eljc Dalies VOL. XII THE DALLES, OREGON, FRIDAY. NOVEMBER :0, 1900. NO. 401 LEADS PURSUERS A MERRY CHASE Dewet Occupied Dcwetsdrop on Friday List, Looted the Town and Evaded Capture Boers Hold Strong Positions. Cum: Town, Nov. 20. General Knox, by h rapid march of twenty-six miles-, not in front of General Dewet, placing himself between the Boers and the Orange river. Dewet is now believed to hi! going westward to join Hertzog at lioomplautze. Colonel Pilcher had a stnnrt skirmish Tuesday, November 27th, with purl of General Dewet command, which was convoying loot captured at Diwetsdorp. The Boers retreated, abandoning n por lion of the loot and a larire number of homes. Former President Steyu and General Dewet were in close proximity to the scene of the flghtirg, but they eluded the ftritieh. London, Nov. 29. In connection with the luovomentB of General Knox report ed in the dispatch from Cope Town, Lord Roberts, in u message from Johan nesburg dated Wednesday, November i'Slh, Bays General Knox re-occupied PeivetBilorp November 20th. The Boers, lie added, hull attacked the plt.ee No vember 21st and the town had engen dered November 24th. General Knox, at last accounts, whb pureu'n,; the Fd eral enmmaudo. Lord Roberts also repot f that various columns found the Boers holding strong positions in the vicinity of JlarriBtnith, J'hillipopolls (both in the Orange river country) and other widely separated pointa. The fighting, bow ever, was of little importance. So far hh known here President Steyn is not wounded, although reports to the contrary have leen circulated. A t rightful lllutidrr 'VIII often cause a horrible burn, scald, cut or bruise, Buoklen's Arnica Halve, the best in the world, will kill the paiu and promptly heal it. Cures old sores, fever sores, ulcers, bolls, corns, felons uud all skin eruptions. Best pile cure on earth. Only 25 cts. a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by G. C. Blake ley druggist. 1 THANKSGIVING. ly Komi liy nil KIrIiIIi (Smile I'lipll of Tin, IlHllrH I'lilillc Srlnn.U. j Thiinksgiving day next to Xmn, is to American children, the most important I event, of the year. With if 1 ml hearts old and young sit about the blazing family j fireside, and tell with song and jest of the blessings, fioiuujnst and merciful God. The custom of keeping Thanksgiving day, rs handed down to us is a custom of L-rent antiquity ; and is supposed to have originated from the law of Moses. For the Jews bad a cuBtotn and were ac cuBtorned to celebrate a plenteous harvest by public festivals, Because in that country of sand and desert, good harvests did not make their Bppearance every year, and droughts being of a freight oe enrance, therefore when they had a harvest they bad a very good reason for rejoicing. In Knglnnd it waB not introduced un til the discovery of the Guy Kawkes plot, which was an attempt to blow up the bouse of parliament. It was probably introduced Into this country from Holland by the Pilgrtmt in ll'i.'l, the gathering ol the lirst harvest being u time of great rejiicinj among th Pilgrims. Governor Bradford set nnirt it day to give thanks to God for the bounteous harvest and the blessing j which they had etij yed during their first year in the land where they had come to seek religions freedom from the restraints of the old world governments. Thus from lining practiced in their little colony, n 1ms become a national custom and even- year the president iesues his jroelam ttion setting aside -the last Thursday in November as a day if na tional thanksgiving, and President Mc Kinley in his proclamation stated "It has pleased Almighty God to bring our nation in safety and honor through an other year. The works of religion and charity have everywhere been manifest. Our country, through all its extent, has been blessed with abundant harvest. Labor uud the great industry of the peo ple have prospered beyond all precedent. Our commerce has spread over the world, our power und influence in the cause of freedom and enlightenment have ex- ! leaded over distant seas and lands. We j have been generally exempt from pesti ! lence and other great calamities, and I even the tragic visitation which over