COMMITTEE'S ACTION DEFENDED; Thf nifi i f sr.oo Mi i 'u nf iit AimiiM Ur f tlif Km-.- - ruck ! tlie 1I- trlrl I tl To TitK FntToi- In mst' s.tturdi.v,s edition of The Cnno.Mci.t: there appL-ared nn article benrini: the title "A Misappropriation," S and shjned "J." The writer who thus ! hides his identity sj-ek to east reflection ntinn lhn hinin..sJ tm'Ii of The Dixlleis in ' rnnerrtl. The man won in rniv enm- ' munity stoop? to s.u-h work, and who ! seeks to hide himself behind such n sub terfnee, brands t.imrelf a coward and ehould receive the treatment he so richly deserves. First, tins correspondent "J" an nounces that he has anxiouslv waited and earne-llv looked for a denial of a 1 published statement in a certain issue of ; tken internally, and acts directly on mt... t)u. f.u., ,,at , (,.frniil the ! the Orc-oniim concerninc the donation the blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's , crnmnit eeu out of five cents i in be of $500 which the executive committee j of the Carnival Association made to The ! Dalles Driving Association. ",l" thus ' , . , .... , 1 ulainlv state" hi desire to have some I uiuim iiu uc.irc iu umc .umr one of the citizens of The Dalles publicly , utter a falsehood. Whv he should de- sire any man to lie thus to the public is hard to understand. Why deny the j truth? The truth is, the executive com- mitlees of the Street Fair Association and the Drivinp Association met in j lint session and after interviewing the lead- j i tier contributors to the former fund mutually agreed to the transfer of $501, which amount was left over as a surplus fund from the c.trnival. This amount will enable the Driving Association to finish and complete a half-mile track on the ground selected bv its committee. In return for this favor the track ami inclosed grounds of the Driving As- was l'-J-bs, showing an increase of ldb, sociatioa will be at the disposal of the j 9i)9 or 79 5 per cent, from 1SS0 to 1S90. District Fair Association once a year, at ! The population hy the counties follows : euch time as the latter association may Baker .. .. lo..P7 Linn lS.IKM choose, the track and grounds to be the I Benton . . .0,700 Malheur 4,203 property and under trie control of the ! Driving Association the remaining nor tion of the year. These are the facts connected with this affair and it is bard to understand why ".J" should wish any one to deny them. It may he in place to state that we believe, weie the truth known, "J'e" contribution to the carni val fund was largely made up of ci(Zn', .freely and gratuitously given, since no one of the large contributors to that fond made any objection whatever to the transfer as made. It is difficult to know just what "J" would have a race track be. It is plain that to race on the road is as much a race as on a track built for that purpose. Should the roads around The Dalles be put in the condition he suggests, there would in all probability be more than one race between ".f" and ins friends us rcet for a friendly brush. Tlie road would then be a race track and as such "would be a matter of distress to the best friends of the town," besides "J" would be guilty of growing "horsey" and thus he lost to all decency. He says in his article: "We all enjoyed the carnival, many of us much more than the fairs of years past, because of the apparent absence of the 'horsey' element. This adjective ia not derived anteed to cure stomach, liver, and kid from tlie noble animal we all admire ' ney troubles and never dissapoints. and love, but rather from the style of men thut hang iTrouud him, and many of us were glad that something was at -last found which could be a source of pure enjoyment to the multitude with- out bringing this 'horsey' element into ; prominence." Let u? see. We are j glad "J" says that the element from I wFn The ''Mid wav'' for ' exam ,e, y e L 1. 