Men Opponynilg Boys 200 ' Suits sizes ranging from 3 to 15 years at Half Price Call and see 'em. Thanksgiving Week Specials. UCLARISSE, tho greatest of (iloves in Amer- ovory-90c iea for the money retailed where for $1.25; our priee In tans, browns, modes, black. Special Ladies' Wool Hose, 15c per pair. Worth per pair. from 5 to 10 cents more Fancy French Lisle Hose, 50, (50, G5 and 75c values, for 40c per pair. Unmatchable Shoe Values. Tli is is unmistakably the shoe buying time of all times that is if you want high-grade shoes at these low prices. Ladies' wolt sole button, in kid and calf; $4 values $2.00 Ladies' turn sole kid, button or lace; $1 values $2.00 Ladies' all SI. 50 kid or cloth top, lace; $1.00 Men's satin calf, lace $2 and $2.50 values .. or congress; $1.00 Hoys' Shoes (elastic sides) in calf or grain; $2 values $1.00 Men's kangaroo, cordovan or calf, lace; 3.50 to $5 values .... $2.00 All Goods Marked in Plnln FlKuros. PEASE & MAYS TV Dalles Daily Chronicle. II J -DAY NOV. 27. WOO (Oysters physicians nho examined the wound I'Kori.ic coming and gmino. feared tatal refc lilts although Lamb is .... , " . . .... . , :.,,, i ten Ii.ittv, of ictor, is in town. mint to nnve smoked cigarettes and J - ' chut ted pleasantly on hip way to the! O. J. Hright is registered at the Uma . ., . .i :.i ! tilla House fiom Wasco. uu?piiiii, ua ii mwu writ; uir niaiiui wiui I ATHLETES HERE. i The KuMcrn V :i.i In gt 0:1 Colleen Ho Anlv" Hits 31 urn Ink (Jamci Culled fur li O'clucl; In tin; Afternoon. served in any style... At Andrew Keller's. WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. A. M. WillluniH & Co. h Etore will ho c osed all day tomorrow. Men's lined anil knit mittens and gloves at the New Voile Cash Store. John Filloon yt.'Hterday shot near Lle un eagle that measures seven (eot from tip to tip. 1 Special bargains in warm, winter goods shaw s, fascinators, hoods and mittens, at tho New York Cash Store. Wo have them, dressed or alive j poultry and lish, also vegetables;, fruit, and feed. At the McNeil market. Phone 27S- n2S-2t j Rev. Paul Krnger was able today to be ; out of bed for the first time since he was ' injured by a fall on the sldewnll; some ! wo weeks ago. . j A magnificent lunch of i oast tut key j and roast suckling pig, washed down ' witli eggnog, will be served at J. K. Hilt Si Co.'s all duy Thanksgiving. him. No particulars have reached hero but tho ball had evidently perforated some vital part of the abdominal cavity. Dr. Geisendorfier made un ineffectual effort this morning to removo the ball from the shoulder of M. J Finlayson, who was shot at Antelope Monday by Bert Itogers. The X tay located the ball last night, but it had evidently moved mean while and is supposed to be lodged behind a rib. Pieces of the viotiin'd Bhirt weie removed from tho wound, j anil the only upprehension of fatal re sults arises ftom the danger of blood-poisoning. The water commissioners have de-i The football team from the Washing ton Agricultural College, of Pillman, ar- Churles Ftaley and danghterfof Kings ley, paid the office a pleasant call yes- lurilat' ulriirnnnti i , . rived on this morning a Spokane train M.eb Maud Gilbert left on the Iralda ' am, nre todav taking in our citv, which this afternoon to spend I hankFgmng I . , " . with her parents in Hood Hiver. , !H muc1' lart'er lhan 1,1 e' expected to . . , . see. They are a hnskv, big-hearted lot Mrs. D. M. Wench, son and daughter , . ,, , , , are exneeted from Portland tonhrht to ' of Miowb, and though you will see a I.ol Arln Hpeiik Our TlmiiltfulncM. Tomorrow wo shall all he eating good dinners of turkey, chicken, pumpkin and mince pie or other good things, it is to bu hoped with thankful heaits. Many will attend church and t-xpress in suita hie words the thankfulness which they will doubtless feel. This is excellent. Hut we are led to ask whether in this, as in other matters, actions do not speak louder than words. If wo are truly thankful that our lives have been east in pleasant places, Bhould wo not best express our feelings by aiding to make happy the lives of such as have not been so fortunate? Nor would wo recommend careless or thoughtless