The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, November 30, 1900, Image 3

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    Aw. vou in nood of
Boys' Clothing
! If so you cannot afford to miss this
Boys' Suits
sizes ranging from 4 to 15 years
Half Price
Vou had hotter hurry up thonuinher
loft is daily growing smaller and wo
fully intend to let them all go.
fall an
-how good.-
1 see 'em. No Iron hie to
Thanksgiving Week
. the greatest of (J loves in Amer
ica for the money retailed every
where for $1.25; our price 90c
In tans, hrowns, modes, hlack.
Ladies' Wool Hose,
15c per pair.
Worth from ;" to 10 cents more
per pair.
Fancy French
Lisle Hose,
o0, 00, Go and Toe values,
for 40c per pair.
Shoe Values.
This is unmistakahly the shoe
buying time of all times that is if
you want high-grade shoes at these
low prices.
Ladies' welt solo button, in kid and
calf; $-1 values $2.00
Ladies' turn sole kid, button or lace;
$4 values $2.00
Ladies' all kid or cloth top, lace:
$1.50 $1.00
Men's satin calf, lace or congress;
$2 and $2.50 values $1.00
Boys' Shoes (elastic sides) in calf or
grain; $2 values $1.00
Men's kangaroo, cordovan or calf,
lace; $3.50 to $5 values . .. $2.00
All Coocls Mnrkott
iti Plain FlKuros.
Btreet and under the ratlwny track at tho
foot of Court street, was lost by a vote of
4 to .'!. A motion to fence In all broken
Bewere and let them go till the people
shall awake to the necessity of n sewer
system, was lost by n vote of -I to '.).
A motion finally prevailed instructing
tins marshal to repair the Court street
cower and fill up tho trenches. No
other business coming before tho council
the meeting adjourned.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears tho
Signature of
re Dalies Daily Chronicle.
Nov. :io. noo
For nice stylish jackets at low prices
go to Tho Fair.
Clarke & Fnlk have on sale a full line
of paint and artist's bruehee.
Bargains in rubbers and overehoes,
also in rubber boots at The Fair.
Ladies' best heavy jersey leagings, ex
tra long, at OS cents. The Fair.
Uoslyn, CLjaluin and Australian coals
by the Stadelman Commission. 21-lm
IJemember that Cocoanut Cream Tonic
will promote growth of hair. Charles, sole agent. nU-lm
Plain sewing and dress-making done
on Third street, hetween Madison and
Monroe streets. n27-lw
If vou have dandruff, your hair is
falling out. Use Cocoanut Cream. For
sale at Frazer's barber shop. nO-Iin
For sprains, swellings and lameness
there is nothing so good as Chamberlain's
Pain Balm. Try it. For sale by Blake
ley, the druggist.
If you want a nice turkey for your
Tliunksfh nig dinner order it from The
Stadelman Commission Company. Also
Bo ith.s Eastern oysters. td
If your hair is dry and dead-like, Co
coanut Cream Tonic will give it life and
At Andrew Keller's.
sifted on keeping up the fun till it ri hour 1 European House, and his attendant up against this popular sport, for it was
after Professor Sandvig's regular time of ! physician, Dr. GeisttJidorfler, i reports ' the direct result of human dishonesty,'
elosing. that his patient's temperature at noon ! in endeavoring to secure something for I
i ' ' i . ... . . .. .l. . ..
V. W. Silvertootb's saloon at Antelope (today was only half a degree above nothing. Those who had climbed to nisier. it is pronounced me. unesi
eartti. uan oe nau at v r.izera
n9 Ira
the roof to see the game did -to to avoid I tonic on
W. Silvertootb's saloon at Antelope j today was
u-iir mlilieil Kriiliiv r.ii-M. nnvH Oil) Ite I IlurI"'"-
miMirim Thu mined' ;i window i Very few modern dramas have the pavment of admittance fee to the 1 barber shop, agent
and took it-15 from the till, hut lolt i'L'O in I ()"sh and vigor, fun and pathos of the j grounds. They wished to secure some
silver, which was also in the till. Xo 1 beet of all comedy-dramas, 'JTenneessee's , thing for nothing and got more than
clue to the robbers has been found at ! Pardnur." This play was one of the , they bargained for. If they had entered
this time. j foad "uceesses of the past three the grounds honorably and decently as
. , , .... ...seasons. The comnanv which will pre- . men and bovs should, the management
i iiriiiii, I ... i nnu' Mr, Mil .Mr u I it sit ii - I
' sacrifice. The house cost !f2200
Catarrh Cannot (e Cured.
with local applications, as they cannot
reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh
is a blood or constitutional disease,, and
i in nrdur tn rnrF it vnu must take inter-
Jt js : sent it is strong in every particular am! ! of the football grounds would have pro- j r(JU)ediegi IIali.B Catarrh Cure is
Big values in overcoats at Tho Fair.
