WE DO NOT Advertise and offer for sale old style Jackets at so-called half price. We have nothing but this year's goods, strictly first-class make and up-to-date, and are sell ing them about 1-3 cheaper than you can buv anywhere in the citv. "We have a nice 8.50, 9.00, $10.00 and assortment of .Jackets at $3.75, $-1. 50, 5.00, $0.00, $7.50, 8.00 $12.00 everyone ot these are bargains. We are Agents for Miller's All-Wool Clothing. Our Leader, a well-made suit; will give good wear $ 4 75 A good serviceable worsted 6 50 A strictly all-wool cheviot in black 7 90 A strictly all-wool Oregon cashmere ; 10 00 .Imported all-wool clayworsted. extra heavy 10 00 Send for Samples or come and see them. Just received, a nice line of Misses' Dress Skirts, nothing like it in the citv, prices $1.05, $2.40, $2.00 and $2.95. See our Ladies' Fancy Neckwear for the holidays. We quote the lowest, prices on Kubbers and Overshoes. Ladies', Misses' and Children's best heavy fleeced Jersey Leggings at 7Sc, SSc and OSo. Please compare these prices with other stores. We believe we can save you money. If you are not already one of our customers give us a trial. Your money back if the goods are not satisfactory. i - i I ? I V I i I ! i ! s l ; , I T I 1. :k I i 2F i ll' K A I i 1 2fc ' " S ' . 1 1 : 't Tho Dullcn, Ot. The Chronicle, Job Printers S0 5 TTTnTTTririrfTiTTTTOTnrrTiiriTrititifiTtiiiiiiiTTrtii(iiitrifirrititr i J L. Lane, OKNKUAl. i' S' 'a K ! in Blacksiiiiti ...AND... Horsesnoer Wagon and Carrlaco Wnrk Fish Brothers' Wagon. Phoue 159 3 .e r: C. F. Stephens ...Dunlor In.. Dry Goods, Clothing, (J !J Gents Furnishings, ft ...THE FAIR... 133 Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON. The place to Save Money on all kind? of Merchandise. F. C Itequardsen, Prop. THE DALLES VICTORIOUS. JL L'luflely Cutitettfil lluinf lint Tim Uulle Wuu Ity a Score of fi to .". Thft min-h-hertilded football came tween Washington Agricultural College, S of Pullman, and The Dulles Football As sociation eleven, as pulled off yeater day on time at the latter's grounds near the Wasco warehouse. The game was one of full thirty-five minute halves,' lull of brilliant playe, both offensive and defensive. The Dalles team cn feel team, played "good irunrd" Earle taking center. "Fat" round football enthusiast. The line up was as follows Stone Goff Schnibley MacKav" Proff yesterday, j is an nil-1 Jones Evans Gill Dlizer Thomas Lawrence Captain, c la rg It rt re le qb tb II) rh Pullman, Starr and Zirka G E Bartell Groehler Scott and Ward McKenzie Cooper If you have ever seen a child in the agony of croup you can realize how 'grateful mothers are tor One .Minute a Cough Cure which gives relief as soon as it is administered. It quicklv cures .... , .,, ... . ' , . pr:.e icuiiniiB, uuiub unu an uiroai una .ung troubles. Pharmacv Sold by Clarke & Falk's P. O. Acker'p Dyspepsia Tablets are sold on a positive L'uaruntee. Cures heart-burn. raisinc of the food, distress after eatinc, Mux Bartell lor any form of dysneosia. One little Williamsjtaiiiet tfives inunediatB relief. 