1 We are more than willing to concede I him this ,,oint. The fakirS hinh line,! ' ., i.rno.i i-1, : .... i our streets and robbed the unsuspecting of tliSlr loose change, these were not of the "horsey" element. We admit this, j and as one who has lived around The Dalles for the past ten vsare, and who appreciated the carnival" and its success, I I can truthfully say that there never j hae been as large a class of disreputable and objectionable characters attending aDy meeting of the district fairs of these years past as attended our street fair during laet month. It may be well to remind "J" that tDhon t.i U ium I'D nl;..l.ll....l.. ll... K.,uhBi ui toe men who are known us "horsey" ,,., he Is referring to his superiors. o should . not forget that such men as Lelttud Stan. ord, who founded tanford Un.vers.ty, he of (he Pacific coast, was a -horsey" mar, and p.oprietor of the I'alo Alto stables and training iM'ouuda. ' I Marcus Daly, Molilalia's copper kintr, ,v.! ' 'Ql I rt.n , hat ! liluifcelf a philatithtopist, wasa"liursey man and developed aud r.iced some the finest horses thlf- country has known. ; .Robert J. Uonni r war so "horsev" that : be paid $40,000 for Maud S, and no man, where he was known, was more hiubly ' respected than he. President U. S. i Urnnt whs a "horst j" mur. nnd paid a ( handsome iiniouiit for Ids famous Ara- j bian btailloii, which was bis pride for ! years. Atlmiial hnmpsoii is alo a "horsey" man and thinks nothing of on. taginir in a friendly liriidl. on tlie speed way us ho drives a fast uud fnncy pair. And InM. but by no mentis leant, Presl- dent McKinley drives a pair o( rnro hor"e, nml rival can hnve a race when- , ever conditions an- favorable. The!o are n few of thf "hnreov" tni'ii. the l:lll(l "J" refers to so slightlndv in his article. ennehow or other the "hnr.ey" element "ve a way of bromine prominent n M eMv o "fe "J" ,0 tlu' Cll"trar.v notwithstanding. it there is nnytninc inrtner to ne sain "I'0" this matter bv Tin: CituoNici.i: correspondent. 1 surest that he be man j l'n0,," ,0 8,n h'""'"'1"-' L. A. Poutki; Catarrh (.'Htuitit !' Cured. with local applications, as they cannot reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh ; is a blood or constitutionr.l disease, and in order to cure it vou must take inter- j nl remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine. ( It was was prescribed by one of the best physicians m this country for yee-s, ant! I., ,.,,;: t. r.0n,t '5 a regular prescription. It is composed t- t i . of the best tonics known, combined with the nest biooti punnets, acting tiirectiy on the mucous surfaces. The perfect combination of the two ingredients is what produces such wonderful results in curinp. Catarrh, fcend for testimonials, re:' , , , J-Gltf EY Co- 1to: Toledo ' com uy ui ruuL'ir-is, juite -u-. Hall's Family Pills are the best. 12 Ct?sii of Oif-goti. Washington, Ncv. "7 The popula tion of Oregon as officially announced to dav, is -513,530, as ncaiust ol.",7f7 for 1S90. This is an increase of 09,70!!, or i!l 7 per cent. The population in 1SS0 Clackamas.. .19.05S Marion .... 27,713 Morrow . . . . -1,151 Multnomah. 103, 107 Polk 9,923 Sherman ....3,477 Tillamook. . . .4,471 Umatilla.... 1S.049 Union 16,070 Wallowa 5.53S Wasco 13,177 Washington, .14,467 Wheeler 2,443 Clatsop 12,765 Columbia 6,237 Coos Crook. . Curry. . . . Douglas. . Gilliam .. Grant Harney . . . Jackson. . Josephine 10.324 8.9S6 ..1.S0S .14,505 . .3,201 .5,946 ..2,596 13,693 .7,517 Klamath 3.970 Lake 2.S47 Lane 19.604 Lincoln .... 