Hiving. Tho gift should invariably be accompanied by that attributes of tho giver that is found in earnest consideration and in the ascertaining of the amount of good likely to result from tho gift. Our public schools are taking u p do nations for a society that rescues home less abandoned and ill-treated children from n future of ignorance and crime. The members of (his society and its board of trustees furnish a guarantee that its funds will be economically and judiciously expended. What better mode of expretsin,: our thankfulness can lie found than that of helping in this noble work? We are assured that any contributions handed to Judge Blakelev or Miss Anna Lang, the local agents of the Boys' and Girls' Aid Society of Oregon, will he thankfully received and duly forwarded to the treasurer of this society. Hut whether it he to this society or to some other cause, let our hearts find ex pression in actions rather than in words. Notice is hereby given that on the :51st i oav 01 ucioeer, rjuu, n. ti. nine, 01 Portland, Or., was duly adjudicated bankrupt; and that the lirst meeting of his creditors will be held at room ii-l.'l, I Worcester huildinir. Portland. Or., on Itl.e 12th day of December, 1900, at 10 -o'clock a. m., at which time tho said creditors may attend, prove their claims, ! appoint a trustee, examine the bankrupt and transact such other business as may prooerlv come before said meeting. ! Portland, Or., Nov. 27, 1900. Ar.u.w Swj:i:k, It Referee in Bankruptcy. BUSINESS LOCALS. At, MISS HAVEN'S... Commencing on Friday, we will offer all of our Trimmed and Street Hats at a G-REAT Reduction. Call and see them. mays & Crowe spend Thanksgiving at home. j warm game, nevertheless you will see J. H. Hadlev, of Glen wood, who was " s'"Binn on ttieir part, and tins paper say as much lor our i PIMl.rl tri uilGncnri fnrflii.r nnrirnhnnn nti th arU.-iiin uhII finntli of the ImV ,'pt'"1 Tlmnkf' vi,1K "I1' hvr Parents, the artesian well south of tho "IK air. anil M re. Smith Frnuli. - teservoir. I he hole is down to u uopthlj of TiOl leet and has cost in the neighbor hood of $2000. The bcring was chiefly through very bard basalt rock. Water was struck at seveial depths hut none strong enough to ovei flow. The hole is caod and plugged and will be preserved ! for future private experiments, if any i one should at any future time desire to j experiment further. '"" Mead Hughes, who Is serving twenty 1 live days in the county jail for assault, und William Kelly, who is serving ! thirty days for larceny, had a misuuder- i: i :. ii ... i. ...i i.. Jtemember the Thanksgiving dinner is "'' ' " w ut incomplete without a fat young turkey 1 "J"1 itu,,1,b't! i,,t t,lttt 8 ,,"K,Jt III 11 lllllb U i jubilee UrtlllllllK lrcnv p ! a pioneer farmer of the Dnfur neighbor-' ean confidently I hood, is in the citv laying in his winter , team. 1 " i H"I,'"ltH- j The following is the line-up for Pull- Fred Gruuow, who has been vieiting man : relatives in this city for the past week, I stone, c; Goff, Ig; Schnihlev, rg was a passenger on last uiuht's train for,., ' .,' ' . , ' h' St. Louis, Mo. K l'' ' ' ' Jonti9' re; ,,'vanp n r. . , , .,, " 7 7e and manager; Gill, qb; Clizer, fh and Dr. O. (leitruile French will arrive . . ,, ,, , from Portland on tonight's train and caPtal fhomas, lh; Lawrence, rh : J Kruegel, suo. The Dalles team has not decided upon Mrs. Amanda Thorn bury arrived here j their line-up for tomorrow, but will prob on last night's boat from 'Portland and ablv be as follows : lirown.e: ...;m.. Tl .1. 1 .1 .1. r . r. , n in Diruii i iiuiiht-KiYiiii; un ner uaugn ters, Mrs. Hudson and Airs. Kiuersly. which you can find ut tho McNeil mar-1 till on f'nurt Ktriiot. I'hntiM "7S ti"S 9.1 I , i on to it, inflicting u painful 1 wound. A grand Ihanksglvmg ball will b TllJ. Cmioxit-i-u do-B not know whluli of given at the lialdwm TlinrBduy IIIKllt, : ..-i,,.!.,.. wip r l.lmnn fnr inltlBtlntr ' tl... i.,l,t t.nt it l-.w.M- lli'if Mil., Ik, u 'jroehler, re; Ward, Ie; Mckonzic, c j b ; lof'i'iiiinutlreot;;- trz r - fb;.Ma nr lh at:" ; fcity. Mr. Swick has the proud dis- i " ""is, ru. .