Aw vou in iioorl of Boys' Clothing If .so you cannot a fiord to miss this opportunity Boys' Suits sizes ranging from 4 to 15 years Zit Half Price Vou had better hurry up the number left is daily growing maller and we fully intend to let them all go. Call and pee 'em. Xo trouble to hov "OOllri. Thanksgiving Week Specials. "CLARISSE, 5 the greatest of (iloves in Amer ica for the money retailed every where for $l.'Jo; our price 90c In tans, browns, modes, black. Special" bzes Ladies' Wool Hose, 15c per pair. Worth per pair. from o to 10 cents more Fancy French s Lisle Hose, HO, GO, 05 and Toe values, for 40c per pair. Unmatchable Shoe Values. This is unmistakably the shoe buying time of all times that is if you want high-grade shoes at these low prices. Ladies' welt sole button, in kid and calf; $-1 values ; $2.00 Ladies' turn sole kid, button or lace; $l values $2.00 Ladies' all kid or cloth top, lace: $1.50 $1.00 Men's satin calf, lace or congress; $2 and $2.50 values $1.00 Boys' Shoes (elastic sides) in calf or grain ; $2 values $1.00 Men's kangaroo, cordovan or calf, lace; $3.50 to $5 values $2.00 All Goods fclnrlcod In Plain Figures. PEASE &, MAYS I'KOI'f.K COMING AM) OOINO. Frank Lsiblin was In town todnv from Kinsley. John Carlin is registered ut the Uma tilla Houso from Ghibs Valley. G. Ij. Carroll, of MoMer, io in the city, tht of I lie Umatilla Houe. W. S. Gribble is registered at thu Umatilla House from Hood River. G. II. Dimmick is registered at the Umatilla House from Mount Hood. It. X. Derthio ami T. M. Confer, pio neer farmerEf of Victor, were in town last night. G. Perking and .1. P. Cooper are regis tered at the Umatilla Houee from Mount Hood. Mrs. Helen M. Southwick, of Salem, visited with Cedar Circle last night. Mrs. Southwick io the Grand Attendant of the Women ut Woodcraft. At, Tn limn It May Ccncein. It having Rome to my knowledge that parties, presumably Interested, are claiming that when I told out my retail interest at 17.'i, Second street, French's block, I contracted to not open any re tail business in the city of The Dalles. I beg to say that I sold my right not to open any retail business between Fed eral and Washington streets, on Second street, and have and intend to conform to my contract. My place at the Batik Cafe is in no sense in violation of the contract. dl-tf C. J. SiniMN-ci. Do not get scared if your heart troubles jou. Most likelp you suffer from in digestion. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure di KJSts what you eat and gives the worn out stomach perfect reet. It is the only preparation known that completely di gests all classes of foods ; that is why it cures the worst cases of indigestion and atotuuer. trouble after everything elie has failed. It may be taken in all con ditions and cannot help but do yon gcod. Sold by Clarke & Folk. BUSINESS LOCALS. MISS HAVEN'S.... Commencing on Friday, we will offer all of our Trimmed and Street Hats at a GREAT Reduction. Call and see them. Iilays & Clowe Dalles Daily Ghronicte. -VITRDAY - - - DEC. 1. 1000 Oysters served in any stylo... At Androw Keller's. WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. ISrjrm tbealei, New Voik, production. Manager Myron 15. Rice has introduced a number of high class vaudeville nutn herH in this yeai's production of "My Friend Irom India," making It more attractive than ever. - It may not be generally known that a very desirable and pleasiyht driveway hiiH been established aUing the river front, darting at the four of Washington street and ending tnit towards the Seufert ranch. Thu'' city furnished a bridge aoioss China creek and Seufert Brothers, with their ty-uul liberality, did the grading. --. Arilda K. Quinn, wife of Alvis (Juinn, a prominent farmer of the Dufur neigh The candy booth i6 always an attraction , fancy scroll designs, fand the back is Ladles' knit and jersey leggins at the Circuit court for Sherman county con venen at Moro county Monday morning. Profce'-or Sandvig'H regular weekly (lance will be given Saturday night at j borhuod, died at her homo last Wcduea- thu