The Dalles Daily Ghponicle. iLLf: c K nt c,:15' SATCKDAY DEC. i.iwjo; Fifth i Methodist church Corner nml Washington, Rev. L. F SUSPl-XSrOX OF DAILY MOCXTAIXEEI:. T1MES- Httwk pastor. Morning worship tit 11 ; fennday school nt 10 a. m.: class meet- nud uso that which cleanses, soothes nnd Pnliitn pnriHrtllv xrj iiipr iirrparntions simpiy novel opdrycaturrh; they dry up the. secretions, which adhere to the. ntcuibratio nnd decoiu- pose, causing a far more serious troublo than ' tha ordinary form of catarrh. Avoid all drv- 1 1 ing iuhalnttts, nines, smokes nnd suuITh ' and uso that which cleanses, soothes nnd I tug nt t :to ; r.pworin i.'iacue tit oiou; uuuis. ray s vream iuiiiu is sucn n rcmeuy I .tnnin i or..,n .. ....:.... and. will euro catarrh or coldintho head With last night's issue. Xovembor t 7 :30. ' The pastor will .peak on tiuv - , Sfi tg ' oOtli, the Daily Times-Mountaineer ly ih"Anas nt 1)0 services tomorrow. fiOc.siao. KlyBrothors. mnVnrreu St., N.Y. , , ... .. .., , 1 Gentlenianlv ushers will assist von to! Tho Balm cures without pain, does not sus ienued publication until such . . , , ' ir.;tonor rM R07i i h,,,-.,!, ;tKI,if ' 1 seats. The congregations have been ,r1,!" or c.mso snoozing, it sprtaiu iiklu time as the business ami population M,b atH tj. excellent music creK on ?v animtntcd mulniiBry Burfnco, roliov . . , ,, .i i i"fcB ai.u lI" estiiieni music gre.ulv on- jUp iimuediatelv the painful iuilauimation. of lue Dalles shall, in the opinion of 'joyed. 1 With Elv's Cream Halm younro armed the publisher, justify resumption.! fZZTT ' against Nasal Catarrh and Hay Fovcr. Mr. Douthit gives as his reason for ; ShoW9 the ,tnte ot vonr fenUnp4 ami lhe suspension the fact that for some j state of your health ad well. Impure years he has been running the daily., blood makes itself apparent in a pale at a loss. The announcement is no ftm1 8alIovv complexion, Pimples and , , i Skin Eruptions. If vou are feeling surprise to those who are m anv , . , , , , , , . 1 weak nnd vorn out and do not have a measure familiar with the cost of j healthy appearance yon should try' getting out it daily paper in a town ! Acker's Blood Elixir. It cures all blood of four to Ove thousand inhabitants. ' diseases wnere cheap Sarsaparilla? nnd where the metropolitan papers are . 60 i:a,lei1 V""?"" ! knowing this we ... , , . I sell everv bottle on n positive guarantee, received a few hours after their pub- Blakeley, the druggist. 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE licntion and where the field vided between two rivals. Were The Dalles situated a dred or a hundred and flftv is di race: lYianiss "JCSIGNS Copyrights &c. Aiivono piirtln3 a skotrli nnd dojcrlrtlnn nin qitlolily ascertain our npl'i'on free whrtlior n tiiTotitlnn t. probably mti'nt.iblo. ' omtmmlcf livi nrlctlycontliieiitinl. Ilunitbiwkon I'atcuti 5cm freo. lllet naetiry (or freuriup patents. I'.itei.ts taken throiu'lt MUnn Co. tecttv. tree hit ncti(t, mtnnui ennrge, m mo Many people worrv because thev be- lieve they have hearttiiseaie.Thcchaiices llUll- nrp tli!t hpnrfa iirp nil rti-lit hut miles ' their stomachs are unable to digest food, i further from the metropolis the situ- Kodol Dyspepsia Cure digests what yon ' ation would be materially different, I ei" amJ Pvents the formation of gas - - , , , ... 1 which makes the stomach press against i I I 1"0 n m n n r but even then two daily papers i the heart It w, cnre e'verv o( 1 1 CC 1 eclll 1 clllQ could only with great dithcultv be indicestion. Sold by Clarke & Falk's P. Scientific: flttKricaa. A hnTVjiiimclT lllntr!eil Truoklr. clr dilution nt niiy olntlUc Iminml. Tertm. !3 a teir: tour months, ft. Sold byall t:ow.i!iMler. MUNKSCo.3C,Bfoid New York Uranch (lrttco. V St . Wwhlnutoti. 