dl) e Dalles . Sit X NSTJl VOL. XII THE DALLES, OREGON, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 1) 1900. NO. 402 SIXTEEN DEAD OTHERS DYING. Class Factoiy Roof in San Francisco Collapsed While Crowded With Spectators Watching a Thanks givinu Day Football Game. Fax FitA.sciHco, Nov. 30. This city Iiiih never known an accident approach ing in horrible detallfl that of yesterday, when more than 100 men and boys who wore viewing the Stanford-California football game from the roof of an ad joining rIuhb manufactory were sudden ly precipitated into the interior of the ImildiiiKi mnuy of them on top of the whitehot furnaces. The ventilator an nex to the roof on which they were perched, collapsed under the strain, and without warning M persons were hurled to their deutli. The injured now being cured tor in hospitals or at their homes number 83, and of tlieeo Beveral cannot survive. Nearly all of the dead sustained f rue tores of the skull or fatul injuries to their spinal column. In only a few cuees was contact with tin- furnaces the immediate cause of death, for tend) hands quickly dragged into the opfti uir tliosu who were in thinner of hi-iny burned alive. Fied F. Lilly, who i mining thohe bf lieved to be fatally iijut-d, came i, Kan Francisco a few weeks ia'o from New York City. Aiming hi- effects were found a number uf letters from his hither, Henry IJIIy, who is connected with the firm ol .1. Kichaid" & Co., dealers in booln .and shoes, oil and (il It'-iid sttcet, New Yoik City. Charles Yost, ovenman of the irlaes works, was raking the fire when the crash came, and narrowly escaped being struck by the falling bodies. He says that those killed are those who struck the heavy bauds that surround the glas oven or were crushed by those who feil on top of them. Many succeeded in staying their descent for a moment by holding on to the broken beams, but lie fore they could be reached they were obliged to let go their hold and drop to the floor, a distance of 45 feut. Clarence Jeter, a furnace tender, pulled eight people oil' the top of the retorts, where the bent was about 500 degrees. The nil drips were full and the , 11 ilid not t;fi down until they were ! e iiptii l Sime of the men and hoys were tcrriblt hurtled. They were drawn awav irom tin, retort" witii long iron pokcr need in tesihiL' the glass. While aiding in leinoving the dead and wounded, T. .1. Parker, a fireman, found his own son among those injured. The lad will probably die. The mana gers of the glass works state that it was impossible for them to keep the people ofT their buildings. They disclaim all responsibility for the accident. It is estimated that over :00 people wero on the ventilator when it collapsed for its entire length of 100 feet. Some were thrown to the main roof of the building and escaped unhurt, but of those who fell into the structure nearly all were either killed or seriously maimed. A NlRlit of Terror. "Awful anxiety was felt for the widow of the brave General liurnham of Machine, Me., when tiie ductors said she could not live till morning," writes Mrs. S. II. Linc'iln. who attended her that fearful night. "All thought she must soon die from Pneumonia, but 6hu begged for Dr. King's New Dn-eovery, saying it hud more thun once suved her life, and had cured her of Consumption. I After three smull iloees she slept easily j all night, and its further use completely cured her." This marvelous medicine ' i" u'unriinteed to cure all Throat, Chest ! and Ltmir Diseases. Only 00c and $ 1 .00. I rial bottles free at Blakeley'e Irng store. 1 .WiirnioiiH ICauclily 'I' muted lu Hungary. Vikx.na. Nov. .".0 Advices received from lVmesvar, South Hungary, record ttie rough treatment received there by to Mormon elder emissaries from Salt Like, Utah. The two elders had hardly commenced to enunciate their vi-ws on polygamy when the audience stormed the platform and ejected thu pair from the hull. One of them was compelled to run the gauntlet of 200 irate citizens armed with sticks, straps and knotted cords, and shod with hob-nailed shoes, lie h afterwards stripped to the waist and strapped hy half a citizen matrons of Teinesv.tr. The second Mormon was ducked in a horeo pond. Finally the two elders were rescued hy the police. The minister of the interior has prohib ited further Mormon attempts to proee lyte us being dangerous to the well being I of the slate. " ' h, ,,in iH.tmll liITiT .lit IlllUilimi.ii hill CAST0RU IT - fir t.. i.ira feiui. Avtgelable Prepnralionror As similating IlicFoodandRegula ting ihc Stomachs andBowels of Promotes DigeslionCheerful ness and Rcst.Conlains nelllier Omtim.Morplune norliiieraL "NOT "N AHC OTIC . McifitaroujirSAKua.mcmi sHx.Snuia ibxhIU SJlt -SbiUrScrtl t lliXiuUluiki'oiUt Hbtfl -Stftl -Ctmtui .!' Ittituymri Atoiw: Apcrfccl Remedy forConslipn Hon , Sour Slomach.Diarritoca Worms .Convulsions .Feverish ncss ami