Ilaldwin. !IO-2t A number of the leading inerchantH of the city have agreed among themselves i'i (Ixing Tuesday, -Hli December, aH i")llection day. In the county court today the petition )(M. M. dishing and others for the em.itiou of n county road, and the vaca tion of part of another road, was laid over till nest session. i day, after a short IllncsH. The deceased was the daughter of Ezra Henson, now a resident of the Hood Uiver valley. She was born in Marlon county 4- years ago and was married to her surviving husband in 1870. She leaves a husband and eight, children to mourn her loss. The funeral was held yesterday forenoon from the where sweets will he served by sweet ro'ebud gill?. German refreshments will be served by a true child of the F.iderland, and where songs by a son of the Rhino will be rendered. Italian music will be enjoyed, aud even Ireland's IJIarney atone will be there and every body will want to kiss it. A gypsy maiden will tell vour fortunes, if vou wish ; and then if dancing is wanted, oml music will be provided to which i-on may trip the merry time away. Everybody come. Admission 10 cents. In the county court today the petitions urnsneu wnn inree rows oi narrow tueKs , jfew York Cash Store This price is only .G 00. our personal inspection is solicited C'at-li Ciiiitrlltutiurig, j In addition to t lie list of contributions , of food, clothing and other commodities, I published in vesterday's Cuiioxici.E as ; the gift of the pupils of The Dalles pub- lie. schools to the Boys' and Girls' Aid i Society at Portland, Professor Landers ! furnishes us the following list of cash contributions: High School i 7 55 10 15 55 1 50 -15 2 z: R'islyii, CUalum and Australian coals J by the Stadelman Commission. 21-lm j Remember that Cocoanut Cream Tonic will promote growth of hair. Charles ' Frazer, sole agent. n9-lin I Plain sewing and dress-making done on Third street, between Madison and Monroe streets. n27-lw If you have dandruff, your hair is falling out. Use Cocoanut Cream. For sale at Frazer's barber shop. n9-Im i S. Wisener for ! -''ISS -I Rintours room 1 of S. F. Petersen and .1 liquor licenses to sell liquor in the j J!88 " inl 8 room ' . . . i f. .i 1 MSS Michell's Mosier precinct were granted, sifter the Mrs Jialdwin'e matter had been taken under consider-j Mrs Roche's ation from jesterday. Yesterday after-i Miss Bull's noon Attoi'nev .Ir.iin Gavin nnneared ' MT? MV Frenoh, through before the court urging the appointment of .1. 15. Rand, of Hood River, as jailor and janitor of the court house, vice John Fitzgerald, who has belli the position for many years. Mr. Gavin Cartnel Bolton 5 00 Miss Fli nil's room 45 Miss Cooper's 2 l.'i Miss Thompson's 7S Mies Wrenn's 2 75 Miss Elton's 1 SO For sprains, swellings and lameness there is nothing so good as Chamberlain's Pain Balm. Try it. For sale by Blake ley, the druggist. If your hair is dry and'dead-like, Co coanut Cream Tonic will give it life and luster. It is pronounced the finest tonic on earth. Can be had at Frazer's barber shop, agent. nO-lm Miss Donthit's 40 United Brethren church of j opened his argument by stating that , Miss Cheadle's 2 55 I Dufur, of which the deceased has been a j l"HU8 1,11,1 noming to no wnn it.e ap- , iooltu- ,o '.,.., i. ... s.u ,.,.,...,t-.i!i,... ' poininieni, ami men genuv inumaieu Last night 6 meetiiig of the memhers ,..,,, ,, that Fitzgerald's retention was offensive of .he Gentlemen's Driving Association I Annie urnbow, wife of .1 lain Lob- to UemocratIt! cet)tral comwittee. ...1..... .11. ..I 'l'l. ., till ., ..rrtt I m. .1 1 liul until toniglil at :.hj, ; , i he court asked it the attorney had anv homo on the A. r. rergueon ranee, Total. 