whelmed the city of Galveston made i evident the sentiments of sympathy and j in il .1 .III miM'ti'H ' 'j AVfcgclable Pr cparaiionforAs similaling llieFoodandHegula ling Hie Stomachs andBowels of CASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Promotes Digcslion.Chccrfur ness and Itest.Contains neither Opium.Morpltine nor Mineral. Hot TMarc otic. slUSmiut Kk,tU Stu - JhutrinuHt - . DitiuixMwtrSocia ftiutA'td AlJonr i navor. Apcrfecl Remedy I'orConslipa Uon , Sour Slonuich.Diarrhoca Worms .Convulsions, Fcvcnsh neas find Loss ofSleep. Facsimile Signature or N10W you if. CXACT COFY OF WRAPPER. Bears the A. Signature VVjLr rv In fljp Use For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA THC CWTUW OOMMWi HW IP CITY. ' SILK BAND BOWS an elegant nssortment of dark and fancy patterns, worth 25 cents each; this fr week A.JKj Thanksgiving Week SPECIALS Manhattan Shirts, (tjj C this week, the $1.50 quality 1 I U The above announcement is strong enough in itself to crowd our shirt department with eager buyers. Fast events furnish proof. There are some 100 shirts all in stiff boBoms, of fine imported percales and rradras cloth, in a gooil variety of patterns, including all sizes from 14)j to 1" neck any shirt in lot 1 R good value at $1.50; this week tJJ J. X KJ Thanksgiving Neckties An especially attractive line of batwings, narrow four-in-hands and bows have arrived in time to add to the attractiveness of our Thanksgiving offerings. Ordi narilv we would mark the four-in-hands 75c and the tour;.11: 50c and 35c Hoods and Fascinators All at REDUCED PRICES. In this sale are included our entire stock of ladies', misses' and children's hoods and fascinators at the fol low ing special prices: 19c, 39c and 64c, including styles worth from 25u to $1.00. Ladies' Flannel Waists Reduced to as Low as Half and Less ! A good assortment of styles; some plainly made, others trimmed. Materials areflannelettee, mercer ized Baleens, henriettas and French flannels. Eleven different iline8 divided into three different lots, 75c, $1.50, $2.25, representing styles worth from $1.25 to $1.75. Sizes from 32 to -i'2. MEN'S and BOYS' Winter Caps in drop-band Golfs and Bright on? ; good -10c. and IjOeCxps; this week, choice each 25c Fancy Neckwear. mm Ladies' silk stocks and jibots, fancy bows, etc., a magnificent collection of our best styles on sale this week at the following special prices: three lots 95c, $1.45 and $1.95 representing styles worth from $1.25 to $3.75. Ice-Wool Squares in cream, ivory, pink, blue and black ; three lots 40c, 75c and $1 respectively, representing our special prices on styles worth from 50c to $1.75. Boys' Reefer Coajts, Reg. $3 Qualities Special 8.15 Reefprs are preferred by most youngsters to the Overcoat, for cold weather wear. Equally as warm as an overcoat and much more convenient. We select two of our best numbers for special selling this week : $3 00 value, blue boucle cloth Reefer, double-breasted, velvet collar, well lined, three to eight years ; special this week Same in a tan striped kersey. $2.15 Men's Fine Trousers Worth $3, $4, $4.50 For 31 Not another store in town shows the vaiiety of extra Trousers we do. In inakint: our selections we luu'e paid special care to the pattern as well as to the cloth ; the result perfection ! t-or thi" week, ttie tpt styles in thi-i vast stock at $3.o0, $4.00 and $4.o0; vour choice at . $3.00 Boys' Vestee & School Suits j5Q IE Regulap $2.50, $3 and $3.50 Styles at (jJIMU The privilege of picking the best styles of our $2.50, $3 00 and $3 50 Bove Suits at $2.15 ia well worth looking after. For this week only, your tffcO 1 K choice at V''' A lot of Ladies' and Children's Jackets at half former price.. A. XVI. WILLIAMS COMPANY Christian charity by virtue of which we are one united people." On nest Thursday, in accotd with t lie nresident'e proclamation, all the people of the United States (business being sus pended) will meet at their homes and niaise God for the many blessings be stowed upon them during the past year. We have many things to be" thank ful for for the home, for our many ftiends, for business prosperity; far more than tha Pilgrims had when they landed and built their wretched huts upon tha bleak auu Darren coast aim dared to brave the dangers of Isew Eng land and of pioneer life in the new world, and with Whittier we might ex claim : Once miiif tho liberal year IuuKlit out O'er richer htnres tlmn gems of koM ; Onee more Willi harvest mmik and shout Is. Nature'h bloodies triumph tokt, Our eoininiin mother tests ami highs, I Jkv Hutu iiiiimiK her uarueuu mimes. Her lap Is lull of Booiily thiii!K, ller brow Is brown with autili th autumn leaves. Oh .tonvo .'