Millers' all-wool clothing at Tho Fair.
Wilbur Bolton, of Antelope, is in the
.Men's lined and knit mittens and
gloves at the New Yoik Cash Store.
I)) not overlook that sale of boys' , tho attention of tlie court. The netition-' of the latter and giving credit to the
clor.hing at one-half price at Pease it ere) were represented bv F. W. Wilson . former. Never mind boys, the Uepubli
perfectly new and has never been occu- I ' ."8 "mK mau,"l! 1 1 "u "' u . , u. . . taken iltt.,.n!lIly and act8 ,,Irect,y on
pied. It hac six rooms and basement,. d,rwU"1 lln,! Kel hy Arthur C. ! .. token bones and be&carred would th(J b,ood am, mucon8 earface8. Hall's
with all the modem improvements, i Alfctot, who has in former seasons ; pot today be the result. When I' Catarrh Cure is not a ouack medieine.
Two lots 50x120 each. Will sell within 0r0",lt Bevernl P'.nent stars and , who expect to be ranked as . , It wa9 wa9.I)retcrlbel l,v ono of the best
the next ten days for $1500 easy terms. ( "uu,u l'u" "c,c- '
Hudson it Brownliill. The Dalles Chronicle is pulling for the j
1 In tho county court today the petitions j Antelope Herald, so does the Oregonian ,
of S. F. Petersen and J. S. Wisener for ! against tho Republican, so has other J
' licenses to sell liquor at .Mosier occupied I papers. They aie clippings items out
Mayh'. and the remfinstrauts by N. B. Sinnott.
Professor Sandvig's regular weekly ! Tlie court tool: the question!) raised by
dance will be given Saturday night at ! the counsel under advisement. WJ
"There has only been one clip of wool
the Baldwin. 'M-'2l
Wanted girl to do general house
work in a family of two with no children.
Apply ut this otlice. n."0-tf
If you want u bargain in groceries,
ring up Bob Tongue, next door to .M. T.
N'olan. Phone No, Ii. nllO-Tt
The regular monthly meeting of the
water commissioners will convene to-
niyht at 7:1!0 o'clock.
fold in The Dalles during the past
month," said a wool buyer to tho Ciiltox
ici.i; man today. There are seven or
eight, wool buyers in town, hut there is
a difiereneo of two to two and a half
cents between their price and
the wool-growers. Hence no sales.
Dr. lgun was c.illed vestenlav to
Grass Valley on a visit to Joseph Mor-
isy, ii highly respected resident of that
jean will overcome all difficulties and.
come nut victorious in the end. It is in I
the right, nnd right will win. Wo will j
manage to keep our head above water, j
though the sea is rough. Wo may not j
be very good swimmers, but air cannot I
sink, yon know. Republican. j
A truck load of miscellaneous house-
held supplies, clothing and reading mat-
up on box cars and tngli eminences to i
get something for nothing, they are
taking risks, besides doing a "cheap"
and contemptible act, and no commu
nity or organization for amusement
should worry if their reward l3 broken
limbs or necks. This applies to The
Dalles as well as San Francisco.
.lift TliHr .Mulch TIiIn Time.
iiuuuil iiuii:niim in .xtiiii, v.uki;i , .......
. . . , , ,, ,,,,. i i district and u former resident of this
gouis shaws, fascinators, hoods audi .
intt'ms, at the New York Cach Storu.
Wo have them, dressed or alive
, .1. . l.l .... f-..!l
pou.try aim usu, u....rr ( iiing ,IU t,r0K,,t fur interment
mm mvu. At tne .oei. murKei. . none bul,,v iSutl(lav
n-s -t . . :
; countv,who was reported dangerously ill.
i Word was teceived this alternoon that
.Mr. Mornsy died last night. The re-
l.udiea take advantiigo of A. M. Will
lams it Co.'h sale on flannel waists this
week. Tomorrow's the last day, and
there are Home raru bargains.
The Driving Club will hold a meeting
a' the Commercial Club rooms this
evening at 8 o'clock. All members nru
earnestly requested to he present.
Pease it Mavs uro oll'erlug uxtinordi
It. B. Gilbreth today received by ex-
I press from C. M. Smith, of .lell'erson. a
' four-montliK.old hoar of the Poland
' China persuaHon that is as fine a specl
. men of hog fleth of his age aa we nave
eur seen. He was farrowed April 'JUth
and weighs, in very moderate flesh, 100
pounds. Mr. Gilbreth will Fend tho un-
I I in ii t out to the ranch.