430 liouiil of IValu' (Jiinmp..iiiier . was adjourned until tonight at o'clock in the club rooms, when u full attendance "ih urgently aolicited. Ml members of '1 he Dalles Assembly United Artisans will pay their assetH ineiit and dues) to J. F. Haworth, secrn tarv, at his printing otlico over The iUlles Commission House. n28 lit Those who are to assist the ladies of he M. E. church in their entertain ment for the 1-ltli of December are re yieHted to meet at the church Monday evening at 8::il) that tint "Temple of I iiinii" may be fully explained to them. Coronor W. H. Butts was down town short distance H'liith of S Mile, aged 1H! years The cause of death was typhoid fever and a complication of other trou bles. The deceased was the daughter of Frank Turnbow, a former lesldent of this county. Shu leaves a husband and six children, the eldest being a boy of ; some 10 yeaia. The remains were laid to rest yesterday in the presence of a large number of sorrowing friends and I neighbors. Impressive religious ser ) vices were conducted by Rev. P, P. Un I derwood. M re. Robertson was a good I uomnu, a kind neighbor, u faithful and charges to make against the present in- j T1,e "Tulaf monthly meeting of the etimbentand on being answered in the ooar" 01 air commissioners was hem negative the court unanimouslv decided ' 1111,1 lliIlt !lt recorder's of!ic, with a that there was no vacaney in the case i attendance. Little business was done, save the al- """ vacaney aud so the matter ended. On Tuesday last Mrs. Southwick ftaiem, wuo is uran.i Aiienuani oi ine i j (ossen, superintendent Women of Woodciaft, organized a Circle ( A Borders, helper's salary Wanted A second-hand fire-proof safe. Must be in uood condition and not to') large. Apply at the Chkoxiclu office. oHl-tf Belgian Hares to Lease. I have about 10h thotondibred does that I will lease in lots of 10 to respon sible parties on shuns. Apply to C. E. BA VARD, k The Dalles. The only store ft this city whero the Genuine Imported Stransky-Steel Ware i3 sold, A little higher in price, but outlasts a dozen nieces of so called cheap enam eled ware. BEWARE! Other wares look has the name Stransky -Steel' Ware on each piece. Do not be deceived Firbt prize at 1C International Exhi bitious Hi sliest award at World s Columbian Exlnbi tion. Chicago Pre ferred by the best cookingauthonties. certified to by the most famous chem ists for purity and durability it is cheapest because BEST. Remember this celebrated enam eled ware is special ly imported for and Bold in this city ex clusively by us. It does not rust nor absorb fjrease, does not discolor nor catch inside, is not affected ly acids in fruits or vegetables, will boil. Sin .. . -..oi and 1ml;,'. with on t imparting flavor or previously o o o 1: u il food sncl will last for year's. Wo cau tion t il 3 public iiu'aii.'r.t jmitutiojj yeHterday for the lirst time sincu his la-t j loving wife and a tender and affectionate violent illnehB. He was again down I mother. Her death loaves a sad blank todey,, and save lor the weakness inci dent to his illness is freer 'mm pain than he has been at any time since his nearly fatal injury u year ago. George Aliclc, a thoroughbred Hiwasli Indian, was brought up from Hood li ver today by Constable Ollnger, and i; iiinuitted t: the county jail in default of $100 bonds. Alick ih charged witli stealing a couple of horses from Indian K im Jim, as well as mindry other crimes that Heem to insure him n term In the I'linilentiary. Mr. R. .1. Davidson and Miss Grace Confer, a worthy young conplu from the let r iieiidihorhfiod. were united in in the family and community. Manager Clink of the Vogt is to bo con gratulated upon securing for Ids patrons the engagement of such a powerful play and company as "TennePben'H Pardner" which will be seen here. "Tenneefcoo's Pardner" Ih n comedy-drtiini', and was Higiseeted by one of Brut Harm's stories of "Roaring Camp," but thu original plot has been slightly modified in order to ad mit of more dramatic tdluatioiiH. The ompany includes the names of a num ber of distinguished players, including .lane Corcoran, James M. Biophy and Eslhu Williams. The play is handsomely staged, and is undoubtedly ouu of the . , lowauee of the following bills: j - 1 II I. -I II t , ....... nn i, ii irtHzi-r, Nil i on wen ooring -iii no 00 00 09 00 10 0u 1 44 DeWitt's Little Early Risers are the best liver pills ever made. Easy to take and never gripe. Sold by Clarke Falk's