Loss of Sleep. Vac Simile Si'iiiwlurc of NKW YORK. ETESBE CASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the i Signatauy EXACT COPV OF .WRAPPER. In Use Over Thirty Years CASTORIA SILK BAND BOWS an elegant assortment of dark and fancy patterns, worth 25 cents each; this "t f week 1UC Thanksgiving Week SPECIALS Manhattan Shirts, IE this week, the $1.50 quality V 1 1 U The above announcement is strong enough in itself to crowd our shirt department with eager buyers. Past events furniBh proof. There are some 100 shirts all in stiff bosoms, of fine imported percales and rradras cloth, In a good variety of patterns, including all sizes from lfSj to 17 neck any 6birt in lot fe "1 1 K good value at $1.50; this week p A. . MLf Thanksgiving Neckties An especially attractive line of hatwings, narrow four-in-hands and hows have arrived in time to add to the attractiveness of our Thanksgiving offerings. Ordi narily we would mark the four-in-hands "5c and the bats 50 cents; this week your choice at 50c and 35c Hoods and Fascinators All at REDUCED PRICES. In this sale are included our entire stock of ladies', misses' and children's hoods and fascinators at the fol lowing special prices: 19c, 39c and 6.4c, including styles worth from 25c to $1.00. Ladies' Flannel Waists Reduced to as Low as Half and Less ! A good assortment of Btyles; some plainly made, others trimmed. Materials are fhnneleties, mercer ized sateens, henriettas and French fltnnels. Eleven different lines divided into three different lot?, 75c, $1.50, $2.25, representing styles worth from $1.25 to $4.75. Sizes from 32 to 42. MEN'S and BOYS' Winter Caps in drop-band Golfs and Briirht- ons; good 4Uc and olio Caps; tins week, choice each 25c Fancy Neckwear. t85 mm Lidies' silk stocks and j -toots, fancy bows, etc., a magnificent collection of our best 6tyles oi sale this week at the following special prices: three lots 95c, $1.45 and $1.95 representing stvles worth from $1.25 to $3 75. Ice-Wool Squares in cream, ivory, pink, blue and black ; three lots 40c, 75c and $1 respectively, representing our special prices on styies worth from 50c to $1.75. Boys' Reefer Coats, Reg. $3 Qualities Special 2.15 Reefers are preferred by most youngsters to the Overcoat, for cold weather wear. Equally as warm as an overcoat and much more convenient. We select two of our best numbers for special Belling this week : $3.00 value, blue houcle cloth Reefer, double-breasted, velvet collar, well lined, three to eight years ; special this week Same in a tan striped kersey, $2.15 Men's Fine Trousers Worth $3, $4, $4.50 For 3.00 Not another store in town shows the variety of estra Tr iifers we do. In making our selections we have paid sp-eial care to the pattern!" as well as to the cloth ; the remit perfection! For this week, the best styles in this vast stock at $3.50, $4.00 and $4.o0; your choice at $3.00 Boys' Vestee & School Suits (jjp IE Regular $2.50, $3 and $3.50 Stylesat U. iU The privilege of pick inn the best styles of onr $2.50, $3 00 and $3 50 Boys' Suits at $2.15 is well worth looking after. For this week only, your fcQ "t K rw.J.ts choice at. A lot of Ladies' and Children's Jackets at half former price- A. XVI. WILLIAMS tS COIYIPAItfY KruRer Mlmi'il an Opportunity. New Yokk, Nov. CO. A dispatch to the Journal and Advertiser from Paris says Mr. Kruger has rec-nlly asked a number of questions regarding public and political sentiment in America so far as the Doers are concerned, but lie will not go to the United States now. HiB plans for his future abode are un settled, depending largely upon the suc cess of his ellorts at intervention. Your correspondent is of the opinion that he has almost lost his opportunity of rousing French feeling. Had lie fol lowed up his Marseilles sbeech with spe cific charges of the barbarous conduct of the liriti9h and a vigorous appeal to the warm-hearted sympathies of the French and continental nations, something more favorable might have happened. Hut he allowed himself to be pursuaded to remain silent, on the grounds of diplo matic fears of causing trouble. The foes of mediation are the diplo matists ; its friends are the people and the press. The intense interest aroused by the visit of Kruger to Kurope is sub siding with the inevitable result of a gradual waning enthusiasm as in all such events. The British parliament meets on Tuesday, and Kruger's indictment, including documents compromising prominent English statemen in the Jameson conspiracy ought to have been launched on the President's arrival in Paris in order to create the maximum elled. Oom Paul's timid misadvisers are to blame. Had he been left to follow his own plans the lesult would have been otherwise. An Kmpty Honor For drover Cleveland Nkw Yoiiic, Nov. 30 The World sttys : New Jersey demociats tiro interested in a suggestion that ('rover Cleveland be given the complimentary