1 At... M,... I 1 I .,..! I.., I, ..a ..ur-
I IHIC. .illll J'. J 1 I4III IIIIUII iiaa i, i
The "Great African Salesman," and 1
his pards, who are vividly remembered j
in The Dalles for tho slick method bv j
which they fleeced the dear people out
seme !f'-V)0, met their match at Oregon
City Tuesday night, after they had suc-
" i ..r.f..u.. ...n.i....i .1...;. ......... r- ..ii .t
flfiter was collected by the children of the!1-1"""? '
utai ui ... . ... . . . wnfi in it. WliMii I ih nnilipnpi- u-nkf-d In
the consciousness that they had been
fleeced about 50 persons foiced their
tlie stage after tl.e curtain
demanding return from
of their money. The
revolvers in defense,
1 1 :..- t .1. . . .f e .i in
! m,,M.., u.liintM,! tr, 1 1 1 it 1 i . 1 1 fnl L-B nf ' i"" prmrcuun in me om-
the home and other articles too numer- o tl.H law. The crowd was soon
ous to mention. 1 ,)lHCL''i lll"k'r 0(,!1,ro1' iiwompanied
. . . . ' bv the olliceis, the auctioneers preferred
At a recent spiritualistic meeting 1 10 ,llU(, icdjfineiit in the city jail rather
' . i than venture to Portland, and the mob
physicians in this country for yesrs, and
is a regular prescription. It is composed
of the best tonics known, combined with
tlie best blood purifiers, acting directly
on the mucous surfaces. The perfect
combination of the two ingredients is
what produces such wonderful results in
curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials,
F. J. Ciii:ni:v & Co., Props., Toledo O.
Sold bv drriiggists, price 7.r)C
Hall'H'Fiimilv Pills are the best. 1'2
public schools and shipped today to tlie :
Boyn' and Girls' Homo at Portland, j
Among the collection werenbout 200 jars
nf tint.Hrvpil fruit. (IvH UHi'k-B nf nntHtnoa. VVHy UP"
u uni.L- nf timir nn n.l nf ilriwd frntt 1 ,,a1, dropped,
.,. ,.;.. .... 0 .., ... i the auctioneers
. ..i. 1. 1 i .... 1 auctioneers drew
ijuuiuiiy ui uiniiiiuii o uiuuiiiiK tinu il'hu'
Belgian Hares to Lease.
I have about 101 ' thni onithbred does
that I will lease in lots of 10 to respon
j si hie parties on sbnrns Apply to
I nllO 2w The Dalles.
Commencing on Friday,
we will offer all of our
Trimmed and
Street Hats
at a GREAT Reduction.
Call and see them.
plays & Cfowe
" AVt ivy'
The only store It
this city where the
Genuine Imported
Ware is sold.
A little higher in
price, but outlasts
a dozen pieces of so
called cheap enam
cled ware.
Other wares looli
has the name
Stransky Steel
Ware on each piece
Do not bedeoeived
First prize at ie
International Exhi
bitious. Highent
award at Worlds
Columbian Exhibi
tion. Chicago Pre
fened by tlie best
certified to by the
most famous chem
ists for purity and
durability it is
cheapest becausa
Remember this
celebrated enam
eled ware isspecial
ly imported for and
sold in this cit7 ex
clusively by us.
It does not nisi"
nor absorb grease,
does not discolor
nor catch inside, is
in fruits oc
will boil,
and ha I;.
w i t h o u r.
im parting
flavor Oi
o o o k o U
fool ,"iul
will lost
for yoarj.
V.To cat:
