 'i l. . I'orthniil ,q lit 7. Ul A.M. t I llexliiy 2 TliurMlay ,3 .Hntilrdiiy M Arr. Dulles H ut .i l'. it. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. It artificially digests the food aud aids Natu.ro in BtrotiKthctilug and recon structing the exhausted digestive or gans. It Is the latestdiscovureddlgest unt and toulc. lo other preparation can approach it in otlicicney. It in stantly relieves and permanently cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea, Sick Headache, Gastralgla.Crauipsand all other results of imperfect digestion. PrlcoMc. und H. LargoHlrocontalnsSK tjmei amult size. Hook all about dysplasia umliedirM cpared by E c. DcVITT a CO.. Chjeag Sold hy Clarke & KalkV P O Plinrmucr. fllli T1HK H(!Hi:lll)i.r.. I iaix iaI.i.i:b, Knst hiilt l.nki, Denver, Kt. Mull Worth, Oiniihii, Kuti ! '.'.'i p, in., iin City, St. UllIlK, 1 CIiIciiki) hikI KnHt. Auii:v Mull liOi m Atlantic Ihtilt iMke, Duiivit, Ft. t H. m Kxiinw Worth, Oiimhii, ICan 12:.") ii. m. huh City, Ht. Uhiis, H Illlllt- tilllCIIK'l HIKI l.ust. lll.'jKIII. I 6 FOR COMFORT ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, P, Travel hy the Steamers (it the ItcKuUtur Line. K rous the bent er vite kimIIiIc. rortland Olllee, Oak-Htreet Dock. i fi. Tort The Coinimiiy will emlcavor to kIvuIIn pat- ,l l or further Inlnriiiatlim uililteM J W. C. AULA WAY. Con. Airt. 'M AliHions of Mothers Use Cuticura Soap Kxclunlvoly f.ir ;ir';c,r-in:,', iu-"fylii, nml beautifying tlio ikln, fur cleansing tlm fcrfilpof criui-. c.ile,.iii.l 'l.indruir, a i'l t-i.) t iiiilns of fulling lulr, for ultaiilii, ivhltunliiff.iniil hoothiiiK icd. iouli, mid bjre haii'li, In the furmof lutlu furannuyliig IrrlUtloiK, Inll.iin. rcatlJiis, unit !i ill. or t, fwa or oUemlve iurrtilriitlun, In Uiu fonn of waalieu for nk-cnillvo wca.tuoa, ami ur 1,1:1.1,. iaatlvo antUeptl': imrpo'seg whieli rcinllly mzgml thttiisOlvcbtu ttouier, (ii.(l e jiecUily niollieM, unit for till tlio iuroiovof the toilet, hath, and imiiSiity. No .imountof p irrtuailoncan Imlueo thoio who luivo oneo meil it to 11 o mo other, esjiecLillj for iruurrlii anil iini(yiii tlio isklii, iali, find h.ilr of Inlantu mni children. Ciriefn How uornbln-ti (lolletu emollient proiortlu ilurtvcd from dm uuiu.tho HieitiiUiu coio, Willi tlio pnrettnf cluanlii!; Ingredient find tlio nnnt rofrh. Inol Mower odon,. No other f.ciitraifHoapevcrcompouiidcilia to bo compared ivllli It for iirciservhi, purifviii;, unit beautifying tlio Hkln, K.ilp, hair, nnd hamh. No other foreign or doaiotlc lulltt oap, liowuvor oiuinlve, U to bo compared with It for all tlio piirioe4 of the t.j'.iel, lath, mid miner, Timi It combiner In (JNi: So.M- Ht Omi: I'uiui;, vU.,Tivj;MTvnvB Cknts, the isiyr tUxx and comploslun uoap, tho iiit toilet and mar baby toap iu tlio vorld. COMtLCTC EXTCflNAU AND INTERNAL TREATMENT FOR EVERV HUMOR 1.25. Rold throuffbout the world. I'iiick, Tub flKT,l.'ii; or.Boii-, 25c; Ointment, 40c. j Uesol vbst, fv. I'inTBii Dui'u Miu Cwtu. t'uvi-,, tiolo I'roiB., Uwlou, i!aJ,, U. ti.A. "Uow ioyu-.ii-T.