-uusmuies, scott, ftturr tinetion of being one of the onlv two , and Northup ; Patterson, manager. buen in (irant county who were out and Colors Pullman, crimson and grev ; Njvembsr -i)th, tv Professor Sandvlg hi are all invited and don't forget to enne. n'JO-lU All members of 'I he Dalles Assembly I'nlted ArtisatiH will jmy their assess IIIKllt and dues to J. K. Ifaworth, secro tiry, at his printing office over The Dules Commission House. n"8 lit special meeting of tho common eoincllwill be held tonight to consider w nit is tiest to be done with the city is making a very suceestful leputation for himself as a scrapper. Odicer Like, about 1 o'clock this morning, lounded up twelve hobos that ho found in various attitudes of repose near the freight depot, anil matched them to tho city j iil, whore they were kept until after 10 o'clock this morning, and, in- they had committed no crime, turned loose. They were u mixed lot, inn ior me l'oiu sianuaiu wnen usai i ti... n..n i.. i.i i ...i.:... . . . i . i 1 iain-r, iidiri luiitziiuu Wlllll. question lirst entered into Oregon noli- tj " 1 Don't defer hiivmg tickets till tomnr- - row; get them today and take your ,,,'mN """"""""''j.friends out for a pleasant afternoon. This morning, November 28, to Mr. iKemember that our football association dai'S." iMCXe"' f 1'i8 dt'V' llHH lwnw a responsibility that, it is' nopeii, uio ciuens will assist in ills l charizitiL'. Shows the Rtuto of your feelings and the j ... ,.lll;s ..,.,,. !lr(, ,,,,,, and gentlemen will not see the Voiir Kac'i Clarke & Fall: iiave on sale a full line of paint and artist's brushes. Iloslyn, Cl?alum and Australian coals by the Stadelinan Commission. 21-ltu IJemember that Coccanut Cream Tonic will promote growth of hair. Charles Fraz'dr, sole agent. nO-lm Plain sewing and dress-making done on Third street, between Madison and Monroe streets. n2"-lw If you have dandruff, your hair is falling out. Use Cocoanut Cream. For , sale at Frazer's barber shop. nO-Im For sprains, swellings and lameness j there is nothing so good as Chamberlain's j Pain Pjalm. Try it. For sale by IJ'.ako I ley, the druggist. ff vou want a nice turkev for vour ThunksL'ivmg dinner order it fiom The ! Sta ieliiimi Commission Company. Also I5oiths K.tstern oysters. td I If your hair is dry and dead-like, Co- , coauut Cream Tonic will give it life and i ; luster. It is pp noniiced the li n eat tonic on earth. Can be had at F razor's barber shop, agent. nit-lin i L idles' knit an i jertoy tegins at the New York Cash .Store. The only store ft this city where the Oenulne Imported Stranaky-Steel Ware is sold, A little higher in price, but outlasts a dozen pieces of so called cheap enam eled ware. BEWARE! Other wares look has the name S transky - Steel Ware on each piece. Do not be deceived First prize at 16 International Exhi bitions. IIiRhent award at World s Columbian Exlnbi tion. Chicago Pre ferred by tho best cookingauthorities, certified to by the most famous chem ists for purity and durability it is cheapest because BEST. mm mm Remember thia celebrated enam eled ware is special ly imported for and sold in thia city ex clusively by us. It does not rust nor absorb grease, does not discolor nor catch inside; is not affected by acids in fruits or vegetables', will boil. Sic. .-...I ami baU. w ithou i iin part inj, flavor o previously o o o 1: o il foo l ; nd will last for vcars. .pO V.'o e.v: tion t!;3 pubiin V -'li ' "!.' .i DeWitt'H Little Karly KUers are tho best liver pills ever made, lv.isy to take ami never gripe. Sold hv Clarke ' Falk'a P. O. Pharmacy. left thumb in his mouth and holding fl,at" 01 y"r health as well, impure j frCL1 oioiMi inni;ep useii apparoni in a pale I game without contrihuting.r)() cents eac i. I'lllllll TIlHIIIlhltlTllIK "rvlrn. sePrs, in view of tho fact that ho many J B IV. L,lor ,u,tl lrvliiH con o' them are ut this time falling in and eausing considerablu expente for repaits. Mr. .1 nd Fish informs us that he has r 'ceived a telegram from Futher Jlron guest today from Portland announcing that the directors of tho Catholic Mission dition of tervitudo, hut the nmjoiitv old sores, fever sores, ulcers, boilH.corns, ... . . 