'Jo eta. Clizer: raiiniimir. i r.n m..i...i.... .i n ' i uuu uu lis. xjitiHt:it? . iiih iiriiii nr. that they now take an important place jjEvnns ; substitute, Krugel. Captain,' in the fuotball field, for the Pullman jU'he Dalles, Mas Bartell ; mutineer, Otis j makers and circulators ofcounter- boys had not been scored against thie !patterson : eubstitute, Uaiian and Hepp- f te commit fraud. Honest men will season nnti! yesterday's yame. "ner; referee, H. E. .Norlhuii; umpire,! Lawrence, right-half for Pullman, was ; R0y Emerson ; linesmen, Heppner and! n hard one lor The Dalles boys to solve, j Kruuel. and their line bucks difficult to meet.; There is no pleasure in life if vou dread '' The visitors showed orKanizition and &on tQ thp tabe lQ e,u au(, uaM,t regt hnrd tiaininp, eo essential in tootball I at j J t account of indiaestion. work, indiviuually, ine uane the most brilliant plays, the jortant being Cuoper's kangaroo leaps, f'rizaell'e piettv catch and bii run, the riATA-l JCTJTJL. I ATTt AJk-rA t ATA At A' A TALI A-t A'lAA C. J. STUBLilHG WIIOt.l.SAI.K AVI) HI'.T't Wines, Liquors . Cigars i Next door to First National Hunk. THE DALLES, OREGON. S! Phone 234, .,.. , H I ?TJ yYtTT s r .!. T.f.rja-aau vs-rurj v 1 1. 1 r.i v i i i v. J i w i t t t vi ijta :m lliwita, Sliocs. lint-, ( itjis Nutlim?. Act II 1 ( j fur W. I. liiiiiKliik HIiiic. ' ( ;;::i;ss' Tbc Dallesjy Urease 1 ffl help i1!-tc .m. Saves war aai B W rvp-usc. H ild cvcrywliCTe. STANOAl. OIL CO. A r THE CELEBRATED not deceive yon into buyiiiL' worthless counterfeits of DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. Tiie original is infallible for cur iriL' piles, soret-, eczema and all nkin diseases. Sold by Clarke & Falk's P. O. Pliarmacv. llmi't Kill) Jt In. made jjenry Williams, of Boonville, Ind., says Just wet the affected narl freelv with most im- : i, f,,, a ,;n i, 1 -f.....: n.: . " , .i awmii-u i.,iuv w.i .iv. i .uvHitrriuue i win v.ure, a coicu remedy, j co in m f need the use Kodol Dyspepsia , imd the pain is gone. Sold by Clarke A ' cure, and adds, "Now I can eat anytliiriu' : Falk. I like and all I want and sleep soundly every nfrht." Kodol Dyspepia Cure will digest what yon eat. Said by Clarke & Falk's P. O. Ptmrmacy. "For three days and nights I Buffered agony untold from an attack of cholera morbus brought on by eating cucum bers," says M. E. Lowther, clerk of the Hen you want prompt iicting little pills that never gripe use DeWitt's Little Early Risers. Sold by Clarke & Falk's P. O. Pharmacy. tolid work of all the backs, supported hy Captain Bartell, and the good work of wida and line. It was noticeable, him ever, that The Dalles boys were not in the physical condition that marked the successes of the Pullman team, a defect that should be corrected, and which is wholly in thir power to do. Mur'.illv iirwi HripiulK' Washington As- ricnltural College should be proud of the 1 u,Hm" "' wniemne, iowa. i F,ora, oljon w, curJ w1, (;haplin young men who weie sent to meet our : t,'0,,Bl,t 1 8ll0,,ld any die', nl"1 'r,d a ! and sunburn. Manufactured by Carte Ixjva. They are a bodv of born gentle-. uu" meuiuim u ... ..u men, and it is regretable that their visit ; Purpose. I nt for bottle of Cham ,nr,n,,i,ial ..nM nt !, be,, t.rn. rMn s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea ir.0 Tr. n.u nrpiiir nf nil DrtllP i Remedy Clarke & Falk have received u carload ! of the celebrated .lame E. Putton j atrictiy pure liquid paints relieved me for sale by and three doses tV... rnnno Minn met with ii yen- ' .u.u; eraland hearty reception, leaving ia8t I "lakeley, thlniggist. evenini? (for their school right well I A Muiimer IIbvM rih pleased with their treatment and happy withal, though they had suffered defeat by one point. In th pumfi. Pullman won the toss- up and took choice of position, the east i tlil It's overcome. But Dr. King's New oiil, giving The Dalles the kick-off. Life Pills ore a safe and certain cure. The half was remarkable for the even ; Best in the world for stomach, liver, playing, and at no time was either goal I kidney, and l.owels. Only 'Jo conts at in danger. ! Blakeley's drug store, 1 In the second half the defensivo )!