-:- ;V Utt, Clarke & FbUc'h flHVonnu exinietfi aro tho heat. Ask your erncer for thum. Aelior's Kriiilinh lteint-dy will Htopa coiifh ut any timo, mid will ourH tho worst cold in twelve hours, or money refunded. 25 ute. ami 50 cte. lilukolev the (irut!(:inte. When you cannot Hleop for uouu'hliiK, it U hardly necessary that any onoahould tell yon that you need a few doses of Chatnhi-rlain's Couh itemed)- to allay the irritation of tho throat, and muko clKcp poPHlhto. ItiBi-ood. Try It. J'or sale hy lllukeloy, tho driiuuifit. Y hen you want prompt Rittini; little pillH that never uripeiiee DnWitt'B Little Jiarly Klsera. old hy Clarke & Falk'a 1. O. Pharinacy. Clark & Falk are never closed Sunday. Don't form this. C. J. STUBblG, WIIOI.Kh.M.K AM) Hl.TAH, Wines, Liquors Hicars l Family Orders will receive prompt attention -xl door to Flrt National Dank. t Phone 234, THE DALLES, OREGON. Hpiikinie Si nil mni Kxiri-H p. 111 h p. in. Walla Wiilln, Hpokime, iiknc .Mllineapollii. Ht. I'aiii. M'iU iMi 111 th.il lUmilkiv, ami lihlcaijo mid Knit, Via Kxprws hpokmiuHkd Hunting ton , 11I110 all Hiiiit-i In WllHhtllKtOII HIKl Kait ,l. 0. 1" cm OrcKOU. KllOM l'OUTI.ANK I P- Ocean Hti'aiii8hlih. Knr hiin 1'rnnelnco--Kvery Kivu Davt,. ft 11. 111. 1 I p. ' ICx.hiiiKlayiColunitilii llv. HteanierH, Kx.huuc' To jVhtohia mill W11V naiiiriiay umilliiKfc. iu p. Ill, : Wl. Ill, ' Wii.i.amktti: ItlVKK. l::i,',,n-i:.,buiiiHy,t)rei.-ou City, NcwImtk, t;x.nui"l7 j . , Halein A Way Ijind'h, I - , 7 . ni, iWaiAMrm: anh am I UeH.'l hlir. HIM. KlVliltK, and hat. Unroll l.tiy, Dayton I and Wii)-I.:iiidtrii,v. l,v Itlparla daily :W 11, 111. Knai.-i; ltivr.it. Itlparla to IaivvImIoii. :: p. i. .Miiii.l't'l and Mi. I.HWIMOJI ihiih' U'.Wla m 4)0r I'artli'H (lcslni'l! 10 no t', 1. ur- Ileppixr 'f ....TT.tu .... ....I i.i.. w. iui!l'. himui't 11K0 .No. i!, leavlnir 'I he Imllot ut ' : J iniiMlwnlieotcoiiiiciilliniHiit ileppner jn'".' i.ihI l I ,r.. II. I ,jli hnitllllll I"""" in iteppuer jiiueiiiui ami iwskm iui "'" iivink in 1 lie iiaueh 111 r.,i p. hi, '1 hi' (I. It. ,V N. Hemiiur "Moda' 'Ih now l''', hiK rt-Kiilnr trips to nalciii mid 1 11 1"'!"'"'1 VAVi ' .im.i.i,,,. ..1 ..11 1 ..... 1 1 .... - ii in leaw" I I liiml mi i,.miIm.'. iv..,iii,.wiiiiik ami Itlitl ".' II 11. 111., iirrlvlUK at K.i'on I p. 111., and mini about n p. 111. 011 miiiih ihiyn- I'1'1'! . ,, boat leaven liiilei.uuduuiai at fi ,. ' ! at (in. 111. oil Tue.dayH, 'l'hiir(liiy mi'' ',, dny, wrrlvliiK at I'urtlnml about ;t 1. daya, I'or full piirtleuhirn call on O. it. A -s' ;' ' neiit The Pulleii, or addiena VV. II. Ill'KI.HI l".',,. yen. ran. ah , ivniaii'ii w