'f .1 1 ..11 ..I . II..... . and sallow complexion, Pimples audi Skin Eruptions. If vou are feeling weak and vorn out and do not have a j . healthy appearance vou should trv '" Thanksgiving Acker's I51ood Elixir, hcuies all blood 1 rvil'n .vvl". 1,u ll,''1,t "", ConKreKii. lionai chinch tomorrow at II o clock : .!.... . ywiii i-,ii lull i i luMilHIIXll 1.11 ' illlu ll'll illllL't;. i 1 nviwrnl mi Blakeley, the druggist. a i" Hunt fui itiiiiiiiii' Will often cause a horiihlo burn, scald, cut or bruise. Hucklen's Arnica Salve, the best in the world, will kill tho puln and promptlv heal it. Cures One thousand stvJes and sizes. For cooking and heating. Prices from $5 to $50. iliuiMiMMR U'lutri ihiuti Mtirun in ii I lna itwl so called nurillers fall: knowitiL- this wot Hoxology ' - iiyniu run vxvrf iiuiuii "il a ponivo giiitrauieu. Steel Ranges weie strapping big fellows that tho In experienced would never think ot classi fying among the genus hobo, and yet hobos the whole blliu' of them undoubt edly were. "TonuesseeV Pardner," which will bo had incepted tho teniiH of The Dalits j HHU ut tU 'oj. December -1th, is an i-'utloinon's Driving Association for tho Unususlly good f play and the company lo iM of 21 acres of vhulr grounds west of w,,., will present it is exceptionally touiand that the lease (for the Hatno nttunu. There is an absence of siinsa- wo.ild ho drawn up forthwith. tlonalism, yot there is a distinct western Jainea Lamb, who was shot by a , flavor in every line. Tho situations art) triiim. hi i I.- hint Mnmliiv iiinrn ni. 1 (Iriiuiatii! n ii (1 the iilav is carried aloni.' "v ' " " " r. - . .. - .lnrl. 1... tltT. Lit..rt. tin... l.ti lti. I iibti if -,.. lll'JII7 .IIM ovui I iiii.ii wj iiiu II li.nn l as hu and a companion were beatlnt; tho'r way on a west-bound freight train nd had reached a point about two hiiles east of town, died yesterday evunin,c of his injury at the Good i-iamitritati hospital, Portland. Lamb, while here, gave his age us 21, ulthough he looked older, and claimed Jiarnsville, Minnesota, us his home, The local tho stage. "Tennessee's I'ardner" was suggested by one of Bret Harte's popu lar romances. Miuiuger Arthur C. Als ton has re-engaged nearly all of his ori ginal cumjmny, and a perftct production may bo depended upon. The Golden Nugget quartet will be a feature with this sterlin; attraction. felons ami all skin eruptions, llest pile cure on eiutli. Only 2o cts. a box. Cure guiuanteed. Sold by (I. C. IJIako-1 ley druggist . 1 1 There Is no pleasure in life If you dread : going to the table to eat and can't rest at night on account of indigestion, Henry Williams, of Hoonville, Jnd., says! he suffered that way for years, till he commenced tho use Kudu! Dyspepsia,! cure, and adds, "Now I can eat anything 1 like and all 1 want and sleep soundly! niyht," Jvodol Dyspepsia Cine Invocation liesponsive Heading Scriptural Heading Prayer President's Proclamation Address Hev. W. II. Clifton Muslo Choir Address Hev. IJ. F. Hawk Hymn Congregation Address Hev. D. V. Poling lienediction ' Cait Ranges CASTOR i A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Boars the Siguuturo of ii i' limi in' Miin, Tho Ham Wilkinson waiohoii'o, on i r will iligest what you eat. Sold by Clarke I Kim Htri'el' is tor r,,,,t l,r H"1"- u is 11 I. - . I l ..illt & Falk's P. 0. l'harmacy. Mokl Tea positively cures Sick Head ache, ilidlgeetion and constipation. A delightful herb drink. Removes all eruptions of the skin, producing a perfect complexion, or money refunded. 25 cte and o() cts. lilukeley, tho druggist, three-glory, corrugated iron building. llOxlW feet, with water elovatoi . Apply to Sam Wilkinson, The Dalles. u2(!-tf You svill not have boils if vou Clarke A Falk's sure cure for boils. The New York Cash (store will closed all day Thankfglvlng day. -Burnert Tka n.iHutn.i nil h .I.m nl.ii.M ' Vfi M 1 IWIIUIIJV III! IHU l.'fW .H Iw-lllHI 1 nnil nm unm Willi i wrlllin (rii:ir.'iitf ei. Awarded First Prize Paris Exposition 1900 fif OVKR ALL THE WORLD. "- ffSfeffl Sold by First-Class Stovo Merchants everywhott. & MuJuoniy by 1 he Ilk hluan htove C oiupany. .urtfubt MakurH of htovim unit HuiiKua In Ilia World. Qqk Stoves take be 7VVHIER St BENTON, SOLE KCENTSi