3,515 Yamhill.. .. 13,420 J Total.... 413 536 Colli Steel or Urulh. HTk..- :G I.... ,. , 1 1 ..1 ,n iiicic is uui uiic eujuu uiinuLt; iu eave yonr life and that is through an operation," was the awful prospect set before Mrs. I. B. Hunt, of Lime Itidge, Wis., by her doctor after vainly trying to cure her of a frightful case of stomach trouble and yellow jaundice. He didn't count on tlie marvellous power of Elec - trie Bitters to cure stomach and liver troubles, but she heard of it, tool: seven bottle, was wholly cured, avoided sur geon,? kuife, now weighs more and feels better than ever. It is positively guar- Price .jOc ut lilnkeley V drug store. 1 "For three davs and nigtits I Hollered ! . ' I r i..t. u! .- " . . "n,5K 01 l:,mlura , I10r,,,l,,s wo"f. " D? eaUn,B 1CUL;U'" rB' ea'9 M" b" Lowtl'.r. (l i l', mni,,ie' ,ow"' 1 : In8t I should surely die and tried a J ri:r.i..,.tv 4 7 nr dozen different medicines but all of no purP03e I -nt for a bottle of Cham- Remedy and three doses relieved ,e entirely." This remedy for sale by Iilukele-V. thjMlruHwt. A Jliiu.lur Devil TIkIi Destroying its victim, is a typo of con-: stipation. The power of this murderous j malBdy ie felt on organs and nerves and ! muscles and brain. There's no health ' tlil it's overcome. But Dr. King's New Life Pills are a safe and certain cure.! Best iu the world for stomach, liver, ! kidney, and l.owels. Onlv 20 cents at Blakeley'e drug store. ' 1 ! .Sheepmen, Atloiitlon! Iluckh fur Sulo, Hav-lnK ,,iBp08ed o( breed, - c i t0( j ,)aVH t)irllJ(. thoroughbred Merin0 mj,ka for 8Bc Th(.60 wrw ,Hrl. ,, itl f,p ,.nnli,i nr! i. t sold cheap rather than keep them over. Infuire Ht PnJ ;l 1al(.!)( 0 U() DeBchuU.s divkei 01. 0, A lS bojc 307 X,e IJae(! .. DeWitt'e" Witch Hazel Salvo will quickly heal the worst burns and scalds ' and not leave a scar. It can be applied ! to cuts and raw surfaces with prompt i ,u,d HoothiriB ell'iet. Use it for piles and j 10 cutfl aml mw fcUrlanuH with prompt and aootl'iB ell'ect. Use it for piles and bMn !,!,ia0H Ilewarti of worthless eounterfella. Sold by Clarko A Falk's j - ''""'"lacy. I When you cannot sleep fur cnnjltlnj;, it is hardly necessary that any one should toll you (hat you need u few doses of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy (o allay tho irritation of the throat, and make sleep possible, Itlscood. Try it, For enle by Dlakeley,thedrii(,'b'l8(, LOVE LETTERS TO ORDER. Thr !rmmr ilornpn t Inn Followed by Cert nil. rTuti In the l'lt of Sleln. Verhap there is no more chnn-vor-1st ie sight in Mexico thnn the so-oitiled "evantreli.-tas" who ply their trade in the plauela de Iteleni and the phwu- i ela of Santo Dnminiro, relates the j .Meicau Herald. : The, write low letters, bisiektnntt- itiij letters and nil sorts 01 Utters fur thn-sr who do not know now to write, at a rale of three, sis, nine or more cents, according to the leiit;'th of the r'sive. They nKo undertake with ooi extra charge to write the ndures on the envelope and to attnoh the re (piired 'tamp, hot for the Inner they make nn extru oliiirjje of one cent, tine of tlie Santo Dnniinpu evan- ijelistas now in prison nieditntin a very serious matter in the te of the law. The name of this evnnselis- .s ... . . .. ,,. , , , , enirnirea bv Mrs. M. Inez Hernnjioe? f -. , , ' , f) wnt(, j,.,,,,,. t0 her husband, who j js nl)(Mlt fr()m t,)(, (,i!v Af(t,r m, written the letter Vn-ijiiez asked Mrs. llernanilez if she wnnted a si am p. On her assenting he attached a live cent stamp and collected sis cents in addition to his regular ehnrjje for writiii!,' the letter. With the addressed and stnmpi4 en- elope Mrs. llernaixltz went lo the hraneli )ost otllce in tlie Ilxiadnana I u i Ul i i: -r and. not lmowiny in which bos to drop it, asked the postal in-speett-r. Miinuel Kspinosa. who hap pened to be in the post oll'icc, for in formation on tlie subject. Mr. Kpi- j "en T'; 'be letter to read the nd- drc.