.in r .11 mill limV ' i iii i t.i r,k t.-lth ti I ii it ml sunshine sent ! The bounty overruus our due, The fullness shames our discontent. Then let these altais, wreathed with UuMcrs, And hlled with fruits awake at!iiin ThanUsKivlni; for theKoMen hours, Theeaillcrand the latter rain! A MkIiI f Ten or. "Awful anxiety was felt ior the widow of the bravo General ISurnhuiu of Machias, Me., when the doctors said she could not live till morning," writes Mrs. fe. II. Lincoln, who attended her that fearful night. "All tliouuht she must soon die from Pneumonia, but she begged for Dr. King's New Discovery, saying it had more than oucu saved her life, und had cured her of Consumption. After three small doses she slept easily all night, and its further use completely cured her." This marvelous medicinu is guaranteed to cure all Throat, Chest and Lung Diseases. Only 50c und $ 1.00. Trial bottles free at Hlakeley's drug store. 1 You can't alloid to iMc your life by allowing a cough or n cold to develop into puoumouiti or consumption. One Minute Cuugh Cure will cure throat and lung troubles quicker than iiny other preparation known. Muuy doctors use it as a specific for grippe. It is nil in fallible lemedy for croup. Children like it and mothers endorse it. Sold by Clarke & faik's 1 0. riiartuuyy, It lluiipeui'il III n DniK Mure. "One day last winter a lady came to my drug store and asked for a brand of cough medicine that 1 did not have in steck," says Mr. C. K. Grandin, the j popular druggist of Ontario, X. Y. "She I iua ,lluu,,-int,tuil nrift ivflntpil In know what cijukIi preparation I could recom mend. 1 said to her that Icould freely rec ommend Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and that she could take a bottle of the remedy and afler giving it a fair trial if she did not find it worth the money to bring back tho bottle audi would refund the price paid, In the course of n day or two the lady came back in company with a friend in need of a cough medicine and advised her to buy a bottle of Cham berlain's Cough liemedy. I consider that a very good recommendation for the remedy." It is for sale by G. C. Blakeley, the dtUktuist. Mm. ricKurtl Itorroweil a Convict. CiucAdo, Nov. 2S. A special to the Tribune from Columbus, O., says: In order to immediately secure valuable pa pers belonging to her dead husband, the late Colonel F. J. Pickard, a civil engi neer, who died a fewdavs ago, an export safe blower, now a convict in the state penitentiary here, was loaned to Mrs. Pickard bv tho Warden long enough for him to open the strong box in which the important papers weie kept. Tho entiro affair was kept secret, und the prisoner was conveyed through thecity in it closed carriage to the safe, which ho blew open and was returned to his cell before day light this morning. All private papers were locked up in Colonel I'ickard's safe, tho de.id iiuiu alouo having known the combination. The town wbh searched in vain for an expert to open the safe, and tho novel plan of securing tho services of a burglar was adopted. It took the convict 12 minutes to open tho safe, Mokl Tea positively cures Sick Head ache, indigestion and constipation. A delightful herb drink. Removes all eruptions of the skin, producing a,perfect complexion, or money refunded, 25 cts und 50 cts. Hlukeley, the druggist. Paint your house with paints that ara fully guaranteed to lust. Clarke & Falk have them, MISSISSIPPI JETTIES. They C'oxt If .'