nomination for United Slates Senator. Some hope the caucus to bo held December 7 will name Mr. Cleveland. Before the caucus It is the purpose, His said, to have u commit tee fall upon Mr. Cleveland uud ascer tain where he stands regarding the prop osition, There tiro ID democrats in the Jersey Legislature, ogninet 45 republicans. The opinion is expressed in diplomatic circles that theAmerican claims for build ing of a cruiser in the United States is ofliuially promulgated." The question of the consulate at liar-1 poot remains open, the Porto persisting1 in its refusal to grant an exequatur to Dr. ' Thomas H. Norton. The moral eft'ect, however, created by the presence of the I United States battle-ship Kentucky at j Smyrna in support of the representative j of the American legation, taken in con- j junction with the settlement of the other claims, leads the legation to hope for an early arrangement of all outstanding dif ferences. London, Nov. 30. Nothing in regard to tho United States battleship Kentucky is coming from Smyrna. The authori ties there are evidently censoring all dis patches. London, Nov. ."0. A Reuter dispatch" from Constantinople says it is suggested that Russia is prompting the Porte to grant an exequatur to Dr. Norton. The dispatch adds: "It is an open secret that they dislike the foreign consuls in Asia Minor, especially the Americans, whom thny suspect of aiding tho Ameri can mission work in Armenia." Moki Tea positively cures Sick Head ache, indigestion and constipation. A delightful herb drink. Removes all eruptions of the skin, producing a perfect complexion, or money refunded. 25 cts and 50 cts. Blakeley, the druggist. You will not have boils if you take Clarke & Falk's sure cure for boils. VOGT Opera House F. J. CLARKE, Manager. One Night.... TUESDAY, Dec. 4th. That Affulr Willi 'I'lio HulUii. Co.nstanti.noi'J.k, ThurEd.ty, Nov. 20. Bled Quarts at a Time "Iainaknifemakerand'workedforanumberof years in the New York Knifo Co.'s factory at Walden, N. V. First thing I knew I commenced to bleed from the mouth. Sometims as much as a quart of blood would come up from my lungs at a time. ISvery time I coughed tho blood spurted out. It was in the tan l got soimu, ana tiieciuucii people told mo I had better make my peace with tko Loid and prepare to die, for 1 would not live till spring. My home doctor couldn't do inc any good, but advii-cd me to get to New Yoik City for examination. They finally took mo to a mul ical college, and a whole lot ol physicians m ado what they called a diagnosis, 'Flare wcio several students looking on. One professor had a little ivory hammer, and with this ho pounded my chest and hold his ear close to listen. After a while the professor looked at mo solemnly ami declined. 'One of your lungs is about gfine and the other is affected. There may be a slim chance for life if you quit woiking in that knife factory." I went back uoim Acki ...... i . f - . . n , .... ... i .,i.i,.,i. bought more ot the regular size, aim my imyiuvuiui-iii. na ui "ii 'i" slow. My doctors wero astonished and so was I. After dark 1 hated to spit, because I was afraid it might be blood, and I wanted to know for sure, 1 have no fear now, for at last I am a solid man again. Although ono lung is gone, tho other is as sound as a dollar, and answers as well as two lungs, so far as I can see. I want everyone, to know tho facts and that is why 1 tell them hero. (Signed) A. II. Simpson, , Aekei '6 Himllbli Ittm.cily In sold 1- nil Jruplsts under n POflt'.P'"?';" that your money will tie refunded in eiibo of laiiure. ajc, !. und $ i .1 Dottle III United Kluteh und Canada, lu Unglnud, is. ?d.. is, id., and s. Cd. I IV uiiiAorfcf Ac fwc nrciHfir, IP. II. UOOICVIi it U, lruirUton, Mw 1 oil;. For sale at Blakeley's Pharmacy. " no, but didn't improve. Ono d-ay I saw an advertisement of freo samples of kor's linglish Remedy for Consumption, being given away by our homo drug tu, Walker & ICaton. 1 got one of these bottles, and it relieved me. '1 hen I Return of the Favorite Play, Arthur C. Alston's Co., IN Tennessee s Parooc Suggested by Bret Harte'a Great Romance. The Success of four Seasons Hear the Golden Nugget Quartet. Positively the Original Oast. Reserved Seats on sale at Clarke tfc Falk's Pharmacy. fli'tt Five ltu'.iH, 7,Te; Ituliincu uf the House, fille, MATT SHOREN, General Blacksmith and Hoi'seshoer. All kinds of hlaeksmithlng will receive prompt attention mid will bo executed in llrst-chiss shape, ("live him r. e.ll. Richardson's Old Stand, Third St., near Federal, The D.tlles, Or. ONE FOR A DOSE. Ili'movo I'ltnplm, I'nuent IiiUoiianenn, Purify tliulllaiiil. i;urt if tniiaihii ami limit.., &. A muiriiiuiit ,f tlio Ixurol i'4ch day i ui',-i'dit riiriiMllh. 'riii;yiiellhersniioiiiriili'litn, 'i'ueug. rliicvrau, wu will mall umi'lolrw, or fut' lu fur 3 Biddlij-dmssut. J.'l CJVJI'.OCO.PIii'i ffc PILLS