-s and wa- about to retain it tr Mis. Hernandez when he lumi-eil tha' the color of the stamp was. etreme ly dim. lty still elosrr scroti n In discovered that the stamp had been already canceled and the fainti i-ss of color was due to a chemical treat ment that had been applied for the purpose of effacing the ink of the seal. Thf inspector asked the Hernandez woman from whom she had bought the stamp and she led him to the stand of tne evangelista from whom she had made tlie purchase. The evangeiista at first denied having ,ohl the stamp to the woman, but as two other women who had been present testified that they had .seen him sell the stamp, he was taken to the police station and from there to Ileleni. If you have ever seen a child in the agony of croup you can realize how grateful mothers are lor One Minute Cough Curewhich gives relief as soon as it is administered. It quickly cures coughs, colds and all throat and lung houbles. Sold by Clarke & Falk's P. O. j J'1,arluac.v- , Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets tire sold on : a positive guarantee. Cures heart-bum, raising of tiie food, distress after eating, 1 or any form of dyspepsia. One little tablet gives i mined fate relief. 25 cts. . and 50cte. Blakeley, the druggist. Both makers and circulators of counter feits commit fraud. Honest men will not deceive you into buying worthless counterfeits of DeWitt'e" Witch Ilnzel Salve. The original is infallible for cur ing piles, sores, eczema and all skin diseases. Sold by Clarke & Falk's I'. 0. Pharmacy. Ho n't itult it in, Just wet the atrected part freelv with Mysterious Pain Cure, a Scotch remedy. and the pain is gone, Fak Sold by Clarke & VV hen you want prompt acting little XrrnT'r'T t;a K.eers. Sold by Clarke & .lk'e I O. Phannacy Clarke & Falk baye received a carload of the celebrated Jame K. Patton strictly pure liquid paints . " ; ,loral ,Iollon wl" cur" w,ml ''"PPing inS-X U"1' Manufactured by C'aruc Ranted A second-hand fire-proof ed,e', w in oo(J condition nnd not ,RrBB' A,,',1-v ftl 11,0 Cho'CI.k 0"u:e o31'tf Wanted Men and women of good character and relerences to represent an aUIQ 111 I UtluM hAlibi. civ.1uik1i.jI ft established house, spleuded oi:nortuintv lor advauceinent. Address I O. Hox 587, Portland, Oregon. novlo-lnio' A full line of Kustman films and sup plies just received by Clarke & Fall:. Hustling yoiuiK man can mnl:o $00 per month and espouses. Permanent posi tion. Experience nnnecesKiry. Write '"iuk particulars. Clark &. Co. Foi,rl a delist Streets, I'hiladel np'a l'lX fe8,t' Clarke & Falk's fluvorinc extracts an tlie best. Ask your urocer lor them, .T 'nT" 7" . A,;kr s si. P.emedy will st, stona i couuh at any time, ui.d will cure the worst cold in twelve hours, or money refunded. 2'j cts. and 00 cts. Dlukeley the druists. Clark & Falk are never closed Sunday, Duu't foruot ibis, Subscribe for The Cuuomulk, ITCHING LIMBS And All Forms of Itching;, Scaly Humors Arc Instantly Relieved and Speedily Cured bv CUT1CURA. The Itchlnc and burnini; were terrible. At night ' . pltals, alul all fall. Snld lliroa Cuius, Solo 1'ropa., liotoa. " How to A i I'ho onlv Ci'TK'rr.A Sou- fur balivVt Un, n-ali, ami lialr. It I it not only tlio pun- t, Hwoi'tftt, ami limit rt'tri-t-liln or imnery mMm, but It i-oiiI:iiim ili-lliato. einol Mil I lflN; lb-lit iiruiii-rtli-s, olitaini-ii Iruiu (TTK-ritA, the pent skin elite, rvbli-h mi-Hern', miu.iunip ..,.. ,,',) ,C!itiiv the hUii, Bi-tilp. ami hair, ami prevent simple i-Un h em Ok -....