- j m, .-..,,.., Auention: hi.:k r.,r hi. ing of both teams was not so good as in i Hbv1k ,up0Be(, o( ,nv ,ireoUIllB ,!WtB the first, and in ten minutes after th to(lay , ,mVH tb,r,een thoroughbred kick-off Pullii.HU had the plgeldn over , Mw,n0 m,Ufi f(Jf 8aR(( ,hvm un the line; but in punting back for POfI- iari?e t(nd in ne condition, hikI will be tion to kick goal nut & Falk Wanted A second-hand firo-proof safe. Must be in good condition and not too large. Apply ut the Ciino.vici.i; uflice. o31-tf .. .GOIilllBBlA BREWEfiY... AUG-UST BUCHLER, Prop. Of the product of thih well-know n brewery the United States Health UepurtH for June S. 19D0, says : "A more suptiiior brew never entered the lahratory of the I'nited Statt") Health reports. It H abeohitely devoid of the slightest truce of adulteration, but on the other hand is eoti.poHcil of the best of mult anil choicest of hops. ItH tonic qualities are of the high est and it can be lined with the greatest lienclit and Hatisfaction bv old and young. Its use can conHciuntioiisly be prescribed by the phvHiciuut with the cersaintv that a better, purer or morn wholesome beverage could not possibly be found." East Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON. j Wanted Men and women of good Destroying its victim, is a type of con-; ' , w?-r', " ., i .i - , 1 oHtabhshed houee, splended opportniutv Btipatlon. Ihe power of this murderous for advancement. Address P. O. Bok malody is felt on organs and nerves and 587, Portland, Oregon. novlo-lmo mtisclea und brain. There's no health i I A full line of hastiuan tllniB ami aup- plies just received by Clarke A Falk. J Hustling young man can make (0 per. mouth and expenses. Permanent posi-) tion. Experience unnecessary. Write . quick for particulars. Clark & Co., Fourth and Locust Streets, Phihtdel hpia, Pa, (8-tf Clarke & Falk's flavoring extracts ure tho best. Ask your crocer for them. I PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer. FRENCH & CO, BANKERS. rilA.NKACT A KNKItAI. HANK INM Hl'slNEi Ixttcre of Crwiit luaued available in thl EuHUtrn States. Sight Exchange and Telempbu TninsfHrB Hold on Now York, Cblcwo, St. LouIh, Bun FrAncisco, Portland Ore gon, Seattle Wash,, and varioue poinU in Oregon and Washington. ' CollectioiiR inndo nt all pointe onUv rable termH. Nasal CATARRH In nil Itn htacm there lllllllll b) lk'Ulllllll.'9). Ely's ('renin Halm clcanrM,titlifH nml lit'.ila Urn ill ic.iictl ini'iiilir.iiii: j I curi:rtcntarrliii!nliirHr I otv.iy n cold in tliu livuil I (tiilck.v. , 'mun Unlm j plici'il Inlo th lioUrllj, ipreili I nviT tint tiii.titlirniin ftlnl 1H nllflirbCll. l.C.ltf I Is" I iiicillatRniiilnctiri'fuIlowa. I' In tint ilrylnj-!i liotirmliicuniii'VZIiig. Iiri;ii S o, B(l rcnUal urv UUU irliynwll; Trlul til , 10 ci'n' y rail.. 1.1 .Y lAK)Tlir.l!h, uii W.ir-ni Krcut, .New Yo;t Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat ItartlUclally dlRosts the food andatus Nature la HtrctiKthcnlug and recon Btructing tho exhausted dlBostheor gaus. It is the Jatestdlscovcruddlgestj ant and tonic. Ko other preparaUon cao aiiproach It iu oBlciency. " stantly rullevesund Poriuam!itiycuj Dyspepsia, Indigestion, l Ffatulence, Sour Btottiuch, Nauittj Sick Headache, GastnilKlu.Craiupsaoa all other results of itnporfect diRCbt ou. PrlcoMc. and . .Largo sUocontnUiB 3 