.0,000,000, mill .imv Are 1 1, lie Turned Over to I In" vc Ml III I'll t. "The Kails jetties, in the south puss of the Mississippi delta are now ready to he taken over by the government," said Kstell Melienrv. of .St. I.nuis, one of the administrators of the Kuds es tate, to a Washington Post man, "The ',' years that the contractor was re quired to keep U'li feet of water tlow iiif,' throiijrh the south pass hue now expired, uud every condition of the contract has been complied with. Ily the terms of the recent net of con gress the government may assume control of the works by puying over to the Kails estate the $."iCtl,('0 yet re maining of the contract price, This will be done as soon as a purchase price for the plant has been agreed upon and other details cleared up. It is not likely that nuy obstacles will come in the way of u linal settlement, as it is provided that the price to he paid for the plant, which is outside the contract price for building the Jet ties, is to he fixed by arbitration in ease of a failure to agree. "The Mississippi jellies are among the most gigantic engineering- feats of the world, costing in the neighbor hood of .f.VVioo.om), and making a l'ii foot ehuunil out of u st renin where there was' formerly but eight feet of water. Tills has made of New Orleans it port for the largest among ocean going: vessels, where otherwise only the smallest of craft could have crossed the bars, "The Kails jetties, however, while they are up to the spceilientions of the contract, will not meet the needs of the future. They are nlready build ing vesselt, that draw :H) feet of wa ter. 1 1 is now proposed that the gov ernment shall build Jetties in the siuthwest pass that will make of il a channel with water for i'veu larger 1 1 1 it 1 1 :iil-foot draught esscls. The southwest pass has now only nboul eight feet of Miller, the silt llie Mis sissippi brings, down Inn ing tilled up eight feet of it since the Kuds jet lies were built, 'JO1 y ears ago." Ah i:i'cilliin Iii Hie llule. First Oltien I know he has been ac cused of corruption, hut a man should he pronounced Innocent until he's proven guilty. Second (.'Itli'ii Oh, nonsense! He's a p.Utidau.- I'u-.'li. C. until Ileraotateit liy Tiiliion. New Yoitic, Nov. 28. Advices have been rec lived from Manila that the Isl and of Gu mi was visited by a terrible typl oin November loth, which wrecked hundred of house', among them the headquarters of General Schroeder. The towns of Indrnj.ui and Terraforo were swept away and it is estimated that hundred of the native population in va rious parts of the island met their deaths. The coco unit crops were rendered abso lutely worthless and tho vej elation of the island was killed by salt water. 1 he storm cama up in the forenom anil ewept across tho island with amazing rapidity. You will not have boils if vou take Clarke & Falk's sure cure for boils. From a G. A. R. Man "My attack of miller's Asthma wa-i very had. 1 was afraid to lie down at night foe fear of smothering. 1 couldn't get my breath. No matterit all the doors and windows in (lie house were open, it seemed as it there was no air and thai 1 limit surely smother to death. Mr. W. It. 1 Lung, ol thNcIty.f&v nil cil 1 1 1 -1 1 1 1 , -1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 tiM to Acker's Knglish "ty , l . ri1 1 vJ m-uu'iiy mi i iiuutb und Lung Trou bles. 1 thought lit tle ofit hut bought ahiittluiiitliehopes that it might help mo a little. Itgaui , mo woniieriui re I lief, aili'.tl.esecond 1 bottle cured nui I I'linitilcf civ. Mv io. rovcrv is permanent, too, At ever since T ! hiivoiuil had the slightest return of my old enemy, I consider Acker's Kuglish Iteuii ily ! by longoild-, the best medicine in tin) world for hacking coughs, asthma and bronchitis. I It completely mailers tluu stubborn ilis I caos that many people wrongly suppose to I ho incurable. If Millerer.s will just try a sin gle buttle, it will prove every word I havu I said, and more, too," (Signed ) John 1, I'.l.l lOiT, Oiinnnunder.lohu Megarah Post, No. III'.', 1 P.uthiud, Midi. Solilat:!.'e.,,rAaiidi?l a bottle, throughout tho United Slates and I'anailii: and hi Kug land, at Is. '.'!. , '.N.lld., la. lid. If you are not. sitlslicd after buying, return tho hot t lo In youi'druggist, and get your money back, IIV ixHlhoriii' Ihe uliitif iiuiiimilte. , IP. 11, UOOUr.li X ft)., ViviHUtut), A'tw Vork.i Hot - ill1 tit HlttH".1" 1'luum.tcy. ,c i