tion t!i
fU'lll:- k -
DeWitt's J.ittlrt Karlv Risers are tho
best liver pills ever made. !viy to take
anil never gripe. Sold bv Clarke t Falk'e
P. O. Pharniacv.
died thero many years before, but was
remembered for his immense stature,
' six feet live inches. A voice in the dark
I ness said he was Elijah. "Are you in
heaven?" asked an old-timer. "Yes,"
came the answer. "Are you an angel,
I J.ign?" "Yes." The questioner paused,
evidently having exhausted his fund of
ary bargains ui boys' eloUiing this j (,.rU,,i arrangements whereby the lire j question's, and then suddenly inquired
week. Yon should not let this opportu-, inuUlanci) busbies of the late firm of .1
mty pass to secure a boy's suit at half jjyj. Huntington & Co. will bo continued
lrU'-. ' by lier. She will be pleased to lenewall
Henry Steginiin, of Ilartland, dellveied j expiring policies Issued by .1. M. Hunt
' Truutdalo Tuesday twenty-five head j inuton t Co. and to write such further
"I fat hogs that netted him tho snug j iiiHiiranci) as may be entrusted to
hum ol !t.'luU2-l. Tho price was if'), 10 per ; her. Olllco at ftiiiitiugton A WilMiu'a
hundred pounds. law ofllce. nllO-liv
All inmnbitrH of 'I he Dalles Assembly' One of the most remarkable instances
Pulled Artisans will pay their fof forgotfiilnoas that we have hoard of
meiit and duns to .1. F. Ilaworth, secre- j for some lime occurred the other morn
tiirv, at his printing ollice over TluiingFouth of Granc hi jtmn when Slier
H.iIIijm Cumiiiission House. n'J8 !lt i man Frank, of this ifiiy, who was up
i dispersed for the night. Wednesday
morning about 20 persons sent in a pe
tition again demanding restitution. Toe
auctioneers expieseed surprise at tho
attitude, insisting that the arrangement
was explained to them fully, and will-,
inwly asentenlcd to by them all, and
that the auction was merely a method of '
shrewd selling, and not u fake in any re
spect. It was finally agieed that tie-1
mauds amounting to over i'.H should he'
paid biud: to the persons aggrieved, the I
piisoners then being released from ens-,
tody and permitted to quit the town.
' 11 111-1 1 I'l'IM't'l'lllllKX,
A special meeting of the couinion
One thousand styles and sizes.
tor cooking and heating.
Prices from $5 to 3550.
wi..., ,in f... 1.. :..
,, lint uu tun iiiuacutu liuill lli l.f l',
A very pleasing and profit able union
Thanksgiving service was held at the
Congregational church yesterday, in
which Kevs. Clifton, Hawk and Poling
participated as speakers. The opening
prayer was made by Hev. Warner, after , council met Wedntday night to
which Professor Landers rend the piesl- Bi,it.r what was best to be done with the
dent's J hanksgivlng proclamation. Mr. j Court street sewer.
Wil sun, of the Hoys' nnd Girls' Home, i A committee of ics
sidents of the blull'.
Ill II lOW Uriel i.-ho liavn til IIS11 tllli nli! Iiri'ii'iri ui'iiilii
worus, uigiug ine imporiancii oi neing , VQUj. t0 umj Mmtl,, ,om tu,r 1,,,,,,,-h
addieseed the iiiidieueo
Mrs. C. M. Cartwright, while on her : thwu on a goose hu.y, after going eight (toers of the word rather than hearers. , to tll( business purl of the eitv, appealed
. . tit 1 lta rn r ml t tut S Ii mi m n 11 nmnilii rm . 1 1 j i i f . 11
i ,-1 i. ... ci u.,. .....u in es nui on inn nnermau couuiy
""i iiuiii nay iviimn iu niiiiiu", " ,
thrown out of tl.e buggy and narrowly , prairie at u in the morning, to
swiped tleath. It will bo some time be- I'"8 u UUK .oru, iuuuu
firu Hho entirely recovers. - Anttdope forgot teuT to bring his gun along.
Herald. I The miuiy frends of Murdock Finlay-
ThuThunkHivingdanco ut the JJald-j sou, who was shot recently at Antelope
"In last night wuh the largest gathering by Hert Kogers, will be pleased to loarn
f the kind of the Heuson. About eighty : that hia condition today Is fuvomblu for
urj.iploH took part unci the daucurs In-'his recovery. Mr. Finlaytou Is at the
mo'imiiiitii na nui. iuib, un my, )eoro t he council and asked for assist,
probably, to the fact that the meeting ' am!e tl) b.Uld a sidewalk from the brew
was not sufficiently advertised. i ery l(J ,, t0,, of tllH rH(jH. o ,ll0
The accident at San Francisco yester
day, while tho llorkeley and Stanford
teams were playing their annual game
of football, in which thirteen people lost
their lives and one hundred or more
were badly hurt, should not be charged
the council contributed if50 on oiiditiou
that the parties interested shall bear any
additional expense that may be In
curred. A motion of Dr. Khackelfonl to put a
1'.' inch terra cotta sewer across J'iret
The genuine all bear the above Tr.rie-Aark
and arc sola wttn a written gum-am ee.
Awarded First Prize Paris Exposition 1800
Sold by First-Class Stove Merchants everywhere.
Madoouiyiiy Th Michigan Stove Company,
Ijuruo.t Mnkors of Btuvua uud Hanb-eu lu tlu Woild. Oak Stovet
t" if,