P. O. Pharmacy, fR- X H Gates, secretary Maier it Benton, nnlse .1 E Ferguson, hauling HaiifHii A; j homt'en, sawdust. of that older at Dufur. The guards of Cedar Circle and several members went out to assist in the installation of ofli- cers of the new Circle. The following 1 j W Blakenev. hauliiiL' guards wete driven out by James Taylor : j Mays A Crowe, indiit 2 72 Capt. Minnie Gosser, Mrs. Filloon audi The treasurer'!) report was as follows: Mrs. Pearl Clark, Misses Kate Gosser Nov 1Bal cash on hand if 1,081 20 and Lena Jackson, James Taylor, and ' NuV "0-Hash from water rent. 1.101 75 Mr. and Mrs. Watts. The people of our; ",, ,-. n. , . i . I ' '" neighboring city were royal entertaineis, Ry warrants redeemed U12 50 as the banijiieut following the orgamza- iNov ,iu isai cash on hami. . . ...sau oi 5-. One thousand stvle and sireA. j&3 Tl . : J " . 77n Prices from $5 to $50. Steel Ranges 1 1 Cait Range marrbige at li o'clock yesterday evening "'" ""'frtaiiiing aitr.iet.oi.H on tour ' the Obarr hutel, Rev. U. F. Ilawl: "lllclating, The ceremony was (air funned in thu pieseiieu of a few frieudu d aciu,ilntanccs of the high contract ing parties. One of the bitBt attractions of the sea Km i and one that Is all it claims to be, "-ally productive of an unforced laugh, l "My Friend Irom India," which comes to the Vout Friday livening, December ' h. This company this year is exeep The success "TunncSHee'H Pardnei" has earned in past seasons assures local play goers of a treat to be appiecialed in the play't1 presentation in thisulty nextTuea day evening. Cedar Circle will give the "street fair aud carnival" on December 7th, at Fraternity hall. This entei-talnment tion pioved.aud Elm Circle has a fine corps of ollieers who have their ritual if t 'ii woik down "pat," The following ollieers were installed: Past G. N., Agnes Wilght; G. N., Maude Johnston; Adviser, Elena Dodds; Banker, Minta Hiiimau; ('leik, Edith Muuct'ce; Ma gician, Kitty Reed Johnston; C. (!., J, K. Woods; Attendant, llatlie Woods; 1. r', Louis Balch ; O. fi., Mary Lathiim ; j Mich. Managers, I'.Ua Amiersoii, deo, .lolim ton, Win. Wright. I.Mlll.-hl I make big wages at home, and want all to have the same opportunity. The work is very pleasant and will easily piy if IS weekly. This is no deception. I want no money and will gladly send full particulars to all sending stamp, Mn.v H. A. Widiii.Ns, Benton Harbor, Dec. 1-1! The animals brought from abroad will bo Interesting. Thu German booth will Hoimlly good, and in headed by Miss be attractive, as also will be the Indian May Vokes, the original "Tilly"' In the tepee with Its Houga aud enviiotimeiiis Men's lined and knit mittens and I'lovi'S at the N'nw Voi k ChhIi Kt.nri.. New SIIK WiiUIh. I " A. M. Williams it Co. have just re- W"""''- !' ""eral I...ur,- eeived another invoice of silk WHiptH. ; 'or' in a aniily .-f two with no children. This is their holiday line and includes , AI'I,,-V 11,18 u,,,l," .H-' some very choice creations. (Jneof the1 K ' ' b.irgaln in groceries, most attractive styles is a waist of lans- j ring up Bob Teatruc, next door to M. T. downe silk in the eeason's leading I Nolan. Pho e No, 11. n;tO-7t similes, made with the new aiconliou. plaited front, corded shoulders and ' three lows of niirtow tucks down back.! This attractive waist is priced at $5 50. WW bear (he above Trn ie-filark 'k vitli a vrittcn guarantee. ijh-&)J i-.i !..-! n.f ii ! r . huh) 'Z-,a?-iMr Awarueu rirsi rim rans njpsiuun lauu OVER ALL THE WORLD. f. ?2 PThe Rcnuine all and are soiu wnn will be unique and out of the coniinonJ Another style equally as new and ut-' tractive is n erUp waist of taffetta silk, made with the new pulled sleeves, The front and oversleeve of this beautiful waist Is embiuidered with black bilk in CASTOR I A For Infuuts and Children, The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signaturo of BM-Burner Sold by First-Class Stovo Merchants cvcrywhcie. Mn.ianniviiv The Micliitxau .Stove Comnanv. Lawost Mnkrra of Btovoa unit Huiikoj lu tliu World Oak Sloven,, I MHIER St BENTON, SOLE RCE-NTS,