-' I ...1.... I'.... ,llft-,t.i.ili.,. I,,. .it main'., i-liillltlfT Intl I'. I Ul lllll-f mnn lii-liillllllK rvJiuiu-. -n.i.K , " ., ' MDTUCQC millions, ami eruptioiiit. for rrilrtli-il, Ui-IiIiik lirltatliuiH of the si-nlp tulti il , ! niUintno ,l))tla . laiiimj ,air, lor red, ronyli hamU, and bhupulean imllo, ami tluiplt' ia. 1 fantilo liuuiors, It la ubco'.utuly lmlUpL-nsablu. i rXT'A t Jkl-IT-X t A'l ATA1 AT A .- At "iS-A'i j C. J. STUBLING, W IIOI.I.S VI.E Wines, Liquors Cigars -2! : Family Orders will receive prompt attention. Nest door to First National Hank. IJ, Phone 234, Ijfc'r.iJtijwi iJVJ..:ti jr. i TjwjujtijriTJ.Tjy.ijr i t r.i Ti tj r j ti j rj w t fnri trajti? 0 THE CELEBRATED .. .GOliUlWBlA BREWEKY... AUG-UST BUCHLER, Prop. Of the product of this well-know n lirewery tlie United States Health Reiiorts for .June 2S, 101)0, says: "A more supoi ior brew never entereil the labratory of the L'nited States Health reports. It is absolutely devoid of the HlightHHt trace of adulteration, but on tho other hand is co-n posed oi the best of malt huiI choio-m of hops. Its tonic qualities are of the high est and it can be lined with the greatest benefit and Hrttisfaetiou by old and young. Its use can conscientiously be prescribed by the physiiutuiM with the cereaintv that a better, purer or more wholesome beverage could not possibly be found." 0 4 East Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON. PIONEER I have re-opened this well-lmo-wn Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer. nkiuiii-th (iH.nt! (.c;h-ilulf, M-U-dulu without Str. Regulator Ship yonr Freight via Regulator Lino. 5' jiow.v. fj.v. Dalk-tt f Ht 7 A. M. rj' Tliusilay or. l.v. I'tirtliuid H' 7 ,. M, Moiiiliiy . Wtillii-KlMy Krlilny Arr. Imlkit II v. M. iiuiriiii) K htttunliiy , t' Arr. I'ortli rtliiiid 2, ut lim .-. m. 1 FOR OOMPORT ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, f, Tntvcl hy the Btemnt-ri. ol tl.u llr-KUluttir I.Ini-. . T, c:i..i.,iny will tmliUv..r ....... ... ..... ...... ...u ot-hi neiviett (..laMiile. l'ortlaii.lOmce,Oak.Httt.-et Hock. W. 1 sull'ered In tnv I'ect and liuihM for three year thev were worse and would kcity inn awake a greater part of the night. Icon-Milted doctor after doctor, n 1 wax travelling on the road nioxl of tny tluio, also one nf urn-eitv doctor-. Nono of till) doc tors knew what the trntiblu wa. 1 got. a lot of the dlllerent wimples or the meili- rlnes I had been inlug. I found them of so inanv dillerent. kinm Una I con-c-luilcd tluit, 1 would have to go to r. Cincinnati ho-pltal before I would get relief. I had treipiontly been urged to try CfTict iiA i;r..Mi:ini:s, bull hud no fnitii In iliem. M v wife tlmillv nrevalled upon me to try them. 1'restol What a ultuiige! I am now cured, and it Is u , J....I in... I.I..I.1.... pennaneni cure, i ieei nun uu ume, some doctor or tnyelf for tmllcring t hreo rears when 1 could havo used CiniCLKA 1:i:mi:dii:s. 1 COMPLETE TREATMENT $1.25 II. .IKXICINS, ,Middiehoro, hy Cnnslsthie of CtrrictiitA Soav CJ.'ic.), to cli-anso tlui hkiu of crusts ami w.def) anil Hofteu tlm tldt-kciied cuticle, (H rict'iiA Olntnient (WK-.), to liestnutly allay itohiiiKi irrit.itioa, and lulhiiiiinatton, and .-(xitlit) ami heal, ami OiTirmtA (.Vic), to cool ami rluau-iu tlm blood, is olten sutUei'-tit toe-.ire tliotinosl tortmin, (hslitruuns si. .", MMlp, mid blood liuumrs, rashes, ami I it tioas with bus of hair when hot- hnut the v.orlil. roTTKii JUtru AKI l-iiuii Purify and lieautiiy tho Skin," free UIII1A1AI T1 AI1A1AU'U1A1; ASJ KKTAM, I THE DALLES, OREGON. j BAKERY. REGULATOR LINE. DALLKS, PORTLAND i ASI0I1IA KAV. COMPANY oi tin IKnulutut liine will run ,is per tin-foi tlm C(iiii).iiiiy im-rvlim tin- rlni.t to cIiiiuku notice. Str. Dallon City. ne. I'ortliinil I liuws l.v. Ii.illi's lit 1 A. l. i MulKliiy Wllllll'tilHy TrlUiiy. .. Air. I'ortliinil lit I Mi c. si. ut 7:Mi a. M. '1 IlllkllllV 'I'liurMliiy ,! Kiitiinliiy Atr. Dnlli-N 'A "t Ti r. u. ,1 j-or luttlii.-r I n tt.rni.ttl tVu mitt r'-.i C.ALI.auav r, a... II. Lane, oittii ; AND... Hoiseslei : C. Wayon and Carriage Work, i jf. Fish Brothers' Wagon. ' j PllOIlC 169 -j r C. F- Stephens .Doalor In. Dry Goods, Clothina A Gents' Furnishing?: Hunts, nlini's. lints, ( aim ',iitima. rt (nr W I.. HiiiiKlie- .Slide I ( j Telciitiiiiie No. sh. The Dalles, Or, l i;u siH iiml St., FRENCH & CO,, BANKERS. l'l'.A.NH.U' I A KN KKAh HANK INd lll'ilSIl Lottere of Credit iiismid available in til Eusuirtt States. SiL'ht El chance and Telemph St. Lotus, ban I-rAuciBco, rortianfl urt gon, Seattle Wash,. Hiid varioii! pointi in Oregon and Washington. Collections made at all points on tit rable term. Nasal CATARRH In nil lot Rtncii there , l ulioulil Iu clcauluici. I Vlv'u flrnnm ltnlm . draii.c.niiii'.hi'nmllu.-!i!a tin- ilini-aiiiil ritt'.uljraiie. It etirrt catarrh nnr! d.-lven nwuy a cultl iu Iho head iiulck r 0 0 i'r..,n,i iii.lni i k ulitri-il Into t!ic noitrua. tprti.i nver tlio inctnliratio ntiil i iiwirbei!. llc!lefUI iii.-iltateniuUt;iiri;fii!liiwi!. I Is at ilrjin;-!i nn'. irin!iici! piift-.lii. I-;rc h.t.e, W cca'.i Jt eiiiti Tlivninil: Trial .Si." . 'it cn'it l-y r.ul:. ii v i xiTiii:its. irtin -.rti,iVo:t Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat It artificially digests the food anaaia Nature iu tttreugttiening aud recon structlng the exhausted dlgostl eo gam. It Isthe latest dlscovcrcddlgw ant and tonic. No other propatl can approach It in ctllcicucy. stantly relieves and pcrmarictitly cu Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Hcartburo, Pfatuleuce, Bour Stomach, Naus Sick Headache, Gastrulgla.Cramwwo all other results of imperf eot digest m Prlce50c. and 11. ,La'R08'ocontJ?J,D'?MttS small sUe. Uwk all aiiutdysiH)lislttroiiiw"" opared by C. C- DciyiTT CO., C()lc9g Sold by Clarke & Falk's 1'. 0. I'liiirtuBCj. Do not set n:ared if your heart trotibleJ you. MoHt llkelp you uulbtr from idlKeHtioii. Kodol Dyspepsia ! irasts what vou eat and Klvee H'1' "0'B i". i oi It 1h tltt only Ij uui. niuilltti:l iuil-i - - 5 I preparation known that i-miplelt'ij Uil ..II ..I..UL...U f fnniln ! tllllt 18 ll)'" 1 KrST'SU.- 5 stomach tiuublu after vryl hiiiw e" 'jj has failed. Jt may bo laken In " 3 ditioiiH and cttnnol help but do wmi ,2 . . . . , . .... J Sold by Clatko & r n Ik. .1 ... l,o- Mauy people worry h.-ci.un' ino lievo duty have heart ciirti-ut-i-. ,nu'Clni"-t are that iheir In'itrls are u.'l rilit. their Htoniaclis are unable lo din" '' Kodol Dyepepsia Cute digests wM i 111 (Itlll tll-l.llilllU I ttft 41 f 'j .?! V : litu iiii4 Mn mi" v . winch makes the wtonmcb prere in!""1' the heart, ft will cure ev.-rv Indiueslion. Sold by Chirko tV 1 0, Phariuiuiy. Whv pay"1.7o per it-dlon for Ii'lf'1"' (minis when you can buy JflWj'J Potion's Bun proof paints for gallon, guaranteed fur 6 yours. OI'j Faik, agents. v 1 m hcl'is thr team. Saves wear au I ' n- c peuhc. bold everywhere. M , standii n oil co. jB