amuUlto.li()okaUttK)UtUysiiuiiMuinuueu"w .'opared by E C UcVITT 6 CO., Cbli .Sold by Cliirlo & Fiilk'n V. U. I'narniaiy. aold cheap rather than keep them over. rnakiu;; a bad catch, tho ball touL-himr j jmjl,n. Ht i'r(spe(!t lSanuh, on the ! Ackor'a EiikIIbIi Heiuedy will Htopa the ground. Tl- remainder of the name I j)ek(.,utu9 divido, or of A. fi. oborts, 1 C0UKh "t any time, uud will cure the wflB ine iaiicf, inn nom ieaiii ,,,Uh,"K iJ0X 507 Tho Dallee. u'J(i''Jw ' n'"" vom 111 wu've nourB, or money n touchdown throiiKii their icdoulitable ' - ' " ! refunded. 'Jo cte. nud 30 i:tu. lllakolny captain Max HartHI. follow inis it with u DeWitt'e Witch HaKul fialvo will J lJj(J (iruyt,islH. i ,.. i.! i of.. i ..,.i nulcklv lieal the woret buriiH mid tcalda - T ,7t' I . ,.d not leave ecar. It mu I R..nlled ' Wl,n you cannot .leup for cout-hln,, :i,:k i,v .iii:iru.. r. mh' n 11111111 1,11111 ivi - .. 1 - ' 1 . . 1 buck. At the closo of the aim; Pnllmun had the ball, but were making no great gain?. T1,h trmiie was entirely free from "riif chewing," loud itt)kln and slugging. "P.itt" Jirown, who lias ulwayg held tUe p-.'sitlon c( cvnWr iu to cuts and raw surface with prompt il Is l"r(ll' necuBiary that uny one hIioiiI.1 and soothing effect. Uae it for piles and '"'i '"u ,llut i'01' ,"Ji(1 tlo,jt' ' skin diseasee. Heware of worthlesB "mueriain a wiugn jtemuuy 10 auay counterfeits. Sold by P. O. Phtti inacy. Clarke & Falk's Clark & Falk are never closed Sunday, The Pfllio-jDyn'tfprget this. 1 the irritation of tho throat, und ! (iluun rrtoti t lilc ft tu maiwI 'Pvu It tale by lilakeley, the driitfgiHt. Subscribe for Tuk Chuomclk, make For Str. Royulator REGULATOR LINE. IIALIB, I'OIIM'II k JkSIORM SAV. OSWAKYI Mi-Miiiei ot tin. li'KUl.itur l.lim will run its ,iTtlutnl 't iw.iik Mitiiiliil.-. thu. l.i,inpi.iiy rcervliiB ll.o rlxlu to ulmuiic si n'l.cilulu wltmmt mitlce. , uovn. I.v Diillw M lit" A. M. 1 iifsiiiy U Kntiiriliiy. 5- Arr. I'lirtltiuil C ut l:)r, Mi l- i. I,v I'ortlaiiil lit" A. M. Miimlny Meiliifuliiy Irliluy Arr. lialk'N 11 ! r. i. Ship your Freight via Str. Dulloa City. llllWK I.v. Hall.; lit 1 A. . , .Muiul.iy uwiiiueilny Wcifnilomi 7 i v. I'rlil ii l' 'it I I'. ,1, FOR COMPORT ECONOMY AND PLEASTinw Travel by tlio Steiunwn of tlui ItiKilliitur I.lno. The. C'(iiiii,i,y wii! ,.i,.,,v., , .., roiu thu bmt kvrviuo iiossllilu. l or lnrilmr .'.V.'i'.'f lvt llH I1"1 niiiiiuii I'l. '3 Ia . I'lirtliinil ,3 ut 7.IHI a. i. M TiR'Mlny 'H 'I Inirnliiy ,3 Kiitimliiy 3 Air. Iiiilli-VCH ut .'1 r, m. 'i j H CJl'ortlmi(10mcc10(lk-StKCtI)iMjk. W. C. ALI.auiav r. Do not gut mmiil if your In-art troubles you. Moat llkelp you null- horn i" dlgoHtlori. Kodol DyepepHia Cure ll g.'HtH what you eat and given the out Htomiich perfect rent. It tit 01 prepiiriitioii known that coin pU;tuly ' giiHlh all cluriHCH of food ; that ih wl'y ciri-M the orHl c,ih.- -f indiu'M'ti"" 1 Htoiuucl. trouble after ev.-rylliim.' ban failed. It may Im taken in !' l'"n' (litions ami cannot help but iloyoiio" Sold by Clarke it Fulk. Many people worry l.ecauee th'-V ' lleve they have httarl (linear-. Thei'li"i"f' aro that their hearu are all tlgldj1'" their HlomachH are iiuubli. to (Hu" ,00' ' Kodol DytipopHia Cure digi.-stfl "''"f eat and pri-veutu the forumtloii ,,r ' which mukuH the Htoinnch irH8 l!10' the heart, it will cure everv fjirm iiidlm-Htlou. Hold by Clarke tc w 8 O, I'harmiicy, Why pay" l.76 per galion for lnfljr palntH when you can buy '' " Patton'fl mm proof paints for tI-6Ul gallon, guaranteed fur 5 years. Ka!k, Hgeute,