1). f Complete Cipe of at M. Z. DONNELL, THt DRUCC1ST. $1.00 per month. Strictly flrft t:laH local nn.l long dinlauco tcltiplioni) scrvico within your homo. Linen do not cross-talk. Your con versation will be kept n secret. No cost for installing. You iret the Mtaiitlartl Illuming Long Distant Instrument. Continuous day and night Btirvicii. Wo will accept your contract fur ten years nnd allow you to cancel name on giving us thirty davH writ ten iiotire. PACIFIC STATES TELEPHONE COS. made to pay. As It is, and has been 0. Pharmacy. Ovster Parlors. during all the years of the existence ! s,'pu Attention: ituck r..r sto. , navinp tiisposeu oi my ureeumg ewes nfvnirii n;c todav, I have thirteen tborouchbred F? " 'V " B,.ur .",rior" :iri'.v '' ,, , . inru s oiu sinnu. sue carries Merino bucks for sale. These ore choice, i neatt aoove water lor a month it it of two daily neither of them papers in this city, I could have kept its j Jast What You uuant. fit-large and in fine condition, and will be fuU Hne 0f CandieS, its , sold cheap rather tnnn keep tlient over. ' S. bad been comnelled to subsist on its . sold chean rather thnn keen own income. Kacb had to draw its J Inquire at Prospect Ksnch. on thelnts and ClG'rS life-blood from the income of the weekly or job ollice, and not in- uge is solicited. Open till 12:00 P Deschutes divide, or of A. box 507, The Dalles. Roberts, j oSG-'Jw I The place has been thorough!? ren- I ovated, nnd n sliare of the nuhlic patron- M. HH Restaurant L. Y. Horn:. Prop'r. frequently the necessities of the daily ! " "u , , ! aoini: to the table to eat and can t rest absorbed all that was derived from , at npht on aK0Unt o Sni,lsest,on. the two other sources. Even with ; Henry Willioms, of lloonviile, Ind., says the entire field left as it now is to the he suffered that way for years, till he Daily Ciu:okki.k, its circulation and 'commenced the use Kodol Dyspepsia ... . . cure, anil ndda. "N"n' T r:tn cat nnvflitnc income will have to increase ma- .... . ' , , .."t . I like and all I want and sleep soundlv terially before it can be considered ; everv nh,hu Kodol Dy8pep9,a ClJr'e , an independent paying proposition. will dicest what you eat. Sjld by Clarke j This is not said in any spirit of J & Falk's P. 0. Pharmacy. complaining but as a justification of ; If you have ever seen n child in the . the wisdom of Mr. Douthit-'s move- j agony of croup you can realize how i ment. One daily paper may be ' grateful mothers are tor One .Minute Oysters Served in anyDStyle ,, . ' Cough Cure which gives relief as soon us ! made to pay in 1 he Dales: two ... , . . . r T ... ' s- s.OIi Th.- ue o- 1 J it is aduuniatered. It quickly curee ; ' -f-0"" u" ''"j" never COllld. I nituha nnliU nml all Ihl o,,,l ii " The Daily CuiiO.sicu: will do its j troubles. Sold by Clarke & Falk's P. 0. j best to cover that part of the field! ,armac that has been abandoned by the sus- 0 : J Grandall & Barget i.kalkus ix jjobes. fill kinds of undertake BuriaSh Bmeral Supplies ,js embalmers Etc. The Dallos. Or. Wesco WereSiQti se Company MEALS AT AI.I. HOI KS. FiFst-CIass in Everv Respect, itl.eas ,n sv11 papurhere. such 1 J ' wide variety us we are ehowinc never !)H- fore graced a single stork. Ileal imita tion creton effects tit ordinary prices. Good papers at cheap paper prices. Elegant designs, tasteful coloring)!, your for a small price, nt our more on third street. Also a full line of house painta. Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds, i Headquarters for Feed Grain ol f 11 kin : Headquarters for Rolled Grain, an kind?. Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, SFmSufko ; Headquarters fcr "Byers' Best" Pendle- ' tOn FlOUr 1"H 1,lu,,r ,M manufactured exprt'Hsly for family Uho: everv Hack i L-uaranteed tn tIv HntiHfnittinn. We eel! our goods lower than any house in the trade, and il you don't thiiiiso call and ut i'ur prices nnd lie convinced. Highest Prices Paid for Wheat. Barley and Oats. pension of the Daily Times-Mountaineer. It will make no change in the generous trentment hitherto ac corded to its patrons, and will take no undue advantage of its having the whole field to itself. 1 Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets are sold on i j a positive guarantee. Cures heart-burn, j raising of the food, distress after eating, or any form of dyspepsia. One little tiblet gives immediate relief. 125 cts. and 50 cts. Blakeley, the druggist. i AclTertlneil l.iter. Both makers and circulators of counter- J feits commit fraud. Honest men will not deceive you into buying worthless counterfeits of DeWitt's" Witch Hazel . ,,7. , , . . -salve. The original is infallible for car- Following is the list of letters remain- jnc piles, sores, eczema and all okin ing in the po3toflice at The Dalles tin- diseases. Sold by Clarke & Falk's P. 0. called for November 30, 1900. Persons j Pharmacy, calling for the same will give date on 1 which they were advertised : Stylish Dressed Men.... Are those who wear clothes thht are uj-, to-dute in lit, workmanship and quality. My line ot samples covers all the latest designs for fall nntl winter, the price is ' right, and I can guarantee n perfect fit. ; Suits to Order, SIO.OO. John Pashek. The Tailor.1 D. W. VAUSE, Third St. I A Difficult Problem. i Beverly, Nettie Biron, Gorgf Casteel, Fred J Crear, Ol'ie Fair, W H Ford, J M Hebereny, J Hughes, 'P ti Moore, Mrs W Martin, Mrs John Osbourne, Willard I'obertson, Arthur Sumner, Joe F Walker, Mre M E Sunderland, Mrs ilson, Archie Brown, H B Boisden, E J Chamberlain, Mr Auinnda Davis, Emmeline Foster, Will E Gwan, Capt Hurst, Mre Malinda ilnrst, Benjamin Murphy, Margaret 2 Mowerv, A I Patterson, 0 R "it Kinev, Mise Get tie .Sparks, Prof .1 W j Wiese, Chas A ; Wherry, S A For lient ii r huln. i me oom "iiKinson wareuoiie, on It is among the most difficult prob i First street, is for rent or saie. It is a , leins of natural science for one to become j three-storv, corrugated iron building, i fxpert in several lines. J. E. Adcox & 1 110s33 feet, with water elevator. Applv Co., by their combination, over L c .. , . . r-. ,. ' ' , come tine dilhculty in a practical man- to Sam V ilkinson, The Dalies. nSh-tf ner. J. E. Adcos is an expert watch- i maker and is good on jewelry, optical ! work and engraving, while Theo. H. Liebe is an expert optician and is good work and ..GflflS. FRflNK- Butchers and Farmers ..Eehange.. Kc;ps on draught tho celobrHled COl.l'MHlA 11KKI'., .lekiimv; viKvtl the U-st bwr In Tho Dulles, tit the uetiul jiti(;e. Coine In. try It and tit convinced. Al.o the Viueit tirmtds of Wines, I.l juor anil Cigars. Sandtuiehes of all Kinds hvys on hand. Retiring from Business. Closing out my Entire Stock Regardless of Cost. Dry Goods, Clothing, Booto and Shoen, at much less than wholesale price. Will sell in bulk or in lotn, or tiny way to suit pnrohuHerH. Entire stock must be closed out before 30 days. All goods will be nacrifieed except Thompson's Glove-fitting CometB ami imuericK fatterns. 1 our prices will bo mum. Call earlv and secure i bargains. ' J. P. McINERNY, , ( 'oviK'v Sofoutl and Court rHs. I Dlill't liuti It III, Just wet the affected part freely with Mysterious Pain Cure, a Scotch remedy, on watch repairing, jewelry and the pain is gone. Sold bv Clarke A Falfc. J J J. E. FALT & CO., X Willson, E B l'ACKAGES G'anger, I?o Hurlhnrt, W B I-elst, J Scott, D Mulkey, P W Witherow. A II engraving, their once is as low a& con sistent with good workmanship. Thev are nrenared to do all work in tlitii Why pay l.o per gallon for inferior several lines, on short notice. Work naiuts when vou can buv James E. sent by mail or express will receive Patton'a eun proof paints for 1.60 per i Jl u":"ion' Sign, "Big Bed gallon, guaranteed for 5 years. Clark & J - - - . Fa Ik, agents. ml ' J- S. clIEtK, ii. ji. iieam., i President. Cashlei Pattee. Mrs W E Smith, Mrs Mitchell i and sunburn. & talk. Floral lotion will cure wind chapping Manufactured by C'arKe first Rational Bank. OUR CHURCHES Zion Lutheran church, Seventh and "Union etreits Services at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m; Sunday school 12:15 p. in ; Lutheran League meeting 0:20 p. in. German servicee at 2:S0 p. m. W. Brenner. A full line of Eastman films and sup plies just received hy Clarke & Falk. FRENCH & CO BANKERS. TltANBACTA KKKKALBANKIHO ilUfcl.SEti F. s. k Gunning, Blacksmith, Wagon Shop, Horseshoeing. Dealer iOlacksmith Supplies, n t a r of H Commercial Sample Rooms. f 9 Purest Liquors for Family Use y I Dolivorod to any pari of tho City. Phones: fil Local, . 4 ! 173 Second Street. J Letters of Credit issued available in the Calvary Baptist church-Rev. W. Ii. s,Bht Exchange and8' Telegraphs Clifton, pastor. Ilegular services at 11 Transfers sold on New York, Chicago, a. m. and 7:30 p. m, in the haeement of St. Louia, San Francisco, Portland Ore- the new church on Union street. Sun- ?onA SeiUt,B V'?,ahv aml various pointe , . in Oregon and Washington. . Bc.too. in iu a. m. 15. i . r. u at Collections made at all points on fav w.u ii. 111. raoie trme Services ut the Congregational church ! THE DALLES - - - OREGON A General Banking Business transacted i Deposits received, subject to Sight Collectioa6 wndi and prSSida promptly , SCCOllfl & LaOgill, 'PtlOllG 157 i remitted on dav of collection. Sight and Telegraphic Exchange eold on New York, San Francisco and port i land. DIKECTOKtS D. P. Thompson. Jho. S. Scukhck, Ed. M. Wilmaub, Guo. A. Libhk. ! H M. Bkaii. tomorrow morning and evening, con ducted by the pastor, Hev. D. V. Poling. Morning subject, "Faith's Symbols j" in the evening a epeclul thanksgiving topic, "1020-1000; Following the Star of Umpire." Special music in the even ing. Services tomorrow at the First Chris, tian church, on Ninth and Court street, us follows: Sunday echool at 10 a. ni.j servicsa under thu ampices of the Chris tian Woman's Board of Missions auxil iary at 11 a. rn. Serman by Elder A. G. Ueoring. Junior C. E society at !i p. m. ; Nasal CATARRH &rT House -Painting... la all Its tnzta thcro I ho u Id t cleauiitieu. Ely's Crcntii Bnlm clt-antri , loothei and litila l ho diieatc-t) uicabrauc. '. tuny a cold lu the titad ' quickly. (Ireum Iluliu Ii placed Into tbe cottrilj, ipresda fiver tlio mcniliraiio nnd it abeorbed. UtiittU lm wedlato ud a euro fo:lijw. ( i not drying doe not vrodtico nctiliix. J-arjjo Size, V) centi at Urii t'lit'.r liymalli Trial tilzv, 10 cents liy mill. ULV 1KKJTHEIW, 5C Varru tftt, New Yotk, , The undersigned has taken possession jof It. A. Spivey paint shop, next door to tho Vogt opera house, and has pur chased the tools and ladders. He has good mechanic working for him, and will guarantee all work to give sutiafac- YOUR KIDNEYS. After vou tire of intiug so-called kidney remedies without any heui'lit, use Lincoln Soxunl Pills and lm forever rid of those dull pains In vonr hack- Dinard that old fogy Idtsa of "pain in the kidneys" and huve till your bladder and urinary ttoublti! cured, and vonr nights Hindu restful liy tho ucti of nattire'e gmittut aseistaut--Lincoln Soxuul Pills. Price, 1 .00 pur box buy oi your druggist by mail on receipt of price, in plain wrapper. LINCOLN PROPRIETARY CO . Eort Wityno, Iiuliima Advertise in The Chronicle. tion. S. K. KELLY. It. K, H.MITI1, Osteopath. Itoomi 10 nud II, Cliupimiu Jilock, The Uallts Otvjfon. nejJl CHOCOLATE BON BONS. ; DIRECT from the FACTORY ' AT EASTERN PRICES. Geo. C. Blakeley, The Druggist. J. A. EBERLE, Fii?e Jailorip A comphito lino of Fall and Winter Suitings, Pantings nnd Overcoating, now on diaiiliiy. 100 dlllerent variotics to so. luct from. Suits, $20 apd up. Call ami examine goods before going elBowhore. Second street, opp. Mavs A Crowe's. Trie CoiumDla PackingCo PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF MANWKACTllKKKBOK Fine Lard and Sausages Curers of BRAND